Herald of Ventari
Herald of Ventari
While Ventarii does function like a backline support because you need to see where you are moving that stone….the main mechanic for providing support as a Ventarii Revenant is to create and manage a safe area (thats why people are actually againts having that stone following us) followed by embarasingly small heals compared to what Elementalists, Druids and Engineers who pop a water turret can do.
Ugh, my days.I just hinted here that I am actualy againts the notion of having the stone follow the player around. Because the stone has to secure a target area, not the area around the player.
On the flipside I do agree that it’s annoying to have to destroy the tablet just to swap legends, but other than Stability per condition removed by PE should be more than enough for Ventari.
Actually i just read a solution in a similar thread that could be easy implied and would solve many problems.
First: The tablet teathers with the rev and heals him with pulses (self-sustain)
Second: Allies get healed arround the tablet and when they pass through the teather.
Third: Remove summon and destruction.
Last but not least: Add boons like protection, vigor and resistance with traits and baseline, and improve the healing.This way the self-sustain is given, you see were your tablet is to control it better, better support with defensive boons and improved healing.
And everything without touching the flavor of the legebd or the “i am gonna save your kitten butt” mechanic.Problem is a following tablet not only is a loss of flavor it also goes against the design intentions. And the flavor is said here too because if you really want a following tablet a Tempest Auramancer is the perfect solution for you.
Well actually with the teather idea, the tablet could still be commanded, but it gives you better visibility were your tablet is and your self sustain is given. Additionally you could help other teammates in trouble with sending your tablet there. Improvements in healing traits and support is needed too. As i said vigor, resistance, protection would provide the most suitable boons and wouldgive ventari an additional buff and possibilty of group support.
Ventari can give protection well and could do it before the cooldown change better. Resistance is out of question, Vigor is OK in moderate quantities but shouldn’t be major.
The following idea has a inherent flaw, and that is, the non-following state is inferior unless they create new skills just for that state. And assuming they are able to make a non-following state work, just as well, they can also make the current tablet work.
If you are assuming that it’s fine having a inferior non-following state you might enjoy
playing this .Resistance on elite sounds actually not really op imo, or on the channel when your in the area it could pulse resistance for half a second every half second and asoon you leave the area the boon is gone.
Actually i thought about the teather as an addition and not a replacement.
Like it teathers to the revenant permanent and only to the rev. Heals him every 3s like the tablet would do, when your near the tablet you would get double the heal. One of the teather and one of the tablet. Imo i think the range of the tablet is redunadant and 900 would ve enough but for raids bigger range is good.
For your mentioning of druid: I have a ranger main and i play him with drzid and condi, i like the sustain, thats why i want that our revs get better life sustain in case of healing for ventari, because the black and withe healing communitee isnt goid for flexability in gameplay. I would love to see more revs in healing roles or just playing ventari in open world.
Let’s put it this way problem of resistance is that we have a stat called boon duration (second most important one for a support Rev) and for balance reasons revs have a weakness, if Ventari gets free access to it the only remaining weakness dissapears…
That is why resistance is out of question unless you run mallyx/Ventari for some reason…
On following tablet you seem to be ignoring that it has to be balanced and a following state makes self-sustain inherently stronger (see tempest). And that would force the healing to be weaker than it is for a non-following tablet. So unless you make two different skill sets the non-following state will be weaker. And if you assume they can make a skill set for a non-following tablet work they might as well apply it to the current tablet.
The reason I suggested druid is exactly because he fills the gap between tempest style support and Ventari style support.
It makes no sense making Ventari be similar to other existing play styles, after all, the reason we have multiple healers in the first place is providing different ways to do so.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
While Ventarii does function like a backline support because you need to see where you are moving that stone….the main mechanic for providing support as a Ventarii Revenant is to create and manage a safe area (thats why people are actually againts having that stone following us) followed by embarasingly small heals compared to what Elementalists, Druids and Engineers who pop a water turret can do.
Ugh, my days.I just hinted here that I am actualy againts the notion of having the stone follow the player around. Because the stone has to secure a target area, not the area around the player.
On the flipside I do agree that it’s annoying to have to destroy the tablet just to swap legends, but other than Stability per condition removed by PE should be more than enough for Ventari.
Actually i just read a solution in a similar thread that could be easy implied and would solve many problems.
First: The tablet teathers with the rev and heals him with pulses (self-sustain)
Second: Allies get healed arround the tablet and when they pass through the teather.
Third: Remove summon and destruction.
Last but not least: Add boons like protection, vigor and resistance with traits and baseline, and improve the healing.This way the self-sustain is given, you see were your tablet is to control it better, better support with defensive boons and improved healing.
And everything without touching the flavor of the legebd or the “i am gonna save your kitten butt” mechanic.Problem is a following tablet not only is a loss of flavor it also goes against the design intentions. And the flavor is said here too because if you really want a following tablet a Tempest Auramancer is the perfect solution for you.
Well actually with the teather idea, the tablet could still be commanded, but it gives you better visibility were your tablet is and your self sustain is given. Additionally you could help other teammates in trouble with sending your tablet there. Improvements in healing traits and support is needed too. As i said vigor, resistance, protection would provide the most suitable boons and wouldgive ventari an additional buff and possibilty of group support.
Ventari can give protection well and could do it before the cooldown change better. Resistance is out of question, Vigor is OK in moderate quantities but shouldn’t be major.
The following idea has a inherent flaw, and that is, the non-following state is inferior unless they create new skills just for that state. And assuming they are able to make a non-following state work, just as well, they can also make the current tablet work.
If you are assuming that it’s fine having a inferior non-following state you might enjoy
playing this .
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
So I came here a while back, when I first made my Revenant looking for a good universal build, that I can use PvE/SPvP/WvW and have fun with. I’m not fully sure on my weapon choices yet, but I am seriously leaning towards Sword Shield, and not sure for my secondary set of weapons, but thinking hammer for the range.
On my dragon hunter, Most of my gear is Beserker, with Soldier for the accessories, to help fill in some of the toughness. My weapons of choice are Mace, Shield, and Longbow with him, using a mix of meditations and traps to help with his survival and burst/AoE damage
I’d gladly post my Dragon Hunter’s build if not for the fact, that I can’t get the GW2Skill editor to load today. Not sure if they’re down, or my internet is just saying no to that one particular site.
Anyway, I’d love to see what advice you all have to offer.
The invocation/deva herald works in all game modes. But for raids you usually take jalis over shiro and for WvW you take hammer instead of s/s or staff. For specific game modes you might prefer changing traits but it’s not required.
And that’s the closest that you can get for a universal build.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
…Nerf precision strike for real or at least so that it requires a target and strikes in a cone instead of seeking anything regardless of relative position and stealth
This a million times over. Seriously precision strike is literally the most braindead thing ever. Does really good dmg, doesn’t need a target, tracks in stealth.
Well from a rev PoV we would rather have a cone type attack than what we have because it’s unreliable.
Herald of Ventari
I totally agree and have agreed for a while. It’s easily the strongest but also by far the easiest. There isnt much to Glint, but for power there is no alternative really. You never don’t take Glint for power; it’s 12 stacks of might, perma fury, protection and aoe boon duration. The activations are strong/easy to use too…
Its not just you, Glint needs a rework imo
On what exactly? Glint is meant to be a boonbot and does that well.
Herald of Ventari
I think that if Revenants want to play as support,then as long as they have the skill line dedicated for it then they should be allowed to play as support without using the Legendary Centaur Stance.
They still can it’s just that Ventari is the base legend focused on support through heals while salvation is the traitline designed to improve Healing (to others), Control and sustain/support.
Herald of Ventari
My version?Has aoe stun break and gives stability per condition removed in place of healing per condition removed…the stability counters cc from bosses in pve.
Bosses rarely use CCs condis even less and both are dodged (as a standard procedure).
Stunbreakers, stab and condi cleanse are pretty niche in PvE with maguma falls being one of the few areas they are used.So people who do Maguma maps would love having stab per condi cleaned.People who also do pvp would love to get after geting stun broken when CC falls from the sky like rain drops. Also…they may make more bosses who do CCs and condis for raids…you just never know these days. Also mistakes happen in raids…a means of correcting mistakes would surely be appreciated by people new to raids.
What I meant is that this won’t change Ventaris position in PvE at all. There are more effective ways to get both. On PvP the stunbreak part has been suggested before and if the stab is on a low duration it’s quite likely fine.
Herald of Ventari
My version?Has aoe stun break and gives stability per condition removed in place of healing per condition removed…the stability counters cc from bosses in pve.
Bosses rarely use CCs condis even less and both are dodged (as a standard procedure).
Stunbreakers, stab and condi cleanse are pretty niche in PvE with maguma falls being one of the few areas they are used.
