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Arcane Wave..bugged?

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Could it be that Meteor Shower is bugged in Ascalonian Catacombs then? It can take out a burrow all by itself…yet when I try to take it down with just about all of my other skills, it takes a very long time.

With the Meteor Shower, it’s almost instant. Is it really that much stronger?

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elite skill which is not useless in dungeons?

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Oh, and one more thing. That boss at the end of Ascalonian Catacombs? It really likes to attack my Earth Elemental with it’s scream. At one point, my elemental took a hit that saved our entire party from going down.

Saving 5 people from instant-death…what other elite skill can do that? Certainly not other summons, since they don’t nearly taunt as well as the Earth Elemental.

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elite skill which is not useless in dungeons?

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


To be honest, I really don’t get the bashing that Glyph of Elementals is getting lately. I mean, it’s basically 4 skills you can choose from instead of just one, the elementals’ dps is higher than our own auto attacks. Each elemental comes with its own AoE boon buff (might, swiftness, regeneration or protection respectively). Best of all, it can be traited to the point where it has one of lowest cooldowns of all elite skills.

What more do you want from a skill? Instant kill a target and make you coffee at the same time?


the only thing I would do to improve the elemental is add some kind of passive to it so that it has some use when you aren’t using it. IMO if you don’t pop your elemental every time it is off CD then it is a worthless slot.

Then don’t forget to use it. Seriously.

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So The Dwarves Failed

in Lore

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


The thing you gotta keep in mind is that the Dwarves pretty much considered what happened to be the end of their race. They may still be fighting as living statues, but even then living is a relative term. Their last great deed was to defeat the Great Destroyer, and having done that, they lack a purpose. They may still be fighting, but that could simply be because they have nothing else to do. But for the most part, I don’t think they care about Tyria any longer. The end came and went long ago for them.

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What's the story behind the war in the mists?

in Lore

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


In Guild Wars 1, particular heroic humans were sent to the Mists after death to battle forever in the Hall of Heroes. It was like, the ultimate reward for deceased heroes.

As for the ‘reason’ in Guild Wars 2, the Mists are the place where an endless number of worlds coïncide. Apparently, the heroes that go there can still earn glory by fighting there, except they don’t have to die first. In some way, the other servers can be seen as those other worlds, and we get to meet and fight the inhabitants there. When we win, our world gets stronger, which could be seen as it gaining some strength from the Mists.

So for the most part, those that fight in the Mists do so because it’s the greatest thing a being in the Guild Wars world can achieve.

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Elementalist elites are the worst ones!

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Even mesmer’s phantasms are lot better then ele’s elementals.

That’s just blatantly false. Have you ever tried them on a target dummy? Apart from all the fun abilities that they gain, their auto attacks’ dps is equal or better than your own auto attacks.

They’re very much worth it, but you gotta use them properly. Pick the right elemental for the situation, and it’ll work well.

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Elite vs Utility Skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Elementalis: no. Glyph of Elementals is a great swiss army knife, which allows you to pick askill based on what you need at the time. Very useful.

They may not be instant uberpower skills, but they’re definitely more useful than the utilities.

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Who's Kuunavang's elder dragon?

in Lore

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


As far as I understood things, Glint was both a champion as well as part of a larger race of dragons. The elder dragons were simply the most powerful of them.

So I’d say Glint was more of a ‘champion by choice’ who changed her mind later on, instead of a construct like the great destroyer.

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Remove randomness from legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Then obviously acquiring a legendary is not for you.

So basically you’re saying that you deserve it more because you got lucky when you got it?

Personally, I don’t see what’s wrong with asking for a more stable way of getting the legendaries. I’m not asking for handouts at all. In fact, I’d prefer prices that are higher than the average cost with randoms over lower costs with randoms.

And it would REALLY help if the Temple event chain was fixed so it wouldn’t bug out all the time.

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Opinions about Orr [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Frostgorge Sound is the only thing that comes close to an endgame zone and guess what?

I think it’s fun! Not annoying, but fun!

So Anet can do it, have a little more faith.

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Way to get the perm swiftness without Glyph of EH?

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


There are various combos out there, the staff can even do it without the glyph if I’m not mistaken. Arcane Wave + Static Field and then the aoe speed boost come to mind.

The air elemental’s also got a speed boost but I’ll admit it’s not very reliable.

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Pets & Turrets no longer count for loot tagging

in Suggestions

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


The other suggested fixes would work for me as well. My main issue is that at the moment, you can get banned for something that isn’t that obviously wrong. If turrets last indefinitely, then why not leave active while you go afk and have lunch? It’s a game feature after all to have them last forever, not some third party bot. When you think about it longer, it makes sense of course. However, it feels counterintuitive being banned for using options given by the game itself.

Having your own personal bodyguard is one of the reasons I like pets so much, yet it seems under the current rule system, my pet would actually ‘kill me’. So I’d rather have the loot/exp capped in some way, so I won’t have this happen to me accidently.

The main thing I want fixed is for people to be banned accidently by the automated banning programs that Anet has running atm.

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Remove randomness from legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


My main issue isn’t the length or the prices, but rather the fact that so much of the process is out of my control.

Pretty sure 20 euros wouldn’t get you close to the current gold cost of a precursor.

That’s what I would be willing to pay for it at most anyway. I’d say that, compared to costumes and all, it’s a fair number.

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Reporting Moderators

in Suggestions

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Second this. There are times when a simple ‘rename the thread title’ would have sufficed. The current policy seems to be based on delete first ask questions later, where it should be based on the assumption that players mean well unless stated otherwise.

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Remove monster Invulnerability

in Suggestions

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


There’s nothing more annoying than a monster that suddenly decides that it’s “no longer in combat” or “in a place where it cannot attack you”. Monsters resetting themselves in combat is a very large annoyance and doesn’t weigh against any exploits it may prevent. Especially since it’s as bugged as it is now. I’ve had monsters in underwater fights reset midfight for no apparent reason. Neither it nor me even moved. It’s even ‘funnier’ when mobs can attack you but you cannot damage them due to the invulnerability nonsense.

Please, remove this ‘punish-player-for-playing-smart’ mechanic. You’re really not doing anyone any favors.

Or at the very least, make players leave combat if monsters do!

[Edited by moderator due to caps]

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in Lore

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Doesn’t the word gay have another, rather positive meaning as well?

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Losing my love for the game? what class ?

in Asura

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Maybe you’d like an Evasive Arcana elementalist. With that build, you’re supporting your team through making combos, mixing buffs and debuffs with a bit of damage on the side. It’s a pretty viable ‘supportive build’, but you’d still be dealing damage.

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why is there an elementalist???

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


It’s mostly a learn to play issue. Not fun to hear that, I know. I don’t like it either when I lose yet again to a thief in WvW, but it’s still true. But the bottomline is: the elementalist is only as good as its player. Other classes have some backups. Eles don’t.

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Remove randomness from legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


It would be preferable to have to run each dungeon 100 times compared to having to gamble for the legendary precursor in the Mystic Forge.

The same goes for the Temple of Balthazar event…on some servers, you just gotta be lucky you get a large group AND not have the event chain bug up.

Also, the clovers…just make them 3 times as expensive. It’ll have the same effect, but it won’t be as frustrating to the player who just saw a part of his wealth go up in smoke.

The current methods can stay in the game, but it would be very nice to also have a ‘surefire backup’. You know, just to keep a light at the end of the tunnel.

EDIT: Even a 20 Euro gemstore buyable precursor would be better than what we have now.

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Vital vs Toughess for healing gear

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Not better, different. Though I’ll agree that it takes an Evasive Arcana build to actually get the most use out of healing power.

Did you know Signet of Restoration triggers twice whith Evasive Arcana’s dodge rolls?

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Elementalist > Guardian

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


I’m not trying to say elementalist cant be tanky. For the longest time I would find myself as the last one alive when doing dungeons. But more tanky than a guardian? Im not buying that one.

No, not more tanky. But unlike the guardian, the elementalist will NEED to focus on defensive gear almost completely. Like how your guild leader used a highly defensive build for the dungeons.

Well, that’s currently the only viable way to play an elementalist in dungeons. Theoretically you could get by if you’re good at dodging. In practice, you need that extra health for the times when you get lag spikes and such.

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Legendaries: worth getting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


If you really just want the weapon, I can point you to a site where you can buy them with Paypal. They’re tradable for a reason, yeah.

If you paypal it, yes, it is just pixels and prob’ly not worth it. If you do the legwork yourself, it’s worth considerably more.

On a side note, is buying items through paypal allowed by the game rules?

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Pets & Turrets no longer count for loot tagging

in Suggestions

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Seeing as how some players recieved bans because of some issues with turrets killing stuff on their own, I was wondering…

Wouldn’t it be a good idea to make loot drop (and XP gain) only if the PLAYER attacked the target (as in: turrets and pet no longer ‘tag’ mobs as the player having attacked it)?

It would solve a lot of issues with afk-farming, and it would prevent a player from going afk with his trusty pet as a defender, only to be banned 10 minutes later because the pet decided to kill stuff on its own. World of Kittencraft also uses this system and it works well enough there.

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Opinions about Orr [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


After a somewhat curious debate ingame where people claimed they liked Orr as if it were the result of a loving relationship with multiple people without precautions, and others claiming they only visited Orr for the orichalcum I started to wonder…

If you had to name one thing you LIKE about Orr, what would it be?

For me personally, I’d have to say the Orrian jumping puzzles. They’re well designed and challenging. The one that has you gather those orb-keys especially, is really a puzzle and quite entertaining.

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Legendaries: worth getting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Hello everyone,

we deleted posts from two users arguing. Please help keep these forums a productive and friendly place by posting in a respectful tone.


Euhm…that’s exactly why I’ve rewritten my previous post. Though I disagree with your claim that we were arguing. It was more of a ‘heated debate’.

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Legendaries: worth getting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


The legendaries are very tough to get. Between the high TP prices, the insane random droprates for the precursors and the fact that the Temple of Balthazar event chain is often bugged (on the rare occasion my server actually manages to gather enough people for it).

My question to you guys is: do you feel the legendaries are worth it trying to get them? A lot of things are seemingly out of the player’s control, making a time-consuming part of the game even more frustrating. At this point, I’m not sure I’ll ever get it even if I dedicate myself to it.

How did you guys manage to get you parts for the legendary?

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Elementalist > Guardian

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


An elementalist without some added vitality will suffer though. When I first played Crucible of Eternity, I had mostly toughness and just a little over 10k health.

I got creamed.

Whenever I got hit, despite my high toughness, I’d die. So unless I dodged everything perfectly, I had a very poor time.

Then I decided to alter my gear somewhat, and when I got past the 12k health, things suddenly got a lot more fun. I could get away with missing a dodge and not dying instantly. That also meant my defensive skills actually mattered, as did my healing skills.

So yeah, I agree. But you will need some vitality to avoid the instant kills first.

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Endless resurrection of the hero!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Please use its really hard to understand what are you trying to say, and then ppl dont know what to respond.


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A sick Guild Wars 2 review

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Hope you get better soon.

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Who else smells massive changes incoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


A lot should change yes. There’s a difference between difficult and just frustrating…Anet should find a way to make things difficult but not frustrating. Frustrated players are bad for the game.

The clocktower puzzle for example, was spot on in my case. It was a hard challenge, and took many attempts, yet at no point did I get frustrated or angry.

The Risen in Orr on the other hand, while easy to defeat, really grind my gears when they pull/stunlock/fear me for the umpteenth time.

Those issues really should be adressed.

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Why Orr brings out the worst in the "community"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


That’s because Orr sucks period. No one likes it, they’re only there because that’s where you have to go to get level 80 things.

I second this. I prefer just about any area in the game over Orr. The constant pulls and otherwise annoying enemies are just well…

…too annoying.

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Who else smells massive changes incoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


The main thing they should adress are the things that frustrate players. Frustration is never a good sign among your playerbase, regardless of what you aim to achieve with the game.

If chaning a droprate from insane to just very rare makes your players happy, if lowering the boss’ health (and thus the time it takes), then by all means, do so. There’s no reason not to. The difficulty won’t decrease. Just the frustration levels.

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Are Asura racist and chauvinistic?

in Asura

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Their society is based around intelligence, so naturally, they look down on the less intelligent. It’s how their society functions, survival of the smartest. They view as intelligence being the ultimate prize, thus anyone who’s not so bright is naturally placed below the intelligent ones. It’s not so different from the norn judging people by size and physical prowess.

As for ‘taking over the world’, it’s more of an ‘eventual equilibrium state that will happen at some point in the future’ than an actual goal they’re working on, in my opinion.

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Elementalist elites are the worst ones!

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Air and Fire elementals’ auto attacks similar damage to your own. Earth elemental has aoe protection buff. Water elemental has aoe snare and aoe heal. Fire elemental has aoe might buff.

Glyph of Elementals is a swiss-army knife tool which should be used intelligently based on the situation. It’s far from useless, quite the opposite. When traited properly, it’s brilliant.

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Armor of Earth vs Mist form

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Armor of Earth CD is just a tad long and it doesn’t give you protection against cc :P

Actually, it does. Just not against everything, but it does protect you against ‘most’ of it. And for about twice (should be three times) as long as Mist Form.

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Armor of Earth & Arcana

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Searched for Armor of Earth but couldn’t find anything about this bug,.

The duration of the boons granted by Armor of Earth are capped at 8 seconds duration, regardless of the amount of points put into Arcana. The tooltip shows the lengthened duration for both boons. The actual duration however is only 8 seconds.

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Armor of Earth vs Mist form

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


The only thing that stops Armor of Earth from being more awesome than Mistform is that annoying little bug that caps the boon duration to 8 seconds.

I mean, what’s the point in speccing into Arcana if some skills just blindly ignore it?

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Rune of the Warrior?

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


To be fair, I’m not sure that’s the best effect you could get…but I suppsoe it could be somewhat useful for those unwilling to spend much points into Arcana.

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Flame Eye Appearance Transmutation bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Maybe it’ll get fixed on the 15th…

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Moving Forward with Elementalist Balance

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634



Currently there is no synergies between element.. You spec into 1 and it dont do anything for the others..

That’s a gross overstatement. Sure, there are some specific traits, but about 75% of everything we have extends to other attributes as well.

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That legendary sword and the pale tree

in Sylvari

Posted by: ThiBash.5634



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Lightning Field Sucks

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


If the blast finisher is the only reason you have for the field to ‘suck’, then you don’t have a reason at all in my opinion.

In fact, I like the fact that it gives swiftness for the exact reason you mention. I’ll use my blast finishers with other fields in combat tyvm.

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What's wrong with Condition damage?

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


With my elementalist, I prefer to put a little bit in everything because as an elementalist, I do a little bit of everything. Given standard diminishing returns apply on any stat, this is actually more efficient too.

This allows me to deal reasonable damage, condition damage and healing without relying on any of them.

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Guild Wars 2 Orichalcum Farming

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Or-ih-kal kitten


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Economics versus gameplay

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


John Smith

5) I have an update coming out for this soon

How about the legendary precursors? Was it intentional that it would take a player about half a year before they could afford them? Or is a fix for that in the works as well.

Mind you, I don’t mind working long and/or hard for them. But 6 months at LEAST seems a daunting prospect to me, escpecially since I’ll likely need again as much for the rest.

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Gold sellers vs. BLTC

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


I think the main issue is that it takes quite a while to gather the gold to even gget basic supplies. The amount of gold sinks in the game are huge. And at the same time, some items in the game cost an amount most people would take months to farm.

That in itself is an issue, and something that should be adressed, or at least noted. Of course it doesn’t justify going to gold sellers, but at the same time, the ingame gem rate means a precursor costs around 800 euro. That’s also wrong.

Regardless of the cause and your point of view, the complain has been made, and should either be adressed or dismissed openly by ArenaNet.

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Who sets Gem prices?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Colonel Kernel

The number usually cited is 30%, and the reason is quite simple. It’s to prevent short term speculation and manipulation of the market.

There’s another way to do just that and not punish the people who actually paid money to buy the gems. Prevent people from selling the gems they bought with gold for X days. Problem solved and the ratings can be equal all of a sudden.

But the way things are now, people who actually spend money on the game are punished for 30%. Yeah, that’s very nice of Anet…NOT!

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Who sets Gem prices?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


The thing that concerns me most is the HUGE difference between the Gold→Gems and Gems→Gold rates. Yesterday, the difference was 25%. And for what reason? Unknown.

In practice, this means that whenever gems are converted, ArenaNet (or NCSoft) removes 25% of the value of the gems/gold. Thus they gain 25% more for each gem store item that is bought if at least 1 transaction precedes it. All gems are bought by a player at some point in time. With the large amount of transactions going on, it’s easy to see that this little trick forces the playerbase as a whole to pay much more for the same amount of content.

While this will certainly help them financially, I’m kinda puzzled as to the WHY. The reason for this is because the thing they’re selling is, in essence, bits and bytes (which are essentially free to copy). After a costume has been made, it won’t cost Anet anything to redistribute it anymore. Taking that into account, I fail to see why an inflation tax like this should be implemented at all, let alone such a steep one. What’s the harm in giving 25% more players acces to gemstore content? Obviously they were willing to spend their money anyways, but in this way, there’ll be 25% more happy customers and no changes in both costs and profits.

So to sum it up, the players as a whole scammed out of their cash while instead they could have 25% more happy players at no extra expenses.

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Stay Elementalist or not?

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


The Elementalist is certainly a viable option, but you’ll have to be prepared to spend a significant amount of time into learning the profession. Not only do you need to pretty much know your weapon skills by heart but you’ll also need to have a good idea of what certain combos will do. All of this so you can plan ahead what move you’re gonna make. Then there’s dodging, avoiding damage, etc…which the elementalist will need to do better than any other professions due to our low inherent defense.

Basically, when you pick an Elementalist, you’ll have to be prepared to work harder than other professions. But when you do master it, it’s a lot of FUN to play.

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[Guide] Elementalist 101

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634



thibash did you note whether or not traits have any effect on golem damage?
for example +10% while attuned to fire.

Did not try that, sorry. Also, please note that I didn’t do any indepth or large sample tests. I simply walked up to the target dummy, took a few samples, and posted them here.

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