Showing Posts For kdaddy.5431:

someone reported me for afk

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Im sorry but the phoenix finisher means nothing, as someone who has been playing since pre and me and a gild mate mostly wvw and pvp. Laughing at all the people who have dragon finishers is what we do. Sriously i almost had shark before the patch and my friend was at lvl 63 when you need 280k per level.

You getting waxed by another noob to many who have actually played for awhile doesnt change anything. If i solo qued with another person who also decent, we probably would of crushed them. Which is why you faced him, literally there are people crushing others in 1vs2 and 2vs2 and there is no where to place you. The very people that crushed you probably get crushed by the next tier of players which i bet arent even the best because the phoenix finisher isnt that impressive.

D/D Cele Ele is OP but...

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


i honesetly didnt even think you are that good

A way to report

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Im sorry but there has to be a way to report afkers during a match. I literally had 2 different people in multiple matches today quit on about 4 games because we fell down 100pts. The guardian couldnt just sit on home no, at the battle of khylo he sat at the start behind the wall waited for them to cap and decapped it and ran back to his spot. In another game a mesmer in said you guys are trash after we get double capped at the start of the match and literally sat. He pressed /sat at around 40-20.

I know there is a negative to giving the community some power to say hey this guy is not playing or being a poor sport. For some people it takes alot fo fun out the game when you and 1-2 friends get on and there is literally 1 person saying i dont want to try.

losing does not feel like an achievement

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Im sorry there is no possible way for the matches to be 50/50. Its 5 vs 5 where some players are kobe and dirk and some are kwame brown and reggie evans. I have no idea where int he world your gonna play someone at exactly your teams skill level with either you getting better or getting worse to match a certain type of player.

Any scenarios where staff ele beats d/d ele?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I use staff and i lose vs all good d/d eles but i will say i can stack about 17 might in 4 sec and when im at range distance with some good bunkers i can really light up a group fighting on points. though once again i will lose vs a good d/d ele with the meta build.

Backpack Forming Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I dont play any of those builds

About meta healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I make it a point in my builds to be able to do alot of dps, condition dmg or some how be able to psn or put weakness on people. I do agree peoples healing feels impossible to stop but its on equal grounds since its difficult to stop anyone.

PVP elite

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Ok so im having this problem in pvp where i lose theres always at least 1 person talking about how this team is trash. I keep running into these im the elite of pvp yet if i look up there name on gw2score there like a below 500 win %. Im just wondering if its just me?

For example i ran to far and 2 people stayed there to kill me, 1 of theres ran to our home killed our home person. And of course we had 2 mesmers and a thief at mid not cap it so by the end of my death and the end of the home persons death we get triple capped. And of course the thief and mesmer who went mid talked crap about what garbage this team was. I just wondering if this is the gw2 community or do i keep playing with best pvp players on the planet and losing?

The leader board point system?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


not for me, 27 wins and i got 26 points. Also i mostly solo que. Who da thunk it

Problem for new pvp players

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


thanks, but i dont see them in the gem store. Also there only good for 30 days seems like a waste to spend gems for 3-4 days for new guild members to casually duel each other once or twice. Thanks again

Accurate ladder, ranked by "Pts per win"

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Lol i dont get it, you say yeah they should be valued but give no real points to bring them in. I have a guild mate who is 12-1 in ranked games. He mostly solo ques and/or party with 1-2 guild members and we dont use ts for pvp. This is a leaderboard for pvp players where winning is the name of the game. I shouldnt see a guy with a 38% win rate over my friend. I know of 2 people ranked in the 400-500 area who are elite players in the pvp land. They have over 60% win rates and just because they dont play 5-10 games a day, your saying they shouldnt be higher. Its hard to try and debate this with someone who talks so poorly about people who coordinate better cause they use ts. Its a advantage yes but im 100% sure that those guys with 65% win rates are better then the 45% with or without ts.

Problem for new pvp players

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Ok so we got some new guild members and they wanted to pvp against one another and for some of the veteran guild people to assist and show some things. Problem we go to practice and we were all thrown into random games. Without the servers, friends new to the game cant duel one another. We cant 2 vs 2 on a open server. I mean these guys have less then 1k ap and are just getting thrown into practice with some people who are crushing them.

Also some people dont want to do it for the competition, just the fun of saying they beat a guild mate or friend. Im just unsure how to take new pvp players to areas where its not killed or be killed.

Change something, Current state of the Meta

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


This was a very good post, you did your work but i disagree with 2 things. parts 1-2 i disagree with. I beleive celestial ammy is abused because of might stacking as appose the stats. part 2 i feel again its because of might stacking. That 4k dmg wouldnt be 4k if they engineer couldnt get 20 stacks of might and sustain it. So those 2 things i dont agree with because i dont believe there the actual problem but the problem of something else thats right for the pvp field.

I completely agree with 3, i have no idea what that is. Why allow pure bunker characters with might stacking and fury be able to get double crit dmg. Wow that was so bad.

4-5 to me are things that just need reduced. I feel alot of the problems with points 4-5 is because there is so much dmg and the dmg is coming from bunker characters. So the question to me is how you fix it.

See what i would like is have base stats that are those stats and the boon stats being separate. Also get rid of the double sigil dmg on crit. That way people who have 6 to power do more dmg then the 0-0 ele that stacks 25 might. If we did that the dps of characters would balance out threw all the classes. I dont know what you think about that but i like to say thanks for posting cause you had some great points.

Accurate ladder, ranked by "Pts per win"

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Im not disagreeing with you on the fairness but i am on the idea that average players should be the top 50 on the leader board. Im sorry but if you have michael jordan and scottie pippen on your team and i got chris dudley and chris childs im going to lose. I understand your trying to say make it as fair as possible which i agree with but i cant agree with a leader board and system that dont show the best players. There are guys with literally less then 42% win rates on this board, is it great for them to get points on a win. Of course but its not fair to the guy who is solo queing or with 1 friend and these guys ahve 60%+ wins. The entire system is play as many games as possible and if your really good +1 and if your average +2 when the best players in the game dont play all at the same time.

How do you feel about the 20 or so people with 65%+ wins and over 80 wins not being near the top 50? Or some of the guys who are walking around at 20-2. I mean not everyone can spend hours on end playing this game. Just wondering your thoughts on how to assimilate there value into the pvp leader board structure.

Accurate ladder, ranked by "Pts per win"

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Im sorry once you again your talking about the little guy, this is the LEADER BOARD. The leader board is suppose to represent the best. Now the people starting off on the bottom should be fighting other people starting out from the bottom. Also your tlaking about rewarding everyone who does better then there average which is fine but you dont lead the gw2 community on by posting up a leaderboard of average players.

If you want to talk about leaderboard seasons and rewards for it, thats fine. That way incoming players can practice now and get better for the next season but as constructed this is not a good leader board. Your argument has no base.

Points per win, should we all have win shares or per?(player efficiency rating) You have made better cases in the past couple weeks but this was bad.

Here are the top 25 players on the current leaderboard ranked by how many points per win they average.

I would say this means that they tend to win “bigger” than predicted, and lose less severely than predicted.

That means they tend to help their teams the most.

You got people who have more losses then wins. Im sorry but im average and i win more then 50%. I have friends who are great winning 60%+ and not in the top 200. Tell me how some guy who isnt better then my friend higher then him on a leader board thats here to tell community who the best pvp players are?

Accurate ladder, ranked by "Pts per win"

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


So let me get it straight, people who take the time to coordinate or have friends who they like to play with should be penalized? Also they were on top of the solo que leader board too. Your logic makes no sense, if i win a match i wasnt expected to win great but if i play that same team 5 more time and lost 5 it doesnt mean im better then them.

Also you saying they should solo, why? I solo que most of the time but i dont feel i should get more credit for it. If muliplte team up and coordinate there builds and strategy i feel they should get credit for it. There are people who are small groups of 3-4 who try to find other pugs in hotm to get a better feel for the team and guess what they still lose.

And you missed my point completly, im sorry but there is no one in this top 25 im taking if i had a choice who what 4 other people i can choose from. Those so called best players where on top of the solo and team que for literal months and just because we now use a leaderboard where farming is what is called for now, after pvp was made so easy for everyone. Anet makes getting ranks easier, they make builds easier for the new people coming in easier and now you want to punish those who have friends or made friends threw pvp because they take to time to get on team speak? Would you aslo like for people you fight against play with 1 hand or have 20% less life. Im sorry pvp should not be equal, if you play a group of really good players and you got 3 bad pugs. You should get warped, if i play kobe bryant 1 vs 1 i shouldnt complain because hes 5 inches taller then me or because he jumps 5 inches higher. I should know going in that those things are going to give him a advantage when i dont have those things.

