Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-
Indeed. Last week was long and boring as we rolled. and this week will be long and boring as we get rolled.
It is like there is no middle ground. And is sucks since WvW is really the only thing i still do in GW2 having a whole week kinda wasted sucks. Let alone 2 in a row.
And if throwing a siege into a an area where you have the determined buff is an exploit you might want to get your report fingers ready since I had never seen it done until DR passed our way. Everyone who has passed since then has done it. And since you are headed up that way….
Or are you one of those people who whine about being standing in the determined buff fighting exploiting too?
I do find some of these responses funny. Like GW2 was the first game to come up with active dodge, and that some how people dislike the combat because of it.
Just to point out off the top of my head I can think of two ‘big’ name MMOs that launched in the last year both before GW2. Both had active Dodge. Tera and Secret World. So calling it new an innovative isn’t exactly true. Maybe Newish?
The problem I’m having with it is how boring it is. It is the same everywhere. How cool would it be if Warriors or Guardians, when they ‘dodged’ ducked down in a defensive posture and blocked all the damage? Something different? No way!
Of course they cant do that because the game was designed around the dodge. And that I think is what some people are trying to get across. Not that it is to hard or complicated for them. That after awhile it is so generic all my chars do it all exactly the same. All the time. Nonstop. At least it is easy to balance i suppose.
Well they aren’t a complete waste I know from time to time if it looks like an extended siege when someone breaks the first wall of sm they will charge around the outer ring smashing all sieges…so it slows them down a good 10 seconds?
I think it is sort of fun. I like to play ‘How many degrees to the left do I have to change my fov to make the 40 man group charging me disappear.?’ I like to mix it up with my other favorite game ‘I wonder what everyone is shooting at’.
But moving up the list fast is, ‘Why does my arrow stop there?’
Anywho easily the worst part of WvW cant wait for something.
Now if only there was something I wanted in the gem shop! It will be sort of amusing if they don’t actually put the character slots on sale, since that is one of the pictures in the promo.
I wouldn’t mind the dodge if there were different versions of it. Heck skills that enhanced or changed it. For example on the thief their is a talent that can make dodge drop caltrops that make you bleed. That is great.
Where are there no other skills that affect what dodge can and cant do for you? It is really this lack of variation that i dislike most about the combat system. It is a good starting point, great in fact. But the time you get to level 40 you start wondering what is next. at 80 you realize there is no next. A couple months later….
I am all for the Christmas spirit, and the sharing spirit. But who the heck thought sharing our keep with SF was a good idea??
And SF have you no shame!! It is Christmas for pete sake. I went out the front gate to give some less fortunate SF invader a present and he staked me in my head! How uncalled for!!
This is just the sort of thing that gives servers a bad wrap! It is obvious you all must be heathen scum!
(Yes this is a joke. I repeat a joke. Gom was dancing under the mistletoe in SF keep earlier today, you were just returning the favor.)
Happy stabbing and killing this Christmas.
Something you might try as well if you feel your health is a little low, I think someone else mentioned this as well, I replaced my cleric chest and legs with the Aurora set pieces. Might save you some gold too since these are 42k karma at the temple of Melandru. You gain a little power. Loose a around 150 healing power. But gain around 120 vit.
Puts your health around a little more comfortable 16k ish. Also with the change I felt my health was high enough to stop using +vit food and went with the +40% energy regen.
Which is nice for the extra dodging. And also can double as a life saver since dodging restores somewhere around 1500 health.
I usually just stand on them. If they want to stare at my furry kitten more power to them.
Ive been running this build since I saw it a couple days ago. Use to run a hammer crit build but for some reason the last couple times i played just seemed like i was going down so fast. So i saw this and holy cow is it a beast!
Awesome front line fighter. Decent mobility with gs #3, sword #2, and JI. I mean it isn’t great for running long distances but it is more then enough in a normal fight.
Have had a couple Engineers able to burst me down, dont know really why never played an engineer and know nothing about them, so I’m sure that doesn’t help. Good thieves can kill me, but not all that quickly. Nothing else really seems to be much of a threat. Dont get me wrong I die, everyone dies to people who play better then them. But on the whole there is no one class that makes me go Oh CRAP!!
For the love of Pete, stop shooting crap at SM!! My legs are tired. I can only run so many supplies!!
I tired to make my own cool video. But after I cut out all the scenes with me getting killed, all i was left with was a 12 second video of me running down a road turning a slight left….
