“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
~ weekly bump! ~
Heya and greez!
You tried what others have done before, including myself, and I sometimes use my condi gear, mostly in high fotm or ranged duty on Sabby. Lemme tell you why I don’t use it in other situations and how you can improve your build.
Don’t compare to the qT Chronomancer rotations and dps values. He’s not a Chrono main and his rotation was really really bad. He uses mainly swordsmen, sometimes randomly ditches in an avenger and sometimes he sticks to 2 phants for a looong time.
So after mentioning it on reddit I uploaded a vid myself, trying to max damage too, basicly what you just did with your condi build, since you don’t use avengers too. With all buffs I get 17.5k dps, realistic buffs 15k, and that on power!
Here you go:
If you go for the supportive rotation, with 3 iavengers you will be at 10-12k dps, but also depending on if you are a solomancer or replace the rev with a 2nd chrono.
You use bountiful food, wich gives you 10% boon dura and you use a 10% condi dura sigil. That’s very wasted, especially with all those platinum doubloons and exo trinkets. You should swap that!
I suggest you use 10% condi dura food instead and replace the sigil with concentration, then you can also go for max damage trinkets. If you relearn your rotation effective you will have much better results.
If you have 2 Chronos in your party (wich I really suggest over having a Rev) you both can then also forget about the chrono runes and use Superior Rune of the Krait instead! This is what you want to go for. With two Chronos you will also have more alacrity wich allows you to not immediately start to cry when you have 3 duellists :P And You might even forget about boon dura food, not sure tough entierly.
In the end I suggest you to have both – a power and a condi equip. You don’t want to go condi for VG, that’s wasted due to low armor. The same argument can be used vice versa on high fotm, where you really want to use condi over power.
You don’t want to use condi if you use a focus or reflect in general. You want to deal as much relfected damage with high precision and ferocity as possible and a condi Chrono can’t allow it to go for any other traitlines like inspiration in that case.
I also wouldn’t suggest to use condi in fights where you want to cleave like Gorse with updrafts, Sloth or Trio.
I hope I made an infomative post for you!
Have a nice day!
- Xyonon
Heya, I’m pretty sure they just forgot about it. To answer your question: 5.
Yes, it’s part of the “most important kits” duo in pve
Even tough I disagree with a few point in this guide, there are many really good points the creator of the guide made (yes i read the whole thing ofc! ). The probably most important one is: Do not stick to ONE build only. Adapt to the situation, diversity is skill and skill is power.
Mantras in general are flawed because of the cd. I’d like to have them charge themselves and have like an “ammo” system. That’d make them much better to begin with. Adapting traits ofc.
I honestly don’t give a flying kitten about the moa nerf since I never use the skill, but if anyone thinks that the QQ is going to stop now, they’re delusional. The crybabies on the PvP forum will just move to the next thing on Mesmer they want nerfed.
And thats the waaaaay the news go! Sad but true.
Well you have to start somewhere Almost full viper is your endgame goal, but until then it’s totally fine to just use rampager stats instead (aslong as it is not full rampager).
Rabid is bad because it has defensive stats and even worse it’s toughness. Condi engis are mainly wanted for VG, where the one with the highest toughness tanks. So you don’t want that happen to you.
The rather small loss of condition damage isn’t that terrible – the most important part is that YOU can play. But I still suggest you to take into consideration to aim for a few sinister trinkets or get viper from raids as fast as possible.
- Ziggy
Guys – it’s the best they can do until the next BIG patch. They don’t want to rework and change stuff in between those anymore. So it’s fine.
Imo, ferocity should be shiftet from rev to thief and replace the “+250 ferocity on fury” trait, and we should get something else, not sure tough what, neither if condi dura really is the right choice.
