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Is Gold/Plat players supposed to be good?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


It’s not that NA is worse (it might be) but there’s less people playing so the matchmaker just puts silver vs almost legendaries which means you have no idea if the player is a bad plat player or he might actually be silver and you’re making the wrong assumption about their rank.

I would like to add to this point.

You can literally see the best players on EU playing hundreds of games with there mains. No cheating/smurfing to crush low level players.

NA has been full of alt accounts and ESL players not playing there main accounts. Using ALT accounts to help friends stay in the TOP 10 of the leader board. As well as alot of ESL players playing the least amount of games possible.

So lets be honest, the players of NA and EU are no different skill wise. Simply that EU is far more competitive and has a more accurate Leader Board.

With no real ESL scene and alot of players disappearing from NA like OE,five gauge, Caed.

Im wondering how you guys can have a actual debate about the skill of each region when one is simply embracing the new system where the other is losing top level players and manipulating it to the point that Anet actually made a change during the season.

Is SPvP more popular now than before

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I feel like sPvP is never gonna be as popular as it was right at release, even though now there are much much much more rewards (any multiplier is an infinity when compared to 0). Probably because the raw number of players was much higher back then.

I will say this though: with season 5’s new system the numbers did seem to increase and HOTM seems to be getting more crowded, but as Shaogin said, it is all speculation, we don’t have any real data.

If looking at percentage wise i don’t really know what to tell you.

I cant speak in game wise.

But i was in the Tournaments from like AG 30-38 and they were always full.

I think we missed like 3 weeks simply because 14 teams entered before us.

Then 2 things happened really fast and broke the game play for tournaments. The D/D ele meta and then HOT bunker era.

I really feel this game had a serious chance of legit Esports or being considered a great PvP game had they simply addressed those issues. When you go back and look at battle fly. They couldnt even fill up 10 man rosters once 4-5 man ele teams were happening.

I acutally knew 3-4 people who had guild teams/ were making a team who my team could of scrimmed with had everyone stayed level. All of them ditched the game since the changes but 1.

For me this is why this game cant/wont be successful in the PvP aspect. Anet doesnt really care about PvP. I mean the players care more about the PvP scene which is why you saw top level players cry when grouch left. There probably wont be any real 5 vs 5 tournaments for awhile. Lets be honest Those last few weeks before HOT and that HOT season 1-2 were god awful and Anet just let everyone play threw it like we were people in Flint Michigan and they were the Governor having his annual Paris vacation.

So for me this games highest point was right before WTS 2.

(edited by kdaddy.5431)

Is Gold/Plat players supposed to be good?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Im sorry that this happened but if you want to break it down we can.

If all 4 of them were facing 1 player at your home its probably best to regroup and make the full 5 man push towards mid and hole you could win the 5 vs 3 that you tried to solo.

Also fighting off point is a huge part of the game, you cant sit on a point and expect to beat the best players in the game when they will let you cap something if it means they live and they know they can get a kill on someone. They will be patient and let you have the 15-30 sec buff if it means they can win the 2 cap point in a different way.

Lastly ive been in gold 3-plat 2 all season. Ive played multiple times player in the to 25 when they were ranked top 25.

And today i played against 5 people and we held a 4 vs 5 even for about 2 minutes until the 5th came back and took a 3 cap for the rest of the game.

The ratings of players in each match can be vastly different.

Last thing i want to add is this is the first game ive won with the combination of 3 with mesmer/thief. never won a game this season when i had 3 people playing those 2 classes on my team.


(edited by kdaddy.5431)

Downstate shouldnt exist in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I disagree with your comment OP and Sneaky Touchy.

Downstate is the simply the 2nd phase of the fight. Its not enough to simply down someone, getting the kills without killing yourself in process is key.

Also the rally effect is a key component, it separates good players from great players and so on.

Being able to time your rezzes as well as apply some damage to another down player will determine who will win the skirmish.

If you want to complain about something complain about the fact Anet didnt change rezzing when they released HOT. When everyone is 1000% what they used to be to core GW2 things need to be looked at.

Also the release of Revs, spam guardians on a body etc etc etc.

There is nothing wrong with down state, or rally off of deaths. Hot was a problem for PvP.

There is no point to toughness

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Its just the HOT effect,

99% boon up keep with stability, might, protection, regen and apply some vigor in there and boom toughness/vitality become WAY OP.

Anet says how do we fix it?

Remove any amulet that could potentially give build diversity.

Seriously ive gone back to playing other games for PvP and man i miss core GW2.

yesterday for dailies this mesmer went a good 20 sec straight and didnt take any damage with shield 4-4, dodge roll, sword 2, dodge roll- distortion, dodge roll and at the end of it he blinked away and took a portal some where.

We are in S5 now, why has Anet done anything with Spam Wars HOT edition?

We need a surrender vote

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


i cant believe people actually want this.

Considering all OP has been doing in the past few weeks is kitten and moan about almost every single aspect of this game. Finding an effective way to give up really isn’t surprising.

He seems to be the type that blames his tools for his shabby workmanship.

Ive been playing LoL alot recently (got to get to level 30 !!!!!!!!!!!!!)

And i kid you not every time someone asks to surrender, if they dont get it they will just leave.

How can anyone in this game or anything really get gains if they dont actually try do it is what im asking?

Its just a odd mentality i cant understand.

Is it worth playing ele?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I think I would even go so far as to say that I don’t enjoy playing ele, but it feels like it’s necessary to secure wins and advance in rating.

You dont have to play it if you dont like the pure support role.

You could easily switch to ranger,engy or DH and play a support class with some dps or play them as DPS/bruiser roles and be a support secondary.

If you cant sustain a 1 vs 2 at bronze/silver i would suggest playing another class.

We need a surrender vote

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431



Many people like myself with lots and lots of games know that most games are lost at the 250-X less points game.

But every now and then you get that game where you come back and it feels so rewarding.

In LoL people who ask to surrender usually quit when the team says no. This is a terrible idea and i cant believe people actually want this.

This game mechanically is so much harder then other PvP games when you tak into account how you have to play differently with rotations, 1 vs 1, 3 vs 3, when to push and when to defend. Its clear in mobas, alot different in conquest.

Changes to League Rating Leaderboard

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


40 still feels too low, even at this point on the season. Should’ve been at least 100 and at least 200 for the new season.

200 is too much, if you want it to be serious then i guess 150 would be middle ground but you want to see who the top 250 players are not who are the best grinding players are.

Is it worth playing ele?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Ive been playing d/w ele since HOT end of season 1.

Do not switch unless there is another ele on your team or if 2 of your DH say they are bunkers/support at the last second.

It is not a carry build but it is a needed class in 5 vs 5 for team fights.

Daily camp

in WvW

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


It was me and a ele there.

We killed 2 players trying to protect it. We killed the guards and it wouldnt let us cap.

A NPC respawned and we killed it and it started to tick but obviously for NPC came back and after the others ones spawned it wouldnt cap.

It looked like a bug but its still frustrating.

Edit- We both just left no one was there.

(edited by kdaddy.5431)

Skill Rating is Accurate

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Example- I have a 1300 rating, i go on vacation and am gone for 2 weeks. I receive -700 from decay.

If you’re willing to take a two week vacation during the season, then you’re not really serious about PvP. So, the Bronze SR accurately reflects your level.

Also, sitting at 1300 – you’re pretty much an average player.

I think the biggest complaint with the current (and in my opinion way better) badging system is that only a few players get the shiniest badges.

I don’t like the idea that if you’re average, you can get silver. Being slightly better, you’re gold. You have to exceed top 10% just to get platinum, I think the gaps are just too far.

“It’s not fair that only the top players get the top badges.”

C’mon guys, do you really all want participation trophies? Doesn’t that completely remove the prestige of earning the top badges? Maybe there are ways to game the system, but let’s tackle those instead of taking steps back to S1-4 where everyone could grind to Legendary.

It’s not really Legendary if anyone can get it.

I only said the gaps are too far. Feel free to make legendary only accessible to top tier players, but going from “above average” to top 10% for next division is extreme.

I much prefer Overwatchs division split, platinum is average, diamond is top 25%, masters is top 10%, grandmaster is top 5%.

It used to be worse similar to gw2 where 99% of the game was gold or higher, and you needed to be top 10% just to surpass platinum. The gaps were too large, add more divisions or make different icons for each tier in good and silver, and so on.

I can agree,

I dont know why Anet changed it so much.



They took out a whole division

Daily camp

in WvW

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Its a little hard to take when there is no supervisor


Developers - make Leaderboards pretty please

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


More public player information would be great, but let’s be honest.

We’d only use it to shame others:

“You’re only T3 Silver. Anything you have to say is moot. I’m Platinum, look at me.”

I dont do that, (well at least i dont think i do) but im currently in plat, was rated in the old solo que and team que. Played in a few AG tourneys and i simply take everyones comments and try to break it down.

Obviously some people come here to rant, some make good points but have no clue how other classes work.

This goes for everyone, ive seen alot of legendary players/ ESL players who are a bit full of themselves and act superior because they are better. Then you have others who dont and you can walk up to in game and actually talk to them.

Thats just life and your gonna get those 50/50 spreads. That doesnt mean ANet shouldnt give us basic PvP items like a leader board, who is on it and what class they play.

Like I and my guild mates have started playing LoL since we can que up together, see each players rankings and have fun.

Not a whole lot of fun in GW2 PvP lately. Im mean literally every class has had 1 build to play since HOT came out. Im ranting but im mean GW2 needs these basic items to just be taken seriously as a PvP scene.

Skill Rating is Accurate

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Example- I have a 1300 rating, i go on vacation and am gone for 2 weeks. I receive -700 from decay.

If you’re willing to take a two week vacation during the season, then you’re not really serious about PvP. So, the Bronze SR accurately reflects your level.

Also, sitting at 1300 – you’re pretty much an average player.

I think the biggest complaint with the current (and in my opinion way better) badging system is that only a few players get the shiniest badges.

I don’t like the idea that if you’re average, you can get silver. Being slightly better, you’re gold. You have to exceed top 10% just to get platinum, I think the gaps are just too far.

“It’s not fair that only the top players get the top badges.”

C’mon guys, do you really all want participation trophies? Doesn’t that completely remove the prestige of earning the top badges? Maybe there are ways to game the system, but let’s tackle those instead of taking steps back to S1-4 where everyone could grind to Legendary.

It’s not really Legendary if anyone can get it.

I agree with the legendary symbol status. Its suppose to mean something.

Your other point is a bit of a joke. What if marvin quit playing today because of work or family life. Dude has more games played in NA then anyone and he is constantly in the top 100. All of a sudden he cant play for 2 weeks and he falls from 1900 to 1200 and its his fault, please stop it.

Same thing as tarcis. I saw him early in the season playing DH, he got as high as top 40 ranked player. He played 100+ games early int he season. You cant find him on the Leader Board now.

Your right the guy 11-2 in the top 50 deserves it and not tarcis a guy former ranked number 1 in solo que, former ESL competitor. By your statement, not a serious PvP player. Even though he has 100+ games more then players who are not getting decayed.

We need to have logical debates and quit making up personal stats to be applied to a season.

Developers - make Leaderboards pretty please

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I would really like it on the GW2 leader boards page.

I also would like the back name and the character name with the most games played in a season and that class.

1- It would help the community see what is the most used classes

2- We could see the Top NA and EU players, which would be nice since we had it before.

I dont understand how we can have competitive seasons when we dont get to see anything.

In WoW, LoL, you can see the top players, what character/class they play and you can see it on there own leader boards.

To be fair LoL is a PvP game, so that is essential. WoW makes billions so they are going to provide as much information as they want since they have billions to blow on UI developers.

Guild wars 2 barely makes a pip. Not saying it is justified not having it, just saying comparing two games that have significantly more resources than guild wars 2 isn’t a good way to make a point.

You make excellent points and normally i would agree with you.

Except we used to have leader boards for solo que and team ranked que. It was for the Top 1000 players and it had there wins/losses with a win % next to there name. It also had the character they last played with.

GW2 score used to have this information. I literally went back and saw that i screwed my solo que rating a bit by losing my last 4 matches in solo que by playing thief.

So yes i would normally agree with you but they already had the set up with the old leader board system from 2 years ago.

If im a power lifter and i dead lift 900 lbs. Decide to change my work out and now i dead lift 800 lbs. Guess what i know its not better and i can go back to my old work out system.

We are almost threw S5 and still no Leader Board system on the leader board page.

WE USE TO HAVE A LEADER BOARD, thats my reason.

Skill Rating is Accurate

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Do you know how this chart scaled decayed players because it looks like it decayed a player and he played 1 match and said no more for me.

It’s unclear whether gw2efficiency registers decay when they provide the stats; maybe someone with decay can check their account on that site and see?

I checked and no, gw2efficiency do not take decay into account. It displays and use your true skill rating, not your effective skill rating.

thank you,

but that still doesnt answer the come back factor.

Example- I have a 1300 rating, i go on vacation and am gone for 2 weeks. I receive -700 from decay.

I now have 600 rating. I play 2 games and lose both. I receive +200 from the decay and lose 60. I decide i dont want to play anymore.

Is my new effective rating 740? Since i came back to play to get my new rating, ive seen a few people on my friends list who had X rating, took a break and play some games and there new rating is much lower then the old rating before the decay.

No Elite Specialization Lore

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


The lack of lore for elite specialization was a huge flaw IMO. It didn’t have to be a complex storytelling, and even though white knights will state stories aren’t easy, I just take precursor crafting collections as an example: no cutscene, just NPC dialogs and item stuffs. If they can’t make these, Jesus… I don’t expect much from 2nd xpac.

Look at VB and the books you can buy from doing the event.

They could have implemented a story-lore section tab when you hit (H). Where they could of added the missing story lines of everything or lore to what we are doing when purchased instead of having us old books in our bank/inventory.

Literally everything about HOT feels like it was thrown in last second.

Professions stacking ranking 2016/2017

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


heralds/revenants. they arent bad. people just think they are bad. they take skill to use sure but in decent hands they still provide amazing cleave. people are jumping ship over nothing. the only nerf i would reverse on them is the sword 2. that one was just stupid.

You just said it. In decent hands. But when I see all the Rev mains (prev season legend ranked) that I follow on twitch switch to DH/War/Thief then you know something is wrong. Simple a legend skill level player will still perform MUCH MUCH better on DH or War in solo/duo queue than if he stay on Rev. So why would he/she bother to stay on Rev if he wants to crack top 20 leaderboards.

I really wish ANET will publish stats of the TOP 50 on leaderboards showing the classes they played the most in Season 5. I doubt Rev will be represented much in Top 50.

toker- seriously is no one else running into elite level revs? I understand why they wouldnt be at silver and lower but in plat+ they are there.

Rev recived a huge damage nerf and yes Anet needed to gibe them some more sustain some how but saying they cant be good with ESL players playing them? Sheesh.

To your top-10 list

I feel you really should of broke it down better.

I see a ton of necros, warriors, thieves and DH. I also see them from alot of non-main players who are looking for the better match up.

Personally the list should look like

A) DH-Warriors-Necros

B) Thief- Druid-Tempest (you only need 1 of them on your team, cant stack these)

c) Scrapper-Chromancer- Herald

If i may, once again for my its more of a Match Making issue since Anet gave hard counters to classes.

Things wouldnt be such a issue if Anet added things like equal classes to each team as well as rating that way you dont have the 1800 thief with the 1700 DH on one side with the 2 thieves at 1500 on the other team.

I threw out 3 pics one of 2 horrible set up games and 1 that was perfectly set up class wise.


(edited by kdaddy.5431)

Developers - make Leaderboards pretty please

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I would really like it on the GW2 leader boards page.

I also would like the back name and the character name with the most games played in a season and that class.

1- It would help the community see what is the most used classes

2- We could see the Top NA and EU players, which would be nice since we had it before.

I dont understand how we can have competitive seasons when we dont get to see anything.

In WoW, LoL, you can see the top players, what character/class they play and you can see it on there own leader boards.

"Matchmaking" sucks - EVIDENCE

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


lol turrent engi, nice. agree for the most part but it still seems like glicko cant handle the complexity of gw2 and mmorpgs in general, namely enemy team buying a team mate to forfeit (or a solo actor that’s salty), people running a build they don’t know how to play, and bad rotations. things like this all contribute to a loss that a player has no control over.

See of course i can agree with you that the system not being able to correctly give each player there “perfect rating” but im pretty sure we can all agree that it is giving a near accurate rating.

For instance things i would like to see is what class X player is playing with. For instance i play mostly ele/warrior. When i took my necro/thief into ranked it wasnt pretty and my team lost those games because hey unranked is alot easier then ranked.

As well as the team que you mentioned earlier, the rating system has flaws but Anet should by now have a idea of how to adjust it based on the classes/ personal MMR/ Team MMR/ and a fair team rating system.

No Elite Specialization Lore

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


HOT fell pretty flat in most areas of the game.

Lore wise the game is off. Even wooden potatoes comments that alot of the living story lines dont seem to follow along with how the culture of the races. Like Braham is from the wolf clan and they never forget. They even appreciate there elders more after death and braham is acting super odd. And Anet answer is that they knew people who acted weird in those situations.

