Showing Posts For Waffler.1257:

Everyone who did meta should get shiny wep

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Op is kidding themselves right? The meta this season was absolutely faceroll easy compared to last season. PvE players thinking they have a sense of entitlement.

Is this post for real?

No need for a 3rd season

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


So a very small group of people have voted

Looks like it’s 439 votes, are you familiar with statistical sampling at all?

on an unofficial site

A site where all the users are GW2 WvW players, the group of individuals whose opinions would be most relevant to WvW seasons.

where not even the majority was against it,

45% were against it, 21% are for it… hmmm

means that having another season is a bad idea…?


300 ticket = 1 wepon?

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Woohooo just 18 more seasons (19 for me if I don’t get my chest) untill I have all 19 weapons. >_>

That’s assuming your server always gets 300 or more tickets. Some servers aren’t even getting 1 mistforged this season.

I completely forgot about that……. 0_0

Yep, if you bandwagon like the pros to get 500 tickets each season it will only be 12 seasons for a full set. If you stay on a server with a small population relative to the rest of their league and end up in last place though that becomes 29 seasons for a full set. At the current rate of 2 seasons per year that’s 14.5 years, wow!

HengeofDenravi[HoD]NA DAYTIME Needed

in Looking for...

Posted by: Waffler.1257


HoD is very good server with best players.

- Real GW2 Player

GW2 Female Armour [Poll]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waffler.1257


And as long as we’re talking about variety here…fair’s fair. I don’t think that the male counterparts have enough skimpy armor to match the females. Bring it on Anet!

I can dress my male heavy in four different armor skins that expose my nipples. How many armor skins can you dress your female in that expose your nipples?

I`m not talking about guys nipples. Think…lower.

Well since we’re talking about treating males and females fair and you couldn’t name any armors that show female nipples despite their male equivalents, tell me which armor shows female genitalia since that seems to be what you’re interested in concerning males.

GW2 Female Armour [Poll]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waffler.1257


And as long as we’re talking about variety here…fair’s fair. I don’t think that the male counterparts have enough skimpy armor to match the females. Bring it on Anet!

I can dress my male heavy in four different armor skins that expose my nipples. How many armor skins can you dress your female in that expose your nipples?

GW2 Female Armour [Poll]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Well at least the poll shows that people always want more of what they prefer. That’s good to know.

Spinal Shivers and Aegis

in Necromancer

Posted by: Waffler.1257


How is spinal shivers supposed to interact with aegis? Should spinal shivers first strip the aegis since it’s a boon and then hit the target for damage and chill, or should the aegis block the spinal shivers since it’s an attack resulting in no damage? As a necro that uses focus quite a bit, I can say that I have seen it happen both ways seemingly randomly and it can be annoying when you expect to chill someone and it gets blocked instead. Would be nice to know how it’s intended to work and possibly have a fix to ensure it always works that way.

Best professions for roaming

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Waffler.1257


I’d like to cast my vote for Shadow Refuge as the greatest roamer, because he has single handily lost me more fights then any other profession or skill in the game

I just call it “time out” since that’s essentially what it is. Make too many mistakes? Didn’t see those other people entering the fights? Get blindsided by a zerg? Just call a time out and you’ll be back in the fight in no time, or you can just leave the fight if you want. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a thief or a thief build that didn’t use that skill.

[Suggestion]Underwater wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


I agree, if there was more underwater combat then rangers would have a place in WvW.

Solo/Small Group Roaming

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


There’s no OP build. There’s only OP players. You need to settle on a class/build and play the crap out of it. You will start to reap the rewards.

I guess I become OP when I switch from playing my power-based ranger to my condi p/d thief since I suddenly gain the ability to easily fight outnumbered, escape pretty much any situation and beat most any other build in a 1v1. Also, I’ve played my ranger quite a bit more than my thief, but maybe my personal skill just tends to change whenever I switch builds or classes.

Zephyr Sanctum Supply Box SCIENCE

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Waffler.1257


The wiki also lists the sun/wind/lightning catcher skins, but since none were found in 5,688 attempts, I’m guessing that might be based on hopeful speculation rather than SCIENCE.

I received a rucksack skin after opening around 210 boxes, so it seems like the catcher skins would be available as well.

Necro totally useless this Meta

in Necromancer

Posted by: Waffler.1257


I think necros should be able to use shields to give them more defensive options allowing them to function more as an attrition class and providing them with some tools to avoid focus fire. A potential skill could be for the next 3s enemies that attack you are feared for 1s, essentially the same as a block skill but with a necro twist, which of course could be countered with stability.

Countering/removing stealth (Sic 'Em Skill)

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


You can also use it when you see a Mesmer cast veil or mass invisibility to prevent them from turning invisible. It does not work on decoy though, because that would be too OP, or maybe Anet isn’t very good at programming, who knows.

Why do people think skins will return?

in Living World

Posted by: Waffler.1257


“The Festival is aimed towards Chinese players and anyone coming in who may have missed part of LS Season One. There will be opportunities to get guaranteed
rewards from past LS events (I’m guessing things like the Gas Mask/Molten Gauntlets,
or other gear from the Meta Achievements). But Rare drops from past LS Events,
(eg. Monocle & Molten Backpack) will not be available for NA/EU, but might be available for China. It will also contain secrets and teasers about upcoming LS Season 2 Events, as well as for providing players with a way to help with the rebuilding efforts for Lion’s Arch!”

- Source

I thought all of the skins were considered rare drops? It’s unclear what they mean by rewards from past events though.

Why do people think skins will return?

in Living World

Posted by: Waffler.1257


With the announcement of the return of the Queen’s Gauntlet and Zephyrite Sanctum, I’ve seen several people saying they are excited to get their sovereign weapon skins/zephyrite helms/rucksacks/catchers that they missed the first time. My question is why do so many people think these skins will return and be available? When have skins available from playing in-game events ever returned in the past? (the answer is never) Am I missing some post by Anet on twitter or something where they stated the skins will return, or do people just not learn?

I expect some people will mention Kasmeer’s/Majory’s weapons, and no, those were available from the gem store, not from in-game events.

Class speed is backwards

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


This again?

A warrior built for mobility has terrible damage output, terrible group support, and terrible everything EXCEPT mobility.

Warrior built for mobility? You mean a warrior that presses 3-5 with greatsword equipped?

Why Necro and Why Thief?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Necro better for trolling jumping puzzles, thief better for trolling open field.

what is better stealth or fear ?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Fear is both a condition and a control effect so…
– Stun breaks remove it
– Condition clears remove it
– Stability completely counters it
– Berserker stance completely counters it
– Diamond skin completely counters it
– It doesn’t work on people who use evades/invulns/blocks (with exception of greater marks for blocks)
– It doesn’t work if you are blinded
– -condi duration food reduces it
– -stun duration food reduces it
– Death shroud fear and downed state fear require a target, so stealthed people are effectively immune to it
– Staff fear has a distinct animation and a 3/4 second cast time, so smart thieves can see it coming and dodge within their refuge to avoid being feared out
– In any semi-organized zerg you will never fear anyone… ever, due to tons of guardians/warriors spamming non-stop condition clears + near 100% uptime on stability

It’s very strong against beginner players, but becomes very mediocre against players who have half a brain. If I could trade the ability to fear on my necro for the ability to stealth, I would definitely do it.

Class with Area Control

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Healing power scaling tends to go to complete kitten after ~900 though I believe.

Why do you believe this?

War nerfed too much, we need improvements?

in Warrior

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Didn’t the top 2 teams in the NA tournament of legends each have 2 warriors on them?

Best WvW Guilds out there

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


The guy you are quoting is from Agg, which is on DB atm. He is explaining to you the facts of the matter, such that you will not continue to hold such an errant opinion in the future.

I expressed no opinion, just a funny observation.

Best WvW Guilds out there

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Interesting that all the elite GvG guilds who say they are looking for challenging fights transfer to the same server. They know they can’t fight people on their own server right?

Since I assume you’re talking about Maguuma, Pyro and Ark were always on Maguuma so we can cross them off. EP went to Maguuma coming back from EU due to how they’d been on SoS for a period of time and were looking to fight the SoS guilds, so we can cross them off. Lets see, KH as far as I know transfered off TC due to queue times not due to wanting to explicitly GvG so that’s kind of a moot point and we can cross them off this list of “guilds stacking Maguuma omg.” GF transfered off TC both due to queue times and also for a desire to rebuild within a stable T2 community, of the two stable T2 servers (Mag and SoS) Mag’s style and community suited them the best, so they transfered there and we can cross them off as well.

Lets take a look at that list again of Maguuma guilds.

Everything Purple [EP]
Pyromancers [PYRO]
Arkham [Ark]
Kwisatz Haderach [KH]
Good Fights [GF]

Strange, it appears each of these guilds have good reason to go to Maguuma (or were already on Mag) which had nothing to do with them desiring to not fight each other or whatever other conspiracy people come up with. Truth is, as Wads said, there are a limited number of suitable servers and this leaves a decision to be made.

Oh well I guess if they had a good reason to transfer then they didn’t really transfer, my bad. You seem pretty defensive about some perceived stacking accusation, maybe examine your own insecurities to get to the bottom of the issue. If the GvG guilds want an active GvG scene, then it is in their own best interest to be on different servers, but maybe they don’t want that, who knows.

Tribal armor

in PvP

Posted by: Waffler.1257


With the new system being what it is, and the new way to obtain skins… i was curious, is it still possible to obtain what is now known as the Tribal Armor? and if not… think you could maybe add it to the wvw skin vendors for badges or something?

I replied to this in another thread, but i’ll do so again here. The armor set is available from the badge vendor in wvw. You need to go down the tabs on the left hand side. I believe (if I’m not mistaken), its a “blue” set. Its just a set of skins you can apply to any armor. I’m pretty sure they’re still in that vendor.

Just adding I think the entire set is less than a couple hundred badges

Just logged in to a random boarder land, if its the light armor I’m thinking of, its called Dry Bones. Its about 90 badges for the skins

Dry Bones:
They are indeed different armors, please do your research before posting and not go by what you believe. And as of the moment it has zero ways to unlock it for people that didn’t get it before the patch, also stated on the wiki page for it.

You need to chill he/she was just trying to help. spamming the forums and having attitudes wont get you anywhere

And spamming the forum with incorrect information hinders everyone and creates unnecessary confusion, counter to the purpose of having a forum.

Force of Will and Exuberance Runes

in Guardian

Posted by: Waffler.1257


You do not actually gain less benefit the further out you are on the x plane.

You do gain less damage reduction per point of toughness

The only benefit that toughness provides in this game is direct damage reduction. I hope you can see how you are contradicting yourself.

Best WvW Guilds out there

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Interesting that all the elite GvG guilds who say they are looking for challenging fights transfer to the same server. They know they can’t fight people on their own server right?

Force of Will and Exuberance Runes

in Guardian

Posted by: Waffler.1257


The armor soft cap is 2700

Also, having just a bunch of vit is BAD… some classes take advantage of the % missing health and do more dmg to you.

Well the armor soft cap might be 2700 and so armor above 2700 is subject to diminishing returns…

Armor above 0 is subject to diminishing returns, honestly do you people just completely make up the stuff that you post on this forum?

No, it doesn’t. Armor scales linearly regardless of how much you have. There is no diminishing returns.

Study the graph of 1/x carefully, now realize that your entire wall of text is irrelevant in light of how completely false your first three sentences are. The marginal benefit of armor decreases as you increase armor regardless of the armor level, that is the definition of diminishing returns.

Force of Will and Exuberance Runes

in Guardian

Posted by: Waffler.1257


The armor soft cap is 2700

Also, having just a bunch of vit is BAD… some classes take advantage of the % missing health and do more dmg to you.

Well the armor soft cap might be 2700 and so armor above 2700 is subject to diminishing returns…

Armor above 0 is subject to diminishing returns, honestly do you people just completely make up the stuff that you post on this forum?

The state of Necromancers in PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Waffler.1257


After dhuumfire was introduced its duration was ‘hot-fixed’ as one of the only traits/abilities in GW2 history. After the duration decrease our ability to stack bleeds got hit = grasp of the dead, mark of blood and weakening shroud. All these nerfs happened because of dhuumfire. The feature patch changed dhuumfire again making it mediocre at best. Dhuumfire did not only affect the Necromancer profession but also almost every other profession got their cleansing buffed. Right now the Necromancer is probably in the worst spot in GW2 history in terms of viability and build diversity.

You forgot that terror damage was also nerfed by 20% after dhuumfire, more necro nerfs plz!

Your experience with Spectral Grasp

in Necromancer

Posted by: Waffler.1257


It’s much better for yanking defenders off the walls in WvW than any sort of combo play. If you’re not assaulting an objective, don’t bother with it.

Not even, about 80% of the time you actually manage to pull them down from the wall the game glitches and they just port right back up on the wall. Then again, about 5% of the time the game glitches and they port back up on the wall, the game decides to glitch a second time and they port back down to you so you can stomp them. Pretty good programming.

How about an Anti-Finisher

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Just a random thought!


Why have wheels if immobile?

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


What’s the point of putting wheels on a catapult, if you can’t roll it around ?

To turn it.

I’m guessing you’ve never seen a catapult being turned in this game.

WvW Badge Armor Stealth Nerfed

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


why does anyone care about bad exotic armor that can’t even be salvaged?

Should there be a carebear mode for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


I want carebear mode please.

Sell this game to me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Convince me I want to own this game, why would I spend any amount of time of my day with this game?

Convince me that I should waste time trying to convince you to own this game, why would I spend any amount of time of my day trying to persuade you to play GW2?

Ascended weapon/armor chest frequency?

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Rank 1020, 0 ascended weapons, 0 ascended armor.

Looking for server/roaming guild.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Waffler.1257


…really fun to roam in a 7-11 man group and snipe a 30 man zerg because of proper siege.


Need a 'Applied Fortitude removal' trap

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


How about a queue trap? Enemy trips it and it creates a 30min queue on the map for his server. Sounds pretty good.