Herald of Ventari
So I watched the video you posted, Varezenem.2813 and honestly I could not give less of a kitten because people change their mind and Ventari as it is now does a better job at bunkering than healing…furthermore Salvation does very little to help with ventari’s healing and needs lots of updates.
But on the video they did say they wanted to give Ventari a unique feeling…and they can’t make Ventari do sustain heals right…because people need to be able to bunker near the kitten tablet to get the sustain heals! Thats why I suggested that NH function like the heal from engi’s water turret (periodic aoe heals which generate water combo fields).
This is my feedback and impressions I am sticking with my guns….maybe NH should be the burst heal for this stance instead of the water field generator…but my PE version of Ventari is what’s needed right now to make it viable in both pvp and pve.
Well nothing against this version of PE it’s pretty similar to other suggestions ,however, I can’t see it having any use in PvE. (At least not more than now.)
Herald of Ventari
While Ventarii does function like a backline support because you need to see where you are moving that stone….the main mechanic for providing support as a Ventarii Revenant is to create and manage a safe area (thats why people are actually againts having that stone following us) followed by embarasingly small heals compared to what Elementalists, Druids and Engineers who pop a water turret can do.
Ugh, my days.I just hinted here that I am actualy againts the notion of having the stone follow the player around. Because the stone has to secure a target area, not the area around the player.
On the flipside I do agree that it’s annoying to have to destroy the tablet just to swap legends, but other than Stability per condition removed by PE should be more than enough for Ventari.
Actually i just read a solution in a similar thread that could be easy implied and would solve many problems.
First: The tablet teathers with the rev and heals him with pulses (self-sustain)
Second: Allies get healed arround the tablet and when they pass through the teather.
Third: Remove summon and destruction.
Last but not least: Add boons like protection, vigor and resistance with traits and baseline, and improve the healing.This way the self-sustain is given, you see were your tablet is to control it better, better support with defensive boons and improved healing.
And everything without touching the flavor of the legebd or the “i am gonna save your kitten butt” mechanic.
Problem is a following tablet not only is a loss of flavor it also goes against the design intentions. And the flavor is said here too because if you really want a following tablet a Tempest Auramancer is the perfect solution for you.
Herald of Ventari
My toolkit for Ventari, does indeed lean on the bunker side, but the healer bits are actualy within my remake of the Salvation skill line, which involve buffs that increase healing received by allies (but not self), buffs on the orbs from staff, Natural abundance to generate healing fragments to do some extra healing.
My Ventari without my Salvation talent tree line is a secondary stance for bunkers,while with Salvation…even without Ventari you can play as support…just get a staff…if you add Glint and Malyx and you get a front line support that grants boons,does boon strips and amplifies the heals of other supports.
Jalis is front row fighter/bunker. My Ventari without Salvation is backrow bunker. My Ventary with Salvation it is a support. It’s good sustain heal with it’s new NH which functions as a mobile engi water turret, and PE for aoe stun break, stab and condi clean.
Problem is that it pushes it even more to circumstantial healing and even more specific the kind of circumstantial healing that hasn’t worked for any profession.
And following the description the healing output is a lot lower unless you have a team constantly blasting waterfields… (Which doesn’t happen let’s be honest.)
Also Ventari isn’t a bunker, nor front line, nor backline and that has been explicitly stated during the reveal livestream.
Ventari himself is focused on support what he needs is enough sustain to be able to do that not more. ( if you want more sustain take another traitline/legend)
Edit: on the pulse effect on NH please be a lot more specific. Because what you are suggesting can go from useless to completely broken. It can be even something that is easier done by changing numbers on the current NH version.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
My suggestions? Yeah they are pvp centric because I haven’t reached max lvl on my rev now…and most of the stuff I have been doing is PvP.
No, I was referring to the vigor on PS. Your suggestions were obviously PvP centric given your arguments and feedback.
But like I mentioned before your suggestions focus too much on the bunker aspects while weakening the sustain healers aspects.
The later is Ventaris main purpose while the former is Jalis’ job.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
Revenant is underpowered actually
Which is why none of the ESl teams use one, oh wait they pretty much all use one, and before the latest class stacking rule, of the four teams in the semi-finals of the pro-league there were 7 revs, your opinion does not seem to match the reality, here is some more reality for you – http://academygamingnet.com/guild-wars-2-class-tier-list-april-27th-2016/ .
They used revs for 3 reasons:
1. They were used to it due to the previous meta
2. They work particularly well when combined with Auramancers
3. This was pre nerf.
Also I assume burtnik is referring primarily to core Rev.
Herald of Ventari
I haven’t gotten to raiding content yet…but I got to ask…do raid bosses have as much crazy aoe as say the spider boss from the Ascalonian Tombs?
Not the same kind (not as many dodge or die).
Also druid is taken over tempest even though Tempest has perma vigor/protection. A high vigor uptime can be achieved by thieves and DH if they wanted to not sure about the rest.
The suggestion is also PvP focused since that’s where it has the largest impact (given its characteristics).
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
One of the only things I like about Ventari Revenant over my druid is that if I see an ally about to go down I can basically throw the source of my projectile defense and healing across the field. It’s a very clutch move that can give your ally the breathing room he needs to recover and keep fighting. Usually it buys me enough time to then move myself over to peel enemies off my ally.
True, that’s a good point to having a stationary (moveable?) rock vs a following rock.
- Protective solace is in a good place IMO but perhaps giving it a pulsing vigor would be better.
Sounds like you meant replacement. My bad if you meant otherwise.
In this case I used “giving” as in "Giving X (Effect) to Y(Skill) .
Usually this isn’t misinterpreted.Eh, that’s not how the sentence reads, but whatever. We’re arguing over pointless grammar. I understand what you mean now. You mean in addition, however, that’d make the skill OP imo. You’d have a projectile block, which is already pretty powerful, and a Vigor on top of it? I can already hear the tears falling from forum grievers.
It sounds far more OP than it actually is. In PvE it makes no difference, WvW dunno, in PvP you’d get an extra dodge every 30~40 seconds… Compared to energy that was 1 extra dodge every 10 seconds. And that is assuming your Opponents are dumb enough to let you sit in it without throwing AoEs or going melee.
I would disagree with the PVE bit because when I first started doing PvE content on this game…I noticed that some bosses (specificaly in Ascalonian Tombs and the Nightmare court one) throw aoe and cc in lots of small areas making it hard for people to find a place where its safe to stay because you won’t get damaged – it was and still is a very scary thing to experience…especialy when you don’t have a guardian with a shield or that Sanctuary consecration spell…or Ventari’s tablet.
For PvE I’m taking raids as a reference, since that is what the balance is focused on.
Herald of Ventari
Some people say Revenant is countered by Thief.
Some people say Thief is countered by Revenant.
Some people say it is 50/50 at equal skill level.
Some people say Revenant needs buff.
Some people say Thief needs buff.
Which class counters which class?
Which class needs buff?
What do you think and for what reasons?
Can’t say about thieves needing buff specially right now but on Revs needing buffs I’m quite certain that none are being requested for shiro/glint.
Rev requests are focused on making bad legends, traits and weapons usable and reworks on specific weapons/skills to make them less binary.
On Rev vs Thief it depends on the circumstances and builds.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
They actually wouldn’t PvP uses a level 78 exotic coefficient. In WvW and PvE you are usually using ascended or at least level 80 exotic gear…
Take off devastation line and compare damage difference between thrust and precision strike (invidual hit). Precision strike deals less despite having higher tooltip.
Tooltip uses weapon modifier.
About sword rework it’s probably a good idea making it less binary.
Herald of Ventari
One of the only things I like about Ventari Revenant over my druid is that if I see an ally about to go down I can basically throw the source of my projectile defense and healing across the field. It’s a very clutch move that can give your ally the breathing room he needs to recover and keep fighting. Usually it buys me enough time to then move myself over to peel enemies off my ally.
True, that’s a good point to having a stationary (moveable?) rock vs a following rock.
- Protective solace is in a good place IMO but perhaps giving it a pulsing vigor would be better.
Sounds like you meant replacement. My bad if you meant otherwise.
In this case I used “giving” as in "Giving X (Effect) to Y(Skill) .
Usually this isn’t misinterpreted.Eh, that’s not how the sentence reads, but whatever. We’re arguing over pointless grammar. I understand what you mean now. You mean in addition, however, that’d make the skill OP imo. You’d have a projectile block, which is already pretty powerful, and a Vigor on top of it? I can already hear the tears falling from forum grievers.
It sounds far more OP than it actually is. In PvE it makes no difference, WvW dunno, in PvP you’d get an extra dodge every 30~40 seconds… Compared to energy that was 1 extra dodge every 10 seconds. And that is assuming your Opponents are dumb enough to let you sit in it without throwing AoEs or going melee.