The problem is they are people NOT LIVING IS THIS WORLD. Not to mention they are humans who are of a completely different culture.
now it is breaking apart.

I was super intersted in learning more since GW2 has books out i personally love the Norns and Sylvari but Anet literally does everything possible to spit in the face of the characters and races identities so they can throw out living story content while the patch up together another uncompleted expansion they probably hope to sell to us for another $100.

so you’d prefer all norms to be robots programmed to act accordingly in 1 situation? how does that make for interesting character if all norms had an x character all sylvari a y and all the asura a z

you can say that how braham is acting is childish sure i agre but i much more prefer it than the generic norm would would add in a specific way just because he was discrubed as such this gves depth to his character

if you would keep atching some of the next vids of wp you would find out that ppl came out and ssaid the same stuff as me now and wp acknowledged and agreed with this opinion

oh and btw the expac was solf for 40 euro or idk 50 $? the 100 you payd you got sme more stuff like 4k gems caracter slot and other stuff but thaat was your choice anet didnt force you to do that.

No you are right about them acting like robots but i would like them to act like the people/culture they come from.

He wasnt at the funeral, he didnt celebrate her life and his attitude towards his friends once again doesnt come from the people he came from.

Its like the Icelandic strongmen, a rich history of Magnús Ver Magnússon, Jón Páll Sigmarsson and people care about it more. Its why it means more to Hafthór Júlíus Björnsson.

Where as in the U.S you couldnt find very many people who know Brian Shaw. Jouhka Ahoula went on to have a acting career after he won 2 WSM competitions.

This is how Norns deal with death, its ok for him to act odd or different by he isnt even acting Norn like. At the funeral it even had a sad feeling about it, where was the drinking and the partying?

So its not just braham but Anet literally forgot what they had written in Books about the different cultures. For instance the Sylvari we know should be way different then the other Sylvari but HOT was so short we never even got to experience anything. Just meta maps for farming.

Some of us like the story line behind it and so it kind of needs to make sense.

Lastly i paid $100 for this EXP because Guild Wars 2 the core game is a amazing game. Truly special and it gave so much. Multiple areas to explore, 8 dungeons with explorable and story paths. Absolutely amazing PvP design (throw in Pve too), easily some of the best PvP of any game ive ever played. Multiple races to dive threw and get a small glance of the culture. Crazy good events that brought you in game skins you could get like halo/ devil horns/ back wings and the entire SAB series even though i dont care for it much.

HOT has fallen completely flat to me, story wise, lore wise, map wise, the destruction of build diversity in PvP and WvW. I spent that money to show support for what a great game GW2 was, i will not be purchasing the next expansion after everything becoming toilets that must be fed with massive amounts of farming.

Also its fine you and others agree with WP, thats great but instead of acting like its different. How about these writers and creators create a actual story line with characters that you want to feel something towards instead of simply questioning everything. People are no longer “into” the story but into breaking it down and questioning why these story is where its at.

Skill Rating is Accurate

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I can not agree with this totally because of decay.

Do you know how this chart scaled decayed players because it looks like it decayed a player and he played 1 match and said no more for me.

I had a friend who had a rating around mine of 1700 and he took around 2 weeks off. He has 120+ games but he came back played a game and lost and his rating his now 12xx.

For me, there should be no decay system. Just have a min games played. 150 is a great number. Fix the first 10 games, have it so the highest rating you can get is 1600. Now all the PvP giants have to battle it out to get to plat + and Leg.

Then Anet simply needs PvP rewards for the PvP players.

Literally everything about PvP has turned into lets help Pve players with AP, or new skins, or them getting there ascended armor.

Like i love new blood coming into the PvP scene but you want them there to learn to pvp, not to farm pve rewards.

"Matchmaking" sucks - EVIDENCE

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Solo que died back in the day because many people were simply getting bored. It took forever for a AG/ESL scene to come about and its gone again. You can already see Pro players are getting bored so they are running there own tournaments or simply playing alot less.

Also this season is the best season so far, it just happens once again. There are some match making issues. Things that can be dealt with but its just frustrating for those in previous seasons who made legendary to find out they play at a silver or gold level. That and lets add no real rewards for PvP players and Anet gave fluff for the shards of glory which is another PvP item, not PvE.

Also these passives where in the game before, all that changed with HOT is more of everything from damage, sustain, healing, boons. please tell me that spirit ranger and turret engy where super skilled? No, they werent you say so all that really changed was the speed of the game and the clutter from animations.

Also people are not complaining about there rating for the most part but by the +/- of the system as well as the huge cap differences in teams. You can see from the pic i posted earlier in this very thread. The team im on is clearly out matched and i have 2 other pics that are near the same.

That is not a algorithm problem that cant be fixed.

So to address your 5 man team question, its impossible. The only real 5 man team games i truly encountered regularly were in the AG tournament, TOL, and back when we had tickets in this game. Very few people in this game faced actual full 5 man teams that couldnt be beat.

In season 1 i faced Team PZ 4 out of 5 games and then saw them for my 6th. There were only 4 of them. It was frustrating because i lost PiPs not because they were full blow outs. (actually 2 of them were) Anet has the info since most people in the game have X000 games played. Simply quit putting 5 ESL players on 1 side and 0 on the other.

Edit- you wanted more skilled game play so im bringing it back :P


Change Conquest to 4 vs 4

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


disagree, its not a good suggestion.

In that current state i would be facing 2 duo que legendarys with that 1 vs 1 me bruh Hero on my team who is stuck in gold and blames everyone for his losses.

