I’m sure it will be terrible and the end of the game as we know it. And so will the next iteration. And the next one. And so on.
That’s your flaw. You’re not entitled to anything. You have the game, and you can play the game, but that does not entitle you to be able to access every single aspect of the game whenever and however you please.
See also:
- Actually meeting Dulfy in Lion’s Arch
- Earning “Yakslapper”.
- Beating Liadri (clean)
- Getting Eternity
- Killing the Ancient Karka
- Having participated in “Shadow of the Mad King” and fought him directly under Lion’s Arch.
- Owning Mad Memories, the complete edition.
- An asura-free world.
- Walking naked through the ruins of Old Ascalon with a sandwich board reading “Burntfur didn’t go far enough”.
- Having “God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals”
Yeah. Sure. People who want things to do with their friends, as well as things to do by themselves, are totally the enemy here.
I can do a lot of things by myself. Unfortunately, I think there’s a rating clause preventing me from talking about half of them. And I think the other half are illegal outside of Ascalon.
. . . well, okay, outside of Ebonhawke.
. . . maybe inside too, I never thought to check.
Anyway, I don’t really have a dog in this fight. I’m more than willing to toss in my hat to help people get it if they need more warm bodies for the effort. Always have been willing to just go to help just because it’s fun. But on the one hand, you have the recurring question, now paraphrased by me:
“Just where should they try to balance this acquisition of guild halls, and should it be an epic event which requires some serious work . . . or something you can pull off between dinner and a shower before bed?”
The larger guilds are never, ever, going to have a problem completing these things even if they scale. Moderately-sized guilds are probably not going to run into issues either.
Smaller “we’re just friends who like to share the tag and guild chat as we do our own things” guilds also probably will have one severe range of how challenging it is for them. Depending on quite a bit.
. . . and believing that one, one person, who has a personal banking guild should be allowed a Guild Hall in the vein as a full guild? Why is that not something to just shake your head at and go “I don’t think so”?
Eh, you all fight it out. I’m probably going to not bother anyway by the time this all comes out. What’s the point in playing a game where it seems like all the players hate it?
So… what Lanfear simply means is to have the events completable by n-sizes without any bodily requirements (like stepping on n-switches, etc)?
No, more like doable by any size guild.
Yes, even the one-person banking guild.
. . . Lanfear, if you really are hard pressed for person-power, drop me a line. I absolutely promise not to bearbow.
To me, “good loot” is any drop that is useful to my character(s). Unfortunately, 90% of the loot in GW2 is either:
Merchant fodder
Salvage fodderCrafting materials are about the most useful things monsters drop, but without a reliable method of farming specific materials, it becomes more efficient to farm gold, and buy the materials/finished item from the trading post.
Funny thing, is that this was how GW1 played out.
. . . no, really.
I’m leaning towards “less people farming materials within a certain level range”, impacting supply.
Hmmm. Yes, remember last week when I ran around doing some harvesting materials for old times’ sake and got me an exotic off some Orrian trash mobs. Too bad it was more armor I already had skins for.
. . . so, yeah. Loot will still drop outside of the Silverwastes. Sometimes even loot with a positive value after all the waypointing.
However, All-Seeing (Exotic) will never, ever drop.
No mention of the problem between humans and charr, OP?
I am disappoint.
i hate kiel, she only won the chair because poor people wanted reduces waypoint costs
I think it’s more because people wanted Thaumanova, and her bonus was not going to be a temporary reduction quite as useless as a deal on Keys.
. . . Evon supporters, care to weigh in on his love of the RNG Boxes of Despair?
…again you didn’t even play enough to understand the game.
Keep saying that, it might actually start being true.
Anyone who actually played enough, would know that having two skills on your bar that did the same thing was actually useful….
I’d say “broken” but that’s me. I settle for “clearly circumventing the purpose of the system entirely”.
…but why am I even trying to argue with you people anymore.
Because you’re not tired of being wrong yet?
The only thing Evon needs in the new LA is a prison cell.
Yeah, one to lock Kiel inside forever for her crimes against our world.
We need to throw her in jail… just like Cersei Lannister.
. . . who? Sieran? Sure, I’m all game for that. She should definitely be prevented from being any more of a nuisance to the Priory.
Maybe it could be Marjory Delaqua or Kasmeer Meade for their own crimes.
If his slogan was “Evon! ~murr!” he might have won.
I would have preferred: “Capitalism, ho!!!”
Oh my . . . someone else making bank off the backs of adventurers!
