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Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


I actually sort of like this idea – well, parts of it. First thing that would have to go is the name, as said before, it’s neither befitting nor appropriate. Second, the ability to have a foe temporarily change sides is terribly broken from the get to go, and you already provided the reasons: it would only work against a certain group of enemies. This would leave the mechanic unusable against bosses and other players, meaning largely useless.

But, other than those two things, it’s well thought of.

1- How would you name it then?
2- Why can’t you have this mechanism? Look at the mesmer and his ability to change enemies in a moa.

1- Well, the “Warlord” wouldn’t be too bad, or perhaps something like “harbinger”, though the word is already in use during a Sylvari personal story branch.

2- That’s entirely different, as a Moa, you can still fight the mesmer who transformed you.

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Disabling Ranger Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


This is not GW1, in GW2, Ranger is the pet profession. Denying that is like denying that you can play as a Guardian.

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Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


I actually sort of like this idea – well, parts of it. First thing that would have to go is the name, as said before, it’s neither befitting nor appropriate. Second, the ability to have a foe temporarily change sides is terribly broken from the get to go, and you already provided the reasons: it would only work against a certain group of enemies. This would leave the mechanic unusable against bosses and other players, meaning largely useless.

But, other than those two things, it’s well thought of.

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Loss of Roles.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


I find that there are roles that can be fulfilled, particularly in dungeons, they just aren’t that obvious. For example, in a boss fight where a multitude of weaker opponents spawn, as is often the case, someone with good AoE abilities and survival can take on the role of pest control, keeping the rest of the party on the boss. Or, someone with blinds and knockbacks can take on a role of making sure downed allies get back up before they are defeated. And of course, there’s always support. Whether it is healing or giving boons or something more special, support is always worth it.

These roles are just more fluid than those of traditional MMOs, and you might need to take them unexpectedly. And that’s where I find it excellent.

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Disable Guesting for Dragons and World Bosses

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


For one thing Anet, don’t make me need to do dungeon to get gears in order to play in the open world effectively, leave dungeons to dungeon players, just as you keep pvp to pvp. Thank you.

In no way you have to do dungeons to “get the gear needed to play effectively in the open world”, even if you consider exotics to be necessary for that. You can get exotics for karma, or you can craft them, or you can buy them from TP from people who got them as loot. None of those methods require you to step inside a dungeon. Dungeon armors require dungeon running because they are rewards for dungeon running, but they are no better stats wise than any other level 80 exotics.

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Legendary weapons crafting system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


And I’m saying it’s not the same at all. The game doesn’t load the weapons in pieces, it loads them as whole. As such, all weapons need to be whole, not a sum of pieces.

Also, there are 19 different weapon types in the game. If you meant having 10 “blades” for each weapon type, and ten effects for each too, that’d mean 1900 different results. None of the weapon types have a hundred skins, so you’d more than double the amount of weapon skins, among with the work load, while having them all consist of a few different pieces.

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Disabling Ranger Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Ranger is the pet profession. No going around that, it’s their inbuilt mechanic, and there’s no dumping that. If you want to play an archer without a pet, play a warrior or a thief.

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Disabling Ranger Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


You don’t like kittens?

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Customisable Underwear

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Heh, go tot admit, I was a bit disappointed at the sack cloth undies the first time I saw them, coming from GW1 where they had some quite nice designs, but can’t say it bothers me. At least we don’t get much people dancing naked around towns anymore.

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Disable Guesting for Dragons and World Bosses

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


I’ve guested recently (to play with a friend, not to abuse the feature), and there is a limitation of two times of guesting for each day. Just saying that the limit already exists.

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Legendary weapons crafting system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


No, it’s not the same, as armor slots have very specific locations, such as heavy armor chest pieces never extending under waist, and even then, many armor pieces clip with armor of other sets, or even with armor of the same set. The game doesn’t have a multi-piece weapon system build to it, so each of those weapon part combinations would have to be individually created.

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Legendary weapons crafting system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


10 hilts, 10 blades and 10 effects would result in a thousand weapons that would each have to be created individually and checked for glitches. While the idea is cool, it’d require far too much work for it to be realistic.

