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We’ll have to wait and see. My guess is the complaints will start rolling in after release.
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Exactly, Scarlet is old news and getting quite boring.
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How do we fix Berserker: We don’t.
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watches the carrot dangle
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So we’re all forced to have a sister with the same name. Good stuff.
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Run for the hills! I mean, uh, welcome back.
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Find another game?
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Dangle dat carrot!
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Fortunately you’re not required to purchase any of these.
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It says “Catacombs beed 2 people” I think you mean “Catacombs needs 2 people” ?
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*Whose? Servers will slowly start defeating him more and they’ll probably tweak it some to ease a portion of the whining so like all things, just give it time.
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Or when it came out, beat him on a regular server. How does that saying go? When the going gets tough, quit?
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No way. The devs already have given out ways for people to grief one another (e.g. musical instruments), but giving them this option would be over the top.
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Don’t be $illy, all the mad collector$ will have to buy two $et$ of mini$ for their collection$. Work$ a$ intended.
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You’re just going to prove it can be done. I know a number of people that will not stand for that. Good job though
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I like the boss changes. Granted, I havent been involved in a successful Tequatl fight yet. The others I’ve done, I’ve enjoyed. Maw, for example, took time and actual movement of my character. It wasn’t 30secs of auto-attacking it.
Given the new content lately, being mindless zerg-fest, I’ll take these tweaks over new content. This is my favorite update in a while.
People got way too used to these being an after-thought and something that was a lazy mans go-to for easy rewards. They are world-bosses. They are supposed to be hard, have a chance at failure and involve more than auto-attacking. Cause let’s face it, noone can say they weren’t a joke. They had fallen into a daily task and they never should have been.
The first time Maw popped that I was at people were upset, screaming hatred at Anet because it didn’t go down in the 30secs they were used to and they actually died (le gasp!!). What is Anets fault, is that we got used to the lazy, no effort required world bosses. This is a step in the right direction IMO.
Great post, I agree with you.
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That there is a Blood Elf.
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Well in fact its quite exploitable for personal gain as well, as it rolls back time 1 min as well, so all rng things can be done.. don’t like what you got? Use the code.
Who knows how arena net will react to this, however, in my opinion it is completely their fault for letting something like this through in their code.
Good point about wanting a chance at better loot, not to mention taking away what somebody may have earned from a world boss, or doing it to capture WvW objectives easily.
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Exactly. With map chat, guild chat, reddit, people quickly learn what’s going on and how to do it. I think Gaile says it best when she says “Serve your suspension and learn how to behave in the future.”
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On the bright side I guess we learned not to try out what we know to be an exploit.
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That’s not an excuse.
I never said it was an excuse.
Do I think I should be banned for testing it between friends to see if the people spamming it in map chat were correct? Yes. It was an exploit and I stuck my nose in stuff I shouldn’t deal with.
Do I think I should be banned just as long as everyone who spammed it multiple times in map chat and WvW, causing real damage and harm? No.
So you tested it a few times, but that’s different than the other people who tested it a few times because they did it in different chats yet itall yields the same result which is crashing the entire map. That’s not damaging? Logic be kitten ed.
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That’s not an excuse.
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As always, on the first page:
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Sorry none of those worked. I don’t have any other suggestions personally.
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I know right. I’ll be sure to tag on “I was just trying/testing” every time I use an exploit so I’m not held accountable for my actions. Thanks for the tip.
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I’m sure they’re working on the window size issue, but since you knew about the patch notes enough to know why the LFG BETA isn’t active for most players (which you actually didn’t), looks like this is mostly solved. Also, anger management.
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Did you restart your client after you updated the patch?
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This is what was said by someone from Anet (Chris Cleary) a few minutes ago:
“Using this is a good way to get your account banned, I will be watching.
“Testing” this is not going to be a valid excuse to get your account unbanned."I’m not linking to the source since I think it still contains the code right now. :/
Maybe they will post something similar on these forums as well.
I hope those quotes are true. I really do.
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um read the patch notes? They’re handing it to some (NOT ALL) to test it before they slowly roll it out to more players.
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Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
You mean this thread right below yours? Folks need to take a little time to read the first page. Anyway:
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Folks have reported the code I just hope they’re working on it AND reviewing chat logs. Slap on the wrist shouldn’t cut it when you have some people disconnecting entire maps for fun. I’m over 15 d/c I think within the past 20 mins now?
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Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Yeah happening in LA on tarnished coast right now, nearing 10 d/c in less than 10 minutes. Map Chat has rumors about a command or item linking that causes it, but I have no proof to it. I just hope they have logs and issue bans because it’s well warranted if such is the case.
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Is that an Asura?
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stop being lazy and learn the fight? first challenge in gw2. Stop whining and start learning the boss
I know the fight. I was there for the stream. Other people trying it also knew the fight. When even Beta people can’t take the boss down, there’s something wrong with the boss.
Wouldn’t it be a bit arrogant to presume that just because certain groups can’t do it, that something’s wrong with the encounter?
Maybe a little humility and consider that there’s a learning curve, and perhaps you’re all not as uber as you may think?
There’s already progress happening. Latest thread had it @ 50% (~4hrs after patch). I would wager that at this rate (and excluding any nerfs/buffs) it’ll be downed before tomorrow’s reset, and be on farm before the weekend.
—second quote – same user—
PvE is for everyone. But success isn’t.
After a while, it’ll only be natural that those that aren’t up for it will naturally shy away from this event.
Then organized groups will start to work it. “Noobs” will slowly start coming back into it, get knowledgeable, and then be able to spread it.
It’s a natural process. And there’s no reason why it shouldn’t take some time.
And I have no doubt that if properly equipped, the event would be level appropriate (AC revamp anyone?).
This, this and this. It has made me warm. Great posts.
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Not uncommon, I’ve been part of 1-2 of those mass disconnects. Kiss your items good bye and understand not a whole lot will be done.
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I’m sure they many reasons for them including encouraging the “few hits and afk” players to help, amongst other things.
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Logging in and out worked for me to resolve this problem. Also stand down/represent a different guild, then go back to representing your current guild.
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I want my loots and I want it nao pouts. The tidal wave is great, by the way. Give this NEW event time to sink in. From what I know it was released earlier today!
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There is no way to keep stupid people and griefers off them, having 3 people being able to mess up an entire fight for 200 people is kinda poorly thought out…
They don’t have an impressive track record of dealing with griefers.
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Which is what I stated “from what I hear”, I can’t prove they did and was just going off of somebody talking. People don’t know the fight (and are spending a lot of time QQing for a nerf) enough yet. You don’t master new content over night, and quitting doesn’t bring you any closer to perfection.
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Don’t be $illy. Don’t you $ee, the more mini$ required, for the my$tic toilet or otherwi$e, the happier you’ll be! Now, open that wallet and hit the Gem $hop.
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People would still rather get easy loot, the less moving around, planning and teamwork involved the better. “nerf dis pl0x” seems to be the phrase of choice. Glad you guys are enjoying the challenge.
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Please have it operate like other events where they don’t drop the loot that could cause the “farm over completing event” syndrome that the game has recently come down with. Thank you.
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If they make sure Champs during World Events don’t drop loots, all will be well. Well, not completely, but a step in the right direction.
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Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Another one of these threads? Cool.
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From what I hear, at least Blackgate has.
edit: typo
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