Maybe it would be great to have a trait that doesn’t really grant an aura, rather a debuff that then affects allies’ damage. I imagine something like “every 10s you mark a target for 10s and everyone deals 5% more power / condi damage to that target”. Let’s call it weak-point-nano-bots or what ever xD
I’m not saying “that it THE idea” neither a good one, but I want to say that maybe a common stat increasing aura is too boring / not fitting for us.
I’m not a pvp player but did the last patch not at least give precognition a chance for a comeback?
Mesmer has basicly a perma alacrity / quickness aura :P
We barely run with 1 Chrono anymore, so Inspiration is just an overkill. We go for max efficiency Dom / Illu / Chrono, and if we lack a rev Dom / Duel / Chrono.
If you are a solo Chrono I suggest Insp / Illu / Chrono for max support. You want an quickness overkill so you can make up for the lost quickness that RNG-sus devoures.
k so it’s globally too small :P well as long as it only is visual i don’t care too much ^^
Or 500 condition damage, or 100 movement speed? :P
Tuned down to normal numbers, yes. Like 20% condi dura aura would be awesome.
What a great explaination of shield 4 and it’s gameplay. Yet it’s not your choice to call an ability “DEFENSIVE” or offensive, that’s purely ANets choice. In my opinion it’s even better if abilities can fulfill multiple roles via traits and playstyle.
Even tough; strong, yes – overpowered, it is not.
Since release of HoT the size of Defense Field has been bugged (Defense Field is the toolbelt skill of the Bulwark Gyro btw). It scaled with character size, so on a human it was perfectly fine (240ø), but on an Asura it was tiny and on a Charr it was bigger than a time warp.
In the last patch they changed this. I’m not sure if everyone has the same size now, but what I know is that it’s too small. The bubble effect radius is 240, but the size of the animation is only 180ø on my charr. How is it on other races? Buggy too? Activate it and lay down a fire bomb, they should have the same ø!
- Ziggy
Every profession is “able to tank”. The main question is how much sense it makes. You lose damage if you have to invest in toughness to tank, so you pick a profession that either deals no damage in the first place or has so much stuff to negate damge without sacrificing any damage output.
The best professions for that are druid, chrono and rev.
TL;DR: yes it’s possible but it’s useless.
- Ziggy
I don’t understand why we can’t just have simple PvE and PvP split on this skill.
Current raid balance is pretty good and why should we try to disrupt that?
Exactly. Both game modes suffer greatly from a balance in the other mode. I mean it really wouldn’t harm to simply say “CS doesn’t work with elites in pvp anymore”. I don’t say I support this idea, I just say that if you want it to get nerfed for pvp, then do it for pvp!
Good post! I read everything you wrote and in general I agree, especially on the part about the CD. The cd extends if it’s alive, but the heal you recieve for that barely comes up for it.
The biggest issue with this is, that it only tics 4 times if you stand still. If you move around it sometimes only manages to heal 2-3 more times. That’s a general gyro issue it shares with purgy – it has to stand still to heal and has a very low range. Both horrible things.
The medic gyro has a protection field and is insta cast. That’s it’s big sell point. Also the ability to grant aoe super speed.
I don’t think it’s bad. It has it’s purpose. I only want it to heal more reliable and in a wider area. Increase the radius from 240 to 300 and remove the cast time of the gyro itself, after that, it’s perfect!
- Ziggy
Yea don’t have a good video edit programm so I used some free-to-add youtube music :P still better than total silence and some of them are surprisingly good
If you feel something can be done better, please let me know, I’ll test it out and redo it if it’s better!
~ bump & aktualisiert!!! ~
Celecstial is a bad idea, it doesn’t make you “do basically everything” good, it makes you “do nothing” good. :<
There isn’t just “one” build for everything. I suggest you simply make yourself a power and a condi gear and switch according to the situation. Open world, dungeons and trash mobs → power, high lv fotm bosses or specific raid encounters → condi. Easy as that
You shouldn’t have to decide on ONE build. You should have to decide wich (at least) 2 builds you want to be using in your future. I also encourage you to experiment with your utilities. There are other skills than on “metabattle” that are extremy strong in specific encounters. Think outside of the box!
- Ziggy
@Sazdek OMG OMG OMG OMG I’ve just seen it! 4 days ago – I’m so sorry!!!
Yes it works to pm or mail between NA and EU, so just pm me ingame if there is anything you need This time I’ll answer ya xD
This is the current max dps raid build / spreadsheet:
It also has 2 very informative images wich show you the skill priority you should follow. If you got questions about that, just go ahead and ask!
I’d also agree on gearing power first. It’s better on open world and more versatile in general. But you should get a condi equip too asap, since condi engis are most wanted for VG in raids or for long boss encounters in higher fractals (high toughness).
I suggest you aim for exotic zerker armor, ascended zerker weapon(s) and trinkets first. Then go for a full exotic viper gear. Your weapons don’t have to be ascended since only 20% of your damage is power damage and the 5% damage modifier you get from exo to ascended just has a 1/5 effectiveness then → +1.25% damage wich is barely anything. Then I suggest you build yourself HOPE, trust me it’s amazing!
In the case of the power scrapper / engi it depends on where you’re playing. Solo you should go for a classy might stacking juggernaut flamethrower engi with scrapper, firearms and then either alchemy for max damage or inventions for max sustain. I prefer alchemy nowdays. As utilities it depends then on the encounter, most of the time I run with elixier U and elixier gun, but skills like toolkit, bulwark gyro, blast gyro, purge gyro, and the ram are good picks aswell. Pick what you need.
For dungeons, fotm and raids almost always go for grenades and bombs and normally elixier gun, but the EG you can switch out to adapt to the encounter for skills like bulwark or elixier U at the harpy fractal, the mine for it’s toolbelt boonstrip for the ascalon (might stackers) or dredge fractals, etc etc etc. Experiment with your utilites on your own, rather than just stick to the same things all the time. For example, I recently tried to use turrets and I find the rocket turret to be an amazing break bar wrecker with a 3s knockdown (tooltip says 2s i know) and a knockback on detonation. Also got a nice toolbelt skill (dat dmg!!).
Lil’ bit of wall’o’text, sry for that!
If you got any further questions ask them here or ingame greez!
- Ziggy
Tested yesterday a bit, but need more expirience with both builds. Both have around the same dps, but what I couldn’t test is the impact of Kinetic Battery on the rifle build, aswell as the 10% modifier loss on dodge. Maybe energy as a sigil is better than air in that case? Need further tests.
But I wouldn’t blame any power engi goind for a rifle or a hammer. Both are around 30k maxxed out, so max 25k if played well in raids, wich is quite nice.
I’d actually like that ö.ö xD Well at least it’s not a gameplay bug
Fay said “if you need more than the 50% provided by a revenant”.
The one to Rule said “you need at least 50% so you can get 100% uptime”.
Those are two completly different things. I agree that you need 50% boon duration, even a bit more to make it smooth. But this does not require you to have a Revenant, not does it require you to have crappy commander gear.
If you have 20% boon dura food and 33% from Superior Sigil of Concentration, you’ll be fine. If you want to be on the safe side, simply use 10% boon duration utility.
With 63% boon duration, you’ll have more than enough quickness uptime wich (in theory -> SoI randomness stuff) could grant permaquickness for 10 ppl.
If you are a solo Chrono, you will most likely have a Rev in your sub-party anyway, if you duo Chrono, you just have to provide quickness and alacrity to 5 allies, wich i find more reliable and successful (also increases alacrity uptime to 100%).
Here some rota vids I’ve made:
Rotation (Solo with Revenant): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqPVOhi_cw0
Rotation (Duo without Revenant): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZGl-bV2RjA
(read descriptions)
- Xyo
(edited by Xyonon.3987)
Gonna try some vanilla engi rifle stuff soon. Who knows ;3 …
I agree on everything but the 30% modifier – wtf guys o.O The rifle is not THAT bad.
