Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
Well I had a better explanation on how to make zerk LB/GS ranger work in HoT but the simplyfied version is use the SPvP power survival ranger meta build in meta battle your gear you can keep the way it is pets either brown bear or drakes are great. (Smokescale and Bristleback too.)
The reason this build works is that it was made in a environment where others can and will kill you with a varied amount of methods.
Also the greatest weapons a ranger has is his mobility and pets use them. Avoid fighting on bridges and corridors since you’ll have less space to move around.
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
In other news druids astral force generation just got gutted making the gap between ventari and druid that much smaller….yay?
i think you mean got buffed… AF generates from all sources of regen now, including even regen food.
Given that rangers get easely perma regen…
I agree with you that we lack a proper burst heal though NH should provide that.
My opinion is that part of the rebalancing should include removal of cast time for sumoning and moving and removing the delay in movement.
All radius should be increased by 40 (except PS) and
NH should have the baseheal reduced by 20% increase scaling to 1 (from .6)
Remove the delay and put a 1 sec cast this way our CC weakness would be preserved.
EditL: This is generally for PvE. PvP ventari has its own issues that need to be worked out.
Ventari’s healing is split into two parts which make it difficult to use reliably. The heal procs from the tablet itself. And the drops a ventari specced revenant can produce on use of the tablet. (One of the grandmaster traits)
You can control where the tablet heals. But you cant control where the shards themselves drop. Which makes it difficult to use them to support allies. Also to make the most of it your allies have to be looking FOR those shards.
Ventari’s sustained healing potential is high. As its capable of dropping those shards continuously. However the actual effectiveness is limited because theres no way to guarantee the people that get those shards are the ones that need them. And you can’t generate them fast enough to aid 10 people in a raid.
From what I can tell a support revenant is meant to work in two general parts. Mitigation and Recovery. Ill use vale guardian as an example as its the only boss I have used this setup on.
Jalis works very well for mitigating damage the grp takes in risky situations. You can use it to cover some of your people if you knwo your not going to make it to the aoe site in time. Also if people get low you can use jalis to lower teh damage they take for a bit to buy time for there healing to come off cooldown.
Once the dangerous moment has passed and its under control you can move back to ventari and help them all recover from the damage tehy have taken.
Its not a pure healing setup like druid. Its a bit more complicated than that. Infact I would argue that for the purposes of raid fighting it might be TOO complicated.
I would change the item drop grandmaster that instead of releasing a pickup on use. The tablet targets the lowest health ally nearby and instead pulses additional healing to that ally. The player would still need to be near the tablet to benefit. But there not looking at the ground searching for healing drops instead of looking at the bosses mechanics.
For healing many allies IMO this GM is useless you are better of getting the outgoing healing one. This trait is at its strongest for bubker builds specially in SPvP.
Probably not. It should be possible to heal a downed person though…
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
There is no cap however unlike damage modifiers outgoing healing stacks additively (like ferocity).
Dejavu I agree that if these are the mats that are required it really is to high.
I would recommend about the amount needed in legendaries from what I could see you can easily fit 20 bolts in this amount…
The projectile block is really useful (IMO this is one of the few places where it’s worth using at the current energy cost) but in the HPS departmemt we are a bit low.
Projectile block can be used to protect against ranged pressure and almost all sieges.
The funny thing is they haven’t touched our underwater utilities since they created them.
Mallyx still has displacement…
I recommend you going to support and try to get it back they have accepted similar requests before.
Sorry didn’t notice.
There is an imperfection in revenant balance in PvP, Every build uses the same two utilities, shiro, and glint, with the very rare occurrence of mallyx. I will explain this later but for now lets talk what can be done to improve Ventari for PvP.
One: every utility set in PvP needs a stun break, not having one, especially against a chronomancer instant well bomb is deadly.
