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Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Seemed implied that each day was to have different missions on the airship. Even after the update you still do stuff from the very first day. It appears everyday will be killing turrets and defending dolls. yawn
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Ran it for the first time today and got 50 cogs after killing Toxx (got 250 in Divinity’s Reach). Then opening the chest produced a lousy sweater and small gift box. Not even a green. Starting to see a trend with events in this game.
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The second turret mission Ventari spawns is “lol” worthy.
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Every server does it. I use the Bow, Salute, Cheer and Laugh emotes personally.
Cheer for when we take a camp or tower after a long battle for it.
Bow/Salute for those small 1v1 or 2v2 fights and are victorious.
Laugh only if something actually caused me to laugh. Not when defeating another player, but rather if they’ve done something funny or extremely stupid. Trying to escape a fight by jumping off a cliff causing yourself to die, for example.
At any rate, things look good out there. I thought we’d have a larger population change with the Wintersday event but, maybe it’s still early. Happy Hunting!
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Also thought that if a player has a keylogger on their machine, it could possibly catch the PIN, so maybe a small graphic of a keypad would pop up and you’d just click on the numbers to enter them.
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I think a WvWvW map with no red was my first GW2 screenshot.
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If I notice a lone player collecting map completion stuff I leave them alone out of respect. Guess some FA folks don’t share the same mindset. Oh well, that’s why “you no get no badges”.
Love our green maps, by the way. Good fun all.
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Bank PIN!
That’s right, to access your bank you’ll have to enter your 4-digit PIN number. This will help prevent a hacked player from losing what is inside their personal bank, granted they’re smart enough not to share this PIN with anybody.
Furthermore it could be applied to Guild Banks to keep the guild bank from being cleaned out by a hacked account (Guild Leader would pick the PIN and share it with trusted members. It may not prevent a rogue member from stealing, but a hacker shouldn’t know it).
Additionally feature an option to prompt the PIN when attempting to sell or delete high-level items that a hacker may wish to profit off of. I’m sure there’s more that could be implemented as well.
Naturally it is entirely optional and you can choose whether or not you wish to utilize the feature via the Options Menu.
Yes, no, maybe? /bow
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CD would never use FA, honest. cough
At any rate, some good fights out there. Remember, it is WvWvW after all: If it’s red it’s dead!
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I’d like to take bets on who will backstab who first, CD or FA?
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
This brings up an important question: There are times you may need to report a special kitten for non-verbal harassment, however with no text log to go off of, the Agent will not only -not- see the infraction, but the offender continues to get away with it. Does the person reporting, in this case, get in trouble for filing a “false report” even though it’s legitimate?
Non-verbal harassment can encompass many things, including harassing players attempting to role-play in a tavern as you spam powers, jump on them, et al after being asked to stop. There is no suitable option in the drop-down menu (nor a spot to enter comments to help explain the situation) and thus may make it look like a false report.
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Wait for it… “We proceed to close this thread.”
I do love Eva, by the way
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Had that problem too, but looks like I can get back in.
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I don’t care that we spanked YB and FA two weeks in a row, but rather these past two weeks have resulted in some of the best fights I’ve ever been in. I think all across the board people are growing with their skills and having fun in the process. Keep up the good work everybody.
Also my thanks to ULTD and (especially) GODS for all the badges. :P
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Just started recently (as in not happening in the past) where my client crashes due to some sort of memory leak. It has nothing to do with my system because nothing has changed at all (hardware, updates, installs, et al). Anet please confirm and respond that you understand and are attempting to fix this spreading issue. Thanks.
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Dealt with bad lag. Very unhappy that I was at the event from the very start, and was at the very end when I got disconnected and was unable to get my rewards for fighting all that time. Bit of a turn off when it comes to future events. Here’s to hoping they can work out a system to give us something in return.
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Sounds reasonable. Like stated, you can still see the /em of people you have on block, which makes no sense at all. Also, for example, if a griefer is spamming powers (or in generally being disruptive to those attempting to role play), this would be filed under Harassment (can ArenaNet give folks an “okay” to file under Verbal Abuse in the meantime?). Yes, if people are in a tavern attempting to enjoy their choice of game play, you do not have the right to stealth spam them, drop rocket launchers on the bar etc, especially after they’ve asked you to stop. Does anybody know if ArenaNet actively enforces the EULA* when it comes to griefers harassing role players?
*[1 – While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players.]
*[21 – You may use the Guild Wars 2 reporting system within the Game to alert the company to in-game issues such as inappropriate behavior…]
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.