Showing Posts For Zephyra.4709:

New hair colors but not accessories?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


This is especially annoying on hairstyles that have 2 colors on the actual hair, and the other color is from the accessory color.

yeh mostly for charr hairstyles this can be so stupid…

they really need to add more color options to hair accessories pls

This this this this. So much this.

There are some fabulous Charr hairstyles I am dying to use, same with a few Asura ones but the accessory dye panel options are horrific and at times, don’t even look like the color as they are in the pallet.

ANet, for the love of all that is holy – please add more hair accessory dyes. You can have my money. All of it. Make it happen.

[Suggestion] Tweak/Add Enrichment Infusions?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Perturbing it is only having access to a stunted array of Enrichment Infusions (aka old Utility Infusions) all of which are underwhelming lest you really like that +15% Karma or PvE related XP.

Is it possible to add more Enrichment Infusions to the list that cater to the other game modes? I’m specifically pointing at WvW, for starters. Those infusions are all but pitiable imo.

Perhaps the Experienced Enrichment could mirror XP as WvW XP. That or add a reward track Enrichment that works in both PvP & WvW.

Thoughts? Feel free to discuss this topic amongst yourselves.

TLDR: add more Enrichment Infusions please!

GW2 Shared Inventory Slot question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Agreed with Donari.

I currently own the max amount of shared invy slots and they are a blessing to have if you own many alts.

WvW is my preferred game mode so superior siege blueprints being accessible across any character I log into is immensely helpful. The convenience of also owning contracts/portal scrolls (TP, Bank, Tarrktun merch, Captain’s Airship Pass etc) is 100% worth it imo.

Whether the slots are worth it or not is entirely personal preference. To me they are better than owning a measly glider or outfit and in the long run they are there for life which is a great QoL feature.

Hope that helps.

WvW Skillag is REAL, PLZ Do Something Anet

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Being on an ele worst nightmare, not only do I suck at ele but that EBG 3-way fight up near Pang… I go to press my stab. Nothing. Like 1k HP left, Heal? Nope. Swap attunements or use skills? Not a single one worked.

Only started working about 15 secs AFTER I got out of that mess.

ANet, please, for the love of all that is holy – fix the skill lag and zerg lag/server lag in general. It’s appalling. I love this game and I always will but sheesh, it really makes me grind my teeth having to either sit through that or leave the map entirely.

Excess HoT mastery points for LS3

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I am glad and appreciative that ANet has added more ways to acquire HoT mastery points.

I got stuck on 120 for ages, primarily due to some of the adventures being locked out all the time behind events etc or the ridiculous silver/gold requirements on some. Plus raids. I don’t have anyone to raid with plus I have a job so not adequate time to stick to a raid schedule either so that’s out of the question.

I’ll try to go back to HoT maps and see if I can finish these Masteries… But you OP, should be thankful that they are giving us more diverse options to acquire them instead of being pigeon-holed into a route which we may or may not be able to achieve.

Revenenge on Capricon - tactics, thoughts? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Zephyra.4709



I was hyped and ready to finish off my night couple days ago by playing the Capricorn map… only to be met with Legacy of Foefire when the majority had voted for Capricorn.

I would like to play this new map but unfortunately it’s a big waste of time if the other maps get chosen… sigh.

Outfits/Armor you want.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


If it’s ever released to the public I’m betting it’s an outfit…. which for once is actually quite a nice one at that albeit I’d prefer armor so we can mix and match.

WvW Quality of Life Suggestions

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


My 2 cents:

  • More visible Commander Tag
  • Add a Green Commander Tag
  • Add a visible AoE ring to Mortar shots/Incendiary shots
  • Shave certain traits/runes that proc shared boons such as Protection, Resistance
  • Add a feature to instantly unlock all world ability points if you have enough points
  • Wider access to Ascended gear/trinkets via Badges of Honor, Proofs of Heroics, Memories of Battle etc
  • Revert the change to boon-stripping; make it so that boons such as Stability, Resistance are prioritised first
  • Reduce visual screen clutter; optional feature to remove all pet, minion nameplates
  • Add a feature/hotkey to cycle through siege build sites
  • Allow friendly green ‘HP bars’ to be visible at all times
  • Make WvW Reward Track stay on the same reward track you previously completed instead of swapping to a random(?) one
  • Add Build Templates

Trapper thief is a joke

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Whelp I decided to try out trapper thief build for the 1st time ever despite being terrible at thief yet I will agree it is very annoying; ridiculous (for the enemy) having been stealthed literally 100% up-time all the while placing damaging condi traps.

