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Changes wvw needs - let's be constructive

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


I also want to further reinforce the idea on why we need the gamewide alliance chat system. (This may be a lengthy post.)

State of the game mode from my personal view
For the record, I am a huge supporter of skirmish, server linking, bringing more reward incentive and scoring tweaks to the game mode. I believe they are positive changes to the game mode and I personally believe anet have done a great job so far.

However, no matter how you tweak the score, this will not solve the fundamental issue that has been plaguing WvW for a long time – population & coverage imbalance. But how do you solve population imbalance?

Anet can’t force people to move servers. They can’t force people to play WvW all the time. It would be horrible if they diminish the contribution for people that happens to live in a different timezone. They can’t provide reward incentives which will ultimately lead to even more bandwagon. They blocked server transfers which generated a lot of controversies. Server linking can’t always be perfect.

Anet can continue to tweak the scoring system as much as they want. But it will never FEEL perfect as long as there are imbalances in population. But the day when the scoring system artificially creates a close game between a dominating server against a weak server, is the day I give up on WvW. Wait, but why should we even care about the score? What do we even get from it?

Why fostering a community is important and should be #1 priority
This isn’t about putting more resources into WvW. The game mode is stuck in this vicious cycle of population vs incentive vs bandwagon. They could have all the resources they need, but what could they do to escape this cycle?

Of course, not all players care about the scoring and PPT, they just want to have fun – which can be either roaming, defending, capping, fighting or anything. But despite how we think which play style WvW should revolve around, what really holds all of us together is the community.

Have you ever noticed that whenever a keep (especially eb keep) is under attack, most of us despite our different play styles, comes together to defend the keep. The roamers gank stray zerglings running to their zerg. The fighters/cappers runs with the commander to defend it. People build sieges in attempt to support the main group (btw people shouldn’t have problems with sieges when it’s for defending structures – but should /gg themselves when used in open field).

We have been gradually losing our sense of server community over the years. It started with the bandwagoning for the WvW season rewards, then the megaserver, now the server linking.

Why is server community important? You don’t have to think hard, just look at eotm. Eotm is what WvW will look like when our sense of server community is gone. No score system, siege/skill balance, transfer restrictions will fix it.

So why game-wide server alliance chat? – “Finally got to this part”
We don’t feel we are part of the server when outside of WvW. A lot of players when not running with their guild/friends, get bored and leave WvW when they see nothing is going on. There’s no way for a regular players on the same server to stay informed of events happening in WvW. Servermanders sometimes also struggle to find enough people to get something worthwhile going or defend objectives – which leads to more demoralisation and more people leaving WvW/server, thus even less activity – when in fact, many of them are in PVE/PVP waiting for something to happen in WvW.

Other suggestions to foster server community
In game squad VOIP. Yes I know TS exist, but not everyone like using a third party software for many reasons not everyone may be able to comprehend. But this will stop people from feeling excluded, or commanders/guild hating the server because people do not want to use TS.


  • The game mode is stuck in this vicious cycle of population vs incentive vs bandwagon.
  • Fostering a community should be #1 priority
  • Eotm is what WvW will look like when our sense of server community is gone
  • Many players are in PVE/PVP waiting for something to happen in WvW but are detached from the server community when not in WvW maps.

P.S. I hope anet is reading these kind of post – at least say simple stuff like “Hi” or “We are listening!”, this will make many people happy. People may or may not agree with me which is totally fine. I just want to put my thought out here and hopefully see the game succeed no matter what happens.

Server loyalty doesn’t come from where you started, or what the names are. It is about the people and community you play with.

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(edited by ThunderPanda.1872)

Changes wvw needs - let's be constructive

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


Arguably, it’s taking ideas from these forums that has put WvW into the chaotic state it’s in. If you read back over the dev posts here just about everything post-HoT has been done “at the request of players”. And then there was all that polling…

On the other hand, before that we had ANet making WvW changes without consultation, or with consultation that was largely ignored, which is how we ended up with both EotM and DBL, neither of which has been a runaway success in terms of helping the core WvW mode to prosper.

It’s threads like this that gave us the current 5:4:3 scoring system and the Tiered points for structures. Over and over again ideas are suggested on these forums that, when adopted, are vilified on the same forums. It’s similar to the way posters here routinely denigrate the current metas and playstyles visible in game although almost without exception those are the outcome of direct player choice rather than anything imposed by ANet.

