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Did you try to close out the game and log back in and check it? If you have lots of stuff to pick up you’ll have to grab it all in case anything is back logged but not showing up. Otherwise they don’t do anything about “missing” items.
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Yeah, sad times. I thought the company is generally against such mindless grind in their game. Maybe it’s to do with economy changes, they wanted to prepare the market for this?
At the start they claimed something similar, but this is why they’d make great politicians!
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Never going to happen. They know the folks that really want the tools will pay cash for them on multiple characters and they’re all about the cash.
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ArenaNet have consistently created;
- new farmable content, and at the same time
- desirable items for the gem store.
This combo will drive the value of gold through the floor. It seems to be a workable business model, but don’t expect to be able to afford anything in the gem store without the mighty RL$ in your hand.
This. They could add gems to the “pool” (and if you don’t believe it you need to get out more) but they will not for the stated reasons. Just picture all the “s” letters as “$”.
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Bugged release? Nonsense. Look! Unlimited tools, roses, dyes and minis in the gem shop citizens!
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It looks like maybe they’ve learning, though.
Possibly, but I strongly believe they need to be held back a year or two.
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So we can farm mindlessly.
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Nine months? That’s change I can believe in. I’m sure they’re working on it, in the meantime feel free to buy unlimited gathering tools, minis, roses and dyes!
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As I play a Ranger I tend not to look at the combat log, I don’t need to be sent into a deep depression !
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Nobody ever reads the patch notes, or Gaile’s posts for that matter.
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Uh, no. There’s a chance dropped items will be your level or the level of the zone you’re in. Looks like you’ve just been having bad luck.
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Unlike the real world, the game is made up of code that they wrote, code that can be created, altered or deleted as they wish. It is entirely possible for them to type type click click and do what they want with the economy, gold or gem wise. Them actually doing so, is another story though.
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Those that kitten about not being able to keep track…. just make a word document…. duh,i did that with dungeons too… how DARE Anet make us think for ourselves
Seems like an oversight as they have so many other trackers for things. When it comes to adding “ease of use” for users, it’s a big plus for the developer… duh.
Does anybody know of a server that completes the Frostgorge map? On Tarnished Coast we’re plagued by bugged portals and greedy Cmdr farmers and can never get an invasion complete for it. Thanks.
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Unlikely. This happened to us on Tarnished Coast close to a week ago and they’ve done nothing about it, compensation or acknowledgement wise.
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Well at least I hope this will be temporary and anet does not intend to balance the store at 5g/100gem to increase the real money/gem transactions.
They’re making a pretty penny with folks having to shell out with their wallets. They wouldn’t dare change it. But then again, there’s "no way’ they have control over it.
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All I need now is Frostgorge.
Good luck :P
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Details about the Guild Wars 2 First Birthday Gift
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Teege.4623
Still haven’t receive the present for my main character, who is 367 days old. Is this going to take some time to roll out?
“*We experienced an issue that affected the distribution of some birthday gifts. Some gifts may arrive a few days after the character’s actual birthday.”
I’m sure you read the post though.
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I’m not sure the rate of which Anet learns from their mistakes (I don’t think it’s a favorable number) but I hope they will change how they do large scale invasions in the future.
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Disclaimer for anxious mods: This is not a call out.
That said, does anybody know if Anet has done anything with this zone for the invasions? There’s numerous bugged portal events, and I’ve tried this map a good 5-6 times, overflow and not and have yet to see it finish. Perhaps nerf the Champs or decrease their spawn numbers. There are a few of us working for the achievement and all, le gasp! Thanks
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I think the reasonable cutoff was 1g = 50gems, something we’ll surely never see again. How low do you think it’ll go? Discuss!
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+1 Stinvec
The first option resolved the issue, thank you for your information.
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This is the correct forum for this right?
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Good luck ever seeing gold>gem at a reasonable rate again. They’re a business and need the Gem Shop sales to keep the operation going forward. The “anniversary sale” is something they hope will line their wallets more.
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It’s be amazing if you could gift Character Slot and Bank Tab but nope, you can’t.
You can mail them an equivalent amount of gold they could transfer into gems.
Any then get banned for being a “gold farmer” after triggering a red flag.
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The main problem is that right now the amplitude between gold owend by casual players (playing only a few of these events) and huge farmers becomes huge. And this will lead to a major inflation, and casual players will probably be away of a lot of things (mini-pets and other things to buy on the TP, and maybe even level 500 crafting).
Surely you jest, they have the best virtual economist money can buy! He’d never let that happen
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It used to show a small banner at the top with a gem and coin icon for conversions, now it’s just text with a few fields and all kind of jammed towards the upper left corner. Anybody else have this problem or know how to fix it?
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A number of threads on this growing issue, I feel your pain though. Nothing can be done but restart your client apparently. Best of luck.
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disclaimer: I tried to search “map rewards” in the search function for this section and got zero results back. With that said…
Completing the map invasion you should get 2 rares once per map per day? I just complete the invasion on Sparkfly, a map I’ve never done it on before, and did not get the reward. I participated in portal events, atherblade events and successfully killed Scarlet.
