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Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
I’m wondering why the pumpkins are back to carve if we can no longer advance the ‘historical’ pumpkin carving achievement. I can’t test this one because I got the achievement last Halloween.
Because they’re including pumpkin carving in the special rotating dailies that count towards the current, new Halloween meta.
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We’ll see if they actually ban anybody.
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Roll a Thief and play World vs. World
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Don’t stand in red circles.
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That’d make sense, given their status.
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They’re banking on those that get addicted to collecting items and enough of them exist out there. They lure them in with the free ones via achievements, then comes the Ca$h $hop minis. They’re a business after all.
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Let me think about it.
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Welcome. I remember that feeling when I first started. It’s long gone, but I have the memories. You’ll see in due time. Welcome again.
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I found dawn from a random drop a week ago. Perhaps they made them possible to get from random drops.
I think we could wish for that but I don’t think it’d be intentional. If it was a mistake, they’ll correct it.
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I was just talking to a guild member about this. It’s delightful.
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Gotta keep them daily log-in metrics up.
They would never!
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Working as intended.
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Wonder if they’ll actually hold people accountable for that.
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The internet just gave birth to a new website.
“Everything you love to hate and hate to love about Guild Wars 2”
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also the mask it pretty kitten, why are they constantly adding masquerade masks, their graphic design team really that lazy?
Most of the content is reused with minor additions. A mask, while not exciting either, is at least a change from the onslaught of minis and backpacks.
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anyone else find those rewards extreme disappointing?
Much like Teq and the new TA dungeon you mean?
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Do guild missions. Now and then, dailies. Map complete. Gear progression. Endless champion and material farming/grinding. That carrot is so darn close I tell you, SO DARN CLOSE.
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Some of the things the promised for 2013 just aren’t going to happen and nobody should be surprised. I’m more curious to see if the releases towards the end of the year reach the level they did last year. Think Southsun release, et al.
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The storyline/characters here will cause her confusion not sadness, so that’s a plus, I think. Other than that, Ethics summed up a few things nicely. There’s a world to explore, the Heart objectives are little little quests. Does she like gear progression, farming/grinding champions/materials?
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looks good but not worth
800gems = 43g atm
thats 1075 Orichalcum Scythes so thats 53750 hits i have to do
You got that right.
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Elementalist nerfs.
Thief buffs.
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As far as I’m concerned if there was any doubt something wasn’t going to be done in time they never should have mentioned it to begin with.
Anet deserves all the flak they get over it if the precursor crafting is pushed back to next year.
“Hey guys you know that thing we mentioned last year that everyone really wanted and we said we were working on but turns out we weren’t really and then now we’re working on again? Sorry, that’s getting pushed back even further but in the mean time enjoy round number 63 of RNG box goodness and a new glowy back item. Remember folks, buy those gems!”
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This is the second home instanced reward, there’s not much reason for folks to go back home.
Sure there is: ERP.
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There’s a reason they’re soulbound. Also stack of Ori tools are 4s and using those up in a high level area not only pays off that stack and a few more, but profit as well. But seriously 800gems for a virtual convenience item, yes I get a good laugh out of that trap.
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If enough people complain they’ll increase the sound I’m sure. I play with my speakers muted so I wouldn’t know. Then again I personally wouldn’t waste money or gems on a finisher.
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We’ll have to see if this release gets the “not terribly exciting” stamp like a number of them have. I feel for bad for any new players coming into the game’s LS and lore. On the bright side, we get to farm doors and candy nodes again!!!
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Threads of this nature already exist. Prepare for “there will be no expansions” or “the crappy LS/bi-weekly releases are your expansion” responses.
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Players completing the Blood and Madness meta achievement will receive a Mini Candy Corn Elemental, while following the storyline can earn players a Candy Corn node for their home instance.
Another mini for a reward. What a shocker. Another home instance node for a reward. What a shocker. Did their creativity department get laid off?
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Play the game how you want. Kill what you want, when you want. Report any abuse and move on.
Either way it’s not a great impression for new players, especially when the train gets toxic in map chat, especially for those new players that have no idea what’s going on and they come upon a champ and take it down with friends.
