Heh, was this really started only yesterday? It’s been a non-stop reoccurring discussion here since as long as I can remember. ….the only 2 cases where I think it actually helps, is 2 of the Sneak-sneak paths in Arah. The one where you run past the Gorilla boss and then all the spiders through the area with the falling Cosmos to get to the last Jotun boss. … and then the very beginning of the other path where you run North and try to sneak past some other really fast spiders to get up on that Wall and then shoot the Necro Boss guy. In both cases, you NEED people who know how to “run”. And not your casual HotW run either. You need people who could run Droks & Magus Stones… we’re talking DEDICATED builds and lots of practice on the “route” holding down their alt key (or is it CTRL? I always remap mine…) the entire way and steering around junk & popup mobs
I think it’s a good option that needs to be kept in the game just like Droknars Forge was. It needs to remain difficult, but it needs to be an option just so the game continues to feel open and in 3D (instead of the endless Gated-content 2d MAZE on-rails that Factions & Nightfall felt like)
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I made like 30 of these just yesterday… There wasn’t another patch today that might have bugged it was there? I’ll go test and make sure your combos are correct…. I think the problem is that you might be attempting to discover it when it’s actually down an auto-unlock ingredient upon hitting level 275
(edited by ilr.9675)
Yes, someone with ridiculous additional resource PLZ confirm!
…I really really really really really miss my Silverwing
…and this is the closest thing I can find to it
Hey guys, what’s going on in this thre…..
…Oh lawd
ummm yeah, good luck with that, maybe you should try a different approach though
“Fuzzy Quaggan Animal Hat” is such a contradiction in terms.
Okay yeah they’re basically mammals right? But they’re not what you typically think of “animal hoodies”
PS: When do we wolf and Raptor hats? I wanna be raptor jesus, NAO
That’s actually a very good point, that I hadn’t thought about. On the other hand, I’m pretty sure that WoW is a compelling argument for the “cartoonishly low-level graphics,” but am aware that that proves nothing. Like I said, I don’t actually mind either way, though, so carry on
It’s also wrong. Mounts wouldn’t be ALLOWED in WvW for obvious reasons (atleast not in EB, we’d hope…). In any other area, Lion’s Arch especially, the server already divides players up into “Districts” just like it did in GW1. Anyones who’s teamed up with people in L.A. for dungeons only to discover those people weren’t even from their home server already knows this. The game creates multiple instances of persistent regions when populations exceed expected rendering capacity and WVW is one of the only place they didn’t normally use “Overflow” <—— there’s the word everyone else knows it by…
Try again, that was only the age of one of the original threads, not the other threads already merged in to it, just as this one now has been. Please learn to search the forums before creating a new thread to discuss something that has already been discussed many times. If you really believe you have valid points, you should add them to the already existing ones and not try to make them stand on their own.
You try again…
All the threads about it were in this Graveyard. Not one thread tackling the problems I underlined was in the appropriate subforums or General disc. You didn’t go through the great “Suggesstions Feedback” wiki era like I did. So you have no idea how primary Gameplay Concerns (read: not Aesthetics suggestions) actually filtrate through to Anet’s Devs. ….it sure as hell isn’t through the suggestions Graveyards they’ve set aside over the last 6+ years to make things easier on their CR’s like Regina.
There isn’t a unique issue raised in this Graveyard about PvP for example that ever reached them through this channel. It’s always been via the general PvP community until it either reaches general guilds they’re in, or general chat and industry shows and Q&A’s and such. ….or direct discussions with developers in the specific sections they’re tasked to monitor. Do you see any of that going on here? No… It takes place in more high-priority sections that address specific deficiencies in the game mechanics. “I want a mount b/c it looks cool / makes me happy” is NOT a gameplay, living-world & group-event, or even economy specific issue that the game is directly suffering from lack of.
Being able to get around faster and scout faster, IS a problem that needs to be recognized by the community as a whole. The community itself is responsible due to it’s penchant to just move in one big zerg. <— Nature of the Beast (large openworld MMO’s with limited scouting/intel capacities). And that’s why a thread about it needs to exist anywhere but here in this graveyard. If that means leaving out mounts as an option, so be it. But so far Anet hasn’t already announced plans for anything else that would increase mobility & general world awareness. They DID say that mounts were something they hope to add however. They were saying it before beta even. I thought it a huge waste of resources too and I was always against it just like the other 50% of people who hate seeing these stupid threads again and again.
So you tell me… what’s the alternative? How do we get the Devs to look at this lack of mobility the right way? What’s the steps if you think you know a lot more about this than me? (PROVE IT)
Poor little ilr still confused after his/her 6 months break.
don’t patronize me when they already have disambiguation for this
Or maybe I should just blame Anet for not making soul-bound trophies salvageable?
Also this is nothing new… even in Gw1 you had to figure in your “cost to Salvage” per use to figure out if you were making a profit by salvaging.
(edited by ilr.9675)
I do find the gem exchange ridiculous though. I’ve been purposely using level 78-79 armor just so I don’t have to pay the exorbitant costs of transmutation crystals.
Yeah, I edited my post to explicitly include that example, thanks!
Thief….. AND a Necro??
You know what everyone’s gonna say right?? …the 2 Guardis carried ya
2 guardians and a mesmer in a dungeon that highly promotes projectiles reflections, good job indeed!
Darn…. I was too slow
Ranger doesn’t NEED to keep up with Warriors or skilled-Thieves on DPS.
So stop beating that dead horse everyone. Plz…. quit epeeing your Speedclears.
Anet just needs to let us evolve or change the roles of our pets.
Right now, even when we tell them to avoid-combat, they still stand around while something Beats on them, instead of kiting around the Area like monk-AI’s in GW1 used to do. The support skills pets offer are also pathetic. For comparison… look at the Gw1 Gaki: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Gaki_%28summon%29 …now THAT was a “pet” that was worth bringing along to a Dungeon. We won’t ever get Heal-spamming pets obviously but we could certainly use ones that automate all the other support stuff AND INTERRUPTS that our Ranger is lacking currently on its own. The only thing missing here is Anet’s usual Creativity. Where’d it go?? They can somehow explain all the weird crap a Mesmer does, but they can’t even let us have pets that stand back and buff us? And now they’re also saying that our Melee pets were doing too much damage on top of that??
This isn’t the Anet I knew. ….not even close.
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LOL—op hasn’t come back—-fishing expedition successful!
It’s not trolling when Anet announces the changes before hand just to see the reactions…
…oh wait…
Darn you Anet!
John Smiths says it’s a really misguided Fluke. And I just made 5 gold in 2 hours on it.
Maybe other people have faster ways, but this is the most relaxing Fluke I’ve ever benefited from
Not sure where to stand on this…
…on one hand, I used to farm all the time in GW1. I don’t even know why. There was just something interesting about constantly making up new builds and testing them out in 3 different continents until I got each one down to a science…
On the other hand… the problem with any path of least resistance is that no one spreads out. It’s Human Nature. People always go where all the other people already went. I actually LIKE the Orrion areas & their Aesthetics & Challenge a lot but I avoided them completely b/c there was just TOO MANY DARNED PEOPLE THERE.
It’s a really hard issue to blame Anet completely for… If they don’t nerf the super-easy farms then no one will ever leave them and try to find new ones, and then the Entire meta just lunges into the same 3-year ditch that Shadow-Farming was in in GW1. :\
That Aside, I have to give the OP props for his impressive dedication to the game and very mature write-up of the issues. It really helps bridge the gaps of misunderstanding…
(edited by ilr.9675)
I would just assume a red underscore means an Anet exployee upvoted it for lulz.
…kinda like in this thread…
I can almost guarantee I have more hours logged into Guild Wars 1 and you do.
Really? You’ve got over 5000 hours in it?? I wanna see this!
Without both Signet of Wild and Signet of Stone, the pets die instantly in any REAL encounter/PVP. I don’t know what game they’re playing but it’s not this one. Nerfing pets will just make everyone run Ranged-Trappers and anyone who’s faced the Rangers in Catas with their ranged trap spamming know just how much WORSE that is than the cute little pets running around that you can actually see coming in time and do something about (like crippping or immob’ing them).
Good luck using Control skills against a dozen huge Traps that gets thrown right under your feet that you can’t even see coming from all your Bunker-spam particles
How do you guys expect the Ranger to play? I am asking because I am currently levelling a Ranger and I want to get an idea on how people like them to play.
I noticed most issues are on pets – what about it?
