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send an email to with the information and screenshots. Otherwise in-game it’s under Options to file a bug report. Posting all of it in public is the least smart option.
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Send an email to with as much information as possible about it.
So again, not sure if this is a part of the game or not. So if it isn’t then I suggest it beeing fixed as soon as possible before someone exploits it.
No it’s not intended and posting how to do it doesn’t help your case facepalm
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send an email to with as much description as possible. That’s really about it.
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Could the guild leader for SoS guild “uber pink unicorns of death” PM me so I can give you a screenshot of your thief that is exploiting to get into the lowlands keep in EB to contest it. Wouldn’t be surprised if they couldn’t care less but hopefully Anet will.
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To a certain time limit or better yet limit so it can only be viewed by the owner. There’s rampant problem where kittens are placing them all over banker and BLTP NPCs.
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dragon coffers probably dropped well over 50% more than the rare fortune drop items, at least for me.
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It’s much like the ill thought idea of dropping the “investigation kits”. Counted 8+ of these things in LA on top of guild banners and NPCs. Perhaps make it so only the owner of the model can click on it? You guys are the professionals, I’m sure you’ve thought of that. Thanks again.
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Please change somehow so kittens cannot place them directly over NPCs, like bankers for example. Thanks.
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Read the patch notes people. They’re handing out backlogged chests once a day until you get them all.
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Learn to use the search function and you’ll find a few threads on this topic. The +1 comes from the 500 point chest and the chest given out today was apparently for 100 points. They had out one chest a day until you’ve gotten what you’ve earned. Read the patch notes!
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You’re not supposed to create multiple threads on the same topic (you even linked it lol) nor call out ArenaNet or developers. They’re aware of the issue and will fix it as soon as they get done counting their money from the BLTP.
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wow entitlement much, OP?
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I notice a trend of old content being slapped with a new skin. “Farm X out in the world” (kite boxes, holograms, candy nodes, etc etc) and “do these jumping puzzles for X” nothing terribly exciting here. And yes, it gives them a chance to add stuff into the BLTP because their main goal is money.
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Out of all the stupid stuff you’ve made in there, you’re not allowing bank tabs or character slots as a gifting option? Those are the two things a friend wants to purchase for me but cnanot. Come on, please stop being so daft with your development choices.
Also, stop making instruments that people can annoy others with unless you intend to offer an option to mute them from in-game. Think! It does a body good. Thank you kindly.
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Not supposed to make threads that call out for a dev’s attention. Trigger happy mods go!
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Oh god everyone is doing it now in Lions Arch. Never give players items that can be used to make annoying sounds. It will and has been abused
“We don’t care, it puts money in our wallet so mute your speakers.”
That’s how they roll.
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Does blocking a player on your contacts list mute their instruments for you? If not, it should.
No, that would make too much sense.
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Thanks OP(s). I’m not saying our Game Overlords are daft (they obviously took the choir bell complaints into account because well look, another musical item!), but I’m glad I get to play with my game sound off so they can line their wallets. Maybe after recycling ideas and slapping new skins on them, you can brainstorm on ways to offer a mute option, block option, or you know, enforce your own rules. Thanks at any rate!
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy. In case the mods wish to merge threads. Doubtful Anet will do anything though.
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Arrowcars are going to be nerfed in less than a couple of days.
80% more damage??? What are you smoking Anet?
They are based in Washington state where it’s legal to enjoy dat herb!
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Proof that the devs don’t play their own game.
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When you block somebody you can also continue to see their emotes, whether it’s an actual emote like dancing, or if they type out an emote i.e /e we can still see this text. And as stated, you can still see it in guild chat. This function should have worked from the start, but on the bright side we have new cosmetic items in the Gem Shop so open them wallets folks!
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It is now giving code 26:11:5:506
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I thought something like this happened a month or two ago as well and I never figured out how to fix it. Any idea if you’ll ever resolve this? Thank you!
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Getting this error randomly now. How do I fix this issue? Seems it’s been around for months.
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Except for in this case it’s not being exploited. You can only 1 chest per character per day. It doesn’t matter if you go to a different server or not.
That’s the problem. They want 1 chest per character per day. People are taking one character to multiple servers to cash in on the same chests. This is causing overflow issues and problems with disconnects/lag/powers not going off/people not being properly rewarded for their participation on their own home server. This is a large problem.
