The only exclusive skyhammer stream
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Hey hit me up in game, I’m always down to play with people and hopefully more people will see your post and maybe we can get a little thing started. I do play everyday and have over 2k Tournament WINS. We can discuss team comp when we are all on.
I wish i had that many wins
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
soon, hotjoin will be merged into arena because not enough players
I thought that is what they called Unranked? Hotjoin+Arena
hotjoin = practice button.
Soon, it will be just 1 button to PVP. No more practice/unranked/ranked buttons.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Try saying “Hello, I’m new to GW2” before each match.
The responses are very entertaining.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
State of pvp is the best it has ever been… at least that’s what the anet news announcement show.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
you can eat the hammer for any reason if enough /report
Anet said that the number of reports does not affect the chances of being banned.
And you believe it? I mean NSA has always told the truth u know.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
A bot is generated that pretends to be the missing person. No one will ever notice.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
you can eat the hammer for any reason if enough /report
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
soon, hotjoin will be merged into arena because not enough players
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
So I bought new account today, and I want to join heart of the mists so I can start pvping.
But it requires level to enter?
How to get in HoTM as Lv1
- Make new character
- Join on friend that’s in a hotjoin server
- Join WvW map (purchase shoulder/gloves there too cuz you won’t have them as Lv1)
- Use portal or join HoTM from UI
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
MMR = (W/L) * Rank_points + Glory/(Achievement_points + Laurel*2)^2
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
They are just words…teach yourself to not be affected by it, you will live a happier life.
NO.. please no. Then I can’t troll people.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
tl;dr – PVP is pretty healthy.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
It happens more often than not in the past two games and I only notice it in Heart of the mist and in queues. Custom maps, wvw, pve maps don’t happen— but it is on and off so many i’m just getting it at times when i do pvp.
Its not on my computer or internets end because I do speedtests during it and get 300+mbps with <10 ping
I’ve come to the conclusion its the servers. Does anyone else get this?
I think you have a virus, or the NSA is monitoring you. Should go out and buy a new computer immediately.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Wonder why my Heart-wand is classified as inappropriate language.
Another slap on the hand \(°?°)/
I mean, what other people’s eyes perceive is uncontrollable by what their mind is filled with.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Allow special option in game settings that lets you Queue/Hotjoin at your own risk.
If you fail the map load/ready up then it deducts 10g
I know looking at golems is mist is the current fad and all, but 5-10m Q time gets boring fast.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Promise i’ll still click ready when it pops.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Where are all the good players at yo?
Define good? Your rating is average, so you should be getting matched with the average player.
You know.. Maybe we could get our OWN MMR as ‘Average’/‘Above Average’/Below Average’
Yea. I still don’t know why we can’t see our own MMR or at least a range?
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Yes, you read it correctly. Bring back ALL maps into ranked arena. Even Skyhammer, spirit watch and Capricorn into rotation!
Let people choose up to 3 maps they absolutely don’t want to play or 3 maps they really do want to play. For those that don’t care, they can alternatively choose nothing and get the default rewards
Rewards values for each map will change depending on their popularity
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Bunker Necro is best
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
- They reduced the # of glass panels in skyhammer canon room.
- More rail guards added for player safety
- Glass panels no longer break from stealth
- Canon lazer now be dodge-able.
- Skyhammer one of the most popular map now.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
1) Play turret engi like a regular power/cele engi. Most engi rely too much on turret to do dmg.
2) Use Tool kit. Shield block gives you so much survive-ability. Magnet pull gives you a lot of control and dmg setup.
3) Don’t put all your turrets out a once. Spread it out for the bubble reflects
4) Let the turrets die. Don’t need to repair them. Let them explode for knocks and dmg. After a fight blow it up so you can reuse the bubble reflects.
5) Throw wrench & rocket tool belt does decent dmg.
6) Chain or time your CC. Not spam.
7) Learn to Kite. You don’t always have to control the node. If you have 2+ chasing you in a circle then all the better even if you slowly die.
8) Rotation. Know when to leave or enter a team fight.
9) Play skyhammer. You can troll so much more there.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Honestly, even if you’re in the wrong forum, I would suggest waiting till GW2 PvP offers anything worth being serious about. Perhaps the expansion will change the outlook on PvP.
That might take years until GW3
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
New PVP daily
“Kill 1,000 Golems in HoTM training grounds as [XXX] Profession”
I think these would work better for the PVE players grinding PVP dailies.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
I’m a hardcore PVE player and tried PVP for the first time. I don’t get it.
