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Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
dangles dat carrot
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Subjective but yes I find it horrible. On the bright side it’s one less thing to farm/grind for in the game.
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I don’t believe they’d release something that wasn’t ready. I’ll hop in WvW and see if my server has problems too.
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Very few people come on and share the full story. The best thing you can do is submit a Support Ticket and an agent will discuss what you did or didn’t do wrong.
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Exactly. I like one of the female Asuran styles but not enough to create one for it.
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the first thing I saw when I logged in today were several level 80s standing around with new hairstyles. They are making money off of this from existing characters changing to the new styles.
Some of those characters look worse now, but yes they did make money off of them regardless.
On the bright side, you can now make a Braham, an Elvis Charr or if you’re a Human male, a drag queen. I think the possibilities are endless.
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Oh God, please don’t.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Like most MMOs you can do a Google search to discover which servers are the “unofficial RP” servers; ours is TC. Having one “dedicated” to it would paint a large bullseye for griefers, and enough of them already exist as is (and they do nothing about them).
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Since there’s over a page worth of bug threads relating to this dungeon we’ll leave that for them to discuss. Let us look at the rewards; is it enough incentive? (yes, individual mileage varies)
- Empyreal fragments (personally don’t need because I’m not crafting anything ascended, but people can farm/grind the dungeon for them)
- Rare variants of the Nightmare weapon (can live without this. anybody know the drop rate?)
- Back-slot item (don’t need and is another recycled reward)
- Miniature of the final boss (don’t need and is another recycled reward)
- Achievement Points (for the portion of the player base infected with APgrinditis)
Lastly, let us discuss what they could have done differently with the dungeon and don’t forget to add constructive criticism!
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In terms of content development, the target audience is anyone who is currently living.
Yes, cash shop games make a lot of money from a very small portion of the playerbase, but the cash shop isn’t anywhere near the focus of GW2 in terms of gameplay. It’s just there.
It’s definitely not geared towards the casual gamer.
As far as the ca$h $hop goes, it’s there to keep the lights on, regardless of the fact it’s filled with stuff you don’t need to play the game.
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Looks like Halloween will be more of the same kittening bullkitten stuff it was last year… All locked behind RNG chests with extremely low drop chances.
^ That’s how this game works.
Anyway, the minis and new hairstyles are all “wants” and not “needs” as is most the ca$h $hop items. They want to appeal to the players that have disposable income and will shell out the money for unnecessary, virtual items.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
This happens every time they release new content. Unless you’re new to the game, it’s expected.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Very fun, and interesting, though like almost every other aspect in this game, i dont think the rewards are enough of an incentive to repeat the path
But you can farm/grind for empyreal fragments!
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I remember that feeling when I started last year. If you prevent yourself from worrying about the achievement point grind, the ascended gear grind, champion farming, ca$h $hop fluff, and the mountain of bugs you’ll enjoy yourself immensely. Welcome aboard.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
They don’t call it the Ca$h $hop for nothing. And at a rate of 1g = 18gems, what a steal.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Wow. A couple of those new Charr styles are just… I mean really?
Elvis has left the citadel!
Curious to see how many Braham clones I’ll see. A few of the Human males are a bit odd. One nearly makes you look female and the other looks like you haven’t showered in a week.
Few of the female Asuran styles are neat though.
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I feel bad for those who fall in the category of casual gamer. Not that you have to grind/farm for karma.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
On the plus side, it’ll all be worth it if the new hairstyles float above their owner’s bald head.
I’m personally looking forward to some Braham clones.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
I’m looking forward to the Braham clones running around. A few of the Asuran styles are okay, but the Human male styles… one nearly makes you look female and one looks like you haven’t washed your hair in a week.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
That explains why i got 10g 24s.
But a better explanation would have been nice instead of this useless sentence.
Not sure why you’re rolling around on the ground pouting. Anyway, yes the e-mail should have specified it was for the Elonian Wine fiasco but Gaile made a post explaining the refund, but such would require folks to look around the forums a bit and not just insta-post.
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Probably because these forums serve as a survey for what’s wrong with the game. Just kidding. Congrats on making the jump, but I’m not sure why no actual survey popped up.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Collect dyes/minis, farm/grind/chase carrots. Roleplay! The sky is the limit.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
If you want to support the game, please stop putting money into RNG boxes.
These are stopping them from putting real straightforward skins into the store, and are consistently forcing you through this abusive gambling side of the game if you want something like fused weapon skins (outside of gold)
Actually buying RNG boxes does financially support the game. It just doesn’t support what you want out of the game.
Yeah if you love tossing out money and getting nothing in return it’s perfect.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Some department stores will run promotions that get people excited, for example, $25 off your order but you maybe, kinda, sort of need to spend $100 to qualify.
Or the grocery store with a week-long coupon to save a total of $10 on an item but in small text explains that you need to purchase at least 8 of the mentioned items.
When there’s a condition that has to be met, and requires you to obtain or spend more, there’s some milking going on.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
I’ve bought some gems before and I didn’t regret it at the time. Lately with the direction the game is going and with all the ball dropping and other facepalm-worthy incidents happening I’ve decided to not financially support them any further. Naturally they don’t care, but when enough people start to do the same…
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
I’m sure they’re working on it, with all the in-game reports and multiple threads regarding the same issue around here. In the meantime just replace Guild (Wars 2) with Bug, Grind, Farm or Carrot. It’ll be fixed before you know it, hang tight and grab some lunch.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
They have certain items as soulbound for a reason. I’d be surprised if this saw the light of day.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
They don’t have any negative PR to counter and it’s been argued that they have more players than they know what to do with. They could just want more money, but I don’t want to call them greedy. Huh.
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The one time I tried I got tossed in an overflow that consisted of folks tagging then going AFK.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Bad for you, great for them. And by great, I mean profitable. Nothing says “you must buy this now” like “available for a limited time only”. And that’s exactly why we’re getting Living Story updates every two weeks…so you have a reason to log in and (they hope) buy one of their temporarily-available cash shop items.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Anything that’s not grinding, farming or consisting of daily chores. I do enjoy dye collecting, long walks on the beach, and carrots, as long as they’re not dangling in front of me.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Additional copies means you can “download” the skin to any of your characters from the achievement panel. I would assume you could have used it on multiple pistols, unfortunately I don’t think support will be able to revert your decision.
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Wanze pretty much nailed it. The BLTC is there for a reason and if you do a player to player trade and something bad happens, they usually opt not to get involved, and that makes sense.
Also “dev call outs” are against forum rules.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
It’s unlikely they’ll decrease the timer because there might be people AFK for legitimate reasons. Unfortunately we’ll just have to deal (and suffer) with it. AFKers/griefers are something they refuse to incorporate into the equation when it comes to events/items.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Because there will be WvW Leagues starting 4th of October. So devs are focusing on Leagues.
Didn’t the e-sport/sPvP event thing turn out to be a little clusterF, I wonder if this league thing will as well.
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That’s what i am afraid of.
I needed that laugh. But as somebody mentioned, you’ll run it a few times then get bored with it. When was the last time you ran all the current dungeons and their respective paths? It’s not as bustling as some may think (minus the few that you can speed farm).
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Well news to me then, I’ve never been able to click them. Buggy game is buggy.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
I don’t believe those icons are meant to be clicked to bring up a map (as they sometimes do in event mail); they want you to go out in the world and discover them. Those text “suggestions” are basically telling you what zone they’re in. Fortunately we have Google and you can find all the maps you need there.
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Happens to me too. You just have to wait until your character model and those around you to load. If you move prior to that you’ll appear to be stuck, when in reality you’re actually moving around and once all the models do load, you’ll appear in the spot you moved to.
It has to do with LA being a populated area and they’ll tell you it has nothing to do with their server capabilities or culling, but that it falls on your personal system in some shape or form.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
or this account is just plain unlucky.
Something an account should never be. They’ve come forward in the past about errors (e.g. ecto rates), albeit hesitantly, so time shall tell in this case too. Hang in there and keep grinding/farming!
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Welcome to GW2! There’s plenty of gear progression, grinding, farming and maps to explore. Don’t forget to unload your wallet in the gem shop. I do feel your pain though and hope it gets better for you.
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Strange I thought they fixed this earlier. Could be a blessing in disguise though * cough save your money cough * Kidding of course. Hope they get it fixed!
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Bit of a slow response but pretty much exactly what I expected. Maybe a bit longer than I expected.
They don’t have a choice but respond. There are a number of upset people and they need damage control in place. I think Chris is becoming the unofficial PR “sorry guys” employee. Can’t we just move on? It’s not like the company or any representatives of it have done anything stupid in the past.
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What the hell is this kitten?
Sounds like you’ll make a lovely addition to the community. Anyway, first off, breathe. Secondly, they’re probably aware of the issue and working on it and will most likely offer more free trials in the future.
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Since you missed my point… here it is again. You’re assuming that “it” is a flaw. My assertion is that it is that way on purpose. Yes, I’m saying that ANet intends RNG to be that way.
Can’t put it past them. They’re not exactly altruistic.
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I think this was heavily predicted.
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Tom has some great points. I’ve moved on from putting a lot of care or anticipation into their lore and stories, and I think they’ve moved towards trying to make as much money as they can before everything implodes.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
There are a few MMOs on the horizon so just hold out a little longer.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Call my cynical, but where you see the Living Story as something to keep the old customer base happy I see a treadmill designed to get players to log in as often as possible and delivery system for a constant influx of temporarily available items in the cash shop.
Well yes, the Gem/Cash Shop is primarily filled with stuff you simply don’t need to play the game. If people stopped buying stuff from it, well, can anybody post a picture of the Titanic for me? For all we know, they’ve already hit an iceberg and it’s only a matter of time before it takes on too much water.
I used to play everyday, doing dailies and monthlies religiously. More recently however, I can’t really be bothered to do dailies, and dungeon revamps aren’t going to do it for me personally. Guess we’ll see in due time.
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