With the upcoming accound bound most people who play costantly in WvW will have those 2 boons, so I don’t see the problem.
- Since wxp was released anet kept making it easier to get
- You need only 230 ranks for both boons
- You can buy wxp with laurels+badges
Far Shiverpeaks, sminkiottone.6972, Guyn Loy (Ranger); Crazy Guyn (Mesmer)
Just putting it out there that piken square are tanking there score in order to get into silver league. We shouldnt let this happen because;
1. it will create imbalance in the silver league with piken simply steam rolling the tournie.
2. one server will be pushed up to and summarily executed in gold league.
You wrong, Piken is not doing anything on purpose.
1. Many guilds have left pike ( some where the backbone of the server, I’m not gonna say names )
2. After season 1 the server slowly started its decline, before season 1 started everyone could join piken for free ( untill it was labeled very high pop ), this ment that a lot of pugs joined our server, those people are already somewhere else like SFR/FS/Deso/GH/ecc..
You can take off your tinfoil hat now
im full berzerker and im finding near impossible to kill FUll bunkers..
yet bunkers seem to beneift from low condi dmg.. and too much defenese.
this isnt balanced Surely…
If you have problems with your ranger in full berserker (lb/gs) is pretty much obvious, but you shouldn’t have problems with your mesmer.
I find this quite a strange request.
Bleed&burn : those need to be staked to deal enough damage to be worried, and it’s not something that can happen in 1 second.
Poison : only stak in duration and it’s easly visible
Torment/Confusion : those are nasty conditions, use your condi cleanses man.
1) If you open your eyes when fighting you will notice those conditions dealing damage over your head, thats a pretty good feedback teling you how much damage you are receiving.
2) keep an eye on the boon/condition bar, if you see 15 staks of confusion you shouldn’t attack, or move if its torment.
2a) A nice way is to disable auto attack from the options and also be carefull to not have any skill in auto attack ( crtl + right click if i remember correctly ), a lot of people die by autoattaking when under the influence of confusion. and those people also die by running/leaping when under torment.
Specific Game Mode
Proposal Overview
Improve traits sinergy
Goal of Proposal
Make more trait lines woth spending points on as :
Trait lines changes:
Marksmanship : Power / Prowess
Skirmishing : Expertise / Malice
Wilderness Survival : Toughness / Concentration
Nature Magic : Vitality / Compassion
Beastmastery : Precision / Empathy
Trait changes:
Marksmanship : Companion’s might(5) is now moved from Skirmishing; Eagle eye(10) Now recharge longbow skills 20% faster.
Skirmishing : Keen edge(3) is now moved from Marksmanship; Honed axes(9) reduces recharge on main hand axe skill; Quick draw(10) reduce recharge on shortbow.
Wilderness survival : Shared anguish(3) Reduce recharg time from 90s to 60s; Bark skin(12) increase threshold from 25% to 33%.
Nature Magic : Nature’s voice(12) Shouts apply regeneration and remove 2 conditions to allies.
Beastmastery : Master’s bond(2) no longer deactivate the buff when switching pet and reduce the staks; (7)(8)(9) should be merged/ changed in order to work has Vigorous training(10)
Not sure if it’s good or kittenuggestion, but we really need more sinergy on traits, and maybe making few trait line as good as wilderness survival.
… how many stealth spam thief d/p are there compared to any other class …
You ownself realize that all “stealth spammer” you guys are babbling about is using D/P. Wanna know why? Because that is the only weapon set that are able to spam stealth without any risk at all, while having 2 gap closer(one able to blind), an interrupt, an aoe blind field, and yet you still ask for a nerf on “stealth” instead of tweaking the weapon set that are abusing stealth mechanism.
Common sense is out of the world in this thread.
Funny how you speak about common sense lol.
We ask to tweak stealth = Thiefs are gonna rage QQ, “Deleting my thief” “No defence” “useless class”
We ask to tweak D/P = Thiefs are gonna rage QQ, “Deleting my thief” " only build viable" " free loot bag"
We can’t have a normal discussion when speaking about thief…
But you should ask yourself, why are that many D/P-D/D thiefs and PU mesmers in OS ? imho the answare is logic, they are the most easy and powerfull builds ingame for 1vs1, and those people don’t like to be balanced because they don’t like to lose…
Just go to OS and look at how many stealth spam thief d/p are there compared to any other class.
But thiefs still think they are better players than anyone, they win because they are good, not because stealth is broken… /facepalm
If only ppl would know that there is no “stealth spam” in this game.