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Rangers and Necro whips! Hammers for Engys!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Only Warriors and Rangers use longbows.
Only Thieves and Rangers use shortbows.
Only Guardians and Warriors use maces.
Only Warriors and Engineers use rifles.

I find your first statement invalid.

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Ambient killer daily

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Sometimes, I feel sorry for the mobs I have to kill. One such case would be when I stumbled into a Nightmare Court village, where you could find a worn poetry book that some sylvari had given to his or her dear friend, to brighten up even the darkest days. Now that was quite sad.

Critters that my attacks bounce off to? I don’t apologize to every ant I step on.

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High resolution screenshots

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Back in BWE1 and 2, there was the option to take High Resolution screenshots. As the name implies, they had a huge image resolution. With these huge images, you could do all kinds of editing without losing details due to zooming, as no screen could project them pixel by pixel in their default size. now, there were some issues with some special graphical effects, but instead of removing this fantastic feature, couldn’t you have dealt with the problems?

So, in short, bring back High-res screenshots and fix the issues with them.

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Bring back the old login screen!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


I see that now… I hope they’ll return the option.

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Bring back the old login screen!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

Bring back the old login screen!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


I believe I’ve heard of a way to switch for that login screen to appear instead of logging in on the launcher, but unfortunately I never quite caught how exactly this was done.

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Alts=Gem Purchase.... So why discourage alts?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


So, turns out my information was seriously outdated, so I redact my statement.

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Alts=Gem Purchase.... So why discourage alts?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


An area of Fort Trinity that is only visited twice during the game, both in the personal story, has a PoI in it. Unless, of course, they’ve removed it since I last checked, I think people complained about it a whole lot more back in the day.

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Cloaks Please!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


If there are going to be cloaks or capes, better make them other than the old back-width piece of tin foil. Either make it really, really wide, so that it goes around shoulders (as real cloaks do, unless they are of a specific type that is smaller), or perhaps a single shoulder cape (think of something like Ezio from Assassins Creed 2, or Lightning from FF13. Both have single shoulder capes, though different.). Or how about waist capes? Nah, some heavy armors already include these…

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Alts=Gem Purchase.... So why discourage alts?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Regarding personal story and legendaries, there are a few Points of Interest that you can only get during Personal Story.

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Possible stealth change....

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


If you have traits that can give you boons on critical hits, that can also tell you you’ve hit something, even if you don’t see it.

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in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Hey, I was just being friendly and directing you to where the topic was being discussed. Do go and check your attitude.

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Legendary Weapon effects & bundles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


I’m talking about just the passive effects that affect the character, not the weapon specifically. Of course, skill effects would be nice too, but that might be asking for too much. Auras and footsteps while holding a bundle would be enough for me to pursue a legendary.

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in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


I was actually referring to another topic, posted 9 hours ago… I don’t think that post of yours took 9 hours to write.

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Legendary Weapon effects & bundles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


No interest from anyone? And here I thought this would concern at least a couple of Engineers out there.

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in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


There’s already a topic about this, right on the first page. Please, check if the topic exists already before posting, even if just the first page.

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Making the Tequatl fight more dynamic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


This sounds like a good idea, it would also probably lessen the lag, when the players wouldn’t be quite so stacked.

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Well for people saying an unarmed class wouldnt work, I think they could make a Monk work. If you dont have a weapon equipped in your main hand, you get your 1-3 unarmed skills. Off hand would be 4-5. Then, they could possibly use weapons like a staff, mace, or sword possibly. You could have a mace in your main hand for your 1-3 then nothing in your off hand for your 4-5. I believe it could work…maybe give them stances for utility skills that when activated give them a different skillset for a short time? Just some thoughts.

Then how would the weapon attack and the rest of the weapon stats apply? Would they get free exotic stats for their unarmed attacks, or would they always have worse stats than someone who would use actual weapons? As I said, it wouldn’t work.

Add handwraps/fist weapons as a weapon choice? Problem solved

And that would be a weapon for one profession alone. I believe weapons unique to single profession are already discussed. The only way I see for unarmed combat to work is as a transformation skill, and we already have that, the Warrior elite skill Rampage.

Well if fist weapons were released to apply to monks, i’m sure they would make them available to other professions too (thief, warrior, possibly mesmer or engineer)

Then do tell me, how would you have your exotic handwraps look different from the fine handwraps crafted by the guy next to you? And under what crafting disciple would they fall?

Besides, it would look dumb to see people punching dragons.

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My small guild got screwed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


The world transfer system was never intended to remain free, it was free for a time just so that people who wanted to play together could find each other and settle on a common server.

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Elementalist Weapon swap,out of combat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


How is it unfair? Elementalists can change between 4 skillbars in combat whereas others have one (besides Engineers, who can have potentially up to 6 different skillbars in combat). It’s not that much of an inconvenience to manually change weapons, just set them up specifically in your first bag or something.

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Well for people saying an unarmed class wouldnt work, I think they could make a Monk work. If you dont have a weapon equipped in your main hand, you get your 1-3 unarmed skills. Off hand would be 4-5. Then, they could possibly use weapons like a staff, mace, or sword possibly. You could have a mace in your main hand for your 1-3 then nothing in your off hand for your 4-5. I believe it could work…maybe give them stances for utility skills that when activated give them a different skillset for a short time? Just some thoughts.

Then how would the weapon attack and the rest of the weapon stats apply? Would they get free exotic stats for their unarmed attacks, or would they always have worse stats than someone who would use actual weapons? As I said, it wouldn’t work.

Add handwraps/fist weapons as a weapon choice? Problem solved

And that would be a weapon for one profession alone. I believe weapons unique to single profession are already discussed. The only way I see for unarmed combat to work is as a transformation skill, and we already have that, the Warrior elite skill Rampage.

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Just Dance

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


10 different dances would take a whole lot of time and resources to animate for all the five races… Also, having them randomized would a pain if you wanted to coordinate dancing.

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Add guild halls

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Why limit it to buildings? Here’s a few ideas…

-Guild Ship
-Guild Airship
-Guild Fractal
-Guild Island
-Guild Threadmill
-Guild Hot Air Balloon
-Guild Scooter
-Guild Armored Personnel Carrier
-Guild Dreamspace
-Guild Guild
-Guild Cemetary

Oh, and customization, lots of it.

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Twilight Arbor's Merchant, Valiant Saeraquel

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


The wiki mentions that she bears resemblance to the character Nightmare from Soul Calibur games, which, considering how she sells “nightmare” armors and weapons, seems like a probable reference to me. So, there’s the explanation.

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Re-watch the movies you have seen.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Now this is a good idea, the ones that play during your personal story you get to never seen again unless you play the same mission again on a different character, or Youtube it. Would love to watch again those parts of my story.

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70% darker nights

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Sure, we could use darker nights. I’ll put my name behind this.

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Small guild support/Influence cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


I like this idea, not everyone wants to be in a huge guild. And these people should be able to do guild missions as well!

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Well for people saying an unarmed class wouldnt work, I think they could make a Monk work. If you dont have a weapon equipped in your main hand, you get your 1-3 unarmed skills. Off hand would be 4-5. Then, they could possibly use weapons like a staff, mace, or sword possibly. You could have a mace in your main hand for your 1-3 then nothing in your off hand for your 4-5. I believe it could work…maybe give them stances for utility skills that when activated give them a different skillset for a short time? Just some thoughts.

Then how would the weapon attack and the rest of the weapon stats apply? Would they get free exotic stats for their unarmed attacks, or would they always have worse stats than someone who would use actual weapons? As I said, it wouldn’t work.

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No GW2 Expansions or Sequels (Anytime Soon)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Doesn’t surprise me, they’ve already expanding the game with stuff like Lost Shores and Living Story.

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Why is the tone and style of GW2 so "goofy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Take a look at your map, at the Ascalon area. Count all the threats the Charr have on their borders and within them. Flame legion, the Brand, ghosts of Ascalon. Now, what if they hadn’t made peace with humans and the norn (they tried to expand their realm into Shiverpeaks once, but were stopped by the Norn, who could each take on 10 charr from lore viewpoint)? Hardly possible for them to conquer all of Tyria in that situation.

