Stop covering up issues / more consistent forum moderation.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761
Masters in Geek Mythology
in Suggestions
Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761
LOL this is not a suggestion and will be deleted… duh! I would like to see them delete more posts there are so many that cover the same thing if they start deleting the dups these kids will learn to post in threads already covering it.
Also you don’t have to buy exotics… this thread should be removed and we all know why.
All I do is play the game and im rich stop wasting your money. Buy some if you cant figure out a way to make any. You need gold I need cheaper gems its a win win.
In allot of dungeon groups I see people exploiting there way through or just face mashing dieing then repeat if you guy added rez timers it would make people play the game as intended. It may also have its use in wvwvw it would make an oposing teams tower easier to hold.
There is no real way to change the point system in a way that would fair to asians and assies and still fix the issue. The best idea that I have seen about it was pop. based on page 4 i think but the cost of implementation seems to me very high.
A fluid cap would be a good idea but will all the bots can not really be done.
I firmly believe that it can only be fixed fairly through combat mechanics.
And more to the point why would you want to change it any other way with the current status of the game its a mindless zurg for the most part with little to no stratigic play.
The server pops are fluid so if you tried to use that info it would always be incorrect and exploitable. The extra cost would be building and testing. It is not like they have an empty plate.
(edited by Thesilentflute.8761)
There is no real way to change the point system in a way that would fair to asians and assies and still fix the issue. The best idea that I have seen about it was pop. based on page 4 i think but the cost of implementation seems to me very high.
A fluid cap would be a good idea but will all the bots can not really be done.
I firmly believe that it can only be fixed fairly through combat mechanics.
When we post somthing everyone should think about the cost to implement it.
Even in my post some of the stuff is not likely to happen but the most important things would cost anet very little and benifit us as players alot.
I see good ideas every day …good in theory.
(edited by Thesilentflute.8761)
Well if they did lower the caps they would be fixing it. You would not be have to do anything with your guild or alliance … literally.
If the Oceanics are taking keeps with a 5-1 advantage then that’s pretty easy to do.
If …… is an assumption.
There is no 5:1 advantage. SBI and ET have an equal ability to field 166 per map on every map in Oceanic and SEA prime.
The top tier does not have the same night capping problem of the SoS tier. In that tier there is are mirror population disparity between the timezones.
SBI and ET stopped queuing when they started to lose. This is THE issue for the top tier.
Your statment is backwards what you have seen here is cause by the work week
SBI and ET started to lose when they stopped queing
Somthing else I thot could be a good idea is two brackets and ranks one for weekends and the other for weekdays that way those of us with jobs can win wars and the organized teams that exploit and metagame can do there thing durring the week.
Metagaming is a broad term usually used to define any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game. Another definition refers to the game universe outside of the game itself.
I have to work I don’t have time to make kissy face at some assie or asian guild to be able to win I just want to be able to play. You can not make metagame a requirment to win in the game so it is somthing that must be fixed.
These large organizations that are doing this are the problem TA among others that take pride in exploitation (in this instance I am not talking about just the ingame exploits anyone has used)and there is nothing to gain from it (notch on your website we exploited the crap out of her all night long). There missuse is killing the fun of the game for everyone there night crews get no real battles and we lose everything cause we are asleep and at work for 14-16 hours a day.
ex·ploi·ta·tion (ksploi-tshn)
1. The act of employing to the greatest possible advantage: exploitation of copper deposits.
2. Utilization of another person or group for selfish purposes: exploitation of unwary consumers.
3. An advertising or a publicity program.
Its not about winning or loseing so much I think we all agree we have much more fun on weekends when there is coverage cause we dont have to work and everyone gets a fight.
of course that fastest and easiest way to fix these issues is to lower wvwvw cap if you can’t get into wvw you will switch servers thats both day time and night time.
WvWvW Buffs
I was thinking about play in wvwvw and the steep prefomance/stat buff for wvw and ways to soften the blow of not having a night/morning crew.
