Showing Posts For Zephyra.4709:

If you are not inTS you don't matter.

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Great communication is key, whether it is text on screen or via voice chat programs like TS or discord.

Many good commanders will ask their zerg to be on TS and this can stem out to scouts and/or roamers on other BLs.

Like real life and social groups – each server’s community differs in maturity and it isn’t uncommon to have the odd group or individuals whom talk or treat others disrespectfully in TS. Never had to block anyone in TS, there’s a few clowns for sure but they move on or you/your friends do to another channel.

I will state it’s fair if you join a squad or intend to follow a commander that in being kicked for not being in TS as per his/her orders is deserving. Their house, their rules.

It’s nice to know what’s going on in TS instead of relying on team chat for details which may be too late.

All too common I see a zerg having missed potential because a third of the squad is not in TS not having listened to the adverts for TS and therefore, has no idea what movement/callouts will be. These people disappoint me and let their teammates down.

commanders kicking Rangers and Thief

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Ok so I love playing WvW and have from the beginning.

So this is what has happened twice now where a commander (and this in Not new commanders) comes to a map and started asking people to join the squad and then after a while when they have a decent sized squad they started kicking Rangers and Thiefs from the squad. I PM them to ask what’s going on and the one response I go was you are a Ranger and the other one did not bother to respond.

That is messed up!

No offense but you stated “from the beginning” which from my understanding means at least a year or more experience under the belt and any regular/dedicated WvWer would know every class has a role and their place, especially when it comes to generic meta squads. I’m under the assumption the commander (PUG zerg) kicked you from a “decent sized squad” to make room for a class that will greater benefit the group as a whole; support, boons, heals + sustain etc…

These classes/builds are as follows for PARTIES within a squad:

1. Guard (commander)
2. AH Guard (stab 2)
3. Mallyx Rev/Healbot Rev etc
4. Aurashare Tempest/healbot etc
5. Necro (traditional wells, condi, boon corrupts)
6. Mesmer (veils, portals, boonshare)

I would argue Warrior could be in there especially for Battle Standard Elite skill but they are quite uncommon/considered oldschool and/or used in organised GvG.

Then you have Thieves, Rangers and Engineers which are great at 1v1, SMALL scale fights, great gank squads/commander focus yet that kind of focus is frowned upon.

Venomshare Thief could be a thing but once again due to pirate ship meta it was extremely frowned upon/cheesy. Healer Druid was/is a thing in some ORGANISED guild fights and power Engineer is all that I know of for frontline hammer offense. You don’t see them and commanders don’t often welcome these classes because others fit the role better.

Want a healer? Tempest/Ventari rev is more reliable. AoE DPS? Hammer Rev/Necro/Guardian. Ranger’s LB #5 is literally nothing compared to a DH’s babygates which at least provide crowd control.

Until ANet makes new elite specs or revitalizes some old skills to cater towards group/support role play in WvW Thieves/Rangers/Engineers will more often than not be kicked from squads when nearing full to make room for other classes who simply do the job ten fold better.

Hope this makes sense.

STAY WOKE. This patch didn't improve WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Looks like someone didn’t have a Mallyx resist spam Rev in their squad/party… idk at least they changed how Epi functioned, if only slightly.

Holy Condis Batman!

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Most common viable party setup almost if always immune to conditions when played adequately due to resistance as a boon but also party-wide cleanses:

1. AH Guard (commander/stab 1)
2. AH Guard (stab 2)
3. Mallyx Rev/healbot Rev/power Rev (resistance spam)
4. Midline/FL aurashare and/or healbot Tempest
5. Wells traditional BL Necro/Midline or FL Necro (corrupts, transfers etc)

Hope this helps.

Gift of Battle

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


One part of me agrees; sometimes dead hours in WvW… might be better to jump into PvP to obtain it there, if that were the case. Battle is battle.

Yet the other part is nagging; “what if this takes away potential fresh blood into WvW?” I’ve heard some people who were primarily PvE orientated never caring for WvW only to find it quite enjoyable; guilds to join because they had to be in there for the gift of Battle.

For once AN don't cave

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Althought i agree not to lower the requirements of the pieces i also recognice there is a problem with the lack of rewards after diamond. I’m in middle platinum already and i only can spend the evenings in WvW.

If i get a weekend i’m pretty sure i’ll hit the cap by monday. We need keep getting tickets or in a form of reseting the pips to bronce or getting 5-10 tickets each diamond chest.

Is the last chest repeatable? Would be nice, haven’t got time to play only internet is at work on laptop hehe.

For once AN don't cave

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I 4th this. Don’t give in ANet.

EDIT: if anything, rewards for SOLO + SMALL-scale scout/roam need to be adjusted for so called “only 1k rankers” who do as such. That one guy who successfully scouted on an outnumbered garri repping inner until help arrives deserves so much more. Little things like that can mean a save or flipped keep and many people seem to forget “that one guy” who held the fort.

(edited by Zephyra.4709)

WvW is big joke now

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


1st day is literally a novelty and dims down after a week when players/newbies find out it’s such a grind/time gate and decide whether or not they enjoy WvW as game mode. Expect queues to drop after that time.

Who wouldn’t expect huge queues/mega lag due to everyone and their mum’s brown dog in there for the new shinies?

Revert EOTM wxp Nerfs, Rank system unfair

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Nah thanks, keep the players in WvW and rightfully so it should reward more for playing it.

What they should’ve done is brought back oldschool WvW XP booster, updated enrichment infusions and given one of those big buffs akin to PvP seasons.

Pip for WvW is unfair

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Could be wrongbut think they updated the mechanics a while ago so that as long as you deal minimum damage to players whilst providing your heals/boons to allies you get credit.

I play FL healbot/resist spam rev and I have to go balls deep to get any credit or whack the same body at least twice or 3 times for it to register it even being worthy of lootbag. just make sure you hit ALL the things in front of you!

Why allow WvW tickets to hold over?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Rewards those who rightfully earned tickets in the WvW tournament years ago which were redundant for AGES up until now.

Thankfully they were put back to use.

Lower the Rank Requirement for Armor

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Sorry buddy but it’s literally like any other MMO game – rewards for newbies, regulars and then dedicated vets. Now if all these rewards etc were implemented on launch I doubt we’d have as much QQ… everyone would be on even footing.

It seems like a lot of players want everything handed to them on a silver platter these days. What ever happened to the days of people seeing someone with cool vet gear and thinking, hey that’ll be my goal instead of straight up QQ’ing about the requirements?

It’s like people DON’T WANT dedicated vet players who supported the game to have something nice, too. Sad. I understand there are unrewarding roles in WvW (read below).

Anyway, the actual glowy bits slapped onto the armor is just another generic lazy/flashy move and ain’t much different to previous tiers.

I’m all for new players having the opportunity to WORK TOWARDS said long term goals so I’ll pipe up about how they could’ve added in the oldschool WvW XP Booster or featured a better buff akin to PvP season ones, even to the extent of updating enrichment infusions for that added benefit.

Then there’s in game rewards; I feel like scouting/roaming solo etc isn’t as rewarding, nor were fight based guild scenarios. I know some players who barely ever capped objectives; fight orientated since launch and they’re only sitting around 1.7k…. ANet needs to revise rewards for those different roles.

Play how you want is an illusion; those who play all roles (scout, zerg, roam, GvG, solo etc) obviously reap in all the rewards and the game is moulded as such. Still believe all roles should be equally rewarded. Hope this makes sense.

Are the new zones worth it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Can confirm I run farming rounds when I need ascended trinkets of Bitterfrost Frontier (easiest/fasted unbound magic farm + ascended accessory acquisition), Bloodstone Fen (stat swappable asc items), Lake Doric. Not so much Ember Bay but it’s still there if I want to grind alts on heart quests for that one petrified wood accessory.

The maps are often populated with players doing events and you are bound to run into someone calling in map chat for certain events popping up. Mostly though, I see players farming stuff.

EDIT: 100% worth it! Easiest way to obtain asc trinkets/Unbound magic by far! Decent karma farm if you unlocked the vendor item buff via killing mobs.

(edited by Zephyra.4709)

wvw ever getting seperate stats?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


This topic keeps popping up but I don’t believe any devs have chimed in.

Impo… I don’t think it’s appropriate for the large scale game mode as there are MANY more builds available in WvW as opposed to PvP thus requiring a multitude of stat combinations and let’s face it – the ability to build your own setup to your liking is fun; freedom of choice.

