WvW is intended to be a place for anyone, even a lvl 2 rallybot.
If you don’t like queue you can transfer.
Some ranger discussion.
Natural Vigor
Starting here because I think it requires the most discussion. This, simply put, was a wildly overpowered trait. I tell people not to compare one profession to another, but Engineer has this trait as a major grandmaster. It was simply too easy to put 5 points in this line and then be able to dodge every 6.67 seconds. As it stands after the change this still allows you to splash 5 points and dodge every 8 seconds. I don’t think this will ruin survivability, and I think by buff other traits further down this line it will encourge rangers who are looking to survive to go further into this trait line.Spirits Unbound and Nature’s Voice
I think the biggest change of moving spirits unbound is it allows you to take this trait along with Nature’s Voice. Internally we have done some testing where you bring stone spirit, guard, and then still have a open third utility slot to make some truly good support ranger builds. Spirits have always had that feel and I think this brings that to the forefront.Power Rangers
No pun intended. As many have said these guys are in an interesting position. In some ways they can be very strong, but everytime I play my ranger this way it feel like it comes up a little bit short. I think this is because they are lacking a few things as either additional tools for greatsword or as utilities. Signets are the somewhat obvious utility choice but their effect is too varied to run a strong full signet build here. Conversely all traits associated with signets tend to increase in power the more you bring. What signets need is a good trait that synergizes with bringing a single signet, like Nature’s Voice does for shouts. This would let you bring maybe one or two signets and suppliment them with something else. One idea we talked about for Greatsword would be to take the evade off of the 3rd attack of the auto-chain and put it on swoop. This would give you a second on-demand defensive skill and instead we put something less timing based (for example a whirl finisher) on that third attack to empower it.Main-hand sword
I just want to clarify for good that main hand sword is currently working as intended. All movement skills cannot be interrupted by dodging and this is currently intentional. It has a very specific play style, and I would like it to remain. I understand that rangers want a one handed melee option that is more mobile, but that will have to wait, as I know there are a mix of players who also like how this weapon plays and I do not want to take away one of the more unique playstyles that we have and replace it with something that is fairly common.Thanks,
All fair mr. Peters, high vigor regeneration can still be reached with the pet traits, and this is right, I don’t like passive gameplay that much, and yes, it was a bit OP against certain classes.
The sword is cool how it works, but sometimes when the server lags badly you are stuck for like 2/3 seconds, and this can get you killed, but this can maybe be fixed with your upcoming lag improvements, I hope…
Just one question :
Can you please fix a little bit our pet ? I think 90% of ranger can agree with me on this, I love my pet, it’s very tactical, some times I use him to be in 2 places at once and this is extremely usefull, the only problem is that it has still some bug problems, can you please let us know if you are working on that ? and what is you plans ?
- Skill reliability
- Pet movements
- Attributes scaling based on equipe
I have mixed feelings.
I like the idea but dislike the way it was implemented.
Dont mistake living longer as stronger… if youre doing less damage and just soaking more/taking more time to die. This has its place in spvp and while it does seem like you are doing more when fighting because it lasts longer. At no point in time was your opponent pressured and worried about dying.
I dont see how anyone would die to a bunker/condi ranger unless they let burning kill them.
You need to learn the basics, how to use combo fields, positioning, pet management, when to burst and so on… Ranger is very strong, but it takes skill to play it.
When I roam I do the following things :
- Contest keeps with waypoints
- Take bloodlust / prevent other servers from getting it
- Give reports – Follow the enemy zerg
- Take camps / disrupt dolyaks
- Use supply traps
- Kill invaders
- Take sentrys
- Portect the supply chain from camps to tower/keeps, give some swiftness to those poor dolyaks
- Build sieges inside keeps/towers ( use camp supplys )
- Refres sieges every 1h
- Repair gates/wall left damaged by slackers commanders
I do all this with my ranger and ele, good roamer classes :
- Ranger
- Thief
- Engi
- Ele
- Warrior
I play 6 different builds in WvW, and they are all very viable.
