“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
We probably just made very different expiriences, no reason to call it stupid tough…
The raid hasn’t been out for too long but I still will test more and more.
What I also dislike about Necros is that they cannot go for the shrooms aswell, so you have to chose 4 other people for that.
But you don’t want to use druid cuz of heal, war cuz of might and banners, chrono cuz of current active fields and alacrity or engi cuz of breakbar. So you can pick ele guard and rev.
Sure you can pick a few Necros who will sacrifice their minions but I don’t think that’s a very popular idea.
Utility Goggles aren’t that bad either. I used to play with many Necros there but they just aren’t worth taking imo. They have rather low dps on Sloth, they do great damage on grups tough, however if your Chronos work together you can just pull all grups into Sloth and cleave them. Tempests deal more damage and have Eye of the Storm if required.
But I agree, IF you have two or more necros that will epidemic back to sloth, a condi engi for the burnst might be a good idea. But remember, burn stacks can also come from power Engi, so it’s not too bad either way.
Condi Mes is a niche build. It may have some purpose in specific areas, but it’s not good in general, nor in open world. You will struggle against multiple foes pretty hard, I really suggest you to go for a power based (zerk) build / playstyle.
I played condi in pve with zero problems, even against multiple foes.
Wanna see you fight a few itzel rangers with a condi build with no problem at all. Killing them =/= having no struggle. It’s just that you lack burst and cleave wich is quite important for open world imo. But hey – in open world “everything works”.
Ah ok :P
Yea your inventory gets stuffed a bit, so use at least 18 bags, or 20ies from fotm. I also bought my two mains max bags so they have 160 space. Wahoo!
I have to disagree with you on that one.
Ofc Chrono is build around supporting, but in raids or fractals the personal damage is only low because you chose it to be.
Chrono has awesome personal solo capabilities, he’s only lacking in might generation but we’ve got quickness and alacrity so that’s pretty even. Specific solo builds can excel at open world soloing.
I always cry if I see a Chrono soloing with SoI or GS in melee or using a focus against 0 projectile using enemies. You feel the difference, not later than when meeting the Chak.
First of all a few things I want to mention regarding this issue:
I agree, Condi Engi is indeed a very bad choice for Sloth, because of quite a bunch of reasons:
The common “2 kit issue because of Slick Shoes” is not the only thing here, but Sloth also loses ALL its conditions each time he goes to sleep. Then there is the lack of sustain if you have a volatile poison or are fixated. You have nothing but a HT and a water field with a few blasts. You’re rather vulnerable.
You don’t “need” reflect as an Engineer. Normally the Chronos and DHs should take care of it. Necros shouldn’t use Corrosive Poison Cloud cuz it only absorbs and does not reflect (deal damage).
But if you really lack reflection use hammer #2 and/or Bulwark Gyro’s toolbelt. Spam the gyro for some additional support for your team.
Slick Shoes are BY FAR superior to the Heralds staff. Sloth has a breakbar of 4000 and afaik the Heralds staff deals 9x 150 (1350) damage to it. Slick Shoes deal 6400 damage.
Tablet is absorb and should not be used in the first place. You want the boon duration of Glint and maybe some resistance for bad times if required. I dislike the idea of Ventari unless your party comp is bad.
Rev dps is not on pair with Engis, you deal way more damage than a Herald.
Now back to topic:
Power Scrapper is the way to go here. You can go for multiple builds but the main core build is found here:
I would keep the build the same but swap out some utilites:
Use the Healing Turret for the condi cleanse. You can set it up and time it to remove fear if you have poison or are fixated and are already far away from your Tempest’s eye of the storm.
Use Grenades, Bombs and Slick Shoes if you have a perfectly balanced party.
Use Bombs, Slick Shoes and Bulwark Gyro if you lack reflect.
Use Bombs, Slick Shoes and Elixier Gun if you lack condi cleanse. You have a stunbreak for fear and fumigate for cleanse all condis rather fast, aswell a long range condi remove for unlucky people who get feared far away.
You can use Function Gyro for low HP poison duty people.
You can use mortar #5 and hammer #3 after poison duty.
You can block with hammer on tank duty.
You have great aoe damage for adds compared to condi engi or other professions in general.
Power Scrapper truly rocks this boss fight, always take one, it makes the whole fight so much easier IF the Engi can play properly that is ofc :P
- Ziggs Ironeye
It’s probably the “best” solo “base” build. Sure you should modify it a bit according to the encounter, like feedback instead of action against for example the itzel hero point south west of verdant brink, or you can also use the illusionary disenchanter against the troll in tangeled depths or well of precognition against chack lobber in auric basin. It’s not for teamplay tough (the stats are, the traits and utilites aren’t)!
Just because your buffs are aoe, it doesn’t mean you have to be zerging look at the bright side – if you are solo, alacrity will affect yourself AND your pantasms. Alacrity is very powerful for yourself aswell, for every skill but your auto attack it basicly means 25% less CD (33% more uptime).
The shield is used for blocking and tanking in dangerious situations, it’s phantasm deals rather low damage but it’s shatter food easily reproduced.
Tides of Time is a great damage skill against bigger foes and wrecks defiance bars wich is a very underrated thing to do. Broken bars result into a 50% dps increase for a short time, people seem to be forgetting that or just ignore it.
The sword block and phantasm are just better than the pistol skills and you want some great dps boosts.
If you are facing a superior opponent like Balthazar, Vampire or Lobber, you can use a staff for a clean escape and a good dps phantasm (careful reflects). Remember that the clone of staff 2 now can bodyblock since HoT!!! Very powerful!
Replace auto attacks with Mantra of Pain in general but do NOT interrupt your 3rd aa chain (aa chain willl not reset if you charge your mantra while under the effect of quickness).
Yea that’s about it Always happy to help buddy!
Condi Mes is a niche build. It may have some purpose in specific areas, but it’s not good in general, nor in open world. You will struggle against multiple foes pretty hard, I really suggest you to go for a power based (zerk) build / playstyle.
No the metabattle build is pretty bad for open world.
I made you a great open world build wich uses gear you can also perfectly use later in raids, fractals or dungeons:
Also get yourself a staff if you need range and please please please do not touch the GS!
In pvp gyro is pretty strong for survivability and against thieves and mesmers, but nothing wrong with mortar there if you use it correctly.
For pve mortar is always the way to go. You only use gyro for skips or supply drop as a setup before a fight and then swap to mortar again.
I suggest you play power Scrapper in general and use condi for rather specific situations.
Condi will shine at high lv fractals, because of the toughness there, aswell in some parts at raids, but in general you’ll be stronger and more useful for your team as power Scrapper, espeically in dungeons and open world.
The main reason for this is because condi must use grenades, bombs and flame thrower at all cost to deal good damage. If you have only two of those kits and would like to change the third one for things like slick shoes, mines, elixier gun, bulwark gyro or whatever, you’ll be much stronger as a power Scrapper.
About the builds and “rotations”:
An Engineer has no real rotation. We use the skills that deal the most damage and if this skill is on cooldown, we use the next one in our mental list. If you check out that link you see what skills are strong and wich you should favorize using. It’s hard to get this mental clock in your head to know wich skill is off cooldown if you are not on the specific kit, but you’ll get used to it, that’s how we work!
If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask!
Oh and what do you mean by “how do you guys keep different armor and weapons for each build”? Well I keep them in my inventory Hurrdurr
- Ziggy
(edited by Xyonon.3987)
nothing wrong with full zerk – ever :o
~ weekly bump! ~
Fragmentation Shot is going to be an explosive.
Still got tears to shed … Q_Q
He sometimes talks garbage wich doesn’t mean he always does – like pretty much everyone here. I don’t care who says something, I only care about what one says.
btt: Sure it makes sense – you just don’t want it to make sense to confirm yourself.
If you have two weapons, one with only high damage skills, the other with high damage skills with utility, would it be justified that both weapons have the same strong auto attack?
I can just repeat myself Blood Red Arachnid.2493 – hammer auto is not strong, but it’s good enough because the whole kit is super strong. It’s not supposed to wreck.
+ what DGraves said.
You can’t provide 100% quickness uptime for 10 ppl all on your own whatsoever. You can hope that it will work but it won’t cuz of the randomness people are staying.
But if we are talking about theory where you buff 5 people with your skills and share it to the other 5 people, you can achieve the same result with zerker (/assassin) gear + leadership runes. They are better than chrono runes for the 2nd wing anyway, since feedback is a must, so I see no reason to go commander again.