…and there weren’t any gw1 players who looked at skills as “fat to be trimmed” They looked at them as valuable tools that have their purpose under the right circumstances.
Perhaps you’d like to address further replies as a whole next time.
It will save me quite a bit of reiteration.Hmm, well I’ll just tell you (like I said before) there will be other perspectives than your own. The thing about perspectives is they are all relatively right in their own way.
He’s also wrong on that score too. There was at least one GW1 player who saw all the Factions duplicate skills as fat to definitely be trimmed. Why it never was, I don’t know. That’s how we got the rather extreme touch rangers to begin with (both skills being one skill existing twice).
My Candy-Powered Matter Meter.
Evon didn’t steal from anyone innocent. He took loot from the Aetherblades. It was basically a pirate stealing from a pirate. Evon was fully compliant with pirate code of conduct.
So, Evon’s a pirate. You heard it here. There’s a standard “monument” for pirates in most places, called a gallows.
It’s safe to say that Lion’s Arch isn’t like most places.
Except maybe Third Orleans.
In the history of gw1, there were only a handful of skills that were rarely used because they were outright poor and they always had their functionality changed as soon as anet realized.
Funny how you glossed over one example I threw up to you in Archer’s Signet. An Elite which was seriously questionable. Or how Poison Arrow isn’t as useful as Poison Tip Signet / Apply Poison . . . Quick Shot was pretty questionable too, as an Elite.
Non-Elite? Companionship vs Comfort Animal. Why use Expert Focus when “I am the strongest!” works better and comes in the same expansion? And why touch Triple Shot at all?
And that’s just looking back on what I was working with in my little corner of Ranger. There were questions like this in every class, and while some skills would get rewritten or buffed . . . there wasn’t any guarantee it was going to happen.
The only guarantee was that every solo-UW farm build was going to be busted in a couple months, either through nerfing skills or introducing creatures to stop some of the problems. (How about those phantom enemies which strip enchantments? Or Skeletons of Dhuum?)
Said golemite was enslaved by Scarlet, and wasn’t responsible for the destruction by the Aetherblades. That said, Evon employed Hobo-tron because he’s like his son. He went and used money out of his own pocket to upgrade Hobo-tron into Hero-tron.
Well as we noted earlier, he used money out of the Aetherblades’ pockets, which was money out of innocents’ pockets, to do that.
But why let a little thing like the truth get in the way of good ol-fashioned propaganda?
You know, I am still waiting for something of a battlecry which just hits me the right way like only two lines:
Minsc: “Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes!”
Jaheera: “To battle!”
Guild Wars 1 never made the impression Guild Wars 2 has. Anet wanted to capture a larger percentage of the player base, and you can’t do that with the skill system if Guild Wars 1. It was too complex for the masses.
Well, it doesn’t hurt GW2 is around in a time when WoW has been out for a while and there’s very little in the way of MMOs which stuck around for competition. Last time that happened, it was when WoW came out around when EQ had been around for a while . . .
Also, GW1 was really a niche game. It was really good in that niche, but it always felt like a more robust D2 experience.
. . . without the character building issues.
Why are you even refuting what I said?
Because you’re wrong?
that’s only because we can swap our weapons not our skills.
Basically giving us half a build at a time.
We are forced to have a heal skill on our bar.
…and you have like 4 elites to choose from.
I pointed out, early, the weapon swaps do indeed affect how to alter the play of characters. Rangers go from ranged combat (longbow, shortbow, axe main) to an evasive melee style (sword, greatsword). Elementalists have different styles of skills depending on what they are holding.
Now, contrast how in GW1 your weapon was mostly tied to whatever class/subclass you were using. Not a W/any or Any/W? Axes and swords are a waste to use. Not D/any or Any/D? Why are you holding a scythe? Your class much more narrowly defined what weapons you would be using than it does here. And splashing in another class often didn’t really affect how they were used – Crossfire still behaved the same for everyone. Crip Slash was always the same, even if it was a D/W using it. Using sword skills was the same for everyone because you only had the skills from a particular class to call on.
That means if you want to be using a sword, there’s no options. You’re going Swordsmanship 9+. That’s 48 Attribute Points you have to sink into it to get good mileage out of the skills if you want sword skills as your main focus. And that’s assuming you’re not looking into skills which function for “melee attack” in other attribute lines.
Now, that sort of limits options on weaponry. It means you must take a specific class or subclass to use it instead of what your main class is intended to be using.