1. Regen condi bunker(S/T+SB) —> strongest one in 1vsX
2. Evasive power ranger (S/D+SB) —> very strong in 1vsX
2. Spike power ranger (LB+S/W) —> very very strong for hunting down any type of build in 1vs1 or small group
3. Shout supporter + heals condi/power(A/T+S/W) —> very good for group or zerg
4. Bunker power ranger (GS+LB) —> good in zergs
5. Spirit condi bunker ranger (S/T+SB) —> good in small groups
6 Trap condi ranger (S/D+A/T) —> very good in 1vsX
Imo we have many more options than most classes do, the only real problem is our pet and some bugs ( sword root for example )
The weapons that really need some love are GS and Axe, the damage is not that good, but they provide CC and escape.
Another big probem is that I need 90 bag slots for my equippements ( not joking ) !! I need a closet asap.
Dunno for Spvp, I don’t take it seriously, but I manage to have fun while I wait in queue
I tested it alot today and it simply doesn’t do much damage even with zerker amulet. Longbow damage is a joke
you can try this kind of build :
Its similar to a thief play style, you engage unsuspected foes, I tried it with Guard leech + bloodlust and it can deal up to 7k dmg with long range shot on heavy armor users, a thief or ele will die with the combo long range shot + rapid fire ( usually after rapid fire they have 50-70% downed hp )
I find the LB only viable on zerg fight or spike ranger team, for anything else the SB is way better imo.
Stop with this nonsense SFR, go trolling on your own machup topic and see you in 2 weeks
The weekend was fun guys, the only close mach in Europe, but now the WE has ended,
Brace yourself !
Again, as the title say, can any Dev talk about this matter in a way or another?
I think Anet is choosing between a big player base, which is the ppl who do both PvE and WvW and the smaller player base who play only WvW.
I think they made the right call, but I whish they would give us WvWer ASAP :
1) Edge of the mist : here there will be no Pve content ( I hope ) and hopefully no guards or mobs.
2) Obsidian sanctum : same as edge of mist but for competitive play for guilds.
My question is : Why you (anet) didn’t wait untill those new maps where introduced before start the league and the LS inside WvW? you are alienating a lot of people here :/
We want massive PvP not massive PvE, for that we already have Tequetal and such.
Made few changes since vigor is cappet at 100% :
+ Vigor now is at +90% in passive.
+ More toughness
+ More weapon dodges
+ Crit dmg and chance
+ Dmg
- Less HP
- Less regen
- Less boon duration
(edited by sminkiottone.6972)
IDEA: auto teamups of the two trailing teams
When leading team score > (2nd + 3rd) / modifier then 2nd and 3rd become automatically allied and/or gain bonuses for attacking the leading team.
I like this idea. Too often the 3rd place team drops off and has no effect on the game other than to stop the 2nd place team be competitive to the 1st place team.
This is an intriguing concept. The original idea behind WvW was that this would happen of its own accord, but I haven’t seen that in practice. I think it could be much more of a part of the game if there were a way to do this. Would it make more sense to provide increased score from this or to increase the individual rewards? I would lean slightly towards the latter. I also wonder if it would work to be really heavy handed about it and actually put the two losing servers on the same team. Of course, that presents numerous problems including score tracking at that juncture. But I would think we can find some sort of system that encourages servers to work together to defeat a bigger server.
Source of the post?
It was obvious that warrior is OP, but people will QQ anyway.
Follow the new thread here : https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/admin/trash
Anet has touched a new low, unfortunately they will delete everything that upset them.
Natural Vigor is 50% faster endurance regen, Vigor buff is 100%, which overwrites the 50% from Natural Vigor. You don’t get 150%.
Oh man, this is bad… Why anet did put vigorous renewal in Wilderness survival ? like you said it looses in efficiency!