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Thanks for the response Athne, still seems to be an ongoing issue with folks getting a d/c error, rolled back, and facing the loss of what should be earned credit, achievements and loot.
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Common with this new patch and world event invasion. No official acknowledgement that I’ve found. I know you’re surprised by this, but hang in there. In the meantime, throw money at them in the gem shop
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I was searching my profile for a response post I made in a thread dealing with the Clockwork Chaos in which a developer had said, in regards to the invasions, “Who said they were temporary?” which would lead one to believe they’ll be in-game forever. My post, possibly even the thread, seems to have vanished without warning. Is it common practice for the company to eliminate things covertly? Almost seems like a certain somebody needed to cover their backside.
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This content is similar to the initial Southsun embarrassment in which folks are being tossed into multiple overflows, with the sheer amount of people fighting decreasing your chances of getting credit and overall lags you out or causes you to cr ash (apparently putting those two together will result in it reading “kitten”, very nice Anet).
It seems like the developers have not learned or can’t comprehend what these wide-scale events do to the servers and players. Even allowing the invasion to happen on two maps would spread people out a little more and make it more enjoyable and playable. Where it stands, it’s much like the problems we had in Southsun and I wish the company would learn from their mistakes. As disappointment grows, so does loyalty. I’ve changed my mind on purchasing gems with real money, as I don’t see that money going towards quality content.
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Any reports of this happening again. I’d rather not let this one get tossed under their rug. Keep this thread near the front please.
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Another bug-filled release. A few of my friends are having this issue too.
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I was on a map with a guildmate and we did everything side by side, events, kills etc and he got the achie and I did not. Def bugged. Please fix.
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It apparently happened last night too. Guess we’ll see if they actually do anything about it.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy. I think they dropped the ball yet again.
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I was present and can confirm as well. She was “downed” underwater, but most, if not all of us got “kittened” out of the end rewards as well as progress for our achievements. Extremely disappointed here.
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(edited by Teege.4623)
Yep this memory issue has been around for quite some time and appears to be getting worse. Today’s patch did not help. Not optimistic that they’re working on it though.
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I think they dropped the ball again with having the settings together. I’m personally facing faster memory crash issues after this new patch as the new culling system was rolled out. At least Anet is consistent with their problems.
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You don’t have to agree with me, but before this patch (August 20th) I’d have to restart my game after a certain amount of game time has passed or I’d face a client crash due to the well known memory crash issue. It is now worse with this patch.
I was in-game for less than an hour, possibly even under 45 minutes and I crashed from the memory issue. Personally I don’t need to see the 50+ players in DR or LA all at once. Please give us an option to go back to how it was for the sake of being able to play the game without constant crashes. “If it’s not broken…”
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You did not read my post properly. It is not an option. It is not possible without touching core systems. Which will have other consequences. An MMO is a very complex thing.
As a developer who has worked on systems far more complex than an MMO, I understand this.
A feature that has been in place for almost a year, that is fairly industry standard has been removed.
It is common knowledge within the computer industry that removing an existing feature will cause customer dissatisfaction and undermine trust and future business. There is over 40 years of data to back this up.
ANet’s response to this is:
It is not as simple as having both, it is something that is within the code and the interaction of multiple different elements of the game. So it might look like an easy thing on the outside – under the hood there is a lot of programming magic going on.
So if you need to have a bankspace to protect yourself from – well – yourself, you have to use the “individual guild” route.
This is not just a matter of “protecting oneself from oneself”. What plans does ANet have when the Trade Post creates problems due to lag?
Will ANet allow one-man guilds to be created and leveled free of charge (to reach guild bank ability) in order to compensate for the removal of the feature?
At this point, it is not about the cost of the new one-man guild. It is the hassle required to manage it on an on-going basis in order to “duplicate” a (standard) feature which has been removed.I actually do not expect a response at this point. I believe, given the posts from ANet here, that this subject is closed.
Love this and agree. +
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It’d be nice if we could choose what and when we want to move stuff to this “wallet” instead of being forced to. Also we can no longer placed gold in our personal bank? Really? Nice.
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More key sales = more money for Anet, that’s what they want. The chests have never been known to drop anything great. Don’t let them fool you.
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Anet wants you to vote for Evon, more key sales = more money and that’s what they care about
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Of course Anet wants Evon to win, more key sales = more money and that’s all they care about. Don’t let them fool you.
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She’s really a dude.
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Went down to 26 gems today. It will continue to be low because they toss vanity stuff in the gem shop every two weeks (gem shop is what keeps the game running). Lower gem rate = more people paying with real money. That’s all they care about. Perhaps NCSoft has Smith by his “gems” if you know what I mean, but to say Anet has no control over it is false. Just like much of their claims about the game when it was released. Just something we need to live with
Edit: Got the Johns mixed up again
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(edited by Teege.4623)
Anet doing something about people griefing others? lol good luck. Also fix what remains broken in WvW before attempting to release new and most likely also broken content.
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