Showing Posts For Zephyra.4709:

Rifle Warrior a bit to much?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I think asking for a nerf to Gunflame is unnecessary, it’s already been nerfed in the past and taking such a weapon has it’s downsides as there are MANY reflects, invuls & dmg reduction options available in the game that reduces the load gunflame delivers. It’s a high risk option & an almost 1-trick-pony playstyle.

Not only that but extremely easy to see when a warrior enters berserk mode due to the highlighted reddish/fire aura surrounding them, you know that bullet is about to head your way. (Asura problems? Turn models all to standard/low settings, that should help).

FULL zerker stats in WvW on my gimmick gunflame warri, the only players I could literally “one shot” are people who are running squishy classes + stats like myself OR who are legit off with the fairies unaware of their surroundings in a pvp/wvw environment or got caught out/off-guard in general:

- most thieves
- most ele’s
- some mesmers
- uncommon yet other guardians (Might Signet = rip guardians)
- all defensive skills used up (no dodges left, blocks, invul skill on CD etc)

I have never been able to do upwards of 20k on players, most is probably 16k~ considering players are abundant in this meta of DMG reduction food/buffs/boons etc. The only times I’ve done 33k+ dmg are on the NPCs + group buffs from other allies.

Also, invis? Where is warri invis? Sounds OP…

Yes, gunflame can be casted almost instantly with full adren thanks to “On My Mark” → “To the Limit” heal skill → “Gunflame” from approximately 1.2k range away OR if you are already in combat, 1.5k range. This in it’s own right is perhaps the ONLY gripe I have against the build as many players won’t expect you to swap to rifle once engaged. Good players will learn from that mistake and remember you for next time, if there is a next time & be prepared.

At the end of the day I may be able to down/kill a lot of players, but because of this very tunnel vision/pigeon holed build I also die a lot, and I die to better players than myself because they know how to counter gunflame warri & adjusted their own playstyle to counter mine.

I know these tips aren’t that amazing but from my experiences:

If no Might Signet:

- blinds, blocks, reflects, projectile absorb, dodge, evade skills, dmg to healing conversion (Glint Herald, Defiant Stance to name a few)

With Might Signet:

- bait out their hits (smart evades), know that most warri’s usually carry stances so immunity to condi dmg + physical dmg for short durations, use terrain to your advantage via LoS objects & hills, try and land your blinds appropriately and avoid getting too close as they may try to Taunt you to set up their Gunflame. Learn their skill animations – Kill Shot & Gunflame are practically the easiest telegraphed skills in the history of the game.

Strange AI Behaviour in BF

in Living World

Posted by: Zephyra.4709



Literally everything OP stated, perhaps I’m a bit more forgiving with the other mobs. I only really get ticked off when it comes to the wolves’ constant chilling leaps combined with the griffons that seem to chain chill you for days.

Oh, I almost forgot – WHY can’t we stunbreak out of the vet troll’s seemingly eternity frozen skill he does to you? That is such a pain on squishier professions like ele. Perhaps make the cast time slightly longer, thanks.

Mind you, I can easily get by with certain professions like warrior/guardian/engi with on-demand condi cleanse or gimmick boon duration resistance.

I’m legit only there for the berry route farm but ANet probably thought it would be hilarious to add every chilling mob in existence on every patch of berries EVER. (Yeah, that’s exaggerating but you get the jist).

One thing I’ve noticed with mob AI in particular – the griffons. Very common will I set foot in their faces without attacking, of course, just to gather the berries and walk out like they weren’t even aggro’d. They just stood there and wandered around. I know it’s not the right thing & their mechanics need to be tweaked to be more ‘active’, but enjoy it while you can…

More slots in the skills bar? Next expa?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Hmmm.. I only wish we could swap out elite skill for ANY other utility skill because honestly, a lot of the elites are trash. I’d take an extra condi cleanse or mere leap outta there skill anyday.

Canach's Backpack...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Yes I’ve seen it in the wardrobe, unobtainable for a longgg time.

Looks like it was going to be a gemstore item but they forgot about it. Least we apparently have a WAY to obtain it, unfortunately locked behind RNG/gambling.

I’d much rather pay outright for it.

Koda's Blessing Achievement Aura

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Adding my agreement here in regards to the disappointment regarding the aura on Charr; I am dismayed to find out the aura is basically hidden in the chest and is barely visible on my Charr.

Could ANet consider adjusting it to be either bigger or move it forward a bit for Charr/Norn?

It’s a neat aura for a flame theme, hate it see it go to waste like this.

Wardrobe Unlock

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Thank the lordssss I’ve already unlocked A LOT of skins/mini’s etc so I’m only seeing a list of all the rather cringe BL skins and tonne of useless karma skins I never bothered picking up in there.

What would be nice to see is SAB skins, but I also understand those are/were tied to limited time events and/or achievements but darn I really want the green ones lol.

Which map for fastest Unbound Magic?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I total an average of 54 berries per gathering only in the new bitter frost map.
Haven’t used them up so I’m not sure how much UM you can get but as far as I know it’s the fastest way to acquire UM.

Runs take me around 5 mins per toon. Managed to get 1k+ berries last night; super worth it! You even get UM just from gathering.

Siege Bar - WvW Importance

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


It’s been asked for, for a long time now.

Just implement a bar on the side of the screen somewhere that acts as a siege blueprint inventory.

It will always be there when you need it and would not screw up using actual skills like Guardian Shouts as someone suggested, badly, to override the skill bar.

I legit wouldn’t care if ANet charged us for individual slots, I want a nice feature as such. Please.

Tip for those complaining it takes too long to find siege blueprints…. You really need to get priorities right for the game mode you’re stepping into. I ALWAYS have blueprints up the top ready to go, typically in an invisible bag so I don’t accidentally sell it etc. Then food, primers, other gear, siege traps.

TLDR tip: chuck all the WvW things you use at top of inventory for maximum efficiency.

Severe DC Issues in Bitterfrost Frontier

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Confirmed, about an hour or so ago I d/ced 3 times. Lost progress the first time from around 10 minutes worth of gameplay (karma, berries, items, you name it).

WvW Players Names!

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’m neutral with the addition, I just do not like it and I think it could’ve been implemented better. Get rid of the dots on pets/necro minions(?). I will be sticking to oldschool nameplates.

Why can’t we have simplified/optional abbreviated nameplates that retains server identity, especially for host servers?


Current: Fort Aspenwood Mithril Assaulter [CAT]
Suggested: FA ? [CAT]

Note: Where ? indicates colored badge + roman numeral on top regarding rank.

You could even add a ring around the badge that indicates what color the server is (green, blue, red).

All tonics need to be disabled asap

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


If all tonics disabled the use of costume brawl skills things would be a lot better.

No costume brawl skills = no use of movement impending/leaping/dashing skills. That way people can run around as they wish in tonic form but unable to use so called exploit skills/unintended advantages in WvW.

Be aware of the new reward track +/-'s

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Wow, switching back to my Bloodstone track then.

Thanks for the heads up. I only assumed it would give more berries (75-100 would be nice) to even things out considering the new items cost more berries.

[ToDo] Mesmer portal range?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


The ghetto method consits of:

- minimap zoomed in to max
- approximately your current location to one of the edges of the minimap = max portal distance/range
- horizontal only, not sure about height
- bonus brownie points if you mark the minimap before running to that distance else you might over extend

This usually always works for me. Yes it would be nice to have some form of built in QoL feature regarding Mesmer portals. I don’t see how technical limitations get in the way… Oh well.

New Legendary Shield (Shooshadoo)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Not my cup of tea.

Choice: Remove spyballoon or fortified gates

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Mmm. it would be nice to have the balloon toned down; maybe emit pulses every few moments instead of constant ez-mode no hands free kill siting there on the screen to look at.

But yes, these upgrades killed off those special small ops forces snagging smaller structures. It’s not fun.

core game good, rest is broken

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Levelling in any game is “fun” for what – the first few levels? Then it becomes cumbersome and super ultra mega repetitively boring. Thank ANet we have ways to skip straight on our way to 80 in this game via tomes/scrolls/boosters quicker. I want to be able to participate in high level content (WvW primarily) that I find enjoyable ASAP.

Skill nerfs are/were needed in this powercreep infested ‘meta’. I’m glad for any nerfs to obnoxiously OP specs.

Games will never ever be balanced but forever changing be it slow or swift – people will ALWAYS find a new ‘meta’, QQ about OP things then devs nerf it, rinse and repeat.

I like to be different.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Loving my full boon duration power S/S mesmer. Tanky, boon duration, decent condi clears but also packs a few hits.

Berserker's or Marauder's?

in Warrior

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Full zerk gunflame warrior in WvW = drops people in seconds before they even reach you. Most never see it coming. Block spam? Signet of Might. Gg.

Marauder when I do guild runs GS + M/SH or MH axe. Still has zerker trinks.

Currently testing commander and a few cav stats for a power based full boon duration warrior build. What are condi’s?

TLDR: You can go full zerk in either WvW or PvE but it is wise in this powercreep meta to try Marauder’s for WvW as that extra HP could mean life or death.

Asura: Cute but... Not Cute

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Still have my first Asura I made.

Aesthetically a lot of their armor skins are wonky/oversized, shoulders especially.

Competitively… the more ‘unnoticeable’ I am the better? Mwuahahha. I mostly WvW so I often pick Asura because of their apparent hard to see animations, or so people claim.


Doomsday preparation pack...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


It does not include a new shared slot. My price would be 1655 gems if I bought the bundle.

Awwh, thanks for testing.

Doomsday preparation pack...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Doomsday preparation pack: 2250 gems
-shadow dye kit
-flame dye kit
-shared inventory slot
-Rainment of the Lich
-Watchwork mining pick

Is that a new slot? As in, if we have max, we can add another?

Someone test this… please . ;P

How many times have you transferred server?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


My homes over the years…

  • Borlis Pass - I was a noob and didn’t know anything about WvW and rangers were shunned back in the day (I remember joining DoC and RP) Drownedshark wherever you are you’re an awesome commander! I was always kicked off rams and rejected in general for not having mastery hehe. What lovely noob times. Good moderate sized fights.
  • Fort Aspenwood - Learned quite a lot prior x-ferring here from friends/guildies & being observant, moved to be with a friend/sibling. Started meeting other guilds that were recruiting… long lasting zerg battles pretty fun.
  • Eredon Terrace - Rock bottom T8 experiment, thanks to a later established MAD guild for taking me in. Extremely dead tier at the time. Solo cappable’ everything but SMC. “Zergs” of 15 people or less. “Blobs” of maybe 30.. SEA/OCX. It was a very “alone” feeling when guildies weren’t around… shortly after HoT hit.
  • Blackgate - Moved here thanks to friends/guild request which I now happily reside with, hooray! Prefer large scale fights. Different matchups/balance is wanted yet I don’t see this happening anytime soon.

Will I move again? Depends on my guild which I think they’re adamant on staying in BG. :P

Decorative Molten Jetpack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Glad I bought mine ages ago for around 600g..

Stuff you want in the next Expansion :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


My 2 cents if a new expansion releases:

  • Build variety/profession balance (elite specs, bringing core classes up to par with elite specs)
  • Split BALANCE amongst game modes (WvW, PvP, PvE)
  • New RACE (Tengu or Skritt would be heaps of fun)
  • New weapons (2H halberds, 2H axes etc.. land spear please)
  • 500 Jeweller/Chef (I want to craft my own ascended trinkets please)
  • More attention to Rev/Herald underwater skills (Can’t even use Glint…)
  • Ability to swap Guild Hall theme if a new cooler looking Guild Hall(s) are released
  • More Guild Hall tree decorations would be lovely
  • New monster(s) NPC model types (Tired of seeing recycled Wurm models that have merely been skinned over with the same animations)
  • Parallel Glider Skills from Bloodstone Fen into new zones (they are fun!)
  • Ranger pets (Buffing core ranger pets would be interesting too)
  • Armor SKINS (no lazy outfits please… also Bladed Armor was horrific aesthetically, please draw inspiration elsewhere, no offence)
  • Build/gear templates
  • Badges of Honour on par with other game modes regarding Ascended gear acquisition (Fractals can buy rings with purely relics, Guild merits, raids have their own currency for asc gear etc…)
  • New WvW masteries (Revision/improve old masteries e.g; Build Master - spend 15 supply when building siege as an added tier)

Probably heaps more but that’s off the top of my head.

What's Missing from Material Storage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I can only dream… would be great if ANet implemented a sink for certain items in the game via new crafting recipes – refer to last point.

Ascended/Legendary crafting:

  • All forms of Vision Crystals
  • Augur Stone
  • Gift of Exploration

Scribe and/or related:

  • All forms of Paper
  • All forms of Sandpaper
  • All forms of Wood Pulp
  • All forms of Pens
  • All forms of Ink Sets
  • All forms of Blotting Powder
  • All forms of Scribing Kits
  • All forms of Finishing Kits
  • Bags of Mortar
  • Milling Basin
  • Strategic Defense Map of the Mists
  • Badge of Tribute
  • Crystalline Bottle
  • Enchanted Water


  • All forms of Wood Dowels (also for the sake of Scribing)
  • Orichalcum Plated Dowel
  • Blade Shards
  • Tenebrous Crystals
  • Blood Rubies
  • Petrified Wood
  • Bottle of Elonian Wine
  • Amalgamated Gemstone

Highly unlikely but notable mentions:

  • Philosopher’s Stones
  • Mystic Crystals
  • All forms of Exquisite Jewels
  • +1 Agony Infusions

VERY highly unlikely.. ANet plz make these a future crafting material sink:

  • Tomes of Knowledge

Can't craft Auric weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Wiki says they are discoverable. That is, you have all the components ready, go to the discovery tab and put the 4 components (Exalted Mace Core, Oiled Orichalcum Mace Head, Oiled Small Ancient Haft, Orichalcum Imbued Inscription) in the 4 slots and hit accept to craft.
Through crafting by Artificer, Huntsman, and Weaponsmith. The weapon recipes are all discoverable

This worked now, thanks for the replies!

Can't craft Auric weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I have 400 weaponsmith.

I have unlocked the Exalted Core recipe (mace) from the vendors I want.

I have all the exact components now to craft that Auric Mace yet there is no auric anything in the craft section? Is there a recipe to UNLOCK the auric mace (not speaking about the core because I already have that) becase the wiki tells me nothing.

Feel like I’ve wasted 500+ aurillium.

Sorry if this is in the wrong thread, not sure what would be applicable. I hope it isn’t bugged.

Mad King’s Labyrinth update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Awesome, I was put off from lab farming initially due to DR and having to switch toons but now I think I’ll definitely be chillin’ in there more often (on my very guilty and lazy loot stick wielding Charr – hooray for guardians!)

Legendary Armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I don’t raid because I have a job and cannot dedicate specific days 24/7 to guilds, plus it’s hard to come across a good community guild thus I probably will never obtain this armor and tbh, I don’t mind in terms of:

Appearance 4/10: It’s like I’m staring at an Adventure Quest monster or some kind of Transformer for the latter; something a pre-teen might find appealing due to the plethora of overly obnoxious spikes ANet seems to always enjoy plastering onto either the shoulders and/or chausses/tassets (especially the chausses because I feel like it’s presented as a mirror Mistward leg armor lazy feature). Generic western game armor design overall. There’s so many freelance artists out there who’s passion is creating absolutely epic, draw-dropping armor concepts with unique layers/embroidery yet this design feels like a cheap action figure out of a cereal packet. I would’ve suggested browsing the web a bit more and/or digging into some old-school games for more inspiration.

Animation 8/10: I’ll be biased here stating I’m easily intrigued at anything that moves. Animated armor isn’t something you see in every game; very smooth and it’s good to see it start subtly at the headpiece. My only gripe is something that every game suffers so I’m understanding developers will never make perfectly animated/utility armor and that is clipping in general. Parts of the armor when retreating into sheathed mode overlap bits in front of it which looks odd. Call me nit picky if you may; but those tiny details stand out to me. Either way it’s pretty neat to see the developers put time and effort into animating armor like this.

Don’t have much else to say, I’m neither overly impressed nor disappointed – this route in choice of armor design on ANet’s behalf was expected given their recent HoT representations regarding armor. I can only hope they branch out their forms of inspiration from plenty of other sources across the board as a whole e.g; movies, concept artist graphic design, other games, historical armor, graphic novels.

Obligatory calling-it-now immense legendary buttcape incoming for medium armor. I honestly will not be surprised.

Disappointed 2016 Halloween

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Is it just me who’s feeling dispirited regarding this year’s Halloween’s content, or should I say, lack of?

Don’t even see Lunatic Inquisition available. Never got to experience Reaper’s Rumble, let alone the original quest for Mad Memoires. These are/were fun minigames/quests and it pains me to see them completely gutted from this year’s Halloween roster rendering it unimpressive, especially to new players.

I beg to ask, was the lack of engaging content due to devs from the original cast of Gw2 Halloween festivities dropped and/or current devs fixated on other ‘priorities’ within the game in general?

Friendly fire?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Catastrophic disaster. Makes zero sense this suggestion.

You’d have a million trolls spamming AoE skills everywhere. Not to mention new players or those too lazy to put effort into aiming.

Hope transmuting trinkets comes on 10/18

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709



I still find it amusing we cannot equip 2 of the same rings/accessory despite the recent change to infusions slots making them moot in the first place.

Let’s break that barrier and also implement the ability to stat-swap ascended trinkets etc at will. Keep it in touch with armor/weapons.

Balance Changes Upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


After reviewing this thread I agree with many that it is time to separate WvW from PvE. Its no secret that I’m a WvW fan. That is “my game mode”. However what I see being purposed makes me happy but it is going to have a negative impact on the PvE community. I don’t want that. This game has had too many shake-ups and the recovery from the last one has been slow (check the numbers do the math). The formula between pvp,wvw,pve,raids creates too many variables to balance without having a negative impact on game mode, diversity, and classes.

Its time to take a serious look at this proposal that players from all platforms have asked for. Please.

This. So much this. 100% agreed here in terms of SPLIT THE BALANCE BETWEEN GAME MODES for the love of all that is holy.

WvW is my #1 game mode but I also respect those who enjoy PvE and/or Raid on a frequent basis so I’m really hoping these ‘nerfs’ aren’t parallel in all game modes. I’m hoping things are changed to be more skillful instead of ‘activate all boons and away we go, indestructibly so.’

Really tired of seeing every guild group and their mum’s brown dog running boonshare in WvW. It creates a scene where the enemy group is near un-killable because they constantly have up-time of 1 minute or more of boons; sustain machines. You can only do so much boon stripping in the game, unfortunately with the state of SoI boonsharing capabilities it’s moot because these boons keep getting re-applied literally every few moments from various sources/mesmers across the board.

Someone mentioned a mechanic involving stripped boons not being able to be re-applied within a set time frame. This could cut down on the immense swath of boons being re-applied all the time regarding WvW game-play.

I hope others give constructive feedback instead of assuming details and acting like the sky is falling.

I spent 1000+G on boonshare mesmer yesterday

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’ve spent thousands of gold on various toons’ worth of ascended gear over the past few years. I ain’t crying. I take it as any other game when it comes to gear changes and/or implementation of specific stats – there is always the possibility that your efforts will be poured down the drain. Tough cookies; the devs do what they want with this game. It is forever changing.

As others have said, buyer beware. If you want to sink real life money and/or in game gold into a certain area of the game know that you’re risking it in the first place.

Don’t just assume details when ANet hasn’t even released the official notes on whether or not something is being nerfed. So many people overreact like the sky is falling. Things get pushed out of the ‘meta’ because the meta is forever shifting. Change is healthy for a game mode and you should try your best to either go with the flow or make your own fun builds for once.

ANet has stated briefly that they a looking at compensating and I quote (regarding Mesmer): increasing both damage and a few different baseline boon durations. So it’s not entirely a nerf.

Now is the chance to give ANet constructive feedback and hopefully be heard instead of pointing fingers; nonsense.

IMHO I support ANet’s decision to make changes regarding boon sharing capabilities in terms of WvW oriented gameplay. I even have toons clad in WvW only boonshare specific gear and I can’t help but feel guilty being expected to contribute to this disease of a ‘meta’. I’m talking about every guild group and their mum’s brown dog prancing around un-killable with a million boons plastered on their faces which is not even fun to fight against or be a part of.

Guild Wars 2 Memes

in Community Creations

Posted by: Zephyra.4709




Launch vs. Push/Pull

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I think it would be an interesting change, being able to F1 spear pull downed away from capture points.

Or even warrior skill kick your foe out of the ring if they are downed.

Cosplay cat ears, but no cat tail?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


If you want a tail, make a Charr.

Also I cannot imagine the clipping issues on Charr if they had two tails… shudder.

What are the best classes for support in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


On a scale of dedicated to casually applicable impo with 1 being the most dedicated;

1. Elementalist (frontline full minstrels/heal power orientated etc)
2. Guardian (stability on call, frontline)
3. Revenant (Oprah Boonspree sitting in the back of your car; free boons for you – free boons for everyone!)
4. Druid (uncommon but not entirely useless; small scale roaming, seen some decent Search and Rescue plays and CA skill #3 bombs on point)

Hope that helps.

EDIT: forgot to add Boonshare Mesmer to the list; probably a toss up between Guardian and Mesmer there for number 2.

(edited by Zephyra.4709)

Less Tomes and More Siege

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Agreeing with whoever mentioned acquiring tomes via Proofs of Heroics that way we can choose to spend them on tomes if we want while also making the reward track give us useful things like siege blueprints.

I don’t know. I’m that kind of player who literally has zero tomes/spirit shards because I tend to constantly be changing many asc sets around to stats I want etc and it’s always nice to receieve tomes/spirit shards…

Military Orders and Punishments

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


If any of this sees the light of day being implemented into WvW is the day I quit the game.

It’ll feel like a 1940s prison camp or what not… So no thanks, OP.

Female Char called keep "lords"

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


100% game breaking. Literally unplayable now. Can’t ever step into wvw until this is fixed.. what ever shall we do.

Should invulnerable players deal damage?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’m pretty sure OP means this particular skill used in a few ORGANISED guild groups Inspiring Distortion:

Which by the looks of it, has no ICD (according to the wiki) implying it can be spammed if they have more than 2 mesmers running signets at hand… Blurred Inscriptions:

I’ve actually run into a select few guild groups who’ve used this set up in WvW to initiate a bomb whilst being completely invulnerable for roughly 5 seconds or more. Those precious seconds is all it takes to make or break their/your force and I think it’s all about timing/positioning.

This alone doesn’t answer OP’s question of whether or not it is acceptable to be dishing out dmg if you’re invulnerable, but it gives an insight as to how exactly they can deal dmg whilst being briefly immortal.

If OP meant invulnerable as in the ‘buff’ you acquire inside your spawn then… I think they should still be able to deal dmg because hey, you’re sitting right outside THEIR spawn effectively spawn camping… what comes around goes around.

Carnival Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Definitely not a fan of them either.

[FEEDBACK] Rising Flames

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Very appealing map/visuals. Love the return of Heart quests & karma sink. Please let us cancel the lava travel mechanic? I want to stop between islands but it keeps going… same goes for mushroom jump pads…


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Roll a boon duration warrior/revenant and never have to bother with CC impending conditions ever again.

Or take some condi clear/stealth past mobs etc.

Bloodstone Capacitor - INFUSED/ATTUNED...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Been over a month now, still doesn’t work or ANet still doesn’t know about it.

Cost of WvW upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Mm yeah. I die a little inside when my guild needs things like Speedy Yaks… guild catas, Invul Fortification etc. Or more so… my gold wallet dies a little. Haha.

I really wish Flax Fibres were more generous.. but not overkill to the point of not being worth much. Economy is a tricky and delicate thing to balance…

Can WvW get some profession balancing?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Fights are basically decided by whatever group runs the tankiest compo with the most sustain. It’s extremely boring and needs to be reworked.

And before that it was decided by who could range kite the most behind heavy AoE bombs. And before that it was decided by who brought the biggest melee train. And before that it was decided by who could actually see the enemy since culling was kittened.

What will ever be good enough? We’ve basicly gone through everything, except maybe the single target thieves supported by full nomad eles meta.

When ANet can balance the game appropriately via SKILLful abilities instead of implementing pilot-mode thoughtless, spammy skills/boons/traits that fuel the mess we’re currently in now.

A game where using your active abilities in a team composition will determine who’s more skilled, disciplined better instead of being able to face tank whatever is thrown at you all the while dishing out brain dead DPS and come frolicking back into the fight moments later with ten million boons plastered on your face sponsored by Oprah Boonspree revs across the board.

I probably wasn’t around when culling was a thing. Yes pirate ship meta was horrible, along with melee-train in a completely unfair regard.. ANet seems to have found a decent acceptable balance regarding stability. Players now engage, unfortunately they are engaging with the previously mentioned cereal bowl of boons and pathetic passive skills implemented/tweaked into the game over the course of HoT.

Gameplay will never be balanced 100%, but it would be nice if the developers actually showed a little thought & care into the assessment of skills/mechanics etc before dumping it into the game and no doubt, completely ignoring their mistakes and/or letting those mistakes rot for too long. It’s always too long and the damage is done or irreversible.

Can WvW get some profession balancing?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Despite having played and owning fully ascended geared boonshare mesmer/guard & rev I genuinely think it’s within the best interests of the game’s balancing that we seriously need to take a look at profession’s boon sharing capabilities and tone things down, especially for the sake of large scale WvW combat.

I could propose a max cap on the duration of shared boons. Instead of insta-sharing your 8+ mins of free swiftness with someone it would be hard capped e.g; only a minute. For other boons it could vary; 40 seconds of protection could be capped at maybe 10 seconds or less. Enough for a moment before an engagement, not completely off the rails here’s your 2+ mins of free regen guys and a PLENTIFUL free serving of quickness to go along with it all the while spamming Inspiration Signet etc…

It is very tiresome and boring to play in the current meta of sustainable, passive-spamming, plethora of AoE skills and boonsharing monsters. It is not fun anymore. We need to break out of this ‘fire and forget’ meta and focus on active abilities that either make or break your move/actions; skill and reaction time.

Hence stating this it would be wise to take a look at the power-creep with certain skills as well. One could argue the result of all the power-creep has us locked into this abundance of shared boons & tanky skills/sustain orientated builds else we’d be obliterated by mindless spamming of these power-creeping skills. Yes, I still have a gripe with Coalescence of Ruin when brain dead skills come to mind… you’re literally Oprah Boonspree dishing out Robert Baratheon train slaps to the face and it’s just ridiculous beyond manners.

I agree with whoever suggested bringing boons in line with others; Resistance tweaked to -33% incoming condition damage instead of full 100% MC Hammer can’t touch this mode.

I’m not sure what else I’d suggest other than having wider access of boon-stripping skills in the game to combat these so called un-killable boon-sharing blobs.

Would be most appreciated if ANet would delve into this topic and balance things accordingly.. I can only hope…

(edited by Zephyra.4709)

Game makers killed w vs w 2 years ago

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


People complained about everything back in the “golden days” too. Lots of rose colored glasses around these forums.


If it wasn’t one thing people were complaining about, it was something else of equivalent irritation.