Also, as I said before, from lore viewpoint, a single norn hero far surpasses the soldiers of the other races. They also live on mountains, and the sylvari live in a jungle. Neither is a good place roll around in tanks, don’t you think? Now, Kryta might be a possible to conquer with war machines, but the Charr would have to cross the Shiverpeaks, the northern part inhabited by the minions of Jormag, and were they to take the sea route (which they would have to fight through the Brand area to reach), they’d be faced with countless of undead ships.

In short, the charr wouldn’t be able to take on all of Tyria in the current situation.

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Allow Us To Dye Aquatic Helms

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


I know of three different models for the aquatic headpieces (the default, one that looks like a normal terrestrial medium armor mask, and one from Lost Shores), but besides that correction, I agree with you.

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Why is the tone and style of GW2 so "goofy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


You could always set up grimdark screen settings, reducing gamma, reducing colors, adjusting everything until you can’t see Orr from grit.

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


I’m with expanding the existing classes. The current setup fills the niches quite to the spot (seriously, “unarmed fighter” niche is not possible in this game, have you ever looked at your skill bar?) without defining the characters too narrowly. Well, I could potentially see a bard-type class, perhaps mixed in with a bit of Paragon from GW1, but still unlikely. Much rather I’d see a host of new weapons spread somewhat evenly to the existing classes, along with adding a considerable amount of new utility, healing and elite skills. And traits, of course, would get the same treatment.

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

Legendary Weapon effects & bundles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Legendary weapons are quite awesome, I’m sure most will agree with me on that. Most have cool effects on them when attacking, holding or just moving around with the weapon equipped. But, if you’re like me, you might feel like being left outside alone.

I play a Flamethrower engineer. I consider my flamethrower kit to be my primary weapon, and my rifle to be my sidearm, to be used when long range is needed. Were I to have the legendary rifle, The Predator, I’d hardly even use it in combat, leaving it just for prestige when standing around Lion’s Arch. That doesn’t motivate me to work my kitten off to get it.

This is where my suggestion comes in. Bundles do not occupy a weapon slot, so if you equip a flamethrower or grenade kit or a bunny, the weapon you had equipped stays equipped, you just can’t use it while you carry the bundle. So, why not make the legendary weapons apply their passive effects, such as an aura, or special footprints, even when the character is carrying a bundle? I’m sure many engineers would thank you of this.

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Legendary Weapons worth it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


If you get two legendaries, one in each hand, you have two legendaries, so you should farm for two legendaries. I don’t see any problem with that. Also, halving the effort needed to get the one handed legendaries would also halve their prestige value. It’s not like you have to have both the Bolt and the Moot to feel equal to the guy next to you with the Juggernaut.

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Why is the tone and style of GW2 so "goofy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Much of the perceived difference in seriousness between GW1 and GW2 is caused simply by the fact that most dialog in GW2 is voice acted, whereas in GW1 most dialogue was in text. A written joke seems always more dignified than one spoken aloud.

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Legendary Weapon effects and bundles

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


If I had a legendary weapon equipped, and I’d pick up a bundle item, would the “passive” effects of the legendary (auras, footprints) carry over? I’m asking this because I’m a flamethrower Engineer, and whether I’ll pursue The Predator or not depends on if I’ll ever get to see the effects while fighting.

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I hope the expansions work like they did back in GW1.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


If they would raise the level cap, they’d make a lot of people angry, very angry. Also, it wouldn’t make any sense given how the leveling works. If they’d raise the level cap, that’d mean you’d get that much more trait points. Where would you dump those trait points? They’d have to create “Super Grandmaster” tier traits, or have players fill every current line, ruining the concept of builds. Also, when you reach level 80, you don’t stop getting xp. You keep getting skill points each time you level. Skill points that you may use for skills they’ll add later with expansions.

Also, PvP gear is level 80 exotic gear. In other words, the best there is. If they would raise the level cap, they’d have to rework all those numbers again to have them balanced for max level characters.

So, not only there would be no reason other than to cater for WoW exiles addicted to leveling for raising the level cap, it’d break the systems and balance that is in place currently. It’d be horrible and stupid, so I wouldn’t worry about Anet doing such a mistake.

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