Herald of Ventari
Correction: Since rev is the strongest class in the game right now, we’ll bring it down a bit to still be really strong, but not too dominant*
Oh yeah, the “slightly” line: 50% and 33% nerf to the 2 main attacks of the Rev is “slightly” and “down a bit”.
It’s funny looking back at the May 2016 nerf to SOTM of 15%. People were saying that ANET did the right thing by being conservative so as not to kill class viability. Then 6 months later they come down with a radical downgrade that looks like it will threaten class viability. 50% downgrade after a 15% downgrade means about at 43-44% downgrade in damage overall. Almost half. So much for taking things slow eh?
I will not be playing my Rev in pvp.
It’s about 10-15% nerf to rev overall, who had insanely high damage in the first place. Rev will still be meta and one of the strongest classes (I believe mes is not the strongest) and then rev) Just the shiro port alone will make it essential.
If every other class has a value of 15k and rev has a value of 20k (which is p much the case) and then rev gets nerfed 15%, let’s say 20% just to be generous. Ppl will QQ about the 20% even tho you’re still at 16k and 1k above the other classes. Look at the results instead of looking at only the changing number to have an excuse to cry.
Funny how you prowl all across the rev forums claiming rev is the godsend of classes, yet never specifically explain why, or even bother to acknowledge the glaring issues with the class, but instead just say ‘High damage, and teamfights’, completely ignoring that rev’s damage falls quicker than a stone in teamfights, and most of its viable support comes from the lazy design of boon bot Glint, which no one wants in the first place.
Shiro’s port is trash compared to other options. Lousy tracking with terrain, consumes energy if failed, requires a target in the first place, obvious animation, requiring shiro and locking you into other utilities you may not need, along with his trash heal.
I don’t argue, I inform you
Now you can either be a good boy and listen or you can continue crying about how “rev sux omg” as solace for being terrible. You clearly have no idea about rev, evident by everything you’ve said about it.
If you could read, then you’d realize I never mentioned the recent changes or said anything suggesting rev as a whole was bad, but that’s asking too much.
Looking for a second ban, are we?
“rev’s damage falls quicker than a stone in teamfights, and most of its viable support comes from the lazy design of boon bot Glint, which no one wants in the first place.”
“Shiro’s port is trash compared to other options. Lousy tracking with terrain, consumes energy if failed, requires a target in the first place, obvious animation, requiring shiro and locking you into other utilities you may not need, along with his trash heal. "
from ur most recent post aloneNooo, please don’t ban me, and please don’t hack me and please don’t kitten my mom ;;;;;;;
As someone already mentioned, pointing out aspects of the class is not a claim to it being bad as a whole, obviously. And I’ve yet to hear you offer any counterargument to what I said, so it might as well be assumed that you have none.
I never said u claimed it was bad by pointing out what u say are aspects of the class. I pointed out how you have why u have no idea about rev, which you were in denial of, hence I quoted ur previous post :^)
Once again, I’m informing, not argueing :^)
‘Pointing out’ with no points to point at is just pointing to your kitten , which is a very informative point.
What do you mean no points to point at? I quoted evidence of your obliviousness, which is what I’ve said multiple times. Do you have a hard time reading?
You simply repeated what I said, but made no effort to explain why what I said was supposedly wrong. If you think someone is wrong, then you provide your reasoning for that with an explanation of what you think is right, but you didn’t. I gave my reasoning, and now you’re supposed to give yours. I can’t hold your hand all the time, you know.
It’s clear that he is incapable of doing so. I’d personally ignore him by now.
Herald of Ventari
- Salvation is not my area of expertise, but I notice that despite a specialization and everything, Ventari revs are just not as good at their jobs as support ele, druid, or even the upcoming support guard. Kinda lame imo but then again there’s not a lot of players pushing to make Ventari great again.
After over a year of giving them suggestions on how to improve and ,particularly after the S3 buffs, only seeing major nerfs to the power build killing any viability of a Ventari/x build. It gets tiring.
At least they implemented the most fundamental QoL fixes that were needed…
Herald of Ventari
If it wasn’t for these balance patches I would be playing… This game is great in so many aspects but balance has been terrible.
Well seems like I’ll have to wait another trimester to see if it’s worth playing assuming I still care by then.
Herald of Ventari
As a Hammer Rev main, none of these nerfs affect me. I like that Mallyx’s Pain Absorption has a stun break now which is a BUFF! and its not just in PVP, so it makes running Mallyx in WvW less irritating. The Sword 2 Nerf is barely noticeable since it barely works as it is.
I’m actually glad they nerfed Staff, maybe more Rev’s will pick up a Hammer now and make it meta.
Not a chance outside of WvW zerg fight in which it’s already meta. It’s too slow, has no sustain or even damage against a thinking opponent.
Herald of Ventari
I’ll be direct. Previous changes to Rev made me stop playing. I play a Ventari based rev and I could usually still make it work up until that patch. And from what I’ve seen you guys are pretty much killing any rev build that’s based on power (not sure if condi rev can work with these changes).
Even for the meta shiro/glint these changes seem harsh.
I hope you guys have some major improvements to Ventari/x builds sustain.
Herald of Ventari
The boon duration increase on this skill does not work and hasn’t for like a year and a half. Please fix so Revenants have another option if they want to be more viable for boon duration again. I would consider this balanced especially considering we lose a huge amount of DPS from elder force.
They fixed it a while ago. Please test it again and check if the current boons had their duration increased. It won’t show up on the tooltips.
Herald of Ventari
Can we get back on topic? This argument is fairly predictable and the entertainment is on the eye of the beholder.
Herald of Ventari
I honestly believe Anet is trying to force each class into a role. When you have a class that can do multiple things, they need people for each class looking at ways to balance and even things out with in each class. Rev needed serious help outside of glint/shiro and instead they made it the only option. Now we look at every class in the game, pick the meta build and apply to every area of the game.
Lets be honest Anet is dropping bombs and we are the toilet.
I think you are right. I was actually amazed when the default builds came out for rev and Ventari rev was on there over condi rev ^^ laughable.
