as a guy who solos a lot and a guy who plays with a LOT of people, I’d like to see solo ranked and unranked as an option.
Would it really be hard to jury rig the old solo queue system and add two buttons below ranked and unranked queue?
Maybe there are not enough premades groups and the queues would be very long even at prime time. I play with few friends and we are all very high ranked in this flawed leaderboard and still we don’t find that many premades, maybe 2 every 5 matches ?
Some of the biggest voices against this is in T1, who can more or less afford to have a scout in every structure and camp and can still field a sizeable zerg, no matter the hour. It’s simply not an enjoyable experience right now. Way too easy to karma train, way too difficult to respond to late scout calls cause no white swords.
I like PPK. Keep that PLEASE. Just keep contested markers as they were.
From your signature I suppose you are on blackgate, last time I checked was one of most populated server in NA, am I missing something ?
Nobody’s panicking, and you’re acting like a jerk.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he is from some high tier or one of these servers in the lower bracked that is on a winning streak due having more people and not moving up.
How many times can you be wrong ? I’m neither in a top server nor in a winning streak, it just happens that I’m for once with Anet on something, but by all means keep thinking that everyone whos enjoying this change is an Eotm/pve player or in a top server if it makes you feel happy
Some players need hand holding features like white swords to help them play, as soon as things change they panic.
This is yet another idea to buff up an already viable way of playing Ranger. But unlike Entangle idea, Maul would be broken.
You are right, what about the Nature renewal (spirit active) ? allied down ? cast healing spring and then blast it XD… ok that would also be a bit OP.
In all seriousness I feel that ranger could use 1 more blast finisher, on what weapon/skill I don’t know, maybe give some love to shortbow or shouts.
You’re still not listening. If I had been running around, the keep would have been gone.
I’m glad that you didn’t have to experience what I did. If what happened at our Hills happened at yours, you wouldn’t have had a Hills anymore. Truth.
I listened, I’ve been scouting for more than 2 years now and after a while you learn how to move around, a good scout would have spotted the attackers before they could reach hills giving the defenders extra time + placing siege disablers it would have probably saved both walls.
Few things that can make it easier for you :
1. Improve your map awereness.
2. Always run with 20 supplys so you can use 2 traps instead of 1.
3. Use your traps with some logic.
It’s a good change and I hope it’s kept after this test phase
on my server we managed to take half the map while ournumbered just because the other 2 servers lack of coordination.
People complaining only need to start using some tactics instead of Ktrain around the maps, is it difficult for you to find the zerg ? get better at scouting, one thing I noticed there are a lot of people sitting on camps/towers/keeps waiting to spot the enemy… that’s just ridiculous.
You know what happened on reset? I babysat Hills for upwards of 5 hours to get it waypointed and fortified, and I was the only scout in it. A large guild group came in, didn’t flip any camps, and build 5 guild catas. If I hadn’t been babysitting, they would have taken the keep. They managed to get both outer and inner walls down before we were able to wipe them. They tried this twice. If I had just been running around and scouting, they would have taken the keep before we ever knew it was being attacked. Luckily, I was there, and was able to call for reinforcements. It was boring as hell, completely unrewarding, but I knew it was important and made the choice to do it. I was the White Swords. Think about that for a moment.
I managed to scout around hills killing other scouts, killing and escorting dolies, flipping some camps and calling everytime enemy groups where going to hills (they try it 3/4 times), had a lot of fun and we managed to keep it safe, but you can choose to sit in an empty keep, to each theyr own
I bet you didn’t got on any fight while you were capping empty structures… Tell how much better than EotM this is…[/quote]
Most of the objectives where defended, some where not, but it’s like this since day 1. Maybe you forgot about golem rushes on empty keeps, towers and even garry ? or how many times the 2 south towers and sometimes bay/hills have been taken without any defense ? Oh no wait.. let’s just whine and pretend everything was perfect before…
It’s a good change and I hope it’s kept after this test phase on my server we managed to take half the map while ournumbered just because the other 2 servers lack of coordination.
People complaining only need to start using some tactics instead of Ktrain around the maps, is it difficult for you to find the zerg ? get better at scouting, one thing I noticed there are a lot of people sitting on camps/towers/keeps waiting to spot the enemy… that’s just ridiculous.
Ranger has only 1 reliable blast finisher and it’s on a support weapon that very few people use in PvP.
IMO only maul and entangle could be blast finishers.
I had 3 close matches yesterday, one was even 501-499, only 2 bad matches that ended something like 500-50
If a player leaves, there should be a new player from the queue assigned to fill up the space so both sides can resume the game. End.
Would you be okay to join a team losing 100-300 ?
First match of yesterday was 4 thiefs and 1 engi vs 3 thiefs,1 ranger and a necro, was fun tho.
Yes that’s cool but you are over estimating what WvW is all about, this short video will show you what WvW really is :
Sure it’s still a competitive mode XD. I play in WvW and do scouting/roaming/defending with firends because I find it fun, but when I want to play a real competitive mode I play sPvP and enjoy both loosing and winning most of the times.
To have fun ? oh wait no… we must win the week because is so much important, much yes
WvW is a competitive mode. The aim for the servers is to win the matchup. This is the design of WvW. It has its flaws, granted, but the developers focus on the aspect of actually winning. If you don’t like that, than it is not the game(mode) for you.
So you prefer to win instead of having fun ?
because I don’t care who wins the week
Then you’re not playing WvW in the first place, so what does it matter? If the overarching objective is of no interest to you, why bother?
To have fun ? oh wait no… we must win the week because is so much important, much yes
What about the classic beastmaster perma regen build ? it should be one of the most passive and easy to play :
Is one of the most passive :
- 289 HP/s from traits/signet/food, this is costant and cannot be removed.
- Perma regen 303 HP/s
- 406 HP/s from the healing skill.
- 100 HP/s from the pet F2 skill.
With that much evades and around 1000 HP/s of “regen” it’s very hard to take down, heavy condi pressure is the only thing to be concerned with.
I had a necro that died to svanir, respawned, died to svanir again, respawned, went for chieftain and died again.
I don’t think these people are PvE players. ^^"
Similar, a mesmer from my team died to chieftan, I was like “that cant be true, someone from the other team must be there”, no one else was there and chieftan had 80% HP. Sad day for PvP.
The most disturbing thing ? people going afk from start or quitting after the first minute. I had 6 matches today, only 2 matches where 5vs5 and the rest was 4vs5 – 2vs4 – 4vs3 – 4vs4 tha became a 3vs5 after ~2 minutes (don’task me how but it happened).
I know GW2 pvp will never be as good as GW1 but I’m sure it can be improved, a lot
I play on a T2 UE server at prime time and always find a lot of fights while roaming, never got killed by a cannon or an arrowcart, I suggest you to dodge them.
The video only shows what happens when you have 0 map awareness, I doubt that pve zerg was there to avange those uplevels.
Therein lies the problem. Most servers don’t have dedicated scouts, especially during offhours, when they simply don’t have players. Your server might benefit, but this change will hurt the outnumbered server in almost all other situations. The larger server has more people to spare, and the sparse defenders from the smaller server can no longer watch the map to respond to attacks.
You don’t need 10 scouts, at prime time, 2 good scouts are more than enough, don’t tell me you can’t spare 2 people, at off peak hours nothing will change the server who has more numbers will still map jump and flip keeps like it has always done.
But if your server only react to white swords then you might need to change your “tactic”, or better have one.
Are the larger guilds willing to pay scouts with their own gold?
If so how much? It becomes complex and problematic, leading to many arguements etc.
I scout since day 1 and never asked anything, there are people who play for fun not just rewards. I just love to roam killing people, track enemy movements, place some supply and siege traps, inform the commanders/guilds of enemy movements and going to enemy camps to steal every supply.
What happens if a person is being paid x amount of gold per hour, and then at a critical moment they lose their internet connection for a few minutes. And during those minutes a zerg attacks and takes the tower.
It’s not that player’s fault, so do guilds still pay him or not? If not then does he make a complaint to anet? do Anet then tell that person that they cannot moderate such agreements in the game, and teh guy wasted his time and doesnt get his “reward”?
I’m sorry but, are you high?
Yesterday I had around 8 maches at prime time EU, 2 of them where 4vs5 ( one became a 2vs4 after 30 seconds), 4 where premade vs pugs and in the middle of all that I had 2 “normal” matches.
A guild/premade group should not fight a pug group, it’s like matching a Serie A football team against the team of your local church.
What we do know is that no one wanted these changes, even if they are temporary. unless you can link me to a thread where they do.
I and many like me want these changes, will they work ? maybe, but it’s better than doing nothing.
I am confident that these changes will improve the WvW experience for many people that don’t like the brainless karma train.
If the mmr is shown at the end of each game, players will be given the opportunity to see each players mmr. After that they can leave, they can leave before the mmr is even shown. There is really no time for players to flame each other. If players go to the extent of flaming you via whispers, then you can block them. I’m not really seeing the problem here.
I still don’t understand why you need to see other people mmr, I can see a practical reason to see your own mmr, but not others. If it gives us some benefits that outweight the possibility of being harassed then I’m all in, but untill someone gives me at least 1 good reason I don’t see it being a good idea.
If you want a nice, judgement free match, unranked is right there, ranked is called ranked for a reason.
Ranked is ment to be a place for people who wants to compete in a system where loosing and winning mean something, that doesn’t mean you are authorised to harass and bully people.
I have no clue why in this game ppl fear the truth.
I do not fear the truth, I just want to play a good game without me or someone else being harassed by other players just because of MMR lol.
If you need to show how good you are to others you can always try out ESL and other tournaments.
This would only bring more toxicity/rage at the end of the match.
Team A loses vs team B, team A has 1 player with very low mmr compared to the rest of people, guy from team A starts insulting the low mmr player and blame him for the lost match.
This setup can be good to gank uplevels and some noob zerglings, but nothing more.
You also don’t have costant swiftness for when you roam in search of a prey and having every trap on cd before a combat is not smart, I would switch one trap with Signet of the hunt for when you are running from point to point.
As you have already said you sacrifice every utility slot for stealth/swiftness, so you have 0 stunbreaks and only healing spring to heal and cure conditions (1 condition every 2s), this is a big problem when you have only 2k armor and 16k HP, it also forces you inside the spring making it not ideal for a LB ranger.
Also the stealth from traps is not reliable against : ranger/mesmer/necro because of the AI.
This build IMO has too many counters :
-Heavy conditions (almost every roaming build has it)
-AI Builds (because the AI will trigger most of the traps)
-CCs, medi guardian, cele engi/ hambow warrior/ thief / cele ele/ shatter mesmer will eat you alive if only 1 cc is applied to you and they all got more than 1.
+Basically every roaming build can hardcounter this.
it’s really funny, too. If they don’t have anyone ready to tag up in place of their dead commander – chickens without heads, make soup and tacos and stuff.
It happens against Its Choo a lot when he commands, with that giant Charr of his and being a Platinum something. Very easy to spot, corrupt boon, pull, immob, then rapid fire him down. Even if he lives, half his zerg gets pulled out of position to save him and it’s an easy bomb and bag farm. If my computer was better I’d record it.
Pin sniping in T1 has been getting nastier and nastier. I’ve been Moa’d into Ice Bow 5, with the rest of the stuff dumped on me, or simply been perma immobilised by a few rifle engis, or chain pulled so hard my character flies into the air instead of being pulled forward. Needless to say, fights aren’t fun with such harsh pin sniping, but the tactic is here to stay
That’s why most commander use warrior/guardian, good uptime of stability and good condi cleanse/stun breaks.
I hope OP is troling us, this suggestion cannot be true… Tactics are gamebreaking nowadays?
Why not making the commander buff visible to enemies again ? I miss tranforming the commander into a moa, I still do it sometimes, but I’m never sure it’s the “real” commander :P
30+ games here, never saw more than 1 guy voting for skyhammer.
Who cares about WvW rank anyway ? eotm pugs are high rank but still a free kill.
And why you want to see firendlys ranks ?
Only ever went there for the achievements for the first go and the subsequent WvW tournament stuff. Otherwise never touched the place. No reason to.
Most of the time during those sessions other players were doing much of the same thing, so most didn’t really try and harass. Which was rather nice for a long and uneventful JP with negligible reward.
Thankfully, the few times I was jumped I managed to deal with the assaulters, but it was not something I enjoyed when trying to focus.
Obsidian Sanctum imo is dead because it serves no other purpose than for a few gankers to get in their fun trolling to frustrate others. It doesn’t benefit WvW in any way.
If it had an actual purpose / reward and more people actually using it, might actually be something people go for besides a checklist.
If you dont like people doing PvP maybe you should try some PVE JP, OS is the place where trolls gather and plot to conquer the world
I hope I never get matched with such a queen bee like you lol.
While the PvP experience isn’t the same as PvE, PvE still makes you learn the mechanics of your profession and how the game works as a whole.
Indeed, you can make your own team, but that doesn’t mean the other team would have done the same and it is just as boring to have completely new players in the opposing team seeing as the match will be way too easy and thus boring.