Herald of Ventari
I swear if they nerf it damage im completely done with this game.
It seems that they want to keep the damage the same in PvP (therefore nerfing it). It would be stronger in WvW and PvE.
To keep it the same in spvp but increase in wvw/pve they would have to buff scaling.
They actually wouldn’t PvP uses a level 78 exotic coefficient. In WvW and PvE you are usually using ascended or at least level 80 exotic gear…
This is the exact quote
Is revenant going to get the polish it deserves?
- Bugged sword scaling which was addressed in the bugs you are looking at but is still untouched.
- Sword skill 2 hitting random, non-selectable targets (blue orbs at VG)
- Jalis hammers turning off on inclines.
- Only 2 underwater legends
sword scaling – known issue on our radar. it’s a tech issue of firing skills in different ways in the back end. The damage will have to be looked at and adjusted once this is fixed.
sword 2 targets – this is a known issue that needs some new tech to resolve but we know about it and it’s on our radar to fix.
jalis hammers – on just inclines? it shouldn’t end unless you run out of energy, turn it off or the projectiles hit walls. The projectiles should be hovering above the ground so they should follow the terrain of inclines.
uw legends – we know right now there aren’t many options. The work has to be weighed against other things we are working on but we’d like to eventually make more legends useable underwater.
From the post patch AMA.
Not saying that the damage will stay the same but that’s the impression it gave. (In PvE the best rotation right now is pure AA because of it)
Herald of Ventari
I swear if they nerf it damage im completely done with this game.
It seems that they want to keep the damage the same in PvP (therefore nerfing it). It would be stronger in WvW and PvE.
Herald of Ventari
- Protective solace is in a good place IMO but perhaps giving it a pulsing vigor would be better.
Sounds like you meant replacement. My bad if you meant otherwise.
In this case I used “giving” as in "Giving X (Effect) to Y(Skill) .
Usually this isn’t misinterpreted.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
- Protective solace is in a good place IMO but perhaps giving it a pulsing vigor would be better.
No no, PS is what redeems this Legend in the first place. Removing the projectile blocks in place of vigor is a bad idea.
Where did I say about removing the projectile block? That would be stupid.
And this change is aimed at PvP mostly by recovering a small amount of what was lost do to the sigil of energy nerf.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
The problem is that stats like healing power and boon duration are too costly of offensive performance budget wise. You’ll never get people to sacrifice offense for healing power in PvE short of some niche pure healer gimmick build.
Merging those stats in turn might make them more attractive to take in PvE.
And broken in PvP. And what about druids? I’ve heard that Magi’s is fairly popular and that’s literally the worst DPS combination.
Herald of Ventari
lol, Revenant has the highest mainhand sword autoattack DPS in game
Hello, its 2016 here. How 2015 is doing?
Daredevil uses staff for DPS. What other class uses mainhand sword for DPS?
Mesmer is the lowest DPS ingame. Their sword autos did about 30% less damage than thief sword before thief sword was even biffed.
Ranger sword DPS is only slightly above mesmer.
I mean, how hard is it for you to understand that Herald DPS tests put him at 30k DPS while mesmer and ranger, the only two other sword users, are 24k DPS and below?
You are conveniently ignoring guardians, warriors and thieves. The last one is the actual holder of the strongest sword AA it’s just that other weapons have a even higher AA DPS.
Herald of Ventari
From my understanding :
- Jalis is designed as the bunker.
- Mallyx is designed as the condi creep.
- Shiro is designed as the power creep.
- Ventarii is designed as a rear line support.
- Glint is designed as the front line support.And the main issue of ventarii is simply the stone that is more a deadweight than anything. For me what it need is a default follow mode and make the utilities skills, that are not the healing skill, ground targeted. From my point of view it would solve 80% of the issues of this legend.
The one thing I partialy disagree with, is that Ventarii is supposed to be the rear line support. I disagree with this because in my experience Ventari si more about securing teritority than providing support in a maner similar to what Druids, Elementalists (tempest or not…doesn’t matter) etc.
As they are right now,within combat Natural Harmony and Purifying essence are a joke due to their low healing and high demand for healing power and overall the radius of all of the abilities from the centaur stance are a joke.
The highlight of Ventarii from my perspective is Protective Solace which is a movable low cooldown Sanctuary skill from the Guardian’s utility kit and a massive “F you” sign for all bosses who do obscene ammount of aoe dps and any class which relies on a range weapon for its dps output.
While Ventarii does function like a backline support because you need to see where you are moving that stone….the main mechanic for providing support as a Ventarii Revenant is to create and manage a safe area (thats why people are actually againts having that stone following us) followed by embarasingly small heals compared to what Elementalists, Druids and Engineers who pop a water turret can do.
That’s what I agree to =p.
- Increase NH healing by 30% (base and scaling) and give it a 1/4 cast (delay to 0.75)
- cooldown reduction on VW(3sec) and 30% healing increase (base and scaling)
- stunbreak on EE (and perhaps a bit better healing)
- cooldown reduction on eluding nullification (5sec)
- Remove Project Tranquility change it to summon on skill usage. (It shouldn’t be possible to lose all of your utilities and heal for 10~15sec do to a random power block…)
- Protective solace is in a good place IMO but perhaps giving it a pulsing vigor would be better.
If sustain is insufficient:
- Increase shield 5 scaling to .45 (28% increase)
If healing is insufficient:
- adjust outgoing healing within the traits.
Healing power should still be major for balance reasons (see druid changes pre launch).
These changes should allow for ventari revenants to build more offensive for raids.
On the sustain side it should be at least equal to tempest against power while being weaker against condi.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
S/S for PvP, S/A is a PvE DPS combination.
If you are getting kited though, you can try switching to S/A as it has an additional gap closer with axe 4.
I’m guessing the block makes the S/S a better option?
Herald of Ventari
From my understanding :
- Jalis is designed as the bunker.
- Mallyx is designed as the condi creep.
- Shiro is designed as the power creep.
- Ventarii is designed as a rear line support.
- Glint is designed as the front line support.And the main issue of ventarii is simply the stone that is more a deadweight than anything. For me what it need is a default follow mode and make the utilities skills, that are not the healing skill, ground targeted. From my point of view it would solve 80% of the issues of this legend.
Agreed. There are others in the forum however who think that a follow mode would make the Legend OP. I disagree. There are ways to balance it.
Not OP but completely flavorless and it would have to be balanced around the following state making any placement state useless.
2nd while in PvP the only way Ventari will have a place is as a bunker/support you are going too much into the bunker side and that’s jalis’ job.
But your evaluation on the current problems is correct.
Herald of Ventari
Which would you say is better? I’ve always been a fan of dual wielding and I never really cared much for shields. Are either viable in PvP?
S/S the sustain on s #4 is fairly important. Axe is mostly used on condi builds.
Herald of Ventari
Maybe the line is cast and doesn’t follow you around? I don’t know I was just pointing out that he already answered those questions.
Nah he specifically said that the line isn’t cast but a passive effect. If that wasn’t the case it wouldn’t be able to work as an identifier.
Herald of Ventari
Ive always used OH sword, for the block. At least Grasping Shadow gives a bit of Fury now, so I actually have a reason to use it, if Facet of Darkness is down or im not in Dragon Stance.
Im not super keen on axe, because the location where Frigid Blitz’s shadowstep dumps you is a bit random, and its put me into undesirable locations before, and Temporal Rift’s pull is a bit buggy. I find it fails to pull more often than it does pull, and the damage is just a bit underwhelming when it does actually hit.
Shield. No, because aforementioned self-immobilize, and barely ok-ish heal.
Why did they remove OH Dagger prior to release. It likely would’ve been better than any of the offhands Rev currently gets.
Wait, Rev used to have OH dagger instead of sword?
Also, I’ve been using sword more often now as well.
Never in live. It was data-mined though.
Herald of Ventari
Is the revenant affected by the heal?
to get healing you could also just move yourself to line
Not really, you are either always or never in the line if the line is between the player and the tablet.
But except for the numbers the idea itself isn’t bad and could be implemented (without losing flavor). I just don’t see the advantages of this specific solution over others.
It also feels like it’s aimed at Open world PvE and WvW.
But a identifier to distinguish your own tablet from others is indeed a good thing.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
I don’t think it is that difficult. Sure, those teams won’t be meta-tier, but if you just try to think of roles and stuff, you can easily make up 5 different builds. Also, the rules are still fairly loose, so you can easily run variations of the meta. For example, you could imagine a 5 necro team with
- a dueler: MM necro
- a roamer: power necro
- a healer/damage: Sage necro (I usually played that with crusader, but they removed it so only condi is possible now)
- bruiser/condi DPS: corruptmancer
- bruiser/condi DPS: signet condimancer
I don’t pretend this is a good set up (probably more boon corrupt than needed for example), but I mostly wanted to show that you don’t usually need to go completely out of your way to find very different build. The rules are not that strict and small variations still work.
