Showing Posts For Thobek.1730:

Hoping for a new type of Gear grind with PoF

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I would like to see some other kind of horizontal gear grind, or item drop. Not a increase in stats but perhaps introduce something that is solely focused on PvE.

An extra defensive and offensive stat on items or armour that helps you against new enemies. A bit like how Agony was introduced.

Doesn’t HAVE to be armour or weapons, I would just like something that is a progression outside of masteries which also gives me the satisfaction of getting a new item.

Since they have mounts now a rare mount drop would be good that only appears in a new dungeon.

Horrible service to long time players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


FREE?!?! the level of entitlement from the OP is too kitten high!!

Buy legendary or Expansion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


how can this even be a tough decision… get the expansion.

Please give the option to hide mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


mounts don’t ruin the game. FLYING MOUNTS DO.

Take World of Warcraft as an example. The Devs over there regretted putting in flying mounts and have been trying to remove them at least at the beginning of every expansion since their introduction. They remove any sort of tension or danger when you can just fly away or hover over them, Its also hard to stop people exploring the world and gaining access to areas before you should. If Anet doesn’t make the same mistake by introducing flying mounts then it’ll be just fine.

No official Ring of Fire (ep 2) announcement?

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


The boat travel reminds me a bit of using the ‘elevators’ in The Grove. Really cool the first couple of times, somewhat annoying later.

I not a Roleplayer but I’d use it more than once. I like that sense of a living moving world. Back when I played WoW one thing I enjoyed was waiting on the docks for a boats to pull in, everyone jumps on board and we travel for a bit then it phases out and then you’re sailing into shore. That beginning to WotLK when you first sail into the harbour felt epic.

I know they already have it in the game when you fight Taidha Covington, and a Krytan ship pulls into the Harbour. They’ve done it part of it, now they just need to add in a few more steps.

No official Ring of Fire (ep 2) announcement?

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I’m just hoping we get to travel there in a boat not some instant waypoint thing. I’d like to think its a massive journey to the islands. I want that epic vibe…

*spoiler* Hes Back

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Just posting to thank the OP for this… as a person who never played GW1 I find these threads great reading to help understand what the hell is going on.


Suggestion with those Journals.

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Once you have collected all the pages necessary to complete book can it not read like a complete book? Having to click in and out of these chapters and sub chapters seems lazy once you have it all there, about as lazy I am complaining about it.

It would be nice to read through it without having to click back, back, forward, forward just to read the next paragraph. I don’t even get me started on this ‘continue reading’ nonsense.

Guild calendar

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I’m part of a large guild (~400 members) but I have the biggest trouble with trying to organize a 10 man raid party. What I suggest is a calendar in the guild tab.

If Anet is bored of designing new things then just take what World of Warcraft has. Its so easy…

Have a calendar, let a captain (or through permissions) make an event with a signup. If you want to improve on what WoW has, give people the chance to define their preferred role for the raid. More options. UTC timings….

Currently with a social guild we need to use a third party website for this, which is obviously not the best way because your introducing another step which is easily overlooked. The more you put in-game the better. I’m sorry but people are lazy and need instant reassurance, going to a third party website does not feel like part of the game on a causal level.

I would like to hear from guild leaders on how they normally do this for small parties or if a calendar is a good idea, OR what what be preferable?

(edited by Thobek.1730)

Raids Need Their Own LFG Tab [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thobek.1730


i’ve said this multiple times and i am sure most of you will also feel how i do but i will not be trying raids fully for gw2 until they sort out LFG and allowing you to recruit a 10 man party for raids, please for god sakes create the tab and let people who rely on LFG to experience raids the way they should have been looked for in the first place.

completely agree!

When they introduced raids they should of added a raid tab in LFG and had the functionality to have 10 slots. At the moment its a messy solution to lump it with World Content.

Raids Need Their Own LFG Tab [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thobek.1730


They have already stated that they are working on making the lfg compatible with squads and that there will be a raid section then.

you don’t happen to have a link to where/when they said that?

LFG is probably one of the main reasons I don’t raid atm. They need to make it easier to create or join groups.

Raids Need Their Own LFG Tab [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thobek.1730


omg I couldn’t agree more. +1

bumpy bump bump. Sort it out Anet, and break it down into people forming a raid group and people wanting to join a raid group.

Unique WvW rewards?

in WvW

Posted by: Thobek.1730


What are the unique WvW rewards you can get?