I don’t know how much you can learn from 22 pve lvls considering you have no access to most of the skillls/traits of your profession.
That’s one of the big issues I have with GW2 PvP, why not separate the competitive play from the semi-competitive ?
- Team ranked – can join only with a full party.
- Solo ranked – teams cannot join it, players can play with people of the same skill lvl.
Thats genius, he probably also has to talk to the npc to get into the games……
This is honestly sad, for me its even too much that we need to finish the tutorial. Why cant we just go to pvp after we skipped the initial video scene??
Because people got tired of people that have a grand total of zero knowledge about the game running around in ranked match and destroying it for everyone?
The fact that it actually is possible to get there if you know how it works is a rather good compromise I would say.
That doesn’t even make sense, the pvp experience cannot be measured by the pve lvl of the character. And if you don’t like less skilled people ruining the match you can always make your own competitive team.
Until they implement the ability to save different builds so you can easily switch between them, I can’t agree with CY being in the same queue as conquest maps. Even then it should be in a different queue.
No one is forcing you to spec only for conquest mode, you could use a balanced build.
A “balanced” build wouldn’t be better at conquest than a build specifically designed for conquest. Likewise, it wouldn’t be better at tdm than one designed for that either. It would be preferable to have two builds for two very different content. Without a way to save builds, it is a hassle to switch to a tdm build in the minute upon learning your next match is tdm and not conquest.
A build balanced for both also doesn’t make sense since most of your matches will be conquest.
IMO players shouldn’t be allowed to change build once they start the Q to play ranked matches.
Right now theres only 1 TDM map, but what if in the future there will be more? and maybe even more game modes like capture the flag or king of the hill? at that point you will need to know how to balance your party builds/tactics to compete in every possible scenario and not just conquest.
Until they implement the ability to save different builds so you can easily switch between them, I can’t agree with CY being in the same queue as conquest maps. Even then it should be in a different queue.
No one is forcing you to spec only for conquest mode, you could use a balanced build.
Last time I checked they didnt share cd, don’t know if it still the same but keen edge is activated when the target reaches 50% hp, not 75%.
Don’t know about concentration training, the base might time on the tooltip is 15s, with trait it should be 15+60% = 24s, maybe it’s a tooltip error.
That was my 4th Tdm in a row.
Its wvw zerging. It has nothing to do with real skills for pvp and it has no place in the solo map list.
I don’t get why people think TDM=WvW zerging, is GW2 your first PvP game :/ ?
My guess is that Anet is trying to make GW2 PvP something bigger than a simple conquest mode, right now your team cannot only focus on conquest but it has to be balanced for both, in the future we might actually see a proper PvP game with more game modes like capture the flag and king of the hill.
Sword stacks might only on the pet, the ranger doesn’t get might from it.
And ranger doesnt really have a hybrid weapon imo, neither shortbow nor sword or axe are. The direct damage on those is just too low.
The combination Sword+Dagger is very hybrid IMO, nice damage + good condi stacking (with sharpening edge).
Why do you think GS is the best candidate to become an hybrid weapon ? wouldn’t be better to improve the Shortbow ?
There are some tricks to make roaming more anjoyable :
1) play in enemy BLs – it takes less time to find action than running from the citadel/garrison, roam where you have bay/hills WP to make it faster.
2) use objective as baits, take a camp or a sentry and wait for the enemy to claim it back, you can also empty the supplys building ACs and ram to kitten off the enemy.
3) kill dolyaks going to garrison/keeps, this way the enemy will try to hunt you down
What would be this build with 1200 regen per second?
I think it would go somenthing like this. I got 1252hps with the banner active, full adrenaline and sigil of life stacked. And I’m not even counting the regeneration boon…
Also ranger can heal 1200+ hp/s + 4 condi cleans every 10 seconds, invul, evades and a self ress, it will be able to kill noobs like in those videos, build :
I used to run this build 1+ years ago and it was as cheesy as it can get, now it’s probably more tanky considering the signets buff.
And this no matter what time of day or night I try, I wasted hours trying to get the Juvenile Wolf.
That’s funny lol, nice try.
I wouldn’t use the word “overused”, but there are pets used more often than others, and some that I never even used in 2+ years.
Pets I use more often than others :
1) Wolf is 95% of the times with me
2) Fern Hound is the second most used pet
3) Jungle Spider and Raven are used often
Pets I use very little :
Jungle stalker, Drakehound, Lynx
Pets I never use :
All Drakes, Devourers, Moas, Bears and Pigs
I only play WvW roaming and PvP so Most pets are useless imo.