I was able to dance around in enemy blobs for at least a good 1-2 mins vomiting my aids around the place being a nuisance until they finally decided to use AoE reveals. Same goes for roaming, 100% stealth up-time picking off other roamers, zerglings trying to catch up to their team and even NPCs/yaks without ever breaking stealth on the condition that nothing was in my Blackpowder to ruin my BP + HS combo.

What I soon found, or more-so what my enemies finally figured out is a possible counter to trapper thieves and really anything that has high stealth up-time:

  • AoE reveals (Herald, Scrapper to name a couple)
  • Stealth Trap (costs 10 supply)
  • Bombing/standing in my BP to ruin my combo and break the stealth
  • Heavy condition cleanses or being with allies who can clear condi’s
  • Being stealthed yourself (Scrapper, Thief, Mesmer etc)
  • Rare chance that certain traits/condi’s proc e.g; Taunt for rev/herald or Mirror of Anguish for Mesmer whilst I’m low on stealth/initiative

Most of that advice is fairly known already but I thought it might help those who are still struggling against such a cheese build.

Trapper thief is probably only going to kill you if you let the thief mess with you in the first place (chasing after him, trying to fight him, always going in alone etc) or you don’t have condi cleanses. Basic stuff.

Now the debatable bit about trapper thief/trapper runes in general – is it OP?

This is something I don’t think I can outright answer.

For what it does… the build’s damage is weak; preys on those who are in essence, silly enough to fall for their traps plus after a good 40 minutes that thief is going to have one aching hand/fingers having to go through the BP + HS combo near consantly just for the 100% stealth up-time and they’ll probably grow tired/bored like I did after a while.

Let’s not forget that their main source of damage is from one trap in particular (Needle Trap; double Needle Trap if traited for trap placement on Heal) and traited dodge-caltrops if they’re really determined to stay in stealth 100% of the time by not using any weapon attacks like I did for the sake of attempting to stay alive as long as possible. Other than that I felt like I could only tickle some people (Berserker/Warrior passive heals in particular).

Once your ‘bomb’ is dropped you’re basically forced to wiggle around in stealth until your traps are off CD or pray that Improvisation trait procs for Traps after you Steal.

TLDR: It’s not fun fighting against something invisible or is being a total nuisance due to a set of runes. Shave the runes e.g; only applies ONE SECOND of stealth instead of two?

I wouldn’t like to outright butcher the build for those who genuinely enjoy such an aids build but whatever.

Will we ever see more Cultural Armor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Don’t know if it’s been asked before but it’s in the title, devs.

Do you think it would be nice to see more varied sets of cultural-themed armors/skins for each race available?

As much as I enjoy the current ones you can only choose the same T3 Asura light coat so many times until it gets rather bland. Not to mention the shoulders completely missing on females yet males can have em’.

Same goes for Sylvari – not that many leaf-themed armor skins available in the first place.

A humble request ANet, please add some more cultural armor skins into the game and feel free to discuss this topic amongst yourselves.

Thank you for bringing back Tribal Armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


How and where did u get it guys?

You can get the pieces from WvW reward tracks afaik. Currently working on one now. Glad to see this old much-desired set back/available at last.

Do you need more bloodstone dust?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Would be nice if we could craft cosmetic armor skins out of them. I mean a literal set of Bloodstone themed armor.

The asc mats have no other value unless you’re dedicated to crafting asc gear and they just keep piling up if you don’t have the special ‘eater’ things to get rid of the stacks.

WvW Jungle maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I just want a nice, lush jungle green map… I associated the desert one with barren, dead, lifeless land and it wasn’t very inviting to look at or play.

The change to mortars is OP

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


It’s even funnier when u play a rev and pop demon stance condi vacuum skill and suck all the condi burn on all the allies around you onto yourself and realize u just fudged yourself.

I sometimes cry when I’m on my Guardian and I pop Save Yourselves!.… sigh. And then my allies just get condi bombed anyway and soon thereafter die.

/dab ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


22 and I have never once heard the term ‘dab’ in terms of internet slang/urban definition.

By that picture provided it looks quite lame and a possibly over-used ‘emote’ or action; probably a thing young teenagers would do these days? School kids with their mates having a laugh?

My definition of dab, and I rarely hear the term is I instantly think of “dab a tissue on that spot to clean it up” or “it could use just a dab of X ingredient”.


Xera's mask

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Logged on just to vouch my support for OP’s suggestion; please ANet could you add an option for us to dye the current red color only sections on the mask?

It’s such a creepy and awesome mask and I would love to experiment more with the colors, thanks.

Double xp weekends?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Answer: Yes. ANet has held a form of “double XP” though it’s been over a year so I’m not too sure how the format went, time-wise, but it was almost double everything which includes:

  • Regular XP
  • WvW XP
  • PvP XP
  • Crafting XP

Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong!

I remember that week, it was really helpful and fun maxing out things super fast. I inquired about it ever happening again and no answer… Hope that helps.

Charr and Asura female precursor armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Yes, change it to the flat male version please.

After seeing first page of this thread on the female charr + asura I kind of cringed back… as it currently stands it looks very awkward and out of place for race(s) that don’t have visual breasts in the first place.

If you could have a custom title...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


No Life


Wide Rim Glasses?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709



I’m throwing money at the screen but nothing is happening.

Any WvW power roaming build?

in Warrior

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Looking for a power-based WvW roaming build (no condi) with a bit more survivability.

Since the recent patch I’ve only touched full rabid condi warri and it’s fun but I really miss a power-based build…

I recall mace/sh + GS being a thing a while ago where you set up the mace stun combo and proceed into HB but I want to know with adrenal health & other stances would running full Cavalier’s be viable since you’d be getting quite a bit of regen from pulling off F1’s etc?

I am currently using full zerkers.

Aviator sunglasses are back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I am so so so happy!

These have been on my want list for AGES, very delighted to see them back – THANKS ANET!

Now all we need is the Boxing Gloves and those Wide Rim Glasses… mwuahahhaa.

Concentration Sigil stack 100% Boon Duration?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


The sigil I am talking about:

So if I have 100% boon duration already and I swap to this weapon will the 33% longer for 7 seconds still work? Meaning over 100% duration in a way?

Sorry if that is confusing, a friend brought it up and now I’m worried I’ve wasted an expensive sigil..

Used to lvl in WvW and Eotm. What now?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


The removal of regular XP in WvW being replaced with tomes via BOTH rank up chests and reward tracks is superior.

With all the buffs you can tack on you can get quite the number of tomes just by running around on an 80 with the zerg.

There is no incentive to ever bring an uplvl into WvW anymore, unless it’s your one and only toon but still.. positive changes.

WvW Poll 31 May: Mixed Borderlands (CLOSED)

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I voted for MIXED 2 Alpine and 1 DBL…. I would hate to be stuck with a rotation and it lands on Deserted Boredomlands. Least with mixed Alpine would always be there.

I agree with others though the differences between the maps will probably cause a lot of imbalance…

Speed! Whos the quickest?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Either Thief with all their teleports + spammable initi skills otherwise nike Warrior GS + Sword leaps and bull’s charge etc.

Short bow to more classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Shortbow on Warrior would be interesting.

What's with these gem rates?...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Been buying gems and converting them into gold for years. Always a welcome site to see the exchange in my favor.

Blame inflation over the past few years and perhaps ANet’s motives to push gem store sales which involves player’s interest thus leading to players converting gold into gems which drives the exchange up, especially whenever ANet puts on a sale…. which is generally quite frequent.

Players are getting MUCH more gold than they used to these days. And things are costing MUCH more as well… it’s a never ending cycle.

Mystic Coins again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


There’s probably a thread already out there but this is absolutely irritating regarding the lack of Mystic Coins… lowest I’ve seen 12.2k in supply and it irks me so.

I remember when they used to be no more than 10 silver years ago, was it even that much? Sheesh. What happened… why is nothing being done to implement an adequate system that rewards us with these?


  • Mystic Coin Reward Track
  • Completing certain events rewards Mystic Coins
  • Up the amount we receive via log-in rewards VASTLY

I gladly enjoy crafting infusions for my asc gear or forging things with these items but when I have to buy STACKS of them it adds up and it’s not fun, not anymore.


EDIT: grammar


(edited by Zephyra.4709)

Hide ranks

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’m neutral on this subject although I think that’s the trade-off for being a high rank in the first place and primarily a driver at that, too – you should get focused.

At the same time I think it’s humorous though, being Plat Legend atm I have A LOT of people focus me as I’m generally always frontline heavy tank guardian near the driver, haha.

I understand the frustration it can cause. It is extremely easy to point out who’s driving due to their movement and the generic max size Charrsack leaping ahead of their zerg plenty of times… ranks aren’t usually what I look at to determine who’s driving. It’s more so their movements, positioning on my screen and their guild tag. That alone is easy enough.

My main bone to pick is that enemy ranks are quite screen-cluttering in general when being pitted up against the enemy blob. Perhaps a streamlined version is needed similar to the PvP badges?

A badge/icon with Roman numerals (1-15) could represent a certain rank title within that entire column?

EXAMPLE: Gold badge with III on it correlates to “Gold Raider”. I’m merely going by the wiki page regarding WvW ranks seeing as there’s 15 rank titles per column…

Let’s use OP’s “Invader” idea but swap it out to a shorter term (enemy) for the sake of keeping things short.

Formula would be → Name of server → “Enemy” → Guild Tag if applicable → Badge/icon to indicate rank title with asterisk being my ghetto example of a badge…

EXAMPLE: Blackgate Enemy [DGK]*
Instead of current system: Blackgate Platinum Legend [DGK]

Adjust Com-Tag height

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Commander tag should imho:

  • Be visible ABOVE player’s heights no matter how zoomed in/out you are
  • Be layed over everything and top priority so you cannot lose track of it
  • Be slightly bigger in size to bring it up to par with the CTRL + T (target) format many players, including myself, use
  • Have a singular glowing/pulsing line from the bottom of the tag fading down towards the commander’s head so as not to lose him/her in the midst of battle and might help with the height variations amongst each race


How on earth some scrubs make it to ruby?

in PvP

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’m ruby and I’m not even good at pvp. I’m a baddie. I don’t even know what rotations are or what they mean.

Just been riding condi warri this season from late emerald ALLLLL the way to ruby T1 with nothing but STRONGHOLD games because I’m a bogan.

Surprisingly it’s been very fun and my only problems was last tier of sapphire hitting a few losses and class stacking of necro’s or being hit with double ele’s and you can’t destroy their breakers… Maybe it’s just been good luck with getting decent team mates for me? I don’t know but I’ve made it this far and I’m having fun.

Well, I try to pull my weight through each game – warri has it so easy with all their passives…. it’s kind of lame in a way and yes I feel guilty of playing a class that has all that and can get away with it most of the time. I honestly gave up playing any FUN original builds… meta or face plenty of losses.

Now I’m hit with a 56+ minute queue time as I’m typing this. Fun, right? Before it was a 21+ minute one… I hope more people reach ruby and soon. I spend more time in the queue than I do actually playing pvp.

RIP me.

Item Change Request: Brewmaster's Backpack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Agree with OP…. the current skin is absolutely ugly and I am not a fan of MANY of the crafting backpack skins with all the SHELVES and overly awkward dimensions.

It genuinely doesn’t look right and gives off a distasteful vibe; something more cylindrical in shape would be preferred; a large keg, barrel etc deems much more fitting.

Warrior race?

in Warrior

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Charr cose… charr
Want another reason? Dreadnought set

I’m an alt-o-holic.

Got a couple Charr warriors, definitely that cultural armor is BEASTLY on them so I recommend Charr.

A Day Off

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


No thanks.

It’s gimmicky and also may take away someone’s ONLY DAY to play the game where they wish to dig into some nice WvW….. on a DAY OFF day.

That’s a complete kick in the nuts to that person or ANYONE in that situation.

Anyone remember GOLEM WEEK? Yeah, no thanks. Not again, not ever.

Boosters and WvW Reward Track gain?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


When will we be seeing Boosters such as Heroic Booster update to reward 50% WvW Reward Track gain along with other boosters?

As of now it only states 50% PvP Reward Track gain. Another grey area is the Celebration Bonus which indicates 10% bonus to reward track progress... does this mean the current PvP only reward track or BOTH PvP + WvW reward tracks?

One last question – will we be seeing a Guild WvW Reward Track enhancement/potion located/sold at the bartender in Guild Halls? Currently there is only a PvP reward track one.

I thought I would bring this up because I feel like I’m wasting a few of my boosters. I hope the devs consider making changes to boosters to update them with the recent addition of WvW Reward Tracks.

Thanks in advance.

Whens the next WvW tournament?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Our primary motivation for avoiding running another tournament, is that at the end of every tournament we saw a permanent dip in the number of players playing WvW. Presumably this was due to players burning themselves out during the tournament.

However, we can still run a poll to see if the majority of the community wants another 4 week tournament, even if it might be bad for the long term WvW population numbers. Though even if ‘running another tournament’ won the poll, we’d probably hold off until we get the scoring updates in.

Cannot agree more; while fun these tournaments are only bad news for player population numbers after the tournament is over. That and people band wagoning to other servers, stacking them in hopes of better rewards and an easier time winning.

Tombs of Knowledge... not even good kindling

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


No I think they should stay or at the very least; give us the option to convert them to something else.

Tomes = levels OR spirit shards. For the latter, I barely have ANY spirit shards EVER because I’m constantly crafting min/maxing my ascended gear with infusions and they chew up a lot of spirit shards, especially converting out-dated ascended gear over to different stats.

You can play your main and rack up tomes for an alt which is good because nobody likes uplevels in WvW.

Those are valid reasons why they should remain. Now we can further explore the idea that not everyone will need tomes for alts OR spirit shards for whatever reason so an acceptable solution would be to include OPTIONS within the tome(s) to convert them into other meaningful things e.g; another currency, buy siege blueprints or even to the extent of implementing new recipes requiring the forging of tomes.

I hope this helps.

Carrion or Rabid?

in Warrior

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


For PvP I used the draft build on meta-battle… Wanderer’s Ammy bleed/burn condi and I really liked it so I transferred it over to WvW but I changed it a bit; it now uses Krait Runes + FULL RABID ascended gear and it is a beast.

Due to adrenal health and regen sources; heal signet you really don’t need vitality. The precision from rabid’s also secures that more offensive play due to bleeds on crit plus earth sigil on LB = auto attack crits is more bleeds.

I think it’s only blowing people up atm because they are so used to warrior being an easy kill and think they can face tank the class.

I don’t have access to any of the HoT recipe gear stats so I’m sticking with good old Rabid and using other sources to boost my condi durations (Agony Sigils, Toxic Utility food, Rare Veggie pizza) etc.

class stacking is bad

in PvP

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Try 4 necro’s all using shambling horrors whilst applying a truck tonne of conditions. What a clusterkitten.

Aesthetician Addition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I also recall someone mentioning this should be added to the game, glad to see it implemented – it will definitely be very helpful for those who have not yet bought makeover kits yet want to fiddle around with looks.

Now if only ANet would be so kind as to add more accessory colors…

New style of wings

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


TLDR: Please make Black + White versions of the Hawk Wings model.

Deeper Charactar Customisation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


+1 OP, especially more hair accessory dyes and Charr horns to choose from.

Do it please, ANet. Take my money! Take it!

Guess the next pair of wings!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if ANet decided to make more of these re-skinned wings because quick money rightio’ aye’ boiiiiz so here’s my 2 cents:

  • Black/White versions of the Hawk Wings model
  • KFC Chicken Wings

Do those sound…. finger lickin’ good?

Black Lion Keys?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I haven’t touched BLC Keys in a long time due to the stagnant, boring items within; mini Egg things and useless Boosters. I’m okay with Celebration Boosters but boy RNG loves handing out the Armor ones instead… GG.

If ANet spices them up a bit with actual decent stuff then I will most likely buy and open ~250 keys.

It’s something fun to do. I like to gamble. Least in the past out of the hundreds/thousands of keys opened I’ve had 2 hair stylist contracts + perm TP/merch(s) dropped and those gathering Node things which made up for the money spent, usually.

infinite transmutation charge 10/10 would buy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


A thread similar to this is out there somewhere but I will state again yes, I would be willing to pay money for an infinite Transmutation charge item.

How much, exactly, is the real question as it differs for everyone. If directly from the Gem Store I would probably say around or over 1K gems considering endless gathering tools are in there for that price and function similarly.

However as above posters mentioned with this particular item idea in mind I wouldn’t be surprised if ANet added it among the list of RNG very rare drops from BLC keys etc.. E.g; Permanent Bank Contract and therefore listers on the TP would sell them for literally thousands of gold.

Realistically from a business point of view would ANet add it? Probably not because like any other business they want consumers to keep buying things. Having an infinite item is great and all but it immediately kills off the potential to make money if everyone buys it instead of the “packages” of ~25 Trans Charges.

Then again what good do I know of these things? It might very well make them MORE money… I would welcome an infinite item like this either way.

I hope that all makes sense.

Your Vote Matters!

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Voted for Scoring Changes. It is plain as day an incentive needed to make the effort worthwhile, of which currently is in poor standards.

  • logging in halfway through the week knowing the outcome drives morale down the creek due to out of reach scores
  • one player’s timezone hours shouldn’t be better than another player’s
  • objectives having little form of incentive (no objective score based on upgrade) to capture or defend

I think once points like the above are fixed it will serve as a concrete, solid working foundation that players are happy about and THEN can things progress to provide QoL Changes.

Having QoL changes come first in a game mode where Scoring is an utter broken mess is although nice, does not mend what should be the priority – the incentive to play and be trying out there.

What's the point of 1 shared inventory slot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I only have 5 slots; unable to log in due to no internet hehe but when I do I’ll be buying max (11) Shared Inventory Slots, and would gladly buy more if ANet ever applied a new cap on the limit.

They are incredibly convenient, and for your typical average player only having 1 then I would probably stick a Salvage Kit of some kind in there, permanent or not it is very convenient!

So far what I have and plan to chuck in:

  • Perm Bank Contract
  • Perm TP Contract
  • Tarraktun Portal Merchant (not sure how to spell it’s name!)
  • Captain’s Airship Pass
  • Mystic Forge Conduit
  • Cat Tonic
  • Food
  • Utility Food
  • WvW Blueprint of choice, probably rams or catas
  • Boosters
  • Salvage Kit of choice

I recommend portal devices or even Teleport To Friend items in case things get sticky!

I think you shouldn’t brush off or question the 1 Slot ANet gave to players who’ve bought HoT, OP… It is a convenience item and other players out there are very grateful to have even one of them. You will find something to put in there eventually. Play the game for a while without anything in there and soon enough you’ll know what you need.

Bunker meta - almost atleast

in PvP

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Good. Hope it doesn’t go too far into the bunker bore-mode state but an actual BALANCE of choices to play and not just power creep CC hell.

I know the thrill of killing things in a few hits but for once it’s nice to pull out the tanky character and take it through a stroll in the park knowing it works pretty good for a change.

Too many rewards in game now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Yes there needs to be balance.

An example is the TA blue weapon skins; they were expensive for years, ages. The path was either too difficult or leaning towards the fact that those particular items were locked behind an RNG beast of a wall it was near impossible to acquire. I would imagine these skins to be rare and possibly sought after – the patch recently changed that, as you can clearly tell by the prices and quantity of them on the TP.

It appeases many players after years of unviable aquisition because they can now get this content/access it better but at the same time devalues the item(s) and hurls the market into an uneasy, unprofitable position.

In your post, particularly, you mention the map items required for titles etc; not everyone will agree with these changes to make items more common. I believe it was genuinely in the game’s best interest and health to increase said items due to the sheer wall of grind and feeling locked out, behind on things due to ridiculous amounts of RNG or poor management of map rewards.

The game is supposed to be fun and engaging and rewarding. Rewarding for some might not necessarily mean the items rewarded to them have to be rare, but purely the fact that they took that journey to acquire them as such.

Having HoT out after 6 months for a large majority of the player base regarding rewards it has most definitely been reiterated as not very rewarding at all and I for one am glad ANet is making changes to rewards and various items in the game.

Of course you are correct in that having said rewards more common will quicken the pace to a boring game/content drought; however that doesn’t mean there will forever be a content drought and that is where balance is hard to handle.

Sorry I don’t have a solid answer/comments nor proposed suggestions but I am very understanding of your questions, ponderings over rewards, rarity and delivering content in a balanced format.