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The Minority Are heavily favoured .

in PvP

Posted by: Thobek.1730


It’s like PAX all over again, Anet just doesn’t learn.

PAX was the biggest problem with the game. When they started focussing on all this esports BS the game became a lot less fun and a lot less supported.

It is continued now. Honestly there are probably 50 “serious” players of this game. 50 out of 4-5 million? And that is who they cater to. It is silly. They should make new game modes.

I Lol’d when i read that you thought 4-5 million people still play this game

still? you mean never. The game has a decent player base but 4-5 mill is probably an overestimation by about 2million.

Solution to fix the population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I think some kind of merge/battlegroup option would work. I’m on SoS and there are so many times that all our WvW maps have the outnumbered debuff and we’re supposedly the 4th biggest server in terms of WvW pop.

So I would hate to think what its like for the 19 servers below us, it must be horribly empty a majority of the time.

They said it themselves!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


they can think what they want is best for their vision, decide what is best for everyone. But if people stop playing the game and the money stops rolling in then who is the fool?

damage numbers now visual.. ty anet.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


logging on today I just noticed the damage now appears where the red target is positioned. Have I unwittingly checked a UI box that allowed this or is this new?

Because if its new then FINALLY! I was so sick of sitting at the feet of a world boss and no numbers appearing because they would be out of view.

These are the small improvements the developers should be working on and not destroying the leveling experience.

Misconceptions regarding Level gating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


A lot of these changes just reek of china influence…take a look at china WoW.. same nonsense… if this is the path anet wants to go down, cya.

what happened when WoW was released in China? I do know that Blizzard has lost a huge amount of players in China over the last year… millions.

I seriously hope they just admit that it’s a bad mistake and revert it back to when it was enjoyable to level.

If they remain stubborn about this and stick to how it is currently they are just going to hurt themselves.

New lvling system literally too easy for 5yo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


So a five year old could handle it with no problems perhaps they are aiming to get 2-3 yr olds playing it?

honestly its a shame they think this game is so complex it has to be dumbed down like this.

it was a really bad decision to put time and energy into completely ruining the lvling process with all this hand holding.

This video sums up the game for me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


LOL! great video. This shows exactly what mess the lvling system is. Stop with all this gated nonsense and extreme hand holding – its insulting. It was perfectly fine before.

Lvl3 – off to frostgorge we go!

GW2 is Alt-unfriendly now.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Going through the kittenified newbie zones will be a chore now.

Run around and spam F. Fascinating.

Apparently that’s all new players can handle >.>

This is what I question. What age/skill have they made these changes for? It looks like they have dumbed things down so much and made it idiot friendly. Is that who they are trying to attract, brainless morons?

Who else will never create another Alt?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I just saw the "[GW2] Why I Love The September Feature Pack " youtube video because I couldn’t understand what all the complaints were about. After seeing that video I am incredibly disappointed that Anet insults people’s intelligence with these changes. Do they really think people are that thick as to spoon feed the content to us like this.

We’ll I can’t level an alt now, it’ll be a painful experience.

ANet, I need a goal.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I have done map completion 4 times.
I have 2 legendaries.
I have full ascended gear.
I have done every dungeon path.
I have done every fractal.
I have done every jumping puzzle.
I have done every guild mission.
I have unlocked every mastery in wvw.
I have done every living story season 2 achievement.
I have rerolled a new character and unlocked all the traits manually.

Create and grow a guild. Make it as you want a guild to be
Organize Teq/3-H worm events with your guild
Explore the World with all 8 classes and each of the 5 races
Play PvP
Form a PvP Team
Play EotM
Command EotM
Play WvW
Command WvW
Create and grow a WvW Guild
Switch to a no so great WvW server, help to grow it

There are more things to do in GW2 than on your list.

The trend I see between whyt you’r done and what you’ve missing: Interact more with the community, that’s what an MMO is good for.

Done it all. Now what?

you’ve done all that! I don’t say this much but how are you not burnt out already? perhaps take it a bit more slowly. Anet cannot sustain a level of new playable content as fast as people like you burn through it. No MMO can, its unrealistic to expect it.

Taimi, Jory and Kas and Offencive

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Kasmeer and Marjory are only offensive to one group of people – those that have an issue against anyone who doesn’t fit their view of the world.

Braham is a Norn, and he’s young. He isn’t sure due to his age. Don’t misread teenage awkwardness as a lack of intelligence. Stereotyping much?