Two: moving the tablet shouldn’t take a cast, trying to get a res on an ally I cant bring my tablet to come heal or protect us. Using Renewing Wave(staff 4) in combination with moving the tablet will interrupt renewing wave. The cast only increases how difficult it is for the tablet to go through someone.
Three The active healing orb duration is too low and should be increase to 10 seconds. Energy Expulsion, despite its long cast time and cost is a strong healing CC. However by the time my team mates can finally see the orbs, and walk toward them the orbs disappear. Now let us observe a similar skill Fragments of Faith, a dragon hunter trap that produces 5 fragments which give aegis, each fragment last 10 seconds. And yet the fragments from Energy expulsion last 5 seconds, Aegis has the potential to prevent more damage than a heal from one of the orbs, and the dragon hunter trap isn’t even an elite skill.
Final thoughts To be completely honest the weapons are the biggest thing restricting the revenant’s playstyles. The staff is the only healing set, making it difficult to have a good experience playing a ventari. The revenant would need a main hand support weapon in order to to truly be played as a support class.
I would like to point out that shield is on the same level as staff for support.
Thanks for the great feedback! To adress some of the points (but not all):
Unrelenting assault’s damage should be reduced on the basis of skill design- an evade should not deal quite so much damage, even split amongst targets. The revenant has a great deal of active mitigation (dodge, sword 3, shield 5, staff 3, staff 5, shiro roll), which is fine, but it should not be coupled with high damage output at the same time.
Coalescence of Ruin CD increase seems a fine solution as well.
Axe 5 chain could operate as CC, similar to temporal curtain.
Jallis and Ventari are both fine places for condi removal, but unfortunately offer little else that would allow the rev to stay meta, which is why Mallyx might be a good place to put some condi removal or transfer, to promote active gameply rather than reliance on passive boons.
Absolutely does Glint’s heal need to be more visible, as do Dragonhunter traps. Facets are fine where they are, but Glint would still be perfectly viable with cast times for activation, and this could offer minor balance to the boon spam of revs.
I think that rev damage is not necessarily over the top; as in it can’t take out a bunker druid, but it could use some downscaling in favor of more active mechanics than simply popping facets to gain a passive damage increase. With that in mind, either Roiling Mists or Shared Empowerment should be downgraded a bit, and perhaps some active mechanics added elsewhere, like to Mallyx, as Shiro is still in a great place.
It seems that you haven’t played ventari a lot if you think the condi defence is fine…
Any heavy condi player takes your live in seconds and there is nothing you can do.
(Condi reapers are a particularly bad match…)
Hard to disagree with what my fellow revs said
I pretty much straight disagree with everything you’ve suggested.
It’s no fixing and no easy changes. Mutilating Power builds and trying to make Mallyx pseudo-Necromancer while not coming up with any worthwile suggestions to things that are in need of changes is no “balancing Revenant”.
For example CoR can be sidesteped and UA is only a 20% damage increase over AA.
And really you completely ignored those that need changes most.It has still yet to be clarified exactly what changes revs are in need of most, from the viewpoint of all classes in PvP. My viewpoint is that the active evades on Revenant are great, and the damage is great, but that revs should not have both at the same time (compare this to high-dodging thieves). Revs lack solutions to condis, so this is what we address above. What’s your take on this?
Condi control on mallyx should be OK after they correct the bugs. I would say that preferably Ventari should get some more condi removal do to his lack of damage and strong weakness to CC.
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
Well I do agree that the trait needs changes crystal hibernation is too effective against bad players and useless against good. The passive bonus should stay however and condi cleanse shouldn’t be add to glint, Ventari however should probably have some more.
Hard to disagree with what my fellow revs said
I pretty much straight disagree with everything you’ve suggested.
It’s no fixing and no easy changes. Mutilating Power builds and trying to make Mallyx pseudo-Necromancer while not coming up with any worthwile suggestions to things that are in need of changes is no “balancing Revenant”.
For example CoR can be sidesteped and UA is only a 20% damage increase over AA.
