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Comment from a returning player

in WvW

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


You missed his point completely. Regardless of win or lose, it’s not a fun fight.


People keep counter arguing but if 1 player runs condi/defense with stun breaks.

If you want to compete you have to run stunbreak, stability, condi removal builds.

With the way classes can simply reapply condi after a bursts, it really destroys build diversity. This goes for WvW and PvP, Anet can make all the changes they want to PvP and WvW. It wont change anything because simply the game is not to play.

If im running a condi ranger (vanilla) build with 3 traps and entangle. If i hit you with the short bow 5 (stun) entangle you and hit you with all the traps. You should either have gotten caught or you used your utility skills like i did to counter them.

With HOT specs, thief only has to dodge or use a signet. DH just hit F2, warriors with longbow hit F1 or beserker stance etc etc etc.

I have a guild mate who has zerker and maruder ascended for his thief. For PvE/raids, he made a condi set of armor recently because its just easier to kill people in WvW.

Disappointed in Trahearne's Fate

in Lore

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Yeah, I didn’t care for him at all.

I’m perfectly fine with him being a non-thing. I just wish he had been a non-thing before he became a thing in the first place.

As a character he was pretty bland and inspired a lot of disdain because he felt shoehorned into an important role because he knew more about ONE dragon than anyone else.

Not for his ability to lead, not for his ability to inspire, no. Because he knew more about a single dragon than anyone else did. That’s it.

Who’s charge was it to lead? Ours. To inspire? Ours. To kick heinie? Ours. (The player.) Who got most of the credit? Him. Because he got a bunch of low-flying airships made and blew a big slow-moving target out of the sky with them.

It was obvious he had no idea what he was actually doing when we did the whole Morde thing. I mean.. what kind of strategy was “Take all the airships and hover just above the canopy of the jungle then randomly fire into the jungle?”

Like.. everyone with any sort of tactical sense would have both questioned and refused to do that. It was literally the worst plan in the history of plans. Would have been better off using that searing cauldron again or something to clear kitten out and send in ground troops that way.

But, hey… This is what we get when we put the guy who has no idea what he’s doing in charge.

Yet, I digress. Frankly the only good way to have handled Treehorn was to never have had him as a character in the first place. It should have been someone else, or at least they should have made him more than just “random tree scholar dude,” you know. Someone with some real qualifications, which he simply didn’t have.

Then again there’s so little sense in the Pact as a whole I suppose I’m not surprised everyone was eager to fire at nothing and pretend it would actually do anything as a strategy.

A few things i dont like about your comment, you talk about the prestige of defeating Zhaitan. The commander played a very small part, the commander basically brought DE together and helped with a few side missions. At no point was the commander the head of the mission, the NPC were more impressed fighting with DE then a new commander such as yourself.

The whole Trahearne thing, he was a scholar. Thats a huge thing, he was a humungus reason for the death of a Elder dragon. Info is the most important, for instance in basketball. The coach and scouting team gives a report on players. You must follow the report in order to most effectively hep our team and make there team worse.

This example is straight from Stephen Jackson whop won a championship with the Spurs who have had success since the 1989 season. He said " If you dont follow the game plan, Pop would take you out" and it was because you are hurting the team.

If a player can only go right, you make him go left and double on the spin. Thats a Basketball reference.

Now imagine its for a Elder Dragon, the most powerful beings that we know. Trahearne did his research and had the commander seek advice left and right from other people as well as seeing the Pale Tree for guidance.

For me he was actually a great character, not the most charismatic but a great character when it came down to the big picture.

Now we get to the HOT, if you read my comments about HOT i have a serious disdain for the story.

Trahearne would of done some research, he would of gotten counsel and he would of made a strategic move.

The pact attacking head on without scouting alone shows the EX- MACHINA of the GW2 HOT story.

Everything about GW2 has been EX-MACHINA since HOT. Taimi i need to help my ghost friends ……… wow if your WP thats really funny but for me im tired of the crap.

On ember bay they talk about races teaming together to fight dragons and they fail. Even with more powerful info and magic then we have.

Taimi makes a machine that she doesnt truly understand and it can kill 2 elder dragons, taimi has a machine that runs scenarios and its always right.

Dont blame Trahearne for the HOT story line, that story does not show the real backround of a character. You dont go 4 years with a character acting a certain way and then 1 day just for story line purposes acts completely irrational or out of character.


LW Season 1 had the best story

in Living World

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


The Guild Wars Universe is a serious one.

Do not make me laugh, at this point it’s a complete joke.

It was clear that the anet, it seems, concluded that plushies of Taimi and Aurene sell more.

Expect Rytholock to be killed, He speaks thick and is too adult.

The dragons are sleeping, they are big and too aggressive. Villains will now be plushies versions of Gods.

And of course, the legendary weapons, will all be comic style.

Just arrived in my hands, Exactly at this moment in which I wrote this post, a video leaked , a video-trailer of the next expansion. WARNING Leaks/spoiler of next xpac at the link below.

Do you read before replying? I did mention the same concerns that you pointed out and thus, I agree with you. The Guild Wars universe is serious, and my previous post was directed towards the watering down of the lore.

I have to agree about the Lore, GW1 and the books pictured things and life and death such as the dwarfs and there fight and eventually losing.

Even our fight vs Zhaitan and the corruption of Orr and all the steps we took to defeat him. A personal story, 8 dungeons and PvE events with champions you need to do to open said dungeons.

Everything since HOT release has felt ex-machina in a child friendly version which has definitely pushed me away.

I mean seriously the commander literally challenges everything to a fight and he/she just expects to win and yet has no back bone when dealing with her/his allies. It truly makes no sense.

LW Season 1 had the best story

in Living World

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Well, big mistake or not, you need to take responsibility for it and correct that mistake.

There are so many areas on core Tyrian maps that make zero sense if you haven’t played LWS1!

For instance, the poisonous field in Kessex Hill (Greyhoof Meadows) along with all the dead Seraph plasterted all over the place. Not to mention the many other poisonous spawns/events all across central Tyrian maps.

They leave that content in there without any explanation whatsoever. It’s just sad and IMO bad for the game as story continuity has been broken that way.

I dont think its a mistake.

GW2 was suppose to be a interactive living world MMO.

If you missed it you missed it, if im a professional fighter and i lose a fight badly and cant fight my next fight on the contract i dont get to keep that fight.

If i have a massage appointment and i get into a car wreck and fall into a coma, they dont care. They will still charge me the $10 appointment fee.

If GW2 wanted to stay with the same pace i would of prefered it. Having live events means people want to be in the game at that time doing things. WHen they came out with the 2 dungeons, people wanted to play those dungeons.

If they had a better system so players could get tokens for the mini’s/ or X item it would give them a chance to get what they wanted. Instead of like my case where i did the dungeon 69 times and didnt get a mini or a molten back back.

GW2 is very blah right now because its trying to cater to everyone. Its turning into every other MMO, which is why you can leave for 2-3 months. Pick up your LS and leave again for another 2-3 months and miss nothing.

Its hard to be in a interactive MMO world when nothing is happening.

If gw2 is dead

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


What’s up with these “GW2 is dead” threads popping up from time to time? Guild Wars 2 is far from dead, can you even define the meaning of dead game?

If you don’t enjoy this game anymore, that is fine, but it’s not a synonym for dead.

I agree ive never liked the “Dead” word because its incorrect.

I will say that WvW and PvP have taken HUGE dips.

In WvW you see threads get deleted for talking match ups and why certain servers are being linked. I am in CD and no matter what time i play on they other 2 servers have WAY more players. Ill be running with 10 or so players and we run into another server who has 25. The crazy part is pre hot it would be the same but we had 30 players and they would have 50. I think the word dying works in that case.

Also for PvP, you saw players in EU and NA in legendary and the lowest on the leader boards were Plat 2 and Plat 3. S6 you saw players in gold2 and very close to gold 1. For many people Gold 1-3 are the average players.

So once again you see a HUGE drop off. Its pretty easy to see that WvW and PvP have not had the player population.

So i could make a case that those 2 areas are dead especially t3 servers and lower for WvW.

But PvE wise, not even close. There are alot of raid guilds and alot of PvE meta map guilds.

I disagree with the OP though, GW2 core was a amazing game. HOT GW2 was a fail to me. It split the community, heres the thing about GREAT games. They add to whats working for them. For WoW its the grind they embraced it and created the best grind/raiding game out there.

GW2 was suppose to be about skill and playing your way and it was. HOT turned into your generic MMO which is why you see the back lash. Go do 4 hearts daily to collect a sliver to make X back piece. Play X amount of game to create the Legendary PvP back piece.

Even raids are X build based things. You can run 1-2 variations of it but its not skill based.

Which is why if this next expansion falls closer to HOT then Core GW2, GW2 will be looked at like GW1. It will have its small following defend it like a ESO or BDO but wont be considered anything special among the many.

The real reason for all of our PvP issues

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Here are 2 ways you can fix pvp without having to patch to hell.

1) Remove the worst style of pvp known to pvp aka Circle dancing. Go back to Gw1 Kill or be killed stomp pvp.

and or

2) Make it a 2 class system like gw1 where you have more access to options to play with. Maybe a necro/mes gets necro traits and skill but only mes skill or skills and traits for more diversity.

Option #2 will also make pve more enjoyable.

P.s Option 3 would be to remove bow #5 and make it a non transport skill on teefs.

LOL your posts are so funny,

1- Nothing is wrong with conquest. If you go back and watch the WTS’s or the Pro Leagues, alot of people are dying in the paths because you dont simply just fight around the circle.

2- This isnt GW1, GW1 had its day but it has become a old style of fighting game play. Like Street Fighter 2 or Virtual Fighter. Alot of us probably love those games but like everyone else you move on.

3- Im not sure about this

The real reason for all of our PvP issues

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


naw i disagree.

HOT made ele a heal bot and 6 seasons later its a heal bot.

Warrior for 2 seasons was the worst class and then for 2 seasons the easiest class to play.

For patches would help the overall balance of the game but it wouldnt change build diversity, team comps, or create a competitive scene.

This is a PvE game and the game gets PvE patches, more PvE patches doesnt fix the game.

How would more frequent PvE patches be bad for the game? We’re not asking for entire overhaul patches every month, just little changes. More frequent but minor changes is going to be far healthier for balance because they can be more precise. The way they’re doing it now is like guessing how much you need to cut something to make it fit into a space well, instead of using a ruler and marking where to cut for a cleaner fit.

PvE could benefit from more frequent patches also because going months on end with something like pre nerf ele is bad, plain and simple. With more frequent shaving nerfs instead of large nerfs, anet can perfect where ele dps should be. And if they need to take more time to figure out those changes in a way that won’t impact other game modes negatively, then they can wait for another patch. And there’s another advantage. If they need 4 months to figure out the proper change and to program it, then that’s 4 months of waiting. But every 3 months means that if it only takes 4 months to fix, then then they have to wait 6 months to ship it. That’s 2 unnecessary months of waiting.

So in the end, there’s less waiting for good changes with more frequent patches. Something that could be shipped out after a month now needs to be waited for by an extra 2 months. And it’s very easy for players to get bored of something in 2 months.

pve dont need balance, high end pve need that clases can fill eficiently their roles
pve dont need frequent patches, frequent patches are bad for pve, equiping toons for pve has a cost, players that do high end pve (top fractals and raids) want/need the most proficient builds and shaking the “meta” often( also a minor change can make some builds/classes be prefered to others for groups of high end pve) is bad for them(players that do open world content use watever they want, including nomad)

that is the reason pvp need a complete skill split, cuz pvp need frequent skill patches and a balancig phillosophy behind them

Skill split aside

HOT was selling hard raid missions. GW2 was now gonna deliver raid missions for the hardcore PvE player with more difficult maps.

For what ever reason Anet decided raids needed to be role based and Time Based.

Because of that the speed of GW2 went up 500%. I use to play staff condi mesmer, it wasnt as good kittenter but i would win any 1 vs 1 with moa which let me have side node action with portal.

I usually had 1-2 utility skills needed to set up the condi burst and wait for 40 sec.

Now it takes 15 sec to run the meta condi/bunker mesmer to do the same amount of damage. I also did not have the stun breaks or ability to F5 to change that 15 sec CD into 2 sec. As well as giving mesmer a shield.

For me just looking at the pre HOT game play and current, its 2 completely different game styles.

What was the big change? Like you said PvE doesnt really need changes, IMO PvP doesnt need alot of changes when build diversity and team comp variations are available.

It was raids, the meta maps in HOT can be done without Elite Specs raids on the other can not. Your getting groups and vids of 5 man group vs X and 7 man group vs X. When they find a glitch/bug with a raid boss, imo Anet nerfed Ghost Thief because he solo sloth.

The game is balanced for raids and the Devs dont care for PvP and PvE which is why split balance wont be in the future.

The real reason for all of our PvP issues

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


This is a PvE game and the game gets PvE patches, more PvE patches doesnt fix the game.

For the first 3 years & pre-launch it was a PvP game (at least in regard to balance).

I could argue that since passive play like Spirit Ranger was the best build and Turret engy were really strong.

Also the guardian Tomes were removed simply because they didnt want to balance it.

I think we can both agree that simply the game was better Pre HOT.

New Player, Sad Player. Expansion ruined it.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I think this might be the end of topic but I feel with all thats been said its clear that GW2 core was creative and really interesting in all aspects as it continued to get better. It has a little something for everyone, WvW and PvP were clearly better pre HOT. They had dungeons and fractals for group activities. The introduction of guild missions later (as well as fractals) and a interactive Living Story which i found really awesome.

HOT is one of those you either like it or you dont. Which is why there is a huge split.

Legendary Armor: Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I hope legendary armour is NEVER accessible outside of raids. It’s a proper endgame content with a proper reward. Take it out and people have no reason to improve themselves…again.

Personally, if ANet caters once again to the playerbase who refuses to improve their personal skill and wants everything handed to them by making the legendary armour available through different means, I will be quitting the game in a heartbeat.

They have been catering to these players for years now, and for once, it seems like they are taking a different approach. It’s a welcome change, and something they should continue to work towards. The playerbase will never improve if all ANet does is cater to their whining the moment they introduce something slightly difficult.

I agree. Legendary armor should be removed from raids, and deleted from raider’s accounts, and be earned solely by making top three in a spvp tournament.

I was wondering because WvW got nothing, everything in PvP that you had to work for like titles, Levels that got you different finishers and the legendary back piece were all basically hand outs.

Like ohhh did you play PvP a little, ohhh im so sorry you had to play it, heres all the goodies from it. Thanks Anet

" If you play WvW you probably PvE" Mike O you remember that?

Where is the Legendary WvW armor?

Plotholes: The Nightmare, Dream, other Trees

in Lore

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


What direction is ANET going with the Sylvari? There are so many plotholes:

1.) We learn that they are not affiliated with the turned Mordrem in HoT and are hunted just as aggressively as the Pale Tree’s children by Mordremoth.

-This is contradictory to the Sylvari PC story in which the very first boss we fight within the dream is the Shadow of the Dragon, which is Mordremoth’s champion.

-In the Sylvari PC’s awakening story the Shadow of the Dragon that we fight is representative of the encroaching nightmare.

2.) There is a new duchess of the Nightmare Court (Chrysanthea) after Faolain and Mordremoth’s death who agrees to a temporary alliance with the Pact. This is never elaborated upon after HoT’s end.

3.) Malyck and the other Sylvari trees are still unexplained. We pushed into the Maguuma dragon tainted by Mordremoth and found no other evidence of other trees that exist to oversee Sylvari communes outside of the Pale Tree.

I agree 100%

I feel Anet started stories and quickly slashed them without giving us the details.

For instance as a Sylvari character for 2 out of 3 of my story lines, i heard comments all over the place during the HOT release whether in LA or HOT areas.

There clearly would be backlash and groups of people who dont trust them which would only create friction between the other races as well since so many people would die.

The story is 100% ex-machina for me at this point.

Can we do something about mastery points?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431



I understand you really like HOT.

I said i also agree that there is alot of mastery points and it isnt hard if you “want” to get them.

Thats not the discussion, you brought up a guild member who liked exploring maps and didnt like the other modes.

Thats what made GW2 special, if you didnt like PvP- WvW- farming- dungeons-raids- exploring it didnt matter because there was something for everyone. At no point did anyone HAVE TO do something to play what they liked.

Anet threw out mini games and raids which people will not like and Anet tied it to masterys and AP so you are splitting the community.

I for example finished W1 of raids rather easily got a Xera kill, got to plat 2 and finished in plat 1 of S5 of PvP. Have nearly all the WvW AP done and guess what, i HATE the mastery system.

Im playing the new area and there is a cool spider man mastery, i got to unlock and cant because i dont have enough mastery points.

THIS IS A HORRIBLE DESIGN, i am now FORCED to go back and play a area of the game i did not like to get the new shiny and guess what i didnt do it. I played the new map without the new skill and when i log in i dont go into the new map since i cant use the skill.

I was as high as 700 on the AP leader board, i have almost 29k AP, ive played this game in and out and mastery are cheap walls of game play.

You can say its easy and i agree but like i said earlier, if we tied mastery points to WvW levels and PvP matches played people would scream till the cows came home. Since its PvE there are gonna be people who support it like yourself which is fine.

But you have to understand that its not creative, not good design and does not create a interactive system.

If Anet wanted masterys to be special or new skins, it wouldnt be complete the 4 hearts every day or gain XP to unlock a mastery nad find MP to unlock the skill.

It would something interesting with in the design of game play.

Shield Bash and Headbutt... Why?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I’m going to make a general statement that applies to your questions.
Not every balance change is relevant to your skill level or game-mode.

As an example, I have never played a War. If I face one in PvP, there are only a couple attacks that I can see coming and dodge. Headbutt and Shield Bash may have obvious animations but, as I’ve never played one, I simply can’t pick them out of the flurry of actions going on in a given fight. For players of my skill level and below, the change gives us just a hint of extra breathing room against Wars.

The game should not be catering to you.

Like many posts before the game can not be balanced around the average to below average player.

When facing Plat players and above they are already dodging the skills that players want to land.

There is a reason alot of players could carry in X area. I myself could carry in Gold 2 and sometimes 3. The game should not cater to me, there are much better players then myself.

The NBA changes the rules for its best players, they added a 3 point line because there were great shooters. They moved it back because it was too easy, 5 sac back down rule because of great post up players. Zones because players like shaq were too dominant and teams needed more ways to help.

You dont change the game because some guy who couldnt make it to the NBA wants to be in the NBA.

Recent patch - Nice "balance"

in WvW

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Anet just can’t understand or bother to try understand what makes some spec op. They just nerf and boost something and won’t even think how it affect non FotM specs.

specs need to be OP for pve reasons, its a pve game, pvp just happens cause online games without pvp is something that players avoid…

ANet will continue to enforce bad gimmicks and conter thos gimmicks with other gimmicks its a placebo to avoid balance work and pretend everything works at least in a decent way.

Think about it like this:
If the Balance Team did it’s job perfectly and the Skills and classes were perfectly balanced, what would the Balance Team do?

If Anet had perfect balance in core GW2 where classes could use multiple weapons with multiple skill sets and different skills.

They would of started working on the elite specs for HOT.

If Anet came out with elite specs for HOT that were balanced where multiple classes had different weapon and build options in PvE, WvW and PvP.

The balance team could of gone on to add new weapons for each class instead of giving a class just a already existing weapon. ( It really takes away the warriors “master of arms” description) Adding things like whips/chains – 2 handed axes – brass knuckles/claws – nunchucks off the top of my head.

Also the balance team really could of done something nice and made the game fun, for instance class based skills are practically useless in this game. They could of made them just some what useful and fun to play.

And basically after defeating Zhaitan we started using tech weapons so how about giving engys some unique things to play with instead of gyros.

The balance team could of done alot of things if they balanced around PvP, they didnt they balanced around raids which made PvP bunker wars at the release of HOT and WvW condi wars.

But hey the raid community seems happy and thats all that really matters.

Can we do something about mastery points?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


A lot of this thread boils down to this:

Players complain about dead maps.
Players are wrong, and are given tools and advice to help them find filled maps.
Players refuse to make use of said tools and advice, and proceeds to complain about maps being dead.


I like how you write that, find 2 people who agree when Silmar Alech.4305 wrote a point which will never be addressed.

Example they used was getting better at fractals, you go threw the grind because you see and feel yourself getting better.

A HUGE AMOUNT OF PLAYERS do not find enjoyment on playing meta maps.

There is a group of players that do boss runs, guess what alot of players dont do boss runs.

Masterys and HOT are boss runs, guess what alot of people are not gonna like that. Its pretty simply to understand but a few people will make the arguments because they like doing boss runs.

Its hard listening to people of a different point of view and actually listening to there complaints.

Please many of you arguments are valid in that mastery points are not hard to get, that maps are available once you know the times of the maps and use the LFG tool.

Thats great but actually address people who want to play the game and didnt put mastery points into gliding and now need ley line gliding for raids or to play with friends who are ahead and have the XP and masterys.

I dont think its any surprise that WvW took a huge hit when HOT came as well as PvP and many of the casual PvE players dont like HOT which is why that thread “New Player, Sad Player. Expansion ruined it.” is still on the front page with 28k views with 1/2 the players saying they agree.

Many people could agree that GW2 core needed more difficult content for those seeking it.

But Anet used HOT to do that content and just ruined the game for 2 side community and some of its casual PvE player base.

Where is everybody

in WvW

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Im on CD and the last few times ive logged in, we are getting stomped zerg wise.

They could take the whole map if they wanted to but they settle for everything but the keep. Which we slowly take back and then they take back really quickly.

A few times, a person said well this isnt much fun going 5 vs 20 everytime.

Even in the WvW forum, we are not allowed to discuss match ups or the teaming of servers.

Its gotten to the point where you speak negatively about something and the devs read it and get mad but dont want to even attempt fixing WvW or PvP.

In PvP they change the set up of traits and sigils but thats not the problem with the game.

“Hi my car engine seems to be broken” Anet replies " Well lets slap a new bumper on that baby and get you out of here" . The WvW- PvP community " huh" ?

Can we do something about mastery points?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Well it’s certainly easier to max your points now since you can earn more achievements in the new Living Story zones than you need to buy the new masteries from those zones. It should help make it a lot easier for those who hate doing adventures.

That said there are a couple of adventures that are very easy to do, and one that’s even easy to get gold in (maybe two or three). I don’t have gold in most of the adventures don’t have silver in others, but I’m sitting on 186 mastery points.

But we’ve seen more than one person who just started HoT post that the zones are quire busy, much to their surprise after reading some of the stuff on these forums.

I get that some people don’t like HoT, or the mastery system, but that doesn’t make either of them bad, and it’s absolutely possible to get the mastery points you need.

Again if anyone is on a US server and they need help getting into HOT or getting HOT masteries or unlocking their elite spec, I’d be happy to help them.

I have to agree with this, masterys are not to hard to get. And i do notice that i probably hate the mastery system more due to HOT breaking WvW and PvP.

HOT increased the speed of the game alot and alot of my guild members did not like it in there PvE.

I think it just got to a point where people feel like they needed masterys to progress but they were not enjoying the journey. This doesnt go for the players who like the speed and enjoy the content. Yet i also agree that alot of the complaints seem to be more about just playing the game. Yet feel they cant, i personally lost some interest since i didnt have enough MP to use the spider man skill.

HOT just brings out alot of frustration IMO.

A better game mode would be good for pvp

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


After playing games like Lol, Smite, and Overwatch I believe I’ve discovered the major problem with Conquest as of right now. I need to preface that I enjoy conquest but it has flaws. The game mode is not too Spectatable and a lot of the time its a numbers game. The winners of the match are usually the ones who out rotate the other side or constantly out number the other team. This is not too different from aforementioned games like league where everyone selects their specific roles and they start out in their lanes or creatures.
This is another problem of conquest Nobody knows their roles or even need to fulfill roles. That’s part of the reason why we end up on teams with 2 thieves or 4 dragon hunters because there’s no incentive to fulfill certain roles. The only thing people need to do is step on a big circle and stay there and force the enemies off.
Stronghold was an Interesting step forward but it failed in emphasizing GW2’s strengths specifically it’s combat. I enjoy GW2’s combat more than a lot of other games and conquest does emphasize the combat of guild wars but now they need to add a game mode that incentivizes roles.
I don’t believe enforcing 1 class per team would entirely fix the problem since I don’t know how they would enforce it in the game. I would like to see one class per team though.

to summarize
- Conquest has flaws
- Conquest isn’t too spectatable
- winning is determined by outnumbering the enemy team
- There’s no obvious roles in pvp
- Stronghold doesn’t emphasize GW2’s strengths
- GW2’s strength is it’s combat
- Conquest emphasizes combat
- I don’t know how they will enforce 1 class per game

I don’t understand everything and I could be wrong about all of this but this is just my thoughts. Ultimately This is a message to Anet and the community to try and get discussion going and to help improve they game. Thank you for reading.

I have to disagree with this strongly.

Teams have roles, its up to Anet and the broadcasters to discuss the build and how this build is different from another build of the same role.

This is where Anet failed, 2- recently lack of build diversity. X class is straight better at everything then Y class at filling the role. The last tournament you saw the Abjured actually down the other team more but because down state was broken and because X classes are amazing at rezzing it didnt matter if you downed anyone.

Which brings us to number 3. Balance- since HOT came out things such as rezzing, down state damage, tanks power rezzing and boons. They are way out of control. No other words can be used.

If GW2 had build balance where Tage is playing Guardian and is playing support bunker. Shout casters could explain the differences between his build and 5-gauge running a bruiser support engy.

The game was not balanced therefore every team ran near the same comp and they all ran the same builds. The shout casters have no point to explain the game to new people watching.

The balance is horrid when you have 2 of the best players in the game unable to play there class with the best potential builds. Imagine your LoL game where you have 10 champions and Yasuo and Fiora are clearly better then Jax and Udyr. They play the same role and no matter the players ability level they can not make Jax or Udyr work. That leaves 6 champions available to play on a 5 man team.

Last comment, these are only ESL level issues for the players and as someone watching it. The games you named above everyone is using a different champion. Its what makes it unique. What makes GW2 unique is the potential for running different builds.

At pug ranked games ive seen players who are better then the field run far and win 1 vs 2 causing the 500-100 or less matches the game is getting alot of.

Thats a Match Making issue, you can not say that conquest is the issue when you dont have the steps in place to get to the top of the stairs. Stair one is having a tournament and stair 10 is having the teams compete in the tournament for the fans.

Steps 2-9 need to be the balance of PvP matches, the balance or professions, the balance of build diversity and the ability for different types of comps to be effective so it can be engaging to watch for people who dont play GW2 or are not into PvP.

Having 1 class per team only shows Anet inability to even attempt a watchable form of entertainment.

For people who do not like masteries

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


If you spend 10 hrs playing PvP while they’re spending 10 hrs playing PvE, then of course they’re going to be ahead. Any form of progression vertical or horizontal, is going to require you to do things that provide that progress.

It also goes both ways. If they turned around and joined you in PvP instead of you joining them in PvE, they’d be behind you too. It may not be obvious in the mechanics the way it is in PvE, but you’d have ten hours of experience of how the new elite specialisations operate in a PvP environment and how to counter them that they don’t have.

It sounds like your main issue is with essentially being locked out of content because you don’t have the masteries yet… and that’s something I’d agree with. Itzel Poison Mastery is probably my least favourite mastery from a design perspective for exactly this reason – there’s no mechanic to interact with, it just means that regions that you couldn’t enter before because they’d kill you, now do absolutely nothing to you because you’re somehow immune to what used to be deadly poison (you’re carrying a set of Itzel antidotes or something? That only work against environmental poisons, not anything an enemy might inflict you with?).

For most of the rest… I would agree that masteries in general should just make it easier to do something, rather than be a total lockout.

That said, there is an argument to be made for having an equivalent to Proofs of Heroics in sPvP (or even just port them over directly, so you can earn Proofs of Heroics in sPvP). One could even consider the possibility of using Proofs of Heroics to earn mastery points in the same way as hero points (you ‘buy’ the point, and a random point in the world is counted as completed), although it would probably have to be limited to the channel points and maybe the strongboxes.

Exactly, the OP tried to make it sound as if masterys were super awesome and gave some great reward system.

I just wanted to point out that PvP- WvW were left behind if they wanted to try new content with friends.

And that the masterys were not new, like if there was a boss to teach you something or a mini dungeon. Where you had to complete the dungeon to unlock a ability.

HOT literally said earn XP to unlock mastery’s. To unlock masterys you need mastery points. T o play PvE content you need to unlock high levels of masterys.

Its like buying a omelet and seeing all the ingredients you can add to it. Except to add vegetables you must wear a cape. You didnt know you needed a cape, the cook says they are on the 6th floor. You come back with a cape and ask for vegetables and he only gives you mushrooms. You ask why you cant have other types, the cook says you need a mask on floor 11. Floor 11 is under construction and must find a alternative route.

I just want a omelet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This example might not be the best but i swinging for the fences.

For people who do not like masteries

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


If you spent a few days in pvp while your friends spent that time in pve, how would you expect to join them in Orr, or a later game dungeon, or anything of the sort?

Teleport to a friend, also being on the same map as another player allows you to enter the dungeon without actually being near the dungeon, fractals are in LA and PvP and WvW are open to everyone.

This is why i said HOT locked content behind masterys, our guild is fighting the dragon in DS or VB and you dont have updraft. Sorry you cant play with us, you will die after 1 phase.

Year of Ascension for single profession plz?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Everyone has the back pack, so if Anet wants to make it 1 class. Im fine with that.

True … for sure better than play classes U have no idea how to play and destroy the game for your mates

Anet gave the option to have class specific ratings for S6. The community past on it.

Thats 1, Two did you see the leader board this past season?

I finished S5 with a rating of 1708 and dropped on the last day from 1740 as i tried to get into the top 250. That same rating would of gave me a top 75 spot in S6. LEts just be honest of the situation, S6 of Gw2 PvP was full of average and below average players.

Still multiple accounts in the top 100 from a few ESL players. Think about that, in the top 100 i thought i saw 5 alt accounts so that means that those people with 1600 rating could of been in the top 250 if it wasnt for people have multiple alt and there mains on the LB.

I ran full trap ranger with entangle just to goof off in S6 to get my tickets, i also ran a glass rifle warrior and was still in gold 3.

Lets not sit here and pretend that people are maining 1 class only, are in Plat + division still trying to get a back piece when the majority of us finished it in S2. Man this guy must be ruining all those high level gold games :|

For people who do not like masteries

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


2) You are punished for not playing PvE
Like i said the whole time, example after example. not only did Anet hide mastery points behind PvE but they also hid the new elite specs for PvE. Yes they have addressed those issues but the fact that Anet would screw over 2 groups with in there community says alot.

For WvW players, yes, but the elite specialisations are unlocked for sPvP as soon as you have HoT activated on your account – you don’t need to unlock them through hero points.

Of course but if you spend your first 10 hrs of play in PvP that means you are 10hrs behind your PvE friends.

So imagine you and your friends lets just 5 of them. You 6 buy HOT get your level 80 booster and jump into the game. You play a little bit and say we all meet up friday which will be 3 days away.

1 does WvW while waiting, 1 does PvP while waiting and the 4 others explore a little bit to get a head start.

Your 4 friends have some masterys unlocked elite specs unlocked and the WvW and PvP have nothing.

I have written this about 4-5 times in different fashions. If you are a casual gamer, you want to jump into a game and just explore with your friends. Enjoy the new content and potentially new abilities.

The new abilities create walls that need to be unlocked, another example is you start unlocking mushroom bouncing and or something else. Your friends have unlocked updraft and Ley line gliding, they now are doing events and bosses you cant.

It will now take a couple days for the WvW and PvP player to catch up. It is a problem if those 2 players prefer the other game modes.

Anet made everything base line. If you play X you can get X, HOT comes out and they scrap it all.

For people who do not like masteries

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


At level 60 we could get unique armors only to PvP.

There was no “unique armor”, just skins that fell through the cracks (almost all the sets were, and are, partially available in PVE). That’s why they disappeared from the game entirely when the wardrobe was introduced: they were never properly available in the game to begin with.

Also, if Anet had removed them for the reason you think they did, they’d have immediately implemented them properly in PVE instead of just sort of sitting on multiple armor sets for like three years.

The only true PVP armor was the Glorious set and its upgraded version.

The tribal armor was a unique drop for PvP that not many PvE players got.

Like you said the TOL armor which really only about 12 people have.

That still doesnt take away the titles and finishers which were handed out. It may seem that my complaints are getting off point but i really would just like to point out that the philosophy of Anet is never the same.

Right now raids, get there own unique rewards from bosses such as skins/ mini / titles / AP and the ability to craft legendary armor.

PvP had unique items which they made incredibly easy, WvW had even less items and they either got rid of the need to go in there or made it easier.

Even now masterys which are incredibly useful and in some cases needed to play PvE maps, are things you have to work towards in experience and grabbing icons around the map.

A really big reason WvW and PvP are dying is aside from the balance issues. Is that they are outsiders and are completely separated from the PvE/guild hall parts of the game. Even casual players struggle with the grind of meta maps and raids but they can still make lots of gold and farm. So even the casual player has something they can work towards, PvP and WvW rewards look like they are just handed to the PvE side.

1 way street are 1 way.

(edited by kdaddy.5431)

For people who do not like masteries

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I think there were clearly some mistakes made with the release of this expansion, but much of it has been addressed since release. That isn’t going to make us all agree that the mastery system is a great system. I happen to think it’s pretty good, but not perfect.

PvP/WvW alternatives for leveling the mastery system should have been there from the start.

Filler masteries like Itzel poison mastery should never have been a thing. We want meaningful gameplay (like the LS3 mastery line or the gliding line), not pointless grind-gating.

The spirit shard reward for post-cap experience should not have been linked to the mastery system.

Legendary armor probably should not have been implemented at all. It seems the amount of effort that went into them was very great, given how long it took for them to release the armor. Yet it’s entirely locked behind a niche game mode (raiding). If we had multiple sets it wouldn’t be an issue, but it doesn’t seem like it’s worth the effort to produce multiple legendary armor sets.

Having said that, for me the mastery system was overall a success. I enjoyed exploring the jungle right from the start and the mastery system succeeded at its goal of providing a feeling of progression in that context. I was fine with the way it tied into the story. The whole thing worked for me.

I honestly think Anet is struggling with direction.

Like if im not mistaken but alot of the devs who wrote the classes/set ups are now gone from the game. SO the pieces added on are the ideas of people who may or may not have the same ideas for what this class is suppose to be.

Like the legendary armor, this is the oddest thing to me.

In PvP it took a insane amount of XP to level up. I was 53 or 55 at the time and about 3000-4000 games played.

At level 60 we could get unique armors only to PvP.

Anet killed all of it because it wasnt fair to PvE players who wanted AP and the skins from PvP but didnt want to put the time in. Then 2 years later with which i assume is a new group of employees.

They implement the very same thing they took away from the PvP community.

Thats my 2 cents, glad you enjoyed the jungle

For people who do not like masteries

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


@ Ryou.2398

Of course they have addressed these issues, it was putting a huge wall between players who play WvW- PvP and the PvE community.

Heres the thing you said it was my fault for doing PvP. When GW2 came out you could jump into any and play any at any time. If you had enough skill you could be a level 60 player in WvW who beats a level 80 player.

HOT made alot of things worse, never has anyone had a problem playing with another person. If i was in a area like ORR and my friend is level 50, we could still explore together. If i wanted to run back into PvP he could join me.

Guess what PvE has been completely separated from the PvP – WvW community. Which is why you see the threads you see in the PvP and WvW threads.

I have a ton of teleport to a friend and i used a few but guess what if i didnt have updraft, i couldnt play with them, no ley line gliding to bad you cant fight this champ with us, etc etc etc.

This was a expansion for everyone, new elite specs that were suppose to expand on PvP, a new WvW map and obviously a whole new map area and PS line.

3 things happened,

1) PvP and WvW got screwed.
Terrible metas that actually destroyed game play and build diversity.

2) You are punished for not playing PvE
Like i said the whole time, example after example. not only did Anet hide mastery points behind PvE but they also hid the new elite specs for PvE. Yes they have addressed those issues but the fact that Anet would screw over 2 groups with in there community says alot.

3) The Split of the community’s
There is a thread with a similar name which im sure we all are posting in. Once again you have people like Vayne.**** who talks about how Anet cant cater to groups and they have to play for the middle.

Yet they didnt play to the core casual player group with there 3 meta maps. Vayne talks about alot using the LFG tool and using outside resources to play the game. Which is not for the casual group at all and it takes away from just playing for fun. I now have to set up my fun, if the event isnt going on when im playing what else can i do? Join another map oh wait its another meta map and that map is full and im in the dead map.

Lets also make it so PvP and WvW players make a TON less money and have no way to the new skins in PvE. Once again they recently addressed this but man. If on Christmas me you and Tim wake up to see presents with only Ryou.2398 name on it. We are not gonna feel loved and for some reason many players just dont see that.

Anet isnt catering to the middle or trying to give everyone a little pc. We had the 4 maps only for a year. They just recently added the LS with the new maps, raids itself is like WvW and PvP in that they have there core groups who play and defend it.

Raids get way more attention then anything else right now.

WvW and PvP are dying within the game and its not some secret. Casual players are also not enjoying the game as much which is why you are seeing the questions, the core game is F2P which allows the population to still be some what good.

But the divide put on all 3 communitys come from the HOT ability to fairly reach all 3 and masterys/elite spec/ meta maps/ were all negative things that put those cracks into the game. Only now is HOT worth the price/hype it was selling nearly 2 years ago.

The real reason for all of our PvP issues

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


naw i disagree.

HOT made ele a heal bot and 6 seasons later its a heal bot.

Warrior for 2 seasons was the worst class and then for 2 seasons the easiest class to play.

For patches would help the overall balance of the game but it wouldnt change build diversity, team comps, or create a competitive scene.

This is a PvE game and the game gets PvE patches, more PvE patches doesnt fix the game.

In a way, your criticisms actually go towards my point, which is that the lack of adjustments has a critical impact on the game.

For example, using your example of the warrior, you stated that it was (essentially) under buffed and then over-buffed (assuming that makes it easiest to play). If they had been issuing weekly or bi-monthly balance adjustments, the process might have occurred over a few months, rather than over a few years.

Proper balance might actually allow other builds to work as originally intended, which in turn would address your concern regarding build diversity (since that would hopefully increase the number of viable builds), as well as team composition.

Like i said in my comment, more patches might work out the small kinks in the game.

But like i said, this is a PvE game and only when things are actually horrible do they change anything.

Helseth said in tea time that Grouch had to argue/ near force the meta change after S1.
The majority of people at Anet are not playing PvP, those who are even less of those people have the ability to change PvP.

When they balance things, the big important changes made effect PvE. So the biggest patches have had a impact on PvE therefore based around PvE potential. We just got a patch for PvP, so guess what this is the new meta. They might change 1-3 small things before what ever plan they have next but other then that. They are done, more frequent patches would help small things.

This is a PvE game, Mike Obrian said “if you WvW you probably PvE”. They are not worried about PvP.

The real reason for all of our PvP issues

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


naw i disagree.

HOT made ele a heal bot and 6 seasons later its a heal bot.

Warrior for 2 seasons was the worst class and then for 2 seasons the easiest class to play.

For patches would help the overall balance of the game but it wouldnt change build diversity, team comps, or create a competitive scene.

This is a PvE game and the game gets PvE patches, more PvE patches doesnt fix the game.

Year of Ascension for single profession plz?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Everyone has the back pack, so if Anet wants to make it 1 class. Im fine with that.

For people who do not like masteries

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


@ Ryou.2398

Read my comment please.

Masterys were horribly done. If you play mostly WvW and PvP but do a little PvE, how would do the new events?

Only later did Anet fix it so you could get SP in WvW to unlock masterys. Only later did PvP/WvW get reward tracks for the new maps so they werent running up to everything going huh how do i open that?

Anet hid the ability to fight bosses on maps behind doing mastery points.

Anet hid more things behind unlocking raids.

I agree with you that they needed something to prevent gear grind.

But you are saying this was a good idea?

Just to make some observations about GW2 since ive been playing in beta. GW2 made PvP easier for PvE players who wanted the levels/titles and said it was to hard for them to play all those games. WvW complained that you couldnt get them through WvW and getting finished by a shark in WvW, they were like that is awesome i want that but i dont want to PvP. ( many WvW players say these were PvE/AP try hards who complained about this and not real WvW players) So Anet killed PvP levels.

For 100% map completion PvE players had to go into WvW, they took this away. Like Mike Obrian said “if you WvW you probably PvE” except if you PvE you dont have to PvP or WvW for items, we will just hand them to you.

So Anet is pushing this all is one and you can play anything, catering to every group. So why did Anet screw PvP and WvW out of masterys?

If people do not like the PvE maps in HOT why is Anet forcing them to play it? Same goes for Legendary Armor, my guild mate who played GW1 for years and now GW2 for years and mostly plays PvE is not a huge fan of raids.

He likes running his own builds and exploring stuff. He enjoyed the new maps but hates the HOT maps. Then Anet BAM puts the elite items behind something. IN PvP we got cultural armor at level 60 from the forge and tribal.

Raids now get legendary armor. He was frustrated because after 5 years of GW2, doing 100% completion with 4 characters and having 4 others above 50%. After forcing the 2 other game modes to mix with PvE, everyone now has to be forced into raids to attempt the new content?

Just like these mastery’s, they are things you HAVE TO DO if you want to fight certain bosses in PvE, fight certain bosses in raids, do the personal story. This is a terrible concept period.

Seriously answer my question, as someone with almost 29k AP, with almost 10,000 PvP matches played, having almost done all my WvW ap not for the AP but because i used to like WvW.

I dont know anything about you, lets say im Anet and i hade bouncing mushrooms behind 1,000 games played in PvP and you dont PvP. How are you gonna feel?

A bit excessive you say? How about defending 500 objects in WvW to get Ley Line Gliding? Because this is exactly what they did for raids/ Legendary Armor.

There was no creative process. Creative would of been small dungeons, where we go in to meet a master who teaches how to glide, another to teach us bouncing mushrooms at the beginning at each map zone. Having a main dungeon to unlock something and explorable dungeons to unlock new things. While making the 1-2nd map not needed these mastery skills.

Or giving elite bosses drops which you used to craft into elite perma items to help defeat mordremoth. Then actually making the boss fight vs a elder dragon feel some what real and not super buggy.

You have to look at it from all sides, if Anet caters to everyone for years then flips the script thats bad design. Anet said in there opener GW2 wouldnt be a go grab 10 apples and come back to me, well guess what. The new map is complete all 4 hearts and get a druid shard.

You said “but people do not realize they are trying to give you a good challenge/reward to give us incentive for the later content.”

Im just pointing out that this is not what they did and no they were not creative at all. HOT felt alot more like WoW then GW2.

For people who do not like masteries

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


My only complaint about the masteries is that I have to kill at least one raid boss to unlock the raid masteries which I need to unlock the spirit shard “leveling” thing for HoT areas, which means that a lot of XP for me is just wasted now. I did make a decent number of attempts, but raiding just doesn’t really do it for me, and with my current ping and the somewhat lackluster performance of my laptop, that’s not going to happen any time soon. That’s just a bugbear for me personally though.

PS: Before anybody mentions it, yes, I know that one of the raid bosses is easier, but it still needs a few people with certain raid masteries.

Otherwise, I think the masteries are fine. Not perfect and I could see room for improvement, but they’re not too demanding or too grindy either.

To Kdaddy: HoT launched with 4 maps (and two guild halls, plus the raid areas for those who are into that) as well as a bunch of changes including a bunch which aren’t immediately noticeable in many cases, but which was needed for future content.

By now however, HoT also offers 5 new maps (though the first one is still the coolest by far, in my humble opinion), more personal story to go with those maps, several raid wings (again, for those interested in that), a number of additional legendaries and then there have been a bunch of changes and improvements which are also available to non-HoT players, such as a few new Fractal maps and changes to some of the old ones.

One can argue that HoT was a bit lacking when it first came out, but I’d say that it has certainly made up for that since then. But feel free to disagree with me; this is after all just my opinion.

No i agree that right now HOT was worth the price and hype as advertised. As much as HOT screwed PvP and WvW. From a PvE aspect almost 2 years later, HOT is now worth what everyone paid for when it was first released.

Think about this, when GW2 first came out PvP was fun, not balanced but fun with underwater combat and 8 vs 8 servers. WvW was fun, had some big bugs especially with the orbs you carried to keeps but it was new and fun.

During GW2 core, we got new events like Halloween mad king, Christmas event, Fractals all of which had negatives and positives.

That Living Story came with interactive PvE where you shut down portals. They destroyed Lions Arch and Kessex hills and it came with 3-4 dungeons. And for me the coolest thing ive ever done was when i finished Scarlett “F”. Then the Cinematic played.

Those events were super awesome. A bit grindy, doesnt have replay value so it made me want to play it then.

GW2 core also had 33 dungeons when it released.

Take my preferences out of it, HOT had alot less maps to explore. Also it was very 1 sided VB being the jack of all trades map and the other 3 being meta maps.

No raids till later, no legendary weapons or armor till later. HOT when released is a joke compared to GW2 core when released.

But i agree with you, if the HOT we have right now is what we got when released i would not have any negative comments other then simple preferences.

For people who do not like masteries

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Masteries is quite a unique feature in any mmorpg, I do not think I ever played an mmorpg to have something like this and it is quite clever solving the standard lets become a gear and stat treadmill of illusion, trust me these masteries are an amazing addition and we should be thanking anet for coming up with something so clever and unique that will hopefully give a better standard to mmorpgs in the future.

I have seen allot of complaints, but people do not realize they are trying to give you a good challenge/reward to give us incentive for the later content. Trust me it is far more fun then grinding for adding a new stat here and there.

Now if you want to compare it to something like the alternate advancement in eq2 well then that is indeed comparable since eq2 actually added new abilities to earn but in a way gw2 does as well with the elite skill.

Just my 2 cents, anet thank you, impressive job.

I disagree 100%

Anet talks about brave and great ideas back when GW2 first released.

This is basic go to a spot to collect a item and go to another area to get the next one. Dont sugar code it and turn into something its not.

WHen HOT first came out i was in PvP, that is mostly what i did with WvW. I almost have 10,000 matches played and im on T5 of all my WvW but 1 and i have 5-6 of them done.

Take a wild guess what happened when i tried to play PvE with my friends?

I couldnt play with them, to reach certain bosses like the dragons i needed mushrooms. The next champion i needed updraft. For the personal story i needed the tunnel, i cant even do the story in HOT without completing more mastery points.

This is the most basic hide certain content behind walls, forcing players to do the events not because they want to but because in order to do something they want. They have to complete X amount of missions under X mastery skill.

HOT created 4 maps, FOUR. 3 have meta event maps on them were they are very populated for the meta and much less so when the event is gone.

They could of made mastery points items you wanted but dont necessarily needed.

For instance, instead of raids. They could of hid 4 different dungeons. Each dungeon unlocking a new ability that would help you in the fight vs mordremoth which could of been a epic battle.

Boom, people who want to rush threw the story go ahead. If you are skilled enough you can beat him/ henchman and all is great. If you are struggling you complete the dungeons for a much easier fight.

Instead we got nothing, raids came later i me being the cry baby i was. I was so frustrated to get into a Xera fight and i didnt have Ley line gliding so i couldnt even finish the fight. I had to go back to PvE get XP and go back to this boss.

There is nothing creative, nothing fun about this for someone who doesnt want to get the Golden Child Title

Edit- Please next time lets add WvW and PvP masterys. For instance you have to play 2,000 games in PvP to unlock X mastery which every PvE player would want.

Then add you must get 50,000 player kills in WvW to get legendary armor.

Lets have these masterys in there, call it ground breaking and innovative fun way to include all games modes with one another.

(edited by kdaddy.5431)

Can we do something about mastery points?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


While GW2’s (timer stuff) might not be as strenuous as those imposed in some other MMO’s, yes, that would be letting the game dictate what I do when…

What I find curious is that while core GW2 also has timed meta events, there’s one starting about every 15 minutes around the clock, so whenever someone logs in, s/he could do one if so inclined … In HoT, the zone meta comprises a much greater percentage of what there is to do than in core, and doing those metas often requires one to log in early and use the LFG work-around. That means that HoT is less friendly to drop-in gamers …

I’ve jumped through hoops in MMOs before too this is NOTHING like that. I only need to get on the full server if I absolutely want to do the meta. If I don’t care about the meta I just log in and play as I’ve said many times. There are still enough people in zones not doing the meta to do content.

On the other side of that coin, timers have been in this game for years, way before HOT ever was. So if you wanted to do the fire ele, how did you do it without using a timer? Or Tequatl? Or anything else?

You either used a timer, or you missed out….long before HOT had come along.

On that note, this is about mastery points, and there are very very very few mastery points specifically that I can’t get solo.

I’ll concede the mastery point thing, although there are some tied to meta events, which matter more if one also dislikes mini-games, but that’s also another topic.

Other than that, perhaps you did not read my post before you commented. I’ve culled out all but the relevant points, above.

But there are so many mastery points in the game, that you don’t need the ones tied to the meta events and seriously, you’re saying you can’t log in once to try a meta event once, because you’ve decided doing so is jumping through hoops?

I’ve done the AB meta more than a hundred times. The TD meta doesn’t succeed as often even though it’s actually easier, just less people know it.

Dragon Stand is one of my favorite meta’s in the game and the wait to start it is usually less than 5 minutes. I just don’t see the issue here…except perhaps people who don’t know what to do.

I have to disagree with you on this one. You usually make very valid points, even i can admit that even though ive done AB and DS meta events. I could of done them alot more and got all the mastery points and didnt want too.

I recently have become very busy and cant even log in every day and when i do i jump in to try and get 1-2 mastery points or WvW for 30 min and then i have to leave.

This person is calling themself the most casual of gamers. You cant ask them to watch for timers and sit around for a hour especially if they only have a hour to play and this meta event isnt what they want to do.

Your usual argument of this part of the game might not be for you could apply here, it just sucks since Anet was the casual MMO and after 4 years they come out with HOT and it really doesnt fall in line for alot of players.

Dragonhunters NEED to be toned down ASAP

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


For those of you unfamiliar with these clowns:

  • idk.7156 is Nos’s alt account
  • Beast.6745 is Toker’s alt account

Both Legend players, though, admittedly, we all play like bronzes, sometimes.

Clearly a troll post.


You got them good

Let's talk about the new patch, here.

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


The new sigils…I don’t know. They just feel kinda awful to use. In general, the top few classes feel more balanced, but, the game doesn’t feel fun, anymore. Your guys’ thoughts?

This game hasn’t felt “fun” for a while. I’ve been running the same build on my engineer literally since Heart of Thorns launched, and it’s seen nothing but nerfs for two years. I don’t know what Irenio’s deal is, because we never asked for gyros in the first place and he absolutely refuses to let us use elixirs or gadgets in any real capacity—you know, the things that are actually fun to use.

Today they even felt the need to nerf Protection Injection, a trait which ostensibly just managed to, I guess, fly under the radar for five years before needing this change in May 2017. It’s almost comical at this point. What changed that warranted this nerf?

There’s just absolutely nothing inspirational in these patch notes. They just constantly tackle the low hanging fruit like Healing Signet without properly addressing the deep issues that elite specializations put into the game: there’s just very little build variety, and this patch only stifled things further for multiple professions. I didn’t play nearly any games in season six, and I don’t see why that’ll change for season seven. I don’t care how good or bad it is: I’m just tired of playing the same kittening build every kittening season, and it’s sad they continue to nerf our meta build without helping us create any actual alternatives.

That line is all that needs to be said, this game hasnt been fun since HOT.

There is always something wrong, build diversity among the top since HOT.

But Naru hit it on the head, they gutted 3 classes. Thats terrible, you have 9 classes and each class should be able to compete with one another with at least 1 build.

If its not the kitten poor balance its the broken side parts of the game like REZ speed and invulnerability when you first get downed.

We are literally at a point where no one has a clue who Anet balances the game for. Is it new players? This doesnt help them because they will die to what ever meta build they cant play against since there are no counter builds. And elite players literally have nothing but negative things to say about the games PvP scene.

For players like myself i want it to be fun and the ability to compete with players at my level with different builds. HOT made GW2 not fun in WvW and PvP, you have to just quit playing those 2 side games.

Mike Obrian said if you play WvW you play PvP, ummmm guys what are doing playing PvP? we are all suppose to be in PvE. (OMG the story line just fails so hard, oak heart dues-ex machina anyone?)

Can we do something about mastery points?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


How can the maps be dead, and full, at the same time? Seems kind of contradictory.

@kdaddy: ArenaNet never stated that the reason that WvW Map Completion was removed was due to popular demand. It was more likely due to changing the maps available; i.e. Desert Borderlands and the new mechanics.

Good luck.

By who?

They didnt say, lets all take a guess of the group who didnt want to WvW.

Also the full map empty map thing is due to the mega server.

Everyone crowds into 1 map for the best chance of success and people getting stuck on the outside of that map. Unable to grab enough people to finish a meta map.

Take Care

Can we do something about mastery points?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I actually have had the same issue but not that i couldnt get them.

I actually havent gotten many because i dont like DS and the lane map with ogres and what not. ( ive spent so little time there i cant think of the 3rd HOT map)

Outside of VB i did not enjoy the HOT maps. I have struggled to get alot of mastery points and if it wasnt for raids i would be so far behind.

Anet released the new map with a new spider man mastery trait and i cant use it because im 3 short.

It would mean going back to a map like bitterfrost, DS, that 3rd HOT and completing crap i didnt like. It is the biggest weakness of the new GW2 game. It requires you to play stuff you dont like in order to get items you might want.

Right now i have a friend (same guild for last 5-6 years) and hes in the top 500 for AP. He has 0 raids done and his first attempts with a training guild and pug group were not good so he has decided screw it i wont do raids. He misses out on AP and mastery points because of it. If Anet comes out with more mastery skills they would require him to do it, it would become a very disappointing thing.

Another guild mates hates that Legendary Armors are tied behind raids. Hes been playing GW1 and 2 for over 10 years and now Anet throws in new content that he doesnt do and makes it a requirement to get the new shiny.

I truly find it funny that Anet killed Map completion in WvW border Lands because PvE players complained.

Anet killed PvP levels and unique armor because PvE players cried and complained.

Now its raids and mastery points and players who dont love raids and PvE are complaining because they want to play the game a certain way. Many would say GW2 has changed and it needed to evolve and we must change with it. I laugh at the idea that this is forward thinking. The new map has a ascended back item where you farm 4 hearts for X amount of days.

One of the first thing Anet said they wouldnt do is make mindless missions like go grab 15 apples or kill X monsters for a little icon on a map.

Well guess what Anet has gone back wards with that and they need to rework mastery points to be fun and creative. If i wanted to play a Korean Grind MMO i would of bought one, i bought GW2 and GW HOT. Had alot of us known HOT would of been like this we wouldnt have bought it.

New Player, Sad Player. Expansion ruined it.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Of course no game is perfect, but I believe that the complaint was that someone finds a game they like and then an expansion comes along an fundamentally changes the game in such a manner that it is no longer enjoyable.

What is wrong in asking or expecting for more of the same in an expansion?

Thats where it hit most of my guild.

I recently quit PvP all together since it feels alot like spam now and i cant even counter argue myself into believing it isnt anymore.

But earlier this week alot of my guild mates got on discord. We jumped into WvW together. 2-3 ran vanilla builds and 2-3 HOT builds.

The ones running core builds would go silent in team fights from the DH traps and the OP necro damage with mesmer wells.

This game has so drastically changed from what alot of people liked. I myself still play the story line and the guild members still playing asked me to come in and try the new mastery spider man skill.

I couldnt, I have near 29k AP and ive played HOT. Just not done alot of the DS and AB stuff since i dont like those maps. I dont have enough Mastery points to unlock the spider man skill.

I finished the recent story line and i played the map which i actually like. But im still 3 MP short which means if i want it, go back and do some HOT content i dont like.

You can actually say that if you like core GW2, you might not like HOT. And vice versa that if you like HOT GW2 that core GW2 might be a little slow for ya.

Would more Elite Specs save PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


People who care for spvp don´t play it for the rewards. They play it for compete and having a good game. Pve people are the only ones who misuse spvp as a grinding place.
But thats not want it should be about, and obviously not what it was suppose to be about.

I hate when people say this.

You play for a reason, seriously i this stuff drives me insane.

Helseth, Noscoc and many of the other Pro players have all said things like they were gonna quit the game but Anet came out with X to keep them around.

For instance they came out with Leader Boards, for many of us it was about getting as high of possible of a ranking.

I made top 300 in solo que and top 500 in team que. Anet removed these and then things like AG tournaments- ESL- WTS – TOL tournaments came.

Then the Grind Boards came out. After 2 of those we the Pro Leagues, why are people leaving?

Because there is nothing to play for.

PvE players dont want to play because they killed rewards. Pro players dont want to play because they already know, im sorry but the top 50 players in the game know who they are and they know the others at that level.

The above average player like myself, i want to be challenged by playing the best players in the game, potentially get a top 250 spot that gives a unique item and make some gold off of it.

I didnt play this season till 2 weeks left simply because i saw none of the top players were playing. A cheap way to get a top 250 title, as a competitor it doesnt sit right with me if i got in the top 150 knowing the 50 ESL players from the Pro League are not even playing.

And they nerfed rewards to where i have to craft now? WHAT ANET, THERE ISNT EVEN CRAFTING STATIONS IN THE MISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As someone who played alot of ball back in the day. The first step is proving your the best in your school, then the area, then the state, then the country and finally the world.

Players like MJ and Bill Russel retire way before there time is because they are looking for the next challenge.

If there is no challenge, people will stay for the cow/ cash/ shiny drop.

This past season is a perfect example of no one really having a reason to play and it showed with a 100 or so gold 3 players getting into the top 250 NA.

Question about the device

in Living World

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Technically Omaad made the machine.

It’s too abstract for me to really understand it either, but essentially what she did was use Omaad’s machine and its access to the eternal alchemy to essentially combine elements of the two elder dragons to oppose their forces. I’m assuming she did this with the samples we get of Jormag and Primordus? So it’s kind of like any other alchemy, only somehow doing it with this machine caused them to interact from the source of the samples.. the elder dragons and their magic?

The whole thing is a little vague but I think it’s just one of the many larger deeper plots they have left open to expand upon in the future if they choose to.

So i came back to reply after reading into this.

I dont like it even more, different races have proven to be far superior then we currently are. Ogden and others have said things such as this is exactly what you think.

So no conclusive evidence, it just makes everything more deus ex-machina to me.

Question about the device

in Living World

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


My take on it is this: Anet wrote themselves into a corner when they decided there would be not one, but six impossibly huge world destroying beings for us to fight. So to prevent each new expansion from being: Amass dragon fighting army>learn dragon’s weakness>kill dragon, they’re now coming up with ways to write off the rest of the dragons as quickly as possible so they can make up some new crap for us to kill.

See thats how it feels but to me it should of never been this way.

After defeating Zhaitan i totally thought we were gonna get some small missions that felt like big deals.

No Anet went with after a huge long war, right back into it with scarlett, her cronys and the awakening of morde.

I really felt that after Zhaitan we would of gotten more missions against bandits and thieves, since food and communitys would be so different after the deaths of so many of its people. Also think of the people involved as well. Asura use there technology to gain advantages. Charrs and humans a mix of both and Norn mostly us face to face combat. The Sylvari as a group would have far less of a population so if thousands of them died that would hit there community so hard.

For me HOT was a real chance for Anet to get creative and give us some unique story lines and different types of game play.

I mean just look at this last living story, they threw out a human god. Thats probably what they whould of done after Zhaitan. A elder dragon is defeated so there is so much free magic going around that human gods come back, mursaat , the jotun find a way to create what they once had.

GW2 has such a rich history of different potential lores. For instance when Braham came back, he might of found what happened to the dead spirit gods of the norn.

Thats why im so frustrated with HOT story. I mean for me that ZHaitan story with all the dungeons was pretty epic, it was just missing a epic boss fight/dungeon battle.

Describe the current meta in one sentence

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Can we hurt each other now?

Question about the device

in Living World

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


The armies of the world were not able to deal with any of the Elder Dragons for years and years. Entire civilizations were ruined or forced to move by them (Orr, Zephyrites, Asura, Kodan, Quaggan, Norn).

None of them were united. That’s sort of the main theme of gw2. The Dragons are stronger than each race, but united (and with the appropriate amount of knowledge and asura tech) we are stronger.

The army of the entire world (the Pact) was taken down by Mordremoth. Yet our PC, assisted (?) by a handful of associates, will deal with these ancient beings!

This was because the Pact were overconfident. They blinded flew into the jungle and expected to win through firepower alone. It also didn’t help that the sylvari were turned when battle commenced.
We learnt the ways of the jungle and from the mistakes of the Pact. Then we allied with those who lived there and thus were able to turn the tide and defeat Mordremoth.

Actually in one of the Arah explorable dungeons a group did come together. Then 1 backed out at the last second.

It made the jotun lose there magic and another race hate the race that backed out.

All of which were more powerful then we currently are as a society.

Currently we are using a machine built by someone else, using info from older races on there trial errors and even when talking to Ogden it seems that these other races the dragons defeated seemed far more advanced then us.

I have no problem with us beating Zhaitan and i hate how the Morde fight happened but its done with.

But at this point we should be feeling the effects. I mean honestly who is left to fight?

The humans are at war with each other. The Charr are constantly dealing with the ghosts of Ascalon, the norns are not a huge group of people and hundreds of millions of people have died in the past 10 years?

The elder races died or left. We have done neither and yet there is no effect. The children whos parents have not come back? How are we capable of keeping people safe and fed as we continue to explore out and create forts for these new areas.

Its one thing to say we came together to defeat the dragons and its another as we keep pushing forward as if nothing has happened.

I totally understand i might be in the minority of feeling this way about realism.

I mean 1 other person felt that way in these comments.

But when so many areas we explore, old dungeons and living world storys/personal storys are about how strong these Elder Dragons are and how they killed/defeated the beings use technology we study and cant even comprehend.

It takes out alot of the immersion for me.

Why i will stay in PvE

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


So i just wanted to end my comments with this.

I finished the Tea Time GW2 PvP talk on youtube. ( my god they are long)

At the 1 hour 45 min mark Helseth and Jebro really started letting there feeling be known and shared some interesting things such as Colin really supported PvP.

That Grouch pushed for PvP finding the sponsors to do these tournaments. Jebro even said something like the money from the PvP tournaments was nothing.

That Grouch fought for the bunker meta in S1 from HOT to be changed. Could you imagine being in a room where S1 of GW2 PvP finished and there were people like “that went well”.

There is so many little things that need worked on in PvP on top of big things.

Which is why im so amazed at some of the comments. You have players saying ohhhh x-x-x-x-x classes are > to x-x-x-x-x-x class group you should lose. You have another comment about X build being meta and it should win vs trash builds.

Thats fine if they were of the same skill level which was another big point in main comment.

I reached Plat 2 and ended in plat 1 S5. I was Gold 3 in S6 but didnt play nearly enough games and had i with that rating would of been in the top 175 i believe.

I was in a game running a unique different build and i could win some 1 vs 1.

I clearly was one of the better players in this match but imo it means nothing when the games build diversity and skill levels of builds are just so bad.

PvP will not get better and if you like it currently thats great for you but there is a reason that so many Pro’s left and there is a reason nothing happened to PvP in the last patch.

No one at Anet cares about PvP and like Mike O said if you play WvW or PvP you play PvE.

Why i will stay in PvE

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Ive read the comments and im still pointing to how is this ok?

Most of you are writing ohhh no support. This was solo que and hear is my issue again, this was never the case pre hot and its the case now because a lack of build diversity and decent builds.

Pre HOT you didnt need to have a support to win (especially in unranked) and there are many of us who won with 3-5 thief teams and 3-5 mesmer teams etc etc. You would even see pre HOT variations like ohh im P/P venom thief and im sword thief and other things.

Playing a meta build only gave the user a advantage if they were good with it.

Now in HOT meta builds are so much better its not very fun. If you dont have the right roles on a team its not very fun. This was not the case Pre HOT.

A long time ago Five Gauge talked another team because in ESL he said they would run boring comps. 3-4 Bunker/support classes with 1 thief. The Abjured would win but it was a process to deal with.

@Menmaro.4607 also you do realize that is a problem in PvE right? Lol this is what people are talking about. The inability to play certain things in raids such as necro and rev. I myself have cleared raids on necro and rev early on and can not do raids since people do not want a necro or rev.

Also my friend ran sword for W1 on his thief and since W1 is pretty easy we went 3 out of 4 back in the day, 1 slip on the gors. That right there shows that even raids has better build diversity then PvP.

Heck i have a friend who is in a raid guild who can still 7 man all the bosses and sell the raid instances. They do alot of these with 2 thieves!!!!!!!!!

Yet you will find alot of people who dont like raids because of a class they choose to run.

