Now if only I could figure out the berserker dmg thing…
Worst case scenario I will just try and readjust the numbers based on the new functionality but that is harder because I don’t have the old data. For what it is worth it was not the bladetrail change that messed with this because we locally reverted that and this berserker issue still persisted.
What about the torch? Please make illusionary mage better, remove the channel time for The Prestige (burning triggers when you break stealth), and make the scepter better ;(
Fyi, the delay on first attack has been present since BWE2. It is there for balance reasons to give enemies a moment to react to the powerful summon.
On Berserker gear my duelist/swordsman does about 4-5k crits, or about the worth of a warrior’s lesser damaging attacks with instant response.
I hope if that this is the damage you intend for illusions, that autoattack/Blurred Frenzy damage gets looked at for PvE.
I’m tired of sitting on a class that has a bunch of redundant utilities and little support in dungeons, while my illusions even with the signet up seem to be getting killed by mob autoattack cleaves.
I have no option but a shatter power/prec/crit damage build to do even decent damage, have poor AoE, and provide no boons for my group except Mirrored Blade.
The torch is still unusable, and so is the scepter.
Go Caudecus Manor exp and tell me you can melee 100% of the time as a non-Guardian or without a class spamming aegis for you.
You don’t have enough dodges for autoattacks that do 2k+ damage a pop and are cleaves that can still hit you from the side. You have to rely on someone else having aggro to stay behind a mob, and that said mob is not accompanied by ranged mobs that will gladly roast you from a distance.
Go melee the ascalonian groups in fractals without reflection bubbles or your charr warband taking aggro, I’d like to see how long you last.
Here you go, full melee CM 1 & 3 speed runs under 15 min each, every normal dungeon outside of fractals can pretty much be melee’d 99% of the time. Whole point of guardian is to relieve pressure off other melee classes to go full dps. That’s why 2 guard, 2 war group is so good and why they are used in most speed run videos. Of course any class isn’t going to survive if they are in melee and 4 people are ranging, but that’s why a dungeon is suppose to be 5 people working together… I have a bunch of vids from my berserker axe/mace warrior perspective as well.
Feel free to check out all of the other speed runs on my page where we pretty much have 4/5 melee since that’s what you need to do for speed runs.
Of course fractals are unique because they have infinite difficulty, so eventually you need to range. But up until the 20s you can melee most of the time. Obviously Ascalon is balanced to use your Veteran NPCs which is the whole mechanic of that fractal so it’s a bit different.
Now try that melee setup without guardians. They said classes wouldn’t be required, but surprise! The 2 classes that can afford to melee are the high base HP warriors and the boonheavy guardians. This proves nothing other than you’ve stacked the strongest classes in PvE.
Guardians in this game are seriously spoiled and have a skewed viewpoint about how things actually are through their rose-tinted glasses of inflated survivability relative to other classes.
(edited by Zenith.7301)
Thats intended I guess. They are meant to be upgraded to ascended.
NOT BACKPIECE. Exotic armor that’s karma skins that are account bound.
On the armor slots, you cannot place Ruby orbs on the armor slots unlike regular explorable and TP exotic armor.
Go Caudecus Manor exp and tell me you can melee 100% of the time as a non-Guardian or without a class spamming aegis for you.
You don’t have enough dodges for autoattacks that do 2k+ damage a pop and are cleaves that can still hit you from the side. You have to rely on someone else having aggro to stay behind a mob, and that said mob is not accompanied by ranged mobs that will gladly roast you from a distance.
Go melee the ascalonian groups in fractals without reflection bubbles or your charr warband taking aggro, I’d like to see how long you last.
At Jade Maw, 1 hour before lv20 daily reset. On a PuG.
I’m so over this crap. Back to explorables it is.
Reason being that it is difficult enough to find a low level group, and it is only going to get harder. So by forcing people to do the lower levels again on their alts new players (hopefully) will be able to find a group. I agree it’s annoying but that’s why.
Nope, in that case I’ll not pug at all and wait for guild alt runs, which hurts me in progression pace but saves me wasted 2-3 hours of most horrible pugs.
I don’t find the prospect of consistently wiping to the dredge warsuit and grawl shaman on half of my pugs to be fun nor a good investment of my time.