It’s really not that I am against 3v3, but I would like conquest and not just fighting, because it has more depth (I think). And conquest is just sad with only 3 players per team.
Try that on Revenants…
Invocation herald
Retribution herald
Condi herald
Condi Revenant
Bunker/Support Herald
Did I do it right?And thieves?
Well yes, this team works (except that they all have swords). I do not know if you were trying to prove that this is possible or to prove that this is stupid. Overall, the rules are here to prevent exact same builds, but does not prevent very similar builds to be used. Hopefully, synergy and roles will ensure that there is some diversity.
Now I agree it will be more difficult for some classes, and thieves are a great example. But this is also a good way to highlight the weaknesses in the design of some classes.
Maybe after trying a few match, we will see the inherent flaws of this tournament concept. I am personally very interested in seeing such games which is why I suggested this. But I am not 100% sure indeed that all games will be highly competitive.
Sorry forgot about sword, it can be swapped on one of the condi revs for staff (base rev probably).
Changing into something like this:
Condi bruiser Rev.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
PvP? No.
Raiding? No.
Dungeons? Does it really matter?
Well for raids they claim they are no more then buff bots now.
What do you think Revenants are? The exact same.
Herald of Ventari
sorry i tend to keep stuff simple when i make suggestion otherwise people just instantly go no.
i meant like changing how tablet heal itself right now it currently pulse at set interval of 3 seconds around tablet itself what if tablet pulse became like druid line. where it become a solid line lighting up that interval become healing. making it so having tablet in awkward position would not force you have to move tablet to get healing you could also just move yourself to line up healing. save on upkeep cost.
The scaling by range might be too much (in terms of complexity). But, aspects to consider:
Is the revenant affected by the heal?
How wide is the line?
What problem does it solve?
Herald of Ventari
I don’t think it is that difficult. Sure, those teams won’t be meta-tier, but if you just try to think of roles and stuff, you can easily make up 5 different builds. Also, the rules are still fairly loose, so you can easily run variations of the meta. For example, you could imagine a 5 necro team with
- a dueler: MM necro
- a roamer: power necro
- a healer/damage: Sage necro (I usually played that with crusader, but they removed it so only condi is possible now)
- bruiser/condi DPS: corruptmancer
- bruiser/condi DPS: signet condimancer
I don’t pretend this is a good set up (probably more boon corrupt than needed for example), but I mostly wanted to show that you don’t usually need to go completely out of your way to find very different build. The rules are not that strict and small variations still work.
It’s really not that I am against 3v3, but I would like conquest and not just fighting, because it has more depth (I think). And conquest is just sad with only 3 players per team.
Try that on Revenants…
Invocation herald
Retribution herald
Condi herald
Condi Revenant
Bunker/Support Herald
Did I do it right?
And thieves?
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
you know what would be super cool if tablet had a mech to druid 1 skill where it create a line of healing expect it would tether in between rev an tablet make it heal for more farther away the tablet is from the rev.
That’s not a bad idea but it’s a bit too vague, could you elaborate?
Herald of Ventari
Can do everything a guardian does but better? Reading the forums on guardian everyone in there is saying this, and its quite discouraging.
In what game mode?
Herald of Ventari
Well, a “no HoT” tournament is definitely something I would enjoy watching, and one of you may proceed and organize it if you want.
But my question was about a class stacking tournament. Should I conclude that the interest is low?
Well I would find it interesting in a 3v3 matchup. Finding more than 3 different builds that have a decent synergy in all professions is too unlikely.
Herald of Ventari
:-( but why
real permanent healthbars and the class icon for every player without the need to tab through them would be so helpful
now we always have to keep an eye on the upper left when we want to see the health bar of our party members
that is not good cause you have to keep an eye on the action in the middle of the screen healtbars would be really helpful here
I fully agree on always showing health bars on teammates.
Herald of Ventari
It’s a bit overcomplicated and it’s more of a mechanics change than balance suggestion.
Also, following tablet…
You are correct that sustain is insufficient but a following tablet is the worst way to fix that, specially, because by now it’s a numbers problem.
