De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
+1 on increasing drops from player kills. If the concern is players exploiting this and allowing people to be kill them, then apply a diminishing returns like is done for wxp. As far as EoTM, I lean the other direction, the Borderlands need to be brought up to EoTM level, not the other way around. Good hunting!
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
Would WvW still w/o these, but it would add additional fun into it so +1.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
Steam is typically employed by companies that can not or choose to not distribute their software on their own. Adding more complexity into a supply chain usually creates additional issues when deploying updates. The cost to use the Steam service could better be used else where.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
+1. It would be nice if these were not account bound. Selling them on TP would be all the better.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
Don’t want teh things, but they drop like crazy. +1 they really should be stack-able at least.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
I am fairly certain if your session is dropped (or players drops their game) the player’s toon is still in game for a period of time after that. Have had drops in the past with guildies in vent indicating that toon is still there even though game client kicked back out to login. Toon stayed there until re-log was completed and then vanished.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
So, how about some tree’s for the home instance? The mining nods fit in well and the code to add them seems to be in place. Can we predict when we might get the opportunity to add in trees? More things in the home instance makes then more interesting and entertaining to visit. Would also be nice to have in game options to add in different types of tree’s and nods based on actions in game as well as BLT options.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
Random number generator it is. The ratio I was seeing in the past though was about 1 scrap in every 6 or so.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
Sorry, but against this one. This should remain on the toon level. The more that is moved to the account level the less people have things to work towards. I say this while running 8 toons.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
i like doing my own thing. when you are in a guild, you have to obey what others want you to do.
Understand, not indicating people have to be in a guild here, just allowing people in cross guilds to coordinate without having to lose their own guild identity.
I like the idea! It wouldn’t take too much effort to do. (Would it? I’ve no idea. o_O)
Fear it wouldn’t be easy if they don’t already have the infrastructure but it would help on a couple of fronts, as well negate some of the impacts of the megaserver change.
I just leave this here:Guild Wars
True on the title. But the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and Wars typically have allies. Also we are not fighting free for alls in WvW currently.
Good hunting!
Edit: Edit dropping text.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
(edited by TheGrimm.5624)
Ogre, Kodan, course something completely new not in game now would also work.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
So GW2 gives us the ability to be in multiple guilds at the same time. This allows people to be in different guilds for different reasons. One guild might specialize in PvE, one WvW, one world events, one for goofing around (a force of plush griffons attckingin WvW) and so fourth. That seems like a good idea but it then also drives people a part. So why is there not the ability to form alliances among guilds? This would allow people to stay connected through an alliance chat, possibly allow some shared guild buffs or alliance buffs and allow communities to re-knit some after the Megaserver broke them apart. Yes TS/RC/Vent/Mumble allow people to still connect outside of game but they are typically in different comms based on guild/event/channel. With a shared in game comm method people could reach out to others to share information, chat, call for help in WvW, banter, RP and other things. Have seen this work in a number of games. Curious what peoples thoughts are, or are we more focused on ONE GUILD TO RULE THEM ALL! sorry had to go there. Good hunting!
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
Here’s hoping to that discussion about changes to the commander tags. I think removing features is never a good direction, its better to improve/adjust them. The 100 gold limit is a pretty good limit to people getting tags. Also I do not support account wide tags, and this comes from someone with 10 toon slots. Considering the Megaserver tech, another option may be to have a flag that only shows your tag to your home server. Some discussion before was also on allowing guild only. Till a CDI, cya.
Edit spelling before coffee.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
(edited by TheGrimm.5624)
Agreed this one has been out there a number of times, but still supporting it. Only changes I would make is that have it be a couple of more spots than 3, 5ish or 6 and don’t limit it to what can be dropped in the spots. That allows people to vary what they put there and allows for more gadgets like the airstrike grenades down the road. It would also give people quicker access to weapon swaps and/or armor pieces. The normal rules would apply in regards to item activation. Good hunting.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
I would be even willing to pay a steep in game cost to an NPC vendor, say 10 gold. For those already at 1315 it wouldn’t matter, but we can hope that they are planning on additional WvW traits as more players reach that mark. I don’t like the idea of people on the fly changing traits while in the field, but having 0 ways outside of the Devs doing a mass reset it seems off compared to the other types of game play.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
WvW, peeps need killing after all.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
More maps, and maps that rotate weekly would be HUGH. +100000000000000 interwebz. Variety is the spice of life after all.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
The question that needs to be asked is why are people looking for server alliances? Is it coverage, number of players, variety. For the most part, WvW is the only thing that defines a server now. I think that lends itself to WvW players associating themselves to a server even more than before. But that doesn’t mean RvBvG system couldn’t work in tandem with the current structure.