It’s clear that there is and has never been any consensus. On balance I would prefer the least bad choice, which I would contend would be for ANEt to make the WvW they want to make and stick to it. If that does eventually result in a “ded gaem” then they can close it down and use the resources elsewhere. All this endless tinkering and fiddling around the edges is just prolonging the agony.

I disagree. From the huge variety of suggestions suggested in this forum vs the things that are actually implemented, anet clearly thoroughly evaluated the suggestions and formed their own opinions. Everyone has their own opinion on how WvW should be played – just like how you hate the new scoring system, while just as many people supports it.

WvW is not an easy mode to develop. Clearly no one has found any genius idea that can fix all the WvW problems (including the devs or we would already have it now). There is nothing wrong with us brainstorming our ideas for anet to consider. After all, it is us the players who are playing the game, and despite all our disagreements, we all want to see the game mode succeed.

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(edited by ThunderPanda.1872)

Changes wvw needs - let's be constructive

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


Remember the days when people used to go to LA/Queensdale to get help from people in PVE for golem rush/keep defend? When people felt great being in the server community?

Let’s bring it back!

Instead worrying about the gimmicks of names, let us have a gamewide server alliance chat system through all game modes that can easily be turned on/off, with some restrictions to avoid spam.

Some example restrictions could be:
- Only can write message in WvW – this will pretty much also limit the spam from f2p alt accounts
- One post per duration of time
- Maybe tied to wxp rank? Extra control on f2p alt account

Server loyalty and pride don’t really come from the name, it’s from the interactions within the server community.

For those that will say “But this won’t fix the population balance etcetc.” Of course it won’t. There is no magic formula to immediately fix the issue with 1 or 2 big changes – hopefully you realised that after all these years. Everyone will have their own, always conflicting, opinion on what makes WvW WvW. The only thing that no one ever disagrees is the sense of server community.

So why don’t we start with making the greater community care for WvW and on their respective server?

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(edited by ThunderPanda.1872)

New Worlds

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


As long players are transferring arround like crazy it will be impossible to achieve any kind of population balance via linking, no matter how many worlds there are. More smaller worlds just mean more opportunities to join stacked server links for cheap.

I actually think they should return to a fixed transfer cost now like how it used to be, it’s becoming more and more irrelevant after server linking came into effect.

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New Worlds

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


I think this makes sense, the more worlds, the more granular control anet have to better balance matchups. I wouldn’t leave my current server unless all my guild left and the transfer was free.

This “add more servers and make it all equal” will never work. Ever. There is zero possible chance that both anet and players will be able to divide out all players evenly. The best they/we can hope for is 3 faction wvw, with more maps and comprised of current individual servers, with individual server relinking to balance as need be. Anything else is a fail.

I don’t think you get the point of this proposal. You don’t need all servers to be equal. Even if the new 3 or 6 servers only have 5-10%(or some statistics whatever) of total wvw population. it just needs to be more spread out so anet can better link servers more equally.

Nobody is going to spread out and play nice. We need to 1 up Camelot Unchained and beat it on all fronts or don’t bother. Anet has to reinvest in wvw, professions and combat systems for pvp… make factions… upgrade/fix engine fir mass combat… improve rewards… The devs need to market wvw and get more people playing, not micromanage the overall low wvw playerbase.

I agree with you on reinvesting and promoting WvW, which is kinda what they’re doing now? So they need to do both really – which includes balancing population. This is why I think server linking is a lot better than merging – more flexibility. And to make WvW great again, they need to balance and micromanage the playerbase? There will always be some people who will transfer, they don’t need too much for this to work. Should probably give some incentive for people to do that? idk free gold? free badges? +50% on reward track? idk But I know that $rewards$ > everything to most players.

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(edited by ThunderPanda.1872)

New Worlds

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


Why dont you add some tactics to WvW that can help smaller group win the larger instead of balancing the population? i usaully think that it would be fun if we could do an ambush strategy with only 6-10 ppl to the blobs.

That’s probably one of the reason why they keep increasing the strength and variety of sieges and ignore most of the QQs. But if 6-10 ppl can kill a blob of 30+, that wouldn’t be balanced, just on the opposite scale. Keeping them away or stopping them from taking structures is a good enough balance imo.

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Identities of Linked Worlds

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


1. SOLN1: I think that’s just going to take away identity more, eventually names won’t even mean anything to anyone.
SOLN2: Interesting, but how does that have anything to do with identity outside of each individual guild? Not to mention it would be extremely confusing as well.
SOLN3: My favourite out of these three. Although it sound pretty limited on how much it would actually change the current state.