For the majority of the fights in raids, it’s better to have 2 Chronos anyway. The only exception be Sabby when your main dps comes from aa heavy professions.
It’s totally fine the way it is. The whole hammer kit is very strong and every Engineer player here should know that auto attacks never have been our strength.
The hammer auto is great, in fact even too good if you look at all the other things the hammer can do. It doesn’t deserve more damage.
The hammer is not our burst weapon, it’s our sustain weapon (sry shield, you suck :<), the Rifle is the burst weapon wich truly deserves some damage buffs (not aa).
- Ziggy
Just gonna leave this here for you.
Those are all skills used by the current strongest (damage wise) raid builds, calculated with raid envoirment values.
I think toolkit should apply weakness rather than buffing the damage. It should be annoying, not dangerious. However they could increase the attack speed of the last hit in the chain, it’s a bit too slow.
Hammer is totally fine imo. 2nd best aa we have and also grants might and causes vulnerability. It’s pretty strong, I’m happy with it.
- Ziggy
(edited by Xyonon.3987)
they could just change the mechanics to work like every other weapon.
simple as that <3
Update: 18. Mar. 2016
- Ziggy
Yea and they most likely won’t change “pets” to inherit stats from players since this is – as they said – “an exception for phantasms only” … so it needs something that buffs damage without relying on it’s stats -> Shred
Ohoh! Here’s a good one!! And so simple!!!
How about giving it the ability to “Shred” enemies hit by its direct attack and finishers?
Shred is a debuff that lasts 10 seconds, does stack up to 5 times and increases power and condition damage dealt to the Shred unit by 3%! With this, the gyro would immediately become AWESOME! <3
What do you think??
Greeeeez and good night! (4 am here)
- Ziggy
and duration :|
Just tested it, sry The V, but Purge Gyro is single target. If it’d be AoE like Medic it’d be much better, not awesome, but good enough for sure :/
So I still say:
I think Purge Gyro should be AoE just like Medic Gyro, to increase it’s utility in a team. Right now it cleanses once condition and doesn’t know where to go next, barely being able to cleanse anything but me at all. It’s basicly the same QoL change ANet made for Mesmer Mantras years ago.
Am I really that stupid? o.o I tought I’ve tested it long ago and it was single target :O I just accepted it as the description also doesn’t mention how many target it has, but uhhh … well descriptions are crap anyway :’D
Now I really feel silly about my post :| Lemme test it ingame tough :O
Thx for the response
Scrap it and do something different.
Whirl finishers are quite bad, minions that can’t take players’ stats are bad, and something that’s even supposed to stay in melee range to hit – be it via the whirl finisher or its pitiful spinning damage – and that will be mauled by everything in return, thus dying quickly, is terribly bad.
My words exactly! :/
ether bolt chain is strong, the problem is that it’s only strong in melee range. from further away, it takes too long to continue the chain
sad but true – this has never been fixed :/
Not sure fixed is the right word; that functionality has been confirmed to be working as intended.
It’s absolutely absurd, but it’s not broken.
…. wat
ether bolt chain is strong, the problem is that it’s only strong in melee range. from further away, it takes too long to continue the chain
sad but true – this has never been fixed :/
For Spirit Vale it’s most of the time Domination, Illusions and Chronomancer.
For Salvation Pass it’s most of the time Inspiration, Illusions and Chronomancer.
NEVER go commander gear, it’s not good, not even as a tank.
Your first equip should be kitten bersi mix for max dps. Use Force and Accuracy sigils and get ±64.76% crit chance on your own, so with banner, fury and spotter you’ll reach 100%.
Your second equip should be full zerk for no-updraft Gorsy or Sabetha, when you’ll be using Danger Time.
Your tank equip should be full zerk (the same as your second equip), just with power, toughness, ferocity trinkets (play with Danger Time too).
- Madame Le Blanc
I’m actually pretty sure that those shoulders are from the Rubicon set (the Karma exotic armor). It’s just showing the left shoulder on the right side:
Indeed it appears so! Just mirrored
Just a small tought – I think Purge Gyro should be AoE just like Medic Gyro, to increase it’s utility in a team. Right now it cleanses once condition and doesn’t know where to go next, barely being able to cleanse anything but me at all. It’s basicly the same QoL change ANet made for Mesmer Mantras years ago.