Yeah I agree with kasmeer/marjory I really dislike those two

as from braham, don’t underestimate the intelligence of a teenager. I think the word your looking for is wisdom. So you’re stereotyping just as much as you think the OP is.

Taimi, Jory and Kas and Offencive

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Actually, in MMO’s and most RPGs, the player base is almost equally split between males and females now (it’s something like 55-45 or 60-40, from what I hear). And female gamers tend to dominate the market for “casual” games like Candy Crush or Farmville. Male gamers do still tend to dominate for genres like FPS and driving games, but that’s hardly surprising considering these games still tend to use heavily male-oriented marketing.

I’m only going off the 2-3 surveys people have done on gw2. All you need is to google them. One I just looked at right now has it at: 91% male 9% female. Which is quite a bit off from your 55-45.

sure males dominate fps/sports/driving games, you don’t need to think too hard to understand why. But if you look at gaming in general is mainly a male interest and this encompasses every game that is not female focused i.e barbie/my little pony etc.

What’s great about fantasy MMO’s is they are both male and female friendly. But that does not mean its automatically becomes an even split in population.

[Moderator note: this post quotes a post that was deemed inappropriate and therefore the quoted portion has been removed.]

(edited by Moderator)

What do people want from an expansion?

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730



As an explorer at heart, it kills me to see all those unexplorable zones in Tyria.

Totally agree, Having the areas there but unreachable is a tease.

I forgot about the Tengu, having them as a playable race would be great. We already have their capital city there.. its ready and waiting.

New skills would be refreshing. Perhaps a couple of new weapons introduced that every class could use. I did see something about a polearm that was datamined. Plenty of weapons that could be introduced. crossbow, polearm, battleaxe, Flail, Morning star, Sickle…

Finally some new features, guild housing, bar brawl, WvW stuff, etc.. not too concerned with sPvP but I think something needs to be done about it to improve that part to the game.

But the biggest thing as someone already said is that it’ll be a massive influx of content which wouldn’t be spoon fed to us like the LS. People can burn through it or explore at their leisure.

What do people want from an expansion?

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Just by the few that have replied the focus is on different things. It’s certainly a lot of work to release all that content. I still think Anet should consider it as it would be a big influx of cash. Obviously the expansion wouldn’t be free.

I think personally I would like a large new area to be released, with lots of quests, a new storyline (new npc’s), couple of new dungeons with gear to obtain, some world bosses to take down, more guild things to do… Basically I want to go back to when the game first came out and you have that sense of exploration and adventure again.

I every time I look at the world map and see areas that haven’t been revealed yet I want to know what’s there.

What do people want from an expansion?

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I see quite a few posts about expansions on the 1st page. What exactly is the most important feature of an expansion for everyone?

more levels?
more zones?
more gear?
another race?
another class?
A larger story arc?
new features like raids/guild housing etc?

what’s the main reason behind an expansion that can’t be done through LS releases?

Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


It was used to build up suspense, speculation and excitement as to what the final ending would be to the Scarlet story-line

really? suspense, speculation and excitement? Not sure about anyone else but I can tell you right now it did none of those things. More like a strange tool that in theory sounded good but was executed poorly.

I think I used it once and thought “this is messy, what’s its purpose? waste of time… back into the game”

that may of sounded harsh, and I like that Anet are looking into different ideas/options to deliver the content. But the Atlas could of easily been replaced with a good trailer that would of given people excitement, suspense and speculation.

(edited by Thobek.1730)

Why I preferred the end of S1

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


The one thing I really miss in LS2 is the large-scale open-world events.

Yeah I miss this MMO feeling as well. I guess anet are doing research on what people are interested in which alarms me because the LS seems to be very focused on being a single player game.

Don’t people like teaming up anymore and doing large scale events? I try to do Teq as much as I can because you feel like part of a larger community. The LS makes me feel less of one.

Longevity and content, how is it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


If your not into pvp (which is amazing imo) then you’re talking about either fractals or the living story (there are those achievements and gear to get). The LS is new content every 2-3 weeks. Its not some epic raid where you go off to fight the main bosses of the game. Its plays out like a single player game where at times you can do world events with groups if you like. Its a bit slow at times although the latest chapter was great.

What are devs working on ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Only issue there is that GW1 had A LOT of content to play with so no-one really craved for new content, but were grateful when they got it anyway!

you mean like expansions?

I wish they would stop trying to make pvp work. Blizzard tried it with arena, as a spectator sport and that failed. The only reason most people seem to do pvp in WoW is because of the gear. That’s all they cared about, once they got honor capped nobody wanted to play, it was only a few that actually did it for fun.

Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Seriously this is the 6th mmo ive played where people expected the developers to communicate with the playerbase.

Nobody does that.

It’s not just Arenanet. I mean, I’m not defending them for it.


None of these games have people on the forums actually explaining things or discussing stuff with people.

I’ve played those MMO’s but only one ‘WoW’ I ever played or cared long enough to visit the forums over. It took forever to get a blue post from those guys. Anet are far more vocal, but people want more, and more, and more. And that was a $15/month sub game where at times it took almost a year before any new content was released. pft bloody useless bunch.

Its almost like we expect some kind of report after Anets weekly progress/design meetings.

Although I do believe though that they should talk about upcoming features just so we know what to expect. Its normally a good way to big hype and keep people interested in the game. I little “stay tuned this coming soon!” helps. That’s just basic marketing 101.

A Step in the Right Direction

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


yeah I would of loved some kind of epic dungeon. But then again if you’ve played wow you could wait 9-12months for new dungeon so mayeb one is one the way. I wouldn’t expect them to spew out one every couple of chapters.

Why doesn't Anet tell us their plans

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Well, if you look AT THIS FORUM, which is what A.Net could judge by, There are more NEGATIVE and nasty threads than there are constructive or complimentary. What do you expect then?

There WERE a lot of negative threads. Where did they all go?

Season 2, is this a single player game?

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I wouldn’t mind a new dungeon to do as a group with friends or strangers. I quite like the idea of teaming up with people on a more personal level. Something like the frost and flame dungeon. That was great on all levels.

Currently there is a lot of open world content where I am player X standing next to player Y while reviving player Z. They might as well be NPC’s. There is teamwork but its like being in a crowd not in a tight group.

Mount Debate

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I loved having mounts in wow. But then I realised how they effected the game in a negative way (especially flying mounts). You rode past content so quickly, no threat from mobs, I felt like I just charged around in my invulnerable untouchable bubble.

I’m not even sure why I’m replying to this thread, it’ll never happen.

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I thought the very first SAB was great fun, the second version was a bit of challenge just to get through the level and I lost interest.

I think they should of stuck with the format of the first zone. Easy enough to get through but it has challenging parts for those that want a challenge, and lots a hidden areas/easter eggs to find.

Its a shame that they are talking about giving up on a unfinished part of the game. That’s not a good attitude to quit half way through.

Omadds Machine Cinematic. Item to rewatch it?

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


This should be part of the LS journal. A simple icon you can click on to view the cutscene would solve all of this.

Another easy thing to include would be the ability to search the TP buy armour type yet people have been waiting over a year for that.

don’t hold your breath.

Spoilers: What's with Caithe & Trahearne?

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


trying to find holes in this story is like trying to find a geek at an tech convention. they’re everywhere.

The OP makes a a good point, its minor but an obvious mistake. They should of kept them up there and stood around the pale tree to protect her. I don’t want to discredit what has been the best writing in a chapter so far.

My problem with Canach

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Thinking about it some, I wonder if Canach is being unintentionally monitored by Mordremoth. Perhaps Anise knows this and sends him to Fort Trinity with Trahearne maybe to watch Mordremoth’s movements. However, I’m shooting in the dark as I’m not completely behind the later of that speculation. I do want to believe that Canach was the “spy” but unknowingly to the point where even he had no awareness that Mordremoth was looking at him. A “dark heart” as Trahearne put it could just be a moniker to someone who is corrupted and was used as a spy.

Ohh I like the idea but opposite of that. But the idea is quite good.

You know how the force only works on the weak minded, perhaps Canach is so strong willed that Mordremoth has no influence on him.

The explanation of then how did he affect Scarlet, perhaps she was open to the idea to gain more power.

But the whole idea that Canach cannot be influenced sits really well with me.

My problem with Canach

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I hate how we don’t trust him in conversation though

Same, that really bugged me. My character came across as a right snotty little kitten.

When my reply popped up on the screen I was thinking “I don’t want to say that, I’m a nice understanding person that is willing to give him a second chance.”

dialogue choices when talking to Canach

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I think we should have 3 viable dialogue choices when we click these text based discussions. This way we get the illusion of choice over the bash my head with one route only.

I don’t even mind if its the illusion of choice. I’d be happy with this.

I really didn’t like the way I was aggressive and threatening towards him. They gave us choices when we were able to talk to Kiel and Evon. I liked the way I could tell kiel I didn’t vote for her and also liked to remind her that every time she walked past me in Lions Arch.

dialogue choices when talking to Canach

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


He did try to kill us, for the record. And that was after causing basically everything that went wrong on crab island.

They sent assassins to kill him which he dealt with, then we as a group bust into his liar to attack him. What would you do? We were the invaders and he defended himself.

He’s completely misunderstood, his methods were indeed questionable but his heart was in the right place. He wanted to help the refugees and do something while no one else would help. It was only after Canach’s involvement that Kiel finally paid attention and intervened. Without Canach those refugees would probably still be slaves on that island.

My problem with Canach

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Canach is the one shining light in the otherwise terrible NPC lot the Living story has introduced. He’s not goody-good, one-dimensional or baddy-bad. I’d team up with him anyday rather than the ones I’m forced to team with.

exactly what I thought as well. He’s got a good depth of character that has developed over the chapters unlike the others.

Please McCoy don’t ruin him and turn him into another pathetic male for the females to use as a doormat. Perhaps give this guy to another writer to look after.

Gotta love Anise and Canach!

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Canach has always been one of the best characters in the game. Anise was ok but now allowing Canach to play off against her has really lifted her personality.

I’m worried that Anet are going to ruin him, or that he turns into another lead male character that just gets pushed around by a bossy female. Where is Evon these days anyway?

I don't like Chaos skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I just wish the bows had white strings instead of black…

Thanks for the great content!

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Let me please express my displeasure about this map. It’s a jumping puzzle, and I hate jumping puzzles. I hate the fact that story line material is taking place in a jumping puzzle.

Are you talking about the entrance to it? because the zone isn’t a jumping puzzle. its more of a spiral. Sure there are jumping puzzle areas but they are also optional paths where you don’t need to jump even once.

This last chapter is really good (spoilers)

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Well done, on this last chapter. It had mystery, drama, conflict, hidden little discoveries about npcs if you listened in on the conversations. Really good stuff.

Even the way you spoke to the team at the end made me finally feel like I was the boss.

I even liked the way Taimi ran off with the device. It reminded me of what a child would do with her favourite toy. That suited her character so much. I actually used my speed boost/cripples to try and intercept the inquest before reaching her.

EVEN the quick exchange between Kasmeer and marjory wasn’t overdone for a change. It actually felt real unlike the forced rubbish you usually have to listen to.

AND they wrapped up the chapter nicely yet still hinted on a third parties involvement. Not enough info to speculate on who it is but enough to make me want to find out.

More plz.

My problem with Canach

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


The reason why he said something extreme like planting bombs on the guests was only to get a rise out of Anise because she was ignoring him (I also believe that was just a clone he was talking to).

Canach is probably my fav character of the lot. From the tough beginnings right up to how he is now. He sounds smart, clever and resourceful – I want this guy in my team.

He’s also clever enough to see through Anise disguise of hiding her actual age with mesmer abilities. This guy is sharp, I respect that.

He’s a good character.

dialogue choices when talking to Canach

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


He’s one of the more interesting characters and right after talking to him I like him more than my own character. Those dialogue choices made me sound like a right prick. He’s been misunderstood from the being, I also get the feeling that he knows he made a mistake and is sorry for it. Then my character is all up in his face about it.

give him a break, and at least allow my character some lines to show I’m compassionate.

Remember those different types of responses we used to have – bring those back.

Living Story Needs Tragedy

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


This game needs more than just tragedy, it also needs excitement, intrigue, mystery, adventure, shock and awe, and perhaps even romance (just not more of this Marjory/Kasmeer cringy stuff.)

It’s basically a weak story written and delivered at a coma inducing pace. And I’m not talking about the frequency of the LS releases here. I don’t even find myself waiting intently for the next release. I should be excited to find out what unfolds next, or what is the outcome of the last installments cliffhanger ending.

I just don’t think Anet is really too concerned with the quality of the story, the characters or your role in it. I still believe GW2 is the best MMO out there at the moment, its just the lame story that really lets it down for me.

We're doing this all wrong

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I think what’s annoying about the summit is it’s made to sound like some monsterous task when the personal story basically has us unite the races of Tyria to fight Zhaitan. What’s going on is the same problem that plagued Mass Effect, it’s been done before but the races make it sound like it’s a new concept.

to think these writers have an original thought. They have no creativity, they rest on the talent of the artist and design team that is carrying these writers on their back. I hope the writers thank them for giving them a chance.

We're doing this all wrong

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Of course they (we) should of approached people that are respected. We did take out Zhaitan after all with those people. Instead we use the munch bunch to contact the leaders of each faction, people who their relationships are strained as it is.

At least the writers are consistent with their logic and reasoning.

Living Story: Less Dialogue Please

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I can relate to the OP’s complaints, I find the problem is not about wanting to skip the dialogue, it’s wanting to skip boring dialogue. Its just not interesting like a book you bought but are struggling to get through it. You soldier on ahead hoping that it will get better, only to find the more you progress through the chapters the next one is just as slow paced as the last.

They have to start thinking bigger and more epic. Organizing a council meeting? that’s lame. They have turned my character into some kind of UN ambassador.

[Spoiler-ish] So Belinda is...

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


It’d have been awesome to see Forgal’s ghost still on Claw Island, fighting off the undead inside, until we retook it, at which point his soul would be at peace and pass into the Mists

My god that is a good idea!

sign me up to do that quest to free my old mentor immediately!!

Lacking in Epic Feel

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


The only thing that felt epic about all three chapters were two things for me.

when you first discovered that the deaths from the crashed zephrite ship were all from just one assassin. I got the feeling we were about to track down some amazingly skilled and interesting villain. But alas he was just another crazy vegetable like scarlet – so it turned out to be nothing epic at all.

Rytlock jumping into the pit at the end of chapter 3. Finally some action, some kind of bravery, I could picture him like Gandalf when he fell from the bridge and on the way down retrieved his sword to fight the Balrog.

those were the only two parts out of all the 3 chapters that actually caught my attention. The rest was just bland story telling. They need to change gear with the writing and step it up a notch or three.

There is also a lack of drama or emotion. Take Belinda for example. What they should of done is given us a few quests with only her and us so at least we could get some kind of connection. No one cares for when you see people in the red shirts in star trek because they are extras. But what ends up happening is this incredibly awkward cutscene, if it had been Taimi wrapped in vines THEN you would actually feel something because you know that character on a more personal level.

Good Job on Evolved Wurm

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


exactly, people need to keep in mind games need diversity, that includes difficult challenges that your average rag tag group shouldnt be able to do just because they found it.

I’m with you on this. I think gw2 needs more of it. I don’t feel entitled to complete all the content. I can experience it but just not complete it, I’m fine with that.

But also when I happened to join this guild on one of their runs it was a good experience. They are also not a bunch of elitists that excluded you just because you’re not in the guild. This in combination with some challenging content was enjoyable.

Rytlok is Plottin'

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


whatever he is doing, or whatever he knows I now have even more respect for him jumping into the pit without hesitation. He’s a good character, I like how in front of Rox he’s quite stern but when talking to you he says “its for her own good” – he’s not like the one dimensional members of the munch bunch I’m forced to be grouped with. He has an edge to him.

I actually liked this last chapter without the Kasmeer and Marjory being around. Also found that together the DE2.0 are really annoying but separated they aren’t nearly as bad.

Its something about those characters that don’t seem to gel together.

Monkey King Tonic?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Pretty cool design and animations, but… he’s basically out of place in the world. >.> It’d be like getting a Commando tonic.

It is so out of place! the monkey king?! why did they pick him of all the other characters they could of they choose some character from a Chinese story.

makes no sense whatsoever. looks cool though, I like the design.

Open World Portions of story are bad

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


We need Dungeons like the frost & Flame – that was amazing.

Open world completely breaks immersion

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I wish I could do all the chapters by myself, I hate having to group with others to do events, I like playing MMO’s like a single player game. Why can’t I play this multiplayer game exactly the way I want to! – screw everyone else this game should be designed for my personal tastes.

Good Job on Evolved Wurm

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I agree, I actually completed this for the first time yesterday. I was fortunate to join a TTS attempt. Jumped in their teamspeak and had a blast. It was good to be part of a large organized event. These guys certainly knew what they were doing and it made they whole event that much better.

I was going to try and get in on another one of their runs today but didn’t bother as I’m guessing most of them will be trying out the new content for the next couple of days.