It would provide more sustain, more bullet deflect, more condi remove. For example the tablet would remove 2 condis and the fragments would cleanse 1. In total would be 5 removes. I just thought about this change because the tablet skills are always arround the tablet and with such a dynamic fight system it would provide more utility with this change without loosibg its flavor.
Another idea would be, that the effects of the active uttility skills would also apply on the revenants location.
With better usability of the tablet the skills would be easier to use and this way easier to sustain/heal/tank.What would you change for better usability and sustain?
Buff healing output by 20%~30% and condi cleanse by 1.5/10s and a stunbreak on PE/EE.
This should improve healing and sustain a lot without losing any flavor.
Also it might be better to move the short cast to NH and summon on skill usage (removing Project Tranquility). A cooldown reduction on Ventaris will to 3sec helps too.
If you played before you should have noticed that the cast removal on Ventaris Will improved usability and it would have helped more if they hadn’t increased the cooldown to 4sec. ( And what for? NH and VW have now the same healing/energy)
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
Why can’t we pick our favourite utilities/healing/elite and create our own skill bar? Like on the other classes. Revenant is imo not the best idea, Anet. Sorry, it’s just not.
I see that you are attempting to fit a square peg into a round hole.
Herald of Ventari
It’s a bit overcomplicated and it’s more of a mechanics change than balance suggestion.
Also, following tablet…
You are correct that sustain is insufficient but a following tablet is the worst way to fix that, specially, because by now it’s a numbers problem.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
Check the list and then come back again. If it is too hard to understand, here a help: talking about equal skill level. Of course the greatest reaper in the world can tear down the worst druid in the world. It doesn’t make any sense, if we don’t talk about equal skill level.
You should be thief or druid main, i assume.How about this:
a)Make a thief
b)Play on a dueling server for a few hours.
c)Come back here.Until then:
Took me some time to get it. Lol.
Herald of Ventari
Well shiro was nerfed, less evasion, less healing, etc.
That is what is in the patch notes what I said is check it in game the underwater legends because they are not the same.
Checked it and they did update shiro.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
Greetings all,
I’m trying to get world completion on my Rev but since I don’t play it much I could use a build for PvE map roaming that doesn’t use Herald
Most use Shiro/mallyx for that you can use either sigil of speed or runes of speed to move faster. On shiro you have PT and on mallyx UA to leap/port.
Herald of Ventari
btw, can we get a dev or gm to realise nerfing shiro survivability means less survivability underwater with legends? :P
Not so sure about that some skills on underwater legends weren’t updated and this might be the case.
Herald of Ventari
Ok my main issue is, In the underwater fractal, maybe 79? or around, I took LOADS of damage, and did barely any except for using the skill 3 explode and skill 4 shadowstep.
I couldn’t heal much, I was full berserker at the time etc.
Use skill 2 as a AA instead of 1. In case you didn’t notice skill 1 is the condi AA skill 2 is the power AA.
AFAIK the highest damage on power rev while underwater is spamming 2 under IO/embrace darkness.
What we lack in our UW weapon is healing…
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
They did say that they intend to fix it after they fix our other issues.
Herald of Ventari
For me it isn’t the micromanagement that is a problem. I actually LIKE having a lot of things to worry about. I enjoy micromanaging my ranger pet and I enjoy the more intricate stance dancing of my elementalist. On my necro I enjoy managing my minion skills to chain control people.
The tablet isn’t any harder to work with than these once you get use to it. The problem is the reward for mastering this level of complexity isn’t nearly as high as it is for the others. You do more work to get less reward.
They just need to make the tablet have a bigger impact on the battle to make it worth using.
You’re not forced into something you don’t like, though. If you don’t like complexity or more micromanagement, you can always run Tempest for example.
Maybe I worded my “4 reasons” not clear enough – what I meant was to list main reasons why people who would like to play the Legend don’t do it. There’s no point in including “I don’t like the gameplay” among those reasons, imo.
Not everything has to appeal to everyone. If it was to be like that, there would be nothing unique.
And again, I’m just stating the reason I always hear why people don’t like Ventari. I can name only 2 people who use Ventari in WvW of a T1 server, and I’m one of those. Like me, the other guy only runs it once in a blue moon.
In this case, I think the Legend has a problem, especially if there’s only like 1 or 2 out of 100 using it.
Well I’ve seen one other Ventari user in my WvW server. And the problem is there isn’t enough reward for the extra work.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)