I also found it funny that they classified it as support since it’s actually a bunker/decap build. They probably chose it because it’s supposed to be an easy sustain build though it’s far from it…
Herald of Ventari
no idea for spvp or wvw, but today my glint/jalis still good. can solo mad king
First your build didn’t get nerfed outside of raids second anything works in open world PvE. Mad king is also quite easy to solo.
I’d rather not focus the discussion on invocation power herald for esl, because it was obviously strong over there and it still might be. However my major complaint and also the complaint of quite a few players here is that they nerfed the retribution line which pretty much only affects off-meta builds.
The only reason I can see them doing so is because they wanted to buff everything else, they didn’t do it though.
Herald of Ventari
Strange dicision indeed it was required by all off-meta builds do to a lack of reliable stunbreaks. While the meta build barely used it… I would really want to hear their argument on this decision.
Herald of Ventari
For forum folks the only good patch is the one that address their “idea of balance” , what it should be, which most times simply means having their class with a powerful duellist build whose main counters are either non-existent or that require massive level of skills to pull it off, like : you have less 1/2s to interrupt them during their easy dmg rotation, where you can hope to land a single blow..you’d still lose though.
Well you are hypocrite. When elementalist got forced into a single build you complained to no ends. Now that primarily Off-meta revenant got nerfed, forcing us all into invocation shiro/glint, you are praising them as great changes….
The ele still will run auramancer, you have then sub-optimal builds which seem good only because they’re used by folks who mained ele for years since launch : like fresh air marauder, lightning rod or some viper/wanderer fire burst
I won’t lie as say I didn’t complain and still do..but with moderation, so far I realised that ele has a specific role in pvp and that’s support, be it heal or support.
It’s not the ready to go duellist profession that many wished and still do…possibly it’ll never be but I’m content with the fact that my sub-optimal builds still manage to grant me some victory when necessary
And the main thing is I don’t expect to beat everything with a single build, I constantly try to design tailored builds for all situations and possible team comps of the enemy, I recognise the strengths and weaknesses of each build and capitalise on them.
I put the biggest effort on my map awareness ability, be at the right place at the right time and I’m always ready to leave unwinnable match up, there is no shame in running away…rather it’s shameful to let your team down because of your own ego .
I never run meta builds, I grow and adapt
One of my sub-optimal build is a marauder air burst that relies on weakness application to stay alive vs power builds and ganks….it works great but I lose ground vs condi build and in that case I have super speed to kite them…I don’t expect to win against everything using a single build
-Revs are still plenty strong : staff 5 -UA -Chaotic release, plenty of kiting potential, blocks etc etc.
Losing vs condi? Slot Mallyx! ; No optimal power dps? Do you want defense vs condi or no?-Necros remain a power house and Anet see it…like all other players who play more than a single mode and single build and they have unexplored builds/traits that require different way of thinking that simple :" run mid spam crap " ; like every other profession they have nonperforming traits/utilities but hey ….every meta has something UP in your box, so deal with it!
All fine and all but are you aware that only the ED and Facet of light (not really by much) affect the meta revenant?
Everything else affects the off-meta builds only and that includes mallyx/x and ventari/x both relied on the damage reduction and stability from retribution to have a chance of surviving.
Herald of Ventari
This is a MMO and every profession has a role and purpose to fill…
LOL, you obviously don’t get outside of PvP much, class balance wise across all 3 game modes this game has always been a joke and this patch is no different.
As I have said..thx god anet stopped listening to forum rants…the problem is not class balance for like 90% of the cases…the game can carry you just this much…you need actual practice after that
Well you are hypocrite. When elementalist got forced into a single build you complained to no ends. Now that primarily Off-meta revenant got nerfed, forcing us all into invocation shiro/glint, you are praising them as great changes….
Herald of Ventari
Sorry but Revs will be a must pick on all pro teams for PvP. You will see great representation in the ranked season as well due to the insane damage output combined with the inherent survivability of the class.
Going on about these insignificant nerfs is bad form and ill advised.
As for the bug list that goes on and on….that’s every class.
It’s time for people to realize this is the Xpac class and significant nerfs on it won’t happen until the next class gets released.
Well you may be happy to hear then. Pro team revs got less affected than non-meta revs. After all, retribution was rarely used over there.
Herald of Ventari
Guys, the change to the stab on dodge may have in fact been a buff. Dodged once, evaded 4 attacks, got 8 stacks of stab.
That’s a bug… There is a 8 sec ICD.
Herald of Ventari
Um, yeah about that… I think forgot the buffing part for the revenant. Because everything they did amounts only to nerfs and some bug fixes with a major nerf to underpowered builds…
Herald of Ventari
And this nerf like pretty much all others hits shiro/mallyx and ventari/glint way more than shiro/glint… Way to go ANET!!
Herald of Ventari
Why not channel Kunavang?
Because there is nothing to suggest that Kuunavang is dead?
Being dead isn’t a requirement.
Really? How do you figure that?
Every one of the current legends certainly is.
You can find the answer to that on a old lore post on the main page about revenants the is requirement was said to be “Leaving strong impressions on the mists” (Can’t remember the exact wording) . Also you are commiting this logical fallacy.
Herald of Ventari
Why not channel Kunavang?
Because there is nothing to suggest that Kuunavang is dead?
Being dead isn’t a requirement.
Herald of Ventari
I agree with many here: I find the design of the map to be very bland. I love capricorn, this is by far my favorite map in terms of design. Coliseum might be my least favorite. It is straight daylight, and mostly wooden props. Very little variety and contrast.
Then, the secondary mechanics feels useful but plain too. I had a game where we consistently won the team fights without the buffs, and consistently lost them when they had the buffs. However, it feels just like one more conquest map with secondary summons.
I think the future maps should aim at having a secondary mechanics which feels like a totally different phase of the game. For example, I would have changed spirit orb so that when the orb spawns, the capture point deactivate and everyone has to move towards the orb. Conquest is a very linear game mode, the secondary mechanics need to mess things up.
So overall, this map feels to me like “yet another standard conquest, but with below average visuals”.
I agree with this feedback. While not ideal for every map the solution presented might work on spirit watch.
On Coliseum
- Paths feel too linear needs some jump shortcuts between nodes and to ramps.
- Channel time on secondary objectives is too short, it’s hard to catch up because of that and it’s hard to interrupt the channel do to LoS from the ramp.
Herald of Ventari
Mmmmmm yesssss I looooove me some good armchair developers. Please keep going, I can’t get enough of uninformed opinions and baseless statements!
If you worked in software engineering, etc to a decent level, then you would know what I am saying is correct, it is only people with no clue who think you can’t make certain statements about systems without having the code in front of you.
And we’re supposed to just take you at your word that you’ve worked in software development to a decent level? If you have, then so have I, and I say you’re wrong. Where does that leave us?
Inherently, implementing a “build template system” is really not hard. I’m a software engineer since 2004, take it as you will. However, there are a few theories on why ANet is unable to deliver:
1) Money-grab, by forcing players to purchase extra character slots.
2) Technical debt. Their code base is now one long spaghetti which is a nightmare to scale and maintain. I think it really shows with every new patch they push out and lack of QA, and their excuse for “limitations”.
I think it’s a bit of both.
“Not hard”… For a kittenty version?
It is complex depending on the scope. Anet likes to go for broad scope and high quality, for better or worse.Money-grab? Just no.
Technical debt? MaybeBut for a dev with so much “experience” you do seem to be pretty ignorant.
And he is almost certainly underestimating the inherent complexity of a MMO code.
Herald of Ventari
I love it how I just start getting ignored here.
Because the suggestions are about making Ventari viable. You know, the core legend.
Your ideas are to make it something completely different. That’s not fixing thats replacing.
Spreading by copying is different from applying it.
I’ll search for the source but it’s probably not going to be easy if it was from a livestream.
Herald of Ventari
It’s a freaking Centaur. He doesn’t know what he is talking about. Make it remove a moment impairing condition then. But Centaur and cripple has such a strong association in the game.
It’s not exactly because it’s Ventari but because the legendary centaur stance is a subset of the profession “Revenant”. It’s for the same reasons Elementalists do not have poison or warriors protection. They probably didn’t have Ventari in mind when they choose this restriction. In my opinion it was implied that Elite Specializations aren’t restricted by this.
Rune of the Centaur is all about Swiftness and Cripple (both currently and before it was redone). I personally don’t really care either way, but you could definitely make the association between Centaurs and Cripple.
Please read what I wrote again.
Herald of Ventari
I’ve had this idea that might work to reduce what people call tablet’s clunkiness, so I’m bringing it so that i can hear some opinions about it.
My idea is that the tablet follows us. When you use Ventari’s Will, the tablet teleports to the position we want and heals in its way back. If the tablet comes back slowly enough, you can readjust its trajectory by repositioning yourself (and more allies are affected by its healing). We can summon the tablet back to us (healing only the revenant maybe, to increase survivability?) using Ventari’s will again. Any utility skill prevents the tablet from moving while its being used, so that you can control better which area its affected.
I thought this might work since you’re not manually commanding it where to move, you’re repositioning yourself depending on the situation, in a game whose combat system is very mobile. Maybe, it could come together with some changes that make staff a ranged weapon or some healing buff that allows us to use hammer.
This was proposed a few times before but it produces more problems than it solves. For example we would have to lose ALL instant cast abilities on the tablet (except PE perhaps). You would have to essentially redo the legend from zero to keep it balanced in PvP.
@Daniel your last suggestion isn’t bad for PvP. Just note that it would have to be chill, since revenants aren’t supposed to have cripple. (source Roy)
It’s a freaking Centaur. He doesn’t know what he is talking about. Make it remove a moment impairing condition then. But Centaur and cripple has such a strong association in the game.
It’s not exactly because it’s Ventari but because the legendary centaur stance is a subset of the profession “Revenant”. It’s for the same reasons Elementalists do not have poison or warriors protection. They probably didn’t have Ventari in mind when they choose this restriction. In my opinion it was implied that Elite Specializations aren’t restricted by this.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
Changes are reasonable except for reducing the healing output on Ventaris will. There is no point to it since reducing the cooldown on it does not improve the maximum healing output. Healing/energy on Ventari’s Will and natural Harmony is effectively equal and energy restrictions make it impossible to heal any further.
Herald of Ventari
This was proposed a few times before but it produces more problems than it solves. For example we would have to lose ALL instant cast abilities on the tablet (except PE perhaps). You would have to essentially redo the legend from zero to keep it balanced in PvP.
Why must we lose all instant cast abilities? Just asking.
Any substantial changes in legend mechanics are gonna be a fresh start to balance. But some legends need it. I think that what Ventari needs is either a high reward from using a very inflexible heal mechanic or a more flexible mechanic, and we aren’t getting any of those.
Because of PvP balance. Having strong, no cast and easy to use healing skills is OP. Think about it, you are using something with the same healing output as lunar impact while putting in less effort to hit with it and you do it while CCed.
And I’m on the side that believes on a high reward solution, which can be obtained be properly improving the salvation line and some minor adjustments to the legend.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
I’ve had this idea that might work to reduce what people call tablet’s clunkiness, so I’m bringing it so that i can hear some opinions about it.
My idea is that the tablet follows us. When you use Ventari’s Will, the tablet teleports to the position we want and heals in its way back. If the tablet comes back slowly enough, you can readjust its trajectory by repositioning yourself (and more allies are affected by its healing). We can summon the tablet back to us (healing only the revenant maybe, to increase survivability?) using Ventari’s will again. Any utility skill prevents the tablet from moving while its being used, so that you can control better which area its affected.
I thought this might work since you’re not manually commanding it where to move, you’re repositioning yourself depending on the situation, in a game whose combat system is very mobile. Maybe, it could come together with some changes that make staff a ranged weapon or some healing buff that allows us to use hammer.
This was proposed a few times before but it produces more problems than it solves. For example we would have to lose ALL instant cast abilities on the tablet (except PE perhaps). You would have to essentially redo the legend from zero to keep it balanced in PvP.
@Daniel your last suggestion isn’t bad for PvP. Just note that it would have to be chill, since revenants aren’t supposed to have cripple. (source Roy)
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
CC and in the AoE cleansing department both specs are similar now. The advantages that druid has that make them meta are:
- ease of use
- high burst damage
- High mobility and escape
- high sustain
Increasing the sustain Ventari/Glint has should solve most of the problems since this is the most noticeable weakness in PvP and it’s likely that druids will get nerfed.
Your previous comparison still stands even with any of the reductions you mentioned. No amount of delayed tablet removal can compare to popping Signet of Renewal to remove all condis from the team.
In any game mode Druid is better. They won’t change its best burst healing because it is an elite spec. Ventari will be stuck as the sustain option. They won’t give ventari better cleanse because we have malyx and jalis, and apparently condis are suppose to be our weakness.
“Druid is more about burst healing in key moments as it takes a while to build up astral force to enter celestial avatar, Ventari is more about sustain healing”
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/revenant/How-can-Ventari-compete-with-Druid/first#post5527470There is no to be nerfed soon. There is hoping a situation arises where sustain healing is useful.
Also any build can be viable not every build can be meta. Ventari will never be meta in its current state. Shiro, jalis, malyx, are the stances you get to pair with Glint, and when we remove them for ventari we take away more from the team than we give.
Purifying Essence is instant cast and activation, there is also staff cleanse and eluding nullification. While SoR is strong it does bug out sometimes and has a rather large cooldown.
On the meta druid your CCs are lunar impact, natural convergence, ancient seeds, staff 4 , , smokescale takedown and protect me.
On Ventari/glint you have Chaotic Release, Energy Expulsion, Surge of the Mist and debilitating slam.
And I can guarantee you that Ventari/Glint will never be PvP meta since it requires you to make a team composition that does not include DPS Rev in the ESL. And that doesn’t seem to be happening any time soon. Therefore I’m aiming for it to be competitive rather than meta.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
I’m not sure about who has the best burst though. The sequence Envoy of exuberance->swap to ventari->project tranquility->Ventari’s Will->Natural Harmony takes around a second and heals for 14k/12k PvE/SPvP (not including equilibrium and sigil of renewal.).
In pvp, no one uses ele for burst heal anymore after cleric went away. You compete with druid, and we already know how that matchup settles.
Dunno about WvW since in practice balance over there is pretty irrelevant. But in PvP quite a few things changed since I made that evaluation
My overall impression of it is the following.
- Better burst
- More self heal
- More control
- Sacrifices less damage
- More condi cleanse
- Better Mobility
Herald (Ventari/Glint):
- Better sustain Healing
- Far more damage reduction around 54%-74% by itself compared to 48% (both with protection and clerics).
- Better projectile hate
- More party wide boon upkeep (perma protection, swiftness, fury, regen)
- More blocks/invulnerability
- AoE cleansing got massively nerfed
They still have a considerably stronger self condi removal but druidic clarity is likely to be nerfed. - CC got nerfed
Moment of clarity nerf, glyph aren’t used and lunar impact got considerably nerfed. - Burst healing got somewhat nerfed
CC and in the AoE cleansing department both specs are similar now. The advantages that druid has that make them meta are:
- ease of use
- high burst damage
- High mobility and escape
- high sustain
Increasing the sustain Ventari/Glint has should solve most of the problems since this is the most noticeable weakness in PvP and it’s likely that druids will get nerfed.
Herald of Ventari
I’m not sure about who has the best burst though. The sequence Envoy of exuberance->swap to ventari->project tranquility->Ventari’s Will->Natural Harmony takes around a second and heals for 14k/12k PvE/SPvP (not including equilibrium and sigil of renewal.).
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
A legend should be compatible with other combinations.
What good is it if only Glint/Ventari builds work….It’s the ultimate expression of ventari. You have to stop everything else for a few seconds in order to heal yourself a good margin, and you are punished for it with bad energy.
100% agree with this bit,I would however like to add that while you can still AA whilist the tablet casts it’s heals (let’s be honest weapon aa deals more damage than actual weapon skills…unless we are trying to damage the breakbar). For me the expresion of Ventari in pvp is this – leave yourself open to most melee range cc.
You don’t need perma protection. The amount provided by on aura application is sufficient.
Maintaing Protection is easier to do with Ventari and Herald traitline than it is with Sigil of Chaos because it doesn’t strain our energy as hard and also provides some healing on top.
It wasn’t a question of whether revenant had good protection application. It’s whether perma is necessary. By on aura application I was referring to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elemental_Shielding
With proper traits on ele, auras will:
- Heal 522+(.55H)
- Apply 3s of protection, and 5s of vigor/regeneration
- Protection reduces damage by 40%
With proper traits on revenant, every three seconds the tablet can:
- Heal 325+(0.05H) from the tablet itself and 805+(0.4H) from ventari’s will
- Apply 2.25s/3.25s (depending on facet of nature) of protection/regeneration
With sufficient boon duration, ele can have the same boons as ventari + the support of the auras, just by rotating.
If doesn’t matter if revenant has more healing modifiers, this high sustain option only works while in ventari. And all and all it never matches the bursts of ele.This is the design of revenant that is also it’s downfall. By copying the abilities of other classes, you get reduced potency in exchange for the potential to sustain them.
But a class of utility on demand means nothing without that demand. A d/f elementalist is a more potent but unsustainable ventari. But there is limited need for the revenants level of sustain (outside of glint). For instance situations where swirling winds and magnetic aura are outclassed by protective solace are incredibly niche.
Tldr; ventari requires situations where high sustained healing beats burst followed by low sustain. Without that it just an inferior auramancr. Changing gameplay in pve to produce these situations has only lead to druids being supreme in raids
Edit: perhaps incorporate a trait similar to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deep_Strike in which the regeneration you apply increases some stat, or perhaps cancels the effects of poison.
40% damage reduction is restricted to the Elementalist (similar to rolling mists). (sauce Karl)
Keeping up perma regen is also pretty trivial on revenants and rev regen heals for soothing mists+elementalist regen at 1200 healing power (Rev Regen is stronger after this point). Also you can keep up some extra Fury and a few might stacks.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
Chillout sir
I didn’t bash your build and you asked for some tips. I didn’t said a word about ele:P
I’m aware nor am I stressed. What I wanted was a clarification on your statetment.
And also in which points your perception diverges from mine.
After all testing different ideas and play styles does help on improving.
I was possibly annoyed by the Shiro part though since I expected the title to cover for that.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
This might work in small team fights but in larger ones…if I have seen right nobody focused you that’s why you could do your job. Normaly 3 man burst would kill this build. You were lucky that there wasn’t any condi pressure out there.
EDIT: and yea you didn’t take shiro so you fired one of best mobility skills in game. Mobility is more important than few boons.
How does what you wrote not apply to Auramancers? Except for the condi part which is usually tolerable if there are two or less condi users. In terms of handling incoming burst this build is actually better than auramancers and possibly druid. Sustained pressure is its actual weakness.
In my own experience I do indeed perform better in 2v2 and that’s for 2 reasons:
- I can read 2v2s better than 3v3+ (still have to practice 3v3+)
- Pressure in 2v2s is low enough that I can play more aggressively.
This build like Auramancers needs their teammates to peel for them in larger fights, which is why I’m only using it in unranked outside of my premade.
Shiro mobility is indeed useful and is used on the bunker/decap variant. Glint goes beyond “a few boons”. Regen is a considerable part of this builds healing output and Infuse Light is more reliable than Enchanted Daggers as a heal. Also higher protection upkeep and a launch over a stun.
I’m also pretty sure that the title was “Ventari/Glint” not “Ventari/Shiro”.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
Have you tried playing Druid?
Yes. It’s easy and boring as f. I’d rather have power rangers back.
No offense, but I find it hard to believe that you find the meta Druid build to be easy given your display of mechanical skill in the video you posted. It looks like you need a lot of practice even with something so simple as just moving around in a team fight.
I actually sat there and watched the whole thing after I posted my initial reply.
A lot less to keep track of allowing me to put more attention into others. And it’s easy compared to what I’m used to.
I’m aware that I have to improve mechanically and I’d rather hear on the specific parts that I have to improve than some general statement. But it’s also a fact that you don’t have to be the most skilled person to judge ease of use.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
Have you tried playing Druid?
Yes. It’s easy and boring as f. I’d rather have power rangers back.
Herald of Ventari
Build is in the description.
I appreciate tips on how to improve myself that go beyond “Play Druid”.
Herald of Ventari
I’ve finally had the opportunity to play on my desktop this season. So I recorded a few matches. I’m sharing this one because it was fun to play might be fun to watch as well:
I may post some other recordings depending on how this one does.
I'm aware that I have to improve both mechanically and my rotation choices.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
Well here is my take on Salvation:
Minor Adept: nourishing roots
Major Adept: tranquil benediction
Major Adept: blinding truths
Major Adept: invoking harmony
Minor Master: Hardened Foundation
Major Master: disarming riposte
Major Master: eluding nulification
Major Master: <<will come back later with a bright ideea>>
Minor Grandmaster: Serene Regrowth: while health is above 75% healing done to allies is increased by 35%, while health is bellow 75% healing done to allies is increased by 15%
Major Grandmaster:these can stay the same as far as I’m concerned.
I had an idea that involved
- swapping Tranquil Balance and hardened foundations and buffing Hardened Foundations to a 8%~10% damage reduction (assuming 1375 Healing Power and no toughness).
- A small cooldown reduction on Eluding Nullification (8s)
- Increasing Uptime on Nourishing Roots Regen
- Tranquil Benediction dunno
- Momentary Pacification is under discussion
- Reducing the randomness on Energy Expulsion orbs and Natural Abundance
Still need to review and do the proper calculations before posting a more detailed version.
I’m also making a tablet related bug list, there are some bug fixes that will greatly improve tablet usability IMO.
Herald of Ventari
-Ventari won’t ever bring damage buffs, because it’s all about peace. For the same matter, it could be seen as a hard ccer (what a better way to pacify), so maybe it could bring some buff so the groups ccs easier? It may be somewhat useless because right now there aren’t many problems with cc in raids.
How about:
Momentary Pacification
- When you interrupt a foe immobilize them (3s) 10s ICD. Increases breakbar damage from nearby allies by 10%.
That followed by a raid where CC is more relevant.
I like the idea that Ventari could be redirected to CC and healing. But, as you said, CC would need to become more relevant so that parties use it, and that means devs decide whether they are changing the raids we have or implementing it in the raids coming. And I don’t see the first one coming. I want them to make Ventari viable for any raid, present or future.
Another possibility is that Ventari could reward people that CC. For example:
Momentary Pacification
- When you use an elite skill, nearby allies are granted a boon that increases by 5% the breakbar damage and they get healed when they deal it (Or the incoming damage is reduced better/longer than with protection)
Could that, together with a better Energy Expulsion, be rewarding enough?
I don’t think it’ll work with energy expulsion. Energy expulsion do to its nature and cost is more of a circumstantial skill. In PvE emergency CC and single target burst healing and for PvP it’s a great skill except for the randomness of the orb location.
The highest synergy this would have would be embrace the darkness.
Also I believe they are willing to make these kind of changes to PvE. During streams and AMA they actually said that they favor mechanical changes to improve balance in PvE. As long as it isn’t retroactive.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
Ventari would be viable if the utilities actually did something besides healing.
Protective Solace/ Diminish Solace
Create a Protective barrier that reflects projectiles and pulses resistance allies.
- Reflect
- Resistance 3s
- Interval 3s
- Cooldown 5s
- Number of targets: 5
Destroy the protective barrier healing nearby allies- Cooldown 5s
- Healing: 1000
- Number of targets 5
Collect Energy gaining natural
- Pulse Interval: 1s
- Natural: stacks 10 times
Release energy healing allies per stacks for natural- Number of targets: 5
- Healing: 500 per stack of natural. (Max 5000)
Purifying Essence
Convert conditions into boons for nearby allies. and heal them for a small amount for each condition removed.Energy explosion
No change, it honestly is pretty good.Maybe not this exactly, but definitely something more than just healing.
You have glint for other stuff and honestly Ventari doesn’t need any buffs only a few bug fixes. Salvation line however needs some improvements.
BTW please don’t forget that you have 2 legends. The utility beyond CC, Cleansing and projectile block can be obtained with glint.I kinda disagree with this…..first off Glint doesn’t have any sort of projectile block and secondly being able to do stuff besides healing wouldn’t be the worst thing for the development of Ventari….but the added functionality should be tied to the salvation traitline, thirdly the Purifying Essence listed there is a better Elite Skill than Energy Expulsion and it’s something I would preffer over having Malyx and Energy Expulsion.
However stuff like moving the Knockback from Energy Expulsion to Diminish Solace so we can have a stun break there would be a welcome adition for most. Also by merging Tranquil Balance with Serene Rejuvenation and posibly Disarming Riposte with Blinding Truths to make room for 2 traits which proc either when you apply regen or use a centaur stance skill could be the improvement needed for the Salvation traitline.
Bottom line: Salvation traitline mostly sucks, Ventari stance mostly sucks without Retribution or Invocation.
Shiro also isn’t the brightest star in the sky without either of them.
All rev builds follow the pattern herald, invocation/retribution and whatever you need to perform your specific role.
I personally don’t feel like the legend loses to any of the others in fullfiling the role it’s supposed to do.
What the current problem is that you need ALL of the healing modifiers to perform well.
Having some of the required traits merged and having some minor improvements to sustain would be enough to get competitive.
In my own experience as long as you know how to use the legend a ventari/glint support is at least on the same level as a auramancer.
I’m against overbuffing do to inexperience because I don’t feel like getting overnerfed and having Ventaris support ruined.
Ventari based support is currently at its best place since the betas.Huh…..what?…….umm no; Shiro is slightly brighter due to the stun break, same for Glint.This is why I am going to say that Ventari does lose out (in pvp at least) due to the absence of a proper stun breaker. Basicaly you have to waste a dodge to get some stab and hope you don’t get hit with boon removal to avoid cc…not as good as pressing a button being free of the annoying cc and having a dodge to get out of a hairy situation. Also Auramancer outperforms Ventari/Glint because he does healing and buffing at the same time as well as having access to both stab sources and proper stun breakers.
They actually don’t. Auramancers have only a small amount of stability from earth overload and their stunbreakers are their overloads.
Also you can buff better as a ventari/glint user for example it’s impossible to achieve perma protection on auramancer. Beyond that fury and swiftness are considerably more useful than vigor, having also the advantage of a superior mobility and more active defenses.
Another advantage is that you cannot interrupt Tablet healing at all.They got Eye of the Storm, Signet of Air, Rock Armor, Mist Form, Arcane Shield and Glyph of Elemental power as stun breakers on top of the overloads….one of them makes it to the utility bar so thats a +1 over ventari. Also what active defenses….stab on dodge…for pvp that’s trading mobility for the chance to prevent getting stuned, provided your stab doesn’t get stolen or turned into a condi….as far as I am concerned that’s no where near as good as just breaking out of it.
Truth be told the whole stab on dodge and stun break on legend swap mechanics aren’t working, Jallis, Ventari and Malyx simply aren’t as strong as their class counter parts and shiro/glint because the utilities for them are too focused towards one path and when you swap say out of Ventari for example….your healing drops because no tablet….or if it’s malyx you lose on condi dps/resistance boon because you were to forced to swap out in order to remove a stun effect.
Jack no auramancer uses these utilities because they have to sacrifice condi clear and healing to get them at best they’ll run one of them though usually they get lightning flash for mobility.
Sigil of energy on staff allows me for a similar amount of active defenses as a shiro/glint rev what I sacrifice is mobility.
Also a common complaint in the PvP forums is that the skill floor and ceiling have been drastically reduced with HoT, Ventari is an exception to that. I’d like to note that those that want a rev bunker should request Jalis buffs which I’m in favor of.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
-Ventari won’t ever bring damage buffs, because it’s all about peace. For the same matter, it could be seen as a hard ccer (what a better way to pacify), so maybe it could bring some buff so the groups ccs easier? It may be somewhat useless because right now there aren’t many problems with cc in raids.
How about:
Momentary Pacification
- When you interrupt a foe immobilize them (3s) 10s ICD. Increases breakbar damage from nearby allies by 10%.
That followed by a raid where CC is more relevant.
Herald of Ventari
Ventari would be viable if the utilities actually did something besides healing.
Protective Solace/ Diminish Solace
Create a Protective barrier that reflects projectiles and pulses resistance allies.
- Reflect
- Resistance 3s
- Interval 3s
- Cooldown 5s
- Number of targets: 5
Destroy the protective barrier healing nearby allies- Cooldown 5s
- Healing: 1000
- Number of targets 5
Collect Energy gaining natural
- Pulse Interval: 1s
- Natural: stacks 10 times
Release energy healing allies per stacks for natural- Number of targets: 5
- Healing: 500 per stack of natural. (Max 5000)
Purifying Essence
Convert conditions into boons for nearby allies. and heal them for a small amount for each condition removed.Energy explosion
No change, it honestly is pretty good.Maybe not this exactly, but definitely something more than just healing.
You have glint for other stuff and honestly Ventari doesn’t need any buffs only a few bug fixes. Salvation line however needs some improvements.
BTW please don’t forget that you have 2 legends. The utility beyond CC, Cleansing and projectile block can be obtained with glint.I kinda disagree with this…..first off Glint doesn’t have any sort of projectile block and secondly being able to do stuff besides healing wouldn’t be the worst thing for the development of Ventari….but the added functionality should be tied to the salvation traitline, thirdly the Purifying Essence listed there is a better Elite Skill than Energy Expulsion and it’s something I would preffer over having Malyx and Energy Expulsion.
However stuff like moving the Knockback from Energy Expulsion to Diminish Solace so we can have a stun break there would be a welcome adition for most. Also by merging Tranquil Balance with Serene Rejuvenation and posibly Disarming Riposte with Blinding Truths to make room for 2 traits which proc either when you apply regen or use a centaur stance skill could be the improvement needed for the Salvation traitline.
