Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Welcome to the game. You start off with 5 character slots, so roll something of each and play up to about level 10-15 and see which you like the best. The future farming/grinding and gear progression that’s in store for you will be the same regardless of profession. As far as EU servers go, I can’t help there, sorry. Welcome again.
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When I did that, she appeared and we had a nice discussion about RNG theories.
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When it comes to the mystic toilet and RNG, you’re not guaranteed anything and it typically doesn’t work in your favor. It’s a risk and one you need to decide to take or not.
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There are things Rangers have needed from launch that they don’t have. I believe the term is pipe dream.
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mmm the smell of noob. My favorite, only second to the “new car” tree freshener I use in my car. Glad you are enjoying the game. The link provided is a good start, there’s also a Lore section on the forums if you want to discuss. For tips well, chase dat carrot, grind/farm, save your money for RL matters.
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When it comes to computer code and algorithms, even one misplaced or incorrect character can be a huge problem. Is this possible? Sure, anything is. But if it were the case, they’d probably never admit it. We’ll simply never know.
There’s no promising way to prove theories one way or another, in certain cases. For example there’s a theory that accounts with low overall play time seem to have better luck at drops as a possible way to encourage them to play more, whereas highly played accounts don’t. I don’t think we could prove that by ourselves. There’s also a theory that when your account is made it’s either given a higher or lower chance at drops. I don’t think we could prove that by ourselves.
I know personally I do WvW, dungeons, champions, world bosses, JPs, mystic toilet and have over 3k of play time and have yet to get a precursor. It is what it is. The game is grindy and they have no problem with you spending real life money to try and get what you desire. Just my thoughts.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Champ trains are fine. Stop telling others how to play. Stop worring about what others are doing. If you don’t want to farm, there are plenty of champs on all the maps, I’m sure you’ll be able to find plenty of champs that have not even seen or heard a player in quite a while.
And if the train people want to farm champs, they too can hit other maps. They’re not anymore entitled to one map than the next person. You’re part of the problem.
You are the problem.
I’m not griefing other players.
I’m not running to the forums telling others that they have to play differently.
I’m not calling other players names.
I’m farming and socializing with the others farming.
I’m also on one map. You have a huge selection of maps to choose from. You can just as easily go to a different map to get your one champ.
You are the problem.
I just do whatever I feel like. I don’t go killing champions with the specific goal to anger others, I went and killed Oakheart/Boar/Wasp because I felt like it. Why should I move to another map? Is there a rule that says Queensdale is solely the private hunting ground of the train?
Apparently some of the entitled farmers seem to think so.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Champ trains are fine. Stop telling others how to play. Stop worring about what others are doing. If you don’t want to farm, there are plenty of champs on all the maps, I’m sure you’ll be able to find plenty of champs that have not even seen or heard a player in quite a while.
And if the train people want to farm champs, they too can hit other maps. They’re not anymore entitled to one map than the next person. You’re part of the problem.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
I participated in one of these trains a couple of days ago for the first time. As a relatively new player I have mixed feelings about this.
My immediate reaction is that there’s something wrong with a game when capped players think the best way to get loot is beating up low-level bosses. Seems to be a larger issue with GW2 where the loot you get is based on your level rather than the level of the mob, which always struck me as strange. I was fighting these bosses at level and getting a tiny fraction of what I get now. It basically encourages this sort of gameplay.
I also think that it’s pretty clear that they are not balanced to deal with swarms of 20-30 people, and they respawn too quickly. At level players exploring the map don’t need “champions” that respawn every 10 or 15 minutes.
In terms of how to deal with the train, it’s fine to say that everyone has a right to do what they wish, but it’s clearly antisocial to deliberately mess people up as I have seen some do. The champ train seems to be at least as much about socializing as getting “stuff” and I don’t think there’s anything admirable about essentially griefing people.
Yeah, design wise there’s an issue, whether or not Anet will change anything is another story. Naturally there are a few things they could do to help alleviate some of the problems.
Everyone does have the right to kill what they want, when they want, however there’s a cause and effect here, not effect and cause. You will always see people calling out the order and demanding it be followed and when it doesn’t, they become rude, toxic, etc (cause). It encourages others to kill things out of order (effect). It’s rather clear how this works.
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Seems like another carrot to chase in hopes of getting something better.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Grind is here to stay.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Prepare for loads of grinding, farming, gear progression, carrot chasing and ca$h $hop $ale$! Welcome to GW2.
To get a legendary you either spend a -lot- of time doing the above or shell out a -lot- of RL money to just buy one.
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You can play the game just fine without buying anything out of the ca$h $hop. NCsoft thanks you for supporting WildStar should you decide to, though.
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Interesting. Thank you for that info, Mystic.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
It’s very annoying.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Thief. You can stay invisible forever and upset people to boot!
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
This topic is still going? The answer is simple:
ANet considers fun, what makes the most people spend money on their online shop.
This includes players logging in, playing hours and all the stuff, but only the result of feedback from real money transactions will be relfecting, if players want to play this game.
So ANet considers an implementation to be fun or not in the amount of money they earnt with it.
They are a business after all. The ca$h $hop is their top priority, because if people aren’t buying the virtual-not-needed-to-play-the-game items. they’ll be going the way of Warhammer and City of Heroes.
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Do the karma farm train in WvW or something like that.
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Lots of people hate him. Then again lots of people hate Scarlet.
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I think something would get terribly broken. Not that anything like that has happened before.
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At the moment, I have absolutely no clue what the heck is happeinign inside Anet’s development team. They seem to have writers but…what are those writers actually doing.
I do not wish to offend anyone but I can’t see the current story being the work of a professional writer. Its disjointed, it lacks character progression, and the worst part of it: it gives the ‘reader’ zero-interest to find out more. I know that the best storytellers masterfully always gives the reader just enough information to intrigue them but never let you know everything even at the very end, but the story in this case seems to be going nowhere at all. You don’t have a clue why anything is happening.
That sums it up for me too.
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It’s not that exciting. Can somebody post a Grumpy Cat picture for me? Thank you.
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He was excited for the patch but then took an Anet to the knee? We’ll wait and see next week!
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AP grind and carrot chasing. WvW gets better.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Anet said a long time ago that GW2 would have everything that GW1 had and more. Promises made and promises broken.
QFT. That and more.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Try a Ranger to start, then work your way up. There’s no harm in rolling something of each class to see what you like personally. Other than that, prepare for grinding and carrot chasing. Happy trails.
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As a bonus, you can still see anything they (blocked person) type as an emote. Also if you’re in a guild with them, you’ll see what they say in guild chat.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
It’s GW2 RNG: Working as intended. Happy grinding.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
If only it were that easy.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
This isn’t an account issue. This should be in the “bug” forum.
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You weren’t banned, you were suspended. You’ll be back in-game in a few days.
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I have a number of alts because the thought of trying new classes was exciting, but in the end that got squashed pretty quickly when I realized that the content, whether low or high level, is simply the same over and over again.
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I honestly could write a lot, but OP i think you covered it yourself mostly.
That and anymore would probably get flagged as a personal attack
But I feel your pain OP. I think a number of folks are just waiting for something else to be released.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
I’m guessing you’ll need about half a million of all the wool items and about 100k snowflakes to gather all the materials needed for any new weapons. Skins will be available (with horrible RNG) in BL chests and the ca$h $hop will have a new mini-bundle and possibly town clothes.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
I’m sick of zerging a new zone every two weeks. I don’t care what it rewards, it’s time to stop chasing ‘round Anet’s carrot-on-a-stick.
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-More bugs
-More grind
-More time-gated content
-More Rush or Lose content
-More useless items in the Gem Store
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I’m guessing we go into the tower (a new zone), farm champs, confront Scarlet (who gets away), and we get a mini and backpack for our effort.
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I would guess they’ll be in bought with tickets from Black Lion Chests once ToN goes live.
But with RNG, good luck!
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It could be a compliment.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
@Godmoney: To some degree I agree with you (that not everything is properly addressed). One example is a character name I’ve reported numerous times, the first being months ago. I’ve used the in-game tool and via a ticket, which included a link to their naming policy. The name violates the clearly described “Reference real-life people” and yet it remains; the name is even in Gaile’s inbox!
One thing I have little confidence in is, similar to what you mentioned, how they handle harassment/griefing. Especially when it comes to people dropping items on NPCs (think box-o-fun and the mini sanctum model) not to mention mesmers dropping portals on NPCs to get people to misclick. Out of all the open space in the world, there’s no need to drop them on NPCs and it makes a pretty clear case, especially with screenshots. Oh well, what can you do?
Remember community team, in psychology there’s a type of operant conditioning called reinforcement; if people aren’t punished for doing bad things, they’ll simply continue doing them because they know they can get away with it.
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Yup happening to a lot of lately. Not surprised at all, but still, really?
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Grind. Farm. Buy stuff you don’t need in the ca$h $hop. Wait in line for WvW. Join a guild. Complete maps.
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Yeah it’s pretty ridiculous. After waiting forever to get into the BL, I sat on the loading screen a good 5 minutes before I got a disconnect message. Tried again and finally get the queue window to pop up, go in the BL and run around for a minute and get disconnected. Doesn’t happen in PvE or anything outside of my game, so no it’s not me. And they wonder why people complain. I don’t think they thought all the way ahead when this league and WvW AP thing was implemented.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Too soon to tell with this future WvW thing. It’ll either work out well or blow up in their faces, and we’ve seen both in the past.
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People would rather support the game by dropping some money on gems and buying their skin outright than having to grind an insane amount of stuff for a little skin.
There needs to be a balance, but there’s also no good reason a friggin little holiday skin should cost half of what a legendary takes to make…..
I don’t think it’s because people would rather “support” the game, that just ends up being what happens. I do agree people would straight out buy it because it’s faster than all the grinding and I think we all know that’s what the folks behind the game encourage as well.
The more grinding and higher number of mats required, the more likely people will just throw money at the Ca$h $hop. As I’m probably bordering the new personal attack law, I’ll leave it at that. Remember though, nothing out of the gem/ca$h $hop is required to play the game.
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It seems there’s a focus on achievement point grind and I think they’re using that to keep people reeled in. With the WvW season starting today, you’ll see a whole new set for WvW alone, most likely an attempt to get more people to play it and to dangle another carrot.
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I know of a certain Sylvari that will be there.
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They are on timers. Also I believe when new builds are released the nodes are reset and most likely appear somewhere else.
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If you want a place where you can openly discuss stuff there’s something in the works, check out my sig.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.