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Nerf Ele Downed 2 in WvW sieges

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


odd thought that teleport worked for thief at the keep.

And it doesnt really make them invincible they can only do it once or twice before they get instant killed the second they are downed.

Laughing Stock of DPS

in Ranger

Posted by: mickers.2715


Our burst was fine till they nerfed shortbow animation ,did they also nerf 1h sword? because it feels like it to me. If they revert back that animation change and buff greatsword/ torch fix pets a little more and fix traps placement bugs + buff spirit health i think we will be perfect.

Lower CD, 20% cooldown traits.

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


While playing some pve it made the long CD on fire grab really noticeable when switching mob to mob, also many of the focuses utilities have a much longer cd than the dagger offhand ones, even though most do the same thing, although i can understand why obsidian flesh is such a long cd.

sceptre focus
4- ring of fire 15 second cd flame wall 20s cd
5- fire grab 45 second cd fire shield 40s cd

The focus ability 4 and 5 hit much less than the sceptre yet they have a very similar CD i think reducing the cd of skill 5 of each weapons by 15s and 10 seconds could help with elementalists lack of sustained damage that we are missing. The fire shield could use a look at to make it more viable maybe do some damage to nearby enemies when used. It would also make the combo between air and fire much more frequent which is most of my damage in Spvp with sceptre dagger.

Another way that could be really helpful instead of lowering the cd of abilities is removing all the 20% less recharge for each attunement and placing it 20 into arcana but reducing cd of earth fire water and air attunements by 10% because you cant just stick to one or two attunement’s you need them all.

I didnt really think over the second idea much just thought i would throw the it in.

survival : toughness or vitality?

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


i prefer water traits to earth, If you want a condition build go earth , if you want a survival build without conditions go water.

Who would you rather have on your team?

in PvP

Posted by: mickers.2715


My ideal team , 2x guardian one defender one meditation boon burn build., a mesmer for annoyance and treb user on battle of khylo 2x thief for roaming and killing people in group fights fast. The defensive guardian could be switched with a engineer.

PistolWhip Spamming + Haste

in PvP

Posted by: mickers.2715


Im not 100% sure if this was the build i used, i deleted my mesmer to try out engi.

On greatsword and 1h sword use rune of energy, on pistol 5% dmg increase.

PistolWhip Spamming + Haste

in PvP

Posted by: mickers.2715


When i tried mesmer thiefs were pretty easy, take blink and nullfied utilities. Blink away from immobilise, or if thats on cd throw a nullfield at your feet.

I was built for phantasms, the greatsword one cripples and does nice dmg, and then i took 1h sword and pistol, so you can daze them from far when you blink.

PistolWhip Spamming + Haste

in PvP

Posted by: mickers.2715


Ah i skipped over op a bit fast as ranger signet of renewal is the only condition remover you can use when you want, or a bear’s f2 ability but i don’t really trust the bear to do it quick enough.

I ran into the same problem on my ranger its pretty annoying and undodgeable because of the skill 2 teleport for thief is instant and venom procs off of a hit.

You can also use the thing that makes your pet take damage for you for 6 seconds ( it will die instantly, or the signet the makes your pet invincible and use traits to make it work on you too but they force us to make a build in a very specific way.

(edited by mickers.2715)

PistolWhip Spamming + Haste

in PvP

Posted by: mickers.2715


And bring an immobilise remover aswell most thief’s use devourer venom.

immobilise is a condition so stun breaker wont work on it.

CONFUSION - What to do about this skill

in PvP

Posted by: mickers.2715


When i was on my ranger i would just have to face away from the mesmer to cancel my auto attack really fast, i can kill myself in a few seconds with a stack of 3 confusion.

Ride the Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


It seems to work much better in pve for me but you cant use it on most bosses because it wont hit. so you end up sitting in front of the boss like an idiot for a few seconds till it breaks or he one shots you.

Very Powerful Ele Exploit in sPvP

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


Oh god the toaster and cat keybindings got me good, nice vid.

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


i see what you mean Asurmir ill see what i can do. It feels 40 hit 60 miss atm unless i stun then its 90/100 not many people seem to feel the need to stun break my knockdowns they want to save it for warriors ect. I played against a thief from team paradigm and he used a lot of stun breaks to dodge it. I eventually killed him because i use mist form and lightning flash which both allowed me to dodge his pistol whips.

I think any other class that used the runes of air on weapons and armour would destroy me in damage done.

rated 2v2-3v3-ratings-Duels. or no need to pvp

in PvP

Posted by: mickers.2715


I would like to see this added + i think thiefs wouldn’t be the best in arena because they mainly get kills by jumping in on a fight that’s already started from behind and repeating because of their high mobility.

Arenanet did a good job of separating pvp and pve buffs/nerfs in gw1, they could do the same but for arena only.

Earth attunement!

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


You can build to be more tanky but you will lose some burst, i dont find myself sitting in earth very much with a non condition build. You should try a earth condition signet build. They are pretty good for tanking while being offensive.

+ you will still have to dodge as-well, you should also try out a sceptre guardian they are probably more in line with what you want.

Here's an idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


Ive played all the classes and i can say our damage is too easy to avoid, I cant say for dagger dagger though , dont like the sound of dagger. Sceptre dagger dragontooth and phoenix are pretty sluggish. And staying in air isnt a option because it hits for less than most classes auto hits. Our heal abilities are also significantly lower.

Rangers heals without traits, 6.5k 20 second cd

healing spring about 15k if you stand in the regen for full duration 25s cooldown, also heals nearby allies for 5k if they stay in the regen

Troll unget 8.5k heal 25 second cd

Ele with 20 points in water ill redo it again probs later but im going bed soon and cba to reset traits
signet of restoration 3.3k heal 222 heal on spell cast 25s cd, you cant use it though unless you want to trait heavily into earth for signets passive stays.

Glyph heal 5k with 25 second cd gives a short buff, if you attune to water it can heal about 6.5k

Im not sure about ether renewal but its a 4 second channel so you cant move or do damage.

Why is there no variation in sPvP format?

in PvP

Posted by: mickers.2715


I would really like a arena system so i could play with my close friends in some 2v2 or 3v3.

Also i would love to have alliance battle’s back they were my favourite part of GW1

Im not sure how a capture the flag could work without healers, i forget the name of the gametype but where the team holds onto an object like a flag and get points for every 10 seconds held could work.

Elementalists - The truth hurts.

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


Me too i have no problem with guardian other than it takes a while , Thief is only really annoying when they pop thief guild and the trip wire from the adds gets you killed instantly or if its in a group fight and the thief just decides to come over and get me instant killed without me being able to see him to dodge.

I think there is a known bug though with stealth not breaking instantly upon hitting.

Skill caps between classes. Design Flaws of SPvP

in PvP

Posted by: mickers.2715


^ the evasion is annoying, breaking the stun and shooting the thief only to have him teleport back to you with skill 2.

Elementalists - The truth hurts.

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


Its very situational we do fine in 1v1 group fights you cant pull off a finisher or revive without getting downed stupidly quickly , our main burst in scepter can be back peddled out of.

Any class can dominate you just follow your team zerg around and plow the enemy into the ground with more people. Most games i win im usually 100 points behind the enemy team because a run around capping bases and defending.

you added it up wrong, that burst combo left me on negative 1khp, the only reason i survived it was because i switched to water attunement which gives me a small heal, he could quite easily restealth and backstab me again even though a few auto hits would be enough.

Its mostly when im fighting other people they instant kill me from 50% hp, they usually just stealth from far away. + there are no tells to dodge since steal is instant and i dont have preditor vision for stealth.

(edited by mickers.2715)

Elementalists - The truth hurts.

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


Ive been hit harder , this just happens to be one i took a screen shot of. Been hit for a 8k steal too. And i wasnt running a full glass cannon build 22k hp either 1500 or 1k toughness not sure what necklace i had on at the time, ele can be a bit squishy sometimes.


so why would anyone use churning earth

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


I use both, its great for instant killing every single mesmer illusion, and almost killing most Minion masters pets.

Ele Spvp vid

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


Just thought id share my pvp vid with you guys hopefully you enjoy it.

This is the build i used for most of it;TsAA2CnoixEjIGbMuYkxMo4QxkAA

^have to copy and paste the link for build

If you feel too squishy you can take the 10 points out of fire and put it into water for more condition removal and equip a soldiers amulet.

waiting for elementalist fix

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


I dont have much of a problem with our current damage numbers for scepter dagger, air could use a little love. But the main problem i find is dragons too NEEDS a knockdown on the enemy to ever hit, unless they are in a comma.

i'd like to know how much damage im doing

in PvP

Posted by: mickers.2715


I must say its quite hard to tell with my ele when 3-6 spells can hit at the same time.

An Elementalists View of the Current State

in PvP

Posted by: mickers.2715


mesmer’s downstate is more of a disadvantage its easier to tell which is the real one as the person finishing them rather than the team-mates trying to heal them.

Thank you for all your Theif OP, Heartseeker is OP posts

in PvP

Posted by: mickers.2715


Thiefs still kickkitten steal backstab deathblossom and pistol whip still hit like a truck, use deathblossom to get them below 50% HS hits are no longer nerfed at this point. Im sure thiefs will have further adjustments to come but so will everything. Thiefs are still the main thing i have to look out for when pvping, its the only class that can kill me from 50% hp instantly.

i'd like to know how much damage im doing

in PvP

Posted by: mickers.2715


I would like to see this feature, it gives you more goals while playing other than top points, i don’t really care if people call you out for bad damage and i rarely see it in WoW only when someone says to their team , you played rubbish ect then everyone calls that person out if they have bad damage done or kills.

And even if someone calls you out just ignore them you are a much better person for doing so.

Ementalist : A really good Class

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


does it take long? because my warrior can mow down 8 mobs with hundred blades + whirl in a few seconds while tanking with my face. I would be interested to see you upload a vid of you pve’ing cant find many on youtube, might be nice for newer ele’s to get a look of dagger dagger pve.

Just a suggestion

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


in short increase the speed of dragon tooth and or phoenix and a small damage buff to lightning strike and air auto hit for sceptre so its a bit more comparable to other classes. I cant really speak for dagger MH because I dislike the play style so i haven’t used it much.

Ive played 3 classes now to a decent level in pve and every class in pvp from BWE1 and onwards, i think one of the things that sticks out between ele and every other character i played is every weapon set has a good burst skill be it 100 blades, rapid fire , heart seeker, phantasms, and most of these can hit well over 10k or have a very short CD plus are unavoidable without dodging.

But ele’s burst skill on weapons especially sceptre seem really weak in, max power max crit damage build i can hit about 5-6k with dragons tooth (assuming the target doesn’t back peddle out of the area to avoid it easily.

I think a way to make the class easier for lower skilled players in pvp and make sceptre more viable for pve is to reduce the amount of time it takes dragons tooth to hit and increase the speed of phoenix, this also increases the skill of other players it takes to fight a ele because if they want to avoid the damage they have to make a choice between dodge rolling it or saving that dodge for a CC. How fast would a thief want a change if I could just sidestep his back stab because it took too long to hit? ( not commenting on people who play a thief just comparing two burst abilities.)

I also think tournament ele’s wont notice this problem as much because most of the time they are fighting on capture points which forces the enemy to stand in the dragons tooth.

Lightning strike: air ability 2 and autohit could also use a small damage buff to make it more in line with other classes abilities.

Elementalist fix: Let us weapon swap!

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


It would be so OP to have weapon switch also. The amount of boons/CC’s you could gain from doing that would be insane. I would be up for having the weapons sets there in inventory that you can easily switch between with 1 click out of combat rather than searching through your bags and making sure it doesn’t equip the wrong weapon in offhand.

At what levels do people seem to be having problems with their ele in pve by the way ive mostly just pvp’d on mine so far but im starting to level it in pve?

(edited by mickers.2715)

Hair stylist NPCs

in Suggestions

Posted by: mickers.2715


I would like this feature i wouldn’t pay any more than 50 silver for it ever.

Weapon sets, equip to all runes

in Suggestions

Posted by: mickers.2715


As we all know in Spvp people constantly equip weapons from their bags to gain swiftness and other buffs and switching back to a more suitable weapon for fighting, why not bring back the weapon sets system from gw1 for easy weapon switching out of combat.

Also another thing that would be a nice feature for Spvp players is a equip to all button for runes so if you try to put a rune on a piece of armour but have more than one in your bag instead of showing equip yes or no, have it be
Equip to all, selected , cancel.

Elementalist fix: Let us weapon swap!

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


I think my head would explode are 25 abilities not enough for a 1v1? do you need 45. Better traits would be nice, our earth traits are far inferior to other classes, my ranger has a free stun break every 90 seconds 10 points into defence trait, and 20 points in you can also grab become invisible when immobilised or stunned on something like a 45 second cd.

New players avoid Elementalist.

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


It does take much more effort and clicking but i seem to do just fine in pvp. they could use a small damage buff to their auto attack’s and heal abilities. Maybe some better traits for MH dagger like 10% dmg reduction while wielding dagger in main hand.

Atm i find it hard to die to 2 people at once, takes forever to kill guardians though.

Single game

in PvP

Posted by: mickers.2715


its not a bug, you can leave by porting back to heart of the mists.

Entangle ? /shrug

in PvP

Posted by: mickers.2715


when i played my ranger i was forced to take 2 cc breakers to get away from thiefs . And the cooldown of the cc is less than the cc breaker. But yes i see what you mean about being forced to use a certain ability is annoying.

Entangle ? /shrug

in PvP

Posted by: mickers.2715


I dont really have a hard time breaking the root and i play ele, try take lightning flash and the mesmer equivalent blink. Using this will teleport you out of the root. In my opinion the roots are so underpowered because they can be broken in seconds.

Entangle ? /shrug

in PvP

Posted by: mickers.2715


What class are you, the only thing that has a hard time hitting it is bow, you can break the entagle with a teleport ability, It is such a useless elite. You can also dodge him casting the elite. If switching target to kill a root and switching back is hard to counter wait till you get stuck in a mesmers moa. Most classes have a immobilise that cant even be removed other than condition removal.

Why can't I PVP with my friends in the Battle Grounds?

in PvP

Posted by: mickers.2715


possibly but i have no problem seeing people head for a base from the treb and killing them with it. The problem you are talking about isnt premade’s its the fact players who are good at pvp and do it often can be put against newer players.

Why can't I PVP with my friends in the Battle Grounds?

in PvP

Posted by: mickers.2715


I find the balance is screwed up even more because i don’t want to kill my more casual pvp friend I just end up telling him where i am and avoiding him until we can eventually switch to the same team. Because you guys removed the gear difference there really inst a large skill gap between casual’s and hardcore players, other than their builds which are easy to google or find on forums, and an incredibly small amount of players who play professional tournaments. In Wow i took fighting premades as a fun challenge with my friend, it was really only the gear that didn’t make it feel fair not the fact they had a little better communication.

Maybe to improve it you could add some small voice commands like in fps like v+1 attack keep v+2 attack mine v+3 low on health. This would help casual’s or maybe higher if you chose to spend lets say 20k glory on a commander emblem for Spvp you can assign points for people to attack or defend.

I would be up for groups of 3 to join Spvp together, without getting auto balanced!, if people are completely against this maybe add in a tab with matches where you can only play solo.

Tournaments just aren’t an answer to this because of the long wait times between matches , i very rarely get into a match where both teams ready up before the waiting timer is up, maybe 1 in 10 matches.

sPVP needs a match making system

in PvP

Posted by: mickers.2715


I would like to have a way of queing with my friends even if its only 3 people casual players really don’t want to join a Tpvp and get stomped because its nothing like 8v8 and usually the 3rd round is a guild with all Tpvp focused builds and players. Also whoever says tournaments are an answer they are so much more time consuming because of the queue then the 4 minute wait for start, and then waiting for next round all over again.

Im not really worried about going against a team of pre-made say 4 out of the 8, the only reason this was such big problem in WoW is because people with 2200 had far better gear which made an even bigger gap between the casual and hardcore.

(edited by mickers.2715)

Is it just me, or do the downed abilities suck?

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


yeh ive given up doing anything while downed as my ele , if someone isn’t there to cc fast and res , you die. My ranger is so hard to Finnish 1v1, and if we are both downed i can kill them no problem while my pet heals me.

Huge flaw in Ranger bow attacks

in Ranger

Posted by: mickers.2715


Yeh this is annoying , for a while i was convinced i was just lagging and not going around corners fast enough, if i cant dance left and right and dodge melee why should they do the same. I love to strafe left or right and see a warriors bull charge zip past me and off a cliff.

Your opinion on current elementalist PVP

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


I like it , its definitely the most complex class to play and the rest are very forgiving when it comes to making mistakes, i cant spend more than 10 seconds in a atunement or im dead, it doesn’t really have the ease of going full burst spec and just stealthing away. Yeh khash it does feel like the other classes do have much better burst damage the beta damage for ele was very nice maybe it was just a bit of overkill with the nerf.

Also the healing abilities for ele seem really weak all my other classes skill 6 seem to do much more.

Rangers making me rage

in Elementalist

Posted by: mickers.2715


Rangers dont really have a choice Auto attack is the only thing on the shortbow that does damage and the other weapons are a bit UP in my opinion.
skill 2 poisons short duration to reduce healing.
skill 3 is a small leap back , very small compared to gap closers
skill 4 a 3 seconds cripple on 12 second cd so again not amazing
5 is a daze/stun from behind

try scepter dagger i have no problem with rangers. start casting skill 5 of earth and use lightning flash to get in range, i have lots of points in water so i cleanse the bleed dot every so often when switching attune.

also instead of arcane wave try arcane blast

Ride the lightning is a good gap closer if it doesn’t bug out on a bit of terrain.

Rangers have pretty rubbish condition removal so you could try maybe take signet of earth to root him for a good fire burst.

My ele is broke

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mickers.2715


The problem seems to have fixed itself, im not sure what it was that caused it, but i doubt it was a coincidence, i tried 3 different alts and they all worked and every time i switched back to my ele it was didnt. It might be something to do with tournaments because i dc’d from my ele when loading round 2 of the tournament. After trying a few times to re-log on my ele i tried guardian. It then immediately put my guardian in the tournament match even though i did the first round on my ele.

My ele is broke

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mickers.2715


I cant load pvp maps on my elementalist and when they do load i have lost connection and cant cast any abilities but i can talk in guild just fine. This problem is also only accruing on my elementalist all my other characters load Spvp just fine. My ele also loads pve and heart of the mists so i really have no idea what has gone wrong.

Please remove god mode from mesmer in spvp

in PvP

Posted by: mickers.2715


mesmers 2 skill while downed isn’t very good its obvious which one is real.

I think thieves are OP in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: mickers.2715


try take a shield with you and switch to that so when thief opens on you quickly pop shield block. Im not sure if warrior have a immobilise breaker or you can pop endure pain which i know sadly is a long cd also the proc one in traits at 25% hp. If those are on CD then well you are pretty helpless.