Just beat the DS event but couldn’t get to the wyvern in time. Go in with a game plan if you get lucky and beat the event. You won’t have time to Google it
This is approaching the level of frustration I had getting jboots in eq1
Even if you did, unless you or another mesmer with lv4(or was it 5?) gliding that speeds up your glide had it, getting to the pet is impossible… at least so far assuming there’s no other way to it. I spent 15mins asking for anyone, since I had teleport to a friend item, to add me as a friend if they reached to that hero point where e wyvern is. Had no luck.
So essentially, the Tiger maybe behind a 2-3hour event… but e wyvern is worse off by being gated behind a lv4/5 mastery. I’m just tired now though.. I don’t care anymore. Anet certainly doesn’t. Live with it or wait til I get my mastery done I guess.
And then all new pets will be locked behind a 7 hour event which needs to be completed by 999 people and if you happen to not crash the server but instead complete it there is a 1% chance of a random pet appearing in a secret location in the map that changes every 10 minutes and the pet is guarded by 10 legendary mordrem snipers with permanent invisibility and there is a invisible wall around the pet that you need a mastery to walk through but you have to channel it for 15 minutes so you need to get all 998 other players to help you get the pet and keep the snipers distracted but once you have channeled the invisible wall for 14 minutes a lightning strikes you dead for no reason and your ranger gets deleted from the game
xD Made me laugh… Thanks for that.
Do you have any videos of it constantly happening?
Sigh. Do you need to know whether or not the huge unscrewed a/c unit on top of the floor of the building will fall on a passing civilian or not? No, It doesn’t matter. It’s doesn’t have to happen just to then be looked at.
Not that the smoke field isn’t proving to be a nuisance, here’s an instance where it happened for me: when I wanted to blast a water field I wanted to lay down, smokescale put down a smoke field on top of it straight before I did.
No I don’t have a picture or a video. I don’t need to prove it that way just for you to be able to comprehend such a simple notion of a possible scenario.
You’re saying it’s a scenario that won’t happen in such a dire way, and if it is so, telling others to use another pet. Hope the air is fresh up there on your high pedestal.
You’re the kind of person that if you see a water leak coming from above your apartment, you’re just gonna up and leave and find another place to live instead of getting it fixed. Maybe ok for you, but don’t use your standards to judge others. Go troll somewhere else.
I’ve posted a similar post in HoT forum.
This whole balancing for PvP is ruining PvE for all, but lately mostly for Rangers/Druids.
It just doesn’t work. We need a separate balance focused for PvE and keep it that way Anet. You don’t fix a sedan to work better and tone down any unnecessary features of it, then think ‘Oh that works well. I’m going to apply this exactly that to that 4×4 over there’.
The title. Balancing around PvP for PvE makes it washed down, not unique, de-emphasizing the role of the class and utterly useless as a whole.
This thread is posted by me as a Ranger/Druid experiencing unjust treatment especially lately and is stemmed from that disappointment, but the point I am trying to make has to ultimately do with PvP/PvE balancing. Read on if you would hear my rawr.
No Ranger/Druid except a few will use Lingering Light now. You nerfed it to be balanced and ended up making it unusable for PvE, please understand that.
I know that PvP and PvE were decided to have the same balancing due to the additional work that’ll need to be handled, but unfortunately, the reality is that your player community is more or less divided into PvP or PvE. Balance for PvP may work for it, but it’s not in PvE. Just read your profession forums Anet.
It may be easier for you to send out patches that affect both PvP and PvE, but it is ruining PvE builds and after months of nerfing, it all just feels very lackluster.
Out of many examples, if you want Lingering Light on 12sec in PvP, I don’t really give a kitten. But I as well as a lot of other players want it around 5-6sec in PvE.
PvP may be becoming YOUR focal spotlight to desire this game to be in, and that’s ok. You seem very vested into bringing GW2 into the world of E-sports, so good luck with that.
But it doesn’t change the fact that the game is still very focused into a separate PvP realm and PvE realm with plenty of player base in both to warrant a separate balancing.
You are making PvE very weak and leaving skills/traits in the gutter that nothing feels rewarding or special to use anymore. They all hit like wet noodles now.
It’s like you want us to mindlessly press 1 and maybe few others and promote a brainless gameplay that even with complete skillful play, the results of it fall very short of most player’s expectations.
This is not okay. This cannot continue. Lest you don’t care or feel like risking it all for the name of PvP.
If that’s the case, please just let us know. I’m kittening tired of this nerf after nerf all in the name of PvP balancing.
There’s balance in the name of caring for your players and making things fair, and then there’s hammering a workable aspect in another playstyle of the game into nothingness and then keeping a straight face about it. It’s really kittening patronizing, very disrespectful and demeaning. I mean what the kitten.
I look at the PvE state and I go ‘where the kitten has all the special skills and traits gone to?’. They don’t feel impactful anymore, because anything out of ordinary in PvP requires nerfing by you and with that decision PvE is affected as well.
Oh yeah, you betcha I’m kittening angry. And I know it’s probably just me, just another self-entitled whiner who wants the world to revolve around him. But I hope I’ve written structured and comprehensible enough post here that I might be posting something worth viewing, at the very least. To be honest, I don’t kittening know anymore, I’m so kittening numb from all this nerfing that any class when I’m playing it feels like it has lost it’s face value. I don’t know what PvE is supposed to be anymore. I mean, it’s like being ruled by a facist(I apologize for the lack of a better word, but this is how I feel) living over in PvP.
To put in a relatable reference from the real world, you are making a singular legislation for a certain specific work force like labor union in the US and applying it without thought to another labor union in Australia that has no fitting requirement for the legislation to affect. This doesn’t work.
TL,DR: Balancing both PvP and PvE solely based on PvP is not working and never will. Bring back different balancing for both PvP and PvE because the PvE content is being harshly restricted to that of a PvP ruling authority. It’s like the you know who facist(his name is changed to kitten in this forum) invading poland to share it’s omnificent ruling because it thinks that is ‘balancing’.
Yours once sincerely,
Despite its DMG being nefed it still has one of the best and quickest DPS among the pets.
No, it doesn’t. Read below.
For that reason I want to keep it as is. I personally feel i have far less use of the smokefield as active skill. It serves well as the pets own defence.
You say that like smoke assault is being deleted. Smokescale with it’s smoke assault isn’t even the best DPS pet anyway. Smoke assault wasn’t even the best spike damage pre-nerf, Tiger’s Furious Pounce is. For your reference, that smoke assault link has pre-nerf damage. It is now around 800 at 24sec CD, while the Furious Pounce has 1689 damage at 10sec CD although it says 1.5 sec in the wiki.
So all you people saying smoke scale is the best DPS and that Smoke Assault is the best DPS spike skill out of all pets skills, you’re oh so hilariously wrong. Stop crying about it and at least do your bloody homework before spouting nonsense.
Why are people wanting assault as F2 now? You are saying you want your pet putting down a combo field with it’s “AI”?
You lose no damage. None. And gain all the utility, and you can still control your burst just fine by swapping to the pet, it always casts it first and it has no cast time. And you would only ever sit on this pet if your other pet had worse sustained damage (dogs), and I have found this pet to be a viable sub for the wolf that almost every build uses.
Damage is damage, rangers do plenty of sustained and burst. This is a pvp pet. In pve cats and even birds are still what you want for damage, just becuase something “bursts” and makes a big number doesnt mean it is more damage.
Smokefield can be used in both organized pvp and pve, and you can still get plenty of use out of it yourself. As a pet skill it becomes worthless for that. Where the damage never goes away, you always have that damage and still have good control over it.
Control over damage that happens anyways or Control over utility
Easy choice.
This is what it should be, not press F2 for DPS. Smokescale has been proven to have less dps in total than Tiger and few other pets anyway, no point trying to hold on to this smoke assault having good damage. It’s most identifiable characteristic is it’s unique smoke field. If you people vouching for smoke assault for F2 want it for dps, you’re choosing the wrong pet for it. No other pets have smoke field, so that should be the focal point of the use of this pet.
+1 for blisterback. Also, thanks for your work compiling all those data.
The pvp forum complaining about bunker druid with Minstrel amulet is what got this nerfed.
Yet another reason for stuff being divided between PvE/PvP.
kitten those PvP players crying bloody wolf everytime they see something remotely threatening from a mile away.
Ancient Seeds is next.
Then Grace of the Land.
Just wait….
I already deleted my druid, going to play my DH now lol. My heart cannot take another 3 years of this bullkitten from their “balancing” team.
Cheese Mesmers and Cheese Thieves cry in PvP all the time when I kill them, yet we get something good and it gets slashed right away. kitten ArenaNet and kitten this game.
I’m contemplating this. I won’t delete my Druid, but I might stop playing it because it’s just disappointment after disappointment. I can’t reliably work on any build because Anet isn’t nerfing anything, they are obliterating workable solutions into oblivion. Did that with Thief, thought I’d be safe with Druid. I only fault my self for having place faith in Anet.
Have any of you people ever played Guild Wars 1? Did you know that our Black Widow was in Underworld and took a long time to get due to all the quest and keeping the reapers alive. How about that Phoenix that was not possible to get until you killed Shiro Tagachi? How about that Rainbow Phoenix that required you get to get so many titles, HoM, etc? How about them special Wintersday Pets that you had to complete quest line in order to unlock and tame? earn this pet and stop acting like you should have everything handed to you on a silver platter. i think it is more of a rewarding feeling when you can complete something and get the pet as part of the reward.
Why stop there? Why not compare the lifestyle, choices and social security benefit differences between the baby boomers and us and see who has it better? Why not compare WoW and GW2? Why not compare birds to bees- Oh wait, it doesn’t matter because it’s completely out of context. We are not playing GW1. A number of us haven’t even played GW1 so you’re comparing a nonexistent apple to an orange that we do have right now. It’s people like you that are complacent with compromising to the demands in life, live in staleness and prevent healthy change.
If you want kitten difficulty for yourself, you can make up rules for yourself like ‘win a pvp match 10 times before I get that new pet’ or ‘do 30 push ups before I get that’. Sounds crazy right? But why not? You’re saying things like that should be ok and we should stop whining about it. With things like that you’ll have freedom to do so. Us, with the current situation? We don’t have that choice.
We can play like a kittening God and still get let down because of how the rest of the players act in the map.
There are also number of instances where some players were kicked out the moment the Mouth of Mordremoth was killed and have only 15 minutes to find and roam around the map.
If you think us asking for a different type of difficult method of obtaining a pet that is solely required for each individual to deal with without having to be dependent on any other players is asking for silver platter, you’re having a laugh with your haughty attitude.
Buckingham palace is way over yonder.
I have told you now four times how you can get your pet tomorrow: FIND A GUILD!
But everything you do is continue to cry and flame the devs. There are countless of people who will have the pets sooner than you, just because you are wasting your time here.
Funny. Why don’t you say that about… well just about any other classes out there? Gate a trait or profession skill behind this 2/3 hour event and see if they like it. While the difference is, that we don’t require these new pets – their active and passive skills create and allow more diverse play(even if it’s little) for Rangers. Just like traits and profession skills.
Go ahead and do that in their forums. No? Then stop belittling other’s opinions and go ride your high horse away from here. Why don’t you quit your whining about others whining and to quote you, ‘just because you are wasting your time here’.
There are whines and self-entitlement, and then there are real solid legitimate opinions and arguments towards a hard gating system. Then there’s also you who think their opinion is king of all. Learn to differentiate between them. It would undoubtedly do you good in real life
I actually like the Assault on F2.
It gives that nice synergy with timing your BM bursts in PvP.I can’t decide which I want more since I’m enjoying my brightest days of PvP I ever had in my life thanks to having Assault on F2.
I’m fine with not having a smoke field. We’d still be inferior to any other skipping class and I find on demand Assault more helpful in PvP than a smoke field.exactly this. rangers just need a little bit of that extra burst. taking it away from us for the smoke field would nerf a lot of builds, whereas not a single build is benefited by the smoke field.
How about :
Exactly not this. Rangers just need a little bit of that extra control. Taking it away from us for the smoke assault would nerf a lot of builds, whereas not a single build is benefited by the smoke assault.
There now it makes sense. You’re welcome.
“Just a bit off the top.”
/barber cuts your face off
Made me kittening laugh. Thanks for that, I needed it after this hammer-to-problem nerf.
There is no point taking this trait anymore. There’s a line and limit where the ‘balance’ can nerf something to an acceptable amount. And this update took it miles beyond – that it made it absolutely useless. I’m tired of this Anet. I’m getting real kittening tired of this.
