Showing Posts For Varezenem.2813:

100 games, no ruby, started in sapphire.

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Even though they say it’s 50/50. Most of my matches are still one-sided. so /shrug

They didn’t say that it’s 50/50.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

How can we encourage stomping?

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Just to be clear, stomping does mean to simply kill the downed person right?

No, stomping means pressing F on the downed body doing the stomping animation. If you successfully stomp you get your finisher displayed.
Also you don’t want to kill the downed always, if they are of point you can let them bleed out for example.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

why is jallis not usable underwater?

in Revenant

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


For me it’s the exact oposite. I can understand that Jallis isn’t usable underwater because a) the skill which makes the blue road would translate weird and b) dwarfs don’t go underwater, they go undertables after a couple of drinks. And I don’t have any problems imagining the stone move underwater – unless there is a bug with targetable stuff underwater…

There are no ground targeted skills for underwater combat.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Rune viability

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


2 runes every 2 weeks might be a lot more work than you think.

1 rune every 2 weeks? Although i cant imagine its that much work. Really i cant.

PvP team, balance team and QA. I am pretty sure that at least those teams would have to check on it before a release.
The work isn’t to make the change, but it getting the approval.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

(edited by Varezenem.2813)

Rune viability

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813



There are some really cool runes available in pvp that are mostly hampered by either a bad stat spread with decent active effects or by active effects that have crazy cooldowns.

As an example one of my favourite runes are foreman runes.
Their stat spread is mediocre but that isn’t the real issue, its active bonusses are poor an have too long cooldowns.
If the second bonus was a short duration fire aura on a decent cd and the 6th bonus was moves to a 45 or even 30 second cooldown it would be quite decent.

There arw a hell of a lot of outdated and completely neglected runws that could use some love. Many of them will never be useful and are beyond redemption but some only need small tweaks to make them usable.

Please do this, even if its just 2 runes every 2 weeks.

2 runes every 2 weeks might be a lot more work than you think.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

QQ?? If u wanna call it.

in Revenant

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


yeah i dropped rev upon realising anet is gonna keep nerfing it unreasonably

I went back to my Ventari build it’s not the best around but it works. For DPS I usually play thief now.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Is slower PVP with healers and bruisers fun?

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Berserker had less hp than marauders.

No the real berserker was included during the june patch.
Any other stat differences between “Berserker” pre june patch and Marauder after patch is caused by traitline stats.'s_Amulet

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

(edited by Varezenem.2813)

Is slower PVP with healers and bruisers fun?

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


3. Bunker-Bruiser meta favors those who know the ins and outs of their classes more than beginners. The high damage metas tend to put everyone on the same playing field and caters to beginners.

I actually couldn’t disagree with this more if I tried.

Long kill times/passive DR/tanky players makes the game easier for everyone and really makes newbs have a much easier time in PVP. In faster paced PVP you’re forced to react fast, and predict things happening before they react, as well as know the ins and outs of every class.

In a tanky meta, you can be slow and not really know much but still live because you can’t really be punished and everything is extremely forgiving because of how tanky you are and how long it takes you to die. The more forgiving something is, the easier it is for new and bad players to do ok at the game. This is why thief is generally the hardest to play least newb friendly class. One mistake and you’re dead, but HoT has even made thief MASSIVELY more forgiving with not only the introduction of marauders amulet, but many other tools such as triple dodge and other passives and such.

1 shot metas are bad, tanky metas like this is a little too bad, we need slightly less tanky classes and we’ll be at a good point.

Marauders always existed, it used to be called “Berserker” before the June patch.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Dishonour for blue screen

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


As posted above they can’t tell your exact reason for disconnecting. You are going to need to get down and solve your blue screening problem. Out of curiosity, have you solved many bsod before?

My Pc is overclocked and so slightly more unstable. My cooling is not the greatest combined with the fact that it’s summer now. So with the overheating, dust build up and the fact that i need to free up hard drive space means it increases the chance of blue screen. These are all things I can fix or at least alleviate.
I didn’t blue screen once last season but the fact that it’s happened twice now means i need to seriously address it.
I just don’t like having “abandoned” on my record or my team mates being punished for something that isn’t their fault. Everyone has had someone DC on their team and you usually don’t lose pips for it so it seems they can tell what is a genuine disconnect.


They can’t the requirement for not losing a pip is someone out of your party getting DCed for more than 2min , which is the time threshold for getting dishonour.
If your team wins you shouldn’t get dishonour or lose a pip if you did it might be a bug.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Casual PVE Gear/Build?

in Revenant

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


For casual PvE anything goes. Take whatever gear/build you feel comfortable with.
The fractal and raid meta requires zerker s/x staff.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

What to do against Necros & general condi?

in Revenant

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Yeah I covered some of these in the OP, especially the hit and run tactic is difficult when people deliberately single you out, the running is where you run into problems since they have ranged. Even when using the Shiro evade or pillarhumping where possible people quite easily dot you up before and after – I find that when you try to dip in and out you lose most of your hp inbetween so might as well be glued to a target and deliver what little damage you can before you go down.

And yeah Glint heal is fine for 2 secs, condis still there when it ends and when you get burning ticking for 3-4k and bleeding for 2k+ and then torment and poison on top of that in extreme cases you’ll live for maybe 2-3 secs after it ends…

Like I said while running in teamfights is something you should do if you have no choice, getting close to your support to make their work easier is also an option.
That is assuming you have a druid/tempest in your team (a tempest is preferred ) if you don’t you shouldn’t be playing rev.

Hmmz… Kinda sad that it’s gotten to the point where it’s just pointless to play it without certain classes to back you up. And I was strictly talking about lower division solo q stuff really, obviously this will all work alot differently in a proper team. Had a few games again today where it ended up being vs mostly condi on the opposite side, pretty frustrating how absolutely useless it makes you feel.

It’s unavoidable, we are being balanced around the meta comp which includes that kind of support. Rev lacks meaningful self-healing and condi cleanse and a tempest provides exactly that.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

What to do against Necros & general condi?

in Revenant

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Yeah I covered some of these in the OP, especially the hit and run tactic is difficult when people deliberately single you out, the running is where you run into problems since they have ranged. Even when using the Shiro evade or pillarhumping where possible people quite easily dot you up before and after – I find that when you try to dip in and out you lose most of your hp inbetween so might as well be glued to a target and deliver what little damage you can before you go down.

And yeah Glint heal is fine for 2 secs, condis still there when it ends and when you get burning ticking for 3-4k and bleeding for 2k+ and then torment and poison on top of that in extreme cases you’ll live for maybe 2-3 secs after it ends…

Like I said while running in teamfights is something you should do if you have no choice, getting close to your support to make their work easier is also an option.
That is assuming you have a druid/tempest in your team (a tempest is preferred ) if you don’t you shouldn’t be playing rev.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

first 6 games in a nut shell. MMR

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


If what all the MM defenders say is true that would mean there would be an equally bad player on the opposing team to match my skill and that’s clearly not the case.

God this has me worked up tbh. Look I dont want to get into an argument over how i am vrs how good i or you think i am. My point is with the combination of things i see happening in matches yeh if im not an optimal pvper that understandable but so are the groups im supposedly facing. Though i think its more of a mash of players not knowing maps and not knowing pvp to bad mm and yes ill admit it I don’t have leet gw2 pvp skills. But i know i can fight. Expl me holding 3 at a node on a druid for at least and im low balling 30-40 seconds. And in that time the rest of my team couldnt get one other point capped before i Respawnd. I mean can I say WTF.

No, there would be an equally bad player in unranked.
In ranked all your teammates are equally bad while all your opponents are slightly better/worse.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

What to do against Necros & general condi?

in Revenant

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Reroll to berserker.

Or that…

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

What to do against Necros & general condi?

in Revenant

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


So something I’ve learned is a fairly normal situation is that I’ve popped my heal and swapped stance but of course the dots keep on ticking, eventually killing me slowly but surely and I find myself lacking options to avoid it.

Also been in the situation where a necro was chasing me from range with autoattacks and since I was low on energy from already trying to get away with riposting shadow I couldn’t do anything about it, he just dotted me up with ease and simply left when he felt the stack was sufficent to kill me off, which he did of course.

So the question is, how to deal with condi? Seeing as the majority seem to be running condi builds now, how do you guys get around it?

I understand that offensive pressure is a useful tool and our evade frames are good for avoiding some application, as well as popping herald heal when you’re getting stacked for some massive healing, but the dots are still there afterwards and since they can be applied with autoattacks you can’t really avoid it all.

Being somewhat stuck in melee is obviously a drawback too as condi application from range is quite normal.

Don’t get me wrong, I do fairly well with Revenant and 1v1 vs condi is sometimes managable, not really against necro that much but still (even when dodging marks). In teamfights however I get the feeling that the condi users deliberately target me first, which makes sense since I lack any meaningful cleanse. It’s pretty frustrating to be thought of as nothing but easy prey so I am wondering if anyone has any helpful tips on how to better deal with condition damage builds?

Get someone to cleanse for you or play condi rev.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

[Video] The Comeback is REAL!

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


ahahahah something my pc could never handle XD
Aniway man you keep your camera too close to your character, how can you see opponent animations with that camera?
And talking about game balance, yes your revenant was useless XD XD, only good thing you have done the entire game was switching to thief last minute XD XD

Hard to deny that.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

So are revenants fine in pve?

in Revenant

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Herald is definitely autoattack heavy, but not necessarily as simple as it might sound.
Once you factor in the right side if the skillbar, which is filled with high CD utilities on most other classes, the amount of skill usage becomes average-ish.
A raid PS Warrior, for example, has a much more interesting weapon skill rotation but an almost passive utility skillset.
Thief, which seems to be your current alternative to herald, is probably, along with DH, the most passive / autoattack heavy character you could use on a raid setting.

Hmmm interesting, this is a tough choice then, its the first im hearing it about thieves though. Daredevil doesnt seem to be all about auto attack to be honest.

Quickness doesn’t affect some of the staff skills so, in a raid group where you have a high uptime of quickness, autoattacking plus a dodge roll from time to time is almost the best DPS you can get. On top of that, you might easily find yourself picking passiuve signets as utilities.

On a different scenario, like soing fractals without a chrono or just open world play, things can be completely different tough.

So what classes do beyond auto attack in raids?

Engineer would be on the other end.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

So are revenants fine in pve?

in Revenant

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


So is the auto attack thing not true then?

For most professions it’s 2~4 skills on cooldown including the revenant.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

So are revenants fine in pve?

in Revenant

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Ventari as a concept is my favorite stance but it’s very impractical because of how bad it scales with healing power…but there are some things you can try out with it…besides that dumb combo for stackig regen and might for no upkeep cost. With Momentary pacification and Diabolic Inferno you can turn that Ventari Tablet into an awesome trap.

Ventari doesn’t scale badly on healing power it scales as well as a druid and better than tempest.
The problem is the that the total healing output is subpar.

The problem are the dpsbuffs druids give to their partys.

1 Druid is 20% raiddps increase, 2 druids are 40% raid dps increase.

For a considerable damage loss.
Tempests can mostly compensate that with their personal DPS and that they don’t need a significant amount of healing power to heal enough while increasing the overall sustajn. That’s why for non speed clear groups Tempest is seen as a alternative, Ventari isn’t.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

So are revenants fine in pve?

in Revenant

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


I don’t understand the disappintment, Rev (ofc I mean herald in that regard) is #4 class in dps rankings (, 99% of raid teams will use at least 1 rev (for amplifying the chrono boons) and is meta in fractals, bringing boons and amazing reflects in ventari (critical role for say 50% of the fractals) – really, what’s there to complain about?

Guessing people consider anything but absolute top dps to be useless.


It seems that you didn’t get it.
Warriors DPS is irrelevant the amount of irreplaceable offensive support that a PS warrior has is that big. Chrono is the other one that this is the case, druid is close o that.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

So are revenants fine in pve?

in Revenant

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


I don’t understand the disappintment, Rev (ofc I mean herald in that regard) is #4 class in dps rankings (, 99% of raid teams will use at least 1 rev (for amplifying the chrono boons) and is meta in fractals, bringing boons and amazing reflects in ventari (critical role for say 50% of the fractals) – really, what’s there to complain about?

Guessing people consider anything but absolute top dps to be useless.


Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

So are revenants fine in pve?

in Revenant

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Ventari as a concept is my favorite stance but it’s very impractical because of how bad it scales with healing power…but there are some things you can try out with it…besides that dumb combo for stackig regen and might for no upkeep cost. With Momentary pacification and Diabolic Inferno you can turn that Ventari Tablet into an awesome trap.

Ventari doesn’t scale badly on healing power it scales as well as a druid and better than tempest.
The problem is the that the total healing output is subpar.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Cleric vs minstrel

in Revenant

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Assuming i stack regen and protection and then use ventari for heals, which is better for healing?

Cleric: Healing, Power, and Toughness.

Minstrel: Toughness, Healing, Boon Duration, and Vitality.

Cleric. You can without any effort get perma protection and regen without Ministrels.

You will have to take specific traits and spam that Ventari’s will for days though.

Not hard to do and the only specific trait is bolster fortifications.
Healing output on Ventaris will is the same as natural harmony.
Also he asked the best for heals, not the most passive one.
Clerics has a considerably higher healing output.
It’s also possible to achieve perma protection and regen without bolster fortifications as long as you sacrifice other boons.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

(edited by Varezenem.2813)

How do I report someone for refusing to play?

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Yes. I really do believe what I said, and that you should not quit out of a game for anything other than life interfering. I’ve seen games turn around, depending on the map, in the last two minutes of the match. Teams overcoming massive deficits because one person stopped to point out strategies. It won’t always work, but it certainly feels better than having a tantrum, and that’s what you’re doing by ragequitting.

Could ANET PLEASE comment on this matter, now? If it’s not an actionable offense, I’d just as soon stop expending effort on this topic. It seems to me like the community is fairly divided on this, and nobody is changing anybody’s mind, at this point.

I’ve done the strategy explaining quite a few times, bit after a certain threshold it gets tiring. I usually stop playing before it though.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

How do I report someone for refusing to play?

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


I always play to the end. If nothing else it’s practice and will help me become better. However, I don’t blame the necro. It can be very frustrating when you are teamed with people who don’t know or don’t care about the basic strategies of the game. It’s hard enough to compensate for 1 player who doesn’t know what they’re doing, but 3 people?

From everything gathered in this topic I’d say it’s closer to 3.5 .

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Cleric vs minstrel

in Revenant

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Assuming i stack regen and protection and then use ventari for heals, which is better for healing?

Cleric: Healing, Power, and Toughness.

Minstrel: Toughness, Healing, Boon Duration, and Vitality.

Cleric. You can without any effort get perma protection and regen without Ministrels.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Condition Immunity/Reflect Skills

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Condition Immunity – this is the Resistance boon so more access to it?
Condition Reflect – Mesmers have Arcane Thievery which transfers conditions to a target and Necros have something similar I think.

Personally, I’d rather see more access to Resistance but not at the Warrior level.

plague signet.
Sigil of generosity.
Resistance can be stripped or corrupted.
Mesmer have strip. Necro has corruption. Either way, resistence as a condition control tool is useless them.

Could you please explain what strips condition mesmer/chrono uses? The only “effective” thing I can come up with is nullfield and I get the feeling it isn’t all that powerful if you know how to leave it.

Sword AA and sword clones.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Rev changes

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


BTW about these changes, has Anet finally decided to bring elite down to core levels? I mean the way I see it, after this nerf, thieves or Warriors might ended up heeding nerfed again at the end of the season. I am noticing a trend… just an observation anywyas.

It’s unlikely for warriors and thieves not get nerfed.
They were pretty much meta and all other meta specs got nerfed.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Condition Immunity/Reflect Skills

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Condition Immunity – this is the Resistance boon so more access to it?
Condition Reflect – Mesmers have Arcane Thievery which transfers conditions to a target and Necros have something similar I think.

Personally, I’d rather see more access to Resistance but not at the Warrior level.

And Revenants had condi copy.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Rev changes

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


burtnik the drama-queen <3

I also hoped for retribtion change to be honest. A full passive traitline and especally the taunt trait is just super dumb.

Good changes overall tho which will bring thief close and closer which is defintly a good thing.

Serious question. Does any decent Rev even use Retribution anymore? I switched to Invocation a little while ago and never went back. Much higher burst and if i feel nervous i can always take paladin amulet, but much prefer marauder amulet.

Not that often only when I’m not playing shiro/glint or when all my opponents are thieves.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Rev changes

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


So what do you do during that 7 seconds? Flail around or try to auto-attack your target to death?

You say that like every rev skill costs 35 energy.

Not far from the truth on shiro… Or Jalis…

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Rev changes

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Rev is out, kaput. Ded. Hail thief overlords and warriors. This is overnerf, its like thief that would have to use 10 ini just for shortbow 5.

I would gladly use 10 initiative for an infiltrator’s arrow with 1200 range and teleported me through walls and gave me unblockable attacks. Oh, but then I would only be able to use it every 10 seconds instead of every 5 like revs.

Good nerfs. Energy is supposed to be a limiting factor for revs like initiative is for thieves. Learn to manage.

Thieves don’t spend initiative on heal/utility/elite learn the mechanics before commenting. Also PT requires a target and bugs out depending on terrain while spending energy.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

5/17/16 Patch (Revenant)

in Revenant

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Fair number tweaks. Nothing you wouldn’t expect. Thanks god they haven’t put more cooldowns in and bumped energy cost up instead.

Not like it changes anything for Revenants – Shiro is still the best PvP legend due to stunbreak and you don’t have real alternatives. Not appealing.

Let’s be honest at that energy cost they should remove the cooldown…

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Rev changes

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Well, I hope thieves are ready for the post S3 nerfs headed their way

  • infiltrators arrow now costs 9 initiative.
Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Rev changes

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Rev is out, kaput. Ded. Hail thief overlords and warriors. This is overnerf, its like thief that would have to use 10 ini just for shortbow 5.

No doubt warriors…

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

How to get away from fights in WvW?

in Revenant

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Outside of the Shiro/Glint meta you can also use Unyielding Anguish from Malyx, staff #5 and mace #3 in conjunction with Inspiring Reinforcement to gain a jump+swiftness+stab (x2 if you got herald).

My rev build:

I swap staff for hammer for group play, but if I ever have to get away, I go to assassin stance and find a further away target and use the Phase Traversal skill. Plus I try to keep up my swiftness in dragon stance.

Why Ferocious Strikes when you got a shield man?

All 3 of the options on that are plenty viable, I just took Ferocious Strikes for the extra staff damage personally. Any of the 3 are good though.

Are you sure you read the trait description? Ferocious strikes won’t affect staff at all.
Vicious lacerations is the better trait in pretty much any situation being a base damage modifier. Also vicious laceration affects any weapon, you just can’t stack without sword.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

(edited by Varezenem.2813)

Its raining Chests in HotM...

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Inside the chests are more chests.

And inside those chests are bags!

Relevant patchnotes

  • All fine and masterwork gear now comes in blister packs. Blister packs must be triple-clicked to open and have a chance to inflict bleeding.
Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Its raining Chests in HotM...

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Salvaging is a thing.

I don’t wan’t to salvage I want to enter a pvp match without being encumbered!

Don’t take any reward chest before you are finished.
Also on this specific issue PvP is the least affected gamemode.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Do berserkers need nerf?

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


I honestly can’t believe these post’s around here. like seriously cc nerf? Did everybody forget that warrior was so hated that people actually dc’d intentionally or went AFK during ranked? People actually started flaming others because they used warriors but then some serious slurs and hate was thrown around. And now A-net finnally made warrior viable through to have some sustain and it’s still not enough.

I mean you guys know how A-net Balances kitten. There is a fair chance that this trait that doesn’t need to be nerfed get’s overnerfed. And when warrior sucks again. Some of u guys will be regretting this. U guys wanna risk all of that?

Please just keep your distance. Berserkers are temporarily power-ups. It’s similar to goku’s kaio- ken. U transform for a few seconds, spam your bursts. And then u turn back to warrior with practically 2 and a half traitlines.

But then again they removed mercenary amulet another overnerf. So yeah condi builds are a lot squishyer now so there is a chance, that they now have to nerf berserker due to all the cc it throws around.

its fine for warrior to have awesome burst, its not fine for them to have awesome burst and awesome bunker at the same time, its cele ele meta all over again. There are only a couple builds most people don’t seem to know about that are outrageous IMO.

Did you just say Warriors can bunker? LOL. Please. Are we even playign the same game?

Yes AH is very good now, does it make me invincible? Absolutely not.

When you can’t put a dent into a class due to their high uptime on dmg mitigation along with superior regen capability I’d say thats pretty much called bunker. I understand that some classes may still be able to deal with the few current over the top berserker builds, but do you really find it fun to just absolutely stomp someone who has no chance against you? You know its true, I’d personally rather have a game designed around skill being the winning factor, theres a lot that needs to change in this game and its not just your precious main.

This is why I have been complaining about bunkers. I realized one day that I was running a berzerker amulet on my mesmer and people were calling me a tank the moment I tried out inspiration. The same is true with Druid. It has grabbed my attention that some classes don’t even need healing power or toughness to effectively mitigate damage there is no sacrifice or trade off.

Try to play offensively on ranger. You sacrifice a ton of sustain for a insignificant amount of extra damage.

Well good luck trying to keep druid sustain from being nerfed. I just did a 3 vs 1 and the druid lasted till it was a 2 vs 3 downed everyone except me who ran. It is one of those things that are so obvious and blatant I don’t know how Anet wont nerf ranger sustain. I literally told my team ignore the druid. We out rotated it because it was immortal and won 500-490 luckily it has some under powered classes on its team like thieves and necromancers that were easy to take down without the druid present.

Are you sure you want something skill based? That feels like an extremely selfless act comming you.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

(edited by Varezenem.2813)

Do berserkers need nerf?

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


I honestly can’t believe these post’s around here. like seriously cc nerf? Did everybody forget that warrior was so hated that people actually dc’d intentionally or went AFK during ranked? People actually started flaming others because they used warriors but then some serious slurs and hate was thrown around. And now A-net finnally made warrior viable through to have some sustain and it’s still not enough.

I mean you guys know how A-net Balances kitten. There is a fair chance that this trait that doesn’t need to be nerfed get’s overnerfed. And when warrior sucks again. Some of u guys will be regretting this. U guys wanna risk all of that?

Please just keep your distance. Berserkers are temporarily power-ups. It’s similar to goku’s kaio- ken. U transform for a few seconds, spam your bursts. And then u turn back to warrior with practically 2 and a half traitlines.

But then again they removed mercenary amulet another overnerf. So yeah condi builds are a lot squishyer now so there is a chance, that they now have to nerf berserker due to all the cc it throws around.

its fine for warrior to have awesome burst, its not fine for them to have awesome burst and awesome bunker at the same time, its cele ele meta all over again. There are only a couple builds most people don’t seem to know about that are outrageous IMO.

Did you just say Warriors can bunker? LOL. Please. Are we even playign the same game?

Yes AH is very good now, does it make me invincible? Absolutely not.

When you can’t put a dent into a class due to their high uptime on dmg mitigation along with superior regen capability I’d say thats pretty much called bunker. I understand that some classes may still be able to deal with the few current over the top berserker builds, but do you really find it fun to just absolutely stomp someone who has no chance against you? You know its true, I’d personally rather have a game designed around skill being the winning factor, theres a lot that needs to change in this game and its not just your precious main.

This is why I have been complaining about bunkers. I realized one day that I was running a berzerker amulet on my mesmer and people were calling me a tank the moment I tried out inspiration. The same is true with Druid. It has grabbed my attention that some classes don’t even need healing power or toughness to effectively mitigate damage there is no sacrifice or trade off.

Try to play offensively on ranger. You sacrifice a ton of sustain for a insignificant amount of extra damage.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Engie Shield

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Again though I don’t believe in a player being able to play immortal builds. It slows down the pace and exchanges of Tpvp as it takes too long to take players down.

Let’s be more specific, if we followed what you requested. Necros, warriors and scrappers would be the next set of OP professions, Eles would be on the same tier since they don’t really rely on active mitigation in the first place.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Engie Shield

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


I know one thing for sure the developers Didn’t intend Revenant to be a bunker class. They intended it to be a condition or damage based class. They only added the defenses during beta testing and after successive updates because it couldn’t survive to dish out it’s intended massive damage. So I feel guardian or druid might be a better class for you if you like bunking but build variety dictates you are free to try anything that floats your boat I guess.

I’m pretty sure Ventari existed waaaay before any betas.
And no there is a specific reason way none of those are suited, they are awefully boring to play.

Also I’m talking about support bunker Rev specifically.
For the bruiser/bunker role there is Jalis and he is equally underpowered.

None of the complaints during the beta were lack of sustain.
They were “damage on this weapon is ridiculously low even when fully specced for damage” (hammer/staff) and “this skills roots us and we can’t cancel it to dodge while we receive damage” (staff 5/sword 3/hammer 3).

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

(edited by Varezenem.2813)

Toughness + Infuse Light?

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Does it work with condition damage?

Yes. And like the person above said Poison reduces the healing.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Engie Shield

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Well if you think of nerfing Revenant sustain alone then yes they would not survive. I am asking a reduction to sustain for all classes which you must have forgotten. Asking for their sustain reductions and not revenant would be unfair. But you complain that bunker revenant would be nonviable. Is it that you prefer out-healing your opponents rather than outplaying them?

It’s because I prefer being able to perform my job than not. If you knew anything about how bunker Rev works you wouldn’t be asking this question in the first place.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Engie Shield

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


This is a sustain Defense nerf.

I would approve this in addition to adding increased CD to mesmer shield and mesmer distortion (f4).

Along with increased (double) CD to endure pain or the removal of the endure pain trait.

I would increase the CD of obsidian flesh or make it an channeled mobile block instead of invulnerability.

I would Also reduce Ranger evades or Druid healing significantly.

I would remove the blast finisher on bound and triple the CD on Bandits Defense.

I Still see various sustain issues in the other unmentioned classes as well.

Necro is in a good spot sustain wise, but I would reduce the healing power coefficients for blood magic trait line.

Revenant needs a rework sustain wise free protection and regeneration in dragon stance has to go as well as any healing generated from their weapons. I mean… they already have two healing skills and healing on attack that is enough given their high damage output.

And I’m completely against this since this is ridiculous. Removing healing from weapons that are supposed to do exactly that. Also you can’t call something free if it uses half of the available resource.

What I am mentioning prevent a player from infinitely regenerating their health under any circumstances unless they go Cleric amulet. It is likely you enjoy being able to heal up multiple times on your respective class which is why you think their weapons were meant to heal. If you play with skill you will dodge or block that damage rather than simply out heal it with your defensive rotation. This will shorten the exchange on point so players can turn the tide of battle with strategies in tpvp rather than extended battles on point due to the ridiculous availability of sustain.

You assumed Incorrectly, revenenants lack self-healing capabilities in general with the exception of glints heal if you feed it.
Revenants sustain comes from active mitigation and some damage reduction for power.
Both staff and Shield are support weapons, also both legends associated are support oriented. No other weapon can heal.
Also while I’d love to play Ventari revenant in a competitive setting, unfortunately, due to the strong condi pressure right now and the lack of healing to compensate the loss of sustain it isn’t viable at all.
Removing healing from staff and Shield would completely destroy the little that remains for bunker revs and the only way it could work is if you increased the healing on the centaur stance by over 50% which would lead to some nice 12k healing from the VW+NH combo.
BTW if you combined all the useful healing on staff and Shield you’d get around 6k health without healing power and that’s around 28% of a marauders health.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

(edited by Varezenem.2813)

Engie Shield

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


This is a sustain Defense nerf.

I would approve this in addition to adding increased CD to mesmer shield and mesmer distortion (f4).

Along with increased (double) CD to endure pain or the removal of the endure pain trait.

I would increase the CD of obsidian flesh or make it an channeled mobile block instead of invulnerability.

I would Also reduce Ranger evades or Druid healing significantly.

I would remove the blast finisher on bound and triple the CD on Bandits Defense.

I Still see various sustain issues in the other unmentioned classes as well.

Necro is in a good spot sustain wise, but I would reduce the healing power coefficients for blood magic trait line.

Revenant needs a rework sustain wise free protection and regeneration in dragon stance has to go as well as any healing generated from their weapons. I mean… they already have two healing skills and healing on attack that is enough given their high damage output.

And I’m completely against this since this is ridiculous. Removing healing from weapons that are supposed to do exactly that. Also you can’t call something free if it uses half of the available resource.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Unranked broken?

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Pretty much what Varezenem said, folks are coming back since ranked is supposed to start on monday.

This is what I suppose explains OPs problem since this week the return of the ranked season was announced more players started playing unranked again. Since these players haven’t played unranked for a good while their ratings have a high deviation.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Unranked broken?

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Unranked doesn’t have matchmaking.

Unranked does have matchmaking and AFAIK it’s the same that was used before leagues on ranked. Perhaps with a few modifications they made to make queue time lower.

Matches have literally nothing in common, people are being randomly thrown around. That’s why almost nobody even bothers playing during offseason.

Are you aware that not playing increases your MMR deviation? It’s because of this that you are getting more unbalanced matches.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Unranked broken?

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Unranked doesn’t have matchmaking.

Unranked does have matchmaking and AFAIK it’s the same that was used before leagues on ranked. Perhaps with a few modifications they made to make queue time lower.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Strange issue with health.

in Revenant

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


It’s the WvW buff

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari