Doing It With Style
If he went that far in, the Signet of the Wild must’ve been in it too.
The removal of culling from WvW is great. So I like this patch.
I never used any form of quickness so I can’t miss it, but I might give the greatsword a try now.
I still hope to see some longbow buffs because it’s still my favorite weapon because of 1500+ range and Barrage AoE. These changes would make me happy:
- Long Range shot(1) attack speed increased and projectile speed increased some more.
- Rapid Fire(2) can be stopped by using other skills.
- Point Blank Shot(4) range increased to 1200 (1500 traited). Causes a knockdown instead of knockback beyond the current max range.
- Barrage(5) cooldown decreased by 10 seconds.How could LB be your favorite weapon if you’ve never used QZ with it?
Does not compute….
QZ was nice, but in WvW, it really has no place in my utility bar. I’m using Signet of the Beastmaster so I use SotH (for the all important movespeed), SoS(my panic button), and SoR(mostly for the stun breaker). I only used petswap for quickness there. I’m not really phased by the quickness nerf. In fact, I’m quite happy that QZ is now a stun breaker coz now I can replace SoR with it
I wouldn’t replace it that quickly, you cannot heal when you use QZ so you’ll probably just die anyway. If you run SoS it makes more sense to blow that instead.
You’ve missed out the point of having the LB if you ran it without QZ btw.
So you’re saying there’s only one way of playing LB? Could’ve fooled me!
In WvW, survival is more important than bursting someone down. If I needed Quickness, I had it available to me every 15 seconds. Why would I waste a utility slot just for that?
I’ve never ever seen someone tank a zerg. You think an extra 5k HP or a utility will save you against 10 people focus firing you?
And no, pet swap QZ is not the same. Before the nerf, you could use the whole channel of rapid fire and barrage on one cast of QZ. That’s night and day compared with 2 seconds worth of it.
Where did I say survival = 5k hp? Survival does not only mean more hp. It could be using LR to disengage from a group, using Swoop to increase the gap, then use GS#4 to block the incoming snares. Be more imaginative.
Pet swap Quickness before was enough for me to finish a whole Barrage or a whole Rapid Fire channel. That was all I needed. I mind my own positioning more than the damage I do, because as a squishy ranger that will die in 2 seconds when focused by 10 people, I should always be in the back lines (survival!) providing support fire.
It’s too early for me to understand your math, but I like non-QQ posts I’ll just take your word for it that its only a 6.25% DPS loss :P
Also, can you post on the effectiveness of Zephyr’s Speed? (The 5 BM trait)
Strange, I was in EB for a good 2 hours and didn’t get this… Anything else do you think might trigger this? Like the pet before it had a condition of some sort, or you swapped out your pet that died with a condition on it?
What I’m trying to say is that the recent change on the pet keeping cooldowns when put in the stable/swapped might be keeping conditions as well and kills them there. This is just speculation though.
Have you filed a bug report?
I pity those who are still using longbow and saying it’s still viable. Hiding in zerg and hiding behind teammate in dungeon must be fun. Good thing I changed to GS build a looooooooooonnng time ago.
Yup hiding behind melee when using ranged attacks is fail. So much fail. /rolleyes
I guess all the military tactics employing since the beginning of warfare was wrong, right?
P.S.: I’m using hyperbole on purpose here because this forum has infected me. :P
I find it interesting that a thread that is dedicated to discussing new ranger builds and tactics after the patch is almost completely devoid of builds and or discussion. I came here hoping to find some advice on how to rebuild and regear my ranger and all I find is people QQing about the QQing in the other threads.
I came here to get involved and to make the best of the changes instead I find a bunch of holier than though crap telling people to harden up. Where is the positive stuff, where are the builds. If ranger is in such good shape I would expect to find at least two distinctly different builds that have viability for each aspect of the game. The hard truth of the matter seems to be that there just isn’t that possibility.
I’m glad GS got a buff I really am, its an awesome and fun play style but not one I want to be forced into 24/7. I love this class and want to continue to play it but right now it just seems a sub par jack of all trades.
Welcome to the ranger forums It’s like this almost everywhere, except a few select good topics. But even there you get QQ. Enjoy your stay!
Who the kitten uses greatsword?
I laugh at everyone who attacks me with that thing. People who use it do only one thing, show that they are weak as kitten.3k Maul crits say you’re talking kitten.
Try 10k =).
I’ll try to post screenshots later (At work ATM)
How the hell did you get 10k? o_O
lol omg that’s hilarious… granted i don’t think it’s as bad as most the forum goers think… but still funny as hell.
I thought it was extremely appropriate after this patch. :P
Hasn’t happened to me… anything else you can think of that could have caused this?
Which map were you in?
I’m still experimenting, but QZ now has a slot in my skill bar. For WvW, I’m using a Signet of the Beastmaster build with 30/20/0/0/20 (hybrid power/crit/BM) with these utilities:
With QZ now being a stun breaker, I can actually replace SoR with it. I’ve had good success in WvW, except for the part that I still have muscle memory of popping QZ when doing a (4)-3-5-2 rotation on my longbow. (The pushback attack is situational).
QZ adds quite a bit of damage that most people are unprepared for and I’ve gotten just a tiny bit more mileage out of Barrage because of it. I’m gonna experiment more if it’s better than LR, but I still really like LR as a defensive cooldown when I already popped my SoS.
A build not based on just DPS? Preposterous! Don’t you know that Damage is the only thing that matters?! /sarcasm
On topic: This is a pretty interesting setup, what do you suggest for Weapon Sigils?
Sounds reasonable. Not really asking for too much, and not too little.
I like 45 seconds, same cooldown as Lightning Reflexes. If it was 40, QZ would have an advantage over LR as a stun breaker (ignoring all other factors).
Insert ‘aquaman’ comment here.
Exactly what I was going for :P
Wow, I knew it felt stronger, but i didn’t think it was that big!
This is great news, I’m gonna use my GS more often now
Unfortunately, most of the QQers won’t even acknowledge that we’ve been buffed because they have tunnel vision on the specific buffs they want :/
I’m from SEA and as soon as a zerg vs zerg fight happens, I’m reduced to observing what happens and watching my skill bar flash over and over.
Worst part: whenever I try to enter a tower through a door, i keep rubberbanding over and over. Zerg Vs. Zerg is unplayable for me
EDIT: grammarz
The removal of culling from WvW is great. So I like this patch.
I never used any form of quickness so I can’t miss it, but I might give the greatsword a try now.
I still hope to see some longbow buffs because it’s still my favorite weapon because of 1500+ range and Barrage AoE. These changes would make me happy:
- Long Range shot(1) attack speed increased and projectile speed increased some more.
- Rapid Fire(2) can be stopped by using other skills.
- Point Blank Shot(4) range increased to 1200 (1500 traited). Causes a knockdown instead of knockback beyond the current max range.
- Barrage(5) cooldown decreased by 10 seconds.How could LB be your favorite weapon if you’ve never used QZ with it?
Does not compute….
QZ was nice, but in WvW, it really has no place in my utility bar. I’m using Signet of the Beastmaster so I use SotH (for the all important movespeed), SoS(my panic button), and SoR(mostly for the stun breaker). I only used petswap for quickness there. I’m not really phased by the quickness nerf. In fact, I’m quite happy that QZ is now a stun breaker coz now I can replace SoR with it
I wouldn’t replace it that quickly, you cannot heal when you use QZ so you’ll probably just die anyway. If you run SoS it makes more sense to blow that instead.
You’ve missed out the point of having the LB if you ran it without QZ btw.
So you’re saying there’s only one way of playing LB? Could’ve fooled me!
In WvW, survival is more important than bursting someone down. If I needed Quickness, I had it available to me every 15 seconds. Why would I waste a utility slot just for that?
So many views, not one comment? Truth hurts much? :P
With all of the QQ, i just thought this might amuse some people
The removal of culling from WvW is great. So I like this patch.
I never used any form of quickness so I can’t miss it, but I might give the greatsword a try now.
I still hope to see some longbow buffs because it’s still my favorite weapon because of 1500+ range and Barrage AoE. These changes would make me happy:
- Long Range shot(1) attack speed increased and projectile speed increased some more.
- Rapid Fire(2) can be stopped by using other skills.
- Point Blank Shot(4) range increased to 1200 (1500 traited). Causes a knockdown instead of knockback beyond the current max range.
- Barrage(5) cooldown decreased by 10 seconds.How could LB be your favorite weapon if you’ve never used QZ with it?
Does not compute….
QZ was nice, but in WvW, it really has no place in my utility bar. I’m using Signet of the Beastmaster so I use SotH (for the all important movespeed), SoS(my panic button), and SoR(mostly for the stun breaker). I only used petswap for quickness there. I’m not really phased by the quickness nerf. In fact, I’m quite happy that QZ is now a stun breaker coz now I can replace SoR with it
^I take back my statement my mistake. They also supposedly fixed there buggy nature of pet revives.