I’ve played this game since launch and during my time in WvW I’ve experienced winning T1 for months, and currently we’ve dropped to T2. During that time (year ago) I’ve seen queue times for 3 out of the 4 maps. Now unfortunately we’re outmanned on all maps, no one is in the Borderlands, it’s a depressing ghost town. Even the numbers on the opposing sides look small.

Anet needs to look at what’s going on and bring in some decent incentives to entice new players and even grizzled veterans to come back. They also have to be unique and desirable. More achievements, more titles, armour, weapons, special shoulder effects, /rank type animations…

And finally those new Borderland maps are so confusing. No wonder people prefer EB, simple in design, nice open spaces yet with just enough alternative routes for roamers.

TOP 5 PLAYS Revival

in PvP

Posted by: Thobek.1730


have to admit when I first saw this idea I thought ‘Its going to be crap since you can barely see what’s going on’ BUT That sample video is great viewing , you explain everything, and slow the action down so plebs like me can actually understand why this was a good play.

I’ll happily watch more of these.

Bots invade Winter Wonderland JP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Hehe, nice to see that those cheaters are getting what they deserve. Too bad we don’t have Dhuum showing up to personally give ’em the banhammer like we did back in GW1.

So much this. Bring back Dhuum. I never played GW1 but I have seen the videos and it looks cool seeing him turn up to deliver justice.

OR have the local police drag them off crying.

lol Zero Counterplay rage quit?

in PvP

Posted by: Thobek.1730


omg I really want to hear from the members of zero counterplay about the current state of the games… I can imagine it’ll be full of kittens.

Contested Waypoints = annoying.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Its only a simple thing but they should open up all waypoints, its so annoying to see them contested all the time and therefore its a painfully long journey to get anywhere.

Open them up and allow the game to be more user friendly.. this is for the new maps only. It just reminded me how painful orr was when travelling around and a lot of the waypoints were contested there as well.

(edited by Thobek.1730)

LFG Tool - we need more categories! [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Instead of starting a new thread I’m just going to BUMP this one. The LFG tool is very messy at the moment.

We need more sub categories or a way to sort the open world section by event.

Immersion Shattered

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Look at it this way, it’s a nocturnal animal. There for, it will be at a big disadvantage in the day time, so instinct and self preservation will kick in, and it will run off to safety.

Immersion restored!

well this discussion got cleared up very quickly.

getting kicked from dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thobek.1730


well if they want the game to succeed then they need to develop something that allows the average person to enjoy the game and not get abused in that way.

Some people take these situations seriously and won’t log in, then the ripple effect of their friends leaving as well.

I’ve always seen GW2 in having the best community in any MMO I’ve played, and easily better than any FPS or Moba game. I hate seeing people like that in the game I choose as my main source of gaming entertainment.

Anet certainly could improve many things but they are not responsible for babysitting and if some people decide that getting kicked is enough to keep them offline, perhaps better if they don’t play online games.

Its not babysitting. Its looking after customer satisfaction of your product. You abuse people at any other public event security are going to give you the boot. Online games should not be treated differently. Online bullying is a thing.

The only MMO I’ve really experienced it in was WoW and that was a toxic kittenstorm (I see it all the time in Moba’s and FPS games) But I don’t really want to see it finding it’s way into GW2.

getting kicked from dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thobek.1730


well if they want the game to succeed then they need to develop something that allows the average person to enjoy the game and not get abused in that way.

Some people take these situations seriously and won’t log in, then the ripple effect of their friends leaving as well.

I’ve always seen GW2 in having the best community in any MMO I’ve played, and easily better than any FPS or Moba game. I hate seeing people like that in the game I choose as my main source of gaming entertainment.

getting kicked from dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I just read some post on reddit about some poor guys experience with a fractal, then others posted their screenshots of similar behaviour.

I guess one way to avoid these people is NOT to do fractals or dungeons unless you do it with people you know.

I think Anet should introduce a temporary or permanent ban to people like these AND notify the person who logged the complaint just show justice has been served.

how many others have experienced being kicked out of a dungeon or fractal only to have received whispers from them rubbing it in afterwards?

Why I am salty about Ascended...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I think all this talk about ascended weapons and armour is a mute point after just watching a video of a guy soloing a couple of the bosses on youtube.

you can all relax now. ascended doesn’t look like its needed – not when someone is already soloing the content.

Ascended Gear required to raid?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thobek.1730


And recommended means you are going to need it, so yes.

Recommended means that it will be easier with it.