12 seconds is too much Anet. Maybe 5 or 6 and trim down on the heal for the rest. At this point, why even have a blind in there. Why would anyone take this trait? A blind every 12 seconds with a strict condition for it to happen? Please revisit this, 12 seconds is not ideal.
Going to be investigating this. It may require some change to Smoke Assault, since the active skills are intended to be a little stronger than the passive skills.
Thank you Irenio. This is great news! Smoke Assault shouldn’t be on F2, nor do I care that it may need nerfing to be put back as a passive skill. You go ahead and nerf it to oblivion for all I care. I just want the smoke field back on F2.
Another vote for : add damage to Thief traps and unnerf trapper rune. Or buff Ranger’s traps like giving stun breaks and or condition clears.
Don’t nerf this. Stop nerfing kitten. Considering the weapon we have to use to make this trait shine, all the other nerf-sayers are just salty of such a cool trait. Just let us have some kittening good stuff once a while.
Last night around 2am we beat it, unfortunate for me I dc 5m before the event was won, and even in a group I kept getting network error when trying to join a party member back into that shard…tried for 15m after the event was over.
no reward, achievement, hero challenge, or pet
next time…
kitten I think I was one of the party members… At any rate sorry you got dc’d at literally the only time where it really mattered. I know that my heart would’ve sank to the bottom of the earth had I been dc’d at that time…
Wow, very nice testing you’ve done there. Thanks, much appreciated and good job putting those bullkitten speakers who know nothing in their respective places <3 I had done some testing on my on for pet dps times, but not as rigorously and to entire pets as you’ve done. You are my hero.
wow.. you guys really crying about everything
this is too hard, this needs to be easier, the new legendary needs to be free for everyone. oh no i have no idea what to do in the gam,e. it has no content.
jees. i love that those 2 pets are super hard to get. and i dont care not to use them since as i have more than enough other pets to chose from and it will feel so awesome if i finally get them. like a real achievment.
the game is not even out for a week! and you allready call something rare that you have by now. wtf is wrong with you guys
I would be ok if it was super hard for ME to attain it. But that’s not the case is it? It doesn’t matter how hard it is for ME, as it currently stands it 100% hinges on whether the rest of the players in the map finishes the meta event.
In fact, I could just sit on my kitten and wait for the rest of the players to finish the map and then get myself to the E wyvern and tiger. That’s not being difficult for me. That’s gating behind an unrealistic condition(because DS events are not to be joked at) to be met just for me to get a pet.
But whatever. If they fix this, cool. If they don’t, no point arguing about it, I’ll just have to find a map that has good listening players. Which was and is hard to come by after 4 days of continuous LFG DS map finding for me. So yea I’m a little kittening disappointed, thanks.
Create lines like the chak-pioneers do to the chak-vets. You can use the mechanics of spear of justice for that. If one of the above 4 gyros spawns, let them project thin beams towards us, that ensure that the gyros apply their effect to us, regardless of LoS or range. Additionally they still perform their effect for allies around their actual position. Just make sure that these lines are invisible for enemies as well, IF we have stealth, else you can tidally lock sneak gyro to us right away.
This sounds like the best workable idea, thanks for the input.
As it currently is, a sizable number of Engineers(probably) and I would like Gyros need to be reworked. I’m not saying it has to be changed to follow our suit, but a balanced rework that works for everyone. Some people might want it to stay the way it is and I could understand that, but still hear me out.
One way could be like some people have suggested, to have the healing, bulwark, cleansing and sneak gyros permanently fixed in a close radius of the engineer at all times that pretty much acts like a signet and any difference in elevation like what we’re mostly experiencing in the jungle won’t be a problem. However some people do want the gyros to be ‘lagging behind’ so they won’t be hit by any attacks by opponents who aim at the gyro and use this to their advantage as sort of a strategic use. This is mostly the view in PvP I guess, since PvE monsters never have attacked my gyros so PvE players won’t see value in that.
Another solution, is to keep the gyros in the current state and have them beam or shoot a projectile to the engineer.
For healing, this acts pretty much like Elementalist’s Staff AA in water. Heals the engi and those around.
For Bulwark, it shoots a projectile that gives its buff to the engi and those around.
For cleansing, it shoots a projectile that cleanses condi on the engi as top priority and then others.