Yeah right… thief stealth is ok, nothing to see there… lol.
Even Mesmer stealth is too much with PU trait imo, and that is not spammable like thiefs one.
Stealth spam thief is the right build if you have no skill, you can make lots of mistakes and still be able to kill 90% of builds.
But the real question is just one : Why do people keep playing like this ? only quaggans know.
Im predicting that there will either be
1.) A PvE EOTM instance and a WvW EOTM instance
2.) a PvE only EOTM instance for the next 2-4 weeks, and a WvW EOTM release later in March.
Dang it, boo haha. I am hoping that Anet would be crazy enough to mix in the two. Looking forward to hunt glass-canon PvE build players there.
It’s always pleasant to hunt overly “modest” quazi-pro WvW players. Always a pleasure! Can’t wait!^^
Bring it ON !
When you talk about WvW, you talk about PvE people most of the time. WvW is nothing like tPvP – 1) You are required to level your character first and acquire the gear, through PvE obviously; hence, it makes pretty much any WvW player a PvE player at the same time.
If you want to experience something in GW2 that requires skill, go and play real PvP, i.e. tPvP. Get a team, play tournaments, get better.
Don’t try to sell me the bullkitten that WvW is anything like real PvP, ‘cos it’s just a PvE community that goes WvW for sheer destruction, nothing else.Just like someone else suggested here, you seem new to the idea of PvP. The hardcore PvP players tend to focus on tPvP + they despise anything that includes traditional PvE only players.
1) Nope, I only did the first training quest, from lvl 2 it’s only WvW for me.
Real pvp… oh boy you must be joking ! if you want real pvp disinstall GW2 and install GW1 man, you will realise theres a whole Real PvP world out there waiting for you, don’t be shy
BTW I will get back in tPvP only when Anet get theyr kitten togheter and starts implementing more serious game modes like tomb and GvG, but we all know why they choose this road, they prefer casuals over harcore gamers.
Thief = Hyena
Cowardly scavengers, known to entered villages to drag off the kitten and weak players.
Best update ever? Please, explain why.
1) It’s a new map
2) It brings new Pve contend and PvP content, not that I like the boring idea of killing mobs but it should please both comunities.
3) For the first week or so PvErs will give us WvWers a bunch of free lootbags
4) It’s maybe a start in the right direction, less Pve and more Pvp content !!11!!
Well people never seemed to have an issue with ranks being characterbound when ranks and such were discussed back in the days. Which was more or less the point I was trying to make.
Queues on the other hand have always been seen as an issue, while character-bound progression have not.
Countless topic where made asking for wxp account bound, many people including myself are asking for it every now and then, every week someone make a topic asking when it will be introduced.
On the other hand after season 1 ended I havent seen that much complain about queues, not as much as account bound wxp anyway.
I hope ANet will release acc bound wxp by the end of the month
Try to run a memtest and see whwat happens, http://www.memtest.org/
without a crash report is pretty hard to help you.
Will you introduce account bound wxp ?
Are you going to tell me that fighting someone that doesn’t want to PvP and does not care about how good they are at PvP is going to be a good quality fight? They try to lure PvE’rs to WvW with stuff like league achievements and living story but at the end of the day PvE’rs don’t want to PvP, therefore a fight against them is not enjoyable for anyone.
It’s hardly elitism to not want to fight people that are not experienced at PvP because of the fact that they don’t want to be experienced at it.
It will be season 1 all over again, most PvErs don’t even bother to change build when they enter WvW lol.
It is a testing area, fulled with mobs and for the first weeks also PvErs noobs… can’t wait…
The things I really don’t like are :
1) There will be buffs/debuffs in certain areas
2) It will be a skyhammer 2
3) PvEr’s zergs will farm night and day
4) Too many mobs
Well, I will try it but I don’t hold my breath for this, we already have OS where we can have real fights against real people
I’m more exited abount accound bound Wxp than this map…
d/p main dmg comes from bs… please tell me how d/p suppose to do dmg after your “change” … or stay alive for that matter
ooohh ya rrright, run d/d ….what about pvp? did you ever wonder why ppl bring thieves in pvp? sb is kind of mandatory
your suggestion will kill d/p for any kind of competitive pvp, it is already not as widely played as mindless 33333333 sword MH…so ya let’s kill another weapon set and force everyone into sword MH just for your own convinience since you are too lazy to try to counter so called “perma” stealth…..bad idea
This is WvW discussion not pvp, calm down.
Like :
- Group fights
- Roaming
- Sieges
Dislike :
- Class balance
- Hacking
So your fine with a class forced to rely. On all the other classes for support. What about people who solo. Or roam on wvw. They should always lose to other classes?? No one would want to play a class that cant hold its own. Gw2. Is doing the best to balence each class. Meaning a theif can beat a war and vise versa. You win some you lose some. And without some sustain you cant. There should be no win all build. Ask yourself do you lose90% of the time to wars?? I know i dont
Your are right, to all people who complains about warrior please go to Obsidian Sanctum and look how many warriors are there compared to other classes.
Most people are running with Necro-Thief-Mesmer-Engi, those are the best class to win 1vs1, not warrior.
Sure, Warriors and Guardians are better in zerg fight, we all know it, but when it comes to 1vs1 or small fights warrior is not as good as it seems, I’m no warrior, but I playined against many of them, and with my ranger/mesmer/ele/necro I won most of the fights against them… I would say 90% ( not counting those time when we can’t kill each other and we call it off ), they are IMO in the right place, good for team play but nothing more.
Only talking about WvW roaming/duel here.
I duel in OS quite often and I find it pretty cool compared to a normal roaming experience, its also nice to chat a bit and compare builds/tactics after a duel.
Sure it also depend on the matchup you in, last week we had RS and they are one of the worst server to face because most of them are not that good in pvp and they prefer to do 10vs1 than a 1vs1.. go figure, the last night of that matchup me and a Deso guy fought against 4 RS togheter and it was hilarious trying not to kill each other with aoes.
I usually play with :
- Ranger
- Ele
- Mesmer ( not playing that much anymore cause it’s a bit too OP )
Good server with good fighters are :
- GH
- Desolation
- AG
- Gandara
- JS
- Vizunah
Nerf ranger plx, perma immob perma pet
Best update ever ! soo exited
1. Crafting times/cost ? who cares ? you can buy exotic weapons on TP
2. Ranger/Ele/Mesmer/Engi/thief/necro have good 1h weapons, in some cases even better compared to 2h weapons ( it’s situational ).
Anyway, Anet is making big changes to sigils/runes/class/equipes, they will probably balance it out.
Lol I would love to see those ~50 trebs firing at the same time.
Why not implementing a PK mechaninc ? a commander should be able ( with enough votes from the other players ) to tag those trolls as “enemy” players, then everyone would be able to kill them and theyrs sieges.
As for proposed changes to the skill, I think it should be 33% reduced damage and condition duration at 33% HP or something along that standard… basically work as a condition removal alternative that is stronger than empathic bond but only works for important parts of the fight like when you’re going to die. The nerf to the reduced damage more to help along the lines of keeping it a balanced skill.
-33% condi duration would help a lot, making bark skin actually a viable option, the problem of ranger has always been its ability to cleanse conditions.
Crazy idea : why not moving empathic bond to Beast mastery ? but that could actually be a little bit OP :P
Nice post man
Downed state/Rallying is a top 3 issue in WvW. But since it is an ANET implemented idea, somewhat unique in comparison to other games, and caters to bad players who need a crutch to get along….It will not go away.
That said there is little more frustrating then when solo roaming you come across 3-4 enemies, down 1-2 of them and the others just keep reviving the downed ones.
At least slow the revive speed down considerably.
Umm no. Coordinated groups use the rallying mechanic, often to strong effect. If you solo roam, you cannot effectively use the rally mechanic, and that’s something you have to live with (unless you are a ranger, but not too many of those in wvw these days)
The thing I want anet to do is nerf the rally mechanic for large groups. Limit the number of people rallied per kill would be a good start. 5 closest valid enemies should rally instead of infinite.
Player based rallying is awesome, you can really feel battles turn when organized groups use rally skills to bring up their downed and are able to finish off a few enemies in the meantime and turn that fight around. I feel that fights would be far more bland if the rally mechanic was removed.
I agree on everything you said, people who complain about downed state are the ones who actully don’t pay enough attention on team work.
I’ve experienced something similar, a thief killed me in a second, it was very strange since i didn’t saw any high damages popping over my head, I checked the combat log and realised the fight was way longer than 1 second, I think its spike lag.
Are you planning on balance all the game modes of gw2 or just PvP and PvE ? WvW could use some love
a warrior is much better with LB than ranger.
Whahahaha please tell me what makes your statement true.
what a troll…
Ranger LB: its a power weapon with no combo fields, easy to dodge and interrupt, we all know power ranger is not as good as a condi ranger in roaming, the only time I lost against a LB ranger was with my lvl 6 engineer.
Warrior LB: it can work on condi build and a power build, it has combo field + blast + projectiles + immobilize + aoe dmg, warrior is already more tankier and has more hp than ranger, it can cure conditions such as cripple faster and theres more sinergy on traits ( precision and condi damage on the same trait is good for LB ), it has also a better burst.
Do you really think LB ranger is better than LB warrior in roaming ? why ?
Imo the healing power is too low (regen gives 152hp/s) and swiftness is not that usefull in pvp, theres also the problem of your dps which is very low and the shouts prevent the pet from attacking.
Why not changing your settler’s amulet and jewel to cleric ? you will lose some toughness but your regen will tick for 258 hp/s instead of 152, you also don’t need condi damage since you have only 1 bleed and 2 poison, with cleric amulet you lose only 9 dps from bleed.
I would also drop sick’em in favor of signet of renewal against condi burst
Sure you can, I only play healer in zerg fight and I love it.
I run this build when zerging :
I use this build for small team roaming/zerging and after some practice its very viable, the HP is the problem in zerg fight, so you need to be 100% focused in every fight, but with applied fortitude it gets better.
How I play it :
Always near the commander on the front line, waterfields when the commander calls for it or when you see people with low hp ( always save 1 for when the commander needs it ).
You can also bring Arcane brillance if you have someone who clean condition on your party for extra blasts :
I like to play the second one only with organized groups, and when I do I usually bring my water wings to help me stay afloat
A nice combo for fast recovery your group is : Healing rain —> F4 + dodge into the water field —> Arcane brilliance —> Arcane wave, and if you need something stronger and the zerg doesn’t move for the next 3 seconds you can go with Eruption —> F2 + Geyser ( eruption takes 3 second to blast )
The possibility of doing a Healer is there, Elementalist and Guardian can be very effective in sPvP and WvW, but imo there are few problems with the combat system and combo system :
1) The radius of heals are all very short, 240/420 ( traited ) is not enough and it pushes people to stack, try to heal a team mate that jumps and dodges all around the field with your Water trident.
2) The water fields are very powerfull, but it doesnt matter if you have 0 Healing power or 2k, it only matters the Healing power of the ones who blasts it, and to blast it they have to be near you when you cast the water field.
3) As it is right now an elementalist with 2k healing power and 3k toughness is almost immortal, I can easily tank 3/4 ppl while my team mates kill them one by one.
Pros to improving support/ counter support roles :
- More build diversity for every class
- Conditions like poison and vulnerability will be more valuable, giving rangers a meaning to exist outside sPvP/WvW roaming.
- More tactical fights, no more spamming conditions/attacks, coordinated bursts will be more powerfull, the right timed poison/vulnerability will be more effective…
Cons :
- Dunno if there are cons, at least not for WvW/tPvP, the only problem I can think of is in dungeons and fractals, maybe PvErs don’t like to be forced to pick up a specific class, but from what I hear they are already forced to do so ( ex. no LB ranger pls ).
A ranger without a bow… maybe thief? Warrior? Or if you want pets, necro? Why would you need a ranger if you do not want to use bows?
Ranger is the pet class not the bow class, a warrior is much better with LB than ranger.
Imo the best thing for a roaming ranger are :
Condi build :
s/t + sb
s/d + a/t
Power build :
s/d + gs
s/wh + gs
2. Master’s Bond : change to increase base pet stats by 35 points.
This trait is also bugged, entering/leaving the water with an amphibious pet still resets the stacks.
Nice post,
1) In my opinion if anet could fix the pets responsiveness it would be already a big improvement, because right now some combos are almost impossibile to do, like :
- Switch pet (for quickness)+ F (ressing/stomping) + F2 (wolf fear), this combo is very important in team fight and 1vsX, but you cannot just press F4+F+F2, you must wait X time before pressing F2, in that time you can be interrupted in many ways
- F2 skills when running to/from enemys
These are the most annoying things, but not all pets behave equally, only some pets have this problem, those with low activation time seems to casts skill normally (and underwater pets are even less bugged).
- Suggestion for WvW: what about boosting pet’s swiftness and skill’s activation time reducing pet attack, could it work ? because in WvW almost everyone run with +25% swiftness.
