Showing Posts For Varezenem.2813:

6/23: Why is Ascended gear getting stronger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Are you really taking some random website seriously instead of waiting for the official patch notes?

I certainly am, when they claim they were sent them directly from Anet, and the notes contain everything else that we already knew to be coming. If this change isn’t true, let it be clarified as incorrect, and everything will be fine. However, I suspect no such correction will be coming.

If we knew it was coming how wouldn’t they know it too?


Considering most of what’s in there was sited in the other site. It’s not likely they’ve lied about the armor.

ANET posted this topic yesterday this site posted it today and it is clearly a copy from the forum post.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Jumping puzzles and Norn.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Just use the Endless Mystery Cat Tonic. You even get the choice of kitten/cat/big cat for size, as well as various fur options.

Pawerfur options.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

6/23: Why is Ascended gear getting stronger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


This change is not a treadmill:
Ascended is still the highest tier, your existing ascended armor is still the best armor.

And as far as we know it will be easier to acquire in HoT

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

6/23: Why is Ascended gear getting stronger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


If you pay attention all that we know to be true is a copy paste from anets post even with the same mistakes mistakes while everything else does not follow their pattern.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

6/23: Why is Ascended gear getting stronger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Are you really taking some random website seriously instead of waiting for the official patch notes?

I certainly am, when they claim they were sent them directly from Anet, and the notes contain everything else that we already knew to be coming. If this change isn’t true, let it be clarified as incorrect, and everything will be fine. However, I suspect no such correction will be coming.

If we knew it was coming how wouldn’t they know it too?

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

6/23: Why is Ascended gear getting stronger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Are you really taking some random website seriously instead of waiting for the official patch notes?

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Compensation for Passive trait stats?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


There are some new Boon/Condi duration traits not everyone gets them.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Plans for gear after trait system reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


You do reallize that if you just swap out 1~2 accessories you should be able to get the same stats? And if you go by their previous actions they won’t reset anyone’s gear.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

What will happen to my skill points

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Your skill points will be converted to spirit shards while hero points will be used to acquire skills and traits.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Skill Scrolls for my Revenant?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


I could be off on this, but i distinctly remember reading in one of the recent blogs that they would be converting the scrolls to the Shards. let me see if i can find it.

Edit: Just found it, in the release today on Updating your Wallet:

“Any scrolls of knowledge that you have in your possession will automatically be converted to spirit shards, and any source that used to award scrolls of knowledge will now grant spirit shards. "

Towards the bottom, bullet point in, “What about Skill points?”

So it’s good news. you won’t lose all those scrolls you’ve been accumulating.

The OP is complaining that he won’t be able to use the scrolls for points to unlock skills, not losing the scrolls entirely.

Thanks for the correction. edited my original post, noticed that at the same time you posted

Are the spirit shards going to be used for the same thing? My impression was that they would be…so scrolls wouldn’t be lost, you would just click on the shard instead of the scroll…

Edit: seems like I’m playing catchup. Sorry. other threads have discussed that the points may become account-wide, this could open up possibilities.

You won’t be able to use shards to unlock skills. Shards will be used as a currency where where skill points where used.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Bleeds and Burns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Burn should be stronger.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Jumping puzzles: yuck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


I used to be the same as the OP. Baffled as to how something so cumbersome existed after years of playing proper platformers. Then at some point, I clicked with them and accepted with them – possibly when the Zephyrites first came since I thoroughly enjoyed that. There are some I’ll never do though since they are beyond my skill level.

It’s been interesting to see other games like Lotro and TSW experiment with adding them and fail spectacularly. At least GW2 was built with JP’s in mind rather than shoe-horned in like in other MMO’s

If I remember it correctly GW2 was not designated with JPs in mind(that is the reason that we have camera problems), Josh made some maps with JPs and they where popular so they extended those to every map.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Adding precision to pets is bugged

in Ranger

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Ferocity trait seems to be bugged too.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Increase in weather variation?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


The resurgence of mordremoth must have caused a massive global cooling affecting tyria’s climates immensely. Including incresaed rain activity in divinity’s reach.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

(edited by Varezenem.2813)

New Weapons for Classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


You will only be able to use it if you are using the elite spec. And it’s only possible to use the elite spec if you are level 80.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Prettiest Human Female Pic

in Community Creations

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


I hate human’s discrimination.

I really liked her.


Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Why do you play female characters as a guy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


In my case it is because whenever I make a male character I try to identify myself with it but it seems to be impossible to make a male character that I identify myself with in most MMOs. Female characters do not feel like me at all therefore I do not need to identify myself with them.
TLDR : Male characters are in the uncanny valley for me.
PS: Also isn’t she cute? =D


Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

(edited by Varezenem.2813)

Dancer in the Dark

in Living World

Posted by: Varezenem.2813



I also recommend using a ranged weapon it makes it a lot easier.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Enemies hit way too hard

in Living World

Posted by: Varezenem.2813



I can agree on that just reduce the amount of them.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Interface is way too small

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


I recommend you to play on 1080p upscaling from that resolution to your is more natural.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

A Designer's viewpoint: Endless Mode in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Since I saw the tower of nightmare I really felt that it would be nice to have such a dungeon. It reminds me of the endless randomized dungeons similar to Tartarus (in persona 3).

While I do think that this idea is intriguing, how would the game go about properly randomly generating each dungeon floor?

each floor could have a randomized layout

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Songs That Have Another Meaning...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


I guess this one is a classic:
Power Ranger

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

CDI- Guilds- Guild Halls

in CDI

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


I wanted to dig into the instanced vs non-instanced debate a bit. Here are 4 questions I’ll pose:

  • What do people see as the benefits of instanced?
  • What do you see as the benefits of open world guild halls?
  • How could we get the benefits of instanced guild halls in a system of open world guild halls?
  • How could we get the benefits of open world guild halls in a system where guild halls are instanced?

What do people see as the benefits of instanced?

  • Avoids map being overcrowded.
  • Gives the guild some private space
  • Easier customization

What do you see as the benefits of open world guild halls?

  • Advertising
  • Bragging rights
  • Inter-guild meeting place.

How could we get the benefits of open world guild halls in a system where guild halls are instanced?

Creating a special category for guild halls. Common guild hall could be instanced only with a standard entering point (or menu). A special guild-halls would need to be rented (and could be theme-able), having a position on a world map and be limited in numbers. The open-world part would be like a plaza where anyone can enter, having a entrance to the instanced part of the guild hall in it.

Vigil keep for Example on how special guild halls could work:

Vigil Keep

  • It is in the open-world
  • It has a open-world plaza
  • It has a instanced area (that only the members of the vigil would be able to enter.)

For common guild halls the best examples are our home instance.

That way big guilds would have a place to advertise and brag.
And smaller guilds would still have a place to hangout.

Hi Chris,
I have a bit of a tangential question.

How feasible would it be for Anet to develop an editor for players to develop their own guild hall layouts? Is it beyond the scope of things you want to consider?

What you expect to be able to edit?

I believe that PSO2 has a good customization system for personal housing and guild/team housing. The furniture could be crafted (with the most basic items costing around 10-20g to craft).

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

(edited by Varezenem.2813)

Changing skills in combat?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


It’s a bug, almost certainly. There was no announcement, it’s not in the patch notes. And it’s not the proper time for such change.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Suggestion: Legendary Weapons collection

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


What do you think the reward for collecting every legendary should be?

A precursor?

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Outfit dye bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


If you change a outfit all the dyes are reset after you relog. Since I’m bad at explaining things verbally here is a video

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

What to with Extra Essences of Luck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


I noticed that you have implemented ways to consume bloodstone dust.

I must be out of the loop — can you do something with bloodstone dust besides --> bricks —> ascended?


Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Post patch ranger WvW roaming video

in Ranger

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


I personally prefer for:
- Drake can blast
-cleans condi
-it has a burst
- easy to stack regen if combined with RF and/or positioning your opponent around it

well besides that we have very similar builds that’s why I asked.
But now it makes more sense.(Why so many people prefer TU)

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

(edited by Varezenem.2813)

Post patch ranger WvW roaming video

in Ranger

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


I have question. Why do you use TU over HS?

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

(edited by Varezenem.2813)

Please change Rapid Fire Animation :P

in Ranger

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


What he is implying is: if a archer that has tried to rediscover old archery techniques can do this why wouldn’t a legendary hero who trained his whole life not do better?

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Power Ranger So OP!!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


What is the difference between …..?

The answer is intelligence and common sense.

I have certainly felt a void of both of them on the RF QQ.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Ranger is a controversy

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Does the ranger create a trinity? where there is finally a ranged DPS class?

Any profession can be a DPS and any profession can support some just better than others in certain circumstances.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Power Ranger So OP!!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


If you only have to worry about one skill a player uses, you should be able to beat him.

It’s the good rangers that when you get into melee with them just smile and eat you that you should be worried about … and they aren’t OP either … just used to winning fights before the buffs so now they are thoroughly enjoying getting bigger returns on their investment in learning the class.

That’s exactly how I feel. I loved LB/GS from the beginning.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Power Ranger So OP!!!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Most of the ranger builds you guys are suggesting melt against condition damage since most of you don’t seem to want to take EB or SotF.

Of course it’s a power/LB ranger both SotF and EB are far to far away from LB traits… getting HS/SoR reduce that problem

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

(edited by Varezenem.2813)

can't find trees to cut down

in Crafting

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


No Information about it is mentioned in the release notes or the wikia, but if I had to guess you should be able to do it before level 20.

Edit: this video in german said that it was around level 9

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

(edited by Varezenem.2813)

can't find trees to cut down

in Crafting

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


It seems that after the feature patch gathering is locked for low-level characters. This might be your problem.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Favorable Winds [Wind] -- Ranger Guild

in Ranger

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Yamato Yumi
WvW, PvE

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Problem with bows...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Or we could just say that in Tyria they have other names/properties.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Collection "Achievements"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Side tangent: With all this little scavenger type hunts, does anyone else feel like they might be laying the ground work for something… bigger? Possibly reconditioning us for additional exploration? Cause I’m really starting to feel like this is all a set up for something….bigger.

No doubts about that they even mentioned it on the post.

The Future

This is certainly not the last you will be seeing of Item Collections. We have many more in the works, some that stand alone and some that are deeply tied to the Living World. We are very excited for this new system and what it will bring to the game going forward. We had a lot of fun designing and building it, and we hope you have as much fun playing it. So get out there, explore the world, and find that last piece of loot!

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Feature patch, week3

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


I suggest you guys to go to the main page.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Suggestion: player camera improvements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


(5) Camera orientation changing seems like it would be very jaring when in combat. I would be curious to hear your ideas for a control scheme for this.

(5b) Would this be like a ‘lock on target’ look-at?

I believe this one was well implemented in Perfect World (I might be wrong) where you could freely control the camera within a certain range of your character. This should be deactivated for PvP (anyways it used to be used for Videos and SS).

Well this video is old but should give a decent idea of what I’m talking about.

Grimno’s Video

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Belindas Greatsword orHow Anet trolled thiefs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


That is not even a katana it’s a nodachi/oodachi and it was obvious from the beginning. I like it that way =p.

Yup, and I will be getting this for my ranger …

² rangers great-sword skills fit perfectly with this nodachi.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Belindas Greatsword orHow Anet trolled thiefs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


That is not even a katana it’s a nodachi/oodachi and it was obvious from the beginning. I like it that way =p.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Civil Clothes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Town clothes where removed during the feature patch. If you want something similar, you could buy a outfit in the gem store.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Things we all agree on

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


we can agree that this should be usable


Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

More slick and elegant weapon skins please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


IMHO this is anet’s best weapon design they should allow us to use it.


Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Condition Damage Comparison

in Engineer

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Oh, I do understand your point, PP. Maybe I used the wrong example there.
So assuming I can hit the bleed cap (or close) without sharpnel, I should stick with IP instead? (I know I’m being captain obvious here, but I still need an answer for my thread. I just got to 80 and I don’t know what gear to buy XD)

yes if you can keep 19+ without shrapnel, IP is better.
(unless you can keep that burn up from another source)

Thanks for this, just confirmed what I was feeling last night while doing CM in my condition gear. I would like to see how the chart looks all the way out to 3k condition damage, with additional lines for bleed stacks for comparison.

This makes me want to make a PvP build around bleed stacking with E-gun auto and Elixir U

I stoped at 1.5k Condition Damage because this was what I obtained using this full specced rapid gear necromancer.

For bleed stack comparison to poison : poison is = 2 bleed stack.
While between bleed stacks it’s easier the bleed damage/second is (on level 80) n*(42+0.05*CD) while burn is 328+0.25*CD so any bleed stack under 6 will never be greater than a burn.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

(edited by Varezenem.2813)

Condition Damage Comparison

in Engineer

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


So basically, if you can keep up 8+ stacks of bleeding, you don’t have to worry about giving it up for burning? (based on the sharpnel vs. incendiary powder argument in my gear thread)

it’s more like if you can choose between n stacks of bleeding or keeping up burning during the same time

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

(edited by Varezenem.2813)

Condition Damage Comparison

in Engineer

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


yep redscope got it right it is also usefull to know that if you have more than 340 CD bleding has a higher dps.

these where my ploting commands in case you want to check (matlab)

      hold all
Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

(edited by Varezenem.2813)

Condition Damage Comparison

in Engineer

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


I had some free time and did these plots it’s a level 80 damage comparison of conditions
I hope it might help if you have a doubt in wich traits/skills to use.


Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari