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Losing interest in Living Story

in Living World

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Once I played an amazing game named Dragon’s Dogma, incredible gameplay and the story I liked it as well, something called my attention there which some of the players really praised: The world is bigger than the player’s role in it. In this particular game players were chosen to slay a massive dragon that could destroy entire civilizations, but during the story we learn of some characters with their own life and dramas and most of them were left unresolved… why? because our character’s role was only one: fight the dragon. We weren’t supposed to meddle in every plot around the world (politics, the kingdoms rivalries, a betrayer whose final destiny we didn’t learned, the church’s secret and dark organization and so many more). We were left with many plotholes because thats how a realistic world works, we cannot learn everything about everything.

Like what happened in Dragons Dogma, in the Guildwars universe life went on while we played through the story: while we fough Zhaitan, kasmeer, marjory and all of the dragon’s watch members were on their own lives, during the fight with mordemoth, caudecus was preparing to make his move for the krytan throne. So much happened behind the scenes while we were doing these things, and, likewise, so many stories happening right now while we are busy with the new revealed threat that we don’t know of and are not suppose to know, at least not yet. All that is left to us is to speculate, deduce or wait for anet to reveal these stories and mysteries to us.

And in the end, if you don’t really like it, then perhaps this game’s plot isn’t really for you (not everyone loved The Lord of The Ring plot, or the godfather’s, or mass effect’s, etc), as for me I’m pretty thrilled with the current events.

If you want to take reall life into it we can.

1- Braham should not act this way because it is not part of Norn Culture to cry like this. His mother would be praised with song and a Legend who brought DE together and killed the first elder dragon.

The devs gave some human reasoning behind it with there own lives but this isnt there lives. You wrote a story with characters, cultures and historic back rounds. They are not sticking to it.

2- The new characters vs the old. Op stated in the main topic that you were kind of part of the process but eventually goes into the direction of Trehearne leading Tyria vs Zhaitan.

I personally loved it because it made sense, you helped the order you were in. You helped bring DE back together they greatest warriors in the land, you assists in every way possible but the death of Zhaitan wasnt about you. It was about the Journey you took to get there.

Now with the new Guild, YOU are the leader. YOU saved the egg, killed Scarlett, saved DE and YOU killed mordremoth.

Huge problem, giant lack of layers with in the story. For instance why did Trehearne jump into the fight with Morde knowing he was there creator, knowing the pale tree was hurt and simply knowing he is a scholar first. He set up the death of Zhaitan by slowly starving it, killing the eye, helping Zojja create the lazer that kills him.

That is called development and in HOT you run around, " ohhhh look a egg" ohhh look we will just jump into Morde and kill him" " ohhhh Taimi i have to help my ghost friends out, Taimi replys ghost friends? "

There is a serious lack of thought behind the story line, its like Micheal Bay is writing GW2 after the Scarlett wars.

3- You touched on it, the million things happening in Tyria yet we dont get to see it.

GW2 when releasing HOT talked about a interactive story, giving you a unique experience threw the game play. None of that has happened, we got a little of set up with Caduacus and it had its moments. But once again the final fight with him was poorly done and the other parts of the story who prefer there cultures.

For instance my 2 favorite races are Sylvari and Norn. I had 2 Sylvari play threw the HOT personal story and it was straight crap, as well as my character not caring for the person who gave me life and the ability of choice.

Seriously who treats there mother this way?

All in all you can say its like real life and you may enjoy it. More to ya, im happy that you are enjoying the game. But to say this is real? Naw no one would act like this, at some point the Death of so many friends. 1/2 of the people fighting this war would be dead. There is nothing real from this game which is why people are losing interest.

Matchmaking will get exposed

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Not many trust what the developers say. They all feel there is unseen manipulation behind the scenes. And how are we to trust them? If every real issue we point out gets silenced? Even if someone did post the truth about matchmaking it would be deleted. So how can we give proper feedback on systems like this?

Sadly we have no choice but to trust them and their MMR system because we are not the devs.

It would be nice if Anet kind of debunked the rumors though.

For instance showing the team ratings of each team. Like in S6 a player in silver showed in a Screen Shot facing a Duo in the top 10.

I mean seasons 1-? you could see your team mates rank. Why stop?

There is just so many holes in GW2 PvP when it comes to a competitive system. Were not even talking fun, for me the games PvP and WvW action just are not fun right now. That goes for alot of people but when it comes to creating fair matches and proper ways of seeing where people rank, it does a terrible job.

For instance Helseth created a new character and started in bronze, it took him 100 or so games to get to Plat 2. That means for 90 or so games he was mopping people left at right.

In LoL it took me 5 games to get from Silver V to IV and the + wins only get higher with more wins you get. Anet PvP system in just too many ways doesnt make sense, from moving up or down.

Last example, i believe this is true if someone could double check. The Ele from TCG who had won B2B World Tournaments got stuck in gold when Solo Queing. This is far less a knock against him but Anet ability to balance classes. This person might be the best support player in the game but it means nothing and the ranks i believe showed that. ( i heard this threw someone else, so im not 100% sure on its authenticity)

this game pvp really down to nothing

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I miss playing my old Power LB Ranger in PvP, back in the days, today, if i don’t play the Holy Meta build, i just need to shove my mother’s credit card in the arteries.

You are kinda true JT, I’m sick of Conquest mode, it’s almost being like that for 5 years. TDM ? It worked, in ranked ? I don’t think it got there . Stronghold ? Made his way in ranked, swiftly removed cause idk the reasons (can someone enlight me on this one please ?).

That first season you would do some wacky crap that made killing the door breakers impossible.

Like have 1 mesmer, ( pref 2) 1 ele and a rev and boom you all make a break to the door.

I was in a ranked match and both teams 5 man pushed it to the lord. They won and the game took i say a little over 1 minute to play.

If you want to argue strategy, go ahead but i can tell you that with our premade we 5 man rushed it and if anyone stayed back to defend we get the kill. I dont have the Screen shot anymore but in S2 for a ranked game my guild team won a 3 vs 5.

We had 1 player play MM necro and he had rise which worked off the door breakers and then 2 of us rushed lord. Stronghold is just one of the many things HOT did not work with.

HOT specs work very well with raids but honestly it really crushed the rest of the game and stronghold was easy to find holes in.

Why did ArenaNet abandon Elder Dragon bosses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Im ok with that, Anet for me dropped the ball really badly with the HOT story line.

As Sylvari and Norn are my favorite races i thought it was a chance to see more into the culture of them ( sylvari espeically) since this is the elder dragon that created them. See the Pale Tree come back being that she is my favorite NPC.

Also HOT really hurt me being Eir, Caithe are my 2nd and 3rd favorites. No spoilers

I also liked Trehearne, it wasnt up there but i liked his character for the role he brought to the story as a Sylvari chasing his Wild Hunt and all the studying he did, explaining him as a Scholar.

GW itself has a great back story. GW2 the original story line with Zhaitan was better then average though i think it would of left a better taste in our mouths had we actually got to fight Zhaitan after blowing up 1/2 its body. Like we have to finish the job on the beach.

With all that rambling, HOT pooped the bed hard. Lack of character story lines, Lack of interest for whats going on, alot of Dues EX-Machina , character break downs, ( characters who did things they would of never done based of the GW2 story line, fighting ZHaitan) and just a lack of actual story to go threw.

LS didnt help either. Here we have the most powerful beings known to all beings. The dragons who have defeated all who have crossed them and Tami made a machine that could kill 2 at once.

Its not bad enough that the human gods are much stronger then us, or the fact that 1 of the new maps with the volcano left clues of far more advanced civilizations then ours losing to the dragons.