Due to the small difference between Exotic and Ascended and the fact that we know that it won’t have to do with Agony, it is very unlikely that it would be possible to do with Ascended but at the same time impossible with Exotic.

Didn’t know 15% DPS was a small difference when you are talking about raid tuning. Great players will be able to make up that difference in exotics. The average player doesn’t even know what a rotation is, let alone getting skilled enough to execute their own properly.

So for the average player, it seems pretty safe to say you will need that DPS boost.

Really? I don’t think its safe to say anything without people actually testing the raid out.

Either way its unfair to expect Anet to factor in a random element like peoples stupidity into the equation. Raids have been described to us as the top end challenge – not an average challenge for your average player.

Even then most raids are all about learning the mechanics and patterns. Eventually top players will post their tactics, builds etc, and do all the hard work for your average player. All you will need is a little perseverance and some research.

I expect a lot of tears when the expansion gets released from your average player crying about how they couldn’t complete the entire raid in the first week.

Why I am salty about Ascended...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thobek.1730


TL/DR: Ascended is not grind gear, only legendaries are.

I have been actively hunting ascended gear for going on three years now. I (not counting trinkets) have three pieces at this point.

Killing the same mobs day in and out for three years to get three pieces of equipment. I had BiS before ascended was released. Three sets of armor and at least one of every weapon for my main. At this rate I can expect it to take in excess of 20 years to get back to where I was shortly after launch.

Not a grind ?

You are mistaken.

So your master plan of obtaining ascended gear is simply hope for it to drop off a mob? lol… sigh.

You do realise you can buy them of the Trading Post, or simply craft the items yourself.

Glad I could help.

Why havnt you bought HoT yet?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I’ve been a gamer long enough I don’t pre-order anything. I don’t do betas either and that’s usually the only real selling point of pre-orders.

I feel exactly the same way. I’ve been burnt from pre-ordering rubbish I wish I hadn’t in the past. I’m too long in the tooth to blindly rush into anything any more without seeing exactly what’s on offer.

Also I don’t like ruining the effect of a new game/expansion by trying it out in the beta. I want to experience it when it is finish and complete.

Why I am salty about Ascended...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thobek.1730


To be completely honest, i don’t believe for a second that ascended will be REQUIRED for raids. It’s 5% superior to exotics. I’d take a decent player in exos over a scrub in full pink any day.

Keep in mind 5% extra damage is ALOT if 10 people all are in ascended gear. That’s 50% more damage which will make a big change.

But to op the games been out for 3 years, and SW over a year. Getting the money to buy a full ascended set of weapons and armor should not be an issue for anyone in this game.

If you have 10 people pumping out 100 damage each, 5% for each person is an extra 5 damage. So if you add the total the damage its 1000 and include the total increase % its 50 damage. Which is still 5%. NOT 50%

Not sure where you learnt maths.


in PvP

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Just use the league of legends system but with a better report system to punish toxic behaviour that will ruin other peoples experiences.

Which will mean no premade vs randoms. Allow for solo or duo queue only but increase the duo queue MMR for that game to compensate for their communication/coordination advantages.

lost 8 in a row

in PvP

Posted by: Thobek.1730


well if they wanted a 50% winrate then they are spot on for all my characters. But its the way it happens which is a bit strange. Lots of streaks – win streaks followed by losing streaks.

The match making system isn’t perfect, it looks like its always playing catch up. Too many wins followed by too many loses to compensate.

I’m looking forward to this league system next expansion, it would be nice to include the data from GW2 efficiency INGAME. So we can see for ourselves our past game results without having to go to a website. How hard can it be? the data is there, just add a tab and format the information in the interface style. too easy.

What Gw2 Games Look like to Outsiders

in PvP

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I enjoy watching e-sports, I enjoy playing GW2 but I can’t force myself to watch GW2 pvp because of what the OP said – its incredibly confusing to see what is going on.

Even the commentators lose the action when casting. If they can’t follow it what chance does your random viewer have?

pvp is turbo mode...

in PvP

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Is this the direction Anet wanted to go? It seems like the pace of pvp has gone way up, and there is a lot more one shot potential for most classes.

Personally I think it should be toned down a bit so it becomes more of a duel instead of who can push the ‘nuke’ button the fastest.

The potential for outplaying your opponent now is limited when people die within a second.

Grenade Barrage Bug

in PvP

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Ahhh thanks for this post… now I understand why I was dropping dead instantly.

"Veteran Player" Entitlement.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I’m with the OP on this. Anet owe me nothing and I’m also happy to spend $50 on this expansion.

They have given me years of entertainment for next to no cost and I feel no issues with supporting them now.

disappointed with the community tbh.

and we are disappointed that your are disappointed with us trying to get everyone a better deal. Wouldn’t paying 35$ or 40$ be a good thing?

actually no, I’m happy to support them. I’ve been playing this game for a few years now and its great value for money. time to give back.

"Veteran Player" Entitlement.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I’m with the OP on this. Anet owe me nothing and I’m also happy to spend $50 on this expansion.

They have given me years of entertainment for next to no cost and I feel no issues with supporting them now.

disappointed with the community tbh.

Nicest community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


As someone who is bad at pvp but still pvps on a daily basis I have to say that this community is a lot more forgiving than in other games, and I’ve played it on both eu and na. If you want to see what a real toxic community looks like, play some League of Legends

I play League of legends, although I agree that community is by far the worst, GW2’s isn’t far behind.

GW2 is lightyears behind in toxicity compared to LoL. Have you played and FPS? they are far worse.

WoW once allowed both factions to talk to each other but the amount of toxic behaviour forced them to revert their decision. Even then the amount of toxic behaviour amongst your own team is enough. They are a terrible bunch.

Sure you get the occasional toxic person but normally its when you destroy them in pvp and they complain that whatever class you’re playing is the most OP one currently. To me its a sense of accomplishment – I have got into this person’s head so much he feels like he needs to defend his poor play.

I’ve also played 100’s of pvp matches and nothing really stands out as being overly toxic.

Gliders just a worse version of flying mount

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thobek.1730


The thing is they designed the new maps with gliders in mind. obviously they are going to be very vertically designed. I don’t really want to see people gliding all over the old maps. Something just doesn’t sit well with me on that.

There is a reason why WoW has decided to remove flying from their latest expansion after having it for years. It completely breaks the immersion.

Day 1 Revenant: Level 1 or Level 80?

in Revenant

Posted by: Thobek.1730


No way I’m going to quickly level him up to 80. I’m going to savor every level.

I’ve been waiting for another alt to level and I won’t skip the experience.

Teeny Tiny Expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thobek.1730


All I see from the OP is ‘could of, should of’ and a bunch of other things he doesn’t know about but it already making assumptions.

Just wait until it comes out. see how big the areas are, what is offered, how much new content there actually is THEN come back and start complaining.

Do you think HoT will update Orr?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thobek.1730


That kinda sucks. The world should update along with the expansion.

That would be a nice feature, It doesn’t have to be all of Orr otherwise the personal story wouldn’t make much sense but maybe some areas on the borders could be cleansed without interfering to much.


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thobek.1730


A new race would of been nice but it would be an enormous amount of work. This isn’t like WoW where the armour skins are horrible and are basically low polygon pieces. Even to make the new race fit all the current armour pieces would be such a massive undertaking.

I don’t think people really understand how much work goes into creating new content like a playable race. New zone, New voice acting, New character customisation, refitting armour (and New cultural armour), New living story, New lore, New animations for each class and all their abilities…

No level increased ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I don’t want to see GW2 going down the same road as WoW, that bugged the crap out of me to be leveling again after each xpac and seeing all my hours of obtaining gear to become obsolete.

Also I didn’t like in WoW how one xpac I’m killing a dragon, next xpac I’m struggling to kill this squirrel in the new zone. It was just stupid.

Then there is the numbers crunch which has finally caught up to WoW and again it’s becomes silly.

I think the GW2 system of horizontal progression is such a good idea. My character can still develop new skills as if I was leveling without the unnecessary level increase attached to it or the unnecessary gear loss.

ANet Writers

in Lore

Posted by: Thobek.1730


and I’ll say it again. sylvari being dragon minions is incredibly stupid, and I’m kind of surprised mccoys work was taken seriously.

Your comment is going to get removed, but before that happens. I agree. As far as compelling plot ideas go, this is not one.

I agree… maybe in the future they will shock us and not everything will be connected to dragons but for now its not that compelling when everything points in one direction.

No Patch Next Week please reconsider

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


what doesn’t make sense is the 6 week gap between the second to last episode and the finale. You lose a lot of momentum in the story structuring it in such an odd way.

I’m curious to see how successful this Spvp system will work. I feel like that part of the game is just not working at all. For a game that has millions of players the Spvp servers aren’t very busy at all. They say “MMO PvP Is Stronger than Ever in GW2” but everything I see points to the opposite.