Accurate ladder, ranked by "Pts per win"

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


LOL what is that? The leaderboard is suppose to represent the best. For example if everyone is to solo que who do i want on my team? Guess what ill take 3 of my guild mates who like me are slightly above average over these top 25 so called leaders of the board.

I have a guild mate 9-0, i see others like noscoc at what is it 100-5. And your telling me that i should want these 25 people over magictoker,ostrich eggs,josre, and zoose? please stop it. Its had to tell if your really believe this or just trolling.

How fast would other devs fix this?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


i dont know, d3 took for any combat ajustment system. I quickly quit playing it and my friend doesnt bother with anything other then farming since they still havent gotten it right

(Suggestion) Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Lol this one is funny cause all everyone is doing is trolling the person posting the topic.

Also the leaderboard is suppose to be about the best players. Hence LEADERBOARD, when people read it it suppose to be the best players. In the top 50 there are about 6 players i sit here saying to myself really?

premade vs pug?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


i didnt say they were good right now, im just saying from a big picture or outside the box look its going in the right direction. I tend to believe though that people tend to think there alot better then they really are or blame other people when they make mistakes. Not trying to say your bad just maybe they have you ranked in a awkward spot forcing you to play in the middle area where the skill level of the players are miles apart.
Just for example i was quing with a random group of 5 today, we lost every match and they kicked me from the group and i went on too win my next 2. Was i the reason we lost, maybe but i know im in this medicore group of people queing up.

Question about the mmr

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I was wondering if there was anyway for us to see our own mmr’s. Im just curious ….

thank you

Bring Solo Queueing Back To Gw2 PVP!

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


i disagree, solo q allows for people to not care about the team. I yolo all the time but i like it when i dont have people on i trust. When they get the queing down right hopefully the the games start really quickly.

Class MMR is bad.

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


that brings up another question for me though, are there pvp bots? To me it feels insane but ive run into games where a mesmer or ranger kepting running far and losing or capping when someone was gone and run right into the enemy zerg at mid and start he process again.

premade vs pug?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I think they changed it for que times, the que times are much better and in theory they can get the ranking down better. So for instance that really good player who likes to solo que with other pugs vs the premade team who is average. The idea is seems to make it even. obviously if alot people arent queing up youll get the all-star premade vs 5 averge joes but overall there working out the system. I think its going in the right direction from that perspective.

The leaderboards lol

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Lol there is a problem when everyone seems to know lexi a ranger who doesnt seem very good and is on top of the leader board. I didnt take his post as arrogant i took it as i have a perfect record and hes not not on the front page. Im having a problem witht he leader board cause its called the LEADER BOARD and the better players should be at the top not the ones with the most games played.

Also if you see someone at the top of the leader board and you see them in pvp you can understand that you will lose cause there a premade or really good. When you beat lexi a supposed bot it doesnt really mean as much.

The new pvp daily

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Im sorry i dont like the system. I understand you guys make it as easy as possible for people to play and understand this game but come on. I have to log in to another character just to finish my dailies. I like the idea of me being able to finish dailies without having to log on to a bunch of characters.

Also having a bunch of dailys for each area is a bit silly isnt it? I mean people have been calling this game fashion wars lately and in the last 2 days there calling it Reward Wars. Ive seen alot of people move on from this game simply cause there is no grind at all and im starting to get frustrated at the fact im suppose collect armor skins in pvp. Also i feel like the community is tired of people walking into the game getting the dragon rank in pvp in a few weeks and talking like there really good at pvp. The skill and level of each player isnt being shown in anyway. So people think when they go into a match that it will be close to fair then see that there team is full of noobs who use dragon finishers which only empowers them to say and do what ever they want.

The finals in the pvp matches?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I wasnt there to watch it live but will gw2 put it up on there page somewhere to watch? I really enjoyed the tog finals and would love to watch this tourneys finals aswell.

3 games - 3 blowouts

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Me and my guild mate ran into this problem, we both solo qued to see the changes and he lost 5 in a row. I went like 5-15 so yeah we feel your pain.

I want to play soloq and not teamq

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I only had 1 match but it was rough, our team 5 solo ques and there team full 5. We had 2 thieves a necro and 2 mesmers vs a premade 2 engineer and 2ele and 1 ranger team. We got washed, also i dont know how the ranking things have gone but ive either had lose by 300 or win by 300. I blame the community for that but there is only 1 button for ranked fighting.

keep courtyard

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


This map is great, people are complaining since it doesnt mold to there current build. Im finding the turrent enginners and d/d eles complainging most about it.

A few things

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


1) you didnt add a afk report. My first 2 matches i had people go afk and said they didnt care. Also another game 1 person left and it was 4 vs 5 and then 2 people on my team afk and we had the lead.

2) Not being able to add friends unless qued together. I have friends who actually prefer hot join so they sometimes dont notice a invite. Also not being able to que from outside the pvp room. I cant use the mystic forge or crafting stations while i wait?

3) whats with the glowing items now in my inventory? Never heard this before but everyone in the pvp is calling this game fashion wars. I dont have 5 20 slot bags to see glowing items every time i pick up something.

4) PvP room is still exactly the same

Is it just me

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


No its crazy i literally change nothing, i actually run nothing when i run the game. Its been good for a couple months now where i could play for hours straight. Bow though 20 min max and i dc or get kicked out the game. I have no idea why it happens but i was wondering if i can do something on my side.

Is it just me

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


OK so ive been playing since pre and there are moments where ill get kicked out or dc’ed every 20 min. Ill literally be playing the game for like 8 months with no problems and no crashes. Then like today i cant play for more then 20 min. Its happened a few times before but it ultimately fixes itself. Just wondering if its something im doing?

Top 15 North America

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Is this only tourney play, having played a alot of the top na players id say celtus or his character name josre should be a top 15 player. Obvioulsy he didnt play in the tounrey but just wondering.

AFK permitted time ?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


There is a down time in the middle of matches not to mention hot joins if you can play a legit match.

Most Engis Wins

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


If were being honest, if you cant beat a turrent engineer. Your not that good of a pvp player. I elarned that after after this 1 thief smashed my turrent engineer twice in a solo que. He used 2 different tactics too which i found super impressive. I alos lost to good staff eles and warrior/guardians who knew what they were doing.

RIP common sense

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I always blame the players. Everyone in pvp land screams op with any build that they lose too. Everyone in this game refuses to chance there build if its not good enough. Every single class has been either upgraded or downgraded and still everyone camplains. today in in pvp land, everyone was screaming rangers op. A few of us asked, did they have reflection or a guardian. They said yeah so, well obviously your build sucks. People in the game will comaplain no matter what.

Pvp leavers

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I just want anet to know, its literally every other game for me where someone on my team or the opposing team were we start off 5 vs 5 and after the intial battle or mid way through. One person from a team leaves. I find it so furstrating for both me playing 4 vs 5 and then seeing the score get so lopsided when im on the 5 vs 4.

I just want to point this out cause out of the possibly 50 matches of this 4 vs 5 solo ques, ive only won 3 of these.

Glory for activities?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


it shouldnt matter how long he was gone, anet changes things all the time for the convience of new players or crappy players. So why not to the people who actually paid for and played the game from the start?

solo q full of engies

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


if you see engineers why dont you switch to a ele or necro? Most of the time i switch to my warrior and use stances with juggeranut elite. They run if there not turrents and you should be able to beat turrents. Seriously just kill the healing turrent and have a stability skill.

PvP rank

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


disagree with ya zaxares, i was at bear ranking before the big change and my team ran into a pvp guild called fort trinity where they had 4 legit pheonix players. They wasted us 4-5 times. People who play alot tend to be better then new people figuring out the builds they like. For instance a level 60 thief though he might not be great has the experience to recognize what skills are being use by a mesmer or engineer and so forth. Seriously the biggest problem in this community is people dont see the big attacks coming and cry op when they get killed in 30 sec. Seriously every shark and up player in pvp before the big patch was at least decent, im running into dragon skilled players who i dont even use my utility skills for. Its a little upsetting for me to see the most average of players getting everything so they dont have to earn it with time or skill.