Please no

"Matchmaking" sucks - EVIDENCE

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


1) You understand we’re not privvy to the code

here ya go

Here was the big one, MATCH MAKING. People voted for solo/duo que because they thought it would make match making better. If we are honest it has been a little better. But guess what there are still major flaws in the system. It wouldnt be such a big deal except we ARE IN SEASON 5.

there was originally a solo q and team q, the best possible scenario for pvp, but it was implemented poorly. people complained about it, and instead of fixing it (force solo q to accept ONLY solo players – no duo q or match syncers, and team q to accept ONLY whole 5 man premades) we have this. we have this because people complained about long q’s, and instead of fixing things contributing to long q’s (above mentioned, op/up skills/traits and passives, massive bunker potential) we got a watered down version of the only way to make pvp possible.

further, glicko 2 is not suited for complex battle simulations (mmorpgs, csgo seems to be doing fine) because there are too many variables, such as the other team buying (virtual currency at fault here) a player on yours to forfeit, classes and builds, proper point rotations for each class/build, disconnects and rq’s, and aforementioned poor class balance, which was mainly introduced with the massive power creep of hot.

I disagree with full 5 man teams completely. Ive been on 2-3-4 man teams that have destroyed full premades simply because we were of a higher skill level.

Also back in the day i quit solo queing because it never popped so i yolo qued all the time in team que.

Also all the things you are speaking about has to do with game play/build diversity which is more for fun.

They could give us better matches, they simply would need to quit stacking the 1800+ on one side and the 1600-1700 players on the other and so on down. That has nothing to do with power creep and HOT spec lines.

Anet need to support some small tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I wouldnt even need money.

We used to have tickets and ticket tournament games gave away gems.

Id rather they had big tournaments/seasons for the Pro League guys and then had weekly lets just say Friday and Saturday where you could que up as a team in in-game tournaments at 4:00 or 5:00 that gave away gems.

I mean Helseth and Sind are holding a tournament. Simply put no offense to prior shout casters but when helseth was announcing a match with jebro he actually gave his opinon and said things like “thats a bad rotation” and “why is he doing that”. Where as everyone who has shout casted has been very PC rated.

Helseth said the rewards for the tournament will give a little to everyone in the tournament.

Its disappointing when the community puts more into the PvP scene then Anet does.

"Matchmaking" sucks - EVIDENCE

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Found a couple minor bugs in addition to the lack of reshuffling. I’ve also worked on a new version of the matchmaker that will improve roster size and profession matching. We will likely trial it during the off-season.

If I remember, I will update the wiki!

Appreciate it Evan.

As for everyone else asking their questions about the Dev’s Seasonal patch releases in pvp and the inability to “getting it right”… where’s your suggestions & coding? Do you not realize the type game GW2 is?

I’m pretty sure the majority here have either brought zilch to the table, or their ideas were just so biasly atrocious that it would have broke the system. I’ve seen 7 different matchmaking altercations implemented for Pvp; from the UI, class balances and MMR, to the very structure of the leaderboards.

Some were better than others but S5 is without a doubt the BEST season we’ve had yet. Needed it in S1, we also needed to know what worked and what didn’t.

I understand what you are saying but lets not pretend that issues were not brought up before.

Before this season even started, people asked for a leader board, we got one SCORE!!!!

Huge problem it is like the Guild Challenger leader board that many of us complained about. I literally made 2 leader board complaint threads S1-3 and nothing. So season 4 my guild team, we just played 3 games on the very last day of the season.

Another issue is no leader board on the forum, the GW2 website that has leader boards.

Lets also address Anet reward system, they gave us a shard eater like the star eater and dust eater. No one wants to play with there inventory, this is PvP not PvE. I know MO said if you play WvW or PvP you are more likely to PvE but guess what, not true.

This season rewarded us with ascended gear, most PvE players already had full ascended on most characters. So this was for who exactly?

Here was the big one, MATCH MAKING. People voted for solo/duo que because they thought it would make match making better. If we are honest it has been a little better. But guess what there are still major flaws in the system. It wouldnt be such a big deal except we ARE IN SEASON 5.

You are correct this is the best season so far but it is also the season i played amount the least amount of games in. I got to legendary S1-3 and quit at ruby season 4. I will play around 50+ less this season then the last one.

These are still beta seasons, lets not pretend we didnt play threw a bunker meta, a meta where thieves and warriors were completely useless and now everything thats going on now.

"Matchmaking" sucks - EVIDENCE

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Why did the matchmaking system produce this match?

Zorh, Ementon, Edison, Crysis, Ipno

All 5 proleague or former ESL players vs 5 people who stand absolutely no chance of victory. After we got stomped, our rating got stomped too.

I get these matches literally every day. I’m faced with what seems like impossible odds. How can I win these matches? Why am I punished so harshly for the inevitable loss?

I hit legendary MMR with a significant number of games (>100). Now, playing no differently, I am continuously put into teams where victory is hopeless, no matter how well I play. I’ve dropped clean off the leaderboard. In days I’ve gone from 1955 -> 1697. Have I really become so much worse as a player? From #16 NA to not ranked at all?

What is happening? Are these actually fair matches and I’m at fault? Is matchmaking at fault?

i remember pony playstation from previous seasons and he/she was really good.

If crysis is still playing core warrior, i mean hes awesome but sometimes your sitting there like why!

Good call i had 3 games earlier this season with edison. Twice he was on my team and we won and once against us and he basically farmed our thief all game.

I agree that the punishment shouldnt be so big but it seems like alot of top level players are here which is how it should be.

Sorry Pro Leaguers, ELO hell still exists.

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Care to show us a recording of your gameplay?

If shadowplay isnt available for you then use the local record feature of OBS, takes very little stress on your fps – you dont need top notch quality.

Three matches would be great.

From my perspective you completely underplay the ‘’yeah I make mistakes and I know them’’
No, you’re silver. If you’re silver then you make far more mistakes than you realize. Hell, even at my level I constantly make mistakes that I don’t understood during the game. That’s why I always recorded my scrims when playing professionally to ifnd them.

I’d be very impressed if you could properly kitten yourself and you are in reality better than everyone else in your division but the only thing keeping you down is that you get awful teammates and good opponents every time.

Like, genuinely amazingly impressed

500g level impressed.

I had something MUCH longer initially typed up, but anet’s servers decided to log me out while attempting to post, so TL;DR re-do:

Firstly, I’ll say thank you for making an effort to look at my game play and see where I went wrong, I appreciate that. However, I just don’t care enough anymore man. sPvP for me (and apparently my entire guild/friends list) just isn’t fun anymore. Maybe In S6 I’ll give a kitten enough to record my game play for reviewing.

see this is why no one can get any where.

You come to the forum to complain about the game and then dont actually want to discuss your game play.

My constant complaints have been about match making/ the leader board and rating system.

I post pics of the people i play and there rating and say what is this?

Your posting a cry thread and to be honest you wanted to say what you wanted and walk away since you dont care about the end game matter.

If your gonna write about broken ELO match making, you could of at least attempted to argue it, everything you wrote was circumstantial.

For every argument or scenario I could possibly post there will be some individual who will post “well if you did X then you should have done Y”. I’m not going to entertain hypothetical what-ifs when I’ve clearly stated what I intended in my original post. I already said I carry my own gameplay just fine (inb4 that’s taken apart piece by piece) and that my teammates have continued to disappoint throughout my matches.

I understand but simply put, your game play was put into question. You say you do fine, a legendary player here is saying that potentially its the opposite. You do not want advice and you said you are done which is fine.

All im saying is you dont have a valid foot to stand on because its simply your opinion vs everyone elses. Which was all i was trying to point out.

I know the struggle, many people do but there are a few of us who simply play less and stay between gold 3 and plat 2 and others who scream and scream and say its Anet (which is potentially true) fault but you havent given anything other then im a good player as a example.

Either way cheers

"Matchmaking" sucks - EVIDENCE

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


For me its just very hard to understand this match making system.

Not only for classes but the +/- and just wondering about the people in your game.

Excuse my language but 2 different people decided to sit at different times. The 2nd one being trang/stillness where is you can see my inappropriate language.


Daredevil "vault" too strong

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


This is just another skill that goes on the long lists of HOT spec issues.

Its not OP because everything in HOT is OP but it does lack a certain amount of skill.

Yeah I agree no one skill should be so good that a class only uses that skill throughout a fight and be that successful with it. Sometimes I don’t get Anet logic, or why they are so slow to respond to these issues.

Honestly I think they don’t have the staff to do it. Not enough dedicated personal

I dont know who was in charge of each class professions elite spec but when i look at HOT its almost like they didnt care about PvP till the last second.

Because vault thief 1 v s 1 and d/d are just super thoughtless. Yet easily countered by DH with its also near thoughtless trap spam. It took them 5 seasons to nerf revs OP power attacks and didnt give it any more sustain.

I would bet money that they were crafting raids came up with these great ideas and made these elite specs. I mean they are really cool, they said bam it finally works in raids and the HOT map areas.

Then they were like ok lets send the expansion out and BOOM, WvW is like WTF! PvP is like WTF!

And we are sitting here going 5-dodge-5-dodge-5-dodge-signet-steal-1-1-1-5-dodge-5-dodge-5-dodge- ohhh crap i got hit heal skill-dodge ………………………………………………………

Sorry Pro Leaguers, ELO hell still exists.

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Care to show us a recording of your gameplay?

If shadowplay isnt available for you then use the local record feature of OBS, takes very little stress on your fps – you dont need top notch quality.

Three matches would be great.

From my perspective you completely underplay the ‘’yeah I make mistakes and I know them’’
No, you’re silver. If you’re silver then you make far more mistakes than you realize. Hell, even at my level I constantly make mistakes that I don’t understood during the game. That’s why I always recorded my scrims when playing professionally to ifnd them.

I’d be very impressed if you could properly kitten yourself and you are in reality better than everyone else in your division but the only thing keeping you down is that you get awful teammates and good opponents every time.

Like, genuinely amazingly impressed

500g level impressed.

I had something MUCH longer initially typed up, but anet’s servers decided to log me out while attempting to post, so TL;DR re-do:

Firstly, I’ll say thank you for making an effort to look at my game play and see where I went wrong, I appreciate that. However, I just don’t care enough anymore man. sPvP for me (and apparently my entire guild/friends list) just isn’t fun anymore. Maybe In S6 I’ll give a kitten enough to record my game play for reviewing.

see this is why no one can get any where.

You come to the forum to complain about the game and then dont actually want to discuss your game play.

My constant complaints have been about match making/ the leader board and rating system.

I post pics of the people i play and there rating and say what is this?

Your posting a cry thread and to be honest you wanted to say what you wanted and walk away since you dont care about the end game matter.

If your gonna write about broken ELO match making, you could of at least attempted to argue it, everything you wrote was circumstantial.

Sorry Pro Leaguers, ELO hell still exists.

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Care to show us a recording of your gameplay?

If shadowplay isnt available for you then use the local record feature of OBS, takes very little stress on your fps – you dont need top notch quality.

Three matches would be great.

From my perspective you completely underplay the ‘’yeah I make mistakes and I know them’’
No, you’re silver. If you’re silver then you make far more mistakes than you realize. Hell, even at my level I constantly make mistakes that I don’t understood during the game. That’s why I always recorded my scrims when playing professionally to ifnd them.

I’d be very impressed if you could properly kitten yourself and you are in reality better than everyone else in your division but the only thing keeping you down is that you get awful teammates and good opponents every time.

Like, genuinely amazingly impressed

500g level impresssed.

yeah +1 kitty kitty meow meow

Daredevil "vault" too strong

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


This is just another skill that goes on the long lists of HOT spec issues.

Its not OP because everything in HOT is OP but it does lack a certain amount of skill.

Mesmer or Warrior for PvP/wvw?

in Warrior

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


In PvP at higher levels the mesmer will win against a warrior.

At low-mid levels warrior players will tend to get the better of mesmer.

At higher levels mesmer with portal/blink etc. It has great movement and constant damage applying.

Both are good classes if you are going to commit.

Proof MMR is based on RNG, not skill.

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I have also questioned the rating system.

For a period of time i was in the top 150-250 of the leader board.

I have never dropped below gold 3 but i have had very frustrating moments staying in plat.

Now thats me personally, i do like the friends list rating. Ive seen players i knew who are elite players. Players who ranked in the top 50 who are now both out of the 250. (ill be honest its only 2 players i know)

But all season they were in the top 150 and then boom, in the last week 3-4 losses in a row and they are now out of it. Its a odd thing to comprehend.

what is thief evade spam build? condi?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


tU beat the condi version by ignoring it and forcing it into teamfights where it’s exceptionally useless

Huh, I like to play dd condi thief because it actually does pretty well in team fights. Probably a l2p issue.

and what division are u in? this does not work in plat3+

Myagi used it in NA plat all day and night earlier in the season.

Simply put, you need to have the counter build and timing and your fine. If you dont run else where.

kittykittymeowmew elo hell DEFEATED

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I really dont know what people are arguing about.

If you are “stuck” in bronze and silver it means thats where your suppose to be.

Kitty kitty meow meow is a legendary player who got to legend. I dont understand what people are arguing.

This was a great experiment he did. Proves alot and people arguing the small things need to come to terms with the truth.

Anet on the other hand needs to fix leader boards, alt accounts, and rating stacking. Its easy for kitty kitty meow meow to carry in gold and plat because he is a top 25 player in the game. When alot of us are fighting for the 200-250 positions and Anet stacks 5 players of 2000-1750 ratings on one side and 5 1700 and under players on the other, there is a issue.

But no can we just end this, there is no division hell. Just Anet 1/2 patched PvP season number 5.

No Elite Specialization Lore

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


HOT fell pretty flat in most areas of the game.

For instance people who love raids and meta maps enjoy HOT.

WvW was partially ruined with HOT with the new map and new specs being way to OP.

PvP has been definitely destroyed by the new specs and only now is it playable in S5 but other things are breaking PvP down.

Lore wise the game is off. Even wooden potatoes comments that alot of the living story lines dont seem to follow along with how the culture of the races. Like Braham is from the wolf clan and they never forget. They even appreciate there elders more after death and braham is acting super odd. And Anet answer is that they knew people who acted weird in those situations.

The problem is they are people NOT LIVING IS THIS WORLD. Not to mention they are humans who are of a completely different culture.

If we are being 100% honest, most of the people who started GW2 story wise, lore wise, system wise is gone.

You can tell because the game play has sped up 10X, damage has gone threw the roof, and build diversity is insanely weak on top of the fact that story wise now it is breaking apart.

I was super intersted in learning more since GW2 has books out i personally love the Norns and Sylvari but Anet literally does everything possible to spit in the face of the characters and races identities so they can throw out living story content while the patch up together another uncompleted expansion they probably hope to sell to us for another $100.

The things people do to be #1

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


If you want a competitive solo arena:

1) Remove duo q option. Solo only for less segregation and more accurate ladder placement

2) In game voice. This game is kitten without a proper communication. Also players in the high end will just join channel in ts together the second they get teamed which gives greater advantage to said team (which is usually already stacked). Having in game voice will level the playing field significantly and allow for a higher level of coordinated play.

Yeah i honestly think if a solo q only system were to be implemented voice chat would be a must, its too hard to carry solo when you have to type to your team where to go. There could be a rating barrier that would create longer queue times but on NA where during primetime you get +4 and -20 for a loss i think i’d rather just wait the extra 5-10 minutes for a q without lower rated players in it.

You already got Duo queue, it didn’t work, now you ask Solo, what are you going to do when that doesn’t work, because it won’t.
The problem isn’t queue size its the community and the way the rest works. The problem is 2 month seasons, a farmable league, and PvE objectives on a PvP game, which means that too many people will do it to farm for the PvE bling, which means people that don’t know how to play, it means people rigging it as much as possible, and a crappy scene altogether.
PvP has never been better than before leagues were introduced.

We need proper Solo/Duo and TEAM queues, so people that want to play as a team, don’t have to throw games because they didn’t manage to get everyone on the same team.
We need proper PvP rewards.
We need proper matchmaking.
We need longer seasons, so that we don’t have the constant rush.
We need actually balanced classes, and a step away from the tank meta. (And balanced classes HAS to mean that non-spec classes are as viable as the rest)
Until we do that, people will complain (because people will always complain), PvP will be the same crap it is since HoT, and the competitive scene will lose more and more weight.
I mean, if EVERYONE ends up playing the same thing, it’s not fun (i know house rules prevent stacking, and so teams end up a bit different, but not that much, really).

Preach on brother!

the big ones just to highlight, (imo)

better build diversity

better match making

PvP rewards, build a better PvP scene with actual pvp things instead of letting Pve players come into PvP and not care about anything.

The things people do to be #1

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Kat dude how bought we all calm down I quit the game and we play with some kittenin trains?

Nope they will want to play with hot wheels and you will get upset because you got all those awesome trains.

Seriously why am i the only one playing with the hatchimals!!!!!!!!

How to balance pvp according to forums:

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I would honestly be happy if they just put some thought behind the builds.

Like why is mace/shield do more damage then axe and more condi damage then sword.(warrior)

Its like Anet said heck with it, 1 meta build per class and we are good.

The things people do to be #1

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431




The things people do to be #1

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


D Dongs here. All we’ve done is smurf which is a problem but the creator of this post is also doing it so why should people play on their mains to q into kat/tokers alts where it means nothing to them if they lose but we lose rating on our mains? If everyone wants to play on their mains and winning/losing is equal to all of us that’s fine with me.