And really you completely ignored those that need changes most.
Well you can try but it probably won’t go well. Our condi weakness is too great and we have some non-negligible CC weakness. Until they buff mallyx/ventari/glint that is.
If you still want to try PVT Jalis/Mallyx with retribution/herald/corruption might work.
Outgoing healing increases your healing to anything you heal except yourself, it affects regen. Outgoing healing stacks additively therefore, like with power/ferocity, it might be more desirable to invest in Healing Power. I would also like to note that facet of nature is a outgoing boon duration.
Edit: tested taunt and it clearly works like fear. It’s a strong DoT therefore it’s a soft CC. Tested it by using beastly warden on champion arrowhead HP. I’m not aware if it still benefits from condi duration…
The trait is the upper GM in beast mastery.
If you want to go ranged shiro/ventari with hammer and zealonts is good for trait invotation/salvation is a must for the others you can go with devastation for better damage and assassins presence retribution for defenses with closed quarters or herald for protection, toughness and elders force.
From the way it’s listed in the wiki all condi CCs are soft CCs. Taunt is included under hard CC now (before launch it was a condition like fear and benefited from condi duration). Therefore Taunt should be put under hard CC and fear soft.
Edit: tested taunt and it clearly works like fear. It’s a strong DoT therefore it’s a soft CC. Tested it by using beastly warden on champion arrowhead HP. I’m not aware if it still benefits from condi duration…
PS: fear and taunt might look like hard CC because both remove a huge chunk of the breakbar the method of differentiating them is by looking at the rate of depletion Soft CCs have a constant rate while hard CCs start fast then slow down.
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
/15 rytlock
Currently fear and taunt are soft CCs.
Can you give an example of when Fear is acting like a soft CC? I went out and did some testing just now to be sure and it seems to be hard CC.
Taunt – thanks for the reminder, I added that one.
Try it on reaper shroud 3 it’s really noticeable.
Currently fear and taunt are soft CCs.
1. Get a sword
2. Spec devastation
3. Select Shiro
4. Turn on impossible odds
5. Watch everything die.That’s the problem… Impossible Odds finishes before anything I touch is dead, and in case it’s dead, my attunement bar is empty because it drains it fast, and now I have another 2 enemies closing in which will take 1/3 of my HP bar.
That’s the reason the Claw Island mission was riddiculous. As a Guardian and Ranger I had no problem dealing and kiting enemies, Revenant was a whole diferent story since Attunement bar management is stoff from a different planet.
Don’t spam skills.
While using IO avoid using anything else unless you really need it.
Use staff/sword/hammer 3 for defense.
Hammer pierces and Hammer 2 at max range does a lot of damage.
It’s fun to me that when they were discussing reveal of Ventari they said they didn’t want to make it another bunker who heals, but more of a selfless healer and went with that outgoing healing increases….
Just to introduce Druid a while after which is a bunker healer.
Screw logic x)
Someone also said that every class is supposed to have a weakness..In this case rev being weak to condi like engineer. 3 days lag blog up about
scrapperdd ele 2.0What is
lovelogic?In the end were not olny weak to condi but also to cc while lacking any real burst/cc potential unless someone count spamming aa on quickness as a burst. Good job!
List of current Ventari weaknesses:
Anything to add?
My personal evaluation of ventari.
On traits I agree with you on hardened foundations.
All ventari utilities except need protective solace need a 40 radius buff (more than that would make the tablet movement useless.).
Ventari’s Will
Increase the movement speed (the reason we cannot make it instant cast is for us to be able to be CC’ed I guess).
Natural Harmony
Increase scaling from 0.6 to 1 reduce base heal by 20%. This skill scales horribly with HP specially compared to the elite (2.5)
Protective Solace
-8 upkeep is a bit to high for the cooldown. Reducing it to -7 would solve.
Purifying Essence
Except for the radius this skill is good.
Energy Expulsion
Increasing the duration of the orbs to 8 second would help with self sustain.
Overall my evaluation is the same as after BWE3.
Dont see why ,its not reflect projectiles like ele magnatic aura or engi hammer #2 skill which is only on 6s CD.
Mesmer traited has 4 sec reflect on 15sec Cd heal and focus also generates light field with reflect much more than what im suggesting for centaur.
I re-read your comment and agree that it might not be OP but would certainly make energy management useless, with those high cooldowns and low energy cost, effectively removing the profession mechanic from the equation.
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
I like centaur , but needs some tweaks
-protective solace should have -1 or 2 energy upkeep with duration of 3-5 sec 20 sec CD , and stay light field with any colapsing secondary effect.
-natural harmony need its own tablet and cast time of 1sec with a cd of 20sec and energy cost of 10 since it is an aoe heal ,just adjust scaling so that is not op and add reveal maybe.
Purifing essence also separate tablet with stun break or some offensive effect added,same as before Cd and energy reduced so that is not abused.
If they remove cast on heal tablet, elite will be just fine( fragments should be larger tho and longer duration.
Well if they did that it would be some glorious 5 seconds before they nerf it.
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
Anyone having luck with it? Ive been tempted…
revenant does not scale well off of healing power, unless you go into the ventari trait line. even then, it is subpar to the support a druid can bring. I would suggest not speccing into any healing power and going with soldiers/knights if you want toughness. Revenant has enough blocks/evades to usually avoid damage alltogether.
This is a good point. I am not in game right now so cannot give specific numbers, but here is what I have seen for healing power scaling (by looking at trait / skill tooltips with different amulets in PvP):
Scales very poorly (practically not at all) with healing power:
-focused siphoning (devastation trait)
-vengeful hammers (Jalis skill)
-replenishing despair (corruption trait)
-invigorating flow (invocation trait)Scales with healing (modestly to very well):
-staff autoattack (healing orbs)
-staff skill #4
-assassin’s annihilation (devastation trait)
-shield #4 and #5
-equilibrium (invocation trait)
-steadfast rejuvenation (retribution trait)I haven’t played with Ventari or Salvation pretty much at all, so I am not familiar with healing scaling here.
You will notice that most of the things that scale with healing power on this list are either self-heals, or long-ish cooldown small group heals. So I do think it is possible to build with healing power for a self-sustain build (whether or not this is effective is another question altogether). However, I do agree that using healing power to heal allies (outside of Ventari) does not appear to be useful.
Ventari scales wellish with HP but not well enough on anything but the elite orbs . ( NH is about 0.6 If I remeber correctly )
The scaling is bad if you don’t account for outgoing healing therefore it’s terrible for self sustain.
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
Staff damage was lower than it should have been and felt weak even as a support weapon. Damage will be increased, and the healing-power scaling will be increased to improve the staff’s support aspect.
- Rapid Swipe: Increased the damage by 30%.
- Forceful Bash: Increased the damage by 36%.
- Rejuvenating Assault: Increased the healing-power scaling by 50%.
- Punishing Sweep: Increased the damage by 33%.
- Debilitating Slam: Increased the damage by 100%.
- Renewing Wave: Increased the healing-power scaling by 30%.
- Surge of the Mists: Increased the damage by 11%.
Legendary Centaur Stance
Like the staff, this stance is all about support. The scaling of healing power was a bit low, and there was also an issue with the amount of time required to control the tablet.
- Ventari’s Will: Reduced the casting time from 0.5 seconds to 0.25 seconds. Increased the healing-power scaling by 33%.
- Natural Harmony: Increased the healing-power scaling by 20%.
- Purifying Essence: Increased the healing-power scaling by 100%.
- Protective Solace: Fixed a bug that allowed this skill to block unblockable projectiles.
- Energy Expulsion: Increased the knockback distance from 240 to 450.
These changes will help boost the support feel as well as improve the duration of traits, which was too low in a few places.