2) Build diversity is also a problem, in a condi meta empathic bond is a must, but its not just for rangers, also eles have the same problem with Arcane trait, or mesmer with Chaos.
Sminkiottone’s Wishlist for Ranger changes in 2014:
1st Wish = AI improvement, no more failed F2
2nd Wish = Pets skills works while running
3rd Wish = Quaggan pet
4th Wish = Less passive gameplay mechanics
5th Wish = More pets
1st Wish = New weapon : Hammer !!11!!
2nd Wish = New weapon : Crossbow ( burst damage )
3rd Wish = Main hand Dagger
4th Wish = New weapon : Staff
5th Wish = Off hand Sword
Trait system
1st Wish = More camouflage traits ( for power builds )
2nd Wish = More synergy
3rd Wish = More traps related traits
Utility Skills
1st Wish = Frozen soil – Spirit 60s duration. Creatures in range cannot activate resurrection skills. Does not affect spirits.
2nd Wish = Disrupting lounge – Pet Attack. Deals +N damage. Interrupts a skill. Interruption effect: interrupted skill is disabled for +20 seconds.
3rd Wish = Companionship – Skill. Heals you for N if you have less Health than your pet. Heals your pet for N if it has less Health than you
Could it be a bug ? has anyone reported it ?
- Blink seems to work only on flat land, I tought it was like lighning flash and this one it’s not bugged.
Blink works exactly the same as lightning flash. Not sure where you’ve seen it bug out.
I tried it out 3 times only, it happened every time I used blink to climb the stairs of a tower ( Greenbriar on red border ) while running, very time it teleported right in front of me and not where it was the target location, this has never happened with lightning flash.
I will check it again later, maybe it was just me
Yesterday I made few tests with mesmer ( dire + perplexity runes 0/0/30/20/20 ) and the results where impressive ! I really like this class, maybe more than elementalist.
I just have few concernes about mesmer :
- With the bloodlust buff is too easy to find the real mesmer ( unintended nerf ? )
- Perplexity runes seems a bit OP, even after the nerf, with them I could stack up to 15 stacks of confusion and reapply them few seconds leter if cleansed.
- Arcane thievery seems bugged, few times it didnt gave me any of the enemy boofs and I’m pretty sure I was in range and the foe didn’t dodged it. The condi cleanse works good.
- Torment with around 2k condi dmg is impressive ! the tooltip says 15k dmg if moving and the enemys drop like flies, isn’t it too much damage ? between confusion and torment the foe can’t attack or run without killing himself in the process.
- Blink seems to work only on flat land, I tought it was like lighning flash and this one it’s not bugged.
Honestly, that build is horrible.
Your rune choices are really schizophrenic. You’ve got 3 random runesets, and I can’t figure out why you’re using a mix.
How exactly are you planning on doing damage? You’ve got crippling dissipation and debilitating dissipation, but you can’t really use those without deceptive evasion. You also don’t have sharper images (and you’re using dire gear) so a lot of bleed pressure from illusions is gone. A warrior with healing signet could literally go afk, and you would be unable to kill them.
You’ll be pretty tanky certainly, with the 3 tap condition removal mantra and heal mantra, but that’s about it. Your build has almost 0 damage potential, will be slow, and will be really vulnerable to interrupts when you try to recharge your mantras.
The damage part is a problem, the main sources of damage are bleed/torment/confusion…
Is Dire equipe + Perplexity runes worth it ? and how about this build ?
Thanks for the replies guys, very appreciated.
@ Mango. Changing utilities will actually help me a lot in some cases, like using mimic when the warrior is casting kill shot.
- Any tips for condi mantra build ? I always hate to spend points in power/crit traits when im focused on toughness/condi dmg.
Right now I have this build, is it any good ? :
Or should I use perplexity runes ? :
Greatings all,
I’m new to mesmer ( love it ) and I have few questions regarding WvW roaming builds.
- Is Healing power usefull as it is for rangers ? I was theory crafting with Settler’s equip and it seems pretty good for a bunker condi build ( I’ve not tested it yet )
- It looks like regen is almost permanent ( is it enough ? )
- The trait Illusionary membrane grants protection every 15 sec which is preatty good combined with PU
- Mirror or Ether feast ? mirror grants less healing, roughly – 60 heal per second without illusions, but with Mender’s purity I can remove 2 conditions + reflect projectiles every 15 seconds instead of 20.
- is Phantasmal disenchanter viable for stripping boons from enemys ( like stability ) and also as a condi removal ?