What the hell is going on in this thread?? One page is 2 people from the same server fighting, the next is 2 people from different servers fighting over whose server is the most messed up. This tier is really messed up!
This store in this game continues to baffle me. I want to spend money in the store. I have money to spend in the store. I want cool looking skins. You know I was sold on the whole Horizontal progression free to play model. I imagined any company wanting to make money would open the flood gates with cool skins and ways to make yourself look spiffy.
Instead we have one armor set per type of armor and a bunch of stupid town clothes. I mean i guess they thought well everyone will be standing in LA looking for a fractal group they can all wear town close anyway.
Come on give me something to buy!! I want to give you my money!
Without a new MMO launching soon I think it is in the nice soft spot of people will play until something else new rolls in. I mean it is free, so why stop just to stop.
Don’t move. Seriously. That’s the fix. I was trying to remember while I never used the super cool looking lightning whip. thanks for reminding me!
Well those of us down here on Gates of Madness look forward to playing which ever server looses its WWW base and plummets through the ranks down to us!! Go go free fall!!
Ive heard the rumor of 200 being the limit. Ive also heard the rumor of ‘spies’ building small army of rams in far off supply locations in an effort to force a server to the cap. I can not confirm this, but really what is the internet without crazy made up stories?
The breakouts don’t seem to have a time limit on them. Sat morning when us poor little Gommies had been kicked out of EB we had wto breakout commanders appear. So we promptly ignored them and ended up taking back what I would consider the GoM part of EB.
Porting back to go to Lions arch I notice both the commanders were still there and able to be started. Seemed a little odd. I tried to tell them we didn’t need their pansy kitten and we had done broked out! But they just stood there mute asking for 10 peoples.
I guess NPC commanders have a lot of free time.
220 Chest and counting. No random drop keys. I have gotten 4-5 through finishing a daily or achievement or something.
I know what Gates of Madness has been through, I play on the server. If you see someone with the last name Vyndral it is usually myself or my GF We are usually either flagged Sane for our own 2 person guild or PiNK if they are out in force. I usually play 1-3 hours of www a night, more over the weekends. I know it is not as much as some of you. Although I doubt I’ll be out much this week no point.
And really I wasn’t trying to start anything or insult any commanders, you guys do a great job and spend a lot of time and effort and money herding pugs like me around. Ive got a short attention span and you better have me pointed at something shiny or I am going to wander off. I throw my money into an upgrade when i can but I don’t have a lot so i usually stop spending at anything over 50 silver. Hell I still got a lot to learn. Just yesterday day I asked in chat how the game decides who takes a keep when there is a mass of people. of course no one answered so I still don’t really know.
I guess really it just rubbed me the wrong way. It so irritated me last match up when AR started posting about how good they got, and how much better all of a sudden they were. No the team that out numbered them moved up, now AR out numbered us. It is the same thing this week. AR moved up. No one left matches our numbers. Or didnt last night. every day is a new day. every server has different times it plays. Perhaps they did and don’t and will and won’t.
Oh Here we go. Just like in every match up that is one sided. While I am sure your plans did help and all that jazz, to take and hold almost all the maps? I’m sorry that is not out playing that is flat out out numbering.
Also I have a hard time saying GOM out played anyone when from the start of the match when GOM took SM, HOD out played us in every way possible for the next hour to take it from us. Heck at one point as the invading force HOD had more sieges built in SM in 10 minutes then we had built in the whole hour we held it.
Now don’t get me wrong I’m not trying to insult anyone, like i said I’m sure your plans helped and it never hurts to have leaders and people moving in the same direction. But you don’t get the maps to where they are now all of them 100-80% blue without a large numbers advantage.
As a GOM player Im a scared of next week. As much as I think we have a better chance of winning, and I would like to win again. I don’t want it to be a giant zerg of GOM running crazy.
While GOM has a few players, ET seems to have a few less. And nothing is as boring as sitting around bored. Here is hoping for a good fight even if it makes me look up Next week and go WTF!!! How are we loosing?? We out number them 5 to 1!
And good luck AR give those BP dorks a swift kick in the ding-ding!
You know what really makes this ability fun?? Leading several people on a chase as they run after you trying to kill you. Dragging them half way across the map and stopping a little short of the door to let them down you, just so you can vapor float a circle around them and in the door.
And please if you are going to come up with a reason why it needs to be changed stop using no one else can do it. Get a real reason. I mean I don’t like it when thieves stealth and backstab me, they are the only one who can!! Take it away it isn’t fair!!
Classes being different is what makes the game fun.
I actually like the down state. being an elementalist that carries a staff, in a group setting when someone goes down, I get a little jolt of joy.
1. Wait for a tick or two so people have time to gather around the downed player.
2. unload AOE.
3. Watch rescuers burn.
The waiting the tick is the key, you have to make the rescuers feel that they can get the player up before they die.
If you try to make sense out of things people do, it will drive you mad. For example when an AR zerg shows up and wipes the GoM zerg trying to take our keep in EB that BP holds. GoM had nothing in EB and are sitting in a distant third. So whats the arguement for it??
Happy with a distant second I guess? See we can all do it.
For some strange reason I dont see this thread making it to friday without a lock again…
Holy bejebus you guys again? Ive only been pvping for like 3-4 weeks and im already tired of fighting the same people over and over. Sort of glad i was on vacation last week i guess.
Go go GoM. ( I know, it aint looking good for the home team.)
Oddly enough Guardians Judge’s Intervention is useable in mid air, breaks stuns, teleports, and does damage.
I think this is where someone brings out the old well all skills arent equal blah blah, but honestly if one instant is usuable in mid air, they all should be.
‘What will kill this game is the rampant amount of bugs and sloppy content releases that have either not been sufficiently play tested or planned. If Anet spent half as much time and effort into producing polished bug free content as they do promoting new patches the game might have a chance. The fact that they are offering free trials of the game just 2 months after it wen live is a bad sign. Free trials on a weekend where they drop a lag bomb of unplayable and buggy content is worse.’
This right here. Couldn’t agree more. Now I enjoy the game and have fun, but every day it slips a little more. Mix A company that cant seem to tell the truth or really make up its mind in which direction it wants to go, with content that is unplayable.
I know the game is still young but I cant recall i game that had so many game breaking bugs in one of the primary feature of the game. Also I cant help but wonder if any of these people even played Rift. It is like watching the whole thing all over again. Hey lets focus on world events…We have level scaling but the rewards are so craptastic no one goes back. The old events become dead. And then this whole 1 time only event idea?? You know Rift did this too. You know what happened when they did it?? Sure you do, it just happened to you. They were smart enough not to do it again.
Ive actually started pondering going back to tera. The combat is brilliant. I came to GW2 to avoid the grind so many games seem to think are ‘basic needs’. But rolling down that hill in GW2 i start to wonder why I shouldn’t play a game with better combat if im going to grind a dungeon over and over I might as well have more fun doing it.
No matter your thoughts on this subject you do have to admit, it is sort of funny. After numerous patches to add and adjust DR to try to stop people from running the same dungeon over and over, they go ahead and put in a dungeon they want you to run over and over.
Is it the front or back half? And Do i have to find someone with the other half to play?
Just an FYI to add, you dont have to select anyone. You just have to be near enough to someone and when you select the mail to… option it autofills in the name of the person near you.
Even if you have put in a name already it will overwrite it with the person near you. So you have to get in the habit of putting in the name of the person you are mailing to last. Always Check before you mail ALWAYS.
At least that is what it does to me. Tested it several times.
having a thief I would love to see the rendering bug go away before they went crazy with the nerfs. It is hard to judge what is or isnt a problem when one thing adds to the other.
For example last night in wvwvw (yeah i know you all want to scream it isnt real pvp!) attacking a fort a thief killed 4-5 people one right after the next only being visiable right after he finished the finisher animation, then gone again 1 second later. So in 15-20 seconds 4-5 people died to a thief that was visable for a total of 4-5 seconds. And no aoe didnt kill him in seconds. as soon as I saw the second go down i aoed on his downed body knowing that was where the thief was. repeat 2-3 more times and it didnt matter.
Being on my elementalist my mind screams nerf them to the ground!!! But then I also stop and think well i was a level 33 elementalist scaled up to 80 and since i was actually looking i could dodge part of it not even seeing the thief. And having a 80 thief not playing a backstab build I feel mostly cripple compared to my 80 guardian and 33 elementalist so this whole thing gets annoying, and it makes playing my thief feel like cheating. I like to pvp and I like to feel good about winning. now half the time it is like well did i beat him because he just couldn’t see me the whole time?
Fire elemental hands down. I check it when I log on, right before I log off, and anytime I am inbetween something on all my characters. It is just fun!
Orr really isnt that bad. Now the skeleton area of the MK Labyrinth? That sucked. Im not sure who thought it was fun the pack a bunch of mobs together and give them a knockdown. Cripples I could careless about Ill just turn around and kill whatever. But getting killed in a Chain of knockdowns, from mobs??
Heck I had one knock me down and I stood up and jumped at him to close the gap and he knocked me down out of the air. I almost put my hand through my monitor.
Holy crow why did no one tell me how much fun this is!! First pvp in Guild Wars last night and then this morning and all i can say is WOW!
Now Im not the greatest but it is so refreshing to play in some pvp where most the time isnt spent with your team calling you a moron and the other team dancing on your corpse. Just a bunch of people trying to take a location and a bunch of people trying to stop you. One side wins, and everyone moves on to try something else or take back what was lost.
If someone had told me I wouldn’t have to listen to people crying or taunting through my whole pvp session I would have tried this a long time ago!
Hope everyone is having as much fun as I am. Good luck all and go GoM!
I guess I would also add scaling in the game is drunk in some places. Im not sure if it is a level issue or gear issue or coding. But there were some sections when i was scaled I actually felt weaker then when I was the right level for that stuff. Now that i am 80 and in exotics when i scale everything is so freaking easy it isnt fun. Im not sure where the middle is.
Id also make a point of at least stacking 10 points into vitality. This has saved me a lot. at level 22 it took me from being all but 1 shot on the fire elemental with close to 6-8 deaths. To not dying.
Cant say for anyone else, but the dragons seem to have timers. Rooba that lazy asura must not own a watch. The fire elemental could go off twice in 15 minutes or not at all. So when i get bored and look for something to do it is usually a dragon. They are all easier then the fire elemental anyway
No. Leveling in a game that scales this much already leaves a bad taste in my mouth. All levels do now is act as an content block. All i want is more skills.
I dont mind it going from point a to b. or maybe picking up a skill point, but why anyone would want to spend long enough in the water to do an event or anything is beyond me.
It is like someone was sitting around and said hey you know all these cool weapon skills?? Lets trash them and make them use a bunch of crappy ones underwater. Oh and their utility skills?? Lots of people find them lacking on land so lets cut them down even more in the water, maybe then they will be happy with how many they have on land.
I loved the mace/torch combo leveling. Then I hit a point where you can trait into making all the symbols heal and went hammer and havent looked back.
Id just be happy with more utlities.
While I do play more I have to say I agree. So many MMOs make me feel like i must logon, or get left behind. Now I know there is nothing in the rules that say I do, but if I dont get the new gear or get the tokens for the event or the rep grind dailies done, then im further behind the next day! So i have to log on everyday for a couple hours to make sure I dont get behind.
Now I just come on because there is stuff I want to do.
I really dont think it is that much of a problem. It seems like they have dialed down mob density in some zones which makes the spawn rates not matter so much since you move through the zone faster. Either that or they turned down agro range so you arent pulling risen from 10 miles away.
Ive had it happen before the patch from time to time. Although not for awhile. My gf has had it happen twice since the patch. So who knows.
I wouldn’t say I’m having the best gaming time of my life by any means, but I do find it sad how many people can’t find all the good things that this game offers. I’m having a lot of fun still and expect to for a while yet.
I think people are more irritated at this point with anets communication skills.
Patch notes are vague. They were not prepared in general for all of the bugs, class balancing issues, bots, exploits etcetc.
Its a red flag and they should have prepd. They should have been multi tasking both bugs and class balance but im guessing they either dont have the priorities straight OR they dont have the staff(go figure they have an ad on the front page “NOW HIRING”).
Its worse than any average MMO launch….even when comparing to other failed mmo’s.
Ive actually felt it was better then any MMO launch i’ve played through. But everyones perceptions are different.
+1 and some letters since +1 isnt long enough of a post……..
The only problem with Thaumnova is that it is in a level 16 area. Once you actually get a stun break or get your kungfu dodge on, the encounter becomes great fun I mean they do put down a big red circle, so maybe move out of it. Sure some bad timing and bad luck can still get you killed, but after you have a stun break if you are still getting killed over and over again in a knock down you need to look at your build or your reaction time. Or just stop going in.
This fight is some of the single most fun I have had in the game. To see it nerfed would make me sad inside.
Also to point out the Embers dont spawn by themselves they are part of an event with the Fire Elemental a boss who when killed spawns a chest with 5-7 pieces of equipment around your level. So It sort of feels like it shouldn’t be a walk in the park.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.