Stow the Pet and learn to have unlimited Dodging through Vigor exploits & 40% Endurance Food. Getting really good with the 1h sword takes a long time but is worth it. Faceroll the Greatsword if you can’t even do that much. But mainly: ditch the “WrongBow”, it’s only good in WvW and Farming. Not 5-man groups.
….Also learn which attacks by certain “deal-breaking” mobs CAN’T BE DODGED.
(Ie: Scavies, Lupicus, Snipers, etc…)
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With all these nerfs to farming soon the only way to make money fast will be CoF p1
Flipping is actually the most effort-effective method. And it’s clear from TP values that everyone and their grandma is doing it. …especially in the case of Dust where you have flippers flipping flippers flipping flippers. It’s like an echo-chamer of uncalled-for inflation (though J.Smith will claim otherwise based on Real-World principles that also intentionally obfuscates actual Consumer-Price-Index values)
(edited by ilr.9675)
Already been discussed. No need for this thread as it is just another repeat of threads past.
2 Months old.
Threshold in a Central discussion forum for Necro’ing is about 3 weeks…
That thread also doesn’t talk about applied necessity (infact it intentionally AVOIDS IT meaning the core topic here would also qualify as Derailing) …and doesn’t even link correctly everytime. (lrn 2 link)
It’s just the monthly “I want mounts because other games have them” thread.
Why are you even responding if you didn’t read the Original Post?
Infact… it doesn’t look like you even read the Subject line…. Plz explain??
(edited by ilr.9675)
1. Mike O’Brien is no longer with Arenanet…
2. you can no longer respawn faceroll dungeons as you can’t waypoint while a party member is in a fight.
I think you must be mistaken, or the wiki needs updating. =)
He’s probably just confusing him with the other 3 former Blizzard guys who founded Anet with Mike… Yes they moved on. But if O’Brien left, this studio would no longer be called “ArenaNet”. Nexon would have it changed to something more generic & “hipster” geared in a heartbeat…
Why bring Guild Wars 1 into a thread about gathering nodes and crafting. It didn’t matter if your guy in Guild Wars 1 had a 7 zillion percent speed buff, at least in this context, because there was nothing to gather.
I’m guessing you never played Gw1 then… or if you did, you never noticed the Runners/Taxis that were all over the place funding most of their HOM that way…
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I really don’t think something like this is easy to implement.
There are much easier solutions for some of the problems you listed.
I disagree completely… We know they’re going to be adding Mounts eventually. Maybe it’ll be this next expansion, maybe the one after that. Either way they’ve got a lot more Artists than most Studios have and therefore a lot more manpower to tackle the only real Hurdle in any of this: IE: good looking Model & animation resources…
The ACTUAL PHYSICS is the least of our concern. Just look at the MASSIVE coding nightmare that their WvW team fixed with like only 2 (really smart mind you) Coders… Don’t talk to me about implimentation nightmares until you’ve studied the whole 200 players in Client VS. Server-Side Culling + eyecandy=CPU-overloading cluster-foozle that this company’s coders (some of the best in the business b/c Mike O’Brien basically INVENTED massive-network RTS-game netcoding) have already solved…. Not to mention they have to code for these physics anyway if they’re ever going to add ROLLER BEETLE RACING back in
Heh, maybe they should introduce craftable potions that will grant you a movement speed boost outside of combat. And not usable in WVW.
This is a good temporary fix but it might be too exploitable for bads to “Respawn FACEROLL” their way through Dungeons that are intended to be hard
Mounts make waypoints less likely to be used. Anet won’t even think about touching that, it’s a gold sink.
Food Crafting is an even bigger Gold Sink right now
Do you even bake, bro?
(edited by ilr.9675)
Problem1: Herb prices are ridiculous.
- Cause#1: Herb node Quantities per zone are a joke compared to useless nodes like Mushrooms, Scallions, & Leeks.
- Cause#2: Hitting all the herb nodes takes too long and it’s not economical for higher level characters to use Waypoint travel to hit them all.
- Cause#3: On foot, we’re still limited to only 33% faster movement and it’s not even “Perma” in most cases. In Gw1, Dervs and Sins could build for 50% PERMA. But even 33% in this game feels slower than 33 in GW1 felt. So what we really need is like 66% perma (with downsides of course!)
Problem2: Most of the food people made, is completely worthless.
- Cause: Vast majority of it grants statistically-weaker bonuses that most builds never build for anyway. IE: condition damage or healing or cond-Duration.
Problem3: No one fights champions still. I’ve walked past the same ones 20x in a row for 3 days now. No one wants to bother fighting ‘em and no one ever will so long as there’s such little traffic in every zone that isn’t “part of the living story”.
Problem4: Most zones are completely devoid of the higher level players required for Duo-ing most Champions, mainly b/c it’s such a “slog” for them to get around quickly and scout the zone for other players to help out. (In GW1 I didn’t have to do this to help lowbies, I just had to go to the Outposts where I knew lowbies typically would struggle.. IE: Borlis, SanctumCay, ThirstyRiver, etc…)
Again, I HATE the vanity I see in “Mounts” in MMOs. Just allowing them usually gives the publisher license to make a huge cash or time-sink so high that one lady actually prostituted herself IRL out to get one (this is not an urban legend BTW).
But I also see an opportunity to tackle all these problems in one fell swoop if Anet could add Mounts specifically to tackle these problems -and-only- these problems, head on: IE: really simple necessity mother-of-invention type base rules here:
- Mounts being useless in Combat but great for avoiding hostile mobs if you’re a “skilled Rider”. (GOTTA GO FAST).
- Also making them a massive Resource sink for Food….
- And even if they get hit by mobs, the Food bonuses could be flipped around to reduce that damage based on the bonus.
- And hey if you ever want to Upgrade the mount, well they could link that to Champion hunting. IOW: you have to help kill lots of Champions when you’re NOT riding it around.
Really easy stuff to do here design-wise since “Flying” is completely out of the question. (and also unnecessary with Way-point teleporting). Obviously they don’t have to follow these exact guidelines (and they probably won’t), but it’s already a forgone conclusion that they’ll be Adding them one way or another with how dead-set they are on keeping this a true MMO. But Anet should also be held to a higher standard here by actually using them to FIX problems with the game’s “player Traffic” instead of just adding more problems like most MMO updates that other developers tend to put out…
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OP forgot to mention Transmutation Crystals.
There’s No way to obtain them in-game besides from farming Lion keys through story-mode re-rolls…. and then playing a lottery that Drop-research suggests only have a 3.5% chance of obtaining them through.
If Anet added a Forge recipe to turn our T-Stones into Crystals, I guarantee the price of Gems would PLUMMET.
If they’re a Ranger… yes. ….and I main Ranger. Most ranger players are TERRIBLE and they don’t get the same Success-Wellfare that Warriors tend to get. I don’t even attempt to get my own Ranger into pubs b/c of it. A lot of Rangers players will swear they’re “not the bad ones”. It doesn’t matter. ANET didn’t give us the right tools to prove it. Most Arah runs will fail when you attempt to run a DPS Ranger instead of a much more niche class like support Guardian, Geo-Exploit portal Mes, or even evade Thief.
Engineers are also very questionable. One of my better friends in this game played Engineer at release and his survival was pathetic and for some reason the Mobs ALWAYS targeted him first and there was nothing he could do to stop them. That’s not really his fault, that’s just weird Aggro mechanics by ANET as usual. But it’s still too much of a hassle to constantly have to rez someone like that.
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I dunno, but they better not ever bring her back in Ghost Form. I really really DONT WANT TO KNOW what she thinks b/c whenever she thought something, she always verbalized it too. …Always.
She’s basically the Veruca Salt of JarJarBinkses
They have a very Old-School sense of humor…
Yesterday I noticed a “skill Challenge” where you light a campfire. Guess what comes Rampaging out to stomp out the Fire? ….A Rhino-like porcine Veteran. That’s direct homage to a comedy most younger people have never even heard of:
YOU CAN’T SALVAGE TROPHIES. Are you calling basic Armor/weapon drops Trophies?? If so, DON’T, it’s needlessly confusing… There’s only one “Trophy” class of junk in this game, and that’s the Talons/BrokenClaws/Carapaces/Hoofs that comes off most wildlife that we can’t actually do anything with.
The item became account bound when you added the sigil and that is why you can’t sell it.
From the wiki: “applying any upgrade causes the item to become account bound”
But it doesn’t actually SAY account bound, or Soul bound on it…
I created a similar thread in BL forum about this complete with screen shots.
Someone from Anet needs to confirm whether this is Intended behavior or not.