I don’t see it working together well at all. To coordinate anything you need to have a TS setup. Otherwise it is hard to run effective.There is nothing there to hold people together. I would dread seeing a PPT attached to what happens in EoTM, but that could just be me.
Not having voice in EoTM is what actually makes it a good training grounds for commanders in case they don’t have everyone on voice in their normal maps. Understand the reluctance but what I am picturing is PPT that is divided among the servers on that instance, therefore the regular BLs would still be the money makers. At the same time it would give people looking for RvBvG options but still keep them part of the WvW family in regards to supporting their server. 2 cents. Good hunting!
Edit: Corrected quoting.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
(edited by TheGrimm.5624)
The question that needs to be asked is why are people looking for server alliances? Is it coverage, number of players, variety. For the most part, WvW is the only thing that defines a server now. I think that lends itself to WvW players associating themselves to a server even more than before. But that doesn’t mean RvBvG system couldn’t work in tandem with the current structure. I know EoTM was meant as a distraction aka overflow while you waited for your maps, but at this point its pretty populated for its own sake. So why not tie it into WvW weekly scoring? There are details to be worked out (PPT point values division, disparate populations,…), but what are peoples biggest issue with tieing it in? That would allow for the people that are pure borderland people and people that want a mix to still be fighting for the same goal, albeit in different ways. Good hunting!
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
Read enough about the Engi not being able to dual wield, concept being that with their kits its not needed or by some that it would be OP. On the fence there at times, but since that seems to be the development standpoint will leave that be. That said I was curious how people would feel if it could replace a utility slot skill. From the most powered to the least I could see it acting like a kit, to it being its own type of ability that wouldn’t be affected by secondary traits, to the least powerful version of being able to only replace the elite skill but with out added sigil triggers. Engi does already have a lot of options in play style but some times it would have been nice to switch even if you lost some power in your utilities. Not trying to balance Ele and Engi here, just curious of the Engi’s view point. Good hunting!
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
make dead bodies be knockbable and luacnhable, so much fun.
You kill 20 people and banish their corps all over the map MOHAHAHAH =))))
That would be awesome, drag them around, toss them off cliffs, stack them up under a keep lord.
Side note, there should bean accelerated timers on full dead that forces re-spawn in the least.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
Have to disagree, if anything I would like to see additional F&N options as well as other categories of consumables. Anytime you are able to allow people to further customize their characters with options that are interesting and of value you extend game play as people can try content one way and then re-try content with an altered character. In that light more categories of consumables would further options for customization. Now another aspect to this is that consumables are also a trade line that helps the game rotate funds and items in and out of the game as their resources need to be refreshed since once used are gone. To crafters and traders that makes those lines of some additional interest over others potentially.
2 cents, good hunting!
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
By the way, OP wasn’t being sarcastic. This quest gives access to a nifty little consumable.
Is this where the harpy pheromone comes from?
When a mommy harpy and a daddy harpy love each other very much….
Daddy harpy? I thought all harpies were female… leaves the question of who father the babies… but nontheless I pretty sure all harpies are females.
So there might have been a few drinks involved, people just don’t remember that much, and you know the showgirls in Vegas have all those feathers, I mean come on when are we gonna let those few incidents pass already. Just sayin, it’s not like that time with the dredge after all.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
Have to add another no here. Rare should be rare. More people should not increase the odds of better drops. Not to mention you would need to add options to the other game modes (PvP/WvW) to balance this.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
More upgrades to home instances would be welcomed. Some good ideas here. Really like the crafting stations and ways to create additional harvesting nodes. Maybe something like convert 5000 x into a seed, node, tree with a limit on how many you can create.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
Sentenced to 10 days of EotM due to silly server transfer rules. Omg…get me outa here…pve maybe..yesss..
Real comment last Saturday after a wvw Commander tagged up, sieged the main keep and defended it against the K-train.
“….but, but, Commander…we wa-aannnt the keep to fall. So we can take it ba-aackkk…we need dragoniite…”
Hear this all the time, just makes me defend more and build more siege. Typically once people see someone defending, more join in if you announce. Now granted as stated above the best groups do both.