And you also mention about needing to have a healing skill on bar at all times. I raised the question, even if it wasn’t clear . . . does that mean you never ran with something self-heal related? I know I always kept a heal skill on my bar if I could find a spot for it. The only times it didn’t happen was when all eight skills were required for something else (Slaver’s Exile).
On the topic of Elites . . . I had it said to me, repeatedly, there were “only” a half-dozen Elite Skills any profession should be using. In the sense of “There is never a reason you would want Archer Signet as your Elite over Burning Arrow. Ever.” I peeked at Ranger elites and could discard about six more, because they don’t do the job as well as non-Elites.
I don’t see how more choices (including ones you wouldn’t use) was empirically better than narrowing it down to a few Elites which have broader uses. Entangle, Rampage as One, and Spirit of Nature, plus whatever 3 racials you have.
I think you are mistaking the need to fill the roles of the trinity in a teamcomp with imbalance.
By definition imbalanced, but in a way which means “if you’re not going with the roles filled, you’re not in balance”. Not to say it was impossible to run some Missions with no dedicated healer. Also, there’s less choice if you need a dedicated healer or tank, because that means someone needs to be filling that role. Someone is playing the Monk (or Rit) and there’s no way around that.
(Also, up until the end of 2011, if you were doing Urgoz’s Warren? Necro with Necrotic Traversal / Consume Corpse. No way around that.)
That’s not to say it’s a bad thing it wasn’t perfectly balanced. There’s only a few games which are and they’re not always very exciting to play.
Hm… when you put it that way…
Then why not prohibit the use only skills with movement while jumping, but allow simple offensive skills?
Coding issues.
Yeah you played gw1. but…
How can you even make any statements credibly about balance if you have only ever played one class? …and never played pvp?Almost every statement you made (save for rangers tanking) are just ignorant farces. You have no grasp on any of the other 9 professions, let alone how they can be used to conquer elite endgame pve, or what applications any of the classes have in pvp… and yet you still feel the need to tell me I am the one who is wrong.
Yes. I do.
And let me point to this, right here, this attitude of “if you didn’t rank in my personal measuring stick you don’t know jack crap” is why I really disliked dealing with most people late in GW1’s lifestyle.
It’s why I currently stick to pretty much my guild for doing anything, because this attitude prevails everywhere. Either you’re awesome or you’re junk. There’s no middle ground.
And there’s no chance I could possibly know anything about the game because I don’t measure up to your personal metrics. And because of that, I have no right to call you on your BS.
Why would I be hyped when the forums say it’s going to blow dolyak chunks? I mean, everyone’s telling me it’s going to be a total waste of time and money, so why get hyped for it?
I’m more hyped about reaching the Claret Hollows.
This has nothing to do with the fact I’ve got more time to play my 3DS lately than my PC.
…also what was the point of talking about gw1 like you actually had a clue…. then going on to say that all you ever did was play ranger?
. . . and I still beat everything which wasn’t PvP. I at least gave a shot at the PvP sections, I just didn’t get anywhere.
So I mean, sure, I know nothing about the game. I only played it regularly until GW2 came out, from a point two weeks after it was released in the first place. But I don’t know anything.
Is it worth noting we weren’t even aware of the Aetherblades being a chunk of Scarlet’s minions until much later when she brought them to heel during the Clockwork Chaos events?
It’d be inaccurate. Mai Trin was hinting at a connection with Scarlet since she was locked up.
And we had no idea who that was at the time, either. Nor was Scarlet directly leading them any more than she was the other prong of her minions we already knew about with some veiled comments.
Not sure what you’re going on about. Evon is still the Legionnaire of the Gnash warband. The Black Lion Trading Post is, technically, part of the Ash Legion.
A warband which isn’t anywhere to be seen or heard from, which we only have Evon’s word on what happened. If you’re going to deride Kiel as questionable (at best), you should look to your own patron as well.
I understand he has the employ of a particular golemite which is a well-known criminal to the Seraph. One does become led to wonder why . . . especially since said golemite is also a known associate of Scarlet Briar, the individual responsible for the state Lion’s Arch is in.
. . . one does wonder.
MMO’s are always going to have this problem as long as the profit model is based on player repetition over (extended periods of) time, and as long as programmers cannot produce content at the same speed as players can consume it.
Player produced content might solve this, but there is still the reward issue. As long as players expect rewards, if player generated content has meaningful rewards, it will be abused. If it doesn’t, it won’t be used — at least not repeatedly. Look no further than MA in CoX for proof. There were farming instances, garbage with ridiculous story and ridiculous mobs, and some well-crafted stories.
Of course, if you’re 18 or over, you can always check out how Achievement Hunter’s fine gentlemen have managed to get a lot of mileage out of Minecraft and GTA.
All of the HA metas before Nightfall?
More than a few after, as well, I’m 90% sure.
You clearly have no grasp on how gw1 was played.
. . . (looks at titles, looks back, looks at ages of characters in GW1).
Nope, not at all.
How often did you use a restoration ritualist to heal on a DoA run?
Wouldn’t know, I was never invited on any other than alliance ones. Where I was a ranger.
How many times did you use a restoration ritualist to cast life bond on the tank?
Healing seed most OP skill in the entire game when used properly.
Don’t apply. Main was ranger, secondary was monk and rarely played after a while. Except maybe to just RoJ stuff in Jade Quarry.
Every little skill and every little aspect of the skills available could combine with other skills on your bar or being used by others to create insane effects.
55 Monk, Bunny Thumper, IWAY rangers . . . yeah, saw quite a few of the early ones. Then it started getting more stupid.
Every class has its place…. every class had builds that no other class could bring to the table.
Every class had different ways to fill the roles of the trinity.
. . . ah, rangers weren’t exactly known for being healers. I mean, they could do it. They weren’t all that good at it – it was always more advantageous to take something else.
And I don’t think Warriors could fulfill a healer role at all. You’ll have to use your superior knowledge to clue me in.
Gw2… almost everyone is the same… and you bring what your class has, you use timing reflects/stabos/blinds and combo fields… and that is as much synergy as we get.
Hmm. Sure, if you say so.
Wouldn’t know, I didn’t do that high a level of PvP after a miserable time trying to get into it. I just take the word of those who know more than me.
I have different worries.
- I worry they’ll add some neat stuff then watch nobody actually use it because it doesn’t work as awesome as what’s established.
- I worry they’ll add some neat stuff which everyone will use because it gets viewed as that much better than what’s already been established.
- I worry people will stick around for the expansion then quit loudly and with much fanfare over X issue not being solved, causing them to drop everything to try to fix it and entice those who leave back. (You know, the Fractals gambit.)
Whatever happens, I can be assured of one thing. No matter what, I will always have the GW2 forums to tell me the game sucks the big one and everything was more awesome in GW1.
You know, I really now wonder . . . what the heck is “meaningful content”?
. . . especially meaningful content which can be repeated without being considered either farming or grinding. That’s . . . not going to happen. It’s really not, and you’re deluding yourself if you claim it is.
that’s only because we can swap our weapons not our skills.
Basically giving us half a build at a time.
We are forced to have a heal skill on our bar.
…and you have like 4 elites to choose from.
You’re not putting me to confidence in your ability to talk about the game when you fail to string this together and really . . . grasp what you just said. Four Elites? Can swap weapons and those accompanied skills but can’t change skills? And being forced to have a heal skill as though you refused to run one in GW1? (Even I ran Troll Unugent some times.)
I . . . don’t think you are grasping things quite right. The weapon swapping allows us to have many different types of builds available offensively without necessarily having to duck into an outpost/city to respec to a saved build. We can do so on the fly in the field, in fact.
We may not have as many options as GW1 (I’m hard pressed to find a game other than a card game where you can have as many options open) but we do have a good amount more flexibility with the options we do have.
Everything is viable simply because you have no freedom to really customize anything.
GW1 had options.
of course there were optimal builds to run…. but at the same time, you could change your party comp to have whatever you wanted…. as long as you had the elements of the holy trinity (something absent in gw2).
Just because people found out what the best builds were for PvE doesn’t mean that they were the only ones you could use.
I think you are mistaking the need to fill the roles of the trinity in a teamcomp with imbalance.
No, no there was imbalance. For instance, did you know the role of healer could be filled much better by a Restoration Ritualist than a Healing Prayers Monk? Or that Paragon was probably the least useful of the classes? Or that Rangers who were really . . . really . . . good at timing and placing traps could do some pretty sick solo farming?
Then there was how it was almost criminal how fast you could make Shiro hit the dirt with a couple Necromancers properly set up. Everyone else would have to work for their ending. Bring Spoil Victor? Halfway home. How about how some of those solo quests were not nearly so easy if you were a certain class? Or how Doppleganger was “press X to win” easy with a Ranger?
There was an imbalance. The wonderful part was how it almost always wasn’t important or didn’t get in the way. Those times it did stand out all the more. (“Cold as Ice”, my Monk had a rough time of it.)