That’s the way it should remain – freedom of choice.

Idk, the huge grind wall just to test builds out don’t contribute to “freedom of choice.” Then you realize they don’t work. Super.

I’m not sure – in terms of newcomers absolutely. Vet players may have left over asc gear which is easy to stat-swap?

Go make celestial for some characters. Even still, we should consider the new comers given the wave that is about to be incoming for rewards.

Why when I can play other stat combos that better suit my playstyle/fill the damage role I need? Not every class benefits from cele stats, not that I remember anyway. Sure sounds like a huge grind to acquire cele gear having charged quartz locked behind a daily time gate I think that’s a PvE thing though for quartz. Even then, build testing is accessible via PvP with stat combos.

I think with the announcement newcomers would be aware and prepare themselves in case they need a set of WvW gear, PvE players have it easy with gear acquisition. Unless you’ve worked at it for a while in WvW any newcomer might find it a bit of a barrier to obtain the BoH currency to acquire the extotic WvW gear and I’m talking the extremes here… fresh off the boat level 80 new to WvW/the game with no proper gear is going to find it tough to make gold for gear. That’s life. Find a way to make gold and get your gear/preferred stat choice because as it currently stands – you have the freedom to choose.

Anyway, don’t want to derail this thread any further.

Sugarcoating WvW? Not a Priority.

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Might be your hardware/internet service provider albeit yes – ANet servers when it comes to anything upwards of 40v40 becomes an utter lag fest especially in SMC.

I religiously live day to day with a ping of ~250-300+ being in Australia and I’ve had moments where I’ll be running just fine able to use skills etc yet half my zerg + commander aren’t even able to get off a heal skill or anything other than AA’s. It’s very sporadic and bizarre.

Despite rank meaning nothing to some, it wouldn’t hurt to have the option to display yours outside of WvW akin to PvP badges yet I hope it wouldn’t pose as more screen clutter… have it toggle-able.

Yeah something needs to be addressed in the form of a functioning/adequate sized GvG arena… OS just doesn’t do it sometimes.

You just said it yourself… “Let us compare and jump on the bandwagon you’ve made for us.”

I don’t think there is a way to hinder the bandwagon effect/rewarding 1st place mentality with more rewards anytime soon… it’s human instinct to bandwagon onto a specific server for the possibility of better rewards/easy mode. Sigh.

Anet stated a while ago Tournaments were part of the reason why players got burned out frequently + intent/ambitious regarding bandwagon effect. Please correct me if I’m wrong there, on a crappy laptop atm at work so can’t go fishing for the actual thread it was in but it’s out there.

Birthday boosters & wvw reward track points

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


The birthday booster does NOT affect the WvW track, only the PvP track line (been a long time since I lasted looked on wiki but pretty sure it’s still like that) which impo is a huge oversight and should be promptly brought in line. Sadly, I don’t see this happening anytime soon considering since it’s release it has been in the same state.

Would love to see the return of the old-school 50% WvW XP booster and maybe ANet updating it to provide a bit of reward track gain!

wvw ever getting seperate stats?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


This topic keeps popping up but I don’t believe any devs have chimed in.

Impo… I don’t think it’s appropriate for the large scale game mode as there are MANY more builds available in WvW as opposed to PvP thus requiring a multitude of stat combinations and let’s face it – the ability to build your own setup to your liking is fun; freedom of choice.

That’s the way it should remain – freedom of choice.

Idk, the huge grind wall just to test builds out don’t contribute to “freedom of choice.” Then you realize they don’t work. Super.

I’m not sure – in terms of newcomers absolutely. Vet players may have left over asc gear which is easy to stat-swap?

Fastest way to gain www rank ? /

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I hate to say it but it’s either EOTM train; whack on all your boosters and away you go OR as Tongku stated – EBG reset.

Things tend to flip fast in EOTM as opposed to WvW but at least you get good fights/guilds doing WvW…. unless you like roflstomping uplevel pug k-trainers in the sandpit that is edge. Up to you.

wvw ever getting seperate stats?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


This topic keeps popping up but I don’t believe any devs have chimed in.

Impo… I don’t think it’s appropriate for the large scale game mode as there are MANY more builds available in WvW as opposed to PvP thus requiring a multitude of stat combinations and let’s face it – the ability to build your own setup to your liking is fun; freedom of choice.

That’s the way it should remain – freedom of choice.

WvW Backpack

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’m just glad it’s not another entirely sparkle wing theme.

New WvW blog post June 1 2017

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


whats the rank required for each armor tier? and Legendary back?

Over 9000,
Haha I tell bad jokes ;-)

I’ve been playing wvw forever as a moderate and I’m rank 2600ish. My highest guildy is like 4-5kish.

The armor probably won’t be over 1-2k because max used points are only 1k. The legendary backpack maybe 5-10k if they truely want it to mean legendary.

But they probably won’t go that crazy as they don’t want to box people out of rewards by a huge time sink. This should also be a promotion to bring in new people. Look to the Achievements Point rewards for an idea, it was set too low on the low end (nobody uses zenith skins) and way too high on the high end(have never seen the backpack) but ultimately gives newer players a chance at something and veterans a long term goal.

I have a feeling it’ll be akin to post-update WvW titles. Remember the ridiculous requirement for stuff like Yakslapper? Then they watered it down to 2,500 kills which is in reach for anyone and their mum’s brown dog pretty much.

I have a feeling the “T3 stuff” won’t be any higher than 3-4k. Then again ANet could surprise us and give those long term vets who are sitting around 7k+ something special. Would be nice.

Does WvW need a lobby?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I thought eotm WAS the lobby…

Which do people dislike more?

in Thief

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Hands down ghost thief. For some classes, going up against that was literally unfair, broken beyond words as some classes’ auto requires a TARGET to even do anything let alone fight something that’s 100% stealthed all day everyday.

D/D condi evade is annoying and another pinnacle of cancer entirely but at least you can target them or, like any above average player – time your bomb between evade frames since they generally have SoA as 3 condi clears and dodging. Simply stop attacking them after you’ve dropped your condi bomb so that they don’t benefit from that trait that cleanses condi’s on dodge.

Do you use infused rings and backpack?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


The way I see it – the extra +90 stat allocated is basically a piece of food, the more damage the better?

I recommend utilising your laurels for the WvW infusions due to also doing +1% damage to lords/supervisors etc per infusion.

Where do you feel most "at home"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Rata Sum.

Everything is located conveniently.

Strongest roamers are PvP veterans?

in PvP

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


The strongest roamers are those that prove themselves skillful in battle, regardless of aesthetics, titles, ranks etc.

You could stumble upon a warrior clad in legendary wings and diamond rank in WvW with his shiny dragon finisher from PvP but that doesn’t mean he is top dog in terms of fighting skill/prowess..

On the other hand you could come across someone who looks like a complete noob fresh out of the starter zone and they may very well hand your behind to you. (it’s actually quite entertaining doing this – players are more inclined to think your an easy target thus engaging combat with you).

Adding Rune of the Lynx to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Agreed. Would be nice to have some 25% movement speed runes with bonuses catering to defensive & offensive options e.g; toughness + vitality or power + precision ones.

Rifle Thief: how does it make you feel?

in Thief

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I suspect it’s going to be this 12 ini cost skill that completely 100-0’s you in half an eye blink AND it’ll be bugged like some skills on HoT release in that it will do DOUBLE DAMAGE coughgunflamecough.

I mean, things are already easy enough on warri via “On My Mark” → enter berserk mode with intelligence sig rifle → “gunflame” → most squishies die after #3…

I really hope it’s not clunky like engi rifle.

Whispering people in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


90% of the time I always set myself to offline mode when I roam (the other 10% is when I forget). It’s not even worth the amount of uneducated accusations/salt thrown at you that you can’t even pm back because knowing them – they literally don’t care about you trying to explain why you’re not hacking or cheating or god knows what else they accused you of. Comical, sure.. but it gets stale really fast with the childish babyragers that you come across.

There should be more Ranger pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


First and foremost I would like ANet to address the unsatisfactory state that core pets are in… everyone and their mum’s brown dog chooses the HoT pets over them for obvious powercreep and a lot of the core animations are so obvious/slow/underwhelming…

Secondly, I’m all down for pet reskins and stuff. Like the wolf have 3 different skins.. snow, black and maybe a woodland/desert color if that’s what you meant? At least it gives more personal aesthetics; variety is good!

I would pay 50$ for an expansion if....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Visible jewellery on characters wouldn’t be feasible/possible unless they went through every single chest piece in the entire game to make sure it wouldn’t clip with an amulet for example or went to such lengths as to make each amulet have a unique ‘placement’ around chest pieces… even then I’d imagine shoulder skins to contribute to further clipping and believe me if they can’t fix/don’t care about Charr tail clipping etc then I highly doubt they would bother implementing such a massive hassle/overhaul such as jewellery aesthetics.

I do agree with the wish for being able to dye backpacks however, it’s something a lot of players have been asking for. Not sure if it’s possible and if it is – expect another ‘monumental overhaul’ technical limitation excuse from ANet for whatever ungodly reason.

"Take Root" concern and inquiry...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


My view on it or what rumor has it that Take Root in a WvW setting is quite OP for a racial elite in terms of the invulnerability it provided but also the damaging factor.

It’s literally an “oh crap” button if things go south, especially on cheese condi specs that are/were already considered annoying enough.

So, YOU added more boon duration

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709



  • I can now make use of boon duration instead of useless ferocity (Furious Tuning Crystal) from the new utility food (Magnanimous Tuning Crystal) as a full healbot
  • Barrier entry is possibly easier for players?
  • It’s not that big of a deal in the case that many classes already can/would get near 100% boon duration anyway before all this
  • Necro’s will have an easier time corrupting
  • Asc mat mini “sink” which is good coz keesha that stuff be overflowin


  • Akin to PvP amulets a while back – it’s evidently bunker-ish… could make fights more prolonged/sustain monsters/boring
  • Kind of invalidates predecessors; those flat 10% (albeit power orientated) by building off percentages (a bit higher than 10%, sustain > offense perhaps)
  • Bounty Sigil kinda’ useless (Bloodlust > Bounty anyday) and other classes like rev provide extra boon duration
  • If you think more Concentration aka boon duration acquisition in WvW is off the rails ANet will more than likely introduce Expertise related items despite how exceedingly frustrating it already is to deal with the condi cancer
  • New rune… its pretty meh. Can only see mediocre use on low CD heal skills like ventari or mantra mesmer and I’d probably take either Monk or stick to Dwayna runes

Just my 2 cents.

80x WvW Potions = LUL

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


People were unimaginably underwhelmed considering you can literally waltz around in that PvE map and acquire ~54 berries in around 6 minutes with boosters on as opposed to the 50 berries you get in the reward track with sub par rewards and to top it all off – takes hours to complete.

You mean 100 berries?

Which for – the track or the farm? Sorry I haven’t actually done the track so idk if it’s 50 or not.

80x WvW Potions = LUL

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


In all honesty I don’t expect much from reward tracks nor future ones and that in it’s entirety is pretty sad. The only thing most people are after is the end item – of which in a particular case regarding Winterberries… People were unimaginably underwhelmed considering you can literally waltz around in that PvE map and acquire ~54 berries in around 6 minutes with boosters on as opposed to the 50 berries you get in the reward track with sub par rewards and to top it all off – takes hours to complete.

Thank you for your science experiment and warning us. Definitely won’t be picking that track – I had a hunch it was going to be another disappointment.

I really think they should buff the reward tracks or look into ones that are rather sub par. Maybe even add a token track where we can then exchange the tokens into blueprints/food of our choice and by tokens I mean hopefully some sort of existing currency … Idk.. Grasping for ideas but it’s better than nothing.

WVW Ascended Vendor

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


ANet_Grant 27 points 2 hours ago

We like Skirmishes and are looking to support this with rewards in the future. In general, for WvW, our priorities are rewards and ascended equipment.


Distortion-share New Meta...

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Ran into you guys multiple times today; I’ve seen godmode before but not to this dedicated extent.

The best one was probably when we first ran into you; our main tags were leading in DBL NWT and everyone was QQ’ing, laughing or facepalming trying to land anything.

Legendary Armor: Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I don’t raid so it doesn’t bother me too much since I’ll never obtain the armor, if I did I would’ve been more or less underwhelmed and I feel sorry for those who do put in all the effort and are disappointed af with this joke of a reward.

I stick to my guns and original statement when I first saw the small vid/image of heavy armor from months prior. They’re ugly, heavy probably the least horrible but still. I knew the others would follow suite…

…Static or in-combat – this legendary armor aesthetically is the most boring, underwhelming, unimaginative armor design I’ve seen in an MMO in a long time. To put it bluntly – spikes, floating crystals? 2 years? This is just sad. I cannot find a single word in the English dictionary that would sum up how disappointing and underwhelming 2 year’s worth of effort went towards designing Megatron, Arah 2.0 trenchcoat and obligatory spiky buttcape.

I understand the theme with trenchcoat on medium but if it had to be done that way to keep in with tradition then why couldn’t it, along with the others, be inspired by concept art from multiple sources regarding game armor design or themes in general? Assassin’s Creed, Star Wars to name a few. Things that aren’t over the top – designs that have form and flow neatly whether they are symmetrical or not? They piece together accordingly… unlike what we’ve been presented with here. We have artists that reside on sites like Tumblr, DA and Pinterest (just search knight armor concept art and you get so many talented interpretations and designs with intricate detail that isn’t over the top or slapped on anywhere). But here’s the problem – I’d wager ANet is incapable of replicating extraordinary armor designs such as those due to technical limitations, immense clipping etc…

Perhaps it’s the mentality of “this needs all the detail possible to look epic so cram as much as you can in there.” So yeah. ANet’s legendary armor – loaded with random spikes and repetitive details in unnecessary places. There’s a lot happening. A dog’s breakfast and it ain’t pretty.

What I cannot understand is why ANet doesn’t, unlike other companies, (hell, JAGEX aka Runescape did this to name an example) host polls with concept art for their community to vote on and at least have a say in what goes towards making content – legendary armor of all things at that.

That’s probably my main gripe – a feeling of disconnection there. You don’t get to choose from ice cream or cake for dessert – you’re getting brussel sprouts whether you like it or not.

Strong choice for Commanding?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


For those guilds which have competent guards in the party, I’ve seen commanders on extremely tanky mesmers and reapers. It works well for them and they seem to do as well as any other skilled guard.

That said, I personally would not start off on a light class for commanding.

Pretty much this.

Skins and decorations

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


  • World vs. World siege skins have been temporarily changed in celebration of the Lunar New Year.

I would like to see the return of these siege reskins from the Lunar New Year 2015.


If I remember correctly, they were clad in a rich dark reddish hue and some gold bits here and there. Looked really nice.

new Tag commander (small groups)

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’d much prefer a drop down menu in the tag UI to assign what your role is (WvW only) upon selecting a tag color which will show up under your commander prefix on the minimap when others hover over you and should also be a visible header in the squad UI upon joining (similar to squad message but always visible; top-left corner somewhere).

Example roles:

  • Scout
  • Havoc
  • Public or Open Join
  • Guild

Therefore the text box for Commander Nooblord would have an additional prefix/title under it e.g;

  • Commander Nooblord
  • Havoc

This would give an idea as to what role multiple if any tag(s) on the map are doing and will be a better informative decision whether you want to join one or the other (instead of wasting your time running all the way across the map only to find out it’s merely a scout tag and not the public tag you were looking for).

Short-bow need more love?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’d like to see revenant get a SB as perhaps a condi weapon. Hammer is the only ranged weapon and it’s power based for them.

Suggestion about downstate

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Removing downed state makes certain traits useless and some rune(s). I do not like butchering content or the feeling of a trait being dead weight/useless.. if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

Your favorite zergling class and role

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


In organised raid healbot rev.

PUG Zerg I choose guardian.. always been my favourite – who doesn’t like free stab?

Gift of Battle Forcing you to WvW now

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Forced to do WvW? I mean sure until you’ve reached max participation….

…I’ve heard some people who got their participation in WvW maxed, whacked on a bunch of boosters and parked their toon in hot spots like SMC or towers afk for god knows how long (watch TV or whatever) and got it that way. All they had to do to keep participation up was repair a wall. Like, 2 supply into that thing… And done.

WvW Front Line Sustain Build???

in Revenant

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Playing a FL full minstrel, full melee healbot rev atm; Ventari + Mallyx.

Works well in an ORGANISED guild group setting where you have RELIABLE guards for stab… if you were trying to play this pugging… you’re probably gonna get boon stripped, condi bombed and CC chained to death unless you’re on point with positioning/know your limits. In small scale this build can shine unless you get hard focused/locked down.

Not that I’ve ever been fond of using the rev section on Metabattle let alone copy paste – I prefer to make my own builds, but that mara’s looks risky… when I first started out with my intention of being resist-spam bot I was running full wanderer’s (basically oldschool PVT but with boon duration) and even then getting spiked hurts a lot, couldn’t imagine what the scenario had been if I were clad in mara’s… probably dead in seconds.

Those comments were made practically a year ago… I doubt the build is out dated but I’m inclined to believe it works best in an organised setting where you’ve got people covering you for stab and heals.

I still have my rev with full wanderer’s on it, can’t remember the dmg output but I was okay with solid 3k+ hits – the purpose wasn’t dmg but it helped. I much prefer playing healbot rev – that ventari alacrity on siege is not to be underestimated either.

If you’re looking to gear yourself for boon sharing and resistance spam then I’d recommend the full wanderer’s approach. At least then you can take a few hits and still deal dmg.

If you have any questions feel free to let me know.

Request for fair gearing

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Nope. Leave WvW wide open. if you want the gear that you can use limited, then go to PvP.

Ascended gear is not as hard to get as people suggest and i found, in many ways, it easier as you can move a set around character to character. This “competitive setting” meme is hokum as far as I am concerned. A player with skill will beat any player wearing ascended without skill even if in exotic and if the player skilled anough to do the same, they can easily get ascended gear.


If you want to be locked down on “even” grounds with a limited stat pool – go play ranked PvP. Let people use their ascended gear stat combos they worked for to be used in WvW. Freedom of choice and diversity.

Suggestion: WvW Jobs

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Would be nice to see some progression features regarding WvW.

Not sure how it would be implemented – would it benefit veterans more so than newcomers if the root of the feature is ranks e.g; someone with 4k ranks has tonnes left over, obviously, therefore funnelling all those ranks into a specific role line leaving newcomers feeling left out? I don’t really like that idea… ESO has a similar system and the grind is absurd yet once you have it – it’s character wide which is a relief.

I’d be happy with things that aren’t insanely damage modifying/OP – we have enough powercreep in the game. Things would definitely need to be monitored/balanced if we ever get additional perks to play around with.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Had an old turtle beach set years ago, thinking of picking up Razer Kraken Pro – anyone got opinions on it?

I borrowed from a friend for a day and hated every second of it. Sound quality and noise reduction are truly magnificent, but they were the single most uncomfortable earpieces I’ve ever worn. Didn’t fit well over the ears and created a lot of pressure/rubbing and were very, very hot.

He loves them, and it might be worth sampling, but I find elongated ear openings the best way to go in regards to comfort safety.

Ty for the response, will have to keep hunting around then. Might even go back to turtle beach brand and see what’s new.

D/D Condi Thief Needs More Nerfs

in PvP

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


From a WvW perspective (so I assume it would have similar effect in PvP) things that counter or stalemate me when I play D/D condi evade cheese whether they are offensive or tanky/bunker builds:

  • Scep/Sh + LB Dragonhunter - trap heal will just pop their HP back up on such low CD, elite invul aka another round of block for days/projectile absorb with Sh + trait that clears condi on block idk but it’s in DH traitline
  • any kind of healbot ele - condi clears for days
  • another D/D condi evade thief - stalemate.. obvious
  • P/D condi thief - only met 2 but both times camped stealth; clears condis whilst in stealth, kites you forever
  • good power staff + D/P evade thief - similar if not identical bar as yours so evades, condi clears but has stealth, fight resetter etc (good ones will know when Deathblossom evade frames end and time their inturrupts correctly)
  • above average/good condi mesmer - condi clear on shatter, recharges shatters via signet aka more condi clears, kites you, will use your Escapist’s Absolution to their advantage via cease attacking after they’ve condi bombed you and know your sig/other condi cleanses is off CD etc
  • well played bunker druid - met a few can be a stalemate but good ones will utilise staff #5, Druidic Clarity + Celestial Shadow together and will be a nuisance in general via kiting and Taunt procs
  • meta power stun warri - putting this up here for bonus brownie points because some know when to land those stuns after your evade frame ends and it’s pretty much GG if your Instant Reflexes is on CD and you’ve used up your shadowstep + Bandit’s Defense