People are going around a limitation put in place by ArenaNet. It should be labeled an exploit.
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Remove guesting. Okay okay…
How about just removing the ability to get world chests on any server other than your own?
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This could also be a reason. Teege.4623 didn’t give any information about it, if he tried to do the event repeatedly.
Thanks for your concern, but no, it was the first time I battled him this week.
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Tarnished Coast server. Feb 28th, little before 1am CST. No chest appeared for me after. Thanks.
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In the Midwest here, Tarnished Coast server, getting the disconnect error a lot in the past day or two. Tonight I was able to get into my personal story quest only to get booted a few minutes later. Was able to get into WvW but booted a few minuets later. Now it wouldn’t even load into WvW before getting booted. Mind you it’s nearly midnight here. Did tests regarding my ISP and found no problems. I’d be happy if Anet would just be honest with us, is it that hard?
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Can’t even complete my current Personal Story quest because I keep getting disconnected. I logged into a different game and have not been disconnected, I’ll be sure to include that little nugget in my e-mail to my ISP.
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Starting to happen to me now and can’t stay in the game more than a few minutes. My instant messengers stay connected, I can stream movies flawlessly and speedtest results indicate speeds are where they should be. (I had to say that so we can avoid trying to research stuff on my side and focus on the problem… on your end). Any updates on this?
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Use the in-game Report tool, grab screenshots and/or videos and open a support ticket. Where it stands, your post will do absolutely nothing to resolve the issue.
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Doesn’t really matter to me, except the lol @ SoR soon. That is all.
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Seems lately most nights have a line to get in to EB and the TCBL (on the TC server) and it really doesn’t seem like we’re at capacity when you’re in the BL. I wonder if they’ll look into this or disclose if there’s actually an issue, shocked as we may be. Time shall tell.
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I can’t be the only one that is amused at the number of SoR players complaining.
Trust me, you’re not.
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I can’t stay in-game for more than a few minutes since your new patch (7:11:3:189:101). I am in Queensdale, choose a WP inside Divinity (once clicked it flashes between a Queensdale and Divinity loading screen), load into Divinity only to get disconnected. When I log back in, I’m back in Queensdale and get a message stating that the WP I’m trying to reach is contested.
You guys have outdone yourselves this time.
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I’m getting disconnected a lot as well. I can’t even stay in the game that long. Faith levels dropping.
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(edited by Teege.4623)
The combo killer has been removed from the weekly rotation, clearly not working as intended.
A man after my own heart, or at least, my dailies progression.
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The team is aware of the issues with this daily and they’re looking into it. Thanks.
How about just leaving things the way they are? I liked how the dailies were prior to this patch.
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Would it be hard to have emotes blocked from users you have on ignore. There’s no point of blocking somebody when they can communicate through emotes.
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Their servers have issues with data transfer rates.
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update: event is over with no current events and no contested waypoint, doors are still closed.
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Update: a “defend” event started, but the gates were closed prior to the event start by at least 10-15 minutes.
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The Garrison doors are closed coming over the bridge from the cemetery, yet there is no event going on and the waypoint is not contested. Am I missing something?
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I’m creating a character and going through all the options (hairstyle, color, facial hair, etc) and scales trying to get my character just the way I want him when I get kicked back to character select screen. No I didn’t let the computer sit idle, I’ve been at it the entire time, but really trying to get the character to look as I want it. Now I get to start all over again, thank you. Anybody else get this problem?
And for the trigger happy mods, yes I did a search for “character creation” and did not find any existing threads on this topic so please, no infractions this time mmkay?
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Turial, I would also grab screenshots as well to go with it and submit them in a ticket here on the forums so they can reference that with your in-game tickets. Anet should really take that seriously because that behavior is against the code of conduct and by doing nothing just enables them to further harass people.
Somebody did this to me in the game too. All I had to do was, turn my sound down. Problem solved.
Please don’t ever become a game developer. Innocent players should never be punished (having to turn down your volume, which is part of the game play experience, in this case). Give them 72 hours out of game to think about their poor decision and if that doesn’t work then I don’t think many will miss them if they’re banned altogether.
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Report in-game as much as you can, not sure how many are around with the holidays.
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Not entirely fixed it seems. I don’t think too many of us are surprised either.
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