When I played wow most people who played arena were only there to gain honor so they could buy reasonably decent gear for BG’s and/or scrape into raids with the minimum gear requirements. To make it succeed you really need to look at the rewards.

Is there any unique gear you can get from Spvp? If not then there should be.

Labyrinth is an armor repair grind

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


This is just so confusing. I’m pretty sure I was paying for my armor repairs yesterday at Camp Resolve.

The design seems all over the place. Now you pay for armor repairs, now you don’t. Now you have magic find, now you don’t

Doesn’t sound like its too hard to confuse you. Repairs have been free for a long time now.

Things change, updated and unnecessary game mechanics get replaced, deleted or updated. Its in patch notes which Anet are very transparent about. Nearly every game on the market these days have patch updates.

what rock have you been living under? It’s almost like you can’t be bothered reading what’s changed and need someone to personally come over and guide you through it.

New Narrative Director at ANet

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Need a strong male character. All the ones we currently have seem to be wusses….

He should be a tragic hero that is kittened off and full of conviction! Complex!

Sounds somewhat generic but I’m sure he could be molded into something great.

Anyway…Welcome and good luck. :P

omg! 100% this!! we have no strong male characters. Currently all males characters are being dominated by females or are just pathetic! can you please fix this I beg you!

please put this game back on the right path and give us a strong male lead. Just one or maybe two? One dark and aloof and one loud and brazen with a quick wit.

. . . if you think that’s what’s wrong with the story, then I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.

don’t be sorry, I know there is a lot wrong with the story but this just one thing that really annoys me. And instead of attacking how bad the other characters are I thought it best to focus on bringing a new likable male lead.

Does living story lack politics?

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


politics or just conflict? Because if you are suggesting they do what they did with the latest star wars movies and introduce a bucket load of boring politics the NO, please no.

This game needs action! not crap like voting etc – we’ve done that already. boring.

New Narrative Director at ANet

in Living World

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Need a strong male character. All the ones we currently have seem to be wusses….

He should be a tragic hero that is kittened off and full of conviction! Complex!

Sounds somewhat generic but I’m sure he could be molded into something great.

Anyway…Welcome and good luck. :P

omg! 100% this!! we have no strong male characters. Currently all males characters are being dominated by females or are just pathetic! can you please fix this I beg you!

please put this game back on the right path and give us a strong male lead. Just one or maybe two? One dark and aloof and one loud and brazen with a quick wit.

1 year since the last dungeon..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Someone just made me aware of when the last dungeon was released. 1 YEAR AGO.

personally I find that no new dungeons in a year isn’t good at all. Why is this? Have Anet looked at the stats and found that only a very small percentage actually run dungeons? Maybe its the elitism that scares people away? Is it the constant posts from people saying they don’t want to be forced to group with others to complete content that have discouraged Anet from making more? Perhaps they are spending time trying to fix the ones they already have?

Personally I only complete dungeons maybe 3-4 times a week, but I do like the variety in gameplay. It would be nice to see some more.

Ferox vs sharks

in PvP

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Sorry but trash talking is a part of every competitive sport.

Really? I’ve yet to see Roger Federer slagging off Rafael Nadal in the middle of a tennis match. Or Tiger Woods calling James McElroy’s mom a “kitten” during a tee-off. Even for direct competitive sports like boxing or MMA, there’s still a certain respect and decorum that exists, and should exist, between the contenders.

As I’ve said elsewhere, maybe games like League of Legends or Call of Duty may have players insulting the skritt out of each other during the match, but I personally approve of ANet trying to cultivate a better class of player for their PvP scene.

Well said!

trash talking should be done out of the game, but not during matches.

The Minority Are heavily favoured .

in PvP

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I’d be surprised if 20,000 people worldwide play structured PvP at least once a month.

I wouldn’t even put it that high, I’d say more in the ballpark of ~5k.

I agree, numbers have dropped significantly and I’m sure Anet are well aware of this.

I jumped on today and struggled to find a full server, I also struggled to find a match where the numbers were even (in fact I never found an even matchup)

If they could just sort out the horrible balance issues then I’m sure Spvp wouldn’t be such a bad experience. The problem is when its 5v5 and you drop a player that’s quite a disadvantage. Back in my WoW days in BGs if you dropped a player they would be quickly replaced, if one was a bot then that’s ok losing 1/10 isn’t a huge issue.

what’s the solution?