For Sneak, it shoots a projectile that gives aoe stealth to the engi and those around maybe like toss Elixir S skill – though it would have to be a quicker toss to be reliable…
This way no matter where they are, unless strictly LoS’d by a wall or really bad elevation, this should allow the engineers to fully reap the benefits and leave the current gyro’s movement functionality where it is if it is too much to change.
Bit of a weird function for it to be a projectile some might think, but of course it doesn’t have to be that way. As long as there is some form of link with the gyro and engi to happen be it some sort of beam/projectile/whatever without the gyro to physically touch the engi to work(which is the case with healing/cleansing, bulwark and sneak stays close but sometimes we can outrun them easily so they will need to be changed nevertheless), that would be great.
Another idea – just bloody increase the effect radius of healing/cleansing/bulwark/sneak gyro massively and have the gyros effects apply to engineer passively without needing to make any contact. I’m talking at least 1200 range, give or take with a bit of future feedback.
Lastly, we could have the gyro ‘teleport’ to the engineer when it is about to pop its effect and apply the appropriate effects without fail.
So that’s my take. Feel free to add/argue/whatever.
Also – Thank you Irenio for your ongoing support for the Engineer and Ranger community and please continue to do so.
I would like to chime in once again to vote AGAINST reverting. having an on-demand burst and the ability to might stack is a much better package for us.
Go away. On demand assault is usable but not as much as on demand smoke field. I will say why below.
secondly, you can still blast the smoke field when the smokescale drops it after his Smoke Assault.
Why the hell would anyone want to use assault, then combo blast the smoke field? It would put us in combat and stealth? For what? Did we have a stealth attack like Thieves? And how? Most of the time the pet will be next to the enemy so the blast will immediately reveal us. That is in no way ideal. If you mean combo projectile for blinds, that’s understandable, but still on demand smoke field will allow more strategic use of stealth or blinds against the enemy, unlike right now where we’d have to use projectile blinds at the beginning and that would be it.
I would also like to emphasize that 95% of the people posting here would never even use the smoke field tactically because it requires a) a team, and b) coordination.
You should read what you write before signing it off, it will do you good in real life. 95%? That’s very biased and way too opinionated to even hold value as an emphasis. I didn’t realize that you made a poll and came up with that number somehow. What are you, a mind reader? And guess what? I and others WILL use it tactically with 3 blasts – Warhorn #5, Staff #3 and CF #3 assuming the degen will be reworked. How is that not tactical? And when I am with friends and in party, they can blast as easily as pressing a button or two. It’s not rocket science. You’re intentionally making it sound unworkable and impractical just to make your nonsense point of having assault as F2.
please don’t always concede to mass whining because like the masses IRL, many players don’t have a good grasp on the tools theyre being given.*
For the love of my life, learn your godkitten grammar. It hurts my brain and I rarely say this when correcting others. Mass whining? If that’s how you wish to perceive, fine. But it’s not mass whining when most of their arguments to form this request is sound, structured and practical. Tools? The assault is deemed more of a tool than a smoke field that allows more strategic use? Press F2 for more damage is more of a tool? The kitten are you on? Must be some real good stuff because all I see is nonsense pouted with biased opinions to nullify a mass’s structural arguments all because of your weird personal obsession for ‘Press F2 for dps’ mentality.
Just go away and stop humiliating yourself.
Back to point, the F2 needs to be returned into smoke field because of its strategic use when on demand for blinds/stealth/smokescale’s survival when in the field and because it is an unintentional backfiring mechanism to be left to and taken control by the pet’s AI as it is right now.
Great idea, love it. +1
Please revert smokescale’s F2 to smoke field, as voiced by this thread. It makes no sense to have assault as its F2.
(edited by kevvy.5081)
Can’t find any after an hour in Verdant brink, if anyone knows precisely where, I would very much appreciate it
Shadow form on reveal would make complete sense. Like your stealth hasn’t completely worn off. I like the pulsing blind idea, or giving attacks a chance to blind. I’d really like alacrity as well, and maybe reduced condi damage since we have the lowest HP pool.
Lots of great ideas in this thread that I agree with, especially this one. An Elite spec focused on buff on reveal could be something in the future…
OP seems to cry wolf for attention, just go about your businesses. Uses laughable untested theory crafted napkin method for his/her basis yet tells other’s napkin method is too variable and furthermore :
I also realize how easy it is to call someone a troll when they challenge your established world view without taking the time to understand the reasoning behind the post. Someone you disagree with isn’t necessarily a troll.
is all you need to know about the OP’s mentality. I had a good laugh though so thanks
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: kevvy.5081
Most of my toons except Ranger has like 6-10% world map completion, because I don’t like doing it. But they currently all have their spec finished since they already had everything completed prior to the hero points patch.
Does this mean that come HoT, my toons can just do Hero challenges in Maguuma jungle to be able to use the elite spec, or do I need to go do all the other HP in the rest of the world and the ones in Maguuma just to be able to use the elite spec?
All these ‘Gain ? on evade’ traits need to go. I was in sPvP last few days and half the time when I’m evading with proper anticipation, and the enemy’s attack doesn’t reach my evade frames, then I don’t get any vigor. That’s just downright handicapping me. This has been covered so many times – giving vigor on dodge instead of evade does not give the Thief player any advantage if they dodged too prematurely or just out of spite. Because when they actually need a dodge, they’ll have wasted it beforehand. So it really evens the balance out. I felt like I had to actually play to dodge within the enemy’s attack frame, in the correct time, just to get vigor. I was completely focused into timing my dodge too perfectly to the point I was playing to ‘dodge’ more than to actually duel with the opponent. That’s not right.
Oh and before I forget, Karl, what’s the status on giving Vault an evade?
I don’t have a response to your first post but for this one Karl did say he would probably change vault to 5 initiative(which is what he has done) or keep it at 6 initiative but give it an evade frame. I personally would like for it to stay at 6 ini and have an evade because I find that I’m quite vulnerable when Vaulting…
You are on point with what I think about the current stealth/Thief situation.
I know that the counter argument to that is that Thieves have more readily available source of stealth where as Mesmers, even if they have torch, decoy and mass invis(I won’t put in veil because I don’t think many mesmers would bother taking that), don’t have the stealth spam-ability like Thieves do.
However… a counter argument to that argument is that it’s actually irrelevant – I personally tried out Mesmer, and oh boy do they have a kitten amount of spike that they can ready while in stealth for 3-6sec – it’s all they need to pop out clones/phantasms, then GS #2, blink if needed, then shatter next to the enemy. Unless the enemy times their dodge/block etc well, they are as good as dead. I’m not saying Mesmer in their Stealth means win for them 100%, I’m just saying that they have much better spike in or out of stealth than Thieves do.
Pro players who can anticipate backstabs/Mesmer’s spikes well enough can find ways to mitigate their damages, that’s for sure.
My point however is that Thieves just dont have this mass spiking ability that Mesmers have while in their stealth. Thieves have at best a good backstab which doesn’t quite compare to Mesmer’s spike rotation.
Verdict is that Thief, with all it’s Stealth capable glory, is quite lack luster vs. Mesmers/Ranger/Engi and quite possibly Trap Guards in HoT with trapper runes. Imagine that. Trap Guard stealthing in and out whilest having an OP reveal skill on one of their traps. Call it subjective, but however I can see it, Thieves should be the master of Stealth but I see other classes having access to stealth while having better synergy with it.
Funny thing is that Ranger/Engi/Guard, while being able to stealth, also has reveal. To me that’s not very balanced. I mean, I’m not asking for reveal skill for Thieves, since I don’t really give a kitten about whether or not I had them on my Thief. It’s just that it’s like blowing fan on an already burning house that is the current situation of Thieves – it adds insult to injury. They can do better with their Stealth, yet as for Thief… not so much.
I know I’m just ranting and in the end unless Dev’s do something which I doubt, it’ll be more or less a L2P and adapt-to-it situation.. Or just reroll. Nevertheless it’s a sad era for Thieves imo.
(edited by kevvy.5081)
Another vote for weapon swap added on Engi please. Or utility swap like someone mentioned.
OMG I would have a nerdgasm if Thief’s venom became combo fields….
It’s also hard to get used to the playstyle.:P I just believe that thief needs a little more sustain from condition damage:P But the rest is all fine. I mean with skillful play we can mitigate / avoid most of the damage.
Other classes can avoid ALL the damage by facerolling on the keyboard
Love your signature… made me laugh
Ah… was this the one in Critical Strikes? Some sort of trait that had a 50% chance of giving 1 initiative with every critical hit with no cooldown? Which made a rather fun p/p build back in those days… Yea I saw pretty salty when they nerfed that..
What’s on December 10th?
SB 1 and Dagger 4 are arcing projectiles. Based on height, they can land further than the designated distance. It’s just how the physics of the game works. At ground level you can get 100-ish, with some slight elevation you can get another extra 100 or so.
Firearms for all classes don’t use arcing projectiles, instead firing in a straight line. This means they don’t get any bonus distance.
Basically this. In the right circumstances I can fire SB1 to 1200+ range.
Yup can confirm this too. In essence, Thief’s Shortbow is a some what 1200 range weapon but you will have to keep pressing 1 since the game doesn’t auto attack for you at that range. Same can be said about Ranger’s Longbow. 1500 range but it’s kitten reachable to 1800 if you keep pressing 1. Bit op but the way the arrows travel allows them to keep traveling even if they reach past their dedicated ranges.
Pistol’s bullets doesn’t share this curved velocity so it is hard capped at 900 unfortunately until they change it as baseline.
+1 Please keep it!
Sounds about right.
I’ll “calm down”, although I can assure you I am very calm, when I stop getting flamed by people on this board who insult me constantly, disregard evidence when I provide it and proceed to call me a liar because they don’t agree with the facts that I provide, or tell me to go back to another class forum despite the fact that Ranger is the class I have logged 99% play time on, and yet am able to remain partial and unbiased. These are the same people, mind you, who flocked to the forums and moaned and groaned when Druid was announced for reasons like “this isn’t WoW”, or “I don’t want to be a healer”, and overall dismissed the spec without even giving it a chance to work.
These people don’t actually care about the WHaO issue, they are just using it as leverage to prop up their argument and justify the extreme QQ directed at Anet.
Yea I saw, though I’m quite indifferent to all those arguments.. You should too, you’re fighting very enraged players who are at the end of their wits with Rangers… No one is going to win.
I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop whether it’s mass revolution by the Rangers community or just forgetting about it and back to normal. I was quite mad about the change too but now what the hell am I gonna do at this point but to watch it burn to hell or just live with it. I am certainly looking forward to how this will end
Are you kidding? If he posted today or yesterday he would get flamed so hard by this community for no actual reason. He has given the Ranger good changes and yet everyone here would want his head because of this stupid WHaO debacle. I don’t think it’s any surprise that the debs don’t want to post on the forums bc people just scream bloody murder all the time. Have you seen how a lot of the guardian or thief community for example treats Karl when he posts there? Would get annoying real quick when you’re just trying to help.
I don’t think anyone would blame irenio, I think at this point we all know Roy was in charge of the nerf, and it was most likely Irenio that did the buff. In the eyes of the ranger community, Irenio is a good man
Or people would see the Red and treat it like blood in the water. It has happened all too many times in the past and I see no reason why it wouldn’t happen again.
At this point the only person who needs to calm down is you. You’re over reacting. Thief community was about has toxic as the rangers forum yesterday but when Karl posted a comment everyone behaved. So will we, we just want a Dev to reply is all.
A ranger having 25 might/50%+quickness solo to self and pet only is ok imo. This is the sort of thing that could really put us in a favorable light when it comes to PvE and PvP groups. It doesn’t make us be in a God mode like some players are fearing. Theory crafted builds and rotations have shown that. This means that at the very least we should’ve seen more time before the obvious knee jerk nerf. I’m confident in saying so because otherwise it would mean Anet put this into affect without much testing.
Few people I see here are saying Rangers shouldn’t have all that boon. That’s ok, but what other redeeming qualities do we have that I can boast to others to prove my worth other other professions like Ele’s and Guards? Tell me because maybe I’m so biased in my worthlessness and self emasculating that I can’t see correct.
I get that perm boon and all that stuff maybe OP, but maybe that’s exactly what we need. We really don’t have much else going on for us.
My ranger could finally be accepted in more LFG dungeons because players will think ‘oh although that ranger doesn’t have much group utilities and horribad AI pet but at least they can bring some nice dps’.