I mean think it would be a good change of pace so they can refocus and actually make fighting epic monsters epic again.

this game pvp really down to nothing

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I run core warrior this season because i enjoy playing core more then HOT specs. I was placed in Gold 3.

I got to Plat 2 and finished in plat 1 in season 5 playing HOT warrior and heal bot ele.

Guess what, i do not enjoy playing these builds. I went back to playing trap ranger in S6 something i did back pre-hot and played rifle warrior (core and HOT) and i was gold 3 that season. I probably could of made top 250 in NA playing core builds had i played enough games.

Thats not the point of it, for me CORE/ Vanilla builds are simply more fun to play with and against. Thats why i played them.

Unpopular opinion on match making

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


wait mid gold is now rank 47 …………………….. ??????

I am pretty sure he ment his PvP Rank =D

come on you have to admit that was good


Guild Halls, and the One-Man Guild.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


It was intented t make guild harder for 1 man and smaller guilds will ofc have it harder since the buildings cost. And why not its a nature of a guild the bigger the stronger. if you so decide to keep it small feel free but it will be harder.

I dont think people have a problem with harder.

For instance lets say to upgrade your guild hall you have to get guild members, use the device thats transports you to a mission area ( the star gate) where you have to fight a boss ( like a raid) or finish some chain events in a certain time limit. ( like when we acquired guild halls)

But guild halls was nothing like that, it was simply take wood and put in. Take Ore and put in, take X and put in.

Hears the biggest kicker, you have to throw gold and mats at Bonuses you already unlocked.

WvW items guess what we already unlocked them but guess what. We get to do it again, Anet says thats not all. What what, please tell me more Anet. They say remember those boosters you unlocked for your guild. We reply YES!!!!!!!! Well only HOT players can get them and you no longer have access to them, you must unlock them again says Anet. Ohhhh that kind of sucks ……………………………..

Guild Halls was a terribly implemented, my guild members and I loved exploring it, love decorating it, ( with what little we could) but that doesnt change the fact that it was a pure grind.

It is everything GW2 originally was NOT suppose to be. GW2 is suppose to be about the experience, about the story and having fun playing it your way in the process. Obviously the game has taken a 180 and said well WOW is super popular lets just throw out some of that.

Had GW2 made upgrading Guild Halls skill based in any form or fashion it could of been really fun. Heck many people are still wondering why the X Guild Hall cant have the winds for gliding. Some guild rerun the mission to acquire the guild hall simply because it was fun.

The problem with guild halls isnt that is was “harder” but its boring and mostly a waste especially for small guilds.

this game pvp really down to nothing

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Forgiving builds are the solution, not the problem. PvP is cruising over the shoal because of matchmaking.

No, overly forgiving builds are most certainly the problem.

Matchmaking is awful because of low population. Low population is mostly due to boring gameplay where picking the right build and facerolling means more than playing well.


I think a huge reason PvP has died is the play your way philosophy Anet had is completely dead.

For instance there was a bunker thief named Glyph who held his own in solo ques back in the day. ( the original, not grindy one)

And i would see really good players who had ESL skills or were esl playing a build that people wouldnt use. Like Phanta use to use F/A ele and dominated lesser players who were using d/d or staff when the meta was those builds. And you see Five Gauge using P/P engy or P/S and beating beating people.

HOT made it so these guys could still dominate but only with meta builds.

Thats when the skill gap in this game died, you see toker or caed die to some random DH traps and be like OHHHHHH. Even though they would murder them in actual fights. You saw spammable fluff killing people with very little thought or set up.

So i agree 100%, playing well no longer means much in the game which is why its population has died so fast after the Hype of S1 and S5.

The rules of the game are stupid

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


We all know this isn’t the only thing. Granted if said player has not already made multiple posts about different negative topics then yes I concede Crinn would be wrong to say something about the skills he’s using. If you think he was rude your free to think away. Just seemed like a more experienced necromancer giving another advice. He didn’t just discover some new crazy build we all know he WOULD improve both his immediate game and his experiences down the road if he just used something better than that. Doesn’t even have to be a meta build. I don’t play meta builds top often either but I do well enough.

I dont think it was rude, its just off topic.

OP isnt complaining about his/her rank. They are not complaining about the people on his team when it comes to skill level. They are complaining because they are literally doing nothing.

I mean if your stance is what crinn said i guess any ESL player who came into the forums could say L2P and you would all have to just accept it because they are experienced and mechanically better.

For instance seasons 2-4 alot of people have complained about DH’s, Five Gauge came onto the forum and told people that DH isnt a problem at high levels and its a learn to play issue.

Big problem with that side is not everyone can play at that level and some dont have the time to learn how to deal with such a easy spammable build.

Compare it to basketball. If you like to play it, it doesnt matter who you play with just as long as your playing with people around the same skill level, ability and understanding of the game.

If your a average ball player at your local gym, you shouldnt be playing college, NBA players and you shouldnt be playing kids k-7.

All im pointing out is that what was said is not on topic or relevant.

Guild Halls, and the One-Man Guild.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I can state Guild halls from a small guilds point of view.

I was the guild leader of a small guild of about 10-20 people that quickly evaporated during the HOT era. We have about 100 members but many have not logged in for 2 years or so.

Regardless 7 of us got a guild hall and 5 of us put the work in to max it out. Yes we maxed it out so it is possible but it had a nasty effect.

A few players who did not buy HOT did not like that they couldnt get boosters that we previously unlocked. Anet basically said yeah we know you put the work in before but go ahead and do it again. It made them basically quit since HOT was already putting a bad flavor in there food.

So the 5 of us who upgraded the guild spent thousands of gold and much much much more in mats.

The amount of farming has killed the drive for 3 of us. I come into the game very little now and 2 have quit since GW2 is not the same game anymore. Grind halls was not fun, 3 of us maxed out scribing only to not be able to make many things. And then the prices of mini’s and guild missions.

These are things we did hundreds of times during the 4-5 years GW2 was out, none of us really had the desire to continue this for another year or so.

For me personally Guild Halls crushed the spirit of players from the OP who couldnt see the light in the Dark cave. And for me who was digging for hours on out to find those people in the cave. Only big active guilds could enjoy such terrible grinding content.

The rules of the game are stupid

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Maybe you’d win more if you stopped running lich form, mainhand dagger, and signet of undeath.

That doesnt mean anything, I got Gold 3 from running core warrior this season before reaching my limit.

That is also not the point of his thread.

If this was phanta running core F/A ele in plat 2 you wouldnt be able to tell him/her what build to use. So skill set aside they are trying to point out campers/afk players i believe.

Unpopular opinion on match making

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


wait mid gold is now rank 47 …………………….. ??????

Also if i may defend myself as one of those people who complain.

I have a issue with being put up against Premade ESL teams S1-4, put up against ESL players in S5-6. And in those same seasons being put with people who camp on a point and think its ok.

I have a issue losing +15 rating in match i had no chance to win.

I have a issue losing +15 when my team mates are not at the same level as the opponent.

At no point do i have a issue with the players, everyone is always trying there best. Yet as someone who sits between that gold 3/ plat 2 level. I see all sides of the spectrum from facing Plat 3/ legendary players to low gold high silver players in my match.

There is literal games that i can go 1 vs 3 on my ele and sustain myself on a cap point.

Then the very next game get 1 vs 1 by a mesmer who times his/hers moa condi bombs.

I would just like to say that in my defense. Im unhappy with the rating system and the rating changes it gives me based on matches i clearly know isnt right yet Anet will not show my team mates or opponents ranks or overall team Rating. That has always been my gripe.

Too much CC

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I totally agree that there is too much CC.

And some professoins don´t have enough stability at all to conter that.
Stabbility on thief or ranger? you are forced to stake speacial skills because they are the only ones that deliver stability..its a shame that anet doesnt se that..I think they dont play their pvp at all

Stability doesnt even matter, before i flipped my lid. I was running core warrior with 3 stances, (the big one being balanced stance) and i was running the stances trait line for more stability.