And if it IS, that means they need to change the U.I. to reflect that by giving you warnings when you’re slotting anything into them…
But if they’re Smart, they’ll just let people change the slots instead and then send them to whoever they want again just like we always used to be able to do in GW1.
IOW: Don’t “fix” what isn’t broken.
(edited by ilr.9675)
If I were a gem seller..
Why would I sell my gems to someone who is offering fewer gold?
I can make gold nearly as fast in-game and I’m not even a Flipper. Min wage accross the country here is generally 7.50….6.60 ~actual-takehome. That gets you how many Gems?… Just over 500? …that’s about 10g.
If you want a REAL culprit here, look no further than the overpriced Services that Nexon (not ANET) predicted people would scrounge the most Gold-to-Gems towards… Server transfers, Storage upgrades, Trans CRYSTALS that we can’t get any other way b/c their droprate from LionChests is LAUGHABLE and there’s no Forge recipe to create them like there should etc… Stuff that should have been a LOT cheaper considering how fast the populations dropped off in this game (thus less hardware stress & storage overall).
My stupid Electric company is the same exact way, they charge us darn near 20 bucks to “read the meter” every month. Bull..shhh..logny. There’s no way it costs them that much for someone who only needs EYEBALLS and a PENCIL to record that info. The Federal government should really start regulating these exorbitant “Services” that are way too common these days by just getting some real Transparency on them. There’s no way a server Transfers should ever cost $20 USD. It doesn’t even require EYEBALLS and a PENCIL.
(edited by ilr.9675)
It’s intended behavior because those mobs kept coming in large numbers due to the event. Players would farm the mobs rather than complete the event, that’s why it was nerfed across the board and the mobs no longer drop anything. No more interesting drop = no more farming the mob = players do the event rather than farm the mobs. But as usual, the effects of the decision were not completely thought through.
OH… well no one mentioned that they were Infinitely-Spawning ambush mobs.
Yes in those cases you absolutely have to suppress drops somehow.
Hmmm? Story mode AC is easy, all explorables should be aimed at 80’s I think.
Then why were we always getting Mail in the game telling us to report right back there again for explorable mode after the story mode was completed?
IMO: the problem is that lower level Gear doesn’t Scale up to these things like it should. Anyone can do some number crunching and see a HUGE disparity in DPS output between maxed out 80’s, and maxes out 40’s. There’s more than a couple DPS-checks in several of these dungeons that someone @ 60 or below is simply NOT GOING TO PASS. And it’s not b/c they’re inexperienced or baddies, it’s b/c the Devs didn’t crunch the numbers right and figure out that lower level players need to be boosted up to that level 80 performance curve just like level 10’s were in EOTN.
Why would balancing dungeons on more than three dodges will open up…
Two words…. Curry Pumpkin :\
It was a nice try,
…but Even in encounters like Lupi where you need like FOUR dodges sometimes (in which cases I’ve seen a few rare but really good Assassins just make Lupi look like any other boring boss) … there’s always going to be more exceptions to the rule simply b/c control isn’t RELIABLE in GW2 like it was in GW1. We could Immob those Scavies for instance but you know what happened next??… you still got knocked down and ate-on even though they were standing 30ft away. The game is too buggy in some cases. I wouldn’t be surprised if Lupi’s homing snot-rockets were still bugged too and couldn’t be dodged mid-air in some cases. And you can’t interrupt that or “control” them.
There’s too much spam to control in most cases. Or in the cases of those super overpowered TA knights who 1-shot everyone with melee, control would just trivialize them so badly that no one would bring anything but ranged Zerker builds with immobs. Spamming goes both ways y’know.
In Gw1 there’s a perfect example after the Mez update: when Signets got Buffed … suddenly there was teams with 5 mesmers spamming the same crap b/c when 5 people are doing it, just about EVERYTHING is going to be getting interrupted automatically. IoW: Perception of Artificial skill.
(edited by ilr.9675)
I’ve been running back and forth with a zerg for 2 hours farming instigator events and gotten 6 or 7 rares and 1 exotic, so I’m really a getting a kick out of this thread.
I hate to break it to you, but Guild Wars has always been about grind. I know from time to time players and even ANET like to say otherwise, but the first game was all about the grind and this is no different. It’s just the way the series was built.
Big +1 to this.
We also got Rares just as often if not MORE often in GW1 where there wasn’t even such a thing as magic find. What hasn’t changed though is that’s it’s really the Skin that matters to people. And in this game it doesn’t matter how many rares there are clogging the market (eventually someone’s gonna forge them when they get cheap enough). Most of them all have Mods no one wants, just like the first game. Therefore it’s not really effecting the “difficulty” of the game one bit. All it does is change what people go fight in order to keep grinding towards the next GWAM like Aesthetic.
The prices went way up because Anet has nerfed the only good farm spot for cystalline dust to ZERO drops. They could have reduced the % of good drops but nope, they had to make it so that wraiths do no longer drop anything at all.
In Beta when I noticed a Mob would never drop anything (or would only drop trophy crap), I used to Bug-Report it… I’d really really be surprised if any plentiful generic high level mob NOT having a Drop-Table is ever intended behavior.
But while we’re on the topic of low supply: Why are Herb spawns still the least common Node in the game??? Has anyone seen the price of Chilis lately? Lulz, I’m funding my charr Alt almost 100% on them. No green gear, I’m all Rares on a lowby, haha. Bling Bling, muchacho
(edited by ilr.9675)
Well thanks for trying to help. Though as my screenshots indicate… they’re not actually “soulbound”. Hence the need for greater confirmation :?
Yeah, I just did it in LA.
+1, watched a group doing this in LA right outside the bank last night.
I didn’t know what the big deal was or why they were so excited tho.
Guess I need to go Wiki this Lunar wolf thing to find out??
Wow… is this for real??
I thought we were DONE with suffering in PvE just to keep PvP’ers happy?
Do I have to go back to GW1 just to see Skill-Splits done RIGHT?
They told us time and again that this side effect was supposed to be a thing of the past… that everything was supposed to be designed Pre-Split. …All I waana know now, is what kind of compensation our pets get now? What’s their long-term goal for pets? B/c if it doesn’t include some way to “evolve” them to fill other roles (besides Melee DPS), then it’s GG for PvE Ranger at this point. …stick a fork in it…
Like I said above, the Class isn’t “BAD”, it passed with flying colors in PVP so well it had to be nerfed hard and still felt like super easy mode in WvW.
It’s my second highest Alt and the first class I did both AC story & exp on back in Beta when it really was super hard. Me and a guardian carried the rest of the team in both cases. Post release, my Ranger continued to carry lot of pubbers through the Story mode. The problem is that Pets were just designed WRONG. There’s no flexibility in them. What we need is the ability to “evolve” them into ranged Support roles… Make them our personal “Batteries” b/c the DPS they put out just doesn’t follow the same pattern that GW1 allowed.
In GW1 you could make your Pet a DPS MONSTER with the right setup b/c most bosses died really fast once you got the right 8-player Wambo Combos on them. In this game you don’t fight Bosses, you have 5 ppl fighting giant Hitpoint Bars that oneshot anything dumb enough to stand in melee with them. It’s such a huge step back from GW1.
So yeah… there it is right there: Team Sizes are different meaning there’s no “SLOT” for a ranger like there was when we could bring 8…. And Ranger can no longer include all the PvE utility that /Rit secondary allowed. Ranger/Rit was a Swiss Army knife of WIN. You could do so many creative things in addition to the the more boring but super-effective stuff (like S-way & Sp-Barrage). Even a Trapping team could kill major bosses in 1 or 2 salvos while the A.I. Heroes mitigated SO MUCH MORE DAMAGE just with interrupts. Where is that Creativity and SKILL in this Ranger? I don’t see it. No one sees it. And that’s why they’re bad for Dungeons despite being fairly face-rolley for the other Gank-Festy or Sit&Zerg parts of the game.
(edited by ilr.9675)
So WHAT actually changed in the Updates to it?? Can any bullet-point some specifics??
There really needs to be some intermediate Dungeon added that will prepare people for AC’s paths… And wasn’t the Storylines in dungeons supposed to “Equip us” with stuff to make the Explorables easier?? I remember the Devs saying something about that being something they were definitely going to add…
So I never played GW1 but I’ve heard about underworld and the other super hard dungeon. They were extremely hard instances to complete that required very good coordination ….
Ha ha
Hahahahahaaaaa … oh wow. Terraway & Shadowfarm sure wasn’t “Coordinating”.