This game is not supposed to punish you for having alts. I did my fractal levels already, and in the previous explorable models I could play my alts freely with my guild group. Why they felt the need to back down from their motto of not separating people and letting people play with their friends and on alts without punishment is beyond me. The explorables worked just fine.
(edited by Zenith.7301)
This is supposed to be a dungeon requiring a coordination, not made for PuGs, yet my alt needs to spend 2 hours seven times on a crappy pug to catch up to my main’s fractal scale…
Well you are not forced to do Fractals, do other stuff instead. As for ascended gear, they are only usefull in fractals, and they will add other ways to get them:
“Our intention is to deploy ascended components and gear across the whole of the game rather than focus it in one particular location” – Studio Design Director.
….Ascended gear has better stats, not just agony resistance.
Don’t be a smug idiot. just makes it a little faster to find pugs, but it’s no dungeonfinder, and the nature of pugs is that you’ll be far less time efficient than if you were allowed to run with your guild mates.
At least make scale progress account bound. What’s the point of account bound ascended gear when you have to grind your alts the same fractal capacitor and RNG rings since you are 10 levels behind the other toon.
197 fractals completed and not a single ring, while my Ascended fractal capacitor is soulbound on use. Meanwhile wvw players and pvp players in our guild have gotten 2-3 rings, and one of my guildies in our group got his 5th ring, of which the last one was an infused one.
Game designers for this game have a really curious concept of consistent rewards. So far it seems like effort doesn’t matter, because my whole experience with this game outside explorable dungeons has been determined by a luck of the draw. RNG better stat gear (ascended), RNG precursor drops (hundreds of gold randomly given to players, which tanslates to weeks and months of farming gold cut for some while others still have to do it).
What the hell happened to the whole “We want alts to be viable in this game”? So far I don’t notice any difference from other MMO’s, because I still have to grind my alts up the same content I did on my main. Particularly ascended gear and its obviously superior stats. I don’t have the option of giving an alt one of the ascended rings that RNG dictates because I can’t use him on the same difficulties as my main to justify givinh him a ring with agony resistance. Being able to use ascended items across your account would make the RNG grind less obnoxious since you only have to go through that withering process only once instead of on every character.
(edited by Zenith.7301)
Try 179 fractals completed and no ring yet.
So, you sacrifice a 50 sec cd stunbreaker and condition removal for a burst sequence that an opponent can foil with a single stunbreak and dodge.
What will you do then waiting 30+ seconds for arcane wave and fire grab cooldown?
This gib setup is a sham given its reliance on finding newer PuG players. The cooldowns are too long com[ared to other classes.
Of course it is instant — have you seen its range? You need to stand still, as does your target, for it to hit (it misses all the kitten time if you are moving or your target is).
It can also be blocked like any attack, and has 4x the cooldown. If they are not going to increase the damage, they should at the very least look at the cooldown. And the fact is that a single warrior attack is doing the damage of multiple elementalist “spike” spells combined (and said spike spells have larger cooldowns).
Fire Grab also has a telltale windup animation where your character literally pulls his arms back and then does a push. It gives ample time for dodging.
Scepter would get a lot of help if the 2 sec delay from Dragon’s Tooth and Shatterstone were reduced to 1 instead. All autoattacks on scepter are pretty terrible with the exception of maybe stone shards. But scepter fire autoattack is just pretty bad as well.
And man is the projectile for Phoenix slow, and curiously it has a weird range setup compared to Dragon’s Tooth.
There’s also little incentive to use Hurl — the toughness gain is rather substantial, and sacrificing stone barrier for such negligible damage is a nonstarter.
By the way, our warrior’s Aimed Shot alone without much power stacks hits for 11k. Try getting that number on anything but Fire Grab. And Fire Grab is 4x more the cooldown of Aimed Shot and melee range.
Thief aoe is not bad. What. It spams blast finishers and does significant bouncing damage on a spammable, re-targetable attack. Warrior greatsword is more than enough cleave AoE. What range limitations? I’m fractal lv21 and I just stand there and melee alongside the warrior.
Mobs don’t dodge 100B, and thief heartseeker by itself hits hard. Compare thief dagger autoattack or shortbow autoattack with other classes, and the damage gap is noticeable, as is the warrior.
And it’s bullcrap that shatter builds need to be glass cannon. I own a mesmer. He’s power/vit/toughness, no berserker and with points in inspiration. Each shatter I do does more damage on average than a fire grab, and it’s 1/4 the cooldown of Fire Grab.
Keep testing on PvP golems, but I’ll invite you to a dungeon and then we’ll see if you can even hold a candle to one of the warriors or thieves, let alone a good grenadier engineer.
Against mobs too stupid to dodge scepter is not going to be king. Persistent AOE will be because you can make them stay inside it. Still, that’s cherry picking “best for PVE” vs being viable isn’t it? There will always be a best and this game bears more than one play style.
Grenades are likely a little too good. Virtue of one of the traits increasing their damage 50% and the need to be viable even without that likely.
So where will it be best, then? You may be satisfied with being good at tagging in brainless zerg DE’s, but for actually competitive and complex content, some of us would prefer warriors and thieves not blow everyone else out of the water.
Especially when one of those classes has about 8-9k more HP than you while dealing more damage.
It’s just like when they say that classes would have flexibility, yet when it comes to defensive capability, nothing gets close to a Guardian. The gaps are too big. Yeah, different classes have differences, but some classes are flat out better than others at many tasks, and what happens is that you make certain classes niche classes as a result whereas classes like the warrior and thief can never go wrong — killing quickly and efficiently is extremely important in high difficulty dungeons unless you are stacking guardians. And two classes leave the others in the dust.
A warrior can do the best damage in the game, but he can also go shield and mace Shake It Off aoe heal/condition removal tank build and approach Guardian tankiness with banners to give the group perma boons.
Some classes are just far better polished than others. How many people use those worthless conjures? How many use Glyph of Storms or any elite outside the elemental? How many elementalists are using the focus outside WvW?
(edited by Zenith.7301)
Mobs don’t dodge 100B, and thief heartseeker by itself hits hard. Compare thief dagger autoattack or shortbow autoattack with other classes, and the damage gap is noticeable, as is the warrior.
And it’s bullcrap that shatter builds need to be glass cannon. I own a mesmer. He’s power/vit/toughness, no berserker and with points in inspiration. Each shatter I do does more damage on average than a fire grab, and it’s 1/4 the cooldown of Fire Grab.
Keep testing on PvP golems, but I’ll invite you to a dungeon and then we’ll see if you can even hold a candle to one of the warriors or thieves, let alone a good grenadier engineer.
So, what if you can do it while doing a weak autoattack? Those aren’t hurting anyone that either. OOOoooh, I got hit by scepter 2, better bring out my immunities!
Just because a utility exists doesn’t mean it justifies the weak autoattack. Let’s grab a warrior with 23k HP on dps magic find gear and compare his damage to your little properly geared 14k hp glass cannon. You won’t even do half the damage he can sustain, let alone the burst.
Thieves and mesmers will spank you in DPS as well. Your crappy 8-9k once a blue moon Fire Grabs and 3-4k Lightning Strikes don’t touch 12k+ shatters let alone the obscene Backstab and Hundred Blades.
(edited by Zenith.7301)
I wonder where that design claim went, because precursors and ascended rings all seem to follow the good ol’ MMO RNG formula. The PvP players in our guild and tanky WvW guardians get pow/prec/crit damage ascended rings, while others in the guild get….
Bag of Go— FraudulentCrap.
So much for getting consistent rewards from dungeon runs instead of having gear progression based on a lottery system, where some have to invest less than others.
And this gear is not just good on fractals. The rings have substantially better stats than exotics.
Why was the GW1 gear plateu abandoned for the WoW casino style treadmill?
If water is supposed to be weak in damage, then why is there a trait increasing its damage by 20% against vulnerable foes? If water remains a weak offhealing attunement you only use when cleansing wave and trident are up, that’s bad design.
If I spec for water traits increasing my water offensive spells, I expect to get reasonably returns for my investment.
And, sorry, but the air scepter channel does in its entire channel what my mesmer’s sword autoattack does in less than a second repeatedly. The channel is terrible, and I really suggest people play other classes to realize the damage gap the ele has to overcome.
I shouldn’t need to pick specific sigils in order for water not to suck — fire certainly is not that dependent on gear, and it performs more or less in every setup. Marginalizing the other attunements by making their uses very situational is what got conjured weapons in the state they are in at the moment — situational means rarely used. That’s not something I enjoy.
Particularly the autoattack damage, for both of these, is just dreadful. Trident could use a damage buff as well, given its cooldown. Shatterstone also does too little damage.
Fire Grab needs a substantial reduction in cooldown, given the cooldowns on Hundred Blades and Mindwrack/Blurred Frenzy and thief burst frequency, and elementalist needs more burst spell or higher damage dealing spells in its arsenal.
Many people playing dagger/dagger may feel fine, but I ask you to play a warrior or mesmer or grenadier engineer or thief and say with a straight face that ele damage is fine. Dagger/dagger is closest to being good, and staff at least has support, but the scepter for the elementalist needs work. Reduce the delay on Dragon Tooth and Shatterstone’s detonations down to 1 second. Hurl Rock from Rock Barrier should do more damage given the nice toughness boost you’re giving up when throwing it.
Arcane Wave is a 30 sec cd yet it hits for a fraction of what my Mesmer’s Blurred Frenzy does, and it’s a utility skill!
(edited by Zenith.7301)
luck is part of life, get over it
and luck should not be part of GW game play, this is not some kind of crappy Asian game.
“ArenaNet is a video game developer and subsidiary of NCsoft,”“NCsoft (KRX: 036570) is a South Korea-based video game development company” of South Korea:
Anet works independently un creative terms from NCSoft. They are western MMO developers.
And since when do games emulate life? Does that mean magic should be thrown out as well since we want to incorporate real life elements into one form of escapism?
Legendaries showing hard work my kitten They’re just a luck of the draw; they mean nothing.
100s of hours spent working for someone who logs in haphazardly or a new trial to get it from a tag along event chest.
Of gold farming.
It could even be a trial member or someone who logs in occasionally. Legendaries just mean luck, not participation in different aspects of the game.
Others who did this 3-4 hour event got….60 silver exotic armor. And 5 more bag slots and an accessory!
Nobody is running explorables now either as fractals are far more profitable anyways and the only medium for getting ascended gear with better stats.
If they did that then there would never be any chance a new player could play teh dungeon in a month.
You do realize I run a guild group only and won’t pug? Ever?
If I want to use one of my other lv80 characters on my organized team, I’m forcing them to go into the much lesser rewarding fractals to grind my other toons back up. Not all my teammates will want to even have alts, forcing me to either PuG (horrible) or beg them to kitten their own rewards to get one of my other toons up to speed.
Part of this game’s selling point was that alts would be welcome, not a detractor or obstacle in game experience. I proved my worth by beating the difficulties already, and fractal rewards are account bound anyways, so why no scale difficulty sharing in the account as well to give me the option of playstyle variety when I tire of doing the same rotations with my mesmer?
…..because the kitten dungeon instance bugs d/c people and they can’t get back into the same instance….
3 Stacks is great, phantasmal damage is irrelevant, people just cant help but thinking in terms of iBerserker, power/crit DPS glass cannon raw raw hulk smash builds (they dont even make a pill for the disorder). 3 seconds is short unless its effected by +CD duration effects, in which case its not so bad.
Love confusion, great approach to combat. As my WvW group mates say “I don’t understand what it is you do, but whatever it is it works”. Just hoping I can make this new iMage work well enough.
I’m not on Berserker gear, I use p.Warden or iswordsman mostly while occasionally switching to Berserker on GS, and I have 20 points in Inspiration with support traits and Knight gear for durability.
I’m not on Rampager gear or “accustomed to OP mechanics”. Drop the presumptuous attitude and try to keep your posts on my thread without the dismissive tone. There’s GW2Guru threads to fulfill your heart’s desire to lecture and talk down to people you disagree with if that’s what you get on the internet for.
As for people discussing 33% duration traits, assuming it works, it’d be 33%+maybe 20 points in dom for 20% extra duration. That’d be 4.59 seconds, or one or two attacks at best in PvE and dungeons. At 3 stacks at 80 in PvE that’s about 1k damage per attack in a balanced build. Maybe a bit higher if you push condi damage, but in turn you kitten your power/precision stats, which affect all other phantasms and Mindwrack that make a larger part of your PvE contribution than Cry of Confusion and iMage.
The iMage should really mirror Confusing Images from the scepter attack. Then it’d be actually competitive with other phantasms.
3 stacks of Confusion for 3 seconds at a 6 second attack rate. That’s still not even close to the damage of other phantasms, and the duration will pretty much guarantee that often the target won’t even trigger damage from a hit outside PvP (the attack rate of most mobs in PvE falls well below that threshold).
No changes to the scepter either. The scepter and torch still go on the garbage bin of weapons I’m barred from using. At some point I expect to be able to play as something other than shatter DPS as my mesmer. We’ve got weak support builds relative to other classes, and we’re pretty much stuck with sword/sword/pistol+GS or GS+staff.
Please, do something about build variety and weapon viability. And Cry of Confusion is still blatantly inferior to Mind Wrack despite having a longer cooldown.
If you’re lucky, there will be some mesmers handy to port you into the Arah entrance. Not that there’s much benefit to doing Arah other than the token armor and weapons. It takes 4 times as long as other shorter dungeons, while still handing a 26s reward per path and only 60 tokens.
Arah path 4 is mainly Dwayna’s kitten Spark trapping AI. If it were made a bit more responsive, and the other bosses outside Lyssa were made a challenge instead of the usual “Stand in safe spot at range, melee is death” fights.
It’s closer to 9 tokens, which is paltry anyways since most costs go for around 210+ tokens. You would need to run a dungeon about 8 times full clear to get a focus or torch. You’d need to run it 12 times for a mainhand weapon extra.
People were expecting dungeons to stand out as rewarding experiences for coordinated play. Lodestone drops could have incentivized dungeon participation, since lodestone drops are abysmal everywhere.
At least people know it’s still better to farm ori nodes and play the trading post game. Legendaries are still about hoarding gold instead of playing different aspects of the game to craft it.
I’ve run TA exp almost every day now for a week, and have come out every time with atleast 1-2g profit every time, I’m not seeing where “dungeons are not profitable” comes into this at all. Maybe i’m just lucky, but it seems every group i’ve run with, everyone was “getting lucky” with drops. Also, no I do not use MF gear while doing dungeons, and still get a good amount of cores/lodestones.
1-2g for an hour or more is NOTHING. Do Orr farming to see what 20 minutes get you.
And people who do not enjoy farming events in Orr shouldn’t be punished with inferior monetary rewards, especially if their preferred tasks are far more difficult and stringent in coordination.
Running a dungeon other than AC may get you about 2 gold on average( around 3-4 depending on core/lodestone drops from chests, which is rather rare) in about an hour to an hour and a half. I can make much more than that just doing a less than 30 min event.
You can’t just say dungeons are profitable. They don’t exist in a vacuum. And in a game where legendaries will run you about 600-700 gold (it may drop to 300-400g with the changes), people will gun for the more profitable ventures.
There is a reason why people are not doing Arah. It takes about 3 hours for all paths, and it gives about the same rewards or less than an AC run that takes 1 hour.
4 silver is hardly a reward. I can farm Temple of Grenth and fail the event, and with magic find sets you can get about 3-4 rares per event chain or more, with other drops, valuable metal scraps that may give ori.
Salvage, get ectos, sell 20-24 silver for each ecto, sometimes rares can give up to 3. And if the event completes, I have a chance at a precursor.
The solution is not inflating prices of magic find, burdening dungeon groups by detracting stats from groups as magic find substitutes actual stats.
What’s worse, what people hate the most in this game, Mystic Forge gambling, is being put into dungeons as well. Why do you keep insisting on introducing RNG into the game when players already are telling you they detest it? Now your dungeon run MAY be profitable enough if you run with magic find, but it may still not, because it is still RNG.
Why are you not looking at lodestone drops from dungeon chests? Why do champions and bosses not have significantly higher chances at rares and exotics? And why do people need to be suited in magic find to even find the dungeon close to profitable?
A zerg DE with aoe spam should NEVER be more profitable than a dungeon run.