Looks like you got most of it. Im a big evader myself, though I dont go quite to the extreme you have, mostly because I never thought of it that way.
Anyway, I’d suspect the offhand training rather that sword mastery might give you better evade uptime, since that dagger #4 is a wicked long evade time and the animation doesnt even tie you up. Although I’ve never really used dagger except for testing so somewhat speculating, it is strong though.
Problem with stressing vigor toooo much is that you already have 50% better regen just by having survival 5 so there is some overlap, and I understand they dont stack.
Thx for the reply,
I chose martial mastery so I can run away from zergs/gankers more easly.
What do you mean with stressing vigor too much ? Natural vigor and vigor do not stacks ?
There are so many issues with this suggestion. The most important relates to the fact that I want to build each character differently.
My elementalist is who I most often use, and is also the character who I’ve made a commander. My mastery choices for him are selected on an entirely different basis than my warrior, who is primarily a front-line runner. Just the same way, my mastery choices for my mesmer are also going to be different.
Making everything account-wide would be a terrible idea.
With account bound Wxp you can still give your characters a specific build, I don’t see the problem here.
Let’s say you have 1 pg rank 100 and 1 pg rank 50 or account rank 150.
You can spend 150 rank points on both pg, giving you more character personalization.
Remember, there are 9945 ranks.
Just realized I din’t show the weapons stats :P, they are cleric’s.
hey guys, I made an evade ranger for solo/duo roaming :
Since the build editor are not fully updated with the new class balance ill post 2 different liks.
1 ) This one shows wapons + skills + Traits:
2) This other one shows armor + runes + trikets + food + pets :
How to play it :
This build is ment to counter all the burst build warriors and thief came up with, it’s not very efective against necros and mesmers ( any suggestions here ? ), and it’s preatty mobile.
The most important thing is to keep switching pets and weapons to gain Vigor, and of course try to keep you distances while the pets do the rest.
I usually use SB2, Sword3 and Dagger4 when the enemy is left with 30/40% HP.
I tend to use pet F2 only in critical moment, usually Raven F2 when I know I will get bursted or to burst down, Wolf F2 is for stomping/ressing or to throw Thiefs out of shadow refuge, or even for capping a sentry/temple when there are other contendents.
Pro’s :
-Good mobility¨
-Good survival
-Nice damage
Con’s :
-No so good against conditions
-No so good against ranged class ( LB / Rifle / Staff )
Any tip’s on how to max it’s potential ?
Nice tips !
I might add : Bring the wolf with you, it’s very helpfull to force them out of shadow refuge and ruin theyr plans
hey, while you guys are making the mesmer even weaker, can you please slow him down some more and make any runes I could use to fix this more than I can ever afford so I have no hope of ever pvpn’g in wvw again ? thanks!!
The problem is serious, it’s almost impossible to counter this, you can’t attack ‘cause of confusion ( 10+ staks ), so you dodge and wait to clean that kitten off only to see it pop 2 seconds later, and then what ? none of the player will kill each other, you can only pretend to kill noobs, that’s lame.
I think anet didn’t implemented it right, Wxp promote mindless zerg.
Some people need it to feel they are accomplishing somenthing, but it gave Anet the tools to start the so loved Korean farm.
I agree that ruins need much more thought then they were actually given by anet, but I meant that people capping ruins to earn bloodlust are actually somewhat useful for the server.
Yes, I agree.
The bloodlust is helpfull and gives more depth to the game, shame anet didn’t tought this trough
Master of ruins is the only one that’s useful if people on maps won’t go full kitten with exchanging ruins with enemies. Bloodlust is really a nice buff to have.
Nope, if it was better implemented maybe, right now if my server has already the buff I can still cap the temples and get the achievement.
I am amazed on how anet say 1 thing and does the opposite, I recall Devon’s remark on this particular subject about 1 month ago, he said that they would not give reward for capping the temples because it was too easy to exploit, I’m buffled and concerned about him.
