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Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Most people are sure that those areas would eventually open up as playable maps, but that only lasts so long. You do it once then it becomes painstakingly numb when you do the same thing over and over on your other characters. Having a new map isn’t and shouldn’t be completely exciting.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
My guess is that Arenanet couldn’t generate enough revenue from the ideas of the manifesto.
Their current strategy is very similar to mobile games and facebook games. Long tedious and boring grinds that can be shortened in exchange for money.
This business model is terrible and doesn’t earn a good reputation amongst passionate gamers. That’s a stain they won’t be able to wash off so easily.
Very well put.
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You’re far from the only one, OP.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
If we’re going to be really honest, all LS is, is just a way for them to put new crap in the gemstore and give more ways for useless AP’s.
Story and content is half kitten ’d
It’s really all the game has come to.
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Another one of these threads? No expansions are in the works.
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May they better succeed in their next attempt.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
I support your decision to not support this company.
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I can’t think of anything but when I do I’ll add another reply.
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Either delete the character and start over, grind gold or waste real life money (on a virtual haircut!) for a make-over kit, compliments of the Gem/Ca$$h $$hop.
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Didn’t they say nothing is off the able, or everything is on the table? I guess it doesn’t matter, I know I’m far from being that only one that will NOT buy another title (or expansion) from these guys.
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1) Grinding
2) Farming
3) Carrot Chasing
4) Lack of game direction
5) Queensdale champ train community
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I’m sure they’ll have one for character slots soon. Use gold when you can though, the less real money you throw at them (for virtual items you don’t need), the better.
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You start with 5 character slots. I suggest trying each of the classes for a few levels to get a feel for which style you prefer. Other than that, get ready for lots of farming, grinding and carrot chasing.
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It may depend on what time you play, the server, and if there are in-game events that draw players to a certain map. Even though some folks are losing interest in the game (some leaving the game altogether), there should be some around. Try asking in map chat if you need help.
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I thought this whole thing was funny (if not close to a disaster, and not for those uploading embarrassing videos). I just wonder how many will actually stick with the game. Kudos for them for being able to find out the easy way without having to pay.
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Unless you want nice things.
It also reminds of me of a few achievements that you need to either pay with gold or by purchasing a finisher.
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Another item you don’t technically need. Also I’m sure they need the money.
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The skritt laugh is creepy however I’d say he’s having fun. Even the baby Quaggan coos when you faceplant him into the snow.
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Exactly, if Evon won he’d be the one “busy in the fractals”. He only cares about the BLTC and milking you for items you don’t need.
I’m also waiting for Smooth Penguin’s proof that Kiel is behind the taxes as he claimed in this thread. We’re nearing a week but I’m still waiting.
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Just another example of how over the top things have gotten. I don’t see what is wrong with that name, however just because one person “may” find it having another reason, even if unable to be proven, it gets deleted.
By this logic, if somebody uses the name of a real person, i.e. Barack Obama, it’s apparently okay, however if I find it to be offensive because that’s really not Barack, then I expect it too to be deleted. The whole system needs a revamp as it’s embarrassing and another reason not to financially support this game.
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I don’t know, I’ve lost hope in them. This is also coming from the “…everyone, including casual gamers, by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game…” and “…no gear treadmills…” guy.
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Minis are there to make them cold hard cash. You don’t need them and they don’t do anything. They’re appealing to people who need to have a complete collection of something.
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A dev did confirm in another thread that you can get 40% off any stacks of the same item you purchase, yes. Good luck getting anything out of the chests though.
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Proof please. Don’t worry, I’ll wait.
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I don’t want to call them a shady business because that’d be insulting them and I’d get infracted. I also don’t want to ask for an explanation because that’d be calling them out which I’d get infracted for.
So did a new law just go into place or do they want more money?
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Some time will have to go by to see if these new approaches will work. It seems to be easier than trying to get their support staff on the same page when it comes to handling problems.. Since they always have the upper hand with the ability to claim “interpretation”, they can bend any rule any way they see fit and you’ll simply never win.