This game becomes complete joke

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


ive never had a problem with mesmers with any class. if im to be honest i have it set up to where 1 of my classes is spec for a certain type of player. I find it wierd that everyone comes on here complaining about how there build cant beat a certain class and some people are complaining about every class. No invulnerability no beserker stance or endure, no invisibility. Jeez your either horrible at pvp or you have a terrible build your unwilling to change since you cant win with it.

PvP rank

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Lastly if you play in na i do feel that alot of the better players are leaving, a guardian with meditations and spamming might shouldnt be dominating if thats what you are implying you are doing.

PvP rank

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I agree 100% with the ranks and its too easy, alot of my friends in pvp quit playing since they were high level 50’s or low level 60’s and when they changed pvp they all became 80 and there was really nothing left to go for. Seriously any scrub can spend 3 weeks in pvp and get to 80 and it took me and a guildie to get to 60 for teh first 18 months of the game and to be honest we felt cheated. When he got that shark finisher he was so pumped and i was 2 levels away and then bam, were dragons.

Also i like the leaderboard since its just for fun, not to worried about it but its fun to see you and your friends name on the board. PvP has died for me since im only doing it for ap and since im almost to 20k i feel i should but im drowning a bit to log in anymore. Great points though

So I am not with the whole Rangers..

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


i understand what you are saying but when the match was starting did you take a look of who you were fighting? And what you team set up was? Like when i have my ranger or mesmer and i see 2 other softer classes i switch to a bunker i know that might just be me. I do understand the feeling though, keep at it

First game tonight

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


lol i played with afk solo q that sucks he did that to you guys we won our match, i have to age agree we need a report button for afk and punishing people who que up for the tourney matches and not showing up and or leaving the game.

And so, there's another Sunday.

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


i cant imagine the 4 vs 5, i do my pvp dailies and i rarely ever run into 4 vs 5 but it happens so sorry for that

Its not the classes

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


all im saying was that everyone on this forum board is posting something lame like thief op, mesmer shatter build op, warrior hambow op and im personally tired of changing my solid build because 80% of players are crappy. If crappy players can exploit a build problem ok but when anet has to nerf builds and prop up other ones becasue the majority of gw2 players arent very good. Seriously thats a problem. And to respond to 2 points, its the point that ive never lost to a thief on a turrent engineer and this guy did it twice doing 2 different tactics. Thats what is supposed to take not a nerf to turrents cause 99% of the other players arent very good. And also solo ques just because there solos doesnt mean you dont have to have good tactics. And becasue your team mates are bad doesnt mean a class needs nerfed. Not everyone is mj and scottie pippen in pvp. I honetly feel we should hold the steve kerrs and luc longelys of the gw2 pvp community to there proper place instead of saying everyone should be equal.

Its not the classes

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Im on here recently looking at peoples complaints about classes and ive come to the conclusion after running some of the builds that annoy people that its the community. Ive ran into 1 thief who beat my turrent engineer among other builds and ive come to the conclusion that the problem isnt the classes abilities its the community. I recently did a solo que were we had 2 mesmers and 2 thieves and they had 2 guardians 2 warriors and a ele. Did any of these people change classes? nope, did any of these people win a 2vs 2 match for point or a 1 vs 1 match? The answer again is no and i dont blame them for the loss cause i saw it happening. Im blaming all the people who come on this forum blaming anet that they cant win a fight vs a certain class with there current set up. There are very few people in this game good enough to roll threw all classes and i dont believe you have a right to complain cause your necro build is garbage and come onto the forum complaining about other classes.

Cheesy/troll builds.

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Im sorry but im currently finishing all my pvp ap points and im running a turrent engineer and its obvious who are good and whos not. Ive lost to a thief and a guardian and ive never thought it happened with this build but doing this cheese build has shown me that the better players figure out how to beat other builds no matter the class. Seriously ive only lost to this 1 thief and he did it twice with a different apporach each time. I was very impressed and by the sounds of it im guessing you guys are marginal players struggling with peoples builds which i understand cause im the same but to blame “cheese builds” when if were honest its you, it is you.