The skill doesn’t give Vigor.
I felt that “friction” you where talking about :/
@ Herr der Friedhoefe.2490, sry man ! I was a bit acid, mea culpa.. it’s just.. I don’t know ? it’s sad to ear certain things and see pvers farming temples/sentry like there was no tomorrow :/
Imo they should delete the following achievements :
- Mists Merc Camp Vanquisher
- Master of Ruins
- Demolition Expert
- Seasonal Mists Defense Restorer
- Sentry Capturer ExtraordinaireWhy? The only one in your list that is remotely difficult is the mercenary camps, and only because there are only 3 of them, all in EB. Plenty of regular WvW players don’t like to play in EB because of the lag and now the Q times.
Master of Ruins? Stupidly easy and accomplished nothing but I did it in a couple of hours with friends and beat up a few visitors too. That part was fun and added to my kills number.
Demolition Expert? Set your own siege and get your friends to build it. Take turns, and ignore the guys yammering on about ram mastery.
Seasonal Mists Defense Restorer? Nobody is ever going to complain about this one so long as you’re not using tower/keep supply to repair during a treb storm.
Sentry Capturer (sic) Extraordinaire? Yeah, that one is a bit high, along with yak-killer, but they’re doable. Just go roaming to take out the guards, yaks and camps. Hell, that’s what our guild does in this game.
What’s missing are the Defense Achievements.
Defend Stonemist Castle 10 times! Hell yeah, you had to capture it 5 times, why not defend it? We had to capture 10 keeps? Let’s defend them 20 times. Camps too! We had to capture 100? Why not defend at least 100 times as well.
That would break up the zerging karma choo-choo train!
Now about those jumping puzzles….
People like you are the reason WvW is going to S**t
Reading at your reply makes me a sad panda, pls go back to farm in PvE.
1) I woul start by polishing the game, you know those nasty bugs that are here since BWE.
2) Then, keep the initial promises.
3) Balance the game
Imo they should delete the following achievements :
- Mists Merc Camp Vanquisher
- Master of Ruins
- Demolition Expert
- Seasonal Mists Defense Restorer
- Sentry Capturer Extraordinaire
Every single person that cries here about those stacks got his kitten handled to him by a stacked up roamer(s) while running through open area trying to reach his blob. Serves you right, zerglets.
I’m complaining about them, and I’m the roamer who kills, a lot, but who cares anymore ? Anet doesn’t like fairness pvp, so this discussion is pointless.
And who can blame them ? GW1 main problem was the skill level, people where overwhelmed and scared to fight, now in GW2 you need only little skill to play most classes and Anest is giving more and more power creep to help pvers/bad players to feel skilled. LOL
They should change it. I know about it and I often press F while fighting. Still it is annoying because sometimes you pick up banners and other stuff(and I don’t want to make AoE loot on another button – please just let us bind the pick up banner key to another button! this is less needed and I’m used to that F which I need all the time for looting).
So most of the time it is only 1 loot bag when I die and shortly after me someone I tagged gets killed.
And there is no reason not to change it: If you just respawn then the bag is at respawn if someone gets killed after you respawned there. So there is no reason to make it harder to pick stuff up cause it usually is easy and the gameplay is not meant to make it hard(it’s not “try walking into a keep the enemy took from you to get your loot” game mode). Now please don’t let it automatically spawn at the spawn – someone might still ress you. Just let us usa AoE loot while we are dead.
And yes: Finishers also are annoying. Need more keybinds. I never want to finish in zerg fight. Just dps the downd guy and also kill some rezzer with AoE.
Also please: Finally change the icons of downed and dead of your own team or some other marker or something that needs to be added. On minimap you easily can see if someone downed or dead. In a big zerg fight if it gets laggy and much AoE you always need to look if there is there is animation and the guy still alive(and I only want to ress downed). But I think we already had other topics about this that are on page 1000+ in this forums.
Yes please ! I also want to still able to kill ppl when im dead, it’s so annoying to die !!
Also, please ress me ! I know i’m at 30 seconds from the spawn and you need all people to help, but i’m too lazy for it, i’ll just wait and hope my zerg will ress me FFFFFFFF
Continuous global tournament with diffrerent game types in it,
like GW1 :
Great fights guys ! it’s a very nice machup, I’m pleased to see AR that strong
I think the population issue can’t be resolved, an example could be Vizunah and SFR, they both hyper staked, but vizunah has better coverage, so in the end it will prevail most of the times.
What if we change system ?
-1 – We choose 3/5 time frames, like 08:00-09:00 / 12:00-13:00 / 16:00-17:00 / 20:00-21:00 / 24:00-01:00, in this time frames the points matters.
-2- Anet creates a new map system, the normal 4 maps that we are isued to ( but without points ) for the normal hours, and another set of them for the competition :
-2a- In the normal hours everyone can play as used to but without gaining server points, Implement something to give SM/keeps/towers/camps a meaning like Lineage 2, where you can gain golds and something else for your guild by mantaining a Structure ( big guild can play for SM/keeps, while smaller guilds can play for towers/camps, giving everyone something to do )
-2b- the competition maps start like the reset, there will be 3 borderlands and 1 Eternal battleground ( might add some other bls for tier 1/2/3 servers )
This will provide a less depressing system for server that are loosing badly ( like the FoW-DL-Arborstone machup ) and give them something to enjoy in bad machups.
I see two problem in WvW balance :
1. Population
2. Coverage
How to adress both ?
Do you even read the OP before mindlessly fanboying threads? He’s clearly asking when the topics chosen are going to be announced.
He did however say it in a rather hostile way, which implied that he wanted stuff fixed right now.
My post still holds merit though.
It will take time.
It is highly unlikely that they will just post a post that says: “These three things have been chosen”, but rather have a longer more informative post and thus it would take time to create such a post.IF they had made a post that simply said “We have counted the amount of thingies and come up with this list [insert list here]” people would most likely have raged like mad that they didn’t even bother with a useful response to the lists and such.
No he didnt’, he asked a ligit question, you were the one ostile.
Oh look ! anet just made a thread about this ! strange.. it’s like they forgot about the mistic collaborative develepoement :P luckly we didnt.
/tinfoil hat
Kamedin didn’t asked for a quick fix of the topics, he asked to know which topic will be take into consideration by the devs, and this doesn’t take more than 6 days lol.
I also want to know what devs will do, but its easy to go look to yourself at the comunity wishes :
Most common :
1) Server imbalance
2) Commander system
3) Alt friendlyness
Also :
4) Lag —> I think this is on top after the league started.
5) Rewars imbalance
6) Class balance
Chance we get a response ? Or will they decide what the comunity wants ?
Warriors need the chuck norris spinning back kick that 100% crits for 30k without aoe cap, only then they will be balanced, and of course they should be able to damage walls.
This would be too exploitable, warriors and thiefs would have 100k/0D in matter of hours/days, and it useless since you can get credit for just tagging enemys.
I could shot a barrage inside 2 zergs and run away screaming like a little girl, this would give me at least 15/20 kills and 0 death.. preatty lame imo.
Duels would be pointless unless Anet finds a way to balance each and every class, as it is right now some classes can faceroll others, so where is the fun ?
It would be cool a Quaggan pet
I play both professions ( necro rank 100+ and ranger 120+).
For solo roaming :
Ranger is the best option, but, as you already said, it is hard to find good rangers, usually I don’t even use half of my skills against them simply because most of them don’t know how to play the class, and who can blame them ? at first it was designed as a melee class lol.
But trust me, a good ranger is second only to a good thief in solo roaming ( I might argue that ).
Small team ( 1 group ) :
Ranger, simply because you can adapt to almost any situation/group.
I find necro to be best only in zergs fights, 1 good necro can wreck a front line of warriors/guardians.
that said, necro is way more easy to play than ranger.
A good option could be Elementalist, very hard to play but very usefull in any group fights.
Maybe someone else can share some other point of wiew
Hey guys, let me start by asking mercy if this has already been brought up, I’m sure it has but I can’t find the discussion.
I mostly play WvW, and do some sPvP while I wait in queue, I feel like sPvP is still in an embryonic state, and I get bored after 1 or 2 matches.
I think GW2 needs a Continuous global tournament with diffrerent game types in it,
like GW1 :
My question is :
Do you agree with me ? would you enjoy this game type ?
And most of all, do you think that people would come back playing Gw2 if this game type was released ?
It does not works when the animation is already been casted, like Stomping and ressing.
Is it intended to be like that ?
example where it does not work:
1) I cast the Stomp animation (F) and then swich pet, the cast time remains unchanged.
2) I cast the Ress animation (F) and then swich pet, the cast time remains unchanged.
examples where it does work :
1) I swich pet and then I cast the Stomp animation (F), the animation will be 50% more fast
2)I swich pet and then I cast the Ress animation (F), the animation will be 50% more fast
If you queue up attacks prior to the player stealthing, they will still land. Ranged attacks that is.
Hope this clears it up!
If it wasn’t like that thiefs would be impossibe to kill.
But i still have a question, in the first video the “skeleton” used a point blank shot whyle the thief was already stealthed, is it intended ? does it works in WvW/PvP ?
Anet has already introduced something :
- Ascended, for a pve player is way easier to get, so you can have a stat advantage.
- Guard leech and applied fortitude, those takes time and a lot of farm.
- Siege bunker.
Are you sure you want more ?
My suggestion :
Create a new “wvw” map, with only 1 side playable, the other 2 are mobs, so you can have your easy epic fights. Problem solved
Nice. Now u all can leech on other ppl that actually play wvw and will work for highest place for your server for remaining weeks.
im not a leech like the op
but you are a farmer… what difference doest it makes ? none.
like hell
i command, i follow, i roam and scout, i be first response, i solo havok / run camps, i man siege. the only thing i dont waste time on usually is dueling.
I’m sorry man, I over reacted.
Nice. Now u all can leech on other ppl that actually play wvw and will work for highest place for your server for remaining weeks.
im not a leech like the op
but you are a farmer… what difference doest it makes ? none.
It dosen’t matter how much you QQ over the fact Ascended gear is in the game. Its here to stay and alot of us like it and use it. Just because you refuse to do the work to get it doesn’t mean those who do shouldn’t be able to use it. You have no one to blame for yourself, and before you throw that out again, I dont’ champ farm. I play the game.
This is a perfect example of the attitude about ascended gear that I’ll never quite understand.
What exactly do you mean by “do the work”. Is this a game, or a job? Why should I have to spend one second of my time doing things I don’t enjoy doing so I can be at the same gear level as those who “do the work”. I want to launch the game, load into WvW, and start playing. That’s it, that’s all I want to do.
There was a great post on Reddit the other day that does perhaps provide a little insight. The tl;dr version is there are a lot of people playing MMOs that don’t play to have fun; they are addicts who just need achievable goals put in front of them. Maybe like, oh, dailies, monthlies, achievement points, increasingly grindy gear acquisition…
Well anyway, not trying to pick on on you, but the people who do like ascended equipment have to try to understand why many of us don’t like it, and it’s not because we are lazy / stupid / etc.
You are right in all fronts,
some people have problems in theyr life ( depression / illness / social disorders / work problems / money problems / family problems / ecc. ecc. ) and WoW style MMo’s give a false sense of accomplishment/happiness, many studies shows it.
It’s a serious problem imo, but it can be treated
I’m not saying that it’s the only case, but look at this :
It clearly shows that there is a problem.