2. How about mixing solution 1 and solution 3? Give the alliance a name (in panel UI – hover over to display servers, map UI). When a server captures an objective, display the respective server’s REAL name.
Within the alliance, try to make as much separation and distinctions as possible. To the opposing teams, just display the alliance’s name in the nameplate and interface? Objective capture message can show the respective server’s REAL name to the opposing team, just give it the correct background color.
and plz do away the host-guest server relationship

It’d be great if you could make it feel like an alliance of individual server (with separate identities) coming together (give it an alliance name) to fight the alliance of the other servers (where you would only care about their alliance name).
PVE analogy is (Order of Whisper, Priory, Vigil coming together to form the Pact to fight Elder Dragons (notice Elder Dragons? no one cares as much about the individual dragons in this case)

Maybe have a small marker or something to mark which servers they’re from for enemies?

3. I won’t recommend merging servers because linking is way better than having to remerging every few months for balance. idk idk, it is a hard topic to solve.

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(edited by ThunderPanda.1872)

New Worlds

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


I think this makes sense, the more worlds, the more granular control anet have to better balance matchups. I wouldn’t leave my current server unless all my guild left and the transfer was free.

This “add more servers and make it all equal” will never work. Ever. There is zero possible chance that both anet and players will be able to divide out all players evenly. The best they/we can hope for is 3 faction wvw, with more maps and comprised of current individual servers, with individual server relinking to balance as need be. Anything else is a fail.

I don’t think you get the point of this proposal. You don’t need all servers to be equal. Even if the new 3 or 6 servers only have 5-10%(or some statistics whatever) of total wvw population. it just needs to be more spread out so anet can better link servers more equally.

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New Worlds

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


Can NA WvW link with China WvW ?

china have huge Sea player. It’s good for blance

yea best, close down NA servers. Lets all move servers to China.

But on a serious note, it’s probably impossible, due to many many issues.

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(edited by ThunderPanda.1872)

New Worlds

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


1. I doubt it’ll be easy to convince people to switch without providing enough incentive. It’s not always only about the people in the same guild, not everyone is in a hardcore wvw guild. But this plan probably only needs some people to move off, so I guess that’s good enough.

Though if people do destack, this is a great idea. Even if some do, coverage gaps still would be absolutely kitten.

2. I’m not a bit fan of permanently closing servers, new friends playing won’t be able to join, and good luck to me to convince everyone I already play with to transfer off the server. If possible, probably should let absolutely new player with 0 ap join any servers. (and get that $$$$$$$$ for people who would buy more new accounts just to get into the server)

shameless promote my post on coverage

3. I don’t play prime time, so I’m always skeptical about whether I have people to play with. I also have people I already play with on the server (unless they change, then maybe). So no, unless I’m convinced.

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[Suggestion] A better way to balance coverage

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


I actually wanted to put this in title but dang 45 characters limit:
[Suggestion] Coverage: Punish Karma Train Not Timezone
Sounds a lot better right?

I’m not sure if this had been brought up before, since I don’t lurk in the forum everyday, but I just want to share some of my personal ideas on how to balance coverage.

Skip these 4 paragraphs if you don’t want to see paragraphs of rant

From what I’ve seen on post around the forum, a lot of people suggested a flat reduction in contribution for specific timezone they do not play in. This is (obviously) a controversial move.

I play on NA server, so I’ll be speaking from NA’s perspectives.

It’s easy to point the finger and blame on people who don’t live in the US. I won’t argue that OCX/SEA timezone can occasionally be extremely unbalanced, but it isn’t always mega blob vs a few people.

There are also times when 5-10 people (lets say red) can flip everything because the 5-10 people from blue didn’t bother grouping up and defend (or playing solo, i.e. roaming, RP) – or that 1 person cursing in team chat because no one wants to defend. Why should red be penalised for it? Just because they play in a different timezone? The last thing I want to see in WvW is T1 servers having a close match with a low tier server with similar NA population, just because anything outside of NA is negligible.

There are also times on off-days, where you can find massive karma trains during NA timezone. Shouldn’t they receive the same treatment?

The Problem:

  1. Imbalance of population coverage
  2. Don’t want to penalise timezones
  3. Ensure everyone can contribute as much as they deserve.
    – If difference between active players on all sides in a given time span is balanced, nothing is penalised (even if they don’t want to defend)
    – If its a megablob karma training vs a few defenders, reduce the total contribution to ALL servers.