Edit: fixed quote end tag in wrong spot
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
(edited by TheGrimm.5624)
Listen EotM is a karma/leveling train I get it, but there isn’t really a reason to defend or hold ground there; nothing really lost or gained besides the karma etc. The servers have such huge disparities between tiers and the PPT shows nothing but coverage. An alliance system that was thoughtfully put out might change everything. With instanced WvW maps maybe the first time anyone in your guild enters WvW it locks your guild into that WvW instance until it is over. Instead of week long they go to 24hr or 48hr matches. These are just suggestions, instead of just complaining about WvW I would rather offer some suggestions in hopes that they can keep the only part of the game I play alive and healthy.
So tie EoTM PPT into the WvW PPTs. Bring them closer together. Allows somewhere there is AvAvA, creates reasons to defend in the Edge, allows another map in the point mix, and allows for overflows……just sayin. Just restrict it from allowing a single side from spawning multiple new instances unless the other sides have players, which it might already do.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
Best answer would come from a dev. That said I am fairly certain I got a double last night, main reason I doubt myself now is that hit some bad lag spots last night. Spent supply, got a return, spent, got a return. Since I spend supply at 8 at time it wasn’t 30 seconds between sets though. Will keep an eye out. Good hunting!
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
To the OP, sometimes you can find a chance for more balanced fights in EoTM then you might in the borderlands. It’s varied landscape also allows for differing types of fights and seems to break people up more so you have good odds of finding soloers and groups that you might not be finding in your borderlands. You also need to actually pay attention to your placement in a fight. Bottlenecks and differing levels of the map give you different options to choose from in a fight versus group, stack, charge. Have seen groups turn back zergs of 40+ with well placed siege when defending Red. Have also seen more open field fights in Edge then in the borderlands at times. It does need to be more closely knit into regular WvW and add to the server’s points, but there are issues there that need to be worked out. And yes, some people do defend in EoTM. Downside is, people do use it to karma farm, but that’s also an issue for the BLs. Both the Borderlands and EoTM need some love & attention, but that’s a bigger conversation versus the OP’s question. Good hunting!
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
Judging from the forum,
Problem 1. Problem 2, unless a game is in pre-launch with forums its rare to find positive posts on game forums. All the people that are fine and having a good time would rather be in game, and probably are. Those on the forums might be in game, but are more likely not or are at work at the time of posting. Good hunting!
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
Run both.
Engi: Very versatile. Solo/Group/Warband/Zerg. Lots of build options depending on what role you want to play. Does well in defense mod, lots of range options. Offense, various builds. Plays better in middle of group in pushes versus War in front or more typical range in back. If you want to bait people in, people tend to attack a solo Engi whereas they will run more often against a solo War.
War: Solo/Group/Warband/Zerg. Not as any build options. More group buffs. Better on offensive actions versus defensive actions due to limited range. Plays well in the front of a group attack. Is sought after more in groups.
If you have the slots I would play both. They are nice to mix in and out of since they feel different enough when playing but both are a lot of fun.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
Variety is the spice of life. More maps, rotating maps, or even a single borderland that can be different each week would add variety and keep things new since people would have to adjust their tactics to achieve their goals. Add more choke points, add more elevation and some underground, dynamic objectives (close to random if possible). Lots of options out there. The PvP tracks were a nice addition, something similar to WvW could also be fun, would still play without it but it would add to the fun factor. But alas I ramble, good hunting!
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
A lot of games claim that the game begins at the top level when in realty there is nothing to do once there. Except here, level 80 is truly a beginning. That said, yes WvW and PvP players should be able to exchange tokens/currency for PvE levels. I know there was an issue with people using the books to insta-heal while in combat but the change to allow you to only trigger them in PvE resolved that so….why not put them back out there. Once people are 80 they still have a ton of things to do to gear out so if they rushed it, its their own risk.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
(edited by TheGrimm.5624)
Had encountered the same. Tried it under 2 different guilds. One lives only on 1 server so that wasn’t the issue. Need to go back to the old patch notes and see if this was reported as a bug. Kind of annoying to trigger a series of buffs and then not being able to use them.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
Cannons are questionable, but people tend to be lazy. If they see no defenders they will err on the side of least resistance and drop rams on a door vs a cata or treb. If your current role is to scout for defense its a great way to get them off the door while your side forms up. Course if the structure has’t been upgraded then all bets are off. But I have found cannons to be available more often then expected in defenses.