1.Make PvE objectives in wvwvw the only means to gain a large amounts of exp for wvwvw buffs
2.Add one grand wvwvw boss spawn once a day or every few days at random time on each borderland that would grant a large amount of wvwvw buff exp and drop a orb of power(see Orbs of power)
3.Remove the robust buff in exchange for somthing like build/repair speed or efficiency
I believe these steps will allow pvers to have fun in wvwvw and really help there server at the same time.
The most important thing in my mind is the way sieges work. Most of the time you just run in and sack a tower or keep with lil resistance. Here are some suggestions.
1. Health of gates, walls, doylaks, lords. guards, and siege raised
2.raise the number and speed of doylaks from supply camps
3.lower the effect of wall repair and posably amount of supply carried by doylaks
4. I would like to see wall siege blueprint that could be placed in door ways of oppisition towers/keeps/garrisons so that you could slow a third faction from back dooring you while trying to take a keep but cutting of your own reinforcments in the process.
Edit 4a. it would be nice if these walls would also prevent the ability to repair the door untill destroyed
With these changes it will leave time for reaction and make sieges a real cost. With this no full map would likly be taken as even a supply camp would take some effort to take. Matches would be won by a tower or two and lower the desperation from night capping since a small force would be able to hold there area within reason. It would also make 3 faction sieges required to take somthing in many cases.
Orbs of power
1.Orbs buffs raised but taken from the world boss once a day or every few days
2 Orbs of power runs out in a hour or two then buff is lost destroying that alter
3. Power- Power is the time rate at which work is done or energy is transferred. In calculus terms, power is the derivative of work with respect to time.
This would allow a chance for rampage/zerg play with the siege changes and not kill the other teams morale knowing that they might be able to get a few orbs tomarrow for a game changer.
My hopes are that the synergy of these changes will make the game more enjoyable for everyone. Allow guilds to hold towers and keeps they claim along with making it a more strategic play style. Thank you for your time I hope you have enjoyed this thread.
This would be a machanic in which one server would be able to contract another for a siege on a supply camp,tower, keep or garrison. For a large sum of gold one faction would be able to create a quest objective ring at a selected supply camp keep or garison. Ranging from 5g-25g and should the a faction siege and take said tower within lets say an hour then they would be awarded a large sum of gold lets say they split the other factions cost evenly.
1. The rings would be seen only by the contracted faction
2. The high cost should limit use
3.It would have no nagative effect on the market since the payout would be equal or less than payed in.
4.It would make it a more stratigic game and seems like it could be done a little cost.
Was it fun? Yes/No
in Suggestions
Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761
Kids stroke your kitten elswhere the adults are speaking. If you have somthing productive to add then do so otherwise post on one of the forums that you have already made for kitten stroking.
Don’t Feed The Trolls
in Suggestions
Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761
When it comes to night capping the increased health of everything would make your positions easier to hold with a smaller force as of now you could have 50 people in a tower and still lose it because the supply doesnt flow fast enough and dolyaks can be killed by one Ranger.
The spice must flow
I am a mesmer and this is the first valid complaint about us ive seen yes we get 3s out of the portal then with stealth field it becomes 8 seconds. it indeed is game breaking
Glamour build
Domination 20
traits 3 and 8
Dueling 0
Inspiration 20
traits 2 and 9
Ilusions 30
traits 5 8 and 9
Null field
Signet of domination
Weapons Greatsword-septer/focus or pistol
This went over this build mainly for wvwvw to nullify attacks and move enemy forces back but it works find in pve aswell.
Some of you are prolly thinking why dont you use a staff to get more use from your condition dmg its because in a one on one if i happen to run into that I need the cripple from my gsword along with my signets stun to stay alive with no real combat abilities along with the direct dmg from focus or pistol. I also can not kill arrow carts on top of a wall with a staff
This build is kind of weak atm I would like to see anet add the glamour tag to a timewarp, illusionary wave and a few others to make it worth while.. but i still play it
in Suggestions
Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761
The boss is just a way to convay the orb in a way that gives time for everyone on the map to see. It is not specificly for PvE ; it has a large stratigic value. As for PvErs taking up ques there is no benifit for them to do so but there is a small % that make wvw there home. Many of us do both I know myself i would find it fun a boss fight with a large stratigic reward;do i want to
1.Gather my forces and kill the boss
2.Gather my forces and wipe the first team attempts it then kill the boss
3. do I want to wait till they kill the boss then we will run in and take the orb from them.
