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Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Warrior changes

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


Mace is dead .There is no way in hell someone would land a 130 range skullcrack on a skilled player .50% nerf with nothing in return.There is no reason at all to go for UF now since the only viable stun would be earthshatter anyway.

Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Updated Nov 6th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mini.6018


Mace auto is terrible .Now with Skullcrack increase of casting time there would be impossible to kill anyone using mace.The only thing that was good about mace was the low cast time skullcrack for a little burst.

Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Updated Nov 6th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mini.6018


Skull crack is a 130 range ability *130 range * .Do you guys know how hard it will be to land that on a moving target with the cast time being doubled? It’s also a single target skill.Something needs to be given in return here or no one ever in their right mind would use mace main hand.Used to be a good counter to thieves for skilled players but now you are turning it into useless again.Better make the stun 2 sec again imo it would be much much much less of a nerf.

You guys say you want more build variety yet you come up with changes like these that instantly kill 3 or 4 builds and 2 weapon choices.Instead you make rifle/gs kind of viable for pve .I’m speechless.

(edited by mini.6018)

Nerf incoming - Upcoming Dec changes posted.

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


if they add .25 cas time on mace f1 they should delete mace altogether .It’s a 130 range single target weapon for kitten’s sake .How are you supposed to hit anyome with that.That would be a huge nerf especially against thieves popping out of stealth on you.

130 RANGE srsly just wow. Bye bye build variety .All wars will run ss/lb condi spec from december.

(edited by mini.6018)

Nerf incoming - Upcoming Dec changes posted.

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


Dec Patch

Strength 5 – Reckless Dodge. Increased Damage by 25%
Strength III – Great Fortitude. Increased conversion rate from 5% to 7%.
Arms IV – Unsuspecting Foe. Moved to Master Tier.
Arms VII – Crack Shot. Moved to Adept Tier.
Arms XII – Last Chance. Increased the threshold form 25% to 50%. Reduced the cooldown from 45 seconds to 40seconds.
Defense 25 – Armored Attack. Increased conversion rate from 5% to 10%.
Defense XII – Spiked Armor. Reduced the recharge from 15s to 10s.
Tactics 5 – Determined Revival. Now correctly displays the amount of toughness.
Tactics 25 – Reviver’s Might. Now applies 3 stacks of Might instead of 1.
Discipline II – Thrill of the Kill. Increased Adrenaline gain from 1 to 10.
Discipline XI – Burst Mastery. Reduced damage increase from 10% to 7%. Removed erroneous adrenaline gain fact.
Earthshaker. Reduced damage by 20%.
Staggering Blow. Reduced damage by 23%.
Skull Crack. Increased the cast time from 1/4s to 1/2s. Updated the animation and effects of this skill to be more clear.
Combustive Shot – Increased pulse duration to 3s. Increased burn duration per pulse to 3s. Normalized damage per pulse. Updated pulses per tier to 2, 3,and 4 respectively for tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3.

source pls ?

Suggestion: Impale

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


I find it fine the way it is, honestly they need to give the rip skill a buff, because there’s no reason to pull the sword out of anyone.

Confusion would be perfect to apply. Sticking a sword into someones guts and then pulling it out would lead to general confusion and pain.

With that logic even a sword swing in your face would cause general confusion and pain irl.Also rip has really good damage if you don’t run a fulll condition build.On berserker/rampager for example you can easily rip someone for 4k so it’s not a bad skill at all.If would apply confu it would only make it viable for condi builds.

Maybe don’t spam condi removal at 1 stack of bleed or torment ?

is that all u can do? jumping into every suggestion or discussion and give stupid answers?

It’s not a stupid answer at all and your request would be a nerf to impale as it is.Also if all stacks would be applied at once there would be no reason to not use rip as soon as impale hits the target.The whole point is to not use rip because then it would reduce the stacks of torment.Ad rip hurts pretty bad on rampager or mixed builds with power.

What we don’t need is less viable builds becasue a ss/lb wants to have his build more Op over the cost of others.

(edited by mini.6018)

Warrior OP? Let's prove it.

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


Just put 15 or 20 sec cd on burst skills and problem is solved …

and put 60 seconds on shatter,steal and pet skills.Problem solved

Or is it ?

Suggestion: Impale

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


Maybe don’t spam condi removal at 1 stack of bleed or torment ?

Warrior = Ele 2.0 ?

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


Warriors are pretty strong right now, but will be seeing changes in an upcoming patch.

We like how they can be tanky, and we like how they can do DPS if they want. We also like the CC they can bring. We just don’t like them doing it all with 1 build.

In other words, confirmed war is OP.

You guys take so long to realize stuff. All you had to do was play the 10/30/30 Hammer Longbow build. Just play it. It’s not hard.

funny or perhaps sad thing: he didnt mentioned the condition beasts.

Funny or perhaps you can name me any other class except guardian that is not a condition beast too?That’s because condition is beast by itself has nothing to do with class.

Warrior = Ele 2.0 ?

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


Hope the nerf applies to PVP only.
This is what I absolutely hate about MMOs. The constant changes to classes and powers after you become comfortable with a particular style of play.

And it isn’t always something being “overpowered”. It’s like changing the size and shape of the ball in the middle of a football game.