Blunderbuss is good already, I’d only reduce it’s cd a bit. The rest you mentioned is great, just would add that quickness scaling on #5.
“Need” is the wrong word. It’s just free toughtness you can go for with a Danger Time & Cavalier combo.
You can’t block every attack or every aura tic. If you have that free toughness the druid doesn’t have to heal (you) that much, so he can focus on buffs or even damage (condi).
Commanders is fine if you are a solo Chrono and tank. But in all other scenarios, rather not. You don’t “need” the additional boon duration either. Heck you don’t even really “need” the Revs boon duration, but SoI luck never will hit 10 different ppl all the time.
But in theory you can share 100% quickness to 10 ppl with full zerk and without rev. In practice tough, somewhat between 5-10. You don’t “need” other buffs or toughness or boon duration – but it helps to achieve the optimum.
yea heal is a bit overkill, ignore reta could be viable tough.
Wouldn’t like to see hip shot buffed, rather the trait reversed to a damage modifier for the rifle rather than attack speed.
I agree on the rest tough, especially overcharged shot needs that unblockable thing.
I think the best option would be to just get rid of the moa and replace it with a completly new skill.
But remember, this is only a dps vid. I suggest to watch my other vid about the normal rotation you should aim for, aswell read the description.
You can easily use the scepter even tough I didnt for the demonstration. Scepter is awesome, especially in raids.
Yup, they fekt up
My charr can’t find his balls of steel either … :< Let’s hope they do not forget about fixing it
ty for the post, didn’t notice it yet!
Ascended armor is totally overrated and has almost no impact on your gamestyle unless you need the agony infusion slots for fractals. Exotic armor is fine for EVERY profession.
You don’t have lower crit chance with this build, you have +30% against slowed targets -> 3x iavenger, and invest the precision overkill into toughness. That’s all what is happening. A tiny bit of power loss too, but you will not notice that ever, especially as Chrono…
Danger Time is a very underrated trait wich opens a way to use different gear. You can also go full zerk with it for more dps. If you have problems to have 100% alacrity uptime with 3 iavengers, then you might not want to play Chrono at all :P Can’t imagine a better tank option.
(edited by Xyonon.3987)
Check this one out
- Ziggy
(I’ll keep it up to date if something changes. Altough I haven’t changed the condi stuff due to the recent buffs Q_Q)
Evade frame <3 This is the best so far!
Yea mh pistol (except skill 3) and the shield are in a way worse position than the rifle. They need so much love Q_Q …
Flame Jet range would be op tbh. 600 range is enough. Burn on every 3rd hit is a great idea tough, or maybe just 0.5s burn on EACH hit?
Flame Blast is alread a good skill. I think that’d be an overkill, or just a “not required buff”. It deals great damage, is a blast, if you want to buff it, rather reduce the cast time.
Air Blast uhhh – I don’t understand what you mean by this. So it will apply up to 25 stacks of burning?? o.ô
Napalm to rev mace 2 shape … idk what this looks like :<
Irony trait sure sounds interesting but I’d never take it all alone – maybe fuse it with something, or simply make Flame Jet itself ignoring reta? :o
All in all, rather good suggestions, I like!
“Difficult to learn? Yes. Hard to master? Absolutely. Worth it? HELL YEA!”
I don’t know how new you are in this game, but if you are in love with a profession, don’t step back, take the challenge and get yourself some help
Btw … I’m “dat help” if you want me to :P I’m playing on EU servers, so if you do too, I can SHOW you everything. If you are on NA we can only chat, but still will I be able to tell you all you need to know about this wonderful profession!
WAHOOOO & greez!
- Ziggy
At first I tought this was just gonna be another “look at me I’m very gud, rly!” video of a scrub …
… boy was I wrong I LOVE it! _ Best pvp vid I’ve seen in months, and totally hitting my music <3
Ya da real mvp!
- Xyonon ;3
Why shouldn’t dragon hunter traps scale?! o.ô They sure do. The tooltip of a few new skills are wrong if you post them, but everything that deals power damage and has it’s source from a player scales with power.
What ANet said tough was something like “Gyros are pets and only mesmer pets inherit stats, that’s their exception, random stuff random stuff bla bla” …
Little hints:
Tank, Shield, Avenger, Danger Time.
Now pick a proper gear stat combination
Definitely not a fan of danger time. I’m sitting at 85%-90% crit in my raid with full buffs, so danger time is way overkill.
I edited my post right away :P but i was too slow it seems … :<
With the build link it will make more sense I guess
(There are no Superior Sigils of Concentration in the editor, so I used platinum doubloons (symbolic) instead, use the Sigil instead ofc)
- Madame Le Blanc
(edited by Xyonon.3987)
For Raids use sword/shield and scepter/focus /sword. You want to use the scepter mostly for skill #3 and sometimes the block. You may camp it if you need to stay ranged like it happens a lot in later phases of Matthias.
The scepter is a great weapons. If you camp it you lose dps compared to the sword, but that’s because of the rather weak auto attacks. If you can replace them with other stuff like wells or weapon swap to sword aa and use as many #3’s as possible, you will have a dps increase with the scepter!
For fractals I’m not entierly sure yet if it’s worth to go condi or power at 50+, due to the insane toughness / armor. But even if you go power, you can use the scepter the same way as you’d do in raids.
Here’s my dps brenchmark with using a scepter. Not a raid / fotm rotation, just max dpsing full buffed and raid buffed with 3 swordies:
It would also make sense if you look at it with a fuel aspect (yes fuel is awesome and a still a scrapper thing many here wanted to have Q_Q). So you could also make rocket charge load itself every ~6 sec up to 2 charges and use them at will.
The most important thing tough – I’d rather take that than having all the fixes above – is to let gyros inherit player stats → lookin’ at you blasty and shreddy … T_T
Remove all aftercast from jumpshot. Increase range to 900.
make it work with quickness … T_T
With this logic, Basi Venom should work for 2 secs each charge and increase charges to 5, since it’s a whole Elite Slot…..
It already works for 150 breakbar damage instead of only 100. It can also be traited to become a whole 1500 breakbar damage (condi thief). But I agree that 5+ is too much for Slick Shoes again. 2-3 times wold already be enough.
Hey Xyo, a couple of times now I’ve seen you mention that scrapper is a strong, if not the best, FotM class. What build(s) are you running for your fractals? Just curious =)
I simply use the normal power or condi engi builds, but I swap utilities very often, basicly for each encounter, to be able to counterplay in the best possible ways.
Against much trash, I’d go power, if you have a long fight before you, condi.
You can pm me (here or ingame) if you want more tips or infos !
Blast Gyro deals 332 defiancebar damage, so basicly a 3.32s stun. The same thing can be achieved by using the Personal Battering Ram, wich additionaly is a dps increase (the toolbelt is, the actual skill isn’t but neither is Blast Gyro). The toolbelt deals 100 damage, the ram itself 232.
I’d take the ram, unless you want the quickness / lightning field or the range of Blasty ofc! If you can make use of those things like for Matthias the speed and stability, for the Trio the range for the Saboteur, rather take Blasty.
What you also can do, is pick the Rocket Turret (YES I SAID IT!). It’s a turret so naturally it will explode and cause 150 knockback defiancebar damage. The active skill overcharge launches a rocket that does a 3s knockdown, wich is another 300 defiancebar damage. So it’s our best “defiance bar damage per slot” skill, with 450 damage (4.5s stun).
It’s toolbelt is also a huge damage spike, just make sure to not use it on long range due to the strange arc it flies.
- Ziggy
Ofc the range will be increased by 50%. So 2 leaps with 50% more effectivity instead of 3 and with the ability to use with a break in between. I’d really love that.
~ <3
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