We’re not running around the statues. Hodgkins and Detha and AC don’t bug out for people, for example. Giganticus Lupicus doesn’t bug out with Randall not starting his encounter for many people.
But there are some people for which it happens. We’ve cleared this path many times before. It’s just obnoxious when you get the runs where the sparks don’t want to cooperate, whereas in other runs it happens just fine.
(edited by Zenith.7301)
You didn’t read the post. It’s not about managing them. It’s about them standing in the circle and not being imprisoned…..
Stop lecturing people you haven’t even played with.
The sparks have rather erratic behavior, where they will refuse to enter the prison. This, obviously, is a problem — if the sparks get to enter on whim because of bad AI, then the boss heals at will and the group can do nothing about it as she won’t reappear until sparks register into the prisons.
I never use this skill. It’s just a lesser version of what other classes like the necro get. Why slap myself with a 240 cd utility that will have me end up rezzing said people shortly after it is used, when I could just rez them at the time either by rally or some other more reliable method like knockback/stealth?
It should revive, just like the necro skill.
They said they wanted thieves to get away from a fight, and nobody to get away from a necro once engaged.
Apparently they mixed it up and gave thieves such ridiculous mobility that not only can they keep high uptime so nobody gets away from them versus the ease of escaping a necro, and on top of it they can disengage any fight that goes sour.
It’s a cheap class. We were told stealth wasn’t going to be a problem, that stealth classes would be balanced. Lo and behold, the stealth class with high burst in this game, like in every game, is presenting balance issues.
Stealth lasts too long when mesmers get crappier versions on a 90 sec cd that doesn’t even heal. Because that’s what stealth should be, temporary respite or to get by something quick. Not to reset a fight at will until you can fire off your string of easy crits.
The damage thief abilities deal relative to other classes is just silly. That a couple of thieves can pretty much keep an Eternal Battlegrounds dungeon locked down unless they get outmanned makes it obvious why the class is so popular in PvP.
They said they wanted thieves to get away from a fight, and nobody to get away from a necro once engaged.
Apparently they mixed it up and gave thieves such ridiculous mobility that not only can they keep high uptime so nobody gets away from them versus the ease of escaping a necro, and on top of it they can disengage any fight that goes sour.
It’s a cheap class. We were told stealth wasn’t going to be a problem, that stealth classes would be balanced. Lo and behold, the stealth class with high burst in this game, like in every game, is presenting balance issues.
Stealth lasts too long when mesmers get crappier versions on a 9 sec cd that doesn’t even heal. Because that’s what stealth should be, temporary respite or to get by something quick. Not to reset a fight at will until you can fire off your string of easy crits.
The damage thief abilities deal relative to other classes is just silly. That a couple of thieves can pretty much keep an Eternal Battlegrounds dungeon locked down unless they get outmanned makes it obvious why the class is so popular in PvP.
Today did Arah path 4…..longest path, cleared hall before Giganticus Lupicus…..Randall Greyston bugged out and didn’t initiate Lupicus. I hate NPC initiated events. That was an hour down the drain.
Nope, didn’t reset him for me.
Your PM inbox was full, so I’ll post the text here:
I don’t know if it is tied to the troll random DE, because we do skip that troll. We made our trek to the scepter room, and even killed the oozes and ravagers in the way. We walked to the far end to the room and even up the stairs in front of the door to see if Hodgkins initiated, but he just followed us normally.
The first time he bugged out for us we had skipped the Spider Queen and skelks up the trap tunnel. The second time we killed everything and he still bugged. On both runs we got the troll random DE.
Sometimes if a PuG aggroes, we jump into the water in the center where Kholer is to skip the troll or skelks. Don’t know if that might affect him. People are also waypointing before he finishes his speech after the burrow kills to grab the scepter — maybe that has something to do with it, jumping the gun.
2 kitten times we get to scepter room, 2 kitten times he bugs and doesn’t trigger the script to proceed. This is absurd and an absolute waste of time for the people involved. No, we didn’t skip mobs in the way save for Kohler.
This needs to stop, or just change your design model to player initiated progression inside a dungeon. I’m tired of wasting time on bugged NPC’s.
So it does not work either on the Mystic Forge, I suppose? That would save me a lot of time speculating.