This is a 3 faction game just imagine the chaos that could arise.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761
My hope in doing so is it would create a real need to have a team on the doylaks and the supply amount is for balance; If the number of doylaks goes up the supply amount must go down.
Edit- with the other changes suggested camps would be harder to take so siege means would be left to a interupting supply flow but as of now in game there isnt a real flow to supply because they are carried very slowly and in large numbers so killing one or two is substantial.
(edited by Thesilentflute.8761)
in Suggestions
Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761
WvWvW Buffs
I was thinking about play in wvwvw and the steep prefomance/stat buff for wvw and ways to soften the blow of not having a night/morning crew.
1.Make PvE objectives in wvwvw the only means to gain a large amounts of exp for wvwvw buffs
2.Add one grand wvwvw boss spawn once a day or every few days at random time on each borderland that would grant a large amount of wvwvw buff exp and drop a orb of power(see Orbs of power)
3.Remove the robust buff in exchange for somthing like build/repair speed or efficiency
I believe these steps will allow pvers to have fun in wvwvw and really help there server at the same time.
The most important thing in my mind is the way sieges work. Most of the time you just run in and sack a tower or keep with lil resistance. Here are some suggestions.
1. Health of gates, walls, doylaks, lords. guards, and siege raised
2.raise the number and speed of doylaks from supply camps
3.lower the effect of wall repair and posably amount of supply carried by doylaks
4. I would like to see wall siege blueprint that could be placed in door ways of oppisition towers/keeps/garrisons so that you could slow a third faction from back dooring you while trying to take a keep but cutting of your own reinforcments in the process.
Edit 4a. it would be nice if these walls would also prevent the ability to repair the door untill destroyed
With these changes it will leave time for reaction and make sieges a real cost. With this no full map would likly be taken as even a supply camp would take some effort to take. Matches would be won by a tower or two and lower the desperation from night capping since a small force would be able to hold there area within reason. It would also make 3 faction sieges required to take somthing in many cases.
Orbs of power
1.Orbs buffs raised but taken from the world boss once a day or every few days
2 Orbs of power runs out in a hour or two then buff is lost destroying that alter
3. Power- Power is the time rate at which work is done or energy is transferred. In calculus terms, power is the derivative of work with respect to time.
This would allow a chance for rampage/zerg play with the siege changes and not kill the other teams morale knowing that they might be able to get a few orbs tomarrow for a game changer.
My hopes are that the synergy of these changes will make the game more enjoyable for everyone. Allow guilds to hold towers and keeps they claim along with making it a more strategic play style. Thank you for your time I hope you have enjoyed this thread.
This would be a machanic in which one server would be able to contract another for a siege on a supply camp,tower, keep or garrison. For a large sum of gold one faction would be able to create a quest objective ring at a selected supply camp keep or garison. Ranging from 5g-25g and should the a faction siege and take said tower within lets say an hour then they would be awarded a large sum of gold lets say they split the other factions cost evenly.
1. The rings would be seen only by the contracted faction
2. The high cost should limit use
3.It would have no nagative effect on the market since the payout would be equal or less than payed in.
4.It would make it a more stratigic game and seems like it could be done a little cost.
Was it fun? Yes/No
in Suggestions
Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761
suggestions forum is so bad.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761
Yea the idea I had was from another with a view close to ours all i did was simplify them. If you would like to read his thread check it out here
I see good ideas all the time but allot of them are good ideas in theory only.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761
This would be a machanic in which one server would be able to contract another for a siege on a supply camp,tower, keep or garrison. For a large sum of gold one faction would be able to create a quest objective ring at a selected supply camp keep or garison. Ranging from 5g-25g and should the a faction siege and take said tower within lets say an hour then they would be awarded a large sum of gold lets say they split the other factions cost evenly. If they take the taget or not the distraction alone could be well worth it.