What we seem to have already:

  1. It seems like the tool to calculate how many players are on each map at the given time already exist (Outnumbered Buff)
  2. Skirmishes and a short 5 minute ppt update (whatever you call that)

A Potential Solution: (of course values can be tweaked, these are just examples)

  1. Observe the total number of players every 5 minutes and continue for 2 hours until skirmish ends.
  2. At each skirmish, calculate the total difference in player between all teams within that skirtmish.
    – Three servers all balanced gets (1st: 5pts, 2nd: 4pts, 3rd: 3pts)
    – Two servers balanced gets (1st: 4pts, 2nd: 3pts, 3rd: 2pts)
    – One super mega blob karma train (1st: 3pts, 2nd: 2pts, 3rd: 1pt)
    – 10 players on all sides in the range of 2 hours (just tell those servers to kys)
    (By balanced I mean within idk?(maybe a percentage difference between servers?))
  3. Not limited to timezone – can also happen during prime time

I don’t see the problem with the additional +2, +1 the skirmish points we currently have – more excitement more reward, right? Matches can be decided during times when people fight over it.

“BUT EVERYONE WILL JUST QUIT WVW TO MANIPULATE THE SYSTEM” – well, if they would prefer not to have fun playing just to win PPT and get nothing………………………… might as well reconsider life.
When the day comes when population and coverage balance are solved and we can get rewards for winning matchups, if some server quits close to reset – who cares, drama fuels wvw interest anyways <3 – and at least there’s enough competition to do that, better than karma train Friday

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(edited by ThunderPanda.1872)

Let’s Talk Scoring…

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


It hardly get fixed when u guys at Anet dont change where and what the real issues are.

I’m assuming you do? I’ve already seen 999999 different claims of what the REAL issues are, and they’re all just as valid as the statistics I just gave.

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(edited by ThunderPanda.1872)

Thoughts on Scoring, Comebacks, and Future

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


Proposed changes.

  • Remove the tally of all objectives every 15 minutes.
  • Repurpose the defense event for objectives code to create a new objective score event.

As much as I hate ppt, I actually think it’s necessary. Objective based scoring just leads to a whole lot of problems.

Not sure if I understood you completely, but you seem to have a timer based objective scoring:
Your version of objective based scoring doesn’t seem like it would change anything. In practice, it is essentially the same as ppt currently (just ppf – points per flip). (I don’t know who gets the point but: if defender gets point on flip = why would attacker flip; if attacker gets point on flip = why would the defender defend?)

Even if you have a max ppt per control, it only makes weaker servers harder to compete. Weaker servers will not be able to hold/cap objectives as efficiently as a stronger server – they won’t be able to hold their structures for a long time. Scoring will still be lopsided significantly in addition to being confusing and unpredictable.

Also, fighting constantly over an objective can be fun, why do we want to discourage it?

Your proposal probably may not be worse than the current system, but I don’t see how it is better.

Other objective based scoring I’ve seen around the forum (without timer):
- WvW is not about fighting in one place (it’s something pvp/gvg would do), it’s about the amount of ‘objectives/land’ you control. With objective based scoring (without timer), you are disadvantaged the more land you hold. If they don’t have > 13 objectives on a single map, maybe objective based scoring would work, except that wouldn’t be WvW as we know it anymore.

- If you don’t reward any ‘objective points’ to caps without defenders, that destroys the game for a lot of roaming communities who pride themselves in ‘ninja caps’. Groups can also simply just leave the objective to deny the opposing server any points.

I agree with what Tyler’s post on dividing up ppt into ‘sets’ or ‘skirmishes’ as he called it.


  • Winning a Skirmish by a small margin, or a large margin, awards the same number of victory points.
  • This keeps the winning and losing scores closer together, allowing the losing worlds a fighting chance
  • Teams will still want to win as many time slices as possible, off-hours coverage is still important, but less dominant

Especially the third point. But I do not agree with nerfing ppt for off hour population. It’s not PVD all the time during off hours contrary to popular belief. I acknowledge that off hour coverage is unstable and hardest to balance, but this is the fairest way to reduce the dominance of those timezones without pooping on anyone.

I think 5 minutes tick is too short, but 15 minutes is too long especially under the new ‘skirmish’ system. 5 minute is pretty much a guaranteed point after capture (it’s effectively objective scoring in a way). I would rather see 8 -10 minutes RI, this gives a chance for the opposing server to cap the objective back before the tick, but this is all about subjective personal preference.