I think every rangers would be happy with an immobilize insted of kb
Ranger has already a lot of immob it doesn’t need more of it.
PBS is perfectly fine as it is, it needs the knock back to keep the distance from the target in order to deal more damage. People are using it badly ? who cares… adapt.
I hope I misinterpret you here because if not what you say is pretty kitten.
“Siege disablers are only OP vs zerglings”? Do you mean vs Zergs or vs people who can’t play unless in a zerg? But anyway, even in both case it is kitten to say such things. You don’t need to be good to carry supplies and the fact of the matter is siege disabers are going to be even more of a pain on the under dog than it can be on any zerg for the very simple mathematical reason you have less supply to fall back on. Skill is irrelevant on that matter.
False, zerglings to me are those that only play in zerg and are unable to think outside the classic “lets build 3+ rams at the same time and autoattack the door”, siege disablers are only a pain to those people, I never had any issue with siege disabler because I tacticaly place my sieges.
So it is a reading skill problem…
But that was never the point of the rebuttal at all. The point is, the introduction of that tool, all things being equal, is making something bad even worse.
Beside, of course you can explain everything with skill difference when you argue your point as if all others were complete morons.
What does it matter if they are billions with infinite supplies if they are so dumb? We, OTOH, are so smart we can compensate all odds with out superior skills. It never occurred to you that some group, no matter how big, can be just as skillful and smart as you (hence the use of “all things being equals” in all of my replies since start)? What then? Does the initial rebuttal seem to have more credit when the group isn’t as kitten as you paint them when you argue?
You really don’t get it, siege disabler does not make a bigger zerg more powerfull, the onyl thing that does is giving time to lesser populated servers to call for reinforcements.
Before siege disablers introduction a map jumping zerg of 30 + would costantly jump and flip every bl in a neverending circle of K-train (Edit : the classic morning/mid day reset). Now if you are able to coordinate with 5/10 people you can prevent them from resetting the Garry or T3 keeps while you ask for help from other bls or ebg.
If you really can’t manage to place and defend your sieges then you should do something else instead of whining like a baby.
(edited by sminkiottone.6972)
Are you being obstructive on purpose or you just can’t get the point for some obscure reasons? Of course anybody can kill anybody. But tell me, how does your answer here counter anything about the argument the new toy called “siege disabler” tipping the odds even further in favor of the bigger server?
The facts are:
1) 30 ppl will have more supplies than 5 ppl. Therefore, able to deploy more sieges and use more disablers.
2) 30 ppl will have no problem resing any dead people or keeping any camp it wants to keep, The opposite isn’t true at all.
3) 30 ppl loosing 3 rams can fall back on other sieges and just rebuild them. 5 ppl loosing 3 rams are stopped cold.
4) A big server gaining time thanks to siege disabler = win. A low pop server gaining time = agony since there are no reinforcements available anyway so you only prolong your loss by seconds.
5) Yes, 1 player can kill 5 in theory. But 5 an easily kill one 99.99% of the time. All things being equal, whatever 1 player can do, 5 can do it more and better.
TL;DR: Does what you answer change anything to the fact siege disablers tips the odds even further in favor of the big server? If yes, I’m listening, if not stop wasting my time and server space.
If you don’t realize that siege disablers are OP only against zerglings then it’s pointless discussing, you can whine or adapt and use your head, simple.
BTW : It’s obvious that 30vs5 the 30 are at great advantage even without supplys/traps/brain, but a 30vs20 or 30vs30 ? the group that coordinate better wins, the 30 people can even have 1000 supplys, but if they keep placing 3/4 rams on the same palce over and over they will waste time and resources and people will just disband and lose interest.
Why not making the OS arena an istance we can buy in the gem store much like private PvP servers ?
- We can rent the server, same price as PvP.
- Everyone can jump on the server from the WvW control panel in all EU or NA.
- You can set password and rules.
- Everyone can choose side (blue/green/red), so we can also do GvG.
- 0 rewards/exp inside this arena.Anet makes some profit and we players enjoy the duels/GvGs. Win-Win
No thanks. That’s a terrible idea. How is that win-win? People would have to pay real money since the gold to gem conversion is atrocious.
Why is that a bad idea ?
1) You can split the investment with guild mates/friends
2) You don’t need to own an arena to duel, there would be few always open
3) Sell you stuff and make some money (selling globs and everything you drop)