I was on “RED” team, but players with red name tags kept trying to kill me. Why would my team mates troll me? Also, I was trying to kill the enemy that was green colored ,but I couldn’t kill anyone!
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
doesn’t ALT + F4 work just as well?
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
I train daily by killing 1,000 test golems in the mist then run laps around the mist for an hour.
Idk that’s sarcasm or not, but killing Golem is only beneficial in your skill rotation testing.. Rest is just pointless.
Give it a try. for 30day. You will see the remarkable results. I’m serious.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
I train daily by killing 1,000 test golems in the mist then run laps around the mist for an hour.
You are slacking………… If you upped it to 2k golems, 1.5 hour track and 2 hours swim/ underwater mechanics off the LA beach, I think you would be a much better player. Can’t believe you don’t even try to hone in your underwater combat mechanics…. That is like 75% of sPvP….
I used to do swimming workout in the mist, but the Devs didnt like it and closed off the area.
That’s because you were peeing in the water…. I saw you and told them. Evidence was clear due to the blue dye they filtered into the pond. This is why it is closed and we can’t have nice things.
Cuz Anet didn’t refill the evaporated water. I had to take measures and provide suppemental fluids levels.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
I train daily by killing 1,000 test golems in the mist then run laps around the mist for an hour.
You are slacking………… If you upped it to 2k golems, 1.5 hour track and 2 hours swim/ underwater mechanics off the LA beach, I think you would be a much better player. Can’t believe you don’t even try to hone in your underwater combat mechanics…. That is like 75% of sPvP….
I used to do swimming workout in the mist, but the Devs didnt like it and closed off the area.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Before the leaderboard ranked by MMR so I could compare myself to other people. Now it seems that LB rank is based on points which depends on how much I play. So my question is is there any way to check my MMR or my skill like before?
The more AP ( Achievement points ) you have the better you are at PvP.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
If your rank 60 on NA GASM is a good place to start usually see a lot of members on in that guild.
I’m only R59 & Gasm rejected me
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Yea I got precursors too from rewards chest.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
I train daily by killing 1,000 test golems in the mist then run laps around the mist for an hour.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Can we have PvP Tags like WvW commander tags for people currently in the Queue for rank/unrank tournaments?
Also, because you do not allow us to PvE or Hotjoin while waiting over 5+ minutes for a match. I suggest all PvP Tagged players in queue should be allowed to free-for-all brawl in the mist! I know drawing heartwands, dancing, gossiping and stuff in mapchat is fun, but pewpewing others ready for PvP is more. At least you know we’re not AFK?
If not, maybe i’ll just continue to troll skyhammer cuz it’s so entertaining.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Multibox with another GW2 account while waiting for Q.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
I would like to be able to pickup enemy turrets and move them.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Huh? Sure it’s a cooldown like rampage, but 6-7k as a spammable. Nasty!
Only if you stand still and let them hit you. Seems its what most people do.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Due to popular complaints from PVE Gw2 players stealth will be removed in a feature patch schedule after PAX 2015.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Justin gets MVP award.
Is there a wall at anet for employee of the month? Can I get a field-trip tour?
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Twash talk = coping mechanism to lessen pain.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Replace water in capricorn with molten lava.
Woot, another skyhammer like map!
but will you cap the 3rd point !?
No, because game starts and everyone jumps to lava not even reaching side points..
Your team will need leap skills, swiftness jump or immunity to survive the lava swim.
which mean u will need a specific build just like skyhammer
or they can make it so you incur burning while in lava and get crippled.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Replace water in capricorn with molten lava.
Woot, another skyhammer like map!
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
@kirito when you button smash…is that why a portrait of male genitalia appears in map chat?
Is that whats on your mind? Geez. Its a heart on a stick as a wand!
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
was this from the snowden files?
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Enemy players should be allowed
- to pickup/move your turrets
- tame your pet
- exorcise your minion/phantasm
- equip your spirit weapons
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Weird I have the opposite problem and I just button mash with my palm.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Most entertaining map eva!
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
The best part about sPvP is… when you troll people in Skyhammer hotjoin after getting bored of steamrolling in arena.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Shouldn’t have to rely on a bug to que outside of lobby imo. =p
Its not a bug.
Its a feature that is only known among seasoned PVPers. Helps filter the PVE afkers stuck in story cinematic scenes making 4v5s a thing of existence.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream