Cond damage was not nerfed after release.
The damage calc is the same for everyone.
con damage is ticked off at the first full second for all professions.
Actually that’s not true, not everything is tooltipped properly in this game the tooltip issue has been there since day 1 and isn’t listed in the wiki. go ahead try a trap ranger and a necro and then go back and use an EG 3 you’ll see what I’m getting at. or the 4 and 5 grenade abilities. /nod sure the 45 nades now have a small initial hit but it doesn’t scale thus it’s completely different initial damage between classes.
Zerg rez fests come to mind….why i don’t do them.
I haven’t done it yet, refuse to until they fixit….same with dungeons and open world events loot….. no reward for time spent is simply not an option.
Tired of the “that’s RNG” or “that’s Luck for yeah” arguments too Vinny, as soon as it hits the naysayers they’ll come runnin complainin in these forums with the rest of us.
Thanks Matthew. On a side note I can’t imagine how horrible a Risen Karka would be to fight omg…..the crazy CC from the Risen combined with the extreme toughness of the Karka (spinal shivers).
yes please. As a thief my steal goes off causing a cooldown. As an engineer, my grenades miss entirely causing a cooldown. As a ranger ….well you get the picture.
I’ve actually heard of this. Guilds having contests or fun gatherings where the guild leaders hand out gold and exotics as prizes and then suddenly get banned for it, having to go thru the whole process of getting the account unbanned by the players of the guild contacting Anet support and telling them what happened.
It’s very weird to see. Since when is it against the rules for guild leaders to give his guild members gold for participating in a guild event?
Actually there’s a number of problems with MF right now. It’s supposed to improve chances of drops but only seems to function in dungeons and only marginally, it then also lowers the number of drops you receive tremendously. And it doesn’t work on bags or chests at all.
(RMT = Real Money Traders.)
So I like to think about solutions to problems of videogames and every single MMO has the same problem: RMTs (also called Gold Sellers). They sell gold (or whatever currency the game has) to the players in exchange of real money.
Logically, it seems impossible to stop them. As soon as the game has a tradable currency, gold sellers are there, selling gold to players, and polluting the game with hacking, botting and economy manipulation.
Well, I have been thinking a lot about this, and I think that I have figured out how a game could avoid all these problems without removing its currency ;
1. Disabling all direct trade between players (disabling mails to other players in GW2), that’s a logical step.
2. Here comes the real idea ; instead of letting player choose prices on Auction House (Trading Post in GW2), the game would decide prices for them. And prices would never change.
ex: You loot an item X (mini, mount, skin, whatever you want). You decide to sell that item on the Auction House. 500 gold. You didn’t decide ; the game tells you that this item worth 500 gold, so you can only sell it for that price.
As consequences,
- Gold Sellers cannot sell gold -> No spam.
- They have then no interest in farming gold -> No bots, no economy manipulation.
- They have then no interest in hacking people neither -> No hacks.
- Gold has still a value and allows you to buy good things. Even if you must get it yourself.But also,
- You can’t give gold or items to your friends.
- You can’t decide your prices or make benefits via trading technics.Also, if players are not happy with a constant price, you can also make the price change in function of supply/demand (like mats merchants in GW1). That way traders could still make some benefits.
Honestly, I don’t think at all that this can be implemented in GW2. ArenaNet chose to “fight RMTs” by selling gold, well RMTs are still there, as well as bots, hackers, market manipulation… It’s kinda “too late”.
If ever YOU want to make a MMO,
I like the fixed prices in the TP thing, or at the very least a Cap because even some of the players are abusing the system by making armor etc too expensive which changes the pricing on everything down the line.
But one major thing that would completely change this system would be:
- have many things cost only karma.
I know revolutionary Idea but it would work.
See they have entirely too many things cost gold in this game. I know their focus was to bring the players to the conversion of gems to gold in the store but when too many things cost gold in the game it brings the greedy bots/gold farmers en masse and becomes an endless battle. They could easily get rid of the bots which would remove the need for DR by this one change alone.
Runes of holding, racial armor, adding a karma vendor for T6 mats all would destroy the market for gold farmers in a single swoop meanwhile keeping some of the basics for the store like bank tabs and character slots and the enhancements.
For every 20 condition damage
+1 bleed
+2 poison
+3 confusion
+5 burnThis is only partially accurate.
Durations per application matter. and in some cases how many applications per.
Bleeds for example need to be counted per application as they stack.
1 pistol shot is a 2s bleed. this is then 2 damage per 20 condition, per shot.