I have a lot less trouble finding a group if I ping alliance chat / guild chat with “so, what’s going on I can jump in on?” . . .
This would mark the fourth round of dailies being called intolerable and needing to be changed somehow. As the last three times haven’t apparently mollified any of the players . . . I’m game for just ripping and leaving them out entirely.
I take it you never played GW1. What you described is exactly how GW2 works. If you are trying to play group PvE (aka dungeons), no one takes anyone that doesn’t play meta.
No one. No one? Sorry, that’s wrong. I’ve gone along more than a few times with groups wanting a fifth member, and the only thing they asked is I not use Point Blank Shot irresponsibly, and to keep my ears open if they ask me to do something. (Like run through rather than engage things.)
In GW1? You can play whatever you wanted. Even if you didn’t find a party to play with you (which wasn’t much of an issue, considering how the GW1 dungeon community was far less based on speed runs than the GW2 dungeon community), you could simply play with your heroes and beat whatever content you were against. There’s not a single ounce of truth in saying “Either you played the going meta-build or you basically didn’t play” regarding GW1. Regarding GW2, though…
. . . and again, not the case demonstrably. My monk character was accepted a lot more often than my ranger to doing EOTN dungeons, outside guild play. Nobody wanted my warrior character, at all. (“We already have enough.”)
There is an ounce of truth in “either you played the meta builds for your class or basically didn’t play”. It’s far from being universal, because then you have to add “if you’re doing Heroes’ Ascent”.
And then, of course, there’s the builds more or less specifically for dealing with Slavers’ Exile due to how crazy that place was built.
Basically you cannot have fun the way you want in this game, you can only have the fun Anet want you to have.
The same basically goes for Blizzard. And used to go for SOE/Verant/EA-Origin . . .
GW1 : Alot of choice,, alot of fun,, pretty balanced game
GW2 : Not much choice,, meta game,, totally unbalancedAlthough,, people say with less skills you have more balance… Well.. from what i have seen… GW2 is the most unbalanced game i’ve ever seen. Not even joking.
EDIT: It’s not the amount of skills that make gw2 so unbalanced. It’s more because there are no roles in gw2. Everyone does the same thing,, only different. But only 1 does it the best (with a few exceptions in certain situations)
I don’t know what you were playing, there really was less balance to GW1. What it did instead for balancing was continually alter skills in PvP zones so the meta kept changing. In theory.
In practice? You could roll through the PvE with a specific set of heroes and never have to adapt. You could facetank the Great Destroyer in less than 5 minutes. Every final boss mission could seriously be cheesed easier than anything in GW2. Yes, even “Poor Shatterer can’t turn right”.
This game is also not the most imbalanced game I’ve ever played. It barely comes close to things like the original “UFO: Enemy Unknown” or any mission in “TIE Fighter” you got the T/D for. And that’s not even dipping into my closet to retrieve “Panzer Blitz”.
. . . by the way, even if they did find a way to flesh out roles in this game? I’d wager cash players would ignore that if there was even a potential to simply DPS it down until it died. It’s not that the game needs more roles, it’s that the players really won’t let there be more roles than “for the swarm”.
See, I’m a MTG player with what amounts to an astronomical amount of cards from to choose from, and if you talk to any pro player there’s only a minute subset which are considered good enough to play.
(Funnily enough, one of the cards later described as ‘just shy of broken-overpowered’ was originally considered too weak until someone put a deck together for it. I could, naturally, be talking about a dozen or so cards – that’s how big this game is with choices.)
And then there’s the Pokemon games, where if you’re not using a team of a couple dozen non-Legendary critters, you might as well forget about competition. Or so the pros say.
. . . so I’m used to hearing the argument of “can’t make viable things out of anything”. I call dolyak droppings consistently on that.
Guild Wars 2 is incredibly possible to play with nigh anything in your bar (sensibly) and still be entertaining. I think that’s more important – will it be fun. Some people find it the height of entertainment to find a build which can shred anything in under twenty seconds. Some people find it fun to forget about skills and try to dress up like Link or Zelda, or any couple hundred other fictional characters.
Viable builds shouldn’t be a concern of every player, nor should it be a consideration forced on them. On the same token, neither should they be forced to have an incredible wealth of choices and wind up mocked for not knowing better than Frenzy/HealSig in the time of GW1.
At least, these are my thoughts. I’ll note I spent a year trying things out in the days of Prophecies and then Nightfall but after completing Nightfall I rarely changed up my build on my main – because it was fun. Did it work? Ffft, not on everything. (Mostly fleshless things were the pain.)
