P.S. Also sounds like they were running group synergy builds not roaming builds. But still…I will make fun of them once I found out who it is lol
I’m honestly curiously, though. What’s the point of “group synergy” builds if 7 of them can’t kill 2 people?
I’ll help you out with the WvW lingo. A “group synergy” build is a build that for the most part manages to not die when part of a 50+ man group. Measuring how much group synergy builds contribute to a fight is problematic due to the skill lag involved in such large fights, so their actual effectiveness is somewhat in question.
By definition, you can’t have a “group synergy” build without a group that it is specifically tailored to work well with. In large fights, “their actual effectiveness is somewhat in question” because, unless you are running with a very specific group, there’s no preordained group composition.
It has nothing to do with its ability to not die when part of a 50+ man zerg. You may be looking for another term.
So, if prices for server transfers were based on WvW population, what would a fair distribution of costs look like from the lowest population servers to the highest? Keep in mind that making it completely impossible to transfer to a server puts a burden on other players. That doesn’t mean that you couldn’t have an incredibly high price, just that completely blocked isn’t an option.
Paid transfers in any form will only cause server population to be more imbalanced. The top tier servers have hoards of gold and gladly pay guilds to transfer to their servers to make them even more stacked. This causes guilds that are thinking of transferring to choose between transferring to a stacked server which will win most every week for free, or transferring to an empty server that gets smashed every week and on top of that have to pay a hefty gem price. The choice is pretty obvious.
look up at my solution and does this apply? if you transferred down to T8 you would pay 300 gems and then after transferring you would get a 1200 gem rebate to spend on whatever you wanted.
T1 would cost 2400 gems (approx 100+ gold per player) and you get nothing in return except to convince yourself that queues are worth a gold dolyak finisher.
This is Anet, anything that would even slightly reduce the amount of revenue they collect won’t even be considered. A 1200 gem rebate definitely falls into that category.
P.S. Also sounds like they were running group synergy builds not roaming builds. But still…I will make fun of them once I found out who it is lol
I’m honestly curiously, though. What’s the point of “group synergy” builds if 7 of them can’t kill 2 people?
I’ll help you out with the WvW lingo. A “group synergy” build is a build that for the most part manages to not die when part of a 50+ man group. Measuring how much group synergy builds contribute to a fight is problematic due to the skill lag involved in such large fights, so their actual effectiveness is somewhat in question.
So, if prices for server transfers were based on WvW population, what would a fair distribution of costs look like from the lowest population servers to the highest? Keep in mind that making it completely impossible to transfer to a server puts a burden on other players. That doesn’t mean that you couldn’t have an incredibly high price, just that completely blocked isn’t an option.
Paid transfers in any form will only cause server population to be more imbalanced. The top tier servers have hoards of gold and gladly pay guilds to transfer to their servers to make them even more stacked. This causes guilds that are thinking of transferring to choose between transferring to a stacked server which will win most every week for free, or transferring to an empty server that gets smashed every week and on top of that have to pay a hefty gem price. The choice is pretty obvious.
the golden unwritten rule of WvW…
…is that every server is getting double teamed all the time, and at least one person will complain about it on the forums
To that Crystal Desert Warrior going around grabbing ruins in Ehmry Bay Borderlands…what build are you exactly? I was rather shocked to see your HP regen faster than my DPS and conditions could deal. I must know that way I may prepare for our next encounter!
It’s called the warrior build that uses healing signet, which is every warrior build currently in existence. Wasn’t me, but just sayin.
Which can cleanse Chill, Burning, Poison, Bleed, Cripple, while being able to hold off 2.6K power and passively heal pretty much every bit of damage one can do? If that’s the current state of affairs for Warriors…I don’t want to be you guys if/when they decide to nerf part of that build.
Na, warriors don’t need clense, just use zerker stance to be immune to conditions. Use endure pain to be immune to damage also, pretty good class.
To that Crystal Desert Warrior going around grabbing ruins in Ehmry Bay Borderlands…what build are you exactly? I was rather shocked to see your HP regen faster than my DPS and conditions could deal. I must know that way I may prepare for our next encounter!
It’s called the warrior build that uses healing signet, which is every warrior build currently in existence. Wasn’t me, but just sayin.
Good Omega farm at CDBL Garri, more please!
Just felt like getting belted in the groin and having your wallet taken by some little kid you could’ve otherwise thrown like a ragdoll, only to watch the kid mirthfully run down the street and get that wallet stolen by a larger kid right right before your eyes like twenty feet away lol. Pretty demoralizing all around. XD
Apologies to the Charr NOCT thief that tried to jump me with 5 guys while I was fighting the Ebay thief, then proceeded to chase me half-way across the map with your friends, and finally concluded by losing a 2v1 against me with your warrior buddy. I was laughing very hard.
Anet doesn’t know how their queue works, that’s why they always decline to discuss it.
The rewards for finishing 2nd in the Bronze League will be markedly better than the rewards for finishing 6th in the Gold league.
I’m totally perplexed and miffed by this comment. Maguuma put in a huge effort over the past couple of weeks before the season to get in to Gold and we just scrapped in. Now you’re telling us that we should’ve tanked or not bothered as most likely we would’ve finished top or second in silver and had better rewards?
Pretty positive that quote is from when Gold league was going to be the top 12 servers and Bronze league was going to be the bottom 12 servers. Always funny to see someone from Maguuma butt-mad about rewards though
FA is not a Friday night server usually and a lot of casuals get in on the action.
I think SBI will beat YB but only due to coverage. It will be a close one for you guys. YB is probably #3 in Silver by the end of the 7 weeks.
And FA’s win over YB wasn’t due to coverage?
No, it was all skill. Git gud.
Good read, when can I get e-book version?
…I would like to hear balanced and mature feed back.
…the internet where all the frisky children and inbred cousins like to swarm like any sort of pest or roach…
Uh huh.
Thanks for the great fight, CD
It’s a good thing you included that captioning in there.
…it’s not the purpose of this space for us to discuss what we are or aren’t doing to address the issue.
Hmm, maybe change the name of the thread?
Thief, I didn’t even consider any of the other professions.
This PUG Yak group was too OP. JK [GLOB] here, and this is just a small piece of what happened in Jennifer’s tonight
Ignore the mouth breathing.If you really wanna check out all the action, the full stream is here.
http://www.twitch.tv/brye808/b/474552332Great night thanks to CD for being good sports and not giving up, and FA as usual.
OMGOMGOMG, I killed you at 1:20, does that mean I’m e-famous now?
1. PvE bonuses based on server rank. Example: rank 1 server has +0% magic find, rank 24 server has +500% magic find, everyone else is inbetween. This is for all zones both PvE and WvW. This fixes fairweather PvE hero population.
2. WvW rewards based on rating gain, not score. Example: server with most rating gain gets chest with guaranteed exotic + random gem shop item, second most gets guaranteed exotic, third gets guaranteed 3 rares. This fixes try-hard WvW hero population.
Players like character progression, WvW numbers are up!
FA such a good server, will transfer asap.
The world wants to know…..Has anyone spiked Devon?
I saw an Anet Mesmer on NSP a couple days ago, but he was just running around in a big ol zerg so I couldn’t get at him
(edited by Moderator)
i dont want to buy a key for a black lion chest , i want to be able to open it when it drops
Sounds pretty good, buy one month of premium access, buy up the millions of black lion chests on the TP for 5c each, open them all to get enough goodies to last you years, and then never have to spend gems for anything ever again. 10/10 would do.
Would be nice to fight actual players in PvP, if I wanted to kite around AI all day there’s PvE.
A lot of people were mad last year because it was too hard for them to complete which meant that they would miss out on achievement points. Anet has learned from the past, and given it no achievement points, that way even the most incompetent person doesn’t miss out on any rewards.
must keep logging in, get rare weapon skins before disappear, buy limited gem shop items before gone, need to get ez achievement points while available, if stop logging in everyone will get ahead of me.
If 25 man is a zerg you must kitten your pants when you fight SOR and the others.
wat is sor? like eagle?
devon carter says wvw not supposed to be balanced, more fun that way.
You are all so naïve. By making warriors the best class, everyone will naturally play one… and if everyone is playing the same class, the game becomes perfectly balanced.
To the awful [PvP] guild members:
If I’m dueling one of your guys , don’t jump in right before he goes down then spam laugh when I have to run away from 6 of you. It makes your “PvP” oriented guild look really terrible.
Sounds like you haven’t entered spvp before, that’s exactly how it works.
I thought this was how spvp works.
I like mag because it’s friendly and everyone is cute
Meanwhile on FA…
Bear farm is bad, only drop spikes.
thanks so much for sharing in wvw matchup thread
You’re welcome cutie pie.
I have 90% increased duration for all conditions on my necro in wvw and fought a warrior who used berserker stance (no food buffs) a day ago and the game just said immune whenever I used a skill that would put a condition on them whether it was bleed/chill/blind/poison whatever.
On an unrelated note, after a year of playing this game I have just had my first encounter with an Anet tag that actually talks. Amazing.
The honeymoon is always good.
Not really sure what comparable glitches people have been banned for though. As far as I can remember most of the exploits they’ve handed out bans for have been things that impact the market (golems, karma weapons, snowflakes, etc).
Pretty much, Anet only cares about exploits that affect the economy because more or less all of their revenue comes from gem sales and if players can get free gold so that they don’t need to buy gems then that is fatal to their business model. They couldn’t care less about a few people getting 1.5s repair costs because a Mesmer skill was broken for a few hours. Not to mention their WvW population is kitten poor compared to release and continues to decline, perma-banning all the people that used this would guarantee its death.
Funny, an INC Mesmer was doing the same thing at north bay in CDBL just a little bit ago.
1) i call bullkitten, our members dont need to cheat, and as a guild we are not interested in abusing a glitch and risk getting banned especially seeing as we don’t need to exploit glitches to win.
2) Screenshot or it didn’t happen (just you making wild claims with your nonexistent authority)Anyway, feel free to go try-hard reporting, Anet won’t be banning anyone.
tell that to all the people over the past year who said the same thing when they exploited glitches similar to this one
Screen Shots or it didn’t happen…
But if it makes you feel better to assume you wont get banned for exploiting go right ahead, doesn’t affect me none.
Sounds pretty serious, maybe you should call 911 to expedite the process, I hear Anet support is rather sluggish.
Funny, an INC Mesmer was doing the same thing at north bay in CDBL just a little bit ago. Anyway, feel free to go try-hard reporting, Anet won’t be banning anyone.
Everyone so bad at Mad King JP, plz L2JP. I am pro at space bar spam.
I just wanted to kill devon carter, unfortunately it looks like NSP is winning the race against Kain to see who can lose the most rating.
If Maguuma gets into gold league, then all the fairweathers quit playing/transfer off because they don’t like getting dominated. This subsequently causes their rating to fall from lack of coverage, which pushes them out of gold league and causes all the hardcore wvw guilds to quit playing/transfer off to get better fights. Maguuma ends up ded server.
If Maguuma doesn’t get into gold league, then all the hardcore wvw guilds quit playing/transfer off to get better fights which causes their rating to drop and as a result all the fair weathers quit playing/transfer off because there isn’t anyone left in wvw to carry them. Maguuma ends up ded server.
Bad situation.
Phase 1: Break WvW to force players into sPvP for E-SPORTZ! (complete)
Phase 2: Break WvW forum to force players into sPvP forum for MOAR E-SPORTZ!
The problem with rangers in WvW is that all the objectives are above water.
I’m so good that everyone hates me.
Does it sound right coming from someone else?
Sounds hot.