The AC5 does have a long cooldown, agreed. That said if you use toxic shoot 3,4 shots in you catch a lot more people trying to trigger their heal and end up dropping them faster since their heals were debuffed. Comes in more handy when you are firing in a support role of a warband on warband fight. Firing into the back lines when people are pulling back from the first engagement catches a lot of people when they are trying to trigger their heals. It also has a longer range and an increased AoE to help in that role. The revealing bit is lackluster though. 2 cents.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
Still some what new to game, only rank 320 so far. Roles: Solo roamer (player hunting, camp flipping, supply disruptions, scouting), havoc groups and some support for warbands.
AC 5
Supply Master 5
Build Mastery 1
Cannon Mastery 5
Repair Mastery 1
Supply Capacity 3
Will probably focus on more siege next.
I like a mix that can support both a solo position and group support. People usually have ram and cata mastery since those people will more likely be in the warbands attacking objectives. AC and cannon come in more handy for soloing or defending. With the increased supply and mastery you can get an AC deployed solo in 2 trips typically. Great for slowing down an enemy warband or zerg while your side is getting in position. Have found builds that allow for solo flipping of camps without any points in guard skills so haven’t used them at this point, more worried about the real people vs the NPCs. And now being able to re-trait on the fly, have even more options. Good hunting!
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
If you want to play wvw, why not go to proper wvw? Eotm is not world against world, it’s color vs color, which means no team-feeling whatsoever, and this leads to no-one giving a kitten about who wins.
Based on the way it was created your concept is sound but for some it does matter. Saying it doesn’t is like saying that no one that does the PvP matches care if they win. I do, I think others do too or there wouldn’t be so much rage in map chat when people lose in a 15 min PvP match. Now true there is no lasting reward for winning a match up, and I think that should be addressed, but last night again there was a lot of people happy about a hard fought victory. People were attacking and defending, even some objectives not normally our own. It has only the value that someone gives it. Overall this is just a game, unless you are getting paid to play GW2, how does any of it really matter?
Now why is someone in EoTM vs WvW, that’s each to their own, sometimes you just need a change in landscape or you are waiting on friends/guildies. Or maybe there is a lull in the action in the borderlands, or maybe you are just getting zerged down. That’s one reason I support the Edge applying victory points into the normal WvW weekly scoring, would help tie them back to each other.
Either way good hunting to you!
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
After burning thru way to many gaming mice, I would recommend setting a double click macro if you are using a gaming mouse or keyboard. One that toggles on/off. Then it takes no time to clear the stack and doesn’t destroy your mouse or your finger with all that double clicking.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
EotM right now is completely unbalanced.
Green roflmao-stomps all over everyone else, i havent seen green lose a single match in the past 2 months. 2 months!. And ive played a lot of EotM.
Red beat green 2 of 4 matches yesterday that I was able to get in on. The key was the commander attacked and defended. He didn’t just lead the mass in, funny enough, a train. He hit their structures, and then circled around on orange swords and wiped them when they were trying to take empty structures. When he got reports from the people defending he brought the force back and hammered them while the couple of defenders we had held and slowed them. We lost our keep 0 times. Between hours 2 and 3 of the match up, they were avoiding our side of the map. The funny thing was the verbal peeps about karma trains shut up and a number of them admitting re-thinking how they do EoTM considering the fun and how much they made from wiping the other side. But, each to their own. Good hunting!
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
The problem with EoTM is that it doesn’t tie more into the WvW of the Borderlands. It should. I enjoy EoTM because it allows for more variety of landscape and fights, and if you are vastly out numbered in your own Borderland then it can allow for the potential of more people to fight on your side. That said it does draw a lot of the train peeps. Now that doesn’t stop me from defending, even if they say let them have it. Have seen trains stopped cold by 2 people with ACs in key spots. Even one can do significant damage and slow down an attacker at choke points. I usually find if you call out that defenses are in place people will show up. My response to the ktrain statements is to tell them to go back to queensdale if they don’t want to fight other players. It’s sad how vocal the ktrain peeps are, but its worth disagreeing with them to let others know that’s not the only option.
If you keep going you will find commanders that both attack and defend, friend and watch for them to be online. Best matches are a mix of both, keep what is yours and take what is theirs. The commanders that mix it up keep both types of people engaged. Also look for groups that are defending or form groups of others you find defending. Sometimes you have to be part of the build the defense group before others will join in.
Now won’t go into changes on scoring or wxp or loot because that’s a bigger discussion, but will say good hunting!
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
The game does support various levels of group play, but people will tend to blob up. That shouldn’t discourage you from trying smaller group or solo play as well though, you just have to remember that about others and work that to you advantage.
First, don’t get discouraged from getting killed, learn from it.
Second, use the PvP (recommend regular team) game to help you find builds you like. Now I know we are taking WvW but WvW doesn’t allow you to retest a build against the same opponent enough to determine the strengths and weaknesses to a build. PvP is also a good practice ground to determine classes that might give your class and build a problem if you find them in WvW. I would also recommend finding multiple builds. That way if you go from solo hunting to group or warband you can have different builds ready that might fit different roles. And if you are lucky enough to find someone that slaughters you in PvP you can spectate and determine how they run their build to see what you can learn on how to counter it or how you might be able to employee similar tactics.
Now back in WvW, don’t throw away a build you found works for you based on a couple of encounters. Make sure you are giving it a reasonable test. I would also strive to find a build that allows you to take on camps solo. This helps in some of the job roles below. This build you can practice in WvW unless your side is dominate during your play time.
Now if you are running solo you need to determine what you want to do, and realize the difference between other solo hunters and people running to rejoin their side. Solo hunters will see you and charge. These will be the tougher fights, pick and choose based on your other objectives. Respawners may be a mixed lot but tend to be easier to chew one if you are new. Watch out for groups, because as stated above you are their target.
If your scouting make sure you are working on being quick and precise. The longer you text the more likely someone is going to notice and intercept you. Telling everyone that there is incoming doesn’t help. Side, numbers, location, activity and direction.
If you are running havoc and/or a decoy then be on the move. Your job is to mis-direct their zerg. Choose your targets and take out stragglers and people re-spawning. If a zerg is heading inward pull them back by lighting up targets behind them. If you get a warband chasing you, you did your job because they are wasting resources and time on following your trail. The longer it takes them to figure out they are following a single target the better. Watch for orange swords, coming in behind two zergs fighting may grant some great targets for picking off. Also you can hunt the back trail from their nearest spawn to the target they are attacking. A lot of people run in straight lines if they are hurrying back to a fight.
Group and solo player are close but you can choose bigger fights and objectives. Pick up groups can be rough, but try and find people that you like to run with if you don’t have guildies to run with. If you can find a consistent group all the better because that opens up options as you become more familiar with their play styles and you can practice different tactics. Watch your own map chat as good havoc groups will pull pieces off of bigger warbands and zergs, if they cause the commanders to redirect his zerg at them, they won.
Also don’t forget you can get a varied environment in EoTM as well to practice on if you are not finding the type of fight you are looking for in the borderlands. I have found solo, group, warband and zerg fights all within a 15 minute spawn in the Edge at times.
Good hunting!
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
lol, beat me there. There is a lot of good information in the wiki. As a newish player that has helped a lot over the last couple of months.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
Agree, it would seem that most of the code is there, its just a different applied buff. The bonfire is geeky little item but it is fun, especially if you are waiting and guarding an objective.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
+1, or at least some way to release the claim.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
Short answer: you shouldn’t. Not utilizing the TP much right now due to other time consuming in game activities, so I am not answering your question as a fellow flipper. If people auto-sell without at least taking 2 seconds to look you shouldn’t fell bad. Microwave generation, if they wanted their cash right now versus potnetially making more by listing its up to them to choose to short change themselves. Good hunting!
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
So my question is.. are the classes that messed up or typical MMO banter.
Its typical game forums doomsaying. Also if you just got back in a lot of people are trying new builds and traits after the patch this week. Give your old classes a shot first and then go from there. Good hunting!
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
It would be helpful if there was a WvW way of unlocking the new GM traits as well as multiple events, some that can be done by solo players.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
Like the patch overall so far. Will be playing about the same. Not a fan on capping the achievements, once that was announced that killed a lot of the fun factor in collecting them and devalued them personally. Once you limit things you start to define their end. Still have a lot of things to try. Hoping for more future varied traits now that they have a base architecture in place.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
I actually tried out the new firearms trait after killing risen priest of grenth and was very disappointed. It did the right amount of damage which was good, it doesn’t have a knockback but I figured that would be the case. but the major issue with it was even when used in melee combat with the forceful explosives trait they didn’t immediately explode you had to get the enemy to walk directly over them even if they spawned under their feet it seemed. majorly disappointed in this trait.
Created a build with Bunker Down last night and it created an insane amount of mines. Tested in PvE and WvW. Worked much better in WvW as people are constantly moving. But that said the PvE test made me wonder about the verbiage. To me proximity mines should trigger without requiring the target to move, these are more motion detection mines since they wouldn’t trigger if the target was on top of them and stood still. Will need to retest tonight. So the question is it a bug or just the way it is worded?
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.