There’s always Frostgorge.
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More or less.
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umm, right… you want “lasting content”, but the two Living Story patches you most hate are ‘the one that added a permanent change to a world boss fight’ and ‘the one that added a permanent new dungeon path.’
Except interest in doing Teq is still in decline and such will happen to the new TA path. Back to gear progression and grinding/farming champs/mats.
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Gaile also mentioned that the mail can sometimes be a few days off. In other words, be patient.
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Money from GW1 to create GW2. Money from GW2 Gem/Ca$h $hop (virtual items you don’t actually need to play) to fund new “content”. Don’t forget some of the GW2 profit will probably go towards Wildstar so eventually the GW2 cow will run dry. NCsoft is a real gem.
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- yawn *
Okay, okay, I’ll wait for it to be released. Though smashing mobs that come out of a door and farming candy nodes wasn’t that appealing in the first place.
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I’ve never gotten anything ‘cool’ out of a BLC.
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I’d also send your screenshots to and/or submit a support ticket (click ‘support’ above the GW2 logo) and choose Violation Report.
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You don’t get a new title at each rank. Might want to read the link I’m providing. The ranks are in intervals.
At 53 you should be Footman though?
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Buy pink dyes. My boyfriend always dyes his character’s pants for breast cancer awareness. Some notice and it’s the small things right?
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This is not a problem, it’s playing the game.
Exactly. Play how you want. Kill any champ you want anytime you want. If it derails some silly train, well what a shame.
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I’d start off with a Ranger personally, then work your way up to others. Understand Queensdale now has Champ trains running around and map chat can get toxic with them around.
Other than that, take in the scenery, do your Heart Quests and prepare for a future of grinding, farming and bugs. Welcome aboard.
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Hit up Queensdale.
Go one or two champs ahead of the train.
Report the kids as they start swearing in map chat (maybe call an ambulance for the aneurysms)
Okay you don’t actually profit, but it gives you something to do while waiting for SB.
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If you didn’t know, they extended this. Also as many of you may know, it has increased gold spammers tenfold.
Does anybody know why they extended the trial? I’m curious. Do they need more cash? Do they want to bolster their numbers up before the holiday season so they can put it down in advertising? What are your thoughts?
Tinfoil hats are also available at the front desk for your convenience.
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And doesn’t think it’s a problem. They don’t agree with you. It will not change. Period.
So now what? No matter how long you scream at that wall, it’s not going to move.
Walk away.
They care as it pertains to their bottom line. Will it change? I have no idea.
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Yes, they’ve had a year to voice their displeasure. At what point do you stop beating a dead horse.
Since the company will never have the game they advertised or envisioned, I’d say never. People have had a year to listen to folks voice their displeasure. At what point do people complaining about the complainers stop beating that dead horse?
I would disagree, I think the game is brilliant. Just my opinion of course, however I am not one of those that dislikes the game and comes here to endlessly complain and try and derail all threads with their own personal agendas.
Glad to hear. We know nobody who likes the game would actually do that!
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I’ll probably hit 3k hours played this week or next.
Best drop: Final Rest (I still have it in storage but wasn’t going for a ton). That’s it.
Precursor: 0
Thanks GW2.
@Xyonon: Random Number Generator. The nothing-wrong-with-it algorithm determines the type and rarity of what you get for a drop.
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Yes, they’ve had a year to voice their displeasure. At what point do you stop beating a dead horse.
Since the company will never have the game they advertised or envisioned, I’d say never. People have had a year to listen to folks voice their displeasure. At what point do people complaining about the complainers stop beating that dead horse?
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NC West Holdings which is owned in totality by NCSOFT.
Which is probably the worst part. I still try hard not to buy gems.
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Nobody? Bueller? I hear some folks suggest fixing some of the mechanics. Such as?
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Good. Seriously don’t any of you see how horrible it would be to have good looking ascended armor? You would never be able to transmute over it since it is so costly to get the skins back if you change your mind (either un-transmute stone x6 or make a new ascended set).
In my opinion Anet went the right way by making them vanilla and not nullifying all the other awesome skins in this game.
Ugly armor + ca$h $hop stones = profit.
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