It literally means nothing now, i can pop balance stance and zerker stance and watch them be ripped off of me by a sigil.

I was using rampage, i had like 20 stacks of might and stability and 1 other boon and i believe it was vigor. I was like ohhh baby im about to do some damage!!!!! I had all my boons ripped off instantly and then my trait kicked in and that stability was ripped off.

Boons mean nothing now because they made them really easy to get and now taking boons away from people is easy since most people are at least using that sigil on 1 weapon set.

Anet literally has no clue how to balance it and the latest patches show that Anet is great at taking 1 step forward with new sigils and 2 steps back since it made things even worse.

But hey like Mike Obrian said " if you play WvW you probably play PvE" so i assume we are suppose to be playing PvE.

MMR throws the game again

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Heres my thing, its always been my thing.

These Elite level players need to play somebody and in S1 Anet threw me up against Team PZ 4 straight times and 5 out of 7 times that night.

I have 0 issues playing the best players in the game but there is a problem when your pips/rating is dependent on winning and when the Match Making puts you in matches that you have 0 chance of winning. So that night i lost 6 PiPs and Match Making in S5 frustrated me as well many times.

Its funny because my friends and I have gone back to LoL and we even play ranked together. This was my first ranked season in LoL and they were surprised i got Silver 4 in my first season. So even playing in ranked together there is no big drops or gains.

All im saying is it makes sense, I have literally been in a match where the other team had a duo from the Abjured and 1 other elite ESL player (just like you) and we got smashed. I also faced the players in your pic and in that game we lost like 500-50 but the difference was i lost -18.

I have come to terms that the rating system makes no sense and MM will never make sense.

If the best players in the game played each other it would be a fair match but someone would be getting -20/-30 and the other getting +5. If that ESL player keeps running into others ESL player he will fall into plat/gold when he/she dont belong there which is why i believe MM is the way it is.

Pulled into wall @ Mid [Kyhlo]

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Yeah, if a bug becomes reliable, it’s where the G.I.F.T. shines.

1. Intentionally cause the bug, free 20-30 seconds of “free kill” and 4v5.

2. Unintentionally cause the bug, leave him as is because winning is more important.

3. Unintentionally cause bug, kill out of “honour”.

There is no obligation to make things fair if you have the advantage. There is no obligation to behave well if there are no consequences to malicious behaviour. This is just how we operate.

Its funny you bring up the community, before GW2 i played champions online and they had open world dueling and a PvP arena. In the PvP arena it was always messed up.

Always 3 vs 4, 2 vs 4 and we simply made it so 2 people would sit out. I use to sit out in GW2 and many others did in unranked matches.

But you have to realize, alot of vets are no longer playing the game. Alot of the best players are no longer playing the game. So its alot of new players playing each other who are probably just in PvP for the PvE rewards.

ranked horror story share time

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I was almost t3 plat, one match away. The team was scattered, the necromancer was farming beasts and getting them stolen each time. Finally I said come on guys get it together you are plat ranked. To which two responded….what? No this is silver tier.

I was like omg anet matchmaker! lol

HAHAHA thats great, mine wasnt as bad.

S5 i was in a match and i said “guys come on lets not scatter to all 3 points”, i then said how is this gold 3/plat 1" level game play"? One person said “i just got to gold and now ill be back in silver 3”. I took at as them messing with me.

S7 after this game i didnt play again, i had a 1 vs 1 on mid and no one was gonna win. ( my team owned this cap point) My team won a 4 vs 4 at our home. The game is really close, 425- 440 (roughly) and 3 start to run far, i said " please dont feed far they are all coming off respawn". I was wrong since the 1 fighting me mid went to our home where 1 person stayed. The enemy team killed the 3 who ran far and then zerged home and took that from us.

1 Person said after we lost the match : yeah we probably should not have ran far" ………………………………………………………………. :I

Automated Tournament incentives and issues.

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Ofc a game needs to fuel high end competition in order for anybody to want to get better at the game.Without support for tournaments pvp will
and has already died significantly.I don’t know if anybody at anet actually cares about it now that grouch left but letting gw2s active combat and best platform out of any MMO die,would be a crime.Maybe with the next expansion they’ll reconsider but without communication and support for pvp,you can’t blame anybody for leaving the game.
I still believe in gw2 and love playing it.But pvp is dying and something needs to be done or anet needs to come out and say something rather than keeping using the dark.

Im pretty sure everyone knows you need high end players for a competitive scene.

There is just way to many holes in PvP for anyone to really care.

1- Is Guild Wars 2 PvP fun to play?
This has to be the biggest one. If new players come in they need to enjoy the actual game play. I agree with you that GW2 PvP style of play is the best of any MMO and honestly for me it goes near the top since the idea of crafting builds was great.

But once again this is where it falls, HOT created some hard walls for basic builds to get by. 2 players by HOT, neither have ever played GW2 and they both go into PvP. One picks a DH and is like ohh cool this is fun. The other picks thief, mesmer or ele and they get wiped. They say MM is broken, im dying in 3 seconds trying to figure things out. DH player climbs to gold and then starts to lose and gets frustrated because other players call out his rotations. The gap level on basic builds can NOT be miles apart.

2- Is PvP rewarding?
If the game play is fun, if there is good build comps for solo play and team play. This player will PvP more and when added incentives like rewards. This is where Anet pushes the issue. People will want to team up with others for tournaments, for ranked seasons, getting Guild Members or new players into the game but number 1 has to be addressed.

3- Is there high level play?
This is where you stand and why people are on the other fence. PvP is dying simply because its not as much fun to play. Think about when this game first came out and there was nothing to do but level, alot of us did that to a point. They brought in a solo/team ranked system and people came back for the competition of it. Then tournaments and guess what people signed up for all of it.

Heck my guild consisted of 2 people who dont play PvP wanted in and we competed in it 2 TOL. Why did they join? Because it was competitive fun, they dont enjoy the grind of leveling in PvP but they do play PvE and WvW so they know the mechanics of the game so they are not caught off guard with anything.

This was fun for everyone, which is why TOL had 100+ teams twice, which is why my AG team didnt make it in every week. Because 10+ teams every weak were willing to play.

Your one of the top players in the game and the game play doesnt bother you as much from a competitive aspect. So i cant speak for you from a fun aspect.

But right now the Match Making for ranked is not good, the style of play in GW2 PvP is not good, the rewards in PvP are now AVERAGE but the rewards for PvP are not good.

Like you said does Anet care about PvP? I dont know but i know when you are 20 points down in the 4th. Its all about going back to basics and getting good shots and playing good defense.

You have to go back to basics before talking about winning the championship

Automated Tournament incentives and issues.

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


You know what would be great,,,making the game more fun to actually play and compete in, rather than trying to bribe players with more and more rewards…


Drop the mic my brotha

Seriously, we have Olrun and Jeff complaining about AT’s which they have legit reasons for doing but fixing AT’s DOES NOT FIX THE PROBLEM.

In the OP first comments he talks about class stacking, if classes are so broken that 1-2 -3 players are using the same class cant play them because they are so OP or useless there is a issue. If I had Caed, Toker, Areoxe , Edison all playing thief pre hot on my team for some AT or TOL. Guess what my team would do pretty good even if i went around killing beasts or trying to solo lord at random moments.

While we are at revising the AT’s lets look at the GW2 game play. The community no longer has AG tournaments (they were dying in the HOT meta, so i guess i would of died with ESL either way) and the Pro players have no ESL.

Literally no one has any reason to play PvP. Ranked ratings/MM is shot the horse in the back of the barn. Rewards for PvP are trash period, you can find the majority of players trashing most items who only play PvP and Anet answer to this was bring in PvP armor that needs crafting as if many of them actually did that.

Minor League teams will get killed against Pro teams still playing, Pugs trying to put a team together have no reason too and PvP itself isnt fun to grab the attention of players coming in and alot of people think watching it is a bit hard. Yet i disagree since Helseth and Sind can run a tournament and its watched more then the World Championships. No offense to the play by play guys but only Jebro was really bring the Hype.

Get back to basics

Issues with Automated Tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Gw2 is a great game,the community loves the game so much they’ve filled the empty void after anet quit endorsing esports with their own tournaments.We don’t need much help from anet were just asking for them to incentivize the ats to make it worth while

GW2 if a great community but you said in your own post Anet quit on Esports.

Im with you but your like the guy asking for a peanut butter sandwich in a Pho which only serves soup and dont have peanut butter.

Issues with Automated Tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Your still missing the biggest reason all of this is struggling,

1) The meta build comps and game play suck

Boom no other listed needed so far. 2-3-4-6 issues can not be addressed because the many simply do not want to play this. Veterans with people who could put teams together, alot of them do not want to play this.

The 2nd comment from Skittledness.5106 is about balance.

Very very very few people enjoyed S1 of PvP with all that Bunker spam and now its the complete opposite. Its crazy i know but guess what it has the same effect even though game play is fast and blah blah blah.

No matter how you want to cut it. If i gold player has a guild team with other golds and 1 mains warrior and another mains thief. Then 2 others are forced into the necro- ele combo this team will suck and they know it especially if they run into a bunch of plat players goofing around with 3-4 DH builds.

You have to make a game people want to play alot to get tournaments really going.

Builds Are To Easy To Play

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Yes i agree that i preferred PvP ALOT more pre HOT. The D/D pandemic was destroying ESL and AG tournaments but in game you didnt see them in 1 vs 1 rooms or in ranked/unranked que. Also most people could play a cele ele build so its not like you couldnt force a break even.

And yes i agree if they had a split mode where if they split the new spec vs pre hot specs i would play pre hot.

But overall that is neither here nor there. If Anet is ok with the skill level of things and the speed of the game they will of course keep it the way it is.

Yet if they want to bring back some old PvP players and bring in new blood that actually want to play. They really should look into fixing the speed of the game and skill of the game issues.

PvE will work regardless no matter what they want to do. The question becomes will they change raid bosses DPS/health bars for the betterment of WvW and PvP. We saw leaks of the new specs and if it in anyway does what HOT did then we will be looking at a near dead scene for PvP and WvW.

I will personally wait to see what the word is on the expansion, so i hope they take 2/3 of the " other" gamer modes into account. I truly hope Mike O doesnt give the same " if you play WvW, you play PvE " attitude in this expansion.

Builds Are To Easy To Play

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I think alot people frustrations are coming with the fact that elite specs made everything to easy.

For example ele, overloads give boons, damage/healing and a potential aura on completion and traited. Players no longer have to think about when they use it but simply time it as a break stun. Its become a baseline that if you simply rotate threw your skills a certain way you will have X success without even having to learn the class.

Dh was a big one since placing traps with huge a range that did high damage takes next to no skill to play. You would have players who are bronze/silver/gold now playing in high silver/gold and low plat.

They can compete from a mechanical level because it has been dumbed down so much. With so much damage/sustain/boons and defensive outs. What has happened in my experiences is that they could take a OP class in low levels such as DH/warrior. They would destroy at bronze silver. Then when they got to gold/plat they were not only getting out played in 1 vs 1 situations but making horrible decisions rotation wise.

With the lack of new content when it comes to LW, PvE event changes, the major WvW change that took 5 years and PvP endless seasons where something just seems to be off.

I think it should be about time to get back to basics and go threw balance all the spec lines that way when you introduce a expansion with another spec line, you dont kill the WvW and PvP scene again.

matchmaking algo BROKEN. w/ evidence

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Ok so heres the thing.

In S1-3 i was placed on certain players teams. For instance i had a duo with OE and his partner and we had Five gauge. We lost but the game was insanely close. This resulted with a pip loss. Nothing to big, later that day OE and his duo partner were on my team again and 2 ESL players were on the other side. We won this game. Once again i only gained a pip.

The problem now for everyone is when im losing a match i should of won im getting -20. If i lose a match i had no chance to win in i lose -15.

When i win im getting +10- +18 and it only gets worse for players higher up and some have even posted in the low golds of winning and getting a +4 and losing a -20.

I dont know what they set the algorithm to. Anet will not show us open ratings in a match or even our team mates badge rating after a match.

The issue is as i stated in many threads is that your rank gain/loss is based on your mmr vs avg mmr of the enemy. It does not take into account mmr of your teammates. The system assumes it was a fair match of two teams of same rating – which obviously absolute nonsense given how every single match nowadays is extremely unbalanced due to various reasons (MM, low pop etc.). Preaching about it for 3 seasons now – getting effectively ignored anyway.

That is exactly why the match maker needs to put similar ranked players on the same team.

I think its just impossible since the player base if up and down. For instance i played 20 games in about 2 days, i went on a 3 game losing streak and every game we should of won but the people i was playing with did not understand basic rotations.

I lost my mind and havent logged in for about a week. This game for me is impossible to play at times even if the game play is fun.

matchmaking algo BROKEN. w/ evidence

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Ok so heres the thing.

In S1-3 i was placed on certain players teams. For instance i had a duo with OE and his partner and we had Five gauge. We lost but the game was insanely close. This resulted with a pip loss. Nothing to big, later that day OE and his duo partner were on my team again and 2 ESL players were on the other side. We won this game. Once again i only gained a pip.

The problem now for everyone is when im losing a match i should of won im getting -20. If i lose a match i had no chance to win in i lose -15.

When i win im getting +10- +18 and it only gets worse for players higher up and some have even posted in the low golds of winning and getting a +4 and losing a -20.

I dont know what they set the algorithm to. Anet will not show us open ratings in a match or even our team mates badge rating after a match.

The issue is as i stated in many threads is that your rank gain/loss is based on your mmr vs avg mmr of the enemy. It does not take into account mmr of your teammates. The system assumes it was a fair match of two teams of same rating – which obviously absolute nonsense given how every single match nowadays is extremely unbalanced due to various reasons (MM, low pop etc.). Preaching about it for 3 seasons now – getting effectively ignored anyway.

Yes i was kind of against that thought process at first when S5 hit because i thought it would work itself out.

But i didnt take into account alot of things and i didnt look at it from the mid level players perspective getting stuck on the lower MMR team. Or high level players not playing each other and Anet putting the high level players on the same team.

So by the end of S5 i have turned my views on it and i agree with a majority of the things you have brought up on that topic.

We Need Another World Event!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Attack on Lions Arch was really bad.

-> zerg fest without challenge
-> poor framerate
-> too repetitive
-> farming type achievements
And : Spam 1-1-1-1-1 to get your champion’s bags.

Well, everything I never enjoyed in GW2.

Battle on the breachmaker was a lot better even if the twisted Marionette remains the best (small) “world event” content. I am not interested by something similar to Attack on Lions Arch with a branded skin.

They were WORLD EVENTS not solo dungeon events.

Also it wasnt spam since i was part of many failed LA events. as well of the other events.

The only thing i consider zerg fests was the open portals on maps events and the Gauntlet Arena.

Things like LA was defend X area if a area fails the event fails. Then split to blue/green/yellow scarlett and if that fails the event fails and then you get to fight the holograms and once again you have to succeed to get into the solo part of the event where you fight scarlett.

That was a million times better then the LS episodes and a million times better then the current HOT Meta maps.

The game catered to to the casual so hard that GW2 has kind of simply become dull where if i log off for 3-4 months i miss nothing. Thats not Living World and its not interactive game play.

matchmaking algo BROKEN. w/ evidence

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Lets just the hypothetical.

You have 2 ESL players queing and no one at there level currently queing or in que. So you have 2 players of 1700+ rating. Then how do we put a match together?

I know some folks may hate this, and ANET would never do it…but personally, I would prefer a UI where you are allowed to setup a threshold. That threshold would be something like +-100 from my current rank. If the game cannot find 10 players to match me in that threshold, I would prefer the game tell me and stop playing.

There would need to be a minimum value to prevent manipulation, but I’d rather play less against good players and have the game tell me that I can’t play right now because nobody is on, than have faith that their system builds a team of randoms correctly.

Ok so heres the thing.

In S1-3 i was placed on certain players teams. For instance i had a duo with OE and his partner and we had Five gauge. We lost but the game was insanely close. This resulted with a pip loss. Nothing to big, later that day OE and his duo partner were on my team again and 2 ESL players were on the other side. We won this game. Once again i only gained a pip.

The problem now for everyone is when im losing a match i should of won im getting -20. If i lose a match i had no chance to win in i lose -15.

When i win im getting +10- +18 and it only gets worse for players higher up and some have even posted in the low golds of winning and getting a +4 and losing a -20.

I dont know what they set the algorithm to. Anet will not show us open ratings in a match or even our team mates badge rating after a match.

Anet could very easily make balanced matches. Setting up high level players with 1650+ rating with a slightly overall team rating against lower skilled players.

The good would be a even scored match, though experienced players would be upset with how bad there team mates played. The bad is it would bring these 1650+ rated players scores down so they looked like average players and then all of a sudden your getting 2-3 ESL players solo queing on 1 side against players in the 1400 ratings.

I was about to hit PLat and i had 3 games in a row where my team mates had no idea what rotations were. Im getting players who only know how to fight near the cap point and dont know how to defend. They have never defended a road as a player was heading to a point.

I dont think the game should make long ques again because players were waiting 1 hour + for a PvP match. But i dont think Anet should be stacking it which is what they are doing.

So the only option we have as players are to not play, complain ( i do alot of that) or grind out rewards then stop when its over. Get the tickets and get out.

Elite Specializations - were a terrible idea

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


OP, I agree. At the end of the day, elite specializations made gw2 worse not better. Elite specs broke the game, pure and simple. These specs grant boons, conditions, power and defenses all in one build. There’s no tradeoffs. Worse, I think elite specs created a “skill gap” between players between those who bought HoT and those who didn’t. They should’ve never existed.

The next expansion is around the corner. Sadly, the best I and others can hope for is that the next set of elite specs are not overpowered to oblivion. That they’re on par with HoT. Core specs will be stuck in the bottom, as usual. If this is going to be the new order of business with every upcoming expansion, then there’s no point in playing PvP. The new FOTM will be the order of the day and we all have to wait until it’s nerfed. Then next expansion comes. Rinse and repeat.

What I remember is that elite specs were supposed to be an addition, not an upgrade. I remember pre-HoT beta weeks. EVERYBODY in these forums were complaining that elite specs weren’t strong enough. ANet, I believe, was taking suggestions and feedback. Unfortunately, they made a HUGE mistake by buffing them in their design. And so….here we are….

You know whats funny about the beta testing in PvP.

I was running my full trap ranger vanilla. I could catch people if played vanilla builds sometimes, not alot but i even caught ESL players if they didnt know.

I was fighting a rev and he ran into my traps and he was using mallyx and he had perma resistance. I said that was broken.

In the same match i was facing a scrapper and he had full boons, 25 might, 10 stacks of stability etc etc etc.

I posted a thread and said it was way to much and a majority (not all) said i was using a crap build and i should lose. Which i was taken back by because GW2 was suppose to be about skill.

Anet catered to casuals who want to feel OP without having to give up anything.

Elite Specializations - were a terrible idea

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Let’s be honest here- of course the Elite specs are better than their vanilla counterparts because it’s a way to get people to buy HoT. Would anyone buy an expac if your main class was not made better? It’s simple marketing and getting the most sales you can. You think the new expac specs will be worse than the HoT specs? I highly doubt it! Otherwise no one would be interested in trying out the new specs!

When i played rifle i used arms, when i used hammer/ mace shield and Greatsword i would of used power. When i used a longbow i would of used tactics.

People buy expansions all the time for the ability to play something new and fun.

I was buying the expansion with the idea that the new spec gave me a different style of play. Warrior got torch and i was hoping to have some kind of condi warrior build where i could use the power trait line for bleeds and confusion with mace-shield and use the sword torch.

I was buying the expansion hoping for more story lines and the new maps of PvE but they ended up being 3 meta zerg maps.

I bought the expansion thinking it would give me some new things to play with, with some new harder content but sticking to the GW2 core style of play.

I and many guild members have taken extended periods of time away from the game because simply this wasnt what GW2 core was about and now its just a generic grindy MMO.

GW2 was different then Star Trek online, Swot , BDO, FF etc etc. It had its own feel when it came to questing and combat. Anet increased the speed of the game 10X and simply threw out eveything so it could look like these other MMO.

matchmaking algo BROKEN. w/ evidence

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


To me it doesn’t seem that odd. Both teams have a fairly tight grouping of players, and the teams are only ~200 points apart.

You have to be crazy to think this is fair, Edison might be the 2nd best thief in NA and you think 2 guys with a 1510 rating have a fair shot.

Come on bruh

It doesn’t need to be fair. The 1510 rated player probably lost around 7-8 pts that match. that match should be an anomaly for them.

I agree the MM does not need to be fair. Its a low player base and people in silver have posted matches against top 50 players.

It is that very attitude that is driving away players and making matches worse. The MM absolutely needs to be as fair as possible. No one like likes to be treated as cannon fodder.

The only people liking this system are the ones benefitting from easy matches. Still it means that there is no “prestige” whatever in a title unfairly won.

Who are the ESL level players suppose to play?

There are about 50 or so at that level in EU and NA and some simply work better with others in teams. So when we had 5 vs 5 and and OE was teamed up with his 3 man group and the the Full ESL teams are playing who ya think was gonna win?

Same goes now, in OP statement there were 4 ESL players on 1 side and some decent players on the other. Everyone needs to get there shot at the champ.

To me it wouldnt be such a huge problem if ESL players didnt lose 40-50 when playing each other and get +4 when they win.

The system itself rewards players for duo queing, dodge queing and punishes you if you want to challenge yourself. Where is the incentive for the best 100 or so players to come in the game every day and play each other?

To be honest here. There really is very little incentive for competitive mindsets in GW2. But I guess that’s what ANet is trying to push out. So the other players don’t have to deal with them. Problem is ANet doesn’t really punish the cheaters. Because they are paying customers. At that point, all attempts and tries at a competitive and meaningful rank PvP system dies. With the business model of the company. Simply put, real competitive PvP is not supported here.

Yeah im not sure what the plan is.

Like the AT would be a nice idea if people had a reason to group up.

Like i have been solo queing and im running into people who have no clue what to do. I cant make friends with these people and join a AT. I would have to shave my eye brows. ( got no more hair on my head)

The only people playing AT are people who already had a group of 5. PvP is lacking direction from end game to group up events.

So i completely agree

matchmaking algo BROKEN. w/ evidence

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


To me it doesn’t seem that odd. Both teams have a fairly tight grouping of players, and the teams are only ~200 points apart.

You have to be crazy to think this is fair, Edison might be the 2nd best thief in NA and you think 2 guys with a 1510 rating have a fair shot.

Come on bruh

It doesn’t need to be fair. The 1510 rated player probably lost around 7-8 pts that match. that match should be an anomaly for them.