1. The rings would be seen only by the contracted faction
2. The high cost should limit use
3.It would have no nagative effect on the market since the payout would be equal or less than payed in.
4.It would make it a more stratigic game and seems like it could be done a little cost.
This could be used when a team has entered your land to force them to pull out or to distract a faction so you can hit them when they are not looking I think it would be a really fun thing to try out have fun Anet I hope we get to see it soon.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761
WvWvW Buffs
I was thinking about play in wvwvw and the steep prefomance/stat buff for wvw and ways to soften the blow of not having a night/morning crew.
1.Make PvE objectives in wvwvw the only means to gain a large amounts of exp for wvwvw buffs
2.Add one grand wvwvw boss spawn once a day or every few days at random time on each borderland that would grant a large amount of wvwvw buff exp and drop a orb of power(see Orbs of power)
3.Remove the robust buff in exchange for somthing like build/repair speed or efficiency
I believe these steps will allow pvers to have fun in wvwvw and really help there server at the same time.
The most important thing in my mind is the way sieges work. Most of the time you just run in and sack a tower or keep with lil resistance. Here are some suggestions.
1. Health of gates, walls, doylaks, lords. guards, and siege raised
2.raise the number and speed of doylaks from supply camps
3.lower the effect of wall repair and posably amount of supply carried by doylaks
4. I would like to see wall siege blueprint that could be placed in door ways of oppisition towers/keeps/garrisons so that you could slow a third faction from back dooring you while trying to take a keep but cutting of your own reinforcments in the process.
Edit 4a. it would be nice if these walls would also prevent the ability to repair the door untill destroyed
With these changes it will leave time for reaction and make sieges a real cost. With this no full map would likly be taken as even a supply camp would take some effort to take. Matches would be won by a tower or two and lower the desperation from night capping since a small force would be able to hold there area within reason. It would also make 3 faction sieges required to take somthing in many cases.
Orbs of power
1.Orbs buffs raised but taken from the world boss once a day or every few days
2 Orbs of power runs out in a hour or two then buff is lost destroying that alter
3. Power- Power is the time rate at which work is done or energy is transferred. In calculus terms, power is the derivative of work with respect to time.
This would allow a chance for rampage/zerg play with the siege changes and not kill the other teams morale knowing that they might be able to get a few orbs tomarrow for a game changer.
My hopes are that the synergy of these changes will make the game more enjoyable for everyone. Allow guilds to hold towers and keeps they claim along with making it a more strategic play style. Thank you for your time I hope you have enjoyed this thread.
This would be a machanic in which one server would be able to contract another for a siege on a supply camp,tower, keep or garrison. For a large sum of gold one faction would be able to create a quest objective ring at a selected supply camp keep or garison. Ranging from 5g-25g and should the a faction siege and take said tower within lets say an hour then they would be awarded a large sum of gold lets say they split the other factions cost evenly.
1. The rings would be seen only by the contracted faction
2. The high cost should limit use
3.It would have no nagative effect on the market since the payout would be equal or less than payed in.
4.It would make it a more stratigic game and seems like it could be done a little cost.
Was it fun? Yes/No
(edited by Thesilentflute.8761)
Guys we do not need 5-12 threads covering the same thing. I know your all snowflakes and all but for any of these threads to carry wieght we have to stop this constant spam if somone else just made a post about what you were going to write about post on there thread.
Thank you for your time there is no need to comment here only that you take this in consideration before you write and post.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761
We all agree rangers need nerfed there burst is to high for that type of range and mobility.