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(edited by ThunderPanda.1872)

Let’s Talk Scoring…

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


I am a SEA player. Over the last year especially since GW2 China came out, we have experienced a big drop in numbers playing WvW. Changing scoring to effectively reduce the contributions that we make on scores effectively is telling us that we are not needed in this game. I paid the same dollars as an American player did when I bought this game, I buy as much gems as the average player or maybe even more. I’m not sure if there might even be a case for suing Anet for making a scoring change to effectively favour people in other timezones in a MMO game played globally. I’m pretty sure this is tantamount to biasness towards part of your customer base who have made the loudest criss about “nightcapping”, but for your European, Asian and Australian players on NA servers, you are making it unfair to these customers of yours. So yeah, I hope Tyler you will have some serious considerations about this and refrain from making a decision that undermines a big portion of your customer base.

I do believe that the need to retain the population during times that 98% play the game exceed the need of the 2%. Offtime cappers have undermined a vast majority of the customer base for 4 years.

This scoring change will turn everything topsy turvy and I’m still not sure it will even accomplish what they say it will do.

I like where you stats are coming from. It pretty much invalidate everything you said.

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Naw Night Capping Isnt a Thing

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


I have no idea what point is this thread trying to prove. Maguuma is mostly EU and SBI had alot of Asians last I knew.

Probably because this thread is more interesting than gw2wvw forum nowadays

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Let’s Talk Scoring…

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


I don’t get the scrutinizing against ocx/sea with their scaling, I can name at least few servers who has more NA than NA. If ocx/sea gets popluation scaling, so should NA

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Let’s Talk Scoring…

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


I’m not sure exactly how scaling based on population works. But I hope it’s based off the poplulation on ALL side (e.g. even numbers, say like 30 people each team will get you 3 points) and not overall population say like < 100 people across wvw hence get scaling if 1

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Naw Night Capping Isnt a Thing

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


Ok yall made some really good points during your time of bashing my last post here. Thus I will have to level with yall not in favor of nerf batting ’night cappers" That is fine like I said they are some good points.

However now lets focus on how to make the now clearly unbalanced scoring system. balanced. The one that currently makes the busy on-peek hours tooth and nail fighters’ time worth a lot less then then the “few players and guilds that only PvD” or outnumber the other servers 4 to 1 or greater during the other two server off-peek hours with little to no resistance.

Again no matter how it happens I don’t think ANet would be able to balance the scoring system with-out either using one of these solutions.

A.) Nerfing the amount of PPT across the board that happens when only one server is awake.

B.) Buffing the amount of PPT that happens across the board when their are heavy resistance from all of the servers.

C.) Buff the hell out of the outnumbered buff and make it scale to how outnumbered your server is.“Hard to exploit this ideal”

D.) Create a scaleable overpowered debuff for the server that is stacked during the off-peek hours of the other two servers. “Simi-expliotable, but less then the current scoring system.”

E.) A mixture of all of the above.

So honestly while being a bit civil what do yall think about these ideals?

How about divide WvW up into multiple sets? So no runaway score? Everyone will be happy with that.

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Naw Night Capping Isnt a Thing

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


So many people claiming SEA/OCX pvd all the time. Probably pulled their facts out of a kitten’s bum

And after doing some research of my own their are Asia servers.

BTW, there are no Asia servers. If you’re talking about China GW2, not only it is a completely different thing, you are also being insulting to SEA people. You are pretty much generalising all SEA people as Chinese. Even if they do speak mandarin like Taiwan, Hong Kong, SG and some other, they do not have direct access to GW2 China as well. If you buy the game in a retail shop in those country, you are picking up NA/EU version of gw2.

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(edited by ThunderPanda.1872)

Roamer Rant

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


Solo roaming maybe? But group roaming nah.

What you are saying pretty much imply → The reason why desert maps are better because people rarely play them, that’s why you don’t see as much people.

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DBL/WvW Change Suggestions

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


I would like to see some more changes to the DBL when they comeback.

Extending the towers walls, all four of them, so they can hit other objectives. Like north towers in the ABL could hit garrison. The south west tower could hit bay.

Having a route out of spawn directly into north camp. On ABL, the rush to save north camp was one of the great things. Also, this would help people rush to Earth keep for saves. Those rushes were also amazing because a mesmer could port you from spawn to Garrison when the wp was down in ABL. I would love to see this in DBL.


Hated the knock back thing in air keep that blows you off cliffs, glad they scaled it back a little (but please just disappear completely)

Popping up rock walls can die. I don’t mind if they’re permanent structures though.

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Borderlands very empty

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


oh you’re talking about desert borderlands, yep you’re right.

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Naw Night Capping Isnt a Thing

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


Down with NA daycapping and how dare EU play when I’m asleep.

Yes how dare NA daycap on their own servers. And people wondered why they only see me online in GW2 once in a blue moon. Playing another MMORPG called ESO where this isn’t even a remote issue, where “seasons” are happening everyday and winning for your faction is the only way to get some of the dankest pvp gear in the game, also not to mention the large sum of gold you get if your alliance wins the 30 day campaign during that cycle. And among other things which I will not mention here.

I done with this thread, carry on with yalls sorry excuse of R v R v R competitive.


You’re right, Anet should just kick all the Aussies, Zealanders, Asians etc out.

kitten it you sucked me right back, -.- No there are two real solutions none of which is profitable for ANet.

Solution A = ANet creates Asia/OCX servers for that group of gamers to WvW on, very costly.

Solution B = PPT Scoring during NA prime time on NA servers and EU prime time on EU servers are greatly increased to compensate for servers stacking off peek timezones for the dumbest of the easiest wins.

A – Dream on.
B – You make it sound like people intentionally stack to fight a glorious crusade on doors just to win the game of ppt on Friday. There are better champ bag trains in PVE tyvm. Transfers cost money, not any guilds can just transfer all the time to have something to fight / or transfer to the currently winning server.

Should we implement “weekday” capping solutions as well since most people play during the weekends?


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Nerf to "night capping "

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


PAAAAAANIIIIIIIIC… Oh wait a minute, we dont have an idea how anet is going to implement this.

Lets cry when we have pain and not before having it, shall we…

Honestly though, when we actually find out what the plan is, most likely it’ll be too late to change anything.

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Scoring option for "Night cappers"

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


So, isn’t that why OP said:

Next 8 hours the score resets back to 0.

Well, 8 hours fits nicely for dividing up regions within a day, but it can be anywhere from 12 hours or 1-3 days. Personally I would prefer at least 1-2 days because it will reduce the impact of definite win for a specific time zone throughout the week.

server C would be smart to help server B take a fully upgraded keep from server A – it benefits both of them to make it paper.

Upgrades won’t reset, only accumulated ppt resets. So it’s like ppt x 2. So if both servers don’t want this upgraded keep to keep ticking for ppt, maybe they both will want to paper it?

It won’t feel much different from WvW currently, except scores are a lot closer to chase after. Servers who want to play for second will always play for second. We see it even right now, why cap the strong server A when you can easily backcap server B when server B is preoccupied with server A? This will let me tick slightly closer to server B.

Like I said, this suggestion doesn’t remove absolutely dominating server ticking 400+, but the weaker server won’t have to chase over tens of thousands of points during their stronger timeslot.

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(edited by ThunderPanda.1872)

make wvw purely guild based

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872



What more can I say?

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Scoring option for "Night cappers"

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


I wholeheartedly agree that WvW scoring should be divided up into blocks to prevent runaway week. I wanted to but didn’t vote for scoring change in the poll because I was worried about diminishing none NA/EU prime’s points value.

[Mini Rant about ‘Night capping’]
Honestly what is night capping? If night capping means being capped when the server’s most active time zone is asleep/work, does that mean JQ’s night capping is NA’s time? So servers that matches up with JQ should have NA ppt nerfed? Or are people in NA time zone == VIP, so everyone else don’t matter.

The problem with this proposal is it creates a double team against the second place server. First place server is only capable of being threatened by second place, so they focus them. Last place server is only capable of threatening second place, so they focus them.

I don’t see how this will be an issue at all. At least I can’t see how it differs from the current system or any other systems. Whatever scoring system you use, second place will always be closest to first place? Third place will always be closest to second place?

At least under OP’s suggestion, comebacks appear more achievable and makes the game mode more competitive for the entire week.

Dominating server will always dominate, at least less people will get demoralised from chasing 50k+ points, only getting like +/-30 points closer/further per tick (assuming an even timeslot).

It doesn’t really address population coverage issue, but honestly, is there really a better way other than poop over everyone who plays outside of NA/EU prime?