I agree the MM does not need to be fair. Its a low player base and people in silver have posted matches against top 50 players.

It is that very attitude that is driving away players and making matches worse. The MM absolutely needs to be as fair as possible. No one like likes to be treated as cannon fodder.

The only people liking this system are the ones benefitting from easy matches. Still it means that there is no “prestige” whatever in a title unfairly won.

Who are the ESL level players suppose to play?

There are about 50 or so at that level in EU and NA and some simply work better with others in teams. So when we had 5 vs 5 and and OE was teamed up with his 3 man group and the the Full ESL teams are playing who ya think was gonna win?

Same goes now, in OP statement there were 4 ESL players on 1 side and some decent players on the other. Everyone needs to get there shot at the champ.

To me it wouldnt be such a huge problem if ESL players didnt lose 40-50 when playing each other and get +4 when they win.

The system itself rewards players for duo queing, dodge queing and punishes you if you want to challenge yourself. Where is the incentive for the best 100 or so players to come in the game every day and play each other?

A proper matchmaker would distribute the ESL players and high levels on both sides.

Instead, the MM appears puts them on one side so that they don’t complain. Well guess what? that’s not the least bit fair.

The health of the game is secondary to the priveleges and comfort of a few players. That’s plain wrong.

Lets just the hypothetical.

You have 2 ESL players queing and no one at there level currently queing or in que. So you have 2 players of 1700+ rating. Then how do we put a match together?

Do you you put 1300 level players on there team? Then have them face 1500 level players?

For me matches will never be perfect but the rating system needs to be looked at. I have had matches this season where people had no idea how not to run to a point they didnt own.

On the blue team we own corners and for some odd reason 3 of our players have to run to the circle they dont own instead of playing the roads and defending a cap point. Best one today, we had a 4 vs 4 at our home and we won. Score is about 410- 440. What does 3 of our players do? Well went to mid to defend 1 sat in between home and mid. And 3 ran to far to engage a 3 vs 5.

Now this stuff is happening alot and it is driving me mad all game and threw all my games.

Are these the players we want being teamed up with the ESL players or playing against them? How should the +/- effect each player?

Right now the PvP badge system is a complete sham and to me it has to do with the +/- system from the ratings. It has to do with Duo que.

All im saying is Anet should make a better system. I agree that 4 ESL players on 1 team is unfair for a bunch of casual players to face. But i aslo realize that Anet made a horrible rating system where if they put 2 pairs of ESL players on separate teams 2 of them will then be put into matches against people they are far superior then.

To be honest i just think its bad all around

Please remove Foefire from the ranked queue.

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I actually really like foe fire, the map i dont like in ranked is coliseum. The buffs mean nothing, alot of space between points so thieves and mesmers have a big advantage.

Also i love the big node in foefire it means team fights are important. The side nodes are for getting ganked.

matchmaking algo BROKEN. w/ evidence

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


To me it doesn’t seem that odd. Both teams have a fairly tight grouping of players, and the teams are only ~200 points apart.

You have to be crazy to think this is fair, Edison might be the 2nd best thief in NA and you think 2 guys with a 1510 rating have a fair shot.

Come on bruh

It doesn’t need to be fair. The 1510 rated player probably lost around 7-8 pts that match. that match should be an anomaly for them.

I agree the MM does not need to be fair. Its a low player base and people in silver have posted matches against top 50 players.

It is that very attitude that is driving away players and making matches worse. The MM absolutely needs to be as fair as possible. No one like likes to be treated as cannon fodder.

The only people liking this system are the ones benefitting from easy matches. Still it means that there is no “prestige” whatever in a title unfairly won.

Who are the ESL level players suppose to play?

There are about 50 or so at that level in EU and NA and some simply work better with others in teams. So when we had 5 vs 5 and and OE was teamed up with his 3 man group and the the Full ESL teams are playing who ya think was gonna win?

Same goes now, in OP statement there were 4 ESL players on 1 side and some decent players on the other. Everyone needs to get there shot at the champ.

To me it wouldnt be such a huge problem if ESL players didnt lose 40-50 when playing each other and get +4 when they win.

The system itself rewards players for duo queing, dodge queing and punishes you if you want to challenge yourself. Where is the incentive for the best 100 or so players to come in the game every day and play each other?

matchmaking algo BROKEN. w/ evidence

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


To me it doesn’t seem that odd. Both teams have a fairly tight grouping of players, and the teams are only ~200 points apart.

You have to be crazy to think this is fair, Edison might be the 2nd best thief in NA and you think 2 guys with a 1510 rating have a fair shot.

Come on bruh

It doesn’t need to be fair. The 1510 rated player probably lost around 7-8 pts that match. that match should be an anomaly for them.

there aren’t a lot of players at the extreme end of the spectrum to play against. If your rating is putting you near the top 250 players, you are going to be getting matches with and against them once and a while. twice last season I was on a team with the person that had god of pvp title and I was low gold. That is a much bigger issue IMO. I was almost 700 points lower than my teammates. I know the team we played against both times was rated pretty high because I got 18-19 pts for the win. They would have ended up losing a lot of points for that match since I was dragging the team average rating down.

I agree the MM does not need to be fair. Its a low player base and people in silver have posted matches against top 50 players.

Its the +/- which is the biggest issue.

Like i said in my big post, we the players should be able to see the team rating (at least) as well as team mate rating. With the % chance of our win since Anet has the system set up like that.

And with that Anet could make a fair +/- . I posted i cant thread because i was getting campers on my team. I do not believe they were gold 3/plat level players which was my rating. I shouldnt be losing 35 rating unless the other team has a similar rating.

I saw the best player in the game get a +4 after beating me and i got something like a -18.

Its not the MM im upset from the OP thread, im upset with how the rating system probably gave those guys a -20 for losing a match they were gonna lose. You can find peoples true ratings with huge spikes like that which force ESL players to only duo que and for other players to dodge que with the current rating system.

Elite Specializations - were a terrible idea

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Nonsense. Optimal builds and those “a little behind” are always a very small subset of the possible builds. It was like that pre-HoT, it’s like that now. Nothing really changed.

What are you talking about?

Have you even entered PvP or WvW?

S1 of PvP everyone used a rev, mesmer, ele or ranger. If you werent you were not playing at a high level. Warrior was near useless the first 2 seasons of PvP.

Seriously you were speaking for the positive for the elite specs yet you are truly saying nothing.

If you are talking PvE yeah sure you can run what ever you want, heck even dungeons and fractals.

But when it comes to raids, WvW and PvP elite specs destroyed fun, build diversity, team comp diversity, zerg diversity, and the ability to play your own style.

Please explain how warrior used 5 out 5 spec lines before HOT and how they have only used 3 out of 6 in competitive play for WvW, raids and PvP since the release of HOT. Or simply reframe your argument for elite specs.

No one likes being forced to be a clone of someone else.

matchmaking algo BROKEN. w/ evidence

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


To me it doesn’t seem that odd. Both teams have a fairly tight grouping of players, and the teams are only ~200 points apart.

You have to be crazy to think this is fair, Edison might be the 2nd best thief in NA and you think 2 guys with a 1510 rating have a fair shot.

Come on bruh

matchmaking algo BROKEN. w/ evidence

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I posted a pic in S5 that was more outrageous and i posted 5 matches similar at the end of S5.

In the 1 match i was the highest rated at around 1680 at the time on my team with my team mates around 1600-1650.

The other team had 2 players in plat 3, 2 players in plat1 and 1 ele on the other team with about the same rating as me. So literally everyone on the other team was better then the team i was on and i lost like 18 rating for it.