My point overall about your comment, PvP should be better balanced then raids. What kind of comment is comparing a whole section of a game to a side game just introduced?

We have had multiple tournaments with prize money, gems rewards, tournaments hosted by the community itself.

Why do you think there are many walking away from the game right now even from PvE? Alot of PvE players want story mode for the raids just so they can experience it, alot of PvE players dont understand why legendary armor is tied to raids.

Tea Time on youtube talks about this.

Question about the device

in Living World

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


They aren’t dead, Primordus and Jormag were put in their ‘pre-awakening state’ which to me, sounds like they were put into a hibernation. Taimi’s machine can kill the 2 elder dragons by forcing their energy to interact with the opposite dragon, but we realised at the last second that if we kill anymore dragons the world will be destroyed. Then Balthazar steals the machine and uses it against primordus. Since we don’t want the dragons to die, we are fighting against Balthazar to make sure he doesn’t destroy the world by killing a dragon.

Yes but how?

How does this machine harness magic energy that is unique to each dragon and force itself against each other?

I dont want to reach about the balance because thats obviously something Anet has for the future but are we not suppose to know how things work?

If your a cook and a guests ask me ( the waiter) whats in your special, i should know whats in it right?

I understand the base points of the story, dragons bad/ god of war bad/ killing dragons bad- im just no under standing the how.

How many ex-machina ghosts things will pop up to help us for no real reason? The commander literally says something like “tami im helping my ghost friends out” and taimi is like ’HUH" and im sitting here watching it like HUH?

For instance Queen Jenna made the Bayonettes to help protect Tyria, scarlett turned them against us. Thats another cases where we are behind tech wise to the enemy.

Here we are again where we have this device uses dragon magic of sort against one another. Can we not use this for other things? The other dragons are absorbing the magic to make there minions stronger.

Can we not do anything with it?

After Zhaitan and Scarlett i simply have more questions about the story then anything else.

For instance Braham does some research and finds a lost artifact, boom can hurt jormags tooth now.

Taimi creates a device that can kill 2 dragons?

We have engaged into battle with a god, we were a wolf spirit for a norn PS level and we were super OP so ill take a guess and say we shouldnt be able to fight a god 1 vs 1 and win it but we ran in there and did.

We fought a god so we could get this machine which can kill 2 dragons …… how does it do that?

How? By Anet pulling things out of nowhere just to have shocking reveals and the like. The same way everything else has worked since HoT basically. Come up with a gimmick and retrofit the story around it.

I was hoping for some info i didnt know.

And thanks for the comments because i actually got some

Its getting a bit frustrating being how well GW2 core story was. With 8 dungeon storys with the personal story and seeing Zhaitans corruption on Orr especially when Orr used to be a super hard place to play at. That was when it was its best, it wasnt even lame to me like HOT.

SO many animals in the HOT areas are simple but OP. Pocket raptors- have AOE damage, if you dont you might die. Must carry alot of CC or stability for things like mushrooms other wise you die. I mean in Orr you could at least dodge roll around eyes and use corners.

Im sputtering but as we keep going forward story wise in GW2. I feel like the story writers must be huge fans of The Fast and the Furious fans or love Michael Bays work.

Question about the device

in Living World

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


We have engaged into battle with a god, we were a wolf spirit for a norn PS level and we were super OP so ill take a guess and say we shouldnt be able to fight a god 1 vs 1 and win it but we ran in there and did.

Something so many people missed during the story is that Balthazar specifically says he lost his power. Hence why he wanted to kill Primo and steal its power.

I caught that too but i thought he said something like he was feeling weak.

I mean by no standards do i feel the commander is exceptional. I mean DE technically did all the work for Zhaitan. Then Trahearne and 2 of DE members were still a huge reason for morde.

DE members are known for being out standing warriors and being pit fighters/ body guards/ assassins. The best among the best, the commander is kind of like a maid who follows around rich kids.

I mean many story lines is you got someone drunk and stole a map, or you asked the wolf spirit for help or killed a griffon for a powerful weapon.

Zooja makes the weapon to kill Zhaitan, Logan plays super hero in the dungeon, Rytlock morphs from the mists, taimi makes all your research ideas and Braham damage jormags tooth by finding a lost artifact.

I personally dont feel any attachment to the commander and just looking at the story from the start.

I kind of feel like Vin Diesel in a Fast and the Furious movie, sorry if im coming off wrong but man im really looking for some actual info or conflict for the actual characters.

During HOT when Eir died, Braham was fine but now he all upset? And its not even Norn culture to be like that?

Canach and Caithe had so little to do with HOT in the actual story?

Kasmeer being afraid was the first real thing to me. The commander as usual said something like well we got to kill the dragons and the gods now.

I mean if you had to play MJ 1 vs 1 in basketball right now to save your life, wouldnt be a little worried? Dude is over 50 but he was one of the greatest ever, if you are the commander. You are not worried 1 bit and i think thats why people glossed over that comment.

Question about the device

in Living World

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Just want to point out that Taimi’s comment about not knowing how it works was about Omadd’s Machine, which was only a component of the device she built. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to use parts you don’t understand the inner workings of to build something else (eg. it’s not because you can’t build an engine that you can’t build a car if you find an engine lying around somewhere)

awesome thanks for that

cptaylor.2670 thanks for the link and i will be checking it

Also yes its impossible to take something else and apply it to another thing if you dont know how it works.

For instance if you intake manifold is is not working properly it will push too much or little threw the cylinders causing other parts of the engine to break such and seals and pistons.

Just because you can change oil or spark plugs doesnt mean you know how to rebuild a engine especially with the more complex it gets, just my opinion though.

Question about the device

in Living World

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


They aren’t dead, Primordus and Jormag were put in their ‘pre-awakening state’ which to me, sounds like they were put into a hibernation. Taimi’s machine can kill the 2 elder dragons by forcing their energy to interact with the opposite dragon, but we realised at the last second that if we kill anymore dragons the world will be destroyed. Then Balthazar steals the machine and uses it against primordus. Since we don’t want the dragons to die, we are fighting against Balthazar to make sure he doesn’t destroy the world by killing a dragon.

Yes but how?

How does this machine harness magic energy that is unique to each dragon and force itself against each other?

I dont want to reach about the balance because thats obviously something Anet has for the future but are we not suppose to know how things work?

If your a cook and a guests ask me ( the waiter) whats in your special, i should know whats in it right?

I understand the base points of the story, dragons bad/ god of war bad/ killing dragons bad- im just no under standing the how.

How many ex-machina ghosts things will pop up to help us for no real reason? The commander literally says something like “tami im helping my ghost friends out” and taimi is like ’HUH" and im sitting here watching it like HUH?

For instance Queen Jenna made the Bayonettes to help protect Tyria, scarlett turned them against us. Thats another cases where we are behind tech wise to the enemy.

Here we are again where we have this device uses dragon magic of sort against one another. Can we not use this for other things? The other dragons are absorbing the magic to make there minions stronger.

Can we not do anything with it?

After Zhaitan and Scarlett i simply have more questions about the story then anything else.

For instance Braham does some research and finds a lost artifact, boom can hurt jormags tooth now.

Taimi creates a device that can kill 2 dragons?

We have engaged into battle with a god, we were a wolf spirit for a norn PS level and we were super OP so ill take a guess and say we shouldnt be able to fight a god 1 vs 1 and win it but we ran in there and did.

We fought a god so we could get this machine which can kill 2 dragons …… how does it do that?

Question about the device

in Living World

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Ok i have been having a really hard time believing the story lines since HOT.

Zhaitan ok i get that we killed a Elder dragon after years of work and slowly starving him and using incredibly powerful weapons. I believe after that fight Trahearne said something like we “lost most of the pact” which to me is over 50% of our armed forces.

Completely believable as much as the world doesnt show the effects of the Zhaitan fight.

The morde saga was horrible and ill just skip it.

Now we just had a new episode and my question becomes how is Taimi making this machine that kills 2 elder dragons at the same time?

She makes comments like “even i dont know how it works”, what?

I dont know if im the commander anymore or if the commander is just some character i control but we are now fighting gods and just rushing into it alone?

I am seriously so confused on the lily pads we jumped here. We keep running into magical beings who just give us the answers to things. Like rata novus in morde saga, Trahearne can help us kill morde ……… and now Tami made a machine that can kill both dragons by ???

When we first went to some of the new maps like Ember Bay people were dying like Taimis assistant.

I would just like some answers on how we are still pushing forward so strongly and running into all these beings that just help us out of no where.

My biggest question is what makes the magic we are using to kill 2 elder dragons at the same time? If we have this ability how is it that Balth can come right into our Lab, shut down or Way Point, teleport it to a new area, where i get into a volcano where Taimi magically appears?

If anyone could share i would love to see/read the parts im missing.

Why i will stay in PvE

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


If you actually care about winning, choose a strong build and get good at it. There are a lot of strong builds!

If you just want to play random build and have fun, then go ahead but don’t take win/loss srsly.

You wrote there is alot of strong builds.

The whole point of my posts is saying no there is not.

The whole point of PvP is to try and think of some build someone else hasnt tried or isnt playing because its not meta and make that work. Thats a huge fun aspect of theory crafting in PvP.

When 1 build gives the most boons, most condi cleanses, stun breaks, cc and healing- damage output ratio .

Thats a serious problem when Anet put 4 players on 1 team running those builds on 1 team. And 1 on the other and they are so superior that potentially the team with 1 meta build were actually the better players but because of the poor balance in PvP.

Its better in your suggestion to not care.