Anet, If you want to have someone managing the leader boards and smurfs i’m sure there are plenty of people in the community that will help you including Jeff and I.

Bingo, +1

The things people do to be #1

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431



Yep this season is trash and there’s plenty of blame to go around including the people who mess with matches by running alts through the league again and again, people paying gold to throw, people cheating, duo q offpeak farming, q dodging etc.

I played almost 500 matches this season got to around 1.8k MMR and said f this and kinda just gave up, it just wasn’t fun anymore.

It would really help if people didn’t exploit the system, nothing more demoralizing than seeing 3 pro league on 1 side and I get nobody as a solo q and THEN lose -15 because they’re alts. I mean ok you win 500-0, yay?

No i agree i dont like the 500-100/less wins ive had but i run into the issue of being a player formerly in the top 250 and now hover in the 1625-1700 range.

Thats besides the point though.

Like you said, ive taken maybe 7-10 pictures of 2-3 top 250 players on the other side and I and a bunch of golds on the other side. Ive posted 2 on the forum and posted another of a conversation of a former number ranked 1 player and his duo complaining about playing us.(the team i was on) He ended up surprised getting +4 while i got a -12.

That is a match making issue, something Anet did not address. Its crazy that all of the top 25 players or so have 75% Win Rates.

Before the season started Anet needed to address Match Making. They needed to address the board. We knew this before the season started and they didnt.

When the season started alt accounts became a issue, this is something they should of thought of but didnt.

Like you pointed out, all im trying to say was this season is what it is because Anet didnt put the effort in it to make a legitimate season.

“Anything that can happen will happen” – EU seems to be doing much better then NA Im on NA so i can only speak about my experience.

These guys are exploiting the system, a system most of us knew wasnt good before the season started which is why i put 100% of the blame on Anet.

Think about this, Annabelle is posting this but jeff was comfortable enough to talk about it because the top 5% of the player base know each other and are unable to regulate it.

For what ever reason, then lets add in the fact that Anet hasnt dealt with those things you talked about as well as hacking which a few people have posted on this forum.

I know you said you were tired but we are in Season 5 and i just dont enjoy the grind. This thread in itself is silly because had someone thought about S5 seriously 1/2 of these things being discussed wouldnt be a issue.

The things people do to be #1

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I dont see anything wrong, Anet had a chance to make this season legit and once again they 1/2 patched it.

I and others had complained about the old Guild challenger leader boards. About teams playing 1 game getting a 1700 ranking and getting into the top 50. We had a team get ahead of my guild team season 2 when we went 12-7 and ranked 26 or 27th, cant remember. The team that got ahead of us were 2-1 at 25.

That was B.S and nothing was changed. This player you post a pic of is simply showing 1 of the many things flawed with this season.

I literally see no reason to continue playing games when there is probably 50+ alt accounts, match making that punishes me for being in the 1625-1700+ rating wise, Duo ques and a report system that has never worked in this game.

We have people posting threads all these issues before the season even started.

This is 100% on Anet

Warrior OP

in Warrior

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Lets actually talk about warrior here.

Warrior was so bad Season 1-2 that Anet gave it huge healing in 1 of the trait lines that is mandatory for warrior. By buffing the F1 skill of warrior simply put it made discipline and beserker mandatory .

Ok so warrior has 1 build set up whether its condi or power. Why is it OP?

Well we are in the BOOM meta where everything dies in 3 sec. There are no bunker builds. Warrior has the strongest passives in the game so bam warrior is OP ….. in situations.

In 5 vs 5 warrior is not OP just really annoying. Warrior does not give team boons, healing and can only support fights with damage. Thief and mesmer still give more team options with mobility.

Anet has decided to not allow 5 vs 5 because they refused to balance the game and to continue not working on Match Making and the Leader Board.

This community voted for this.

Warrior is not OP, its just difficult for alot of players because of what this community voted for. You probably would not see warriors in many ESL teams but we will never know since that scene is probably gone as well.

Long term PvPrs how do you do it.

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Play less, my last ranked game i lost -14.

1 warrior on my team was raging. I was at far in a 1 vs 2. Mid was in a 3 vs 3 and he came to far. I was also playing warrior, i was still alive when he came off of respawn and got over there.

Soon after i died, he dies shortly later and mid lost there 3 vs 3. He then starts to say stuff like you guys suck , why dont we have mid and i challenged him and he then targeted me and said i was the worst warrior hes ever scene.

I simply told him he was rotating badly, he then said stuff like 1 vs 1 me and i told him hes probably losing alot because he doesnt know how to rotate.

I add him to friends and put his nickname to talks alot and he was over 100 points less then me and has a losing record.

I mean at S5 Anet really needed a system to keep alot of these keyboard warriors in place.

So after almost 9k games and currently playing in plat, i can say play less.

Last note: Some build diversity would be nice Anet

"Matchmaking" sucks - EVIDENCE

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I am sitting in a match facing Sind/Rom duo (top 5 player), they are like 500 ahead of me, i have teammates in gold (according to my teammates info) and 1 afk. I lose wooping 11 ranks (1 win worth of points vs normal team) for this. Evan where does it fit, please tell me? In what world 2200 = 1700? 11 points loss vs team that is 500~ ranks above me. Is this what you call fair pvp system?

The point loss does not matter. You should never be placed in a game with those players. The system should be much slower about expanding its matchmaking criteria.

I disagree, im 100% ok with playing players 100-200 points ahead of me and it happens daily if i play more then 2-3 games.

What i find unfair is losing 10-15 points when none of them were placed on my team.

Like if i had 2 ESL players on my team and there was 2 on the other, ok.

Whats happening is 4 of the top 250 players on the other team and gold players on the other.