To me Anet hasnt fixed this because of a few reasons

1- The +/- ratio they are using,
When elite players face each other and lose -40 points a match it brings them back to a normal rating with people they will destroy yet those people only lose 20 or so a match. Like i had a game where i faced Darek and his duo partner and this was when he was ranked number 1 in season 5. He gained 4 rating while i lost like 22. Had he lost i would of gained like 20 and he would of lost like 50. It doesnt make any sense from a Match Making perspective or a rating perspective. So i believe that Anet sets up so the ESL players have X matches favored for them.

2- Badge ratings
I brought this up before but S1-4 there was 1 more badge rating. Which meant another level of progression. To add to the rating system above they killed a whole badge so they could group up more people together. So if you check out the rating system with the badge, it becomes ohh it isnt so bad look they have 3 golds against 2 plats when really its 2 gold 1 and a gold 2 vs 2 plat 2.

3- Population
I feel the games are forced this way because of the low population and the fact most of the top 50 players in the game have alt accounts which really means the top 250 is really the top 100.

So what many like myself have asked is why doesnt Anet show badge level after match?

Why does Anet show the team rating levels after match?

Why doesnt Anet change the +/- system based on the % on what the losing teams chances are?

For me since we are in S7, Anet either doesnt care or doesnt want to change because of number 3 reason.

Elite Specializations - were a terrible idea

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


You’re not talking about fun but rather optimality. Optimal builds will always be a select few, because of the nature of “optimal”. So that’s a moot point. If you want build diversity, you can have it. You only lose being optimal but you can play what’s fun for you.

You do realize the huge difference though right?

I use to use a kill shot build with hammer and play against some of the better players in the game.

There were multiple builds to choose from with multiple play styles and lesser builds were only a little bit behind. Hot with its elite spec made it so in S1 of PvP only 3 classes were being used at the end of it. I can tell you that no build diversity is no fun especially when the fun of PvP is coming up with unique builds.

Also i dont understand that logic, you are talking fun. Yet some how you want to defend elite specs by saying its fun for everyone to play the same build? Anet came out a long time with the concept of play it your way.

If you want to play warrior with a sword or mace or axe you can play it. They would feel different and play different and effect a enemy different. That is where the fun is, when you take away that choice. The concept and the game are not fun.

Explain the idea of fun when it comes to only 1 build available per class in raids, WvW and PvP in HOT and having multiple builds with different play styles prior to HOT.

Elite Specializations - were a terrible idea

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


The very concept of Elite Speciaizations was a terrible idea from the very start. First off the very name denotes that they are better than other specializations. The method of aquiring them requires you to unlock all traits in every other specialization, which reinforces the “better tham other specs” stigma. The player base at large insists on everyone using Elite Specs… This is NOT ok.

Yes it is OK. You’re trying to defend a position of having more freedom of choice when creating a build. The problem is, freedom of choice doesn’t create fun to play builds. Using elite specs to define a playstyle allows the devs to design said playstyle and make sure it’s a fun one, rather than relying on a fun gameplay emerging somehow from a random mix of traits and mechanics. Which more often than not produces broken gameplay rather than fun one.

So no, the elite specs are a good idea. The only problem with them is we have a single one for each class, which makes it feel a bit shallow. But this issue is on its way to be remedied soon™ when the expansion launches.


Anet did not create a fun style of game play with there new spec. Also they did not balance it correctly so there were builds in WvW and PvP destroying actual game play.

Prior to HOT in PvP alone you had a choice, there were builds used in AG (semi competitive) where all 5 trait lines could be used.

Prior to HOT you saw a shoutbow warrior who used shouts with longbow and sword/shield. Then there was a DPS warrior which used stances and with hammer or mace shield with greatsword.

Not only did these 2 builds use at least 1 different spec line, they used different utility skills, a different elite skill and different weapons. They were also played different with 1 being a support and the other being a glass cannon.

When HOT allowed warrior to have a actual build. Everyone used mace shield and either longbow or Greatsword and the other thing that made these 2 builds different was the amulet. That is it.

I use this as a example in PvP, there are many more if you wanted it broken down. I will not go into WvW as well as raids and the lack of team comp diversity there as well.

I just want you to know you are way off, build diversity is alot more fun when multiple builds are viable with different play styles. Elite specs destroyed that.

I tried but cant

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I have people double capping points, eles trying to farm beasts instead of helping teammates, 4 people chasing 1 guy on the beach etc. but somehow it is always my fault or rather the fact that i use refuge that we lose… because clearly one spell defines outcome of entire game – and i am in plat 3 -_-’. It never gets better.

Right and if this is the case i just rather not play.

And hope Anet addresses the many issues of PvP with hopefully more and more people not playing PvP.

I tried but cant

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


you played 13 games and gave up? wow, that says it all

I played S1-3 to get to legendary. I played over 150 games in S5 and around 80 in S6. I competed in AG and in the TOL losing to the Abjured and Team Risk.

Im not a Pro, heck i be ok if people say im average even though my ego says im above.

But this isnt about that. Im hyping myself up with my comments above ^^^ but i had a few games where people literally sat.

Players on my team sat on a point and players on the other team sat and literally did not know how to change the game.

Example- 1 game i lost a enemy DH sat on our home, we were down 200 points. We came back to lose by 28. After losing initial battles we eventually took there home and mid and held it. Our engy at some point decided to engage him in a 1 vs 1. Mid was decapped for a second and we lost far and losing a 2 vs 3.

I asked our engy why push home, he got upset and said if we could do math we needed to decap it. I said we lost by 28 and had we kept mid and far and gotten the kills on enemy players we would of won.

Our conversation went to whispers and i said If you felt we were gonna lose why not ask the team for a push on lord when we got to 350? ( this was after some more arguing about him leaving to fight a DH in a 1 vs 1) He said what ever keep playing bronze level scrub.

That person getting upset is fine, they want to win i want to win. We are clashing and its ok to argue with one another.

Whats not ok is i have had multiple matches where players think its ok to fight on a point we dont own for extended periods of time. Or to sit on a node alone for long periods of time.

13 games in or not, ive have not played that style of PvP since around the bunker wars of GW2 PvP in 2013.

And the mere fact Anet brought back AT when the skill level of the player base is like this?

You can say my comments are off base but my rating was almost plat before starting those matches and this is the skill level of players near the ranking of top 250 in NA? Like i said maybe its me but i simply cant believe its like this and its not fun to play in.

I tried but cant

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


This is what happens when your game has no basic tutorials. People don’t understand when they are making mistakes.

I mean the tutorials is another thing.

But i have like almost 10k matches, i got to legendary when i wanted to and finished plat 1 S5 and was in PLat 2 for a bit. Even playing minimal games S6 with a rifle warrior and full trap ranger i was in gold 3 in S6.

I just seriously cant believe that this is the skill level people are playing at to be in gold and plat. Ive lost over 90 rating my matches today and thats isnt whats bothering me.

I think ive just lost my mind when it comes to this game.

Like i did my first season of LoL and i got to silver 4. I dont play with gold 4 and plat level players. Im playing with other silver players. It just boggles my mind how the system is working.

I tried but cant

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Anet i was liking PvP, i was running some core builds with some really good success.

Was in gold 3 but this is the lowest my rating has ever been but i understood since i was running less then builds.

But match after match im getting people who camp. They run far and sit or run home and sit all game. If they win a fight they say they held home for us. If they lose fights they cry about not getting any help.

I wont get into match manipulation since i havent seen it this season and ive only played about 13-14 games.

This is unreal though, im not talking players losing fights because they run into better players. I wasnt one to get mad at that, (unless they kept doing it all game and the fights were not close) honestly i only got upset with people who talked smacked for no reason or if i thought they made the bad play.

I have played 5 or so games where people are literally not moving. I have not played this style of PvP in GW2 since 2013.