I’d also like to see its toolbelt buffed a bit. It’s pretty underwhelming, just a poison field :/ It’d be nice to add weakness and resistance to it, or make it a stunbreaker or anything. Right now it feels empty.
- Ziggy
I’m not sure if it is /was intended but the sound is too quet or rather no there. There is no explosion sound for those two kits anymore, please fix
Shredder Gyro’s Toolbelt ability can be useful in an interrupt build, but as a Gyro I feel its not made very well and could use a rework. If it dealt damage like a guardian trap/necro well.. then maybe it’d have some more use to it.
Even then I think blasty builds up more pressure and has a nice toolbelt aswell.
Yea some parts are missing / not ingame like this.
But something like this maybe?
(except for my hair ofc)
still prefer full rabid or rabid + dire with undead rune
This thread is about minmax and raids (PvE)
Wahoo! >:(
There are serval things wrong with the Shredder Gyro:
All those things make this gyro unbelievable bad. It’s the works skill in the whole game and I’m totally unable to find any purpose of this crap for any situation.
About it’s toolbelt – it’s like a bomb aa with a daze, that’s about it … it’s too weak too …
Sad greez!
- Ziggy :<
It’s not the Chronomancer, nor Continuum Split that is the problem. It’s the Mesmer. Chrono is balanced, yet Mes is just too weak.
Portal to be attackable? o.o Ofc for PvE 95% dmg reduction…
Where did anyone say that? 0.o
I just did – it’s a suggestion rather than a nerf like “cd increased to 300, range recreased to 1000” or something like that … we know ANet – they love the whack a mole game but with a 10t hammer
I’m about to update the original post with slightly changed gear / traits, to get better results with the new easier optainable gear.
Condi Engi
For condi this means that more Viper gear will be added and some Sinister gear removed.
I found full Viper and one single Sinister Ring to be the best combination to have. You will overcap condi duration with burn and bleed with about ~101.5%, but that’s still stronger than having a 2nd Sinister piece that drops you down to 98%, especially since you think that for confusion, poison and cc conditions the duration is not wasted.
It will also include a Superior Sigil of Earth proc every 3s. I know the CD actually is 2s, but it has only a 66% chance on a crit to proc. It is not always the case that the next attack hits right after those 2s. So I’ll do it like I did with Air, to be more realistic: 3s.
Power Scrapper
For power it’s basicly about the “Shrapnel VS Siege Rounds” we already did, just more precisely.
I’ve made a basic rotation over 20 sec. I then counted the explosive hits and multiplied them by 1.5 (20s → 30s) and compared it to the increased damage of a second Orbital Strike hit over it’s 30s CD.
Traiting Siege Rounds:
1x double Orbital Strike every 30s → 24278 damage
Traiting Shrapnel:
1.55x Bomb autohit instead of OS → 16384 damage
70x (explosive only) Shrapnel procs → 19799 damage
With an overwhelming victory of 49.04% more damage from Shrapnel compared to Siege Rounds, I’m gonna pick Shrapnel for future calculations.
What this actually means for the DpS increase you might ask?
Siege Rounds increased the overall DpS by 809, while Shrapnel increases it by 1206. So we’re talkin about a 397 DpS boost + cripple for the price of longer lasting Mortar fields and a second blast.
Siege Rounds is still great! But it’s good to know what the actual difference is and to pick Shrapnel unless you know you can make good use of the Mortar trait.
That’s it for now! I’ll let you know when the Update is there!
- Ziggs Ironeye
Portal to be attackable? o.o Ofc for PvE 95% dmg reduction…
I’m always happy if people can make us of my work
As for Sharpshooter, I included it into each skill. This way I won’t do any “in theory I will proc it X times a minute”-things, wich are very inconsistend anyway.
Using this formula:
= 3 * (1 + bleeding duration) * bleeding damage * 0.33 * crit chance
(I had “1/3” instead of “0.33” before, changed that now :P small difference from the spreadsheet.)
Sharpshooter on the live build deals 429 average damage per hit.
Sharpshooter on the new build deals 402 average damage per hit.
So Sharpshooter gets weakened by 6.3% at the cost of Superior Sigil of Earth.
Both, condi damage and crit chance taken into consideration (full buffed values).
So – aslong as you won’t hit the enemy at least 31 times PER SECOND, taking Earth over Bursting is better than the lower Sharpshooter damage! :’D
(assuming Earth procs every 3 sec, but with 31 hits per sec it surely would proc every 2 sec wich yea … rises the required hits per sec even further xP)
I hope they are finally gonna spit pvp from pve then … I can’t imagine to nerf portal properly without ruining it in pve.
As for Moa, maybe lower duration and lower cd? Just like they did on Ranger’s Entangle.
Wahoo Bovan!
I’m just about to calculate the best outcome with the new gear stats and I’m in love with a full Viper set with one Sinister ring.
Unfortunately the build editor does not include (yet) the Sabetha’s Viper back item, so it’s a bit messy and I have to test it ingame with my own Char®.
But lets talk about these:
2183 power
1777 precision (41% | 86.24% full buffed)
1760 condition dmg
This build is with Malice and Geomancy, the old setup I used.
(no 6th Rune of the Berserker because it bugs in the editor)
Suggestion Alpha:
2240 power
1698 precision (37.24% | 82.48% full buffed)
1798 condition dmg
This was my first experiment – if it would be worth it to exchange Malice with Bursting and get expertise for condition damage. The result is: Yes! You gain 57 power and 38 condition damage at the cost of 79 precision. The only thing that hurts us is the reduction from 86% to 82% crit chance because of sharpshooter (trait).
(no 6th Rune of the Berserker because it bugs in the editor)
However this was only the beginning! I once tought Bursting would be stronger than Earth, DGraves (I guess) however has considered me to take a deeper look into this and we have proven Earth to be much stronger than Bursting. This basicly mean that even if the “Suggestion Alpha” is only “as good” as the Live version, the moment you swap Bursting for Earth I’m sure it will be stronger.
Earth is a strong sigil, wich deals around 2500 damage every theoretical 2s, but more realistic 3s. Depends on the attacks you’re using, nades or bombs or whatever :P Still it’s around 1k DpS wich is great if not as good as Geo with it’s ~1.6k DpS but way better than crappy Air with only 600 DpS…
So what I want to say here is that I’ll try to get around 100% condi duration with bleed ’n burn (maybe 1% more or so) while using the Sabby back item (no Sinister back item x_x) and try to use Earth and Geomancy.
For ranged I’d then use Earth and Bursting, for cheap runs Malice and Geo (or Earth on ranged) while not using Toxic Focusing Crystals.
Yes – I have 4 asc Viper Pistols :’D
- Ziggy
I rounded two numbers in my post :P But yea ^^ sry for the confusion ^^
C97 is condi damage.
At the “current” spreadsheet, you’ll have 2711.7 condi damage. The .7 is a result of 2097 precision -> 209.7 condi damage (trait).
So I think the 0.022 condi damage in reversing are just a result of your rounded numbers, since burning deals not exactly 753.23 damage (it’s 753.2254275).
With that number you get 27034.76704383 damage with IA → 27035.
(edited by Xyonon.3987)
What is the formula (that is, what did you include in the calculation) for incendiary ammo? I can’t seem to find any way to hit the 27,035 in-game.
Formula used for burning per second:
=(C97*0.155+131.5) * (1+0.09*4/9) * 1.05 * 1.25
=(burning formula) * (Grace of the Land) * rune * vulnerability
I assumed that the druid sustaines 3 stacks of GotL on 5 ppl including himself.
Formula used for Incendiary Ammo:
=2 * 3 * (1+$F$99) * 3 * $F$93
=stacks * base duration * condi duration * attacks * burning per second
So: 2 stacks * 5.982s * 3 attacks * 753,23 damage = 27035 total damage
- Ziggy
(edited by Xyonon.3987)
I’m fine with 1 target. It could pierce trough up to 3 targets like scepter 3 tough.
If I were dropping slick shoes I would probably just do the typical 3 kit thing and go grenades/egun/bombs.
Couldn’t agree more with you on this one.
And pretty much on everything else you said in the last few comments Especially about the thing about “why to pick slick shoes”. It’s all about party dps, not personal dps.
What was that about boon corruption? :O I didn’t even notice this since we perma reflected with 2 Mes xP Can anyone explain?
Just pm me anytime you want Greez!
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