The only exclusive skyhammer stream
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
These people need to stack the odds by giving the opponent free kills in order to WIN AT HOTJOIN? How bad are they???
Also, you do realise that the win bonus in hotjoin is TINY, and that if you get autobalanced away from the winning team YOU STILL GET IT right?
Of all the problems this game has, I would rank the bushes not being comfortable enough for the outlaw mobs hiding in them in the Kryta starting zone higher than this.
Your missing the point! It ruins a fun fair 5 vs 5 good match not just the win bonus and you get moved from teammates. Pvp hot join is no more than something to join for free rank points rather than to actually play.
There is no such thing as fairness in hotjoin. Closest thing you can come by are soloq/teamq
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
I don’t need keybinds cuz I play on my iPad!
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Against this build in team fight, just CC/condi/focus/burst. No stab or barely any condi clear. Prob eziest target to go after in team.
In 1v1 situation, just leave come back later to decap. If he leaves he has no turret, if he camps then team fights will be 4v5. But if you must head one 1v1 don’t bother killing turrets. Burst/CC/condi, and line of sight, can’t hide from all of them, but you still minimize. Or fight fire with fire by using turret engi.
lol, not so fast, you can throw this cc/condi/focus/burst catchphrase on anything, but it doesn’t always stick,
- first, there is an offhand shield.
- then there is turret knockback, and yes, i like to stand by my rocket turret. i never overcharge it but for knockback.
- then, most likely i am not even on the node, for i dont have to be. why would i risk my kitten, my turrets with 1.2k dps can take down anyone, what do i have to add, pistol #2 and #3?
after you are through all these hurdles yes, you may get to me, but most likely my turrets with 1500 range 1.2k dps sustain got to you before.
i am not saying it’s unkillable, but its very good for doing nothing. yesterday i queued with s/d thief on soloQ. there were all light armor and thief there already, so i switched to this guy. we won and i ended on the top of the roster, just for hiding behind the pillars most of the time. all my turrets in foefire mid bushes, only once thief tried to go after rocket turret, i just changed my target (still behind the pillars). he got one turret down and went down with it.
you can’t bring this guy down by “going after turrets”. probably you are speaking based on your encounters with thumper turrets x3 rifle engi, but that is a different story.
cc/condi/focus/burst catchphrase works very well against turret engi. Why? because they don’t have stun breaks or little condi clear. You can still block/knock but not forever a well time cc is all it takes. Plus if you aren’t on the node at back/far point then it is ez decap. In team fight, if you get focused you are toast. Turret doesn’t fire at everyone.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Eh…its a hot join. I dont blame him
its even happening in soloq/teamq which is annoying.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
here is my turret engi
most of l2p advice here would so wasted.
aoe – no way, they are all 900 unit apart in a big triangle, not even bounce would work.
take them down? id love that, you’ll be half way through second turret when you go down.
your only chance is to eat my dps and burst me, for which you have under 10 sec of time to live. and then stomp me fast, for if you go down, most likely ill rally.
Against this build in team fight, just CC/condi/focus/burst. No stab or barely any condi clear. Prob eziest target to go after in team.
In 1v1 situation, just leave come back later to decap. If he leaves he has no turret, if he camps then team fights will be 4v5. But if you must head one 1v1 don’t bother killing turrets. Burst/CC/condi, and line of sight, can’t hide from all of them, but you still minimize. Or fight fire with fire by using turret engi.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
idc = i don’t care
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Cuz teamq are for teams? Try soloq?
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Also, don’t run power necro vs this comp. It’s so funny reflecting them xD
Actually wells power necro work great on point with DS4 cleaves. Just gotta time DS1 and or Lich1 plus have brain to cancel or not fire off while shields are up. Turret engis are weak against CC, so a good Dagger3 immob is also deadly with the right burst ready.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
On a related note:
I was invited to a team sPvP earlier and we faced a 4 turret engi + necro on the enemy team. As expected when put up a fight but eventually lost. See attachment for more info.
So here I’ll ask a “l2p” question:
How can one beat that comp? Or was the match already lost?
You underestimate the condi cleansing power of 2-3 healing turrets which basically forced us to retreat if more than one engi was on point.
if you have multiple engi, then you need multiple sustained condi/cc applications and users.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
I wish I can get on the ladderboards and be cool like everyone else.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
On a related note:
I was invited to a team sPvP earlier and we faced a 4 turret engi + necro on the enemy team. As expected when put up a fight but eventually lost. See attachment for more info.
So here I’ll ask a “l2p” question:
How can one beat that comp? Or was the match already lost?
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
5. L2P, just kill the engi.
That’s a stupid suggestion.
What’s to say you can actually GET to the Engineer? I’m close … nvm snare spam from net turret … wait I’m close … nvm repeatedly thrown back by knockbacks … wait I’m close … nvm he’s invulnerable now … I’m close again … nvm he’ leaped away and now I’m slowed …. I’m close … nvm snared again …. repeat the cycle over until your HP is gone from the rifle/rocket turrets.
Sounds like L2P story to me. Maybe read Frenk.5917 post above.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
5. L2P, just kill the engi.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
I sent you my application, I am na , I play warrior and I wanna be the best team thankful for accepting this application
We humbly do not accept your app. We are looking for good players… thanks tho.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
GW2 is perfect, and perfectly balanced. No need to change. Can we have GW3 yet?
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
- Random Arena : Pretty much like soloQ but instead of leaving after the map you won you stay with the people you had and continue to win, the more you win the more you have points (for RA title) and loot with a max of 25 consecutives wins, you can also leave after one game if you don’t like the party and you’ll find a last while it’s looking for your next opponent.
RA Wiki
Sounds great on paper, but with the low population now that would be horrible. The losing team will be scattered then reformed to fight the same team they can’t beat. It be almost as bad as when sync queuing was a thing.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
SoloQ has become absolutely terrible lately. It is incredibly hard to carry compared to what it was like a few months ago.
If you want to be happier in life then I suggest you don’t play it.
That’s because the pool of experienced players have left the game or stopped queing, while the pool of new/casual players from PVE have grown. From Anet perspective that is good enough. PVE players are happy.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Shaving took too much work so they decided to use the axe instead once in a blue moon.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Solo-q system will start by finding people with similar MMR, if none is found it expands the MMR range until 10 players are found. During offpeak times teams tend to be very unbalanced in terms of player abilty. No profession/build type is taken into account.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Someone buy me wildstar so I can play too
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Templates are coming “soooon”, it has been confirmed. Probably 2016.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
could someone post a screenshot?
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Recruitment closed , have a ten player roster thanx to everyone who applied
Aw darn. I was about to apply since i just made it to r40 for the requirement today.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Legacy of the foefire got a new pile of dirt on quarry node. I’ve been asking for this since forever! Now they just need to fix the skyhammer cannon bug.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
you will have to buy like 100,000,000 gems and it will happen.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
title says it, why the hell isn’t there a bank.
cuz they want you to step outside and play PVE
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
i don’t qualify for try outs cuz im not 18+
=[It’s k kirito, you’ll get to play with the big boys soon!
But GW3 will be out by then.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
i play bunker mesmer
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
i don’t qualify for try outs cuz im not 18+
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
OMG. I can’t join soloq or teamq!
“The server was unable to authenticate your gameplay privileges….”
I can still login, join hotjoin and do PVE content. Just can’t queue up for soloq/teamq. Its not a connection issue, I can still do arenas on my EU account fine. Do I have dishonor or just bugged? I haven’t d/c or left a match nor do I see a debuff icon.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
skyhammer is what keeps me going. So fun trolling people and/or watching them QQ.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Wouldn’t need Rank requirements if the match making system actually worked. New players are seeded too high initially.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
are their tooltip info still hardcoded?
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Just let the MM sit on the point and afk all game and if they leave ninja decap it.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Adding a reward track seems like it shouldn’t take any effort at all. Was hoping this would happen, but I guess not.
lol, there are a lot of things in PVP that are no brainers or simple to us players, but doesn’t get done. Took them over a year to let us wear town cloth or costume in-combat cuz they had to redesign their blackboxes.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
festival is not LS. plz read ty
Read what, doesn’t matter if it’s a LS or not, there are a lot of rewards in pve in this patch and nothing for spvp.
They could add tokens for example to buy the pve rewards or directly the old meta rewards.
Nothing is really bad instead.
April 15th patch gave a huge change to PVP and it took months… to come.
So prob months more down before pvp gets much of anything significant.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
The current match making system is already pretty bad now as it is. Making individual character MMR will just make it even worse. Might even be worthless. People can delete/create new character all day to get artificially reset to farm.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
We get a lot attention considering PVP population is only 1% that of PVE.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
I play on both NA and EU. EU is much much faster.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
nice poem, almost as good as this
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Last patch brought an influx of new players flooding the system.
- Carry harder
- Stop queuing for 10-15min if you keep getting the same players
- Do team arena
- Wait a few months or years for the new players to learn or settle down on their rating since new players are seeded way too high which ruins match making.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
- shoutcasters that are just not good enough and need more practice
When can I haz shuatcastor?
Pretty sure viewership will quintuple
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Just noticed this, but is there a reason why EU PVP weapon/armor vendor sell stuff for 2-4sliver less than NA vendors?
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
I have the opposite problem…. 308 scroll of knowledge and 103 tome of knowledge. Don’t know what to do with. Too lazy to monetize into gold conversion.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Be cool if they gave us bots. New pvp player must be able to beat a team of bots in a match. Every new PVE character is forced to do a start quest and kill some big monster, why not PVP too.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
90% of people in heart of the mist are bots
programmed to give us the illusion it is full of activity.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
A L T + F 4
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
for sPVP it won’t matter what server, everyone is mashed into the megaserver.
for WvW it will matter.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
it was a smashing success because anet finally allowed me to wear a quaggan hat and costumes in combat!!!
The only exclusive skyhammer stream