We need some give… And this shia surprise WHaO buff in all it’s not-intended-OP glory was seen as a buff to most rangers instead of something that’s not meant to be due to reasons which are, at best, subjective at this point. Ranger’s are not intended to be able to build up so much boon? Then what is intended for us that really makes us a reliable profession?
I also don’t see any bylaws saying a certain profession should have less than mediocre boon generating ability than others. Ele’s boon are one of their iconic defense mechanisms, sure. Light armor, smallest hp pool reasons etc. I think it can be Ranger’s, too – even if it’s a bit spammy, since it’s only affecting self and pet. It’s selfish yet not ‘Power Overwhelming’.
I see and understand Mcrocha’s point that if ranger needs to be better, it should be through balance and small steps that makes sense without ‘exploiting’(please correct me if I’m wrong/quoting wrong, I had a long day!). Mcrocha seems determined to be invested in Ranger with a different outlook than some of us and I can appreciate that.
But most of us seem to agree that it’s not an exploit and not overwhelmingly powerful that it overshadows other professions, in fact it could put us on par or near their level. Again, this is very subjective because it’s not something a single individual feels, but rather a sizable amount of people agreeing that it’s not so OP as it seems. You can’t just dismiss that. We can’t be all wrong and so convoluted in our reasoning to want it so. OR maybe we are all crazy for wanting it so, but at the very least it deserves a look in to by the Devs with some two-way communications before rudely announcing via twitter and make us feel disregarded.
When the majority are screaming to "retain this!‘, maybe it’s indicative of a concern that Anet should address by having a serious group discussed decision before completely disregarding our voice.
Just my opinion on this… Feel free to correct me if I’m misinformed or whatever. I’m going to sleep! Man what a day.
Seriously a post here and there everyday will keep all this under wraps. Would really do wonders and mean so much for the ranger community, even if it is not something they want to hear. We NEED more red posts other than yours Gaile. This silent treatment only aggravates players and it leads to chaos before it subsides. We want to know the Dev’s responses whatever it may be. Lack of communication can be simply deemed as lack of care and credibility. Was the nerf to WHaO really justified? Say why. At least all this rage fest will subside and will lead to constructive criticisms and reasoning.
No wonder we think all sorts of ridiculous scenarios, some which are starting to sound right. Quell this before you really do a number on your reputation amongst rangers(and thieves too if you have a look at their forum).
“I just did what I do best. I took your little plan and I turned it on itself. Look what I did to this city with a few utility slots and a couple of trait lines. Hmmm? You know… You know what I’ve noticed? Nobody panics when things go “according to plan.” Even if the plan is horrifying! If, tomorrow, I tell the press that, like, a thief can perma-stealth, or a truckload of warriors can stack 25 might on their entire party, nobody panics, because it’s all “part of the plan”. But when I say that one little old ranger will stack swiftness, well then everyone loses their minds!"
lol nice use of Joker’s quote… love it.
Tweak the base durations please. Please. Near-useless for most.
‘We Heal as One!’
The boon copy effect is very interesting, but with the new flat duration, you can’t even ‘feel’ the boons. Little tweaks could give a bit of punch without breaking the game;
- Quickness – From 2 to 4s
- Protection – From 2 to 4s
- Resistance – From 2 to 4s
- Fury – From 3 to 8s
- Stability – From 3 to 6s (it’s just 1 stack after all… A change that wasn’t mentioned as it would copy all stacks of stability before the sept 30 patch)
- Swiftness – From 3 to 8s
- Vigor – From 3 to 8s
- Aegis – From 5s to 8s
- Regeneration – from 5 to 8s
- Retaliation – 5s is perfect
- Might – For this one, either keep its 3 stacks limit but make it 15s or lower its duration to 8s but remove the stack limit.
As the other thread has closed, lemme just reiterate my response to this again here… This is a very nice suggestion, very fair and long enough to really make a difference and still short enough to prevent pro-longed duration from one skill.
Curious: I’m still at work. Have you guys played with WHaO yet since the change? I’ll be trotting out my Ranger tonight, but I wondered if you’re basing your thoughts on statistics — which I can respect — or on playtime — which also is valuable.
Yes I have Gail. Quickness and Protection and.. you know what? All boon duration are too short. Can’t help but feel that this was a bit heavy handed knee jerk reaction to this by Anet Dev(s). I’m in game right now and I… just have no words.
(insert Matrix’s Not like this meme here)