I’m just hoping they do good on it So many deaths that could’ve been prevented by Lick Wounds…
Just so you know QZ, and by extension Zephyr’s Speed, took a hit and only speeds up actions by 50% now.
True, but I’m guessing double rez (from both the pet and ranger on the same target) will be more effective now, even without Quickness.
Don’t see how that would be more effective, since now you’re burning two skills on something you used to be able to do with one.
By “one” do you mean QZ? S&R barely got any use because of how unreliable it is. Now that it’s fixed, you can burn just S&R instead of both skills.
With just S&R, you don’t have to rez along with the pet. That frees up so many options, and keeps you from going into unnecessary danger as well. Or you could and speed up the rezzing even more. No need to pop QZ for a rez when you already used S&R, right?
Just so you know QZ, and by extension Zephyr’s Speed, took a hit and only speeds up actions by 50% now.
True, but I’m guessing double rez (from both the pet and ranger on the same target) will be more effective now, even without Quickness.
QZ is not a mandatory slot skill for every ranger build. They added a stun break to it. It’s hard to tell why these balance choices were made…at leat without thought and testing. Don’t freak out yet.
He meant the 5 BM trait, not the QZ skill.
This is a valid question and I’m curious myself, but your thread topic is flame bait. Please don’t use sensationalist topics :P
Quickening Zephyr skill: Now breaks stun. Increased duration from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.
I’m happy with just this change alone! I don’t have to go around without QZ anymore because I’m forced to pick LR or Signet of Renewal for stun break
Your dreaming.
Real ranger update, fixed an incorrect tooltip.
Still no love from mods Sticky this please!
Added the PEW PEW guide to the list! If anyone can remember the names of the threads about damage calculations, please post them here so I can add them!
EDIT: Added Red Post section quoting some stuff from Robert Hrouda
(edited by jubskie.3152)
Mods, since you’re already stickying threads, can we sticky this too? Editing topic title so mods can see…
Are you saying that players rally off of pets? Because that’s not possible. Players have never rallied off of my pets, and I’ve never rallied off of anyone else’s pets.
That’s bugged. It shows the skill coefficients using your stats, but the game will still use the pet’s.
What haxi said.
Also, if you want more crit damage, 10 points in skirmishing will get you Pet’s Prowess for +30% crit damage when in combat
Anyone who wants to try the sword on the Ranger should watch the vids posted here.
It explains all the mechanics of the sword + some tips and tricks. He also has some other vids on pet mechanics and ranger issues, even though some of them have changed since it was posted.
Oh wow! This is what I meant by really good posts buried under other (QQ) posts. I can’t believe I never saw this before _
Those are VERY detailed videos and should be known by all rangers interested in 1h swords
Thanks for the link! Added it to the list If you find more vids, please post them here! Now if only i could find those weapon DPS tests and comparisons…
Pet Specific Guides:
Weapon Specific Guides:
Some Red posts around the forums:
There have been some calls for perma-stowed pets, and while I have said this in other areas I will say it again here. I don’t think we will let you perma-stow pets – the main reason being we want the player to be interacting with the pet, and the pet to be part of the identity of the player. The role of ranger is to to have a pet in our game, and with that comes a bit of extra micromanagement that comes with the package. Right now the micromanage is difficult and more tools are desired, and I honestly feel that once we make micromanaging pets easier, more responsive, and better in general that players won’t mind that they don’t have perma-stow capabilities.
Robert Hrouda on blanket AoE Reduction:
We tried giving them reduced damage from AOE/attacks, and it opened up other problems – mainly that a team of 2 rangers could take on almost any boss in a dungeon by smart swapping of pets and letting the pet take aggro. It’s unfortunate, but we can’t just increase and decrease numbers until pets are perfect – we’ve tried really hard, but numbers are not going to fix pets without letting them break everything. We have to look deeper into mechanics, AI, player actions, and skills.
Links that don’t work anymore
(edited by jubskie.3152)
Videos before Aug 21, 2013 patch:
NOTE: The videos listed here were recorded before the June 25 Patch. They may or may not be possible anymore. They are still a good resource of what the ranger class was like before the patch and can be used as a basis for comparison to newer builds.
(edited by jubskie.3152)
NOTE: All of the old builds listed here are moved to this post. They may or may not work anymore, but they are still a good resource for checking what was good before the June 25 Patch.
(edited by jubskie.3152)
This thread aims to keep all the good posts easily accessible so they can still be read, despite being buried under all the newer threads. That and the search engine for these forums can’t seem to go further than a few weeks. If you made a guide/build thread/video guide that isn’t here, please post it with a short description so I can add it
NOTE: The newest builds/guides are added at the bottom of their respective list, so check those first for most relevant info
General Guides:
Thread Cleanup: last done on Aug 14, 2013. Old general guides are now placed here
(edited by jubskie.3152)
Updated with the info regarding pig pets!
Hmm.. maybe we should get a sticky thread to link to these posts.. This are the kind of posts that new ranger players should see, not the whining posts that we currently have at front page..
Very nice write up
This is very reminiscent of Xsorus’s Nature’s Ninja Videos, except in a well written format
One tiny detail you missed: GS5 gives the same effect to pets as a signet of the hunt. It’s possible to get 2 boosted attacks from SotH, then GS5.
Added it to the wiki and linked it to your post.
Hope we can fully test this out as it makes the pig pet have an edge over Canines
So, after some testing last night i can 100% confirm that the KD on the pet (which lasts 3s) is an aoe cleave, which is pretty amazing!!
Got any idea how wide it is? This is worth a wiki update!
Ohw-kay… Firstly, that’s very insecure of you :/ Sorry, but I have to say it. If you’re joking or sarcastic, I completely missed it.
Secondly, we talked about different things. You listed the frequency of items when I didn’t. What I wrote about is the themes of the pigs, what the forage items used for how to use the pig pets in a group context.
Lastly, you should give it a read. The only similar thing we wrote about are the links to the wiki.
It sure was joking and sarcastic, hahaha. Smeagol reference included.
Unless, of course, YOU were joking with me about whether or not I was joking with you. If I think about it too much, my brain will explode.
I already read it, and you did a great job on it! Someone should put some of the info on the wiki though, including field times, etc. It seems all of the pets are pretty straight forward, with the exception of the Pig Family. Might not be bad to include the amount of time the foraged weapon stays in the environment, as well as how long it will stay in hand. I am not sure if it is the same with normal environmental weapons and foraged weapons.
Unfortunately, I was serious :O Went over my head completely >_< I feel so bad now.. ._.
Anyway, yeah the wiki could use updating. I never really notice the duration of the items since I only forage when I need an item and I don’t stack them up.
Oh and I’m glad someone else took an interest to pigs Pigs got indirectly buffed when the pickup-a-bundle bug was fixed
Now if only people can accept that Forage is not Steal and the Forage Item won’t appear in your character’s hand…
Yeah, there’s already a thread about this
Yeah… Not only that, but the info is on the wiki, lmao. I actually put decent time into it as well, thinking others could benefit. Like I said before though; Oh well! In my defense, I did put semi-relevant drop rates than can be built upon for further testing as well as some additional info on field times. So, I am still awesome.
I refuse to check that thread you link in case it also lists those things and steals my awesomeness! My precious..
Ohw-kay… Firstly, that’s very insecure of you :/ Sorry, but I have to say it. If you’re joking or sarcastic, I completely missed it.
Secondly, we talked about different things. You listed the frequency of items when I didn’t. What I wrote about is the themes of the pigs, what the forage items used for how to use the pig pets in a group context.
Lastly, you should give it a read. The only similar thing we wrote about are the links to the wiki.
Yeah, there’s already a thread about this
It’s weird though, it doesn’t show up when you search for it :-S
Bird are not as squishy as felines please check the stats before making assumptions.
I’m not basing it off of stats. I base it on actual gameplay. For some reason my birds die more often than my felines.
Sorry for the late reply, I can only lurk during office hours… anyway, on to your questions!
Now that you have covered the viability of pets with only 5/0 BM points, I am also curious about how you feel with investing more than 5 BM points, say like 15? (That way you have 15s CD on pet swapping.)
More points in BM is definitely a plus for me. Loud Whistle is just so good, that without it, I feel like I’m missing out on so much quickness. That’s just from the traits. Getting 15 points in BM also equates to 150 Healing Power. That equates to a better Healing Spring for your allies as well. That would also equate to more survivability and damage for your pet.
Do you think the extra 10 points is worth it and significant? Or it’s more or less the same as only 5 BM (like maybe because that doesn’t make the pets much more tanky and have DPS, unless you decide to put in like 25 or more BM points)?