Your right thiefs could use a nerf but leave those pour worthless warrs alone
I have been jumping around to diff wvwvw posts if you guys have some good ideas feel free to post here
Mesmers take finesse and were prolly utility more than anything and have some crazy awsome skills null field feedback and time warp are prolly the sickest skills in the game i think what you mean is rangers need nerfed. A warr is only going to kill you if you stand in it
(edited by Thesilentflute.8761)
@ curt reduced cooldowns would fix the issue but feedback null field and time warp are to powerfull to do that
I pull everything i see but the difference your prolly seeing is burst dmg direct dmg to condition even our direct dmg is damage over time but as i said above I have no issue with this build apart from the down time and having to rely on on our direct dmg because I don’t have enough glamour abilites. Sinc stacking for both would spread me to thin im just going to go all glamour and hope somone from anet reads this and tests out the build. I guess tester wanted to try the build out ill list some info on it here: Mesmer Glamour build
Domination 20
traits 3 and 8
Dueling 0
Inspiration 20
traits 2 and 9
Ilusions 30
traits 5 8 and 9
Null field
Signet of domination
Weapons Greatsword-septer/focus or pistol
This went over this build mainly for wvwvw to nullify attacks and move enemy forces back but it works find in pve aswell.
Some of you are prolly thinking why dont you use a staff to get more use from your condition dmg its because in a one on one if i happen to run into that I need the cripple from my gsword along with my signets stun to stay alive with no real combat abilities along with the direct dmg from focus or pistol. I also can not kill arrow carts on top of a wall with a staff
You can already duel go into the mists pic a empty room with a few of your friends and take turns dueling. Yes others may come in the room but you just have to tell them your dueling and most will join in. /map is seen by both teams for this reason im sure.
As glamour confusion is most of my dmg but if falls off fast so there is alot of down time to my dps the changes listed would give me a lil more bang for my buck with out even comming close to game breaking Illusionary Wave and Time Warp have long cooldowns. It would be epic to be able to confuse somone when colapsing Temporal Curtain but if only worked if they ran through it it would still be a large help.
Ladders would make it a capping race and make walls pointless. I am trying to bring balance not break the game. It is already too easy to cap as it is and this would not help with night capping it would make it worse.
Somthing i would like to see also is random matchups again i don’t like fighting the same people over and over. If you have the random cycles it will put a end to any possible long standing truces that could arise
Its all about ideas this is a good one yea as you said leaving things to be dictated by a few players is an issue but that is why its here help the man work though it
it would be a limited thing cause only one server can go to the next teir at a time so alliences would not be long standing apart from maybye the top tier but i would rather see random match ups instead of the constant cycle that goes on now.
(edited by Thesilentflute.8761)
check this out this guys has a good idea
Awsome idea it seems as simple as unflaging the treaty team combine there map chat and put a 2 hour limit on it till it must be renewed. What kind of cost for a treaty 5g 10g? Good job kc
I am going to post a link to this on my wvwvw thread
I really like the walls idea for those times another team is trying to back door you you could slow them down with a wall at the risk of cutting off your own teamates.
edit: but that could be fixed with one mesmer inside
Somthing that might make everyone happy is making 2 brackets weekend wvwvw games and mon-fri wvwvw games.
Since alot of the servers can’t be on all week it would give both the dedicated teams somthing to build tword and give the normal player that has to work all week a war they can compete in.
Metagaming is a broad term usually used to define any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game. Another definition refers to the game universe outside of the game itself.
Your saying we should all exploit? Tell me man are you one of the early morning players if so is it fun to siege with no resistance?
If you are a day time player is it fun to just try to hold on to what was taken over night?
Does it make you feel good when you win because of an exploit like you guys had done many times before the sm lord was moved?
How do you guys think your metagaming has effected game health?
But like I said i think its a good thing cause these things need to be addresed.
I have posted a thread on some things that i think could bring balence to wvwvw if you guys from TA and other teams would check it out and tell me what you think it would be great. forums>suggestions>wvwvw exp system, siege machanics,and orbs.
If today I stand here as a revolutionary, it is as a revolutionary against the Revolution.
HoD your play was never based on skill what you have done here is metagame and exploit. As far as i see you guys don’t even count you pulled in out of region players for the intended goal of having players while no other us server would. Anet change the location of the keep lord in sm due to your exploting and other issues you have presented are being worked on now.
But its good these things needed to be adressed and your guys constant attempts to take advantage of people just trying to enjoy the game for what ever reason make it possable.
At least you guys will still have the screens from when you were able to exploit you can put them up on your TA website.
Infact you should take a screen of this.
Lol what you spoke of had nothing to due with you guys loseing you guys have a much larger unimployed population so while the rest of us are asleep and at work you guys have free run of the place. You were losing cause we were able to play on the weekend lol
What I had thot of when I wrote it (maybe I did not explain clearly) I was thinking it would spawn in the lake just at random time on a random borderlands so it would be a race to see who could get there first once its map icon was seen. The thot of exchanging pvers for pvpers is silly it has a large stratigic bonus so the assult team would head there. Also causeing teams at siege to think about what they choose to do the supply buff less so than if it droped the orb.
The bonuses from the boss would be wvw only so it should not effect the amount of pvers that are in wvw.
Edit: and not just who gets there first the boss should have enough hp that opposing forces have time to get there aswell to assult at the same time,wipe out the other team or let them kill the boss then take the orb.
After looking over what was writen here i think the orb is the only real choice
NBA all-stars have skill here is a better one. Its like my 13 year old cousing telling me how he beat the new halo not by fighting but running through the game as fast as he could.
Well none of the other servers have taken metagameing to your length you guys pulled in guilds out of the region just to nighcap other servers or your all on welfare. Either way we have to work and when we get home we spend our time retaking what you have taken when we were not online. It has nothing to do with giving up lol its we are asleep and at work thats 16 hours of down time or more. Like you said most of the time you guys are not fighting anyone … try going back to your region. AA has a few out of region guilds but i think there largest guild has has like 25 players at there peak hours hardly game breaking.
Idk about spam fest there is almost always somthing to interupt though most pay no attention to machanics. Alot of fights also have pre reqs that if you do not do you will not likly win the battle but again most people think you just sopposed to die over and over till you get it those people are bad; and have cost me alot of time and silver.
Kal I don’t think your grasping the article as a whole. Also the buff for the high score is how it is ran now. What was proposed above is that it be dictated by pve objectives on the maps. At times it would pull forces of teams to work to a higher buff % allong with making Defence and pve a viable strat to build an advantage for the rest of the week.
I am not a PvEer i spent the first two weeks in structured then lved to 80 in wvwvw so this thread is biased in no way.
The thread though divided to make it a easier to read was a synergistic vision.
The comments afterword were just ideas that followed.
Italia I like your comments though a few are a lil harsh
The server I am on we already have an established PvP community such as TA and AA so a loss or getting spawn camped happens some times but we know its just a part of the game. The issue I can see on other servers is not being able to establish there communities it creates a snow ball effect of desparity that will really hurt the game and gaming as a whole.
I don’t really care who is in first second or third my concern is balance. I would like to see the small factions out there compete with the servers with already established communities.
You could argue that these factions have put in more time and effort and that is why we/they are winning but thats not the case at all it is all psychology through our use of metagame and a small amount of organization we have created a higherarchy within the game that is not valid nor healthy for any involved. The matches are dictated by presence since matches are won and loss at such extreams it kills morale and players are lost.
Night capping is a real problem but I belive that increasing the difficulty of siege should provent it Or possably you could make the cap limit fluid so that the cap is set by the lowest pressence on the map
This game is the best I have seen in a long time while all the other companies are selling out Anet still takes pride in what they do and they have done well.
Edit: some spelling errors
2nd edit I was ignorant to the fact that there were no asian/assie servers so the thot of region locking can not be done there are better ways anyway.
(edited by Thesilentflute.8761)
I would like to see it removed from the game. It promotes this trash zerg play that goes on now with lil defence and no micro managment.
There are other threads that go over the same thing
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