Durations don’t help when bursters can three shot and I think that’s the whole point of the argument, the cond damage was nerfed a month after release, nerfed on some classes more then others (that’s right the damage of the abilities that are used for cond builds are different per class I’m not joking) which is part of the problem. it’s why EG does hardly anything in the way of direct damage even tho we have huge stacks of power along with cond, and it’s why cond builds need an overhaul on this class so that we can be competative again. They’ve never corrected what they did to balance pvp at the launch of the game to this class.
There’s also a non tooltipped initial damage on other class abilities that do cond damage that engis never see, my rangers traps and when i played one the necros marks will do a small percentage of the total cond damage initially and then start ticking.
Engis just put the conds on the enemy and the abilities that do that are sorely underpowered because the ones that do damage don’t do enough and the ones that don’t do damage don’t do the initial cond damage that other classes enjoy.
Engies really have only 1 build. Bunker bombs. I find the class easier to support with than most but I cannot tank or kill anything nearly was well as the other classes.
One problem I see with engy is the crappy utility spells. I really don’t want any of them except maybe 3. Otherwise I’m just rolling around with different kits.
-Healing kit needs to change. Preferably double the power on those med packs or toss out heals like grenades.
-Flamethrowing is horrible with damage. Completely unusable in PvP due to the moving targets everywhere inturrupting your combo.
-Grenades need a targeting autoattack. I can’t kite at all with them making them near useless in PvP.
-Standard weapons all have horrible damage potential.
-Shield abilities are too situational and slow.
-Conditions have extremely short durations. Only the Elixir gun has decent condition damage and time. Everything else has 2 second or less condition timers.
-The class doesn’t have enough buffs. Even the elementalist can attribute dance and keep about 4 buffs on themselves at all time. Engineers only get an occasional swift, protection, or regen with most of their abilities.
-Turrets do nothing. Even when specced to make them powerful, they do nothing. The earthquake turret is the only one I use because its the only one that will take hits and has decent utility. Most turrets spend their time shooting indestructible background objects. Animation and particle effects for turrets are lackluster and make it hard to see what the turret is hitting or whether the turret has performed its special ability.
-toughness and vitality don’t do enough to make the class semi tanky. A cloth wearing Necro can with the best Warriors and Guardians. A Juggernaut Engy will die to a thief in less than 5 moves.
-Bombs and Elixir gun are the only things good on engineers right now.
Don’t listen to the real trolls Urrelles the glaring issues we face and the inequality in the way the classes function due to nerfs and bugs is the real issue.
Altho i have to disagree with you right now EG is not a good weapon right now. sure you can use the #3 to cause a huge increase in conditions but it hardly does any direct damage and neither does it’s #1 for that matter.
Grenades do need an autotarget autoattack so that you can move and dodge without having to turn yourself into a pretzel to hit all the necessary keys. been arguing that for a very long time now. Also, grenades are a ranged weapon essentially yet the limitations on them are so great they might as well take them out of the game. Basically by the time you throw a grenade ranger’s using bows will have killed the mob before you get there.
What we need is a good viable crit build, right now Rifle barely does anything and it amazes me that the baseline damage of rifles between Warriors and Engis is different for some reason. The math doesn’t add up as to why.
We do need some help on these. The Flamethrower flame legion guys have the #5 skill that we needed to have just before the launch it was changed. They had something called backdraft that did alot of damage and pulled the enemy to us. That would have been so much more useful imo. because it would have kept the enemy off guard and knocked over, so much more effective then a 1 second blind that’s gone before we can do anything. I suggest they change that Smoke Vent to the Black Powder the thieves get to use so it can be useful and actually cause multiple blinds instead of one.
What we really need is an increase in the damage on conditions they nerfed them for pvp but pve has been suffering ever since. I do agree tho that weak toolbelt ability needs an adjustment because our crits already cause burnng when we are specced for this type of weapon.
The conditions all need to be revamped on the traits. Crits should cause poison, crits should cause burning (and that 2 second thing needs to be removed) and the use of rifle or pistol needs to cause poison instead of that “chance on being hit” so that the poison can build to levels it needs to be to be effective.
Our damage is nerfed and until they fixit nothing will work well we can change kits all day.
Poison and bleeding are at +1 +2 they need to be double that to even come close to what bursters do until that’s done there will always be an imbalance.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
I hope they do an AMA soon so we can ask them questions like:
- why do they think medieval weapons should do so much more damage then 20th century weapons of war?
- why are engineers taxed for versatility and no other class is, not even the king?
- why haven’t they added a 1 shot kill ability to all of the classes to balance out the imbalances we see with the Thief and Warrior capabilities?
- when will the cone attack miss bug be finally squashed?
- when will pistols/grenade attacks speed increase to the levels they should be at so we aren’t firing 30 bullets and throwing 30-39 grenades to kill a mob at level 80?
I see interviews being done all the time in the gaming sites but we still haven’t had that second AMA we’ve been waiting on. I’m sure more then one engi would like to know what’s happening.
I don’t think they realize just what’s going on. They built this game on the word of mouth of the players. They are losing more and more players everyday due to the lack of priorities and the loot issues and the lack of bug fixes because people are tired of waiting for most of it and it seems they just aren’t hiring people fast enough to take care of some of these bugs that have been there since before launch. Him going around and doing interviews isn’t going to bring in fresh blood it’s always been the word of mouth of players over the internet that’s made games popular or not. Give a few more incidents like Nov16 and they’ll have built up enough bad word of mouth to start harming the game. I too await the AMA and hopefully this time they won’t filter the thing like they did last time. I want to know exactly what they plan on doing about the loot problems.
Things I’d personally like to ask Mike O’Brien:
- will they finally adjust DR to stop harming the players, or remove it entirely since it’s failed to keep bots at bay?
- when will they adjust the loot in the open world to match that of the dungeons?
- when will they fix magic find so that it not only works but also works on chests found in the open world and dragon chests and no longer work in dungeons since it causes such problems there?
Things like that. We really need answers at this point the last time they did an AMA they barely got a question about the loot issues and it’s been a month now we were promised an investigation and haven’t heard anything since. I wonder how long the patience of their players will last.
I think it’s mostly transfers however there is a large chunk of us who pretty much aren’t going to waste our time with the loot issues we’ve been having until they fix it we won’t be seen. Many people you’ll see here on the forums and a large number you won’t see who are reading daily, are just not logging into the game until these problems are fixed. No reward for time spent will kill a game faster then anything.
Very early on this game was supposed to be 100% cosmetic only.
we desparately need this in the TP to prevent the tampering we’re seeing with the market prices. An example? It should not cost close to 100g to equip your toon in all exotics end game. That’s ridiculous. Sigils and Runes should not be 6-7 gold a piece. And despite the manipulation of ectos it never dropped in price below 29 silver.
we don’t need them to remove dailies but we do need non-dungeon oriented weeklies to fill in the missing pieces
as an old salty hunter I can tell you that you’ll be disappointed
I was because of no personal connection to pets
no rare pets to hunt
Market manipulators will say no to this because they want to horde the gold and continue the insane pricing.
Yes they need to be banned or at least watched to make sure they aren’t doing to the economy what they are doing right now. they need a set number of maximum possible charge rules to prevent tampering and they obviously don’t have it. In short it should not cost someone 100 gold to gear their toon in exotics.
Necro has the most but Engis definitely are the most broken. Necros can actually play their class and function without spending days fighting a regular single mob.
Well considering sneaking isn’t just visibly disappearing it’s also move silently and everyone but old school DnD players like me have forgotten that part i guess.
For every 20 condition damage
+1 bleed
+2 poison
+3 confusion
+5 burn
explains why it’s so tiny. sigh. tried grenades again this evening (it’s been months for me btw) just to punish myself, yep still borked. 30-39 grenades even with the two new damages and having two superior sigils of fire on. Was in Frostgorge btw trying to farm for venom sacs. That didn’t go so well either but that’s for another thread.
So, I spend the morning in Frostgorge, appropriate level for my 80 war, several events (which ofc I had to run solo), several Veterans taken down, spent 2 hours and got One blue.. a bow. Very few drops at all, off anything.
Got sick of it, decided to run back to Hoelbrek and avoid the waypoint cost. One shotted a level 6 Svanir and pulled a level 75 rare Norn Dagger.
Risk v Reward. Yah. Missing in Action in GW2.
This is hands down my biggest gripe with GW2, and I enjoy the hell out of this game.
Happened to me too today. I ran around with my husband in Queensdale on his new mini warrior.
I was on my level 80 thief. Killed a mosquito and got a level 80 rare trident.
I get on my engineer who’s in frostgorge and try to farm a few of those potent venom sacs in the hopes i can get the last 10 i need to make my new armor set for my ranger. I get 6 drops….3 potent venom sacs, 1 green, 1 blue and then a grey claw, after this last drop it was nothing but grey claws. I went and reset my gear build to the cond damage one I was using originally because I wanted to see just how bad the grenades were again after the nerf. Sure enough 30-39 grenades per kill with a 1078 cond damage maxed gear all accept jewelry which is mithril coral btw. But i digress, the point is i spend all that time getting my sigils etc to enhance my toon back to the stage he was months ago, and try this again. I started in the same general spot but this time I was running with an escort to get some karma.
Nothing but greys if anything dropped at all. (at this point there was a whole bunch of mobs that didn’t have anything for me at all.)
before I went to respec and before my reported end result of my first try I had tried a minor amount of magic find to see if it would improve the drops. I killed multiple level 76 non-aggressive creatures. They weren’t dropping anything but furs to be salvaged. I tried some worms got 1 potent venom sac before it completely cut me off.
At this point I’m going to have to ask that we get a karma vendor in town that sells T6 materials so that we can actually obtain the things we need and get reward for time spent in game. A Karma vendor for T6 mats please.
(before anyone asks yes I’ve collected about 100 heavy bags of various types. to get 30 of one particular kind of T6 mats you prolly need to be extremely lucky like winning the lotto lucky or you need to have about 500-600 bags for all the junk you don’t need bleeding out of these things. And mf didn’t help me with mine at all, tried that on about 30 of them on a completely different toon with a minor amount of mf on because i’ve learned if it gets too high it starts giving you greys too)
(edited by tigirius.9014)
When I heard about turrets i expected this.
The abilities from the Arbiter tree on the torchlight Vanguisher class.
Flame Trap – Flame Turret
Flechette Trap – Rifle Turret
Devouring Trap – na
Shock Trap – Turret version of Discharge Trait
I was also expecting a Shock Grenade when i first heard about this class prelaunch before I was able to play in the beta.
I didn’t expect the turrets to behave exactly like these versions but I also didn’t expect them to be weaksauce like they are now. Very slow attacks with almost no damage even when traited and they can die in 2 seconds from AOE attacks. That’s just not cool man.
Part of what makes them so slow is you have to press an overload button after putting them down. I dunno about you but that kinda makes them less useful imo, I don’t have mine down all the time and they should pretty much regain their usefulness if they did their more powerful attacks right after placing them down. That’s what I’ve heard from other people too, that they don’t use them for basic attacks they need the bigger ones and it kinda makes sense. We don’t put down our healing turret for the regen we need the bigger heal and possibly the burst cond removal so of course that one would have to remain a button press for the explosion but the other ones the ones that cc and do damage should definitely just automatically auto fire at high speed or do the electric shock on the net turret etc.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
They added a new dungeon, a new gear tier, and improved rewards across a variety of activities. But if you didn’t like this game 4 months ago, there’s no reason why you would like it now.
OP I agree with some of your points, something happened along the way just prior to the nov 16th patch and it’s been weird ever since. Not sure if it’s management or if they have too many people involved in the decision process or of there is a division where one management team doesn’t know what the other management team is doing because there’s alot of confusing stuff happening with this title right now imo.
and to NetherDiver: I do hope you are kidding because they nerfed rewards from activities there’s been no improvements. Even the Dragon chests no longer drop rewards like they used to and we’re talking not even rares here. So where are you seeing rewards or are you one of the few who’s account hasn’t been hit with some weird loot, DR, or mf bug meant for bots?
Assuming OP quit at launch a bunch of reward improvements were added since then. Dungeon rewards were improved significantly with the daily system. They introduced the Bag of Wondrous goods which isn’t a vast addition, but it was nice that you could earn karma in dungeons. Drop rates of rares from boss mobs were improved, havent noticed this myself from open world bosses, Karma was also added to the daily and monthly, and they improved DE rewards from (i dont remember the exact number) level 60-75 zones. JP rewards were also improved.
When you see one of those things let me know I’ve seen only the karma addition to the daily. nothing else. no drops from DE’s no improvements to the DE rewards, the rewards from events like the dragons were nerfed not improved, I’ve never seen a bag of wonderough goods ever. So basically they improved PVE dungeon rewards to take even more people from the open world and make them stand around in LA waiting for a group if I’m reading you right.
They added a new dungeon, a new gear tier, and improved rewards across a variety of activities. But if you didn’t like this game 4 months ago, there’s no reason why you would like it now.
OP I agree with some of your points, something happened along the way just prior to the nov 16th patch and it’s been weird ever since. Not sure if it’s management or if they have too many people involved in the decision process or of there is a division where one management team doesn’t know what the other management team is doing because there’s alot of confusing stuff happening with this title right now imo.
and to NetherDiver: I do hope you are kidding because they nerfed rewards from activities there’s been no improvements. Even the Dragon chests no longer drop rewards like they used to and we’re talking not even rares here. So where are you seeing rewards or are you one of the few who’s account hasn’t been hit with some weird loot, DR, or mf bug meant for bots?
When I think of the Turrets, I think of these. Not that they would ever be this devastating, but we can have a wish list…
Exactly what i expected when i heard they added turrets. I expected something closer to the turrets in torchlight with multiple shots happening at once like a gatling gun even the flame thrower turret is extremely slow. Then i play my ranger and the spirits can all follow me, but I play my engi and my turrets are not only always stationary they take massive damage and disappear immediately from AOEs. I remember another game title that had this issue and it got so bad for the players that they had to implement a 90% damage reduction on all pets from AOE attacks because people’s pets wouldn’t last but a couple of seconds and it destroyed gameplay on classes that relied on their pets.
I would love for these things to happen even tho I know they will prolly never do them I can still dream:
- turrets become mobile follow me around, turn em into bots
- rifle turret changed to gatling turret
- flame turret given faster cast time
- lightning turret (bot if motion is added)
I’d really bend over backwards if we could get:
- homing or spider mines
- the rifle be changed to either a sniper rifle or a shotgun but not a weird combo of both
- stun breakers being given an immunity from stuns and immobilization for a short duration after using them across the board
- 1 ability in grenades to be given an auto attack on land as an option, a faster flight time, and the grenades to explode on impact so enemies can’t just walk right thru them.
- a 1-2handed hammer melee option
I played a condition P/P-based Engineer for a while, then I ended up checking the Necromancer forums and clicked Lopez’s guide for Condition Necromancers and next thing I know I deleted my Engineer and my Necromancer is rapidly closing in on my Warrior for most-played character.
I really want to love playing an Engineer, but so far I can only love the class and concept itself, but I can’t stand playing as one.
I’ve heard your story a hundred times on the forums sadly. I can’t imagine why people think that this class is perfectly fine when people are leaving it in the dust in droves because other classes aren’t in beta status, were given enough attention that their builds work fluidly and in harmony, or that somehow it’s normal to see medieval weaponry do tons more damage then 20th century military weapons. The last one I just have to facepalm and shake my head at. If reality fit this games design for weapons, our soldiers would still be running around in knight’s armor swinging claymores, that’s how our wars would be fought in modern times….
I don’t like this idea at all, this would just serve to add yet another money sink to an already broken economic model and would only serve to add yet another gambling feature to an already broken RNG system of obtaining loot. Until the loot issues are cleared up entirely, and until the currency issues are cleared up entirely I wouldn’t suggest adding this to the game at all.
I agree with the lack of faith thing. As an engineer I have little faith if none whatsoever that they will fix the problems in this class especially the majority of the REALLY old bugs we’ve been reporting for 4 months now that never get touched and are replaced by endless nerfs on weapons that don’t work right in the first place.
Then there’s the issues with loot, in which the 1200 post thread we had posted giving them knowledge they can use to determine what’s wrong such as “vets and champs aren’t dropping anything but blues if anything at all” was considered not good enough or our imaginations, entirely perceived. Not sure what’s going to happen with this one either.
Then there’s the problems with the game suddenly becoming dungeon focused in a title that was promised to never do that all to get gear with higher stats then exotics (doesn’t matter how much higher it’s still higher) that’s only accessible to a limited section of the population due to the demands of players that all players in a group (no matter the level of difficulty for the dungeon) be level 80, not an engineer, and geared in all exotics to have the fastest possible run.
I’m concerned about where this is going too OP I would have hoped they would have placed a liaison in the mix somewhere that would answer the communities call for answers. Everytime there’s a reasonable request for such a person the thread is infracted and shut down as not being constructive.
I love those ideas actually. It would be nice. There’s this new system I’ve heard about in the elephant in the room that uses farming as a means to gain reputation, to achieve their dailies with great rewards, and it’s quite fun from what I’ve heard. One can actually buy the farm and use it as their hearthstone location to teleport to for free, and they can fullfill the orders from factions to gain reputation for rewards.
This is something i miss, it gave me a pve open world player something to do (reputation earning) did in other game titles and the rewards were really nice. LOTRO had this and did it the best ways so it would be less of a grind.
I would love replayability on the hearts that could be normally repeatables like gathering or saving allies from enemy kidnappers, or gathering berries from dangerous bushes….all of those would be nice to be able to repeat for rewards from the vendors or even new karma stuff like cosmetics or the parts to make exotic gear like T6 items. I think that would be the best thing to add to the game the ability to buy T6 items with karma from vendors, it would eliminate the RNG problems.
Nice video I’ll try that build and see how they drop things now, havent been to the island in quite some time since my account was one of the ones affected by the DR bug and by the loot issues where no matter what I do i get nothing.
I do however especially appreciate near the end how even you pointed out how terrible the dps is on the thief pistols. I too long for the day when they make pistols fire faster then rifles do. It’s a problem for both my thief and my engineer.
First of all I’m not an engi that plays pvp second I don’t play with grenades because they are quite literally too much work for the poor results we receive, they don’t explode on impact, they have a tiny explosion radius and despite people’s funny arguments they are supposed to be a ranged weapon not some condition application device like the #3 slot on EG ie they are supposed to kill the enemy long before he gets to you just like the shortbow, longbow, rifle, pistol.
These arguments that somehow grenades should be different from any other ranged weapon that has homing just because they are grenades is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. Grenades are one of the ranged kits right? Kits are the engis weapons. Basically here’s what people are arguing. Let’s replace grenades with longbow. If the engis used longbow attacks that were all AOE’s that didn’t directly target the enemy and had to manually press each and every attack which had no larger a radius of a shot then three long bow arrows, this is basically your grenade kit in action. And because it’s all AOE’s somehow it’s not supposed to prevent enemies from getting to you, it’s somehow designed perfectly fine even tho it tab targets underwater enemies just fine, and somehow it shouldn’t be a tab target and auto attack on land. And that the three shot for sake of argument the #1 shot on this hypothetical long bow has to remain an AOE just because …..what, just because it’s an engineer ability, just because it shoots three times, what? Is anyone else seeing this?
People seem to argue that grenades aren’t supposed to be spammed because every other ranged weapon in the game doesn’t spam right? yeah. And somehow people think that every other ranged weapon in the game gets just as many spams that somehow grenades has to 1 be manual on land and 2 not home in on their target. Every other ranged weapon’s attacks are all spamming shots of one kind or another all of which btw tab target and home in on the enemy no less. I shot an arrow on my thief the other day and the enemy moved suddenly, my arrow did a 60 degree turn and wen’t after the mob. This is normal behavior for a ranged weapon in this game but somehow it’s supposed to be different when it comes to grenades on land? (not underwater mind you where grenades actually function the same ways as my arrows on my thief and ranger work on land). Where is the logic in these arguments?
Yes when i play any ranged weapon I expect them all to function the same way. I expect my grenades to home, I expect the kit to work on land like it does underwater, and I expect my #1 ability to be tab targeted repeatable. There should be nothing wrong with that especially in light of the nerf it received recently. Should not be this difficult to fight in a game that has autoattacks on every other weapon that is in the same class of weaponry.
There’s a similar argument here for napalm. Why does my toolbelt napalm explode on impact but the napalm shot on my flame thrower not explode on impact? I suppose someone will come on here and argue that somehow that ranged attack is different from any other ranged attack as well and we should just accept it the way it is.
Ain’t nobody got time for that!
(edited by tigirius.9014)
I would love the rifle to be revamped into a non-weakening short ranger as well. I’d like for our shots to do the same damage as the rifle for warriors (yes the base line damage is actually different go figure). and I would like for us to not be second best when it comes to damage with a greatsword that somehow outperforms every conventional 20th century weapon of war like bombs, grenades, pistols, mortars, rockets, and flamethrowers. That’s what I’d like to see. I also agree we need a better option, Rifles for me in the hand of an engineer should be ranged only, this maybe it’s a shotgun thing and maybe it’s not a shotgun thing drives me nuts too.
I got gw2 at launch and loved it, got to 71, then the world of warcraft expansion came out and I got sucked into that. So today I logged on(after being tired of wow), I saw maybe 60% less people in a main city from what I last remembered. The zones are dead.
So my main questions are:
I understand that every game will have a reduction of players after release, but is that reason in this case?Is there dueling yet? I like dueling with my friends, it gives me something to do besides sit in a main city.
How is the pvp, is it more balanced?
Are the dungeons still a cluster of mess?
Is there any sort of end game progression that makes you want to keep playing to get better? Or is it still level up to 80 for nothing?
I’d appreciate a constructive response. Thank you for your time.
The dungeons do seem to be a cluster.
There is no dueling from what I’ve understood.
PvP is still imbalanced as there are only two classes that can 1 shot and 2 handed swords on the classes that can use them make you more deadly somehow then any conventional 20th century weapon of war like grenades, guns, flamethrowers, rockets, bombs, mortars, shotguns.
Best i can tell, the major issue with thief stealth is culling. Why oh why they can’t have the server specifically include a note to pre-buffer the thief graphics so that is ready to draw when the thief drops stealth to attack, i don’t know.
This ^^
The stealth mechanic does NOT protect a thief from damage, it does NOT make the thief invulnerable, and it does NOT give the thief a huge amount of healing preventing damage from taking a thief out. So how exactly is it op again there OP?
The truth is they didn’t add enough stealth. PVE is suffering because of this. People wanted a thief class that had the ability to allow them to run around unhindered while gathering or traveling. Right now it barely does that. They could easily give the thief a slower toggle stealth for pve only that allows them to move around like this unhindered in pve. AND they could make it turn off in WvW Spvp and make it take two seconds before any attacks are available when coming out of stealth. STO does this with their cloaking device on tactical kits so that it’s not abused.
Without this mechanic there is no “real” stealing in this game which is sorely missed by most in the pve community.
So stealth is a necessary component, just because they are having trouble with culling bugs doesn’t mean they need to remove what they did implement.
Logan Thackery should be renamed Leeeeeroy Jenkins. XD
It’s definitely NOT you OP trust me.
Yep vets/champs haven’t dropped anything for a very very long time now even before we were promised. I can’t imagine why their loot table couldn’t be easily quickly adjusted to fix it either.
Yep the other thread was closed and the data ignored. 1200 or so posts about 1000 people are somehow wrong about their experiences with loot. I was shocked that the response about the loot was that we “perceived” wrong as well.
It’s been going on now for two months. Not sure if anything is being done this month about it considering they won’t speak to us about anything ahead of time when asked especially about patch notes. I’ve heard reports that they are starting nerfing drops in dungeons, pretty soon there won’t be any drops for anyone. I hope the patch changes the drops to their normal values or they may be looking at a D3 sized exodus away from this title if it goes on too long. What I don’t understand is that historically DR has destroyed games with larger populations then this one, if their researchers are gamers how could they not know how bad DR is and how it doesn’t do anything to quell bots but harms their player population by wasting their player’s time?
Money display on minimap to show all of the money on each toon, or a tooltip in the bag screen when mousing over it to see how much money each toon has.
The ability to deposit Karma points in the bank to be withdrawn by any of the characters on the same account.
I would suggest that if alts were in the home instance they become NPC’s that allow access to their bags.
well at least you don’t have to actually go to every zone looking for it anymore…
Wait I don’t see where it is, I’m not seeing that on the map.
Oh I thought there was a bar of completion or something over the name of the zone on the fully expanded map. :P
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I’m just concerned over how this affects the community as a whole and how this will affect the future of the game.
There are commonly used ui features in every MMO I’ve ever played that prevent people from being used and abused that I find missing in this title. I just read and was reminded of one (read in another gaming forum) a player was reporting that they were told someone possibly one of the people who did the snowflake thing, promised to trade this person a large number of ectos for about 50 gold. They took this person’s gold and left him with nothing. Now before this turns into a bullying laugh fest imagine being a new player and not completely understanding the rules of the game yet, if you’ve never played mmo’s you’ve never heard of these things before. So it’s real easy to take advantage of new players. I can’t tell you how many times in the AH’s of games I saw people selling regular items like vendor food and vendor gathering tools that were sold to new players for gold on the AH because new players who never even picked up a gamepad before didn’t know that you could get them from the vendors for copper.
The missing feature this post is about is COD. I’ve seen it in every game since the beginning of my mmo gaming life and it seems to be missing on this one. My concern is that there seems to be features missing like this one that are important features and security that fails to prevent abuse but harms players. Features like COD that would prevent fraudulant actions from occurring between players where support can’t help the new player.
The added restriction this post is about is DR that are put in place to try to quell bots but end up harming the community. DR was tried and tested by many a company years ago and every time it failed to prevent bots that gathered gold in spite of it and harmed the players. Some games even lost the majority of their players causing them to close shop shortly after implementing DR.
I hope the new patches unfolding this month and the next two months will address these problems to make the game safer and remove restrictions on the gaming community.
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I for one would love to see this as well, we need a community personality that is a direct liason between us poor schmos and the devs that directly change the game. Every dev has had at least 1.
To those who say “it’s not their job” it’s someone’s job or they are missing a staff person somewhere because every game developer in history has had that 1 developer community personality that’s communicated to the forums full of players what the confirmed plans are.
To those who say “they never release details until it’s patch day and that’s fine” what about the night before? Wouldn’t it get their face out there when they know there’s a patch and it’s completed awaiting final checks and setup to be uploaded to the server to be released to the public next day by telling people, look this is what’s going to happen? Then the that evening before the next day people could be reading about it and discussing it?
I’m not one of those who did this nor did I know anyone who did but I’m all for rollbacks rather then bans honestly. WoW hasn’t gotten 10.1 million subs and kept 8 million of them for years like this by banning large numbers of players for this kind of behavior. If it’s one thing that the gaming community as a whole doesn’t respond well to it’s a police state.
Warnings usually don’t work. What I saw in other games was a sudden drop on the server going down, a rollback while they posted on the forums that they were correcting a potentially game breaking bug, then when the servers came back up the items that were in question were gone and the auction house of the game was cleared out of that particular item. What would happen is all those people who made these things would have lost alot of gold and left the game and the accounts with too many of a particular item say above 120 ectos would be investigated for this type of behavior and then banned instead of how it was handled and then getting backlash about it from the community. That’s what I would imagine would have kept so many people from complaining.
But I also would imagine that people wouldn’t be doing these exploits if the drop rate problem was addressed properly.
I am actually quite surprised they didn’t add this. I played Rift and found this as an awesome addition to their game as well. It gives items to be used in the game one can make items from the artifacts they collect. Props and clothing nothing gamechanging that i recall. It was quite fun spent hours doing that as well.
This game has a ton of trophies I can’t imagine why no one on their team has thought to put these to use in making items for cosmetics or town clothing or skins it would be a huge improvement imo. People could sell them for a profit since this game has such a large RP following it would be nice to see these two enhancements.
I think pve thieves should receive a perma stealth that they must disable manually before being about to use an attack. This would allow pve thieves the ability to run around and do things unencumbered by say the billions of CC attacks in Orr. It would allow for the pickpocket mechanic and would improve overall pve gameplay. This stealth should be broken via damage and can only be used out of combat. The Tactical Officers in STO have something like this, a cloaking device that must manually be turned off before one can use the attacks they have and it has a 2 second delay before these attacks are available.
I think if this is put in place this would remove the problem of not having a permastealth and prevent it from being abused. It would allow for things that are missing to be put into the game for this class and make it more standardized.
I don’t think that they should change the combat stealths because they really are perfect the way they are now. Culling is terrible bug and I can understand the frustration but you don’t have to be perfect to do damage to a thief in stealth, it just requires some creative AOE targeting.
BTW I do play a thief but I don’t pvp as a rule. I hate PVP even with the advantages this class and the culling bug would give me.
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I feel the same way but not necessarily about the people like the npcs , altho there could be some darkness in the areas that are normally bright.
Like whatever happened to thieves in the city? Why can’t people get mugged in the alleyways? Where is that? No kingdom’s army of guards was ever that good that the alleyways were that protected. Even LOTRO had one guy that would attack people when they first arrived and went to the hunters lodge. Would love stuff like this to happen in the towns and be the hero that saves the day or the thief that gets the goods instead :P.
I also find it odd that my character has no mischievous choices. I am a thief….where is my sense of thievery? It’s like “I’m a thief but with values” that just doesn’t work. I don’t want to steal from the rich and give to the poor but I do want stealing. ???? no stealing from the rich not even anything that isn’t game breaking in towns to do like this. Where i sneak around climb up buildings get on the roof and invade a home to get things from a royal pain in the bu…. I mean royal Lord’s chest.
It is true OP this does seem like a saturday morning cartoon. There are no raids on the major cities, there’s some dissent amongst the Ebon Hawk folks but nothing beyond 2 hearts. There’s nothing going on it seems that would make it seem like a darker more foreboding place to live with the threat of the dragons around every corner. At least until you go to Orr, then it’s just annoying.
Just had a thought that would help improve traits for engineers and bring the traits in line with the other two adventurer classes. I’m posting these for the Devs not for anyone else for the purpose of showing what is wrong with the engineer class. Particularly in the two damage lines where our mini grey traits (the ones we don’t manually choose) are mostly defensive traits in the explosives line instead of what is typical for the two other adventurer classes. Fixing a couple of these lines would improve damage for engineers considerably. I don’t pvp I only pve but I imagine that the choiced for pvp would improve considerably as well.
Move Juggernaut out of the Firearms line and put it in the Explosives line.
Replace it with a new trait called Sniper. Deal 20% extra damage when the target is below 50% health in the Firearms line.
Move the Autodefense Bomb Dispenser to inventions master level.
Place a new trait in the Firearms line in master levels that gives 2 stacks of might for 20 seconds when switching kits make it a maximum of 20 stacks (since one can get this many easily from elixirs right now from HGH) this would help match the two traits in Thief’s and Ranger’s lines that do the same thing and give engineers a might trait that wouldn’t cost grandmaster or even master cost in points to achieve.
Add a defensive trait that casts Protection on the engineer or causes the engineer’s cloaking device to activate for 5 seconds, when 10% of his hitpoints are taken by 1 attack. To better match the Ranger trait Shared Anguish and/or the Thief’s trait Instinctual Response.
Add an offensive trait in the adept or master lines that gives the engineer the ability to always crit on first attack to better match the Precise Strike.
Change the trait Target the Maimed to do 10% increased damage against foes with a condition rather then just bleeding to better match Exposed Weakness.
Remove the traits Reserve Mines and replace them with something more useful if mines are too difficult to fix in their current state. Something more along the lines of Furious Grip or Hunter’s Tactics (to make an engineer equivolent of Hunter’s Tactics I’d suggest giving engineers a 10% more damage bonus when using a kit).
These changes would balance the adventurer classes because everything that gives a bonus to damage on engineers requires 30 points to achieve while the other adventurer classes received these benefits in their lines for adept and master costs only and help with defensive abilities enjoyed by the other two adventurer classes that get them out of trouble since they wear leather just like the engineer does.
(edited by tigirius.9014)