Nerf Black Powder + Heartseeker

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


It’s pretty sad how effective 5>2>1 is. You can be a horrible player and do pretty kitten decent when ONLY doing this combo. You can literally do nothing else except the combo above and kill most classes.

Just because you get owned by thief players doesn’t mean they are OP, go make a thief and l2p please. Thief class takes a lot of skill to play correctly so most of the thief players are really good, which is why people complain about them a lot.

Arcing Arrow

in Warrior

Posted by: Waffler.1257


So i used to use longbow for WvW zergs with zerker.
I usually hit them for 8-10k crits.

Now I hit them for 4k crits mostly.
After I seen that damage, i sit down and asked myself “Okay what can I do for my server in WvW if all my damages are like kitten p00p?”
And I still have no answer.

It’s amazing how much nerfs can be amplified when you take the highest crit on an uplevel vs. the lowest crit on a tanky lvl 80. If you actually think that the patch made you go from 9k crits to 4k crits, then I suggest you make a video with some sampling to inform Anet of this bug.

Cant join WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


So, I’m forced to reading posts on a website when playing a game?

I killed a guy the other day, and these police came up to me and were like “yo man, you can’t be doin that, now you gotta go to jail fo life!”, then I was like wtf how was I supposed to know that? I can’t be reading tha constitution all day when I’m jus tryin to live my life! Pretty ridic, I’m gonna appeal.

Feedback regarding Conditions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Waffler.1257


New food: Lolberry Pie – 66% chance to remove food buffs from enemy on hit.

/end food QQ

Proposal: decrease the player cap on WvW maps

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


No, my guild runs as an 80 man skill group. If anything, they should increase the map population cap so that we can get a second skill group in the same map to hit multiple objectives at the same time.

berzerker stance bug

in Necromancer

Posted by: Waffler.1257


It has no counter play, which is stupid, but it is a long cooldown, so doesn’t need to be awful. Should have been:

Immunity to damaging conditions, reduces other conditions by 50%.

Chill and cripple as counter play would be fine, the damage immunity is fine. I would even be fine if it was longer duration with that change.

Plague is the counter. You just use plague before the warrior can CC you and wait out the zerker stance since plague lasts 20 seconds and zerker stance can only last a max of 10 seconds if traited. Once the stance runs out you come out and destroy the warrior, corrupt stability, interrupt with fears, standard stuff and they go down fast.

The Nightwatch Issue [Solved]

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


war is unfair, so is WvW just as it should be, working as intended.

This is not war, this is a video game. People play video games to have fun, and unfair fights are not fun. It appears that the boundaries between the video game world and the real world are blurred for you.

HoD Does Not Want You: Seriously

in Looking for...

Posted by: Waffler.1257


I will xfer to HoD so I can has 500 reward points.

Which FREE server has good oceanic coverage?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Waffler.1257


If you’re oceanic and you want to be carried by other oceanics, then Ehmry Bay doesn’t want you anyway.

According to EBay’s only recent thread in the recruitment section, they don’t want anyone to transfer to their server. So not really sure why you’re posting.

Which FREE server has good oceanic coverage?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Waffler.1257


That is the worst logic I have ever seen, when mid range servers come to lower servers to advertise for their server it shows a complete lack of character. They know our populations are suffering and we’re in need of transfers yet they are ignorant enough to come and try and poach what we do have. Yes it is very much skin off all our backs down here. If I were to transfer I wouldn’t even consider CD after seeing them advertising on lower tiers, HoD at least shows some class in this regard.

hod is 3classy5me

Whats life like on the bad servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Jamais vu seems to believe that as you go up in tiers the number of skilled players/groups increases, but the number of unskilled players/groups remains constant. This is based on anecdotal evidence from a year ago that he believes is relevant. Apparently unskilled players never bandwagon on to high tier servers. Perfectly logical.

I like how you sarcastically postface your warped description of what I said, as if you subconsciously realized how “perfectly logical” your preceding analysis was.
I agree. “Perfectly logical” what you wrote there.

If you think I even remotely implied the upper tiers aren’t stacked to hell or that pop isn’t the most important factor you are insane. That’s a false dilemma.

I do not see how anyone can not rely exclusively on anecdotal evidence in this matter.

Your words boyo, “raised overall player/zerg skill” implies a higher proportion of skilled players in higher tiers. Unless of course you are just terrible at math and had no idea what you were saying. Nothing sarcastic about my post either, maybe you’re terrible with the words too.

Whats life like on the bad servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Jamais vu seems to believe that as you go up in tiers the number of skilled players/groups increases, but the number of unskilled players/groups remains constant. This is based on anecdotal evidence from a year ago that he believes is relevant. Apparently unskilled players never bandwagon on to high tier servers. Perfectly logical.