Unfortunately I don’t have any ideas how to balance population coverage. But I’m definitely sure that pooping on ‘night’ ppt, or any methods that diminishes the value of players’ contribution is not the way to go. Maybe have some incentive to make people spread out more? I honestly don’t know. But I believe OP’s suggestion is not a cure, but a worthy compromise that can at least lessen the pain.

Maybe this pooping over other time zone is not what Anet has in mind. But I’m just paranoid from seeing so much reddit/forum post that uses this suggestion to ‘address ’night capping’ ’

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(edited by ThunderPanda.1872)

Alpine Borderlands needs to be prio #1

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


That’s not to say some changes wouldn’t be good – it is a real shame the northern towers don’t have the strategic role they have in the ABls – but please keep them in rotation.

Just want to second this. IMO the northern towers on desert bl feels like its in the middle of nowhere. No one really cares what happens to it. You don’t see the ‘defend the north if you want to keep garry’ thing anymore, and where defending upgraded north towers would take priority over things like attacking a keep for example, like on alpine.

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The QQ about Queue Queues [Merged]

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


But seriously, in the past we would all be scared kittenless when only our north towers were getting hit. Most EB group would hop to bl just to save the north towers. Now it’s like, Air Keep? Fire Keep? What are they? Oh just another supply camp flipped on our bl.

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(edited by ThunderPanda.1872)

The QQ about Queue Queues [Merged]

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


Outside of prime time (because prime time is all queued anyways), EB queue = entire WvW is queued and unplayable QQ. Honestly from my personal superior analysis with nothing but my own deepest personal desire, maybe Alpine Borderland should come back, less people will QueueQueue too.

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(edited by ThunderPanda.1872)

Bitter Harvest Jumping to Faolain's Platform

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


I kept getting stuck in wall, pushed off the side when I tried jumping from the spinning helix thing to the platform where Faolain is. I think this is because of my high ping (playing from Australia at around 300-400ms) because when I tried to use a leap skill I would get that rubber band teleporting thing I often get so much playing on thief. I had to type /stuck for at least 5 times when I got stuck in wall, and rerun the entire mission from the beginning. Been trying for around 40 minutes and still no success. I tried gliding, leaping, jumping etc. I can’t think of any other way I can get through it.

Is there any way I can get around this issue?

Thanks for the help.

Attached one of my many attempts, I tried gliding in this attempt.


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(edited by ThunderPanda.1872)

Check who is online?

in API Development

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


Is there a way to check whether a friend or guild member is currently online in-game ?

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This is not very fun...

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


completly agree with you, this is what we’re getting for three weeks now and most likely next week as well since BP is getting a huge bump of rating off HoD


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(edited by ThunderPanda.1872)

Tournament pricing ended May 30th

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


Low tier server(not the stack to silver league from bronze BS like before s2) seriously need free transfer, and I’m talking about the last 3-4 servers. It may seem NA time is sort of healthy at the moment(weekends at least), but you’d be lucky to see more than 10 people in off hour coverage in all 4 maps.

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in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


Bandwagons CANNOT BE DEFEATED! because we will always transfer to the winning server!!!

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First time in WvW since the last tournament

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


What are you talking about? There ARE unique items and armor as rewards for WvW. They are called Mistforged Hero Weapons and they’re going to be handed out to the players on the servers that won over 300 tournament Tickets.

errr… lets talk about some permanent content that will actually improve our gameplay experience in wvw?

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Seraph - Can we, the players, join?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


This would be an extremely good idea. I hardly play PVE, every time when i want to tell myself to play PVE, I just don’t know where to start.

Dungeon – done it gazillions of times same thing over and over again…
Dynamic Events – ha…ha…ha… no offence, it’s a joke now, no one really does it anymore in most maps
World Exploration – I’ve never experienced more grind than i ever did in my life (done it once, never again)
Champ Train – is there a bot for this?
Personal Stories – probably the only one i would do, but gets annoying after playing alone for a while
Living Story – Grind Fest Story

I mostly spend my time in wvw and pvp, now that these two modes are getting stale and boring, i’m really left with nothing to do…

Having missions with organizations that will actually directly affect the world would be interesting.

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(edited by ThunderPanda.1872)

Anvil Rock - Full of Potential

in Looking for...

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


yay, this is the new matchup thread!

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Free transfers killed low tier servers

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


Ebay, Kaineng just got even more dead, since everyone took advantage of the free transfer and transferred upwards, while no guilds or players want to come to these servers… They’re losing more people than gaining.