- Tranquil Benediction: Increased the regeneration and swiftness durations from 1 second to 3 seconds.
- Tranquil Balance: Reduced the health threshold from 90% to 75%.
- Invoking Harmony: Increased the duration from 5 seconds to 10 seconds.
- Momentary Pacification: Fixed a bug in which daze was not working properly. Increased the daze from 2 seconds to 2.5 seconds, and added a 10-second internal cooldown.
Legendary Centaur Stance
The outgoing healing traits were not working with many of the skills in this stance which led to it being much less impactful than intended since you can get an incredible amount of outgoing healing in the Salvation trait line.
- Fixed an issue where the skills for this stance were not working with the outgoing healing bonuses.
In staff the changes were mostly about the flow of play. It felt awkward to have to stand still to cast Renewing Wave so I changed out the animation to one that would work while moving to keep this weapon more mobile feeling. Debilitating Slam had a long cast time for a skill which is used for an interrupt so I went ahead and shortened that down to so it could be used as a more reactionary skill.
- Warding Rift: Fixed a bug where this skill could be cancel-casted to gain the benefit of the block without going on full recharge.
- Renewing Wave: Changed the animation on this skill so it can be used while moving. It retained the same 1 second cast time.
- Debilitating Slam: Decreased the cast time from 1 second to 0.25 seconds.
Legendary Centaur Stance
Here I made some changes to the cast time. Now all utility skills are instant, only the heal and the elite have a cast time. The elite has also been lowered in cast time as well as decreased energy cost.
- Naturalistic Harmony. Decreased the energy cost from 25 to 20.
- Purifying Essence: This skill is now instant cast. Decreased the energy cost from 35 to 30 and added a 5 second recharge.
- Energy Expulsion: This skill is now a blast finisher and reduced the cast time from 2 seconds to 1 second. Decreased the energy cost from 50 to 35.
BWE3 had no real changes =o
Anyone else noticing that since they sped up Project Tranquility’s travel time it appears a bit.. stuttery? Before it appeared as a smooth glide and now it looks like it’s doing a bunch of mini blinks. My fps is reliably sat around 63 so I don’t think that’s what’s causing it. Can anybody else share in this observation?
When did they speed it up?
First DS does not work like teq but like SW só if you are on a low pop server you might want to use the lfg.
Second bladed armor is obtained in Verdand Brink.
If you are constantly getting into low pop maps you might want to report it.
Shield is a great off hand and scales really well with HP.
On side note, Herald (or Revenant) runes would be nice if they had a re-work, specifically slot 6. I’m thinking of like, +2 upkeep or something. I know that makes it an entirely class specific rune at this point but then again Herald/Revenants have no way of increasing energy gain whereas the only other class that has any form of upkeep (Thief/DD) have multiple traits that increase initiative gain. Or a trait re-work. I’m looking at Bolster Fortifications >.<
Won’t ever happen would be a required trait/rune for revenant to be viable and they would have to balance around us having these trait/runes. According to Roy he would rather balance for the skills energy cost to feel good baseline.
I only started playing Revenant just today and only just started noticing that in Glint stance you can hear the Chord progression for a song from GW1 (Crystal Oasis), is there music for Shiro or the other stances?
If not, maybe there should be.
One of the reasons heralds have that is that they were based on the bard archetype according to roy.
You absolutely don’t need a staff as second weapon set. Proven by Celestial builds for example.
so Sword / X is a must, so it’s down to players to choose between staff or hammer. Just checked metabattle that the current meta is staff, and is your celestial builds one of the builds listed under the test section on metabattle?
Let’s be honest the meta hasn’t been established yet.
You invoke the echo of the legend within the mists, technically you can invoke someone who is alive or from the future. =P
Yeah mallyx requires mace to work well, but that isn’t the reason most people complain about its strength. The problem is that currently only glint and shiro are working great other legends still require some buff to be on the same level.
I do however even with the druid you have similar choices being respectively NM/BM druid and WS/NM druid and Skirmishing/MM Druid having even similar tradeoffs it might just be less obvious.
I wouldn’t classify glint/ventari as a hybrid since you have to give up around the same amount of other things in exchange for more support.
Yes that’s the fact. Glint is already the power core of the revenant, she’s the legend that can tank, support and dps. Jalis, who is supposed to be the tank guy, is like a shadow under glint power, he need rework yes, and it would offer more builds that the only power build (shiro/glint) we have for now. Mallyx is not designed to be survivable, only survivable to conditions. He was originaly intended to be the condition eater guy, but after BW2 he is now the condition dealer legend and condition eater one. He is in a strange place when a loot of corruption traits are no more viable and utilies needs a rework coz he lost his identity. But i think it’s not his survivability that we need to buff or rework. Ventari is just for healing, but it’s clunky, you can really use it for yourself, it’s more supportive healing to team. I think he is great, a bit clunky but great, need just a WATER field instead the actual light one.
But yeah, the actual nerf of Glint show to revenants that they have only two viable legends on five and, that they need to adapt coz they can"t really play something else. I’m not really against these nerfs (at last glint’s nerfs) glint was too much survivable for a legend not designed for that. She was actually the survivable legend that Jalis must be.
I am aware of the fact that ventari is only meant for healing but so are druids and they have a far superior self heal. On ventari IMO the HP coefficients should be increased and of course tablet mobility (the largest complaint from the beginning).
I would like to see some discussion on glint/x nerf of survivability because of glint/shiro.
While it is agreeable that glint/shiro had a bit too much sustain other builds that relied on glint to be viable where hit hard as well.
Specifically in my case Glint/Ventari got hit quite a lot currently my sustain is around the same as my power survivalist ranger (in marauder) specially against condis.
My personal sugestion would be buffing ventari, Jalis and mallyx survivability to compensate.
It works fine it’s outgoing healing of course the tooltip won’t update. Outgoing healing means healing on other players.
After the hit on our survivability it’s even a big problem for ventari/glint…
Personally I think staff, bastion etc (except PT) is fine een with the nerf. Playing Ventari Herald atm with sword/shield and staff. Liking it a lot especially with more people around to heal.kitten heals from staff, shield, ventari and 550-690 regens (no food buffs etc) are pretty cool
My own biggest gripe is with CD on PT because that directly treads on our core class mechanic-energy management- while other nerfs don’t.
I do like playing ventari/glint however with the recent nerfs our sustain is really low anyone with unblockable skills or decent access to poison can kill us in seconds.
If we still had the ministrel amulet it wouldn’t impact we would lose damage but that’s it…
Since glint self sustain is a problem ventari should be buffed to compensate specially since ventari did need some buffs anyways.
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
Probably because of guardians in conquest… but it certainly didn’t fell OP on herald or stronghold after all you did not damage while using it.
So, are there attainable ascended trinkets for the new combos? (Doesn’t see any at laurel vendor.)
They seem to be obtainable similarly to Nomad and Sinister by doing content within that map (and for story meta reward ).
There is Ministrel (Major Healing power/toughness minor vitality/concentration) and Marauder (Major Power/Precision minor vitality/ferocity) in PvE and SPvP. I do know there are some with concentration and expertise.
Concentration gives boon duration 560 gives around 37%.
Expertise is condi duration.
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
There is concentration and expertise. I find only strange the stat selection for the spec skins.
Unlocking E-Specs in Heart of the Mists doesn’t give you the E-spec achivement.
When you know that your team will use a ton of party side boons like Mesmer time warp or in the presence of almost any guard especially shout guard ( might be wrong don’t really play guard) or in the presence of another herald that is upkeeping other facets.
Or use it when you not rolling glint to give your self some boonage.
Boonage… heh… I just like saying it.
You can’t unless you mean the active it is after all outgoing boon duration.
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