That can not be gold 2-3/ plat 1 level of skill if thats the level of players i am teamed up with or playing against.

How to beat condi thief?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Ive noticed that there are more condi thiefs in pvp and tournaments. I can’t beat them as warriors because of their endless evades and condi’s…. Its so broken…..

Any advice?

are you struggling with the constant d/d condi thief or are you running into the shortbow condi field into d/d thief?

Either way, if you cant snag some hits in the beserker stance, then run once you pop the healing signet.

If you want to counter run longbow with cleaning ire and simply run the signet for a elite skill and a mace/shield so you have blocks. With this build they should not be able to down you since you can remove the condi on F1 as long as Anet didnt nerf that.

Side note, Anet the endure the pain change really really really ………………………… really…………………………………

Arenanet has broken its promise

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Game developers change course all the time… Stop bringing up 6yo pr ads for the game and acting as if they are some constitutional gw laws the devs can’t deviate from. It’s frivolous complaints like these that reinforce their current communication restrictions.

You are correct to say that game developers change course and Anet has that option.

But you are incorrect in saying no one should complain. If anyone reads this thread, they can see the different things Anet does as a game developer.

We as consumers have legit complaints that can be made and we should be allowed to express our frustration. Especially since it allows other players/former players/ or people interested in the game to know what is happening from certain points of views.

I work in a restaurant, it is considered a nicer restaurant and with that comes the responsibility. We charge higher prices for the food we serve since its considered to be of better value. What we have on the menu needs to be available and done well.

Anet sold HOT, they said New Specs would not be super powered compared to core specs but allow a different style of game play. That was a lie with the Angry Joe interview.

HOT promised legendary armor which took over a year, raids that took months and simply put they truly destroyed WvW and PvP with the introduction of the HOT expansion.

Now we go back to what the GW2 when it first came out. It took some years but they delivered us what they promised. A live interacting world where our actions actually changed the world. Whether you liked LS1 or not they delivered what they were serving.

Here we are 6 years later. Anet had said things before and now they say nothing most of the time. For everyone who is gonna buy the expansion there is someone who will not. And then there are those who might be on the fence and these are the things they need to know as a consumer.

For me as someone who mostly PvP and WvW, i will not buy the expansion since they have only recently made both playable.

For me and my guild mates, the new Map Areas and Living Story are kind of a chore. They were not what we signed up for they have also said they will not buy the expansion on release. ( 2-3 said they will) Many of us will wait for the reviews come out.

The company has the right to change the direction but as a consumer i have the right to say on threads/ to other people playing the game. This is not what i ordered.

Arenanet has broken its promise

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


@ zealex.9410

I agree that it is but it feels like a chore and isnt interactive in anyway. Its really us the players replaying the same story mode over and over.

Which goes back to the OP, did Anet break there promise? In the current system you have to say they did. The current LW/LS is exactly what they said they wouldnt do.

Practice NPC's MUCH too close together.

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I actually jumped back into PvP today and i saw the new area for the first time.

100% agree, i actually thought the whole time there isnt alot of space.

Its like a really fancy version of a burger joint. You look at it and say wow, it is very pretty to look around. Then when you are around 50 other people in the same area you are thinking wow, could this place had better spacing?

Then you actually try the burgers and you are like very impressive its great, then the bill comes out to $50 for the burger and you are like whaaaaaaaaaaa?

When i was testing some things on my warrior, i dodge rolled and brought over another NPC by accident. Its pretty safe to say that they really didnt think out all the ins and outs.

I mean with dragon hunters/mesmer using ground AOE attacks you would think that players in the game would be moving around alot and yet the new PvP map isnt meant for it at all.

They truly still dont understand what makes there game unique.

Arenanet has broken its promise

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


As someone who mostly PvP and WvW i do feel a little cheated in those aspects.

Anet sold GW2 on a play your way style. And to me they delivered on GW2 release.

Also why do people feel so entitled for S1. It was a live event, if you werent here you missed it. Its like saying ohh i didnt get see Magic vs Bird in the NBA finals live so ill never watch basketball.

I personally dont care for the episodes of the LS. It feels like a chore now where i re-enter a instance a few times to get AP points or finish them to get a item. Anet said they were doing away with killing X monster X time to get X quests done.

To me everything about HOT is grind, do AB event 100 times for title, get into X map 20 minutes before the meta event or you fail. Complete X hearts, X amount of times to get a back piece.

GW2 when it first came out was about exploring, was about leveling to 80 to get to the next maps or to buy a book to unlock the next level of spec lines you could use. It about fun.

For me, i would of preferred is LS was the end game content like it was in LS1. I mean the castle in Kessex hills, the 2 dungeons they turned into fractals, The Gauntlet, Marrionette and the Lions Arch events were amazing.

They were live and they were difficult, so there was a level of passion people had for it. For people who missed it, i think they needed a live/in game cinematic to show the story and to create some hype.

Just for me, this game has become a very stale grindy MMO. PvP has turned more into skill rotations then actually watching my opponent. WvW is cluttered with condi and peoples new elite garbage.

And PvE has become the most stale, HOT had a very short story and only 4 maps to start. Now they bring out new maps that you need to repeat or dump gold into to finish.

To me they did break the promise on what the game was suppose to be. Im not mad that they did but im mad that they changed what GW2 was and turned it into a generic MMO.

Disappointed in Trahearne's Fate

in Lore

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Blowing up Treehearne’s head almost made the price of entry worth it.
Seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more cathartic character death. The focal point of nearly all the bad writing and voice acting (fiiiiiiiiiire, he monotones as he leads one of the biggest expeditionary forces ever to get blown up) up until LSS1 in your hands? God, I danced in front of his mangled body for a solid minute and spammed the cheer emote while he was talking. I could not believe one of my most hated characters ever was going to die by my hands.

Thank you, Anet. We may not always see eye to eye, but that was a wonderful experience I’ll never forget.

Really? I truly do not understand peoples issue with Trahearne.

Like people turned on Cyclops in the X-men universe when wolverine became “hit” thing.

People hate the “boy scout” character yet when it comes to the real world. Everyone complains left and right about leader ship.

Regardless, after i defeated Mordemoth and Trahearne asked me to strike him. I just stood there and then the dragon took over him, i still just stood there. I got into discord and asked my guild mates had they finished the story? They said yes and i asked if there was a way to leave without killing him. I literally just defeated the dragon in hand to hand combat. They said “nope, just hit him and get out” and i was like huh.

Even if you liked the death of Trehearne, story wise it didnt make sense and it was kind of horrible.

Elite Specializations - were a terrible idea

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Issue with ES being better than core class is mostly created by players themselves.

Because there’s meta.

Of course. If there is something that is “the best”, what person would say “I don’t want the best, I want something that is less good than that”?

Certainly there are a few people with strong enough personalities to go against the Meta and have a character they want that does something different. But most people won’t do that.

That wasnt even it before HOT though.

At ESL level you saw power warriors who used stances and rampage and then you saw the shoutbow warrior who used shouts. Neither build was better then the other in the 5 vs 5 aspect.

Same with shout guardian and burn guardian.

You didnt have to fight the meta, other then the D/D meta in PvP. Classes had weaknesses and all skill levels.

The new Specs in PvP is still destroying PvP because a gerbil with 1 hand could play a trap DH and find its way to silver/gold. Yet a player really trying to learn thief, rev and now warrior will sit in bronze not understanding how to compete.

And its really not that simple, people say silly things like this is how you play against a DH. I laugh because Darek aka That ESL guardian is top 5 on the LB no matter what playing DH.

Elite specs were horrible in that sense, it created a unfun environment and going anti-meta against builds with no weakness has become impossible.

2k WvW rank

in WvW

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Dunno stopped paying attention to it after I maxed. :P


this was great