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Which FREE server has good oceanic coverage?

in Looking for...

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


Oceanic and SEA are kinda different, by 2 or 3 hours…. I play oceanic, but SEA would be a bit late for me, maybe only 1 hour at best….

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Free Transfers!! Thoughts of new server?

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


Free transfer is live now! What do people think of their new server

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Free Transfers!! Thoughts of new server?

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


I know a pretty solid group of Oceanic PvXers looking at Northern Shiverpeaks.

Any thoughts on NSP for:

  • Oceanic
  • PvE
  • WvW?

I heard that NSP have a really decent PVE?… from somewhere..

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Free Transfers!! Thoughts of new server?

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


It’s free transfer soon!
Out of plain curiosity:

Which server are you transferring to? Why?

How you like it there (after transfer starts)?

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Same lopsided matchup 3 weeks in a row...

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


T1 and T2 has been balanced, both matchups were within 10k of each other, want to know why? because the guilds on T1 and T2 move to balance out the servers as much as they can.

DB people complaining that you win to much, quit being spastic and MOVE

SBI/SOR, merge your guilds and get some from lower tiers

Use your brain, DB can’t beat anybody in T2 why would you want them to move up that just means either FA or Mag will drop back down and will kitten all over you harder

oi oi hands off on low tiers, servers are already dead/dying… I think top tier should destack, and balance out servers again…

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(edited by ThunderPanda.1872)

Proposal: Limit WvW to EBG during slow hours

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


I play in Australia, probably one of the least coverage across all server (not sos), I don’t want to be locked out of the full features of wvw just because I happen to play in this timezone….. I can’t play during NA prime, because it’s noon for me… If this ever happens, it’ll probably be the last I’ll ever buy and play such discriminating game and the company that produces it.

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Fastest 'free' way to level currently?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


“Please help. I really don’t like the ‘journey of leveling’, and wish to level as fast I can since it seems like most parts of the game are endgame contents.”

You can go straight into SPvP at any level and you will play at equal level with equal gear.

You can go straight into WvW at any level and you will be scaled up to level 80. You will be worse than a real level 80 but if you are skilful it won’t matter. You will not be skilful as you won’t know what you’re doing but you can learn the basics while hiding in the crowds.

Sorry, but I strongly disagree with you.
First, wvw roaming is almost completely different to spvp.
Also, trying bring a uplevel toon and try roam on it. I won’t have access to all the traits, utilities, armor stats, etc. Trying dueling a thief, even a bad one can still get a few backstabs on me (OR OF COURSE, I’m going to dodge every single one of them while they’re in stealth!!!! —-_-— And no access to traits and utilities that can counter them, not to mention the kitten armor stats…) My damage, even running at full dps build of that level will only tickle even a thief…

Oh and by the way, you can hardly find parties that want non-level 80s to do a dungeon together…

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(edited by ThunderPanda.1872)

Fastest 'free' way to level currently?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


WHy is everyone so obsessed with getting to lvl 80 with tomes/crafting.

Usually it’s because people think level capping means you’re one of the cool kids, or because they are convinced that the “end game” content is so incredibly amazing that the rest of the content isn’t worth doing. So they blitz to 80, then complain on the forums about there being nothing to do.

But mostly it’s about being one of the cool kids.

It’s more about, I’m interested in WvW (Solo Roaming and groups, even zergs), i like duels and fights with other players, and not so much doing PVE with my brain shut down and my eyes closed.

wvw was good for leveling, but the server has kinda died down, it’s not longer really fast anymore…

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(edited by ThunderPanda.1872)

Fastest 'free' way to level currently?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


Off the top of my head:
Lvl 1- 20 Queensdale champ train
Lvl 21-40 – ???
Lvl 40 – 50 – Harathi meta chain farming
Lvl 51 – 68 – complete all personal story quests, explore, WvW
lvl – 69 – 80 – Metaevent train on reset across 3 servers.

Also keep in mind that you can get 16 levels for under 15G with artificer/cooking

there’s a train in harathi?

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Fastest 'free' way to level currently?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


Title says all. Please help. I really don’t like the ‘journey of leveling’, and wish to level as fast I can since it seems like most parts of the game are endgame contents. But I have no gold for crafting. T_T So what’s the current fastest free way to level?

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[WvW] dps guard or warrior?

in Guardian

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


The guard GS 2 is more efficient then 100stupid

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