I’m currently fighting a few battles with the forum/customer support (some of the worse I’ve ever encountered) and it seems if you don’t praise you get infracted. I really wish they’d focus on the core, themselves, before approaching other avenues, even if they need to be addressed down the road.
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These threads make me laugh. Enjoy the treadmill.
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I’d say fix pet AI but that will never happen. But hey, we have cash shop shinies to distract us from the mess.
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He’s also generously implementing sales tax on gem purchases (for those virtual items you don’t need). I don’t know about you. but I’m nominating him for Hero of the Year.
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Even if they get rid of them now, they’ll probably offer them as a “one time purchase” again down the road at the same or higher price. They’ve done this in the past with items.
And I wouldn’t put it past them if they allow folks to buy gems to gobble these items up then say “oh, oops, our bad. That was a bad idea and we’ve decided to keep them in the shop. thanks for the purchases, suc— erm loyal fans.”
Time shall tell, huh?
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Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
I wish I had your strength. Best of luck with making a good choice.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
arenanet realised they forgot to give the sylvari faces noses?
lol yes, I can’t help but feel bad for them. And one of the male Sylvari faces looks like the result of the Shrek cat mating with a female Sylvari. Also heard here first.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
There$$ no rea$$on why you can’t purcha$$e gem$$ for the new face$$, though some I have no idea what they were thinking. One male sylvari looks like the cat from Shrek mated with a female Sylvari and child had the resulting face. (you heard it here first).
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
A bug, in Guild Wars 2? How dare you. Give it time, it’ll be back in the ca$$h $$hop before you know it. Some of the faces though… scary.
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Careful.. gold to gem threads are considered insulting to ArenaNet. Naughty naughty.
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Not really. I’m just glad instead of being able to focus on Winter’s Day we have yet another LS meta that begs to be grinded out. Woots.
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Overall, nothing to write home about, again. Also if you’re lucky enough to only get one spore from an Offshoot event, you’ll be spending a LOT of time waiting for more Offshoots to spawn. This release is great so far.
edited to prevent incorrect interpretation by moderators.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
(edited by Teege.4623)
Less Scarlet more carrot chasing. We.. won?
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Alternatively you could just not buy gems but yes, open a ticket with support and they’ll help resolve your issue.
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All the same stuff from last year.
What do you mean you’re not excited?
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Some female armor isn’t really G-rated, however I’m sure that’s just subjective. Anyway, I’m sorry you got a suspension for that name (providing that’s the only issue). So you can use Pounding, but not religious figures (as using then name references them) and you can make celebrity/famous people’s names (as that apparently doesn’t reference them).
That’s why they have verified accounts on Twitter so not just any “kitten” can create that name. But hey, maybe being backwards is the new trend. Good luck with your naming issues, I hope they get resolved. NCsoft’s Q3 for this game wasn’t great, the last thing they should do is alienate the player base.
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We could talk about how it’s mostly recycled/reused content with the possibly they’ll make it worst then last year (i.e. see this year’s halloween). Time shall tell though. I wonder if the rewards will be mediocre again.
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If I read correctly from NCsoft report: GW2 – down 15.3% QoQ, down 46.6% YoY. Aww.
Back on topic: I noticed this too. I wish they’d make something and not break it. Fewer people want to run the tower now and I feel bad for those players who have limited time to play. When did it start?
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/surprised (/sarcasm)
Did they want people to stop bothering with the tower or something? Thanks.
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Happens to me too. Not sure what they broke this time but I’m sure it’ll be fixed in due time.
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It’s like the labyrinth where your best bet is to find a zerg. Even then, if you get downed good luck as everybody just keeps pushing forward. You can have the meta done in a few days and then the content means nothing. As a bonus you get yet another backpack and mini.
Two thumbs down.
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My weapons and armor are exotics I’ve gotten as drops or crafted through materials I grinded for. There’s no need for me to grind further for ascended, in the grand scheme of things. You don’t need anything out of the ca$h $hop to play the game, either. If you do, at the end of the day you wasted real life money on a virtual item you don’t need and you really don’t have anything to show for it. To each their own.
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He got what he paid for at the time. He now has the option of spreading them out over a number of characters anytime he wants.
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