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Matchmaking screenshots - you be the judges

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I really dont understand what people expect when they see the ~5:1 or ~10:1 win ratios of the top players. Those kinds of stats are completely impossible in a balanced system. Somebody is getting farmed and its definetly not the top players fighting each other in nailbiting even matches where they trade wins.

So you have the lucky privilege of being high enough rank to be farmed. Enjoy.

Its just bringing it to the attention of Anet.

I mean in the old leader board a really good player had a 65% win rate. Like that was crazy good, now every ESL player and his hamster is rocking a 80%+ win rate.

I feel for this individual since im in the same point.

I want to have the plat rating so i dont want to get 2-3-4 matches in a row i cant win and lose 60 rating points which has happened this season.

I personally dont find playing them since i feel i can at least play a role against them but when Anet ties a rating/division to your name and a wonkey system. There is gonna be some frustration.

Legend Title Change

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I agree 100%,

Titles were suppose to mean something. We all now know S1-4 were grinds. The same people who were the best before are still the best.

Plus alot of the new titles are really kind of lame

"Matchmaking" sucks - EVIDENCE

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Ive posted the same things except you threw out every ones names to see.

The ratings are slightly different but the rating system is still the same. Ive made 2 threads and have moved onto the leader board but since its up again.

This match Team A ratings are currently


And the team i was on

1661- My current rating

based on there 4 players they have a average rating of 1820, my teams ave rating was 1638.

Obviously my match picture was taken about 2-3 weeks ago but ive had maybe 4-5 matches this season like this. And i believe ive only lost single digits in rating once. In this match i believe i lost 12.


Restricting the MM range

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


LOL wait are you saying you are ok with potential Gold 3 players in multiple bronze matches?

"Matchmaking" sucks - EVIDENCE

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


You only lost 7 rating

I made a thread like this and i believe i had lost 12.

Either way, he is getting penalized for a match he cant win.

The rating system makes it so no one wants to play ranked.

You have top 25 players winning and getting +2-4 and when they lose -30-50. Then all of a sudden someone makes a alt account and goes to the very top of the leader board. Thats not right.

Lets be honest here, the OP is probably a plat-plat2 player. And he simply doesnt want to get put into gold by having 3-4-5 of these matches which can easily happen. Also its simply bad match making from a fun perspective.

Why not just keep him at a plat level and try to create fair matches instead of these lop sided teams to give these ESL players the best chance of winning.

This league system is not good and we are in Season 5.

Enable minimum 200 games for leaderboard

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Are you trying to say something is wrong with this leader board?

For me 200 is a bit too high.

Im at 125 or so games with this month left to go. So if we are looking for a high number i think 150 would be more fair but i dont see why a 100 game min with a working rating decay system wouldnt work?


Ask (and learn) from an actually good player.

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Helseth, you do not understand the reason players like myself regularly QQ on the forums. It’s not because we’re bad, it’s not because we want to get better, it’s because the enjoyment we get out of this game is dwindling to nothing at this point. We don’t just want to be able to beat condi wars, for example, we want to have fun while doing it. We’re tired of getting farmed by easy and spammy builds that carry people because we just want to play a class how we want to play it. We’re bored of playing support ele, but we love ele and we see the potential in it. We’re tired of playing condi necro and we just want to be able to burst. We’re tired of power scrapper, we’re tired of how the game is going in the wrong direction, in our opinions, and the creators of this game deserves to know customers’ feedback.

you wont be able to win this argument like that because alot of builds have counters which is why at high level plays 1 vs 1 go on for ever.

What i will agree with is that games speed has gone up 20 times, warriors use to set up bursts in 45 sec. Now in 45sec they need to land 3-5 bursts to stay alive.

Also build diversity is weak, its not about the skill it takes to play condi or power mesmer but the ability to play either at a high level.

I understand what you are saying though.

Lets come with ideas to nerf thief/mes/warr

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Actually the only class that could possibly need adjustments is Warrior. I would increase the skill floor on it by adjusting/removing passives.

Mesmers are actually in a decent spot atm and thieves are the farthest from being OP

Yeah because you see so many warriors from the top echelon players, ohhh wait

Raising the skill floor of a class is a good thing, and it honestly rewards players who deserve it. GW2 PvP severely suffers to low skill floor PvP since HoT’s introduction, and it’s time to raise it whenever possible.

Im 100% ok with that but warrior had simply small changes made to it to become viable in PvP.

S1 warrior almost unusable, S2 warrior unsuable at high levels of play, S3 great, S4 ok and now its OP becuase of what?

A small nerf to druid and a huge nerf to the OP rev?

No, simply put HOT made a whole bunch of classes OP and people forgot how to play tactically against another player.

Im all for reworking the whole warrior class but Anet only changed its health regeneration on burst skills.

Lowering warriors damage makes it less then DH,rev again and its already lower then necro for DPS builds. Lower its sustain and it gets picked off to easily by mesmers and thieves.

Warrior currently only has 3 weapon sets it can use, longbow/greatsword/ mace shield.

Helseth on his climb from bronze is literally skilled checked the warrior. He was like lets see if he uses his signet? Nope, lets see if he dodges, nope, he actually got made and said what you used beserker stance before coming into the fight.

Unlike thief and DH you have to play warrior a certain way to be effective. Same as mesmers and thieves only have 1 role for a team.

If you want to fix all the classes lets im 100% down for that. Lets fix alot of these bad traits and ineffective skills.

But if we are gonna sit here in a thread talking about nerfing classes because you struggle with it then i say work on your gains bruh and quit taking up mirror space.

Current PvP meta is too spammy - It's anoying

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


GW2 was not spammy at launch, cant spam elite skills (moa) there are only a few cheesy builds since thief and DH mechanics are based around them.

On the flip side, at launch we had builds running around 1-shotting people. with other classes being totally useless.

Also for the record, nearly all auto-procs are core traits that have been around for years. The only “new” auto-procs, are the two on rev, and the trait in DH.

But the use they are seeing on the current meta is way too much, there’s way too many automatic effects and procs.

In the end, the player isn’t playing, the clones/minions/pets/procs/automatic traits are.
PvP should be player vs player, not proc vs proc…

I understand what you are saying but as someone who has alot of game under the belt, you have to know that they are coming.

Its like being a basketball player and you have played against this other guy since 1st grade and now you are in the state championship.

You guys do the dance because you know each others moves and you simply have to time your shot and defenses when you know they are at there final moves.

I for one have been ironically getting into 1 vs 1 when i play my warrior in rank. I am unable to beat DHS because it takes too long, i am unable to beat revs (im playing power) because it takes too long and i only beat necros when they dont have full RS.

I mean when you go into 1 vs 1 rooms, you kind of see what you are fighting and you go threw the process. Same thing happens in the match.

You count your opponents dodges, check to see if they use there signets, i watch for stability, then for DH’s i know i have to count twice twice since they get f-1-2-3 twice with renewed focus.

So i completely understand what you are saying but i feel it is not the correct work.

Except for thief and DH to me yes they are spam

Current PvP meta is too spammy - It's anoying

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


GW2 was not spammy at launch, cant spam elite skills (moa) there are only a few cheesy builds since thief and DH mechanics are based around them.

On the flip side, at launch we had builds running around 1-shotting people. with other classes being totally useless.

Also for the record, nearly all auto-procs are core traits that have been around for years. The only “new” auto-procs, are the two on rev, and the trait in DH.

I dont remember that, i remember dhuumfire necros and spirit rangers being a problem but otherwise it was ele was useless and more bunkery builds. I could be mistaken though, that was 5 years ago.

Lets come with ideas to nerf thief/mes/warr

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Actually the only class that could possibly need adjustments is Warrior. I would increase the skill floor on it by adjusting/removing passives.

Mesmers are actually in a decent spot atm and thieves are the farthest from being OP

Yeah because you see so many warriors from the top echelon players, ohhh wait

Lets come with ideas to nerf thief/mes/warr

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


OMG like we really need people to understand why things need nerfed. If these 3 classes are OP explain these.

I dueled 2 people in the match and i won them both, please some one can we say that there is a L2P issue going on just a tiny bit?

Or maybe you do not know how to play a class as its currently intended, or that you cant team fight, or cant target a player and use the right skills in that moment?

Seriously the amount of times a good engy has MOA me when going for a burst against people in down state in Plat is like wow its nice to see these people and then when im in gold i get to free cast because warriors are so OP ………………………………………………….


(edited by kdaddy.5431)

Current PvP meta is too spammy - It's anoying

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


GW2 was not spammy at launch, cant spam elite skills (moa) there are only a few cheesy builds since thief and DH mechanics are based around them.

I can agree that the game is very much cluttered with effects but i feel your post is a little misguided with what you are trying to say. Since you are basically saying everything is bad. For instance i quit playing LOL because i found it boring.

Got Champion Ritualist off a unrank win?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


All AP points for PvP were made easy for PvE players ………………………………..

Current Leader Board

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


As long as ANet doesn’t do anything to ban people that pay to throw/smurf etc the GW2 leaderboard will never be competitive. Having said that…

Definitely there needs to be a limit on placement, I think Gold 1 would be fine since they can climb easily if they’re really that good.

150 games at the very least to show up on leaderboard in the final days I reckon, if you look at EU they’re very active and don’t just sit there with a high rating and AFK and then play every 3 days. Like I’ve said before, the decay needs to be more harsh the higher you are. Gold and below – no decay at all. Plat – decays every 2 days. Legendary – every day or something to that effect.

The rating loss is also a big deal – I gained 5 for a win and lost 16 for a loss the other night which just kills any motivation for me to play PvP. If I was at my skill level ~50% win rate then I would gain and lose the same amount and not move up at all but right now that rarely happens. I assume it is worse for top players higher ranked than me.

Which goes on to my next point, you cannot put 2100 MMR players together with 1700 and similarly 1700 with 1300 and expect that to create any meaningful matches! I’ve watched Ajax from EU stream against sind/misha who are wayyyy higher rated than his plat 1. I dont understand why you put them together, Ajax got punished for an unwinnable match (-7, but still) it’s just stupid.

Yeah see i dont like a decay system.

I would really prefer just a game limit like X games played. Like if i know i cant play after jan 21 for example. So i play 100 games to get to the limit or 150. Then i go off to work or something i shouldnt be punished because i played the requirement.

Right now there are multiple people in the top 100 with 20 games or less and that shouldnt be the case, if they are the best players in the game fine thats ok. But they should have to play the limit games.

Like Lebron James plays 75 games a year and all the playoff games, you know hes gonna be in the eastern conference finals. The NBA doesnt let him skip the season and 2 rounds of playoffs.

So i would prefer if there was just a game req to meet.

warriors have 1 role to play

in Warrior

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


PvP wise, i would agree and even say axe is trash. I tried running axe/shield but mace simply does more damage and im running zerker ammy so whats even the point of it?

I then tried axe off hand and the 5 skill simply doesnt do enough damage to anything to be useful. I believe the 4 skill is a double axe come down where it gives fury but the range is like 130 and is frustrating to hit when everyone moves so fast now.

Also the rifle is a meh weapon in PvP. As someone who has been playing ele mostly in the ranked system. Its almost laughable when a warrior brings rifle, you have magnetic aura on warhorn/staff/focus. You have a shout to give it to team mates. A overload with stability to give to team mates and a Elite shout to give it to team mates.

Ive only seen 2 rifle warriors against my team this season i both have killed themselves in the game as if im not watching them. I literally run to who ever they are targeting and give the auras and wait for them to switch weapons.

Rifle imo is was better in S3 and was really its only usable time for good level PvP.

I love facing eles with my rifle. They expect to be able to hide behind their projectile hate, but sig of might shuts down those dreams. Then, they’re silly thinking rifle is fully ranged. You then smack them with rifle butt, knocking them off point, then slap them with rifle 4 to imob them there. The point decaps, and they’re instantly a wasted space on the opposing team.

You’re also forcing their hand too. Oh, that kitten has brought a rifle, now I HAVE to swap to my projectile hate, and kitten that damage is hurting, well there goes all my invulns. Before that ele’s are having the time of their life, pursuing their dreams, using the skills they want to use. Then the kitteng warrior shows up and kittens all over them. It’s great!

If you are a bad ele yes but no there is absouletly no real reason to lose to a warrior in a 1 vs 1

Current Leader Board

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Well i wanted people to throw in there own input. This wasnt just a complaint thread. Many people have pointed out the Leader Board as broken and im just backing it up.

For me first thing changed is the placement games. 10 games is a good number but lets say you go 10-0. The max number you should get is lets just say 1750. You should have to work to get into Plat 3 and legendary.

Next thing is fix the rating win/loss system. Top players dont want to lose rating knowing if they win they get 2-10 and if they lose -20-40. It takes away incentive to keep playing more games. Many of the top 10 players are no longer in the top 25.

Get rid of the decay system, its just bad.

Also the season is over 50 days long so it should have more then 50 games to me. I said before 75 was good but 100 sounds like a even number.

They also need to fix they way matches are done between players in different levels. Either its solo que or you can play with friends. If Anet wants duo que they need to create a more forgiving rating system.

Overall i want players with the best skill to be rated the highest but i also want them to actually play the season. People who dont belong in the top 250 are sitting with there placement scores because the leader board isnt good.

It be like naming a player MVP in basketball even though his team sucks or he got hurt and only played 10 games in a 82 game season.

I simply made this thread for suggestions for a better leader board and some of the things i thought needed addressed.

Current Leader Board

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


So i just wanted to make a thread about the leader board, im still kind of hoping you can post it on the forum since i cant see the EU tops which would be cool.

Yet im a little taken back, yes the rating system is much better, the rewards are much better but it didnt do anything to make PvP more active.

Obviously there is a alt account issue among other things but i quickly just counted (NA) ( i could be +/- 1 or 2 on numbers so they are not permanent) the players in the top 250 of NA with X amount of game played.

24 or less games played- 28 = 11% of the leader board

49 or less games played- 62 = 25% of the Leader Board

I dont know what Anet feels is a good amount per season to play and i dont know what the community wants a leader board number to say but this isnt good.

You have PvE players playing lots and lots of games to get the easily acquired ascended armor. Heck you might have some WvW players coming in to get some nearly free ascended armor.

Thats great the more the merrier but once again what does this leader board do for PvP players?

You made a leader board where the importance of it is to get into the top 250, nothing else required. You have 25% of the leader board covered with players who have not even played the game.

Lets also play the hypothetical here and bring in alt accounts and say there is 25 alt accounts. (hahahahaha only 25)

We are now over 30% of what this leader board is suppose to stand for.

For me personally 75 games in a season sounds reasonable, if your one of the best players in the game and play 75 games boom Super Man can sit at the table but if i have top sit next Mumen Rider after he saved 4 cats and walked 3-4 old ladies across the street and is ranked in the top 200. Then decided he would wait for his check to come in at the end on the season because there is no reason to play anymore. For me thats a current issue with the leader board.

Ask (and learn) from an actually good player.

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


This is a side comment,

You should post more videos onto youtube, the carry games and the duo que arah path 2 were hilarious clips.

warriors have 1 role to play

in Warrior

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


PvP wise, i would agree and even say axe is trash. I tried running axe/shield but mace simply does more damage and im running zerker ammy so whats even the point of it?

I then tried axe off hand and the 5 skill simply doesnt do enough damage to anything to be useful. I believe the 4 skill is a double axe come down where it gives fury but the range is like 130 and is frustrating to hit when everyone moves so fast now.

Also the rifle is a meh weapon in PvP. As someone who has been playing ele mostly in the ranked system. Its almost laughable when a warrior brings rifle, you have magnetic aura on warhorn/staff/focus. You have a shout to give it to team mates. A overload with stability to give to team mates and a Elite shout to give it to team mates.

Ive only seen 2 rifle warriors against my team this season i both have killed themselves in the game as if im not watching them. I literally run to who ever they are targeting and give the auras and wait for them to switch weapons.

Rifle imo is was better in S3 and was really its only usable time for good level PvP.

Carry-potential ranking

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Against players who will continue to 2v1 a player they will take forever to kill or cap the point against, druid is by far the best carry because it survives 1v2 better than any other class. And against truly bad players, it has the dps to win 1v2s as well.

Against good players I think Mesmer would be the best carry because it has great rotation potential with portal and can win teamfights with correctly timed moas. It is also very strong 1v1 against most classes.

To be honest though, a good player can carry on any class. I see most people here say that ele is not a good carry at all, but this season I have seen Lord Asura carry games on ele extremely hard. It was literally impossible to win unless you forced him into a 1v1. This really shows any class can carry with enough skill.

thats not a carry though, if he is in a 1vs 1. He shouldnt be able to kill anyone therefore he needs his team mates to win the other fights.

If you watched kitty kitty meow meow, there were many times he had portal down left the team fight because he would say ohhh they should win a 3 vs 2. They wouldnt and literally portal back in 10 sec kill someone/rez someone and take the portal again to engage a 1 vs 1 he can win.

What you are suggesting is a ele very hard to kill but all it takes is a team saying avoid the ele or trap it in a 1 vs 1 and we can take the other points.

There are many ele players who are well above average but because they play a heal bot, alot of what happens in a match isnt about them.

For instance in a unranked match ( i was going for a daily) this engy and rev both ran straight into mid when you could clearly see the 2 DH’s on the other team drop traps on the point.

I was playing necro and they both died before me, i ran back home. The theif on my team went for beast and it got stolen at the start. We came back to win this but the start was like 150-30. I would not have been able to win this match on ele. I was able to kill 2 people off point with my necro. I then ran to there far to hold a decap while my team engaged the 4 vs 2 which they did and won.

The word carry is a very strong word and to me can not be used in terms with a ele with is inability to affect games in multiple ways. It is great at 1-2 things. The “carry classes” are great at 4-5 things.

Carry-potential ranking

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


For me its really 4 classes.

Its thief/mesmer/druid and Dh.

Warriors strengths comes for short period of times on power. So sustained fights become a weakness. For instance getting into a 1 vs 1 that you win and someone else comes running at you, stances are on CD for 60 and playing marauder/beserker ammy your gonna go down fast.

Ele cant carry because a lack of damage and speed. Ive even seen many eles in gold and plat lose 1 vs 1. Your running into people who are running meta classes to climb but dont know how to face certain builds. Today i almost quit when i saw a ele lose 1 vs 1 to a necro and then he lost 1 vs 1 to a warrior. You dont need more then 2 eles so this its situation.

Rev simply lacks condi sustain and damage. It now takes them too long to win fights to have a huge impact on a game and they can be bursted down easily.

Engy is in a odd spot now, its all around good right but not special and with players like five gauge and OE among a few others who were the Apex not playing now. I actually rarely see Engy in NA.

Necros need other classes to give support/boons/ etc etc. Of course the best necros can carry but you only have 2-3 necros from each side of the leader board who can do that.

So why can thieves, mesmers, druids and DH carry better. Simply put they can do multiple things better. Thief has crazy damage and speed. The ability to be in fights and then leave them allows good thieves do wreck. This is also due to solo/duo que. Cant call out eyes on his placement.

Mesmer can sustain 1 vs 2, do damage and has great mobilty with portals.

Druids again have great mobilty, the ability to win 1 vs 1 vs anyone and then give team support with the best rez in the game.

Dh once again can do everything, its why you see it stacked. Team heals, team condi cleanses and has point control with traps. I mean 3 classes really have great rezzing abilities and its engy, ranger and DH. That F3 skill with potential traps.

I have seen teams wipe because a Dh ran in pop traps and then bounce them out on the revive trait shield. Or simply using there shield either way the DH has no real weaknesses. It has good CD with blocks and high damage.

GW2 e-sports: Nails In The Coffin?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


When are people going to realize e-sports is a waste of money? ANet needs to actually build a workable PvP system, not just throw money at it. ANet can’t take shortcuts. Pro-leagues have failed. A game doesn’t become a sport because of money, it’s because people enjoy to play and watch it. It infuriates me to see pro-leaguers complaining. PvP is literally made for them, forget the new and average player. They’re literally catered to by ANet. Where the hell are the priorities?

Right now PvP needs:
- Separate Solo Queue(1-man) and Team Queue(5-man)
- Profession Balance
- Fix Hotjoin
- Fair matchmaking system

These are the BASICS.

If I had a choice between fixing PvP and killing the PvP “scene”, I would choose the second.

I have to stop this one im sorry, most companys have a monthly expense or in Anet a budget for certain things.

X amount of money is acceptable for employees, then X is for the build/products, etc etc etc.

Now the money if ive read it write comes from the marketing department. So instead of Anet buying ad space, commericals on tv, buying space on store shelves and other possible things. They decided to give it back to the PvP players of the game.

If anything Pro League made what we have now better because Anet was forced to watch S1-/2/3/4. They had to see players who were completely frustrated quit because of the Poor meta.

They had to watch The Abjured out play Vermillion but Vermillion won because they ran more OP classes.

For instance i work at a hotel, the hotel has X amount of money a month we are allowed to spend on food for the restaurant and X amount of money for repairs or new equipment. If im under that amount i dont get to pocket it or give anyone a raise. If im over on 1 im not allowed to use the extra money for repairs or vice versa and if im over on both im called into the bosses office to explain the situation. That happens every month.

Pro Leagues was walking into the bosses every month saying hey man this is messed up. Right now we have a million threads about X class being OP and guess what none of us know if its true because we dont get to see the best players go at it.

I can admit that HOT has been horrible for the games ability to market it as Esports but please dont act like it was tossed money.

ELO hell climb was a complete joke LUL

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Why are people complaining? This individual just wanted to start a conversation about the rating system.

I think they are asking a fair question if the comment they made is factual, i mean its not like this kitty kitty noob might be the best player in the game. Come on lets get him forum!!!!!

Gain +2 and lose -23?!

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I have to agree, you almost dont want to play PvP.

Especially when you get to a rank or in the top 250.

For instance i was in the top 175. I lost 4 games out of 6. I havent been able to get back to the top 250 but i have gotten back into platinum.

This is something i want and i dont know if i want to keep playing tons of games once im at 1650+.

You can see players in the top 50 kind of not playing as much. I mean the incentive are the titles/badges and yet a person can play -20 games get a ranking of over 2k. And they guy with 200 games and a 80% win rate has fallen to 150. Something is not right here.

I think overall we should of seen this coming, its Anet and im pretty sure they have monkeys play darts in the back room with there ideas. The darts that land bam that is the new system.

PvP sucks atm here s why

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Well also a game that has its pve aoe spam into its pvp, that cant be a good thing.

Vicky.4563, people voted with what they belived was wrong and probably they were right, but the real issue is Anet never cared to change the gamemode that much same that happened with WvW, game is about farm titles and pvp is no diferent that is why leagues and ranks dotn work and are not ment to work like other pvp games…

Its a game for every one, even bad players..every one can be efective to a extent.

There is nothing wrong with conquest, before HOT im pretty sure most of us would agree that it gave way more then a moba/king of the hill since play styles mattered.

Why is PvP the way it is?

Match making and build diversity. Nothing has changed, people (alot of the same people) keep writing new threads about whats OP and whats not right and blah blah blah.

Hot came out and killed the GW2 PvP scene growth, add that Anet has thrown together these 1/2 patches leagues and then taking the communitys vote for a team game. When most of the community is bad and full of excuses.

In previous seasons my guild team beat other teams that had 1/2 ESL players on it because we had 3-4 players with coordinated builds and rotations. Now we have solo duo que and now the same people are struggling except now they cant play with friends and are making even small excuses.

I will agree that the PvP effects have gone insane.

Anet still not addressed issues that are most important. Build diversity creates fun, you need that. Build diversity creates different team comps, we need that.

Conquest is a great style of game play, Anet needs to address the things i mentioned earlier and they need to address the fact they have came out with no new maps worth playing in ranked in nearly 5 years.

GW2 e-sports: Nails In The Coffin?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I dont think the Pro League should go, its been a big reason fro the improvements. I mean this solo/duo que did nothing for anybody which is what the many voted for what ever reason.

S1- Anet let the bunker meta stay and a Pro League actually quit a game because it was so bad.

S2- The death of warriors and thieves in PvP. As well as the rez bot revives.

S3/4- You could see anet make the changes after that, making it so when you went into down state you took constant damage. It was so clear that certain team comps were so OP just because they were better at rezzing.

Also Anet decided to nerf rev after all the changes since it was so much stronger. You could literally see in that last Pro League Season staff 5 rev take people down from full health to downstate. Did Anet over nerf it, of course because why test the things they do when they can just leave the player base in frustration.

The community has mostly terrible ideas when it comes to balance and many are not good enough to actually comment on things such as balance. But everyone can go back and look at the Pro Leagues and be like ohh yeah thats broken.

Right now Anet has to be loving the community voting for solo/duo que because that means they didnt have to fix match making till later, they dont have to deal with team comps and they dont have to deal with build diversity.

To me the Pro League helped out alot since it forced Anet to look at the PvP scene more then once a year. Currently no Pro League and the game has gone stale because guess what there is no reason to get better.

Anet didnt fix there leader boards, didnt add leader boards to the forum and only added more frustrating confusing aspects to the game. So ill repeat again that i think the ESport scene helped but its probably gone and so will the general PvP scene.

You think rev sucks? You know how ele feels

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


i have to disagree, eles still have a really good spot on teams and obviously no real for more then 1 but rev isnt really only good with the elite players of the game.

You are seeing revs at low-average-good levels of play simply lose out to other classes.

Ele still is the Apex on heal botting. So i understand what you are saying but Anet shouldnt come out with these classes killing stuff.

I mean S1 was so horrible and S1/2 warrior was the worst, Anet really needs to quit creating these dont ever play this class this season issues.

5 Warrior stacking Wins Everytime

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Not really, cc’s/blocks kill warriors. Someone skilled with a warrior is always gonna be tough, but then that’s goes for anyone.

You can CC and block a warrior all you want – they’re still gonna regen 1000 hp/s.

I wonder how all those top 15 players not playing warrior do it all the time?

Its like some crazy thing where you dodge the F1 skill and they cant heal.

Its this insane mechanic, or like blinding a warrior when he goes for a burst skill.

Also to the OP of the thread may i see a screen shot? Ive only seen one 3-4 warrior team this season and we lost.

Because top players constantly face players waaaaay below their rating (sup half of LB is afk for season) so they just get easy farm most matches.

I saw 2 this morning and marvin, wang and olrun play all day and night so just because some are doesnt mean all of them are. Got to blame Anet for the leader board.

Thats besides the point, i really dont understand these threads.

I mean 2 things happened in the patch to me that made a big difference. Obviously no team que and 2nd big one was the nerf to rev.

Rev is already one of the harder classes to master and Anet kind of destroyed rev for low-average level players. What ended up happening is Dh/warriors of either dps can now beat revs due to low dmg.

But there is still no reason a team with 3+ warriors should ever win a match. I would take a team of ele/ranger/engy- 2 dps against that comp any day.

Warriors do lots of damage against other players trying to do lots of damage, most of the damage is single target. You get 3 support characters that will constantly heal and warriors sustain will simple lose out every time.

I mean with Anet seeming to give up on the Pro Leagues which is unfortunate, alot of people dont get to see the simply counters to how to stop warriors.

I mean the comment above mine brought up a sigil and then necros is a big one but they need support. Like if we were to have a 5 vs 5 tournament next week, i probably wouldnt have a warrior on my team.

Its just really hard with solo/duo que and seeing all the crazy builds people are playing in ranked on top of the huge skill differences among players in the same match.

5 Warrior stacking Wins Everytime

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


No one is complaining about Tempest stacking.
Not sure stacking 5 of the most unrewarding class to play would work well.

“Watch-out they’re all gonna cast that Warhorn skill that barely does 400 damage.”

Hey the 5 skill on fire does good condi damage if you sit in it buddy!!!!

5 Warrior stacking Wins Everytime

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Not really, cc’s/blocks kill warriors. Someone skilled with a warrior is always gonna be tough, but then that’s goes for anyone.

You can CC and block a warrior all you want – they’re still gonna regen 1000 hp/s.

I wonder how all those top 15 players not playing warrior do it all the time?

Its like some crazy thing where you dodge the F1 skill and they cant heal.

Its this insane mechanic, or like blinding a warrior when he goes for a burst skill.

Also to the OP of the thread may i see a screen shot? Ive only seen one 3-4 warrior team this season and we lost.

Idea, decrease match length

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I disagree, yesterday i was in a match where we got out played most of the match. Score is like 475-375 on forest.

Both beast are up and there thief goes for our beast and our DH stole it. We decapped there mid while this happened and i ran far and 2 of there players where killing beast.

I playing ele didnt bother and just went to decap there far, the same DH ran from one beast to the other and stole that.

We ended up getting the decap and capped the other 2 points. We won, 501-487.

It was funny because 3 of us were talking negatively in team chat to each other but no one quit and we got the win.

This suggestion is horrible.

Warrior is a little too strong.

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I dont know what this thread is, you have people arguing that DPS is support, ok i guess if you want to call it something its not. Semantics i guess then other people ignoring the obvious counters.

Seriously ive been in gold 3- plat 2 all season and at no time have there been warrior stacking.

Ive taken screen shots of about 1/2 my games i complain about having the trio of mesmer or thieves on my team which never end well. I watch for Anet MM when it comes down to how people play against certain comps. I complain about MM when im seeing the top 200 players in the game and im losing 15+ rating when losing to them.

But here we have people complaining about things as iff there are no counters. A few of which i know for certain are not the best players. Which goes back to who does Anet balance the game for.

When im in a game and we have a thief, mesmer, DH and necro. And someone asks what do we need? And the team says support no one switches to warrior. They switch to engy,ele or ranger.

Seriously ive played against the ESL level player thief this season and he beat me 1 vs 1 when i was on my warrior. It took him a second waiting for me to use my stances. Running in and out of the fight but guess what he won.

Players who run revs have a complaint, players who complain about build diversity have a complaint, you can even complain about Match Making and the class stacking. Heck lets just throw in the whole HOT spec lines issue, that be fine.

But saying warrior is too strong in this current meta shows the lack of understanding in a 5 vs 5 PvP conquest match. If this wasnt a solo que season and you were faced to fight 3-4-5 premades we wouldnt be talking about warriors.

(edited by kdaddy.5431)

Warrior is a little too strong.

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Whether warrior is OP or not is up for debate; however what I cannot deal with is when abilities are so blatantly broken and remain so for this long. Let’s look at two abilities, and you can go down the line with any profession, that simply need balancing. In general, abilities should not provide both offensive and defensive capabilities and both Endure Pain and Berserker Stance do just that. It should be a give and take and not pop an immunity (to any damage type) and power forward and unload your damage. A balanced ability would be:

Endure Pain-for its duration, out going damage is reduced by X%
Berserker Stance-for its duration, health regeneration from all resources should be reduced by X%

You can do this with a large number of abilities in GW2. There are way too many abilities that are not properly balanced.

Life steal goes threw endure the pain, resistance can be stolen which is why you will see new warrior players be like WTF i had my stances up.

Warrior doesnt have distortion or renewed focus or go into mini form to be invulnerable. It has counters.

Warrior is a little too strong.

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431



phanta beat tarcis 1 vs 1 on point in the last tournament in a ranger vs warrior. Tarcis was coming from mid but it makes no difference.

You cant get any better on warrior then tarcis.

Please write more really long counter posts which have no actual facts.

LOL you literally wrote that warriors do everything well too, yeah please show me that support build?

Ohh yeah and show me a sustain build because once the 2 stances are up in a 2 vs 2 say good night. And all the amulets are basically beserker amulets except for 3 of them.

Like what are you trying to say with the post?

(edited by kdaddy.5431)

Warrior is a little too strong.

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Im speaking about is as someone who is looking at the total picture. And im not shy or ashamed so i will do the same thing. S1/2/3 Legend, Gold3 atm but was as high as top 150 in this current leader board with a Plat 2 rating. Someone who was ranked in the old old leader board for team and solo que.

Warrior is not as useful as other classes.In a 5 vs 5 no matter if class stacking is allowed or not you wont typically need a warrior. It doesnt give team healing, team boons, it has poor sustain outside of its 2 stances.
This thread is is suggesting to taking away the very last thing warrior has to even be usable in PvP.My talking about ranger was because at low levels it works and high levels it works. You cant say the same thing for the rest of the classes.

Im sorry there are bad players getting instantly bursted to warriors because they dont know what to look for which will happen no matter what class they are facing.

They can be kited, which lowers their sustain, but the problem a lot of us have with warriors is the amount of -passives- they have. Having an immunity to dmg on a toggled ability is 100% fine imo, but having it on a passive that can then be chained with the same exact ability, AND then shield block which reflects if your build has it.

It’s too much.

If they just get rid of the passive endure pain all together, it would still be a strong team fighting class, but not able to stand in zergs with the enemy unable to do anything to them for 30 seconds (ish). That’s simply too much.

Look at necros, they are the “beat the kitten out of this because they cant do anything about it” and get trained down all the time. “focus necro” is the first thing i see in a match most times.

DH on the other hand.. eh, dmg is too high for the amount of survivability tools they have at their disposal. How to fix them? idk, maybe lower dmg on traps, or change them to utility only.

That is incorrect, warrior doesnt survive without the 2nd endure the pain. As someone who tried to play without defense in a few ranked matches it didnt go well.

Also a big reason i brought up rangers is because it does everything well. I have a pic here.

Each team had a ele warrior and thief.

What happened was simply there was 3 support character on each side. All this complaining about warriors DPS is silly.

A combination of 2 classes stacking protection, regen, heals with invulnerability negates alot of damage what warrior does.

Once again im arguing big picture. Let me point out in 1 vs 1 warriors will lose to mesmers, rangers, DH in 1 vs 1 at equal levels and if the warrior doesnt take X utility skill for that 1 vs 1.

Also warrior struggles in team fights because once again, you only have 10 sec of survivability.

Of course in solo/duo warrior can bring problems when you have people running dopey builds, players at different skill levels facing each other not knowing how to play it and all your complaints can be said about every single class in the game.


Which is broken? DH or matchmaking?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Maybe think for a moment about if everyone on the opposing team is trash (which is why they’re getting facerolled) then maybe everyone on my team is also equally trash (which is why you can’t carry out of bronze hell).

The only reason why someone can carry a game is exactly because his team is just as trash as the enemy team.

On a side note, yes, Dh is more powerful at low skill rating because a lot of player don’t know how to deal with traps, or play defensively at all. It’s not rare to have silver player blowing up in the first second of a teamfight because of dh’s traps (especially if the dhs are stacked). Well, at least, that was my personal experience in silver, and the main reason i started playing ele again so i can allow my team to not die almost instantly in every teamfights.
Dh is strong, but it’s around the same power level as everything else, it counters some builds (thief/mesmer), and gets countered by other builds(ele/druid/engi).

It isnt just lower levels, its in gold3/platinum 1 as well.

The nerf to rev was pretty hard for above average and below players. Yes at the highest level rev is still viable but in this match a rev i would of had confidence in previous seasons couldnt do anything.

Its the biggest problem with PvP atm. The skill gap for certain builds are different and if we are honest class stacking is a issue for everyone besides the top 100 players.


(edited by kdaddy.5431)

Class Stacking - Post Yr Pics

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I dont know how big of a issue this is but its clear that some people struggle against certain classes.

Wonder if Anet system takes into account peoples numbers when dying on certain maps to certain comps.


Warrior is a little too strong.

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Im speaking about is as someone who is looking at the total picture. And im not shy or ashamed so i will do the same thing. S1/2/3 Legend, Gold3 atm but was as high as top 150 in this current leader board with a Plat 2 rating. Someone who was ranked in the old old leader board for team and solo que.

Warrior is not as useful as other classes.In a 5 vs 5 no matter if class stacking is allowed or not you wont typically need a warrior. It doesnt give team healing, team boons, it has poor sustain outside of its 2 stances.
This thread is is suggesting to taking away the very last thing warrior has to even be usable in PvP.My talking about ranger was because at low levels it works and high levels it works. You cant say the same thing for the rest of the classes.

Im sorry there are bad players getting instantly bursted to warriors because they dont know what to look for which will happen no matter what class they are facing.


(edited by kdaddy.5431)

Warrior is a little too strong.

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


The damage is simply too high and too hard to avoid given how tanky and mobile they are. I think a reduction of the f1 on greatsword would be suitable. In addition, i think the defy pain trait is too good.

I think most agree with me on this. Mesmer is also a little too strong.

What a ridiculous post,

Every class in the game has good mobility besides guardian. Every class in the game does insane damage. You are asking to nerf warriors when warriors already have to trait for every DPS option to truly be viable.

Necro has 2 health bars. Guardian has point control skills and renewed focus and shelter if they want it. Mesmer has 2X blocks and distortion and blurred. Thief has multiple shadowsteps and insane damage. Rev in the hands of good players is still a good class though to hard for most of the population to play. Ranger is the easiest class to play since its 75% build.

HOT brought all of this, also asking to nerf warrior when Axe, Hammer, Torch, Sword, Rifle are near useless is whats the problem.

People need to quit making these cry threads about so and so class being OP and ask Anet to balance there game. We shouldnt have these threads about X class, there should be multiple threads about Anet needing to create build diversity and forcing give and take when making builds.

I’d argue that every class is pretty much 75% build.

‘Get good’ and ‘L2P’ in gw2 is inclusive of making a good build and having a good set-up.

With regards to Warriors in general, I’d recommend having primal bursts provide just 1 stack of AH due to the spammable nature of it.

I do not think that the current primal burst skills needs to be toned down. You ought to be punished if you allow yourself to get hit by a warrior’s f1. Otherwise, ANET should just rename it to primal STRIKE instead of BURST. It’s called BURST for a good reason.


Of course builds are now the most important thing since Anet forced every class in to certain builds.

But what i meant for ranger is when traited right and then played right its too perfect.

We are talking perma stability,fury,swiftness, with 2 stun breakers in F5 and a utility skill as well as signet of stone. Then you had pet damage as well as a taunt. With staff and longbow, if the player plays his cards right he stays at a range distance winning most fights.

Ranger/druid also bring great heals to team fights.

Warrior has long cool downs. Warrior is forced to play stances with 60 sec long cool downs. That means that for 50 sec warriors have to be near perfect with everything to win fights.

Necros in games start off as the lets get him but that changes mid game when they potentially have full RS just waiting for you to use a stance.

The OP of this thread is saying that warrior is too strong when he simply needs to get out of 450 range when warrior goes into beserk mode.

Warrior has to play differently then DH which has to play differently then rev which plays differently then thief.

Its why alot of us are pushing for Anet to be better. The ability to play different classes that actually feel different and need different tactics makes GW2 special. So i disagree that warrior healing needs fixed when its the only form of sustain.

The fact Anet went the HOT route for raids/PvE and destroyed WvW and PvP in the process is why this game cant be successful in the ESports scene.

"What does 'rotate' mean?"

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I just told my team to hold our caps on mid and home to get the win, with the score tied at 450 to 450.

2 of them ran to far and died and we lost both our caps and then the match.

You can’t keep people from losing the match even when you tell them how to win.

Give me my individual rating. AND give give massive rating loss for deaths. AND give us the ability to vote players off the team when their detrimental play has cost the team the match. AND get your PVE rewards out of PvP. AND stop rewarding losses.

This is not competitive.

I cant be for this, I had Edison on my team twice and there was a rev in 1 match complaining about him. Telling him to decap far and to leave certain fights.

I actually had to write something to the extent of the thief is one of the best in NA, chill man.

So when everyone can vote on something then that means you cater to those who cry the loudest.

"What does 'rotate' mean?"

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


You must be playing on NA servers. Just play on EU servers

OMG these are so good, I need more EU memes

Class Stacking - Post Yr Pics

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I got a few but ive been taking alot of pics, the ones of me on thief is unranked though.

3rd one im the warrior


Another PvP issue

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


When you duo que isn’t the lower player bumped to your rating for matching purposes? Otherwise it could make sense if I was queuing against more silver tier players.

You and your duo partner get your Mmr Averaged and then a Rating boost applied.

Ok so i relooked and added the players from my pic at the top.

Fishball and his friend had slightly higher ranks then I and one person on my team had a higher rank then me.

The other 2 duo que on the other team are the current number 1 & 2 player.

Obviously this is late MMR ratings but id like to point out they had the best 2nd best 3rd highest rated players on there team as well as the 5th with I having the 6th.

Say what you want but its so obvious that some matches are put together without any thought.

I mean look at the leader board. Id like to point out that the person who Duo que in that match has 2 of the top 5 spots in the pic.


(edited by kdaddy.5431)

Warrior is a little too strong.

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


The damage is simply too high and too hard to avoid given how tanky and mobile they are. I think a reduction of the f1 on greatsword would be suitable. In addition, i think the defy pain trait is too good.

I think most agree with me on this. Mesmer is also a little too strong.

What a ridiculous post,

Every class in the game has good mobility besides guardian. Every class in the game does insane damage. You are asking to nerf warriors when warriors already have to trait for every DPS option to truly be viable.

Necro has 2 health bars. Guardian has point control skills and renewed focus and shelter if they want it. Mesmer has 2X blocks and distortion and blurred. Thief has multiple shadowsteps and insane damage. Rev in the hands of good players is still a good class though to hard for most of the population to play. Ranger is the easiest class to play since its 75% build.

HOT brought all of this, also asking to nerf warrior when Axe, Hammer, Torch, Sword, Rifle are near useless is whats the problem.

People need to quit making these cry threads about so and so class being OP and ask Anet to balance there game. We shouldnt have these threads about X class, there should be multiple threads about Anet needing to create build diversity and forcing give and take when making builds.

NA vs EU?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Just a FYI I took that comment from reddit, there was a post by Jeff on reddit as well but he comments on this forum so i dont want to speak for him in any fashion.

I posted those comments to let everyone know what i was referring to.

I honestly didnt know that EU and NA had legit beef. So hearing some of the top level players in the game kind of messing with one another is a interesting find.

Oh yeah, totally got that. It fun to know as well. Seems like there is more activity on Reddit than on forums. I wonder why?

Yeah im not a fan of reddit.

I was only there because GW2 was shut down for a minute. I just stumbled upon the 2-3 comments by some of the best players in the game talking smack but giving no details.

Reddit is the future i guess.

NA vs EU?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Just a FYI I took that comment from reddit, there was a post by Jeff on reddit as well but he comments on this forum so i dont want to speak for him in any fashion.

I posted those comments to let everyone know what i was referring to.

I honestly didnt know that EU and NA had legit beef. So hearing some of the top level players in the game kind of messing with one another is a interesting find.

NA vs EU?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


^^^ that comment is from Lord helseth

NA vs EU?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


NA is a joke and the scene constantly destroys itself.
It’s pathethic. They could have elevated the game to such a higher state on their side, finally getting some proper competition rather than the dumb circlejerk they have but no, the egos of a bunch of underachievers is way too important so they continue to destroy what they have.
Meanwhile the top of eu all have 150+ games now, actively try to snipe eachother to have games as competitive as possible and discourage alt accounting and qing in odd times. (see; the treatment of zapddos and blackjack who are the only people who legit try to do what you guys do, funny that the most hated (and banned) team of eu basically just does standard NA actions)
The same was seen when the guild ladder leaderboard was out – all NA teams started trying to farm it in all the most dishonest bs ways possible. When carcrash decided to do the same on europe the EU scene decided to just do inhouses and scrims so that there was healthy competition while freezing CC out and shutting down this behavior.
Everyone on that leaderboard part of the problem while doing this and I’ve spoken to p much everyone on there about it. The problem is from the top down since NOBODY on NA will actively try to take a stance for making your own scene better. That is your job to do. Instead, you kitten up your own ladder and then come to EU ladder in a sad attempt to kitten it up aswell.
Grow up, all of you. If you spent half the time you did finding out ways to ruin your own community on getting good instead maybe you would have produced more than a single good team that had amazing record of going 4-10 vs eu teams in games in 2016.

NA vs EU?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Well on jeffs stream yesterday he proudly explained who all the alts were in the top 5.

I think 3 of them were his.

It might seem wrong, but they are not doing anything against the system, rather they want to show the holes in the system.

Maybe someone has link for the stream, i dont watch him normally and i dont think he streams often, so i dont have it.

Ohhh ok, im fine with that. Anet does these 1/2 attempts at patches so thats to be expected.

I more wondering about the potential issue between NA and EU. The EU player on reddit was saying the NA players are trying to ruin the PvP scene in the game.

Ill go check and see if i can repost there post.