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Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Would make sense if it’s intended.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
I know, people have to cooperate, plan, think, move around, learn, I mean really how dare they.
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I really hope they don’t nerf the other world bosses because of whining. Timers? New boss skills that take away MY right to stand in one spot to kill it? MADNESS!
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Servers have successfully completed him already. But due to the complaints I’ll put my money down on the devs nerfing it down. It’s brand new, what do you expect? In due time a successful method will emerge on how to beat him. Play it, learn it, defeat it. If you want to press 1 while watching adult videos on your other monitor, there are other games out there that cater to that type of game play.
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I hope they don’t do that.
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Oddly enough NOBODY KNOWS.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Well the more reports against their accounts the faster they’ll be on the curb. If they want to clean up the mess on their own, I say let them.
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Interesting. Could be a bug or could be them handling folks who abused the “craft to 80 quickly” exploit or the other one. If it’s a bug though, I’m sure support will do what they can, unfortunately not always to our expectations.
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I some times throw up my commander tag and scream out in chat that troll/oak is at 50% health (whilst full health) when the zerg is waiting at boar or some thing.
That usually derails the Queensdale champ zerg train quite nicely.
Queensdale needs more of this.
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Overflow during world events is nothing new for higher populated servers. All you can do is get into the map 15 minutes or so beforehand to try and get yourself a spot.
just for the OPPORTUNITY to POSSIBLY get a precursor that will most likely not happen anyway?
Exactly. I’d be more concerned about that
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
That’s quite easy: You farm and grind.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
“You want to RP? lolno. There’s a sale in the Gem Shop though.”
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Yes, you can turn gold into gems, but at an extremely unfavorable rate, thus leaving a lot of people doing the alternative; paying with cash. Cash. Cash shop. Cash pays their bills and that’s a primary focus for them.
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Thi$ i$ the $ame rea$on the unlimited gathering tool$ are only per character.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
New rewards exclusive to Teq will possibly draw in players the first few weeks after release. The problem with this community is that people only want to loot shinies the quickest way. The easier the better.
True. As somebody said, and it wouldn’t surprise me, once people get out of it what they need, they’ll go find other things to do, especially as the chance at getting something unique isn’t any better. Like most shinies, it wears off and then it’s back to the good old fashioned Grind Wars 2. Well, this event will end up being part of the grind in itself.
Oh, no, I’ve gone cross-eyed.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
That would be Homer Simpson.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Here’s another thread on the topic.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Never bothered to key farm. I have better ways to waste 20-30 minutes especially if all I get a the end is a key that has a greater chance of dropping junk than anything. To each their own though.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Don’t forget the MF account bound/soulbound debacle (think posts edited after the fact, etc), they’ve done a number of things that make them look shady and untrustworthy.
Back on topic, I just salvaged 5 level 80 rares with a Master’s kit and would typically get 3-4 ectos and it yielded zero. That’s a slight change don’t you think, especially as I’ve done nothing different with my account or items.
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It took Anet quite a bit of time to admit it the last time the rates were changed. Surely I’m not the only one who remembers that.
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I have my player instrument volume slider all the way to the left but it appears I can still hear some special kitten playing his horn. I appreciate handing out tools for griefers, but are there other sliders I need to adjust to eliminate the sound coming from musical instruments or do I just continue playing your game with my entire sound system muted?
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Yeah a guild mate was unable to join me in an instance after his computer restarted. I always thought this was fixed too.
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this was posted an hour before you posted:
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Since I can’t ask if these two are married I will STAY ON TOPIC by saying that it appears theory and speculation is what we have to go on. The devs will not comment publicly especially if they’re doing any internal investigations. If similar events happen in the future then who knows for sure right? There that’s better.
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To leave a guild you need to unrep, click the button to leave, and click to confirm that you want to leave. You did that all by accident? Anyway, this isn’t something they can help you with.
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Yes, you can. In-game.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
I enjoy Ranger and reccommend it for new players. But since you’ve played a while and plan to do WvW, go with Thief as the dev there has a lot of pull wink wink nudge nudge
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You get used to the current bugs that have been around since launch. But it’s okay, they have a 2-week golem for sale in gem shop. All is well.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Welcome to Guild Wars 2. Now go buy something from the Gem Shop!
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
The game is turning into the opposite of what they promised before release. Now with the ascended weapons (and soon armor) out in open, it’s a Grind Wars 2 for ore and shards.
I’m not sure if Anet changed lead developers or if it’s just a result of sleeping with NCsoft.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Welcome to GW2.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
The game is rendered useless with the amount of server lag generated by the number of players. Reduce the amount of ore or something, not all of us care about ascended junk. Thanks.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
The number one “lesson” I’d like the devs to — finally — remember from last month’s content is that certain people will find any way to exploit content for maximum gain. That must be taken into account when designing events and encounters. Really consider risk and time versus reward. Consider loopholes. Consider the sheer egotism that is guaranteed to rise when profit is concerned, especially if you also introduce limited-access content like the gauntlet that puts people in direct “competition” with each other.
And please, no more zergs. Or at least, no more rewarding zergs over smaller groups of players in the same event.
Also, I agree that timed spawns are a nuisance and that events that pop up out of nowhere, with no buildup and no effect on the zone, are boring and tiresome.
Perfect. Not going to hold my breath that Anet will learn from the Scarlet invasions, but who knows. I’d say reduce the Champs at the Pirate Captain to 1-2, instead of the ability to get 3-4. Keep people moving along, and increase completion success reward.
The only problem is, if you reduce the ability to get too much loot you may risk having the numbers to complete it because a sizable chunk of people there are farming. That’s the environment of players they have created for this game it seems.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
If you don’t have a disposable income you’re pretty much cast aside. For everybody else, the prices are okay, granted most the stuff in the Gem Shop you don’t need, it’s more of want. They do make sure the gold to gem rate suffers so you have to pay with real money, that’s something I’ll agree with.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
The answer is no from what I’ve read elsewhere and for good (and obvious) reasons.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
So that’s what Edward Snowden has been up to. Huh, well glad to see he’s doing okay.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
I for one love having to click refresh on each new page I visit! Also glad they have somebody on call for this type of thing!
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Too busy releasing buggy content and trying to take your money in the Gem Shop. Leave them alone, bully
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
I created a guild for personal storage and another for a friend who just joined so they can get used to the game and have their own storage. I made a typo in the guild name for the latter, deleted it, then went to make the guild with the correct name and got a message saying you can only create two per week and now I must wait six days.
I’m sure you must have some reason for placing the limitation, but it’s nice to know I’m getting punished for making a typo. I hope nobody takes the name in the meantime, because we know you guys will not do jack about that situation. Please look into cutting back and how long people have to wait for this.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
No. Increasing would only make things worse.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
They need to make it a little more unappealing somehow. Orr temples are getting swarmed, lagging out the server and a lot of people lose out on credit and items.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Yup happened on Tarnished Coast tonight and a few guys with Anet tags were doing the event as well. Naturally I don’t expect more than a “Sorry about your experience. There’s nothing we can do but trust us, we’ll get right on top of fixing that.” Another disappointment with the game.
No chests after doing a lot of damage to roughly 5 champ spiders, no credit when the event finished nor a grand chest. The timer was even stuck at 0:00 for 5 minutes. Ridiculous Anet.
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Probably the one they fixed in the patch. Here’s hoping to the sound of the ban hammer woots.
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Hopefully they deal with it accordingly. Same goes with the “easy 80” crafting debacle.
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She took the time to explain the issue…
She’s the CR manager…
Sounds like you’re telling us she’s doing her job. There’s a reason few people like working in retail or food service. The cook messes up an order? The server gets yelled at. There are jobs out there that don’t require public interaction, but I have a distinct feeling she’ll get through this.
I’ve come to expect something bad to happen with every release in this game. Perhaps they should shift some resources to their QA department (maybe they’re rolling out content faster than their QA can properly clear it). We all know you cannot eliminate every bug, but as another poster mentioned, some of these that get introduced in nearly every single released update should be caught.
Also they do not need to compensate, but if it’s not hurting them why not? It’s worth keeping your player base happy. They have many, many, many options they could do (give out a BL key, a mini, a gift bag, give a free monthly, etc etc) but they have apparently chosen not to, which does justify the angry mob we see.
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Players here should demand that same level of service from NCSoft.
That will never happen. Anyway, it is unfortunate that neither party is willing to do anything other than offer a statement.
Given that farming some invasion runs could have gotten you 2-3 of your monthlies extremely quickly, it wouldn’t surprise me if they were accidentally reset because in their mind folks were getting it too fast, too soon.
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Best to use the search function and add to threads that already exist on the topic. Hope this gets resolved for people.
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I wonder what happened to the GW2 I played a year ago. Personally I thought 1g = 50 gems was fair and anything less (gem wise) was not worth it. We’ll never see those days again and I no longer see the option of “turning gold to gems” as a selling point for this game. I hope the trial players realize this as well.
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Gives the trial a users a good idea of what to expect with this game.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.