…atleast not beyond advertising that you already had a couple good ones in TOA…
Without them?? Yeah DOA and UW were actually well designed and “super hard”. …But the instant you could Tank&Spank (IE: ball all the mobs up & AOE them super fast)…. all that skill required just went out the door. Especially with full Consets. I remember so many times we tried to do the 4-Horsemen or Servants without a ShadowSin, and we failed everytime nomatter HOW WELL I played Mesmer against those Dryders. I was even interrupting Bone Flurries on the Skeles for kittens sake. And then anytime we brought a Shadowtank, it was like so boring by comparison I was actually falling asleep half the time.
Aside from Crucible, I have to say I never really saw any dungeon paths in this game that were that Binary just b/c you ran one gimmick class instead of some other “balanceway” builds. Really have to give Anet credit for that despite the other issues I’ve had with their dungeons so far.
(edited by ilr.9675)
Is this still a thing??
Prof: Monk (chicken**** Guardian who kites everything & heal spams everyone else)
Gear: All Exos (Heal+Toughness), & Superior of the Monk x 6. Staff & Scepter.
Exp: done Arah paths a dozen times or more. Was a Gw1 player for 7 years. …a couple times I ‘carried’ a few teams against Lupi by simply staying alive…
Time: I got all frikken day, now that I finally gave up Planetside (thank god).
TL;DR lifestory why I’m even posting here: I came back after a LONG vacation and my main Guild was either gone… or they kicked me out even though I was one of the founders ..I guess one of the other officers must have had their account hacked. …so I don’t have a main Guild now and I could use one. And the last “fun thing” I remember doing with other people in this game was Arah runs even through I don’t like any of the Gear that can be bought with it (LOL, just like D.O.A. runs which I used to Monk-On all the time too).
I remember doing a Crucible run once that ONLY WANTED RANGERS…
I’m pretty sure though this was only b/c it greatly sped up the one Destroyer fight.
…y’know, the one with the recharging Tethers that brought down its Shield….
I think they only allowed my Guardian along b/c they figured I could spam Stability Shouts (which I always did anyway in that Dungeon as it always turned a difficult high-skill required but gimmicky Boss- mechanic AKA: the Crystal-Prison … into a total Faceroll just like most GW1 gimmick Boss fights always were).
I think Rangers would be a lot more Welcome in a lot more dungeons if they had ways to grant allies Stability or Vigor from smarter pets who stayed back to provide those sorts of buff … I don’t know why Anet limited them so much instead of just rolling more of the Ritualist’s facets directly into them. Every Ranger in GW1 was a /Rit. Why didn’t they just make GW2’s Rangers more /Rit-like??
(edited by ilr.9675)
Okay so I was curious about unlockable recipes and the potential they had for Crafters and sure enough upon investigation I found what looked like niche markets within…. (IE: the 20 listed by only 2 sellers kind of thing…). But the lack of customizing confused me. We NEVER had this issue in GW1, atleast not with weapons anyway:
This screenshot is of 2 of the same pieces from a Craftable set, and what happens (right underneath them) when I right click on them:
This is the default Output from the recipe.
This is the one I threw a garbage rune onto for the experiment.
…and what happens when you choose “Equip” for further proof that it still hadn’t soulbound yet.
Sooo… basically, after just changing the Rune, it can’t even be moved into Guild-Storage either, meaning it’s in this weird “Coding” Purgatory between listable and soulbound. I wouldn’t expect J.Smith to be able to answer this b/c he’s not a Database Guru, but if this how it’s going to REMAIN (IE: one of those super Low priority inconsistencies) … is there any good arguments for it??
In GW1, I used to keep TONS of inscriptions and upgrades on-hand just so I’d be able to make a more appealing total-package item to sell to players in Lion’s Arch or even Old Ascalon. IoW: match up certain skins or weapon types with the most fitting upgrades to maximize desirability. I didn’t even do it for profit really, I just did it so I wouldn’t feel like I wasn’t constantly…Vendoring … every … single … thing that dropped like some kind of Automatron. I liked the creative license & feeling of putting stuff together and then seeing if the demand met my expectations.
Is there some good reasons NOT to allow this in GW2???
I’d really like to hear them if there is.
( B/c if anything, I think it would really be a boon to crafters, & help the economy expand so long as this customization was limited to the player who actually crafted or looted said item to open up even more niches within niche items …which should counter Flipping a bit, atleast in theory. )
Gems are still too cheap.
I was very disappointed when I came back after 6 months to learn the ones I was sitting on had only doubled in value.
This is coming from someone who never buys Microtransactions by the way…
People who work a nine to five and then use their cash to get some GW2 gold, are at a much bigger time disadvantage to the supply-killing Flipping Crowd who sits there for 8 boring hours playing their sad little mini-game (instead of actually acquiring new resources that would help the economy remain fluid and the world actually feel alive again with real people doing real in-game events).
When I saw the original Cost of these…. I stopped playing cold turkey and walked away quietly.
I never had a problem with “Ascended gear” stats themselves like most people did. It was these ridiculous Infusions attached to it that necessitated a series of Dungeons where the only point of those dungeons was to acquire the Gear, VIA TREADMILL, to complete those dungeons faster. IOW: Copy Pasta from EQ & WoW & any other grindy chore that SOE fanboys have gotten their hands on in the past dozen years…. It’s a gateway to turning everything into a grind when you add a very specific type of “Hazard” to any Meta/Zone and only let people avoid that hazard by acquiring gear for it. If you fell into that trap, it’s your fault too, not just Anet’s.
Meanwhile; I’ve spent way too much time in Planetside lately (blame the outfit I joined). It’s forced me to do some soul searching, and maybe I wrote off Anet too easily. As bad as this kind of grind is…. atleast it’s not the bold-faced Pay-to-Win (plus Spray & Pray) I’ve been subjected to the past month. Both of their Territorial-control minigames (IE: WvW vs. “Hex” Capping) are still a travesty and neither one of them instill any sense at all of Progression or Persistence. But I gave up so quickly on Anet because I was worried (and still am…) that their plans for Progression in WvW would center around the next type of infusions instead of around architecture/upgrades and persistence. We have no idea what the WvW infusions will grant resistance too…. perhaps Siege damage, perhaps Zerg spam, or just something innocent like a Champion at the end of a jump puzzle. But as long as it only costs 5 skill points instead of 50.. the concerns about Grind and pay to win are atleast reduced by 90%….
All of this was a mathematical calculation
…. as was giving up on Anet like so many others did when all of this was first announced.
Maybe we’re all a little too obsessed with math in this Genre. But it’s encouraging either way to see Anet admit they misplaced a Decimal point… And I hope they see this, and have taken it to heart. We don’t need refunds for everything, we just need hope
If I play anymore Guildwars, it’s only going to be Guildwars1 for the next month ~or ~however ~long it takes me to forget about this one that was going to be so darn good after the bugs all got fixed.
It’s not the flat out lie about end-game gear being easy to attain that’s chasing me off. It’s this whole Infusion system that is infact a Treadmill within a Treadmill that exists only to take the Emphasis of team coordination OFF of skilled play and right smack dab onto a Gear-Score. This is unforgivable and has the potential to ruin every other part of the game if it spreads like Chris Whitehead says it will over the coming months.
Enjoy your new customers Anet, I really hope you’re happy together. I’m sorry that all us loyal GW1 players weren’t enough for you.
Almost all Sigils are very situational. (or requiring consecutive mob kills without being downed, making them useless in most dungeons and WvW).
Rune are not situational, but we haven’t seen the extent to which Infusions will change the game. Since it’s the next gear tier, it’s a safe bet that infusions will eventually make specialized Runes completely obsolete at these situational tasks that players will “farm” with Ascended gear …Not to mention, that the “Upgrade” slot stats you would normally get on all exotics, are built right into Ascended items meaning you don’t need to buy Superior Runes because those stats are already built right in. You just haven’t realized it yet, Elricht, because you haven’t seen a true piece of Ascended Armor yet.
I don’t think you’re trolling on purpose, I just think it’s obvious that you’re confused and don’t understand what the Article actually said.
(edited by ilr.9675)
- #1, legendaries had identical stats to Exotic last week.
- #2, the Ascended rings alone which is an item that normally only has 1-2 point difference going from Masterworks to Rares to Exotics, is actually 5 points stronger than an exotic. (not including the infusion which can add even more base stats)
- #3, they aren’t done yet! They’re not just adding Ascended items, they’ve gone so far as to deny in a German interview that this is the last l00t tier they’ll be adding b/c they don’t want to be seen as lying about it the next time they add another one.
(edited by ilr.9675)