Bottom line: Salvation traitline mostly sucks, Ventari stance mostly sucks without Retribution or Invocation.
Shiro also isn’t the brightest star in the sky without either of them.
All rev builds follow the pattern herald, invocation/retribution and whatever you need to perform your specific role.
I personally don’t feel like the legend loses to any of the others in fullfiling the role it’s supposed to do.
What the current problem is that you need ALL of the healing modifiers to perform well.
Having some of the required traits merged and having some minor improvements to sustain would be enough to get competitive.
In my own experience as long as you know how to use the legend a ventari/glint support is at least on the same level as a auramancer.
I’m against overbuffing do to inexperience because I don’t feel like getting overnerfed and having Ventaris support ruined.
Ventari based support is currently at its best place since the betas.Huh…..what?…….umm no; Shiro is slightly brighter due to the stun break, same for Glint.This is why I am going to say that Ventari does lose out (in pvp at least) due to the absence of a proper stun breaker. Basicaly you have to waste a dodge to get some stab and hope you don’t get hit with boon removal to avoid cc…not as good as pressing a button being free of the annoying cc and having a dodge to get out of a hairy situation. Also Auramancer outperforms Ventari/Glint because he does healing and buffing at the same time as well as having access to both stab sources and proper stun breakers.
They actually don’t. Auramancers have only a small amount of stability from earth overload and their stunbreakers are their overloads.
Also you can buff better as a ventari/glint user for example it’s impossible to achieve perma protection on auramancer. Beyond that fury and swiftness are considerably more useful than vigor, having also the advantage of a superior mobility and more active defenses.
Another advantage is that you cannot interrupt Tablet healing at all.
Herald of Ventari
I may not know much, but IMO the problem with Ventari in pve is that it doesn’t bring any utility to the party nor it’s particulary better at healing. Keeping facet of nature up makes healing more difficult for a difficult healing class and you are taking the job that a zerk revenant can do.
Ventari needs to have a little bit lower skill floor and bring it’s own utilities for people to take it to raids. Salvation also needs a rework because it’s just healing modifiers.
Some ideas:
-Tablet is up since the moment you change to Ventari. The tablet follows you just providing it’s light healing, but if you want to heal properly you must use it manually. #0 could be the way to reset your tablet so that moves with you. From my point of view, this could help it’s clunkiness.
-Energy expulsion is never used because provides healing by energy fragments and the cc is poor compared to Chaotic release, so a rework could be actually in place at least for pve.
-Protective Solace heals per blocked projectile.
-Natural harmony is no longer delayed.
-Ventari won’t ever bring damage buffs, because it’s all about peace. For the same matter, it could be seen as a hard ccer (what a better way to pacify), so maybe it could bring some buff so the groups ccs easier? It may be somewhat useless because right now there aren’t many problems with cc in raids.I don’t know but i’d like to see Ventari healers as a usual thing in raids, i’d be one of them.
I disagree about the lower skill floor (it was simplified enough any further and you ruin the mechanic) but your idea on buffing CC might be pretty good.
Your overall evaluation is also correct.
Momentary pacification could fill this role not sure how “improve breakbar damage” can be translated to PvP. Also momentary pacification is a good candidate.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
Ventari would be viable if the utilities actually did something besides healing.
Protective Solace/ Diminish Solace
Create a Protective barrier that reflects projectiles and pulses resistance allies.
- Reflect
- Resistance 3s
- Interval 3s
- Cooldown 5s
- Number of targets: 5
Destroy the protective barrier healing nearby allies- Cooldown 5s
- Healing: 1000
- Number of targets 5
Collect Energy gaining natural
- Pulse Interval: 1s
- Natural: stacks 10 times
Release energy healing allies per stacks for natural- Number of targets: 5
- Healing: 500 per stack of natural. (Max 5000)
Purifying Essence
Convert conditions into boons for nearby allies. and heal them for a small amount for each condition removed.Energy explosion
No change, it honestly is pretty good.Maybe not this exactly, but definitely something more than just healing.
You have glint for other stuff and honestly Ventari doesn’t need any buffs only a few bug fixes. Salvation line however needs some improvements.
BTW please don’t forget that you have 2 legends. The utility beyond CC, Cleansing and projectile block can be obtained with glint.I kinda disagree with this…..first off Glint doesn’t have any sort of projectile block and secondly being able to do stuff besides healing wouldn’t be the worst thing for the development of Ventari….but the added functionality should be tied to the salvation traitline, thirdly the Purifying Essence listed there is a better Elite Skill than Energy Expulsion and it’s something I would preffer over having Malyx and Energy Expulsion.
However stuff like moving the Knockback from Energy Expulsion to Diminish Solace so we can have a stun break there would be a welcome adition for most. Also by merging Tranquil Balance with Serene Rejuvenation and posibly Disarming Riposte with Blinding Truths to make room for 2 traits which proc either when you apply regen or use a centaur stance skill could be the improvement needed for the Salvation traitline.
Bottom line: Salvation traitline mostly sucks, Ventari stance mostly sucks without Retribution or Invocation.
Shiro also isn’t the brightest star in the sky without either of them.
All rev builds follow the pattern herald, invocation/retribution and whatever you need to perform your specific role.
I personally don’t feel like the legend loses to any of the others in fullfiling the role it’s supposed to do.
What the current problem is that you need ALL of the healing modifiers to perform well.
Having some of the required traits merged and having some minor improvements to sustain would be enough to get competitive.
In my own experience as long as you know how to use the legend a ventari/glint support is at least on the same level as a auramancer.
I’m against overbuffing do to inexperience because I don’t feel like getting overnerfed and having Ventaris support ruined.
Ventari based support is currently at its best place since the betas.
Herald of Ventari
Ventari would be viable if the utilities actually did something besides healing.
Protective Solace/ Diminish Solace
Create a Protective barrier that reflects projectiles and pulses resistance allies.
- Reflect
- Resistance 3s
- Interval 3s
- Cooldown 5s
- Number of targets: 5
Destroy the protective barrier healing nearby allies- Cooldown 5s
- Healing: 1000
- Number of targets 5
Collect Energy gaining natural
- Pulse Interval: 1s
- Natural: stacks 10 times
Release energy healing allies per stacks for natural- Number of targets: 5
- Healing: 500 per stack of natural. (Max 5000)
Purifying Essence
Convert conditions into boons for nearby allies. and heal them for a small amount for each condition removed.Energy explosion
No change, it honestly is pretty good.Maybe not this exactly, but definitely something more than just healing.
You have glint for other stuff and honestly Ventari doesn’t need any buffs only a few bug fixes. Salvation line however needs some improvements.
BTW please don’t forget that you have 2 legends. The utility beyond CC, Cleansing and projectile block can be obtained with glint.
Herald of Ventari
I’m pretty sure that unless there is a major sustain nerf (far beyond any of the previous ones) Shiro/Glint and any variation of it doesn’t need any additional condi cleansing.
Any further addition to it would be incredibly overpowered in SPvP.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
Which traits could they merge within Salvation?
Outside of Nourishing Roots with Tranquil Benediction,there isn’t much which looks merge able.Any of the outgoing healing traits van be merged with serene rejuvenation.
Outside of merging Tranquil Balance and Serene Rejuvenation….nothing can be merged in a way that is both easy to understand and simple to explain and implement – and this is coming from a guy who’s main language ain’t english.
Tranquil Balance is also IMO the best candidate for it. Not because of how it is interpreted but because of how it interacts with everything else.
Herald of Ventari
Note: These changes are preference, Comment ideas or Recommendations!
Be sure to +1 if you agree with most of these.
Cleansing Channel: Now removes 2 Conditions instead of 1.
Invigorating Flow: Internal cooldown is now 1 second, scaling with healing power on this trait is increased by 20%.
Incesed Response: Internal Cooldown is now reduced to 5 instead of 10, you now also gain 3 stacks of might for 10 seconds.
Replenishing Despair: Cooldown is now removed.
Frigid Precision: Now renamed to Befuddling Precision which inflicts 2 stacks of confusion on the same cooldown as Frigid Precision. Confusion Duration: 3 seconds.
Pulsating Pestilence: Now also copies conditions on elite use as well as on legend swap.
Dwarven Battle Training: Now reduces ALL parts of Weakness by half. Used to make Endurance -75%.
Steadfast Rejuvenation: Also grants Protection when struck. Protection Duration: 3 seconds.
Unwavering Avoidance: Now has a 1 second cooldown instead of 5.
Nourishing Roots: Interval is now 1 seconds.
Transquil Benediction: Is baseline to Staff now.
New Trait:
Soothing Staff: Swapping to Staff drops a water field in your position and follows, lasting a few seconds. ICD: 9 seconds; Water Field Radius: 360; Water Field Duration: 4 seconds.
Eluding Nullification: Cooldown is now 5 seconds instead of 10.
Natural Abundance: Now gives fragments the ability to clear one condition when picked up.
Swift Gale: Now gives Superspeed to allies.
Pain Absorption: This now stun breaks.
Banish Enchantment: Range is increased to 900, energy cost is increased to 25 and has a 1 second cooldown.
Unyielding Anguish: Now also inflicts Poison and lasts 5 seconds with 5 pulses. Poison Duration: 3 seconds.
Embrace the Darkness: Now grants two stacks of stability every 3 seconds, now costs 9 upkeep to use. Stability Duration: 3 seconds.
Project Tranquility: Interval is now 1 second.
Protective Solace: Upkeep is reduced to 6.
Natural Harmony: Delay time is reduced to 1/2 second.
Purifying Essence: Removes up to 5 conditions instead of 3.
Soothing Stone: No longer grants Retaliation but instead grants Protection.
Inspiring Reinforcement: Energy Cost is reduced to 20.
Forced Engagement: Now Unblockable.
Rite of the Great Dwarf: Cast time is now 3/4 seconds instead of 1 1/4th.
Envoy of Exuberance: Now clears 1 condition with the burst of energy.
You are overdoing on the condi clear department overall.
Natural abundance doesn’t need a condi clear, only a smaller spread.
On Ventari everything is overdone, project tranquility would be better if you increased scaling instead.
Won’t comment about other legends or traitlines beyond that.
Herald of Ventari
Which traits could they merge within Salvation?
Outside of Nourishing Roots with Tranquil Benediction,there isn’t much which looks merge able.
Any of the outgoing healing traits van be merged with serene rejuvenation.
Herald of Ventari
I’m still in favour of either swaping the place of Nourishing Roots with Tranquil Benediction or Tranquil Balance with Invoking Harmony.
Don’t do the last one.
I’d rather have them merge either Invoking harmony or selfless amplification into serene rejuvenation and make a new trait.Hardened foundations and momentary pacification need considerable improvements.
Nourishing Roots needs a duration increase.
Eluding nullification is mostly fine but making it damaging condi specific would be better.
Reducing the spread on Natural abundance should be enough.
Don’t know what to do to Tranquil Benediction.I prefer my last one because it makes the regen aura on Ventari and Facet of Light stronger. With Momentary Pacification,I am quite fine, it’s quite OP when you trigger it with Jade Winds. Tranquil Benediction would be better if the healing orbs floated and/or were bigger (for better visibility) rahter than staying on the floor and would also benefit from Invoking Harmony.
How does it improve facet of light?
Doesn’t Tranquil Balance also influence the healing done by the Regen boon you apply?
No any more than any other outgoing healing trait.
I do not see how changing the positions would improve it however. I’d rather keep it in it’s current tier where it has no competition.The improvement consists of the fact that your tablet can pulse Regen buffed by Tranquil Balance and that with hammer it’s easier to stay away from damage and maintain the bonus from Tranquil Balance for a longer period of time than Invoking Harmony….and that Tranquil Balance is easier to use than Invoking Harmony (at least from my perspective).
It’s also a nerf in PvP (for a minor PvE buff) since it would be competing with eluding nullification.
I really prefer the current order on the Outgoing Healing Traits. However I do agree with Rym it would be better to merge some of them to open up some build diversity.
Herald of Ventari