Personally, I think 15 points in BM is just the right amount to get the most out of your pet, but still have enough points for your other Trait lines. I think this is the line where a ranger becomes a hybrid beastmaster. Going back to Loud Whistle, it can be used to make your pets survive longer as well. The extra 4 seconds your pet is out could mean the difference between your pet dying a horrible death or it surviving by the skin of it’s teeth. Not to mention the death swap penalty is down to 48 seconds. That 12 seconds could be the deciding factor of whether you win or lose in a pvp game as well.
And what pets would you recommend when people put in 15-30 BM points?
Interesting question. I wrote this primarily because there are no guides for 5/0 BM builds. If you search this subforum, you’ll notice that most sPvP builds use 15/30 BM builds, and most of them go Bunker with full 30 points to get Natural Healing. From what I’ve seen, the only build that advocated 5 BM was the full glass cannon 30/30/5/0/5 one, and it only touched on pets lightly.
Anyway, I would recommend going by the already established conventions with pets with that amount of BM. Felines for DPS, Birds for Burst, Bears for tanking, etc.
It’s really the 20 BM traits that makes the tree more specialized. Rending Attacks for example, gives even more DPS to the Felines, and a marginal boost to Drakes and Devourers. Vigorous Training, on the other hand, makes your birds have supportive touch whenever you swap them.
For reference, I use Rending Attacks and use a Jaguar/Carrion Devourer when I’m roaming in the world
I’ve had this happen to me. I’ve been chased by an ele recently in WvW. I jumped into the water with 20% hp and he had full. I was able to kill him and he didn’t even get me downed.
I think its a factor of people not being used to underwater skills, or worse, haven’t set up their underwater utilites.
Another thing to factor is that all of the ranger’s underwater weapons are very straightforward, in the case of the harpoon gun, or is an underwater version of the great sword, in the case of the spear. This means that rangers don’t have to adjust to anything when they go underwater since its practically the same skills as on land, except there, you have a Z axis to work with.
I’ve tested Moment of Clarity with the Bone item from the boar, and it works for that
That’s about it though. It only affects a few skills, but it might be good for a stun focused build.
EDIT: it was from the boar, not the warthog
(edited by jubskie.3152)
That’s a very good question. I’ve been spending more time in WvW after I finished my Kudzu.
It depends on how you play WvW. Here’s what I’ve been doing so far:
What about underwater combat pets? No jellyfishies ’n a-likes mentioned :<
Underwater pets and combat is a different beast altogether, I’ll write about that in a different article
This was a nice guide, might be worth mentioning that it’s pretty pve or perhaps wvw oriented though, a lot of the advice doesn’t really work in tpvp – for example with low BM investment it’s often best to go for cats to get some damage, despite their low health – which is more manageable in small skirmishes
Sorry but I disagree. Pet Snares and CC are especially good in sPvP if there are 5/0 points in BM. For example, wolves still serve their purpose well as knock down machines and AoE fear for anti stomp even without points in BM. Without BM, Felines can’t crit for 1.6k-2k anymore. I think the bigger problem for sPvP without BM is that 20 second swap timer that’s hard to stomach once you get used to Loud Whistle. (That’s essentially 25% less swiftness)
Lastly, thanks for reading I thought it might have been too long to keep people’s interest until the end XD
I don’t think anyone is content with pets atm. Didn’t realize alpine wolf was bugged, but I had tested the others. Most rangers really need information like this to help them decide what pet to choose to compliment their builds. The issue is that most rangers use builds that they don’t understand (because we are pigeonholed into certain builds to be viable) and therefore pets that have no synergy. Before you decide on what pet you want, first determine what do you need in you build. Do you lack cc? Pick a canine. Do you lack burst but have cc? Pick a feline or bird. Are you squishy? Don’t pick a bear.
Well.. ok, I’ll give you that. I just hate it when people say pets are useless when they’re not. Especially that spider pet! I love it’s immobilize! Picking the pet to compliment your build sounds like a good topic for my next article. I’ll try to write something for that No promises on when it will be released, though XD (I’ll probably write that when I’m procrastinating at work again XD)
Well.. ok, I’ll give you that. I just hate it when people say pets are useless when they’re not. Especially that spider pet! I love it’s immobilize! Picking the pet to compliment your build sounds like a good topic for my next article. I’ll try to write something for that No promises on when it will be released, though XD (I’ll probably write that when I’m procrastinating at work again XD)EDIT: It looks like this post is bugged.. I tried to edit to remove that double text thing but it wont go away o_O
(edited by jubskie.3152)
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