No. Warrior has always been OP in PvE. That is fine though. The problem is that these nerfs need to apply to WvW as well. Warrior is broken there.

Why the kitten you say warrior is OP in pve ? Did you see another game where the only thing you need to stack for pve is dps ? Here all you need to do is spam dps all day long on targets that STAY STILL ,ofcourse 100 blades is OP for that .Most pve players in gw2 wouldnìt even make it to lvl 10 in another basic mmo imho.

Nerf incoming - Upcoming Dec changes posted.

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


Will you guys just stop talking nonsense already ?

Yes HS is very weak against burst damage but at the moment is very strong because warriors don’t need to spec glassy for dps hence they are very hard or impossible to burst down.

That is exactly why Unsuspecting Foe needs to go ,forcing warriors into either tanky or dps builds so healsig can still be a good counter to bunkers and against condis while weak against burst builds as it should be.Wars will have a valid counter exactly like now,only it’s not a real counter when you need to burst trough 3500 armor.

Also this only applies to power builds .Condi is kitten as hell but that is not a warrior problem at all but an all arround gw2 main issue since all classes can spec mega tanky and insane condi damage because of flaws in design of condi damage and irresponsibly pairing it with defensive stats.They need rethink condition damage and stats from scratch imo or the game will forever be unballanced.

Warrior OP? Let's prove it.

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


/facepaIm.I find it really amusing that so many post their opinions about what is a good warrior and what not, when in fact they all run the same copy paste build.Seriously now hambow users are all terrible warriors.Take UF away from them and they wouldn’t be able to adapt even if facing a sb/lb ranger. What a joke

Still no warrior nerf after two patches!

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


Just put 5 guardians against the 5 warriors and see them laughing with literally permanent stability and retaliation

ANET nerf UF and be done with the qqs

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018



What you just described is true, but unfortunately it is a general condition related problem for all classes because of the wrong design for condition damage.Basicly every class except guardian has a viable tanky condition build including the warrior because of this aproach Anet too allowing condition damage to only scale in one stat and giving stat combinations like t/v/cor t/p/c.Many might argue that they need precision and also duration to be viable but that is just an uninformed myth since all the dangerous condi builds are the ones that stack (bomb) the target with huge ammount of condi buffed with condi damage for a very short duration of time.Condi burst i call it and it’s what a good necro uses to burn all your hp before fear wears off.
Condi duration is handy ofcourse and precision too but they barely maximize the dps of a condi burst.Procs on crit are very weak and share internal cooldown, sometimes a rather long one (2second cd for A CHANCE to 1 bleed and 33% for another is very weak and will hardly put 2 or 3 bleeds every 10 Seconds).Duration also because no one will sit and eat a 25 second bleed or torment duration and almost all bleeds have a long enough base duration to get removed before they end.

Condi scaling is broken and the armor combinations enforce that perfectly but as i already sai this is a whole different topic.No one should make complaints about a warrior being tanky and doing too much condi damage because that means complaining about every single class/build in this game.It’s just the way condi meta is atm.

The problem with UF is that allows the warrior to have the same broken (imo) concept vut translated into power counterpart, wich no other classes have.Sure you can go full bunk and huge condi but no one else exceot warrior can go full tank and also huge dps.You can hit full berserker damage numbers on earthshatter while having maximum toughness.And it will hit you hard because i already explained that a zero precision base build would produce a 75% crit chance earthshatter.That is higher than most berserker builds out there and even classes that chose the new assassin gear would still be left short for trading power for precision.
Just the guaranteed crit on earthshatter is enough for the most tanky build to have a chance at killing because it has the control, it has the survavibility to keep going at it until will eventually land.

Teamwise this is un unballanced situation too because someone that wants to bring a huge burst to the table must play very carefully and with the wrong move would just get instantly melted without even having the chance to drop it.Unlike hammer war that can just run arround under heavy fire wairing for his next earthshatter to be ready.

Imo this is the main problem players are complaining about because it allows a huge room for mistakes at basicly zero tradeoffs and there is no gap between risk and reward.This is even more dangerous in the hands of a really skilled player that would wreck that havoc even by playing smartly in squishy armor.

We should have to choose our poison and deal with it like everybody else, like a full zerker thief that accidentlt trips into my autoattack and gets instakilled, or a tanky ele ,ranger or guardian that can’t kill me but they annoy the kitten out of me too with their insane survival.

(edited by mini.6018)

ANET nerf UF and be done with the qqs

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


You do realize that ur suggestion breaking my 2 builds right? Im not even speaking about hammer/x, but about axe and sword/shield. If anything move it to master, this way its won’t hurt many builds, GM is far too much.

Unfortunatelly yes.I also use non meta builds and go zerker amulet.Sword shield would still benefit from the shave to 15% because with 20points in prec you still get 10% chance for sword skills 10% from points spent and 15% uf for a total of 55% crit chance whith fury for landing your final thrust while wearing pvt or non precision armor/amulet.Youbwouln’t need shield to proc the crit if you wore zerker but still a nice addition for. the interrupt or block.

Sadly you need to trade something and that is kind of the whole point for nerfing UF.So tanky dps builds would not be possible and force ppl into choosing one or the other.

Right now the choice is a no brainer because why choose glass or tank when you can be both.

Sorry m8 i always appreciate a non meta build considering how rare they are but that is just my opinion.

(edited by mini.6018)

Warriors are beyond broken - ridiculously op

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


I’ve said it time and time again, the only problem with hammer warriors is that Unsuspecting Foe dramatically increases damage for ten throwaway trait points.

Reduce Unsuspecting Foe’s crit chance bonus, and that build falls in line with other highly defensive builds.

Finally a guy that sees the big picture.

Why would others say axe/shield build would be destroyed? Really ? That build? You can always spec for precision as should be if you wanna crit that nasty eviscerate.Sitting on toughness like a boss and still landing all these perfect earthshatters, evis or hundreed blades is the only cause of all the qq threads.
They should try and do some real dps on a squishy build and be rewarded for skill instead of easymode facetanking to the next cd opportunity.
Try healing signet while using zerker armor or use a tanky build without UF trait and see for yourselves how gamechanging it is.A 10 point adept trait to combine full dps with the ultimate armor into one .

(edited by mini.6018)

Nostalgia; the old warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


Oddly enough, while my playstyle hasn’t changed much, I miss the old berserker’s stance. It had a pretty darn low cooldown, and allowed for some cool synergy that allowed you to get two fully-powered burst skills off back-to-back. Plus, at a 25 second cooldown, the trait that gives 10 seconds of Vigor on stance use had roughly 50% uptime, which meant we could actually dodge a fair bit. I was really said when the trait got changed to a 60 second cooldown…

Me too.Ill trade the curent zerker atance for the old one anytime.I also miss the old sword auto quite a lot.A few builds pretty much died with that patch.

ANET nerf UF and be done with the qqs

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


Cause and effect:

Because this trait allows every warrior to completely discard the precision stat on their hammer and mace builds all of them can heavily invest in defensive stats such as toughness and vitality.Under very hight toughness even the smallest heal counts the world making healing signet very effective.Damage is low on their shell and the healing seems a lot higher.
Leaves a huge room for error on the opponent and very little for the warrior because he can just facetank to untill his cooldown is off.Bait stunbreaks and dosges by applying presure while facetanking and eventually delivering a killer blow with an earthshatter or 100 blades.This scenario is very unballanced for the opponent.

Other side effects are making healing signet seem too much because bringing down a full tanky built character is always a very long and tedious fight.But usually it has lower risks involved because the bunker can’t really put out a decent threat either.

Lead to nerf/remove hammer threads while in fact a glassy hammer user is extremely easy to deal with.Just dodge/block/blind and burst.The opposite you could just facetank and be annoyed by it’s stuns, more of a team support weapon.

Possible Solutions????

Move UF to grandmaster tree.This will make investing heavily into defense really hard .
Remove UF.Either tank or dps.
Shave UF to give just a 15% critical chance while the target is stunned if kept in adept position.That would still make a 40 % chance for a crit with a basic zero precision build (only 100 from spending for the trait).Would fix a bit the damage output but let’s not be kidding 40% crit for a possible 3 to 7 k damage skill on low cd is still a lot and not to be taken lightly.
Leave it as is but change it not to proc on the same stun but only the hits that follow.That would kill pvt hammer though and ill rather have the shave at 15%

Healing signet would help tank builds but they wont be a threat to instantly kill ppl as bunkers should be.
Stuns would mean more of support rather stun=death or as lethal but with really high risk for the warrior because would have to spec glassy to deal damage hence skill of the opponent would actually matter, would not start at a 50% handicap and the turn of the battle would be decided by reactions not facetanking and cd grinding.

(edited by mini.6018)

ANET nerf UF and be done with the qqs

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


As a quick observation the qq threads are spreading like an unstoppable zombie breakout umongst the population and not even once i have seen a reasonable valid point on any of the requests.

We have seen a nerf x on warriors thread for everything by now.From healing, damage, mobility, sustain, support, cc, traits, weapons and stats.Why doesn’t anyone take all these threads, place them on a board and see what all of them have in common?Let’s agree to disagree but the thing that all these threads have in common is the argument where warriors are too tanky(heals/armor) and their dps is too high(power/crit) making some builds really forgiving.

The reason of all this is Ususpecting Foe (UF) a cheap and easily achieved adept trait in precision tree wich for only 10 points offers not less than +50% critical chance on a stunned target.This might seem perfectly fine since stuns were nerfed most by half in duration with the sigil of paralysis recent fix but the problem still prevails since the bonus critical chance it applies before the damage from the stunning skill.The hundreed blades build got a big hit but it was never a bigger problem than the old Bull’s charge frenzy.

Except the huge toughness.

Currently the hammer and mace(especially hammer) can provide huge dps on par with wearing a breserker’s amulet or full berserker’s armor/trinkets while under the comfort of defensive gear.

Normally a class to be able to do average or decent raw dps has to give out as a trade it’s suravibility stats, wich as an imediate consequence means smart play and reactions from the assaulted opponent can be very punishing and even lethal.The perfect definition of glass canon.Unfortunately UF by itself turns some builds in full armored tiger panzer canons leaving very little place for a counter.The opponent needs to be either very squishy or very tanky to have a chance and even so they sit at a 50% handicap for the entire fight because it’s either dps or defensive stats for them.Basicly this trait turns hammer power builds in the condition counterpart only with raw dps instead of condition (wich is also a broken mechanic but that is a 300 pages worth of arguments topic)

Basic problems:

The dps of stun skills themselves is applied with the bonus offered by UF and not only the hits that apply after the stun.Just the earthshatter in this case is a guaranteed crit with a very big dps output, even at 1 andrenaline bar with a 1 second stun.As a matter of fact even if the stun was 0.1 seconds in duration the earthshatter would still be a guaranteed big crit in defensive armor because of this mechanic.Same for skullcrack but that is barely a 130 melee range hit for single target, not nearly as powerfull as the hammer counterpart and does not benefit from 25% increase in damage bonuses like hammer does.Basicly running a hammer and defensive gear means guaranteed glasscanon damage output on the F1 skill even at 1andrenaline bar on a decently short cooldown.

I will just make example in spvp where you can get at a barely 50% crit chance with zerker’s amulet while an earthshatter will hit with a 50% crit chance by using a zero base precision build.That’s 55% because you spent 10points in precision tree and 75% bevause you have fury up.Not bad for a 5% critical chance base build right?

Warriors are beyond broken - ridiculously op

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


Warriors don’t need healing signed to be effective. I’ve fought some awesome warriors who weren’t using it, and were doing fine. But nerfing its flat hp/sec isn’t a good way either. Make it connected with adrenaline, or anything, only not flat healing per second. Flat heal will be always either OP or UP, not to mention it is boring and hard to counter.

Cleansing ire has to be removed. Berserker stance is fine, just slighty reduce its duration.

Just get out of here seriously.Before cleansing ire you needed a warhorn traited in EVERY BUILD wich means only TWO BUILDS were viable for any warrior and both with either crappy dps and horrible sustain.Every noob pistol thief could kill wars and they were helpless against it, might aswell just alt f4 or /sit cuz there was no point in even trying to survive.
The condi meta is the worst thing that happened to gw2 since launch and there is only one counter to that atm even so not enough for the rate at wich 20k condi bursts can be spammed(ask any decent necro not baddie rerollers).

Let me guess you play a condi spam class and you just hate to see ppl not instantly dying without the slightest chance to remove your condition.
Cleansing ire is the only trait that puts the warriors in line with every class and everyone is only crying because of unsuspecting foe and they don’t even know it always wanying everything else nerfed from weapon sets to kitten looks.

(edited by mini.6018)

Burning/Warrior Balancing! Do smth Arenanet!

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


Op rank 52 and he doesn’t know he needs to stand inside the big red circle in order to get burned

.ps: that red circle got a huge nerf already maybe you missed the last patch notes .180 from 360 at 1 bar is pretty important huge nerf.

Pps:guardian burning is constant and permanent only with autoattack from range and you chose to qq about staying still into a ground area as obvious as a 12feet fat norn holding a big sign with an arrow pointed and reading"don’t afk inside here".Man these skyhammer farmers nowdays.

LOL dude
in pvp you have to have nodes in order to win…i usually don’t text people like you back but ur arrogance is beyond being funny
when he is playing with his team and he is fighting on nodes (because that’s what people do to win) and a warrior just uses a fire field that is greater than the point you have to stand in it?in order to hold the point

Maybe you missed the point but a guardian can do permanent burning on you and you don’t even have the option of avoiding that burn like you do on warrior.Also combustive shot is blockable, interruptable, needs full andrenaline or the area is180 range and on top of everything you can kill the warrior he is the crappiest bunker in the game after his 10 seconds of immunities wear off.
Besides all that the op was crying about burning damage on a zerker warrior and if anyone has problem killing a zerker warrior in a teamfight well….

(edited by mini.6018)

Burning/Warrior Balancing! Do smth Arenanet!

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


Op rank 52 and he doesn’t know he needs to stand inside the big red circle in order to get burned

.ps: that red circle got a huge nerf already maybe you missed the last patch notes .180 from 360 at 1 bar is pretty important huge nerf.

Pps:guardian burning is constant and permanent only with autoattack from range and you chose to qq about staying still into a ground area as obvious as a 12feet fat norn holding a big sign with an arrow pointed and reading"don’t afk inside here".Man these skyhammer farmers nowdays.

Warriors are beyond broken - ridiculously op

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


one of the best (duration+cd) and most reliable stability utilities in the game (balanced stance)

You truly have no clue as to other classes do you?

Who cares if the Warrior can get stability every 40 seconds for 8 seconds when a Guardian can give 5 people stability every 30 seconds for 5 seconds. Most of the other classes can get stability (only Thief and Mesmer have no direct access to it). Meanwhile, Rangers can get 20 seconds of stability on elite skill use.

8/40= 1/5th of time.
5/30=1/6th of time.

Thief- Dagger-storm.
Mesmer- Mantra of Concentration- AoE.

and also Berserker stance is one of the best – trololol they have 3 condi classes lets hard counter their setup – utility choices you can pick right before match

Even though Engineers have it on a trait that activities and stays active at 25% health (Automated Response). It is also, 8 seconds duration on a 60 second cool down. The way everyone here is presenting it is if the Warrior can spam this every 10 seconds for 9 seconds. If you can’t kite the Warrior for 8 seconds… again that is your problem.

If you think this is op why not complain about the Mesmers and their true invulnerable every 42 seconds for 4 seconds? They are also immune to conditions and direct damage while using that.

4/42=1/10.5 – if traited, with full illusions

Except guardian is a 24 second cd aoe stability for the group not 30 seconds and also gives retaliation.
Also if you stack 5 guardians you have 25 second perma stability on a 24 second cooldown with perma retaliation only from this utility,while if you stack 5 warriors you get 8 second stability each adn 8 second swiftness every 40 seconds.

Balance is OP

Warrior gs #5 rush is 1550 range, says 1200

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018



Im not going to discuss about rtl if its was deserved or undeserved nerf, but i can explain ya why rush is affected by +speed and rtl inst – rush unlike rtl is also affected by cripple/chill dramatically decreasing it range, while for rtl u don’t have to worry about it.

I already explained this to him but he seems to be trolling or this would have been pretty obvious already.

When he can do a 300 range RTL like Rush with chilled/cripple in a 3 second+ animation he can give us a call.Until then even a dodge covers more ground.

Also i heard you can close gaps with RTL .Try that with Rush if you want to see something funny.

(edited by mini.6018)

Warrior gs #5 rush is 1550 range, says 1200

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


Perfect sense would be to swap.Give Rush to eles and RTL to warriors.Would be a decent enough nerf to gs. and a buff to ele

who’s with me

Help with a Build..

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


For pve full berserker longbow/gs or longbow/axe should to pretty good dps wise.Gs is a better choice though since you don’t have to burn andrenaline on it for dps like on axe eviscerate though and you combustive shot can do maximum dps.

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: mini.6018


A list of what ppl asked to be removed from warrior so far(and pretty sure i missed a few):

Remove killshot

Remove Rush

Remove 100 blades

Remove HP

Remove Endure Pain

Remove Berserker stance

Remove stuns

Remove immobilize

Remove torment

Remove Healing Signet

Remove Andrenal Health

Remove Andrenaline

Remove Vengeance

Remove Unsuspecting Foe

Remove Destruction of the Empowered

and now remove Hammer

I guess at this rate warriors should just run arround naked kitten slapping ppl with their bare hands soon enough

(edited by mini.6018)

Warrior Myths: BUSTED

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


All I see is a newb that doesn’t know how to play warrior try to prove that warrior is not OP.

Well if warrior was so OP he wouldn’t have failed regardless if noob .

Isn’t that the whole point of being OP ?

AIs are just visual conditions and buffs

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


You’re right, body-blocking, damage dealing, damage absorbing AI are just visual conditions and buffs!


Apparently for some

Warrior gs #5 rush is 1550 range, says 1200

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


It is a MOVEMENT skill and like ALL movement skills it’s affected by OOC and speed buffs being buffs or debuffs.

Thief’s heartseeker travels 50% farther while in stealth,33% farther with swiftness on and it’s 50% shorter if chilled.All other jumps/leaps in the game work the same and have 33% longer range when not in combat,basic range when in combat and reduced/increased range acording with whatever condition/boon you are affected with.

Posters in this thread please get your facts straight.

(edited by mini.6018)

Warrior gs #5 rush is 1550 range, says 1200

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


The elementalist skill ride the lightning was nerfed by not only having the cooldown doubled….but having the range cut from 1550 to 1200. Anet said this was because the 1550 range was “unintentional”. Well I just tested the warrior greatsword 5 skill rush and it says 1200 range just like RTL. It goes a fair bit further than ride the lightning does. Try it out yourself; get on an ele with dagger offhand and stand near the stairs in heart of the mists (by the armor/weapon vendors). Use a skull on the ground as a marker and remember where that skull was. Use ride the lightning and you won’t make it up the stairs. You will make it about halfway. Now get on a warrior and use rush, you will make it up the stairs no problem and even keep going a bit.

I find this really unfair considering eles had their mobility pretty much gutted and warriors get to run around with a 1550 range mobility skill when the tooltip says 1200. This ability should at least be changed to 1200 range like RTL was, and IMO it could use a longer cooldown but that is not my decision to make. Just to clarify, ride the lightning also says 1200 range. Just thought this should be brought to the developers attention.

Does RTL have 800 range if crippled ,600 if chilled and 300 range if chilled/crippled ? and 0 if immobilized too like rush has?

Also there is out of combat speed and inside of combat speed.RTL is not effected by either so while in combat where the movement speed of Rush is decreased by 33% the range is also 33% shorter.

Argument for a nerf in disguise .Im not a fan of gs myself and would rather have the lamer’s tool removed but at least try and find some decent excuse for it.If only Rush was a 1200 range no matter what like RT,well that would be an entirely different story.And a different game probably too.

Now we are Esports

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


“Now we are Esports”


Discussion : How to deal with the Warrior regen signet ?

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


Before signet upgrade I was running it with mango pie in WvW to have about the same efficient that now: without this the passive regen is not enough to sustain fights what warriors are said to be about. Like I said regen itself means nothing BUT with dodge blocks blinds positions etc : each seconds you are avoiding getting hit you benefit regen then it’s efficient… Signet alone is nothing really. the overall heal points you gain via regen is about the same as the raw healing under fury level 3 so… nothing OP…
Btw I had an ele spe water scepter dagger that Anet nerfed the regen and really that was really what I call OP even with ele water regen nerf you still can have perma regen with lower hp/sec and last very long…
As you said CC warrior builds benefits efficient regen not because of the regen/sec value but because of the stuns durations and spams. if ennemy cant hit you in some timeframe you benefit regen while he s stun… Issue is more about CC.

You’re very correct in saying that it’s the combination of all the tools available to a warrior to keep themselves alive in addition to the signet that makes signet OP…

Signet by itself isn’t broken, it’s the fact that you don’t have to worry about your heal and have an insane amount of ways to combat both types of damage with a zerkers ammy in addition to signet. It’d be hard to find any class that wouldn’t become overpowered with a certain spec if they were given heal sig…

People claim that you can burst warriors down. Sadly, this is not the case more often than not. Between dodge rolls and the actual risk of you engaging on a DPS warrior because of how much counter-pressure he can dish out after he tanks your burst (lol 21k HP with 2400 armor with a zerkers ammy). Poison is truly the only way to mitigate the efficacy of heal signet to a semi-balanced level and actually “burst” a warrior down.

Even worse, condis seem to do an entirely better job at killing wars. This is incredibly pathetic considering that they have zerkers stance with cleansing ire and dogged march in 80% of the builds out there right now….

Yes, wars are a bit over the top. Yes, healing signet and zerkers stance are broken. Anyone who argues otherwise is either blinded or plays a warrior.

No.You are wrong in everything and every of your arguments is false.Even a guardian can instakill warriors if specced right and with a team’s support they are extremely dangerous.In duel servers even with healing signet war can be kited to death out of the kitten 130range of mace and hammer is still the most useless weapon only slightly less terrible than greatsword.A good player would not even get scratched by a hammer or gs attack in a duel.
The only class that has kiting issues in a duel is a necro but irronicly necro is the most op class in duels atm using minions.
Mnions autoattack is arround 3, k damage only the worm and golem do 1700 combined so if you tell me a 400 healing per second outheals that you are simply trolling the class for l2p issues.That is only pet auto and not even considering necros own auto plus attacks.Just one example out of many.
There are ele, engie,, mesmer builds that can literally oneshot the most tanky warrior build with 3600 +armor and thieves have unblockable spam attacks.Engie is still the best cc class and are very hard to counter even with 2 stabillity slots equiped if they know what they are doing.

I myself i only run one stability and i haven’t died to a warrior 1v1 in the last 3months.They go down like rocks since i know perfectly how to counter them.Heck i even 2v1 a lot of warriors in hotjoin and i use a zerk build the most squishy possible.

Last line:last night i was being chased arround by 3 players in their base and at one moment there were even 4of them.They had such crappy dps that i could go in circles dodging them forever and with a build without perma swiftness, vigor or leaps (mace/bow).They flamed me for being a tanky regen noob after they lost the match and ofc they got laughed at cuz i run zerker build plus amulet.Morale of the story:next match a dps guardian oneshoted me, an engie almost did the same and i had to pindown and retreat from a zerker ranger all in the same match.L2p is your friend.End of story.

The sad state of WvW a cookie cutter story

in WvW

Posted by: mini.6018



As a matter of fact the number 1 server’s EU wvw population consists in 60% longbow rangers and 39% staff elementalists so basicly on those statistics ranger is the most succesfull class in wvw.

Besides that you need to spec for your desired purpoise acordingly.Ranger has a couple of very good duelist/roaming builds including mobility on par with warrior and thief.You can’t expect to roam with a sb/lb build and not die aswell as you can’t just bring a backstab thief into a zergfight and expect to be decisive.

I have heard so many complains that many classes are not viable for zergs but imo it is not true at all.The problem is the majority players lack in imagination and exclusively relly on popular copy/paste builds instead of experimenting their own.Once for example i created a very nice venom share aoe build for thief with 3k armor and 22kplus hp on soldier gear that could easily be a frontliner bringing huge aoe cc plus a ton of blasts finishers , but regardless all thieves are pigeonholed into the singletarget stealth troll builds useless to mass combat.

.Just get a little creative and don’t bring a pve zero survavibiity, zero group support and be a free rally bot and expect for commanders to be happy about it.It’s just common sense.

Discussion : How to deal with the Warrior regen signet ?

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


At the moment warriors can just equip their passive regen signet and be unable to be killed. When a warrior is 4v1 and not dropping below 50% health and able to kill the other 4 players, it simply makes PVP unfun. Just had two games where it was impossible to kill any of the opposing team because it was all passive regen warriors.

If 4 ppl can’t kill a warrior should simply drop pvp and go pve.If the 4ppl also get killed by the war then i’m sorry to say videogames are just not your calling.
I can beat almost every warrior 1v1 on my zerk amulet build including the banner regen full tank cleric, shaman gear.I should assume 1can kill16 ppl solo if these warriors can kill 4 all by themselves then.

Join a random 1v1 server and see for yourself how easy good players kill warriors.If it can be done 1v1 than your and other nerf threads ops are simply l2P issues.

I can kill warriors, others can kill warriors, you and 4 ppl can’t 4v1 so seriously leave pvp for who has what it takes for it.

in duel servers, healing signet is banned

Not at all only in those wich the host is bad.As a matter of fact healing sig is only good against bunkers with zero dps.Every burst build player just loves a signet war cuz boom one landed shatter and bye bye warrior hp for all the fight..Adapt to meta bringing huge dps.Drop your bunker build unless you want yo hold caps in wich case don’t qq you can’t kill ppl.Once you go zerk oneshot warriors and l2p or you will die in one second.Simple and easy.

Discussion : How to deal with the Warrior regen signet ?

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


At the moment warriors can just equip their passive regen signet and be unable to be killed. When a warrior is 4v1 and not dropping below 50% health and able to kill the other 4 players, it simply makes PVP unfun. Just had two games where it was impossible to kill any of the opposing team because it was all passive regen warriors.

If 4 ppl can’t kill a warrior should simply drop pvp and go pve.If the 4ppl also get killed by the war then i’m sorry to say videogames are just not your calling.
I can beat almost every warrior 1v1 on my zerk amulet build including the banner regen full tank cleric, shaman gear.I should assume 1can kill16 ppl solo if these warriors can kill 4 all by themselves then.

Join a random 1v1 server and see for yourself how easy good players kill warriors.If it can be done 1v1 than your and other nerf threads ops are simply l2P issues.

I can kill warriors, others can kill warriors, you and 4 ppl can’t 4v1 so seriously leave pvp for who has what it takes for it.

"You get stunned, you get stunned

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


arheundel seems to play ele. so dont know how u think he plays stunwar. for me it seems u should learn to read.

Maybe you should dedicate more time into understanding what you are reading.I said : " make a stunlock warrior and go faceroll on 1v1 servers if war is so op".Give me a call when that happens i need to record and post it as world’s 1st.

Warriors, warriors everywhere

in WvW

Posted by: mini.6018


^^that’s the issue though….why should i pla any other class when i can faceroll and have same success if not better? that IS called OP

look at war representation right now in spvp, it speaks pages

You are talking about war ? Yes they are really good represented in top tier pvp and they didn’t decreased by 800% after the para sigil fix at all(NOT).Sometimes i believe most ppl play Candyland Wars 2 instead of GW2 seriously.

Stun Warriors Needing a Nerfbat

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


Really need to google maybe this time some really pro guy finally posted his 30/30/30/30/30 build so i can be pro too :S

"You get stunned, you get stunned

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


A clear example of the skill level of warriors…guess you’re so “ignorant” about the game that you don’t even know your “profession”

You are my guest to join any 1v1 server with your stunlock warrior and win like a pro.Until that happens(wich is never) it was a nice conversation to say the least.

my profession got one stability utility at 90s CD…where the hell do I take the rest?

From your pocket guardian!

Stun lock builds have 130 range on mace and on hammer they are very vulnerable since no blocks

Hammer has no blocks.

everyone and their moms get stunned." – Warriors 2013

Mom didn’t teach you to bring stability?

Looking at your twitch…
“[ siN ] Seven Instincts | Krentar | WvW Warrior/Guardian Baruch EU”

Now looking at the classes that have access to any sort of decent stab…

It seems like your idea of who gets stab and who doesn’t is a bit biased sir.

It’s not my personal stream and i’m not the streamer.

Regardless,it was just an atemptive funny remark at the OP original post"Everyone and their mom gets stunned".

Meh,grow a humour beard it’s halloween

(edited by mini.6018)

Guys, we are in a pickle w conditions

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


You should quote the next to word too, then you can read “and traits”.

And even if there is an internal CD, there are other sigil, that can give Conditions on crit or on other circumstances. This doesnt change the fact, that you need crits to maximize condition damage.

I wish i had the option to trade 1% of my dps for 1k armor and 10k hp while running max dps build too^^ .Funny guy

"You get stunned, you get stunned

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


everyone and their moms get stunned." – Warriors 2013

Mom didn’t teach you to bring stability?

Guys, we are in a pickle w conditions

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


@ Unleashed.Power build needs precision/power and crit damage to be effective condition only needs condi damage while duration and precision are bonuses.No one ever will live a 20 second condi duration spam fest while a necro can kill you just during the fearchain.Please explain to me why do you need condi duration if you can melt someone before the fear train is over aka 5-6 seconds.

Also gear does not include condi duration as a base stat like crit damage is.If condi duration would be the equivalent of crit damage on armor as stats than we would have an argument here but for not this isn’t the case.

For condi to be equal to power builds armor statwise the combination should look like this

Critical DAmage


Condition Duration

Wich as a matter of fact could be a good suggestion for someone to make to Arenanet in order to balance conditions once and for all.That and remove condition duration from any rune/sigil and foods,reduce the base condition duration on skills and buff the condi% duration stat on gear to match the current condi duration on builds, in order to make it effective.

(edited by mini.6018)

Guys, we are in a pickle w conditions

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


Definatly not, they also need precision to proc sigil of earth and traits and they need condition duration to maximize their damage

Stop persisting the fantasy that all condition builds just need condition damage.

This is absolute bull guys

sigils =

1 extra bleed every 5 seconds if you have a lot of precision(2 sec cd and 60% to apply a bleed if you crit)

or 3 bleed stacks aoe on 10 second cooldown

There is also toughness gear that gives both prec and condi damage while the quivalent in power would be valkyrie wich is less than half as optimal in comparison dps wise.

So please let’s keep things real.

We are keeping real. As a Conditionbuild you cant maximize your damage without precision, without condition damage, without condition duration, without traits and without sigils and runes. Thats the same as going on full berserker gear.

Saying that condition builds only need condition damage is same as saying “direct damage builds only need power for max damage”

@Divinity: I did the math in my third post, without crit and traits etc. its only 780damage per attack, I cant see, where this is melting someones face compared to direct damage with 4k+ per attack.

Maximize does not equal optimal hence no you are not keeping it real.Maximizizing would mean rampager gear wich no one uses since condi only is already stronger and has a lot more uptime than direct damage in pvp.

If you compare (p/v/t) and (c/v/t) cvt will win by a longshot dps wise and the same if you compare (t/prec/power) to (t/prec/condi)

(edited by mini.6018)

Guys, we are in a pickle w conditions

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


Definatly not, they also need precision to proc sigil of earth and traits and they need condition duration to maximize their damage

Stop persisting the fantasy that all condition builds just need condition damage.

This is absolute bull guys

sigils =

1 extra bleed every 5 seconds if you have a lot of precision(2 sec cd and 60% to apply a bleed if you crit)

or 3 bleed stacks aoe on 10 second cooldown

There is also toughness gear that gives both prec and condi damage while the quivalent in power would be valkyrie wich is less than half as optimal in comparison dps wise.

So please let’s keep things real.

(edited by mini.6018)

"You get stunned, you get stunned

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


Diminishing Returns are the lazy way of fixing things (ala WoW). They could simply fix this ridiculously broken class and spec. Heck, I run Spectral Armor and Spectral Walk (which give me 3x stun breaks – two from SW since I can tele out of stun) and those + Death Shroud are not enough to prevent warriors from cc-spamming me. Can’t even imagine those classes that run little or no stunbreaks… Obviously something is wrong.

You cant be serious.You can’t expect to just run arround doing stunbreaks and stability forever to counter a stun build,you need to play smart and put presure and dps(mm and condi spam is really OP).Stun lock builds have 130 range on mace and on hammer they are very vulnerable since no blocks.Just join a duel server and show me 1 single mace warrior doing good and maybe then we can have an argument not related to l2p issues.Just look at the ammount of warriors and compare it to ammount of engies in spvp after patch if you want to see in wich dirrection balance is heading.

(edited by mini.6018)

Warriors, warriors everywhere

in WvW

Posted by: mini.6018


Newsflash.In spvp he warrior population has decreased sustantially.Where you would normally see 3 wars in one team and 4 in the other a few days back,after the patch you see 1,2 warriors .The stunlock meta is over get over it.Condi meta will be back in wvw in force as soon as ppl have gold to change gear again just wait a few weeks/months.

Passive play and ai destroying the game.

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


I play a MM Bunker Necro, I’d love NOT to play this build but others just aren’t viable and as you have said passive builds don’t require much skill at all, including condition builds.

Why am I playing this build that you despise so much? Warriors. Pure and simple, without any kind of significant tank/bunker they would just walk all over me, I can’t play zerk builds/spectral builds because they would just CC me to death and there is very little you can do about it. How aNet is still leaving warriors in there current state is quite frankly insane. D/D Ele’s were quickly nerfed down, but warriors are still left un-touched?

Professions like warriors that are quite frankly OP are FORCING players to use cheap bunker builds, like MM Necros. I occasionally log in a warrior, when I get fed up enough of facing 3+ per team and I’m still staggered by how OP it feels, I’ve only played maybe 10 games and I am literally walking all over people, I even feel sorry for them, especially the one’s who are trying non-gimmick builds.

Yes bro because minion mancers and zoopet rangers didn’t exist until warrior came along.Cool story though always enjoy a good ol excuse.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: mini.6018


One in the billion random requests but here it goes

  2. more statistics (guild related, player related, server related)
  3. improve siege versus player interraction and structure sieging
  4. Guild rewards, gvg (within wvw),halls, incentives, the way structure claiming works.It feels like everyone is random in gw2 and in the bad way.Everyone for himself feel does not motivate deep bounds with the game..

(edited by mini.6018)

Thief fail builts and me (advise wanted)

in WvW

Posted by: mini.6018


lol… practice dude. Thief is not easy as people make it seem, if you make a mistake as a thief you are 99% going to die, i have both a warrior and thief and I can tell you warrior is the most stupid noob class, you can make 100 mistakes and still tank the opponent and then turn around and perma stun dps them, I mean you can even rally yourself back to life kill your opponent and then die… it is freking stupid… lmfao

30-30-10 or 0-20-30-20-0 are the 2 good dp builds imo. Focus on backstabs and staying alive and eventually you will start to get better. Just dont expect to win any one vs one fights for the first few days playing this build as you have to know when you can fight and when you have to reset (which you will learn as you play thief more).

Maybe watch yishis videos on youtube he is a good dp thief player.

Sounds to me you re just a pretty bad(ass)l warrior that jumped on the bandwagon train afer the new meta.You should have rolled with a war in roaming and spvp for the past year but you were rolling on thief before you little bugger didn’t you? heeeee