And love it or hate it, GW1 had too much choice when it came to builds, and unlike GW2 there are definitely ways to build which aren’t really possible to get through places without a major helping hand. I’m not missing that at all.
Being able to move while casting and dodging actually makes a much bigger difference. With jumping it just means some of those waist high fences were made taller.
Agreed. It makes such a big difference I hadn’t been able to play a more “traditional” MMO when I tried it.
Wasn’t Monty working on the latest season of RWBY?
From what I hear, he was always working on a lot of things. But that’s neither here nor there.
Meh … so there will be some changes.
You must be new around here. Where “here” is dealing with marketing from various places. Nothing really new. Although ANet seems to be especially overenthusiastic(usually unjustified) about everything. It’s like how excited people were about being able to jump. -_-
After Guild Wars 1 and its endless waist-high fences? Yes, I’ll admit it made me excited to see what they’d put together with jumping. (And swimming, by extension.)
Seriously. It’s also like being around when we moved in First Person Shooters from Doom 2 even just to Duke Nukem 3D and its bridges, or the “cheaty” sort of structure which Dark Forces used. Or the “hub and spoke” design Hexen adopted. Then there were people really really pleased with Quake.
Go back and take a look, it’s really hard to say it’s worth getting worked up over but having the difference between engines made a big deal out of things.
These days, that sort of excitement seems weird. But at the time . . . well.
You know what else was a really strange thing to see people get excited about? Mono-colored Legends. The potential for Peter Gabriel to be on tour with the old classic band again. Figuring out who shot JR. Whatever latest project Monty Oum was working on.
Fans are weird.
Okay one person said one thing on one podcast and everyone is thinking great things are afoot.
I don’t get this at all. People wonder why Anet says nothing ever about anything. This is why.
Welcome to the Internet, Vayne, where hype cuts all the ways it can.
Is it worth noting we weren’t even aware of the Aetherblades being a chunk of Scarlet’s minions until much later when she brought them to heel during the Clockwork Chaos events?
No? Well, there’s still the more notable point about Evon. He has behaved more akin to a human than the charr he is, and has completely forgotten why he turned gladium in the first place. For that alone, it’s a rather questionable assertion that faith put in him to stand by his supporters will be repaid.
You might not know but the Mac client has had some major work done in the last few weeks. I have a gaming pc but it’s not portable and after recent patches I’ve been able to play for quite a few hours without the game crashing.
. . . whoa, wait, really?
You mean I might be able to rope in my perma-Mac-using friends because the client won’t break down on them repeatedly? Crap that’s content enough for me.
If you want your goods back, you can always visit a Black Lion representative in any major city, and collect it from the tab in the lower left of your screen.
Evon runs a reliable business. He only asks for 15% of the proceeds as payment for using the Trading Post.
Now, ask what happened to the stolen goods held by Aetherblades which were recovered by Evon’s people during the election. They weren’t returned, they were instead liquidated to fund the campaign.
But like I mentioned, I’d rather see the drop rate increased instead, but that much would likely be a monthly drop from casual play. A 1% would probably result in pre’s being salvaged for mats. That’s like greater than beta portals.
I’d rather see the act of acquiring a Precursor and turning it into a Legendary be something more monumental and meaningful per character, but that ship’s sailed long long ago in the design process.
Though this would be inaccurate; what she was doing, per the dialogue, was killing would-be heroes so they couldn’t fight her when it mattered (to her).
That’s what is being guessed at what she is doing, which still makes little sense – that sort of culling would leave the stronger and more capable behind and thin out only those who couldn’t handle it.
I think she was rather testing to figure out response times, and what sort of defenses might get deployed swiftly to try to thwart her invasion. Afterwards, she could take the data of those defenses and work on a countermeasure.
Such as a miasma which would provide area denial. Huh. Wait a moment.
Death to the crook Evon Gnashblade!
Yes, Evon will destroy any crook who threatens you. You can always count on Evon Gnashblade!
I’m sure he would kill crooks who threaten or steal from me. I’m not so certain I would get my belongings back from him.
Wait, so he doesn’t want nonrandom ways to acquire a Precursor, he just wants the randomness made even more restrictive?
We’re done here.
Yes, but with a higher drop rate and a box of precursors to choose one from (like ascended boxes).
No, we’re done here. That’s what “we’re done here” means. You don’t understand the issue, you’re stuck in the idea of RNG = Good Design, and aren’t paying attention at all to what effects might follow from it.
About the only thing we did agree on? That Precursors should be Account Bound. They always should have been so.