Showing Posts For tigirius.9014:

instead of fixing kitten u role back?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


i was doing fotm lvl 6 and i got
1 Curropted Core
1 Charged Core
1 Exotic
2 Rare
i get out i got dc i try to log in server problem, after an hour i try to get back. not only those items disapeared im still at lvl 6 of fotm instead of 7
Anet…..for 4 mounths i enjoyed this game and nothin bothered me but role back instead of fixing things……. now that’s mario engineering

This is not a rollback, a rollback is when they take down the servers and delete an item entirely clearing out even the TP of the item.

I do have to say that you’re better off then any open worlder right now, because you’re actually getting rare and exotic drops. I remember the good ole days when that happened the first month of gameplay for me. I got drops I could use and plenty I could salvage to get globs from. Now even globs are nerfed even if you get drops from dungeons.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

I just found out : /

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014



The very fact that you have to go to the fractals to get drops, you have to go to fractals to get ascended items so far is part of my point. They’ve already begun this process to say that they might not continue it is naive at best and to say that this problem doesn’t exist is completely false. GW2’s current design (post launch mind started about a month after launch to those of us paying attention) limits rewards for open world events but allows them to flow normally (barring any DR bugs or loot drop issues with accounts) limits gameplay via a lack of reward system that basically is so bad that new players who didn’t play the first month and thus didn’t have access to the initial loot tables to buy gold to gear their main once they reach level 80. Unless of course you think it’s normal to have to run endless fractal runs just to get enough gold to buy the exotics one needs? And when I say gear I mean everything down to multiple weapons for the classes that use them, runes, sigils, jewelry all exotic. Imagine how expensive that might be for ascended if they go down the gold path with that? It’s no theory it’s happening right now in TP. The evidence is there.

It’s easily the power creep scenario with ascended as the next step, whether you believe it’s true or not.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

#5 Charr Bazooka not functioning.

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Anyone else have this issue? I’ve been playing forever and I tried this the other day and it still doesn’t do anything. I even click on the button with the mouse nothing happens.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

I just found out : /

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Great video explaining what can happen if Anet are not careful, but so far I have no problem with the way things are. Watch the video very enlightening.

Great video. They’ve actually already started the cycle sadly and It wasn’t even 3 months when they did so. Adding an extra gear set for an invented need for a time crunch to gain the new armor sets and then promising to raise the scores of legendary weapons to the level of ascended all while telling the playerbase that ascended really isn’t that much better then the current gear in stats has been my major issue. I deal with absolutes. For example, is +15 alot more powerful then +10? Not by itself, but what they failed to admit to or did so on purpose, was that when every piece of gear you receive has a +5 advantage, collectively this becomes a very big advantage because as any mathematician will tell you, all those +5’s add up. so if we were to say all items including the armor and weapon and trinkets all had a +5 higher then the exotics, that would equal the hypothetical score of +70. Nothing shabby about that score is it.

So we are already seeing power creep right now in the game. Just because that gear is coming and not here yet is irrelevant.

Now if they keep the system they are using for obtaining gear, guess what that means. This new power creep with me monetized greatly. For example, if they do make the gear available as a RNG drop in fractals and let’s assume they finally get rid of the bugs, and they make those drops not soulbound on aquire, those items will be sold in the TP that already suffers from manipulation. Sending many a poor schmo to the gem store to get gold. Same goes for if they make these items craftable via the mystic toilet or the crafting professions. And what happens if the keep the drops to make these items dungeon based like they do for the currency for the back items sold there? It would further widen the gap and increase the cost of the items in gold in the TP.

So the only solution i can see that would remove this endless gold lust is to make ascended items with the same scores available via karma vendors (even if they make those vendors in Orr temples like they’ve been doing with exotics) or keep the crafters happy and make ascended gear available for karma cost per recipe and make the drops of the items to make these ascended gear items open world drops without restrictions (like no more DR or lower drop rates without 50% MF). That would ultimately stop the gold lust extremism, return people to the open world, and keep this system horizontal not vertical meaning more players would have access to these items with more gameplay styles.

Imo if they REALLY wanted to improve the game they would update the loot tables for all meta events to include these items needed to craft ascended gear so that people could start gathering them at early levels. They could also, increase the number of metas found in the lower level zones (between level 30-60 only) which would return the population to world so there’s less requests in the forums for a LFG tool.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

(edited by tigirius.9014)

Losing track of cursor + terrible tab targeting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I do frequently. I use a nostromo razer and there’s just not enough buttons honestly to accommodate my needs so I must use my clicker sadly.

I can’t imagine what it’s like for people without pads.

I was thinking of maybe getting one of those game pads for the game, anyone use the xbox controller for theirs?

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

What is wrong with nudity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


As a gay man and a Wiccan I’d like to thank Anet for their current attention to detail. It’s not often we find armor sets in these games that compliment male bodies as much as the female ones. I find it refreshing that they put so much effort into making the male form just as pleasing to the eye in this game. Armors that show off the chest arms and legs are very well done on this title for it’s rating.

As far as full on nudity, well unfortunately we live in a society in which they have anti-nudity laws and until those laws are changed companies will remain restricted.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

While we wait, How are you doing?

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Playing STO, Legend of Grimrock.

I tried the rifle/condi build someone posted recently. bout the only thing that works anymore. Oops meant, the only thing that works in PVE other then tankcat.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

(edited by tigirius.9014)

Top 5 bugs Anet should prioritize fixing

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I want only better damage and range from mortar, this is our elite skill and we can’t move while using this weapon so should have big damage or be faster.

I think it should be faster, stronger (like four times the hitpoints of the turrets) especially if they wish to make it viable as an elite and keep it on a timer no less where it magically disappears. I also think that the engineer should get a huge toughness bonus while using it and that it should fire automatically when the engi isn’t using it as an item. These changes would make it more useful.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


This after many weeks of crafting and collecting?


A good note in driving license would not be sufficient – you additionally must be a long time driver on special roads to get the permission and access to maxed rights in traffic?

That actually is…true. You can’t take your regular car licence and just hop in a tank for a parade or drive an 18-wheeler or a bus. Each vehicle type has it’s own…class and you need to pass the requirements for it to drive it legally. Jewel crafting(or any other crafting) gives you permit to craft some exotics. And if you wanna drive a tank, you gotta go to the army and do their course.

And that’s why I think it was a mistake in our game and I am justified to feel excluded. May fractal-players be happy to have that advantage in WvW. I don’t like to be their target any more until I get access to the same prerequisite Items. And I tell you a good game is really interested to have a kind of compensation between experienced players and those wo can only play some hours a weak. There must be no difference in attribs when a character is maxed. within some industrious weaks and outside of fractals.


Maybe sPvP would be a better place for you.

Crafters do have a different license then a non-crafter that must use the mystic toilet to make his stuff because we put in the time and resources to get it to max. Ascended should be a crafter only set of bought recipes with resources that drop evenly in the open world. End of story.

and sPVP isn’t required for world completion so that argument is moot. As soon as they remove that requirement for WvW I’m going to throw an online party let me tell yeah. If it weren’t for WvW being a requirement to finish exploration or that there’s an unnatural drop rate there compared to the pve open world this pve’er wouldn’t worry about getting ascended and that’s where the mistake lies methinks.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Top 5 bugs Anet should prioritize fixing

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Actually I was thinking more along the lines of:

  1. Squash trait bugs
  2. Stats on Kits (+healing being the biggest one imo considering most of the kit and toolbelt abilities don’t really scale with this, this would significantly improve the kit regenerator and the #5 EG ability right off the bat)
  3. Cone Attack Misses
  4. Forceful Explosives (let’s have these explode at the radius of my thief’s 1 handed sword please)
  5. Speed of attacks. It’s weird it’s like physics works differently for this class then reality. I’m pretty sure that grenades shouldn’t fly faster towards the enemy underwater then they do on land or that pistols fire as slowly as rifles do.

this list would actually take care of most of the problems across the board.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

(edited by tigirius.9014)

dragon slaying must be more epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014



LOL I hate when this happens on these forums.

But seriously the metas prolly need a rework so that it’s required to have 5 mans working on a meta precursor to the dragon events so that people aren’t just standing around waiting for dragons to appear and not helping.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Catalog of Stealth Nerfs

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Forceful Explosives now is bugged reduces the radius instead of enlarging it. Causing the explosives like bombs to practically have to be inside the enemy to go off, possibly causing the same for mines, grenades and Elixir-Infused Bombs definitely affected. The splash radius is smaller then my thief’s dagger radius. Most noticeable underwater.

In my experience it does increase the radius of the bombs. At least in sPvP, the only place I’ve tested it.

I checked in PvE and only with smoke bomb and the radius goes up with forceful explosives. Maybe tigirius means the radius of bomb kit #1. I never though to check that, instead I opted to check out the easy to see bomb radii.

Yeah Sorry I wasn’t more specific I mean with the bomb kit #1 and the grenade kit #1 both have been effected and thus is part of the reason why grenades miss more now then they did at launch even with the speed increase

(which they seriously need to increase to the speed of the AOE that occurs when switching to the grenade kit or the underwater speed of the grenades, weird that grenades fly faster underwater then they do on land, just another one of those weird engineer only physics things I guess sortof like being completely covered in chemicals and flames but not touching the thing you are covering with those chemicals and flames, did the Q get involved in this title? LOL)

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

I just found out : /

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Where have you found this information about there being Ascended weapons?

They’ve already made statements that:

A: Legendary weapons will be given the stats of Ascended gear (even tho we’re lead to believe that ascended isn’t that much more powerful then exotic, i know right)

B: Legendary weapons requirements will be adjusted to a lower setting so that they are a but easier to obtain then they are now.

No specifics on time were given on these tho.

WHYYY do people keep saying that Anet said they’re going to make Legendaries easier to get? They said they’re going to add a scavenger hunt system to get a precusor. For all you know this scavenger hunt will take anyone from 2 weeks to 3 months to complete.
I just don’t want people to constantly keep saying they’re going to make it “easier” to obtain and then rage when the scavenger hunt is going to be hard/time consuming.

Because they did, they said they were looking into reducing some of the material costs in making them and that they would let us know in the future what their changes would be. Sorry you didn’t read that somewhere. I know I did.

BTW they made this statement long before the scavenger hunt was announced.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

The Mighty Giant Tornado Build : What??

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


The thing I don’t like about Tornado is you are still able to be hit while in that form, they should change this so you have a few seconds of invulnerability because it doesn’t help if you are fighting a champion or a boss to suddenly be transformed back, and often 1 shot downed. (as many of the mobs do these days, dunno what it is about 1 shotters that are so appealing to the devs but….)

It’s bad enough we have terrible downed skills but to have terrible elites on top of it doesn’t help (the other terrible elite is Mortar). I can understand being hit as a brute because you’re solid, but turning into a whirlpool or a tornado should render you “gone” for all intents and purposes of having a life bar. It only lasts a few seconds and it’s a randomized elite skill let’s have something work properly in this class shall we?

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

I just found out : /

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Where have you found this information about there being Ascended weapons?

They’ve already made statements that:

A: Legendary weapons will be given the stats of Ascended gear (even tho we’re lead to believe that ascended isn’t that much more powerful then exotic, i know right)

B: Legendary weapons requirements will be adjusted to a lower setting so that they are a but easier to obtain then they are now.

No specifics on time were given on these tho.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Engineer Kit Examples

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


hopes someone saw this before it was drowned out by other posts

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Misinformation/Tricks of the Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


22) Forceful Explosives – supposed to enlarge the explosive radius actually reduces it causing you to have to be inside the enemy almost for it to hit most of the time. It causes the non-combo field explosions to not have the same splash radius as daggers do on my thief much less the standard 1 handed sword. Doesn’t actually change the tooltip but doesn’t do what the tooltip in the trait actually says it does. It’s most noticeable underwater using bomb kits and actually affects the effectiveness of the Elixir-Infused Bombs when traited.

In my experience it does increase the radius of the bombs. At least in sPvP, the only place I’ve tested it.

That would explain it, PVE doesn’t behave that way at all.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Merge characters currency.

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Yea Karma should definitely be accessable via all characters in one big pile or one could add a deposite of karma into the bank tab. It would save altaholics some times in gearing their alts. This is the main reason for the backlash this company has had for the lower drop rates, crafting was supposed to make it more horizontal the progression and in order to craft one must go out and get drops. Well can’t really do that when all of the drops that make anything either almost never drop from random heavy bags that one can’t really consistantly rely on getting much less dropping the mats one needs (I’ve opened about 136 recently got a single powerful blood) or rely upon getting them (those I’ve received have been mostly bought because I hit DR every 6-8 enemies now)

Karma would be much more useful if you added ascended gear to karma vendors, made Karma deposite in the bank so that one could combine the karma in order to gear alts.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Engineer Kit Examples

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


The second choice


Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Engineer Kit Examples

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


There’s been much talk about the Kits in the engineer forums and how we really aren’t anymore versatile (in fact more limited as some have argued) because when equipping a kit it takes up a much valuable bar space for some other much needed tool to help keep us alive. (like stun removal elixirs etc).

In that spirit I’d like to suggest visually a new bar system to help.

The first example would be to setup a F7-F9 kit switching system so that we can more easily equip items like the stun removal elixirs but enjoy the kits as Ele’s enjoy switching between all of their atunements with ease.

The second example is to allow the choice of using 1 ability from each kit selected, altho not as versatile in the eyes of the pvpers it would open up a few posibilities for pve.

Please excuse my multiple posts but I’ve yet to discover how to attach multiple images to a single post here in these forums.


Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Dynamic respawn algorithm - "respawn range"

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I’d like to suggest a few second animation. As I understood it this animation was originally intended to cause the respawn rate to be more manageable by the players. It would basically consist of the Risen crawling out of the ground, or flying creatures flying in from a couple of yards instead of just popping up suddenly. During the initial animation phase the creatures would not aggro initially until they reached their leash position. Dredge digging out of the ground, Risen Eagles flying in from the sky, River Drakes coming out from the plants in a nearby water supply….all would affectively slow the aggro time down so a player say like a Wily Engineer could get out of the immediate area before the animation was complete instead of having 5 things show up at once and be chased continuously across the entire map because of there being never ending mobs to run into along the way.

The other method would require too many resources but I think mine would remove some of the frustration folks feel from being in Orr.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Catalog of Stealth Nerfs

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Incendiary Powder now can only occur every three seconds. Used to not have a limitation.

Forceful Explosives now is bugged reduces the radius instead of enlarging it. Causing the explosives like bombs to practically have to be inside the enemy to go off, possibly causing the same for mines, grenades and Elixir-Infused Bombs definitely affected. The splash radius is smaller then my thief’s dagger radius. Most noticeable underwater.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Misinformation/Tricks of the Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


22) Forceful Explosives – supposed to enlarge the explosive radius actually reduces it causing you to have to be inside the enemy almost for it to hit most of the time. It causes the non-combo field explosions to not have the same splash radius as daggers do on my thief much less the standard 1 handed sword. Doesn’t actually change the tooltip but doesn’t do what the tooltip in the trait actually says it does. It’s most noticeable underwater using bomb kits and actually affects the effectiveness of the Elixir-Infused Bombs when traited.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

v2.0, Rifle/AoE conditions build (video)

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


That were quite amusing to watch! It’s a fun new thinking setup and that’s all ways fun to watch being played! Kudos to you! I might have taken Invigorating speed myself for more dodge’s, seeing as you can swap kit’s while dodging and avoid more damage that way!! Have you tested out how that work’s? cause I see you standing and soaking a lot of damage some of the time

I noticed that too apparently he prepares by dropping bandages beforehand and he uses the drop elite alot both for the stuns and the heals.

I’ve adjusted his setup for my pve needs. Planning on testing them tonight. (since the gear i have is all condi damage anyways should prove useful.)

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

One blog or two

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Thanks for the response, Colin — looking forward to the next update! :-)

Guys, really. The Game Director took the time to answer a forum question, only an hour after it was posted.

What part of “There will be a blog post in around week or so” did you read as an invitation to spit snide remarks, or request immediate details on changes to game mechanics?

I agree, save the snide remarks for what they write in the blog if it’s at all unsatisfactory not before. I expect since it’s a new means of communication they’ll be more forthcoming what with the criticisms they’ve received.

Thanks Colin for answering a forum post and communicating with us. I hope that this happens more often in the future and that you won’t allow people’s nasty attitudes to disenfranchise any further communications in the future.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

v2.0, Rifle/AoE conditions build (video)

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I might actually try this one out thanks, like the freeze thing.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Why does WvW have to be in World Completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


If you’re going down this route, why do WvW players have to do so much PvE? It can go both ways, buddy.

People can’t grief you by preventing you from completing anything in the PVE world, nor can they make devices that attack you continuously that you can’t reach because you are on a jumping puzzle. Your argument is invalid.

This should pretty much be reported as a “blocking progression” “exploitable” bug because it does both of those things. They freely allow people to stop you from completing exploration by either killing you, using game mechanics to knock you off jp, and block you from reaching POI’s I guarantee you that this doesn’t happen in any exploration of PVE.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

(edited by tigirius.9014)

Shocked by the forums

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Hello All

Frankly i am shocked by the responses happening in the forums. Everyone is going crazy, moaning about endgame or WvW or Spvp.

Game has been out since August. Give it time. YOUR NOT PAYING A SUB!!!!, just come back once they started adding in new features.

Take WoW for instance.

At launch it had nothing compared to what it has now. It didn’t even have PvP at launch.

Took them till end of TBC just to get Achievements in the game. Patch 3.3 End patch for Wotlk just to get Dungeon Finder in the game. and 4.3 just to get LFR and Transmog.
MoP before they got pet battles and item upgrades.

Yet everyone here is moaning like little kids just because u don’t have everything u want in the 1 go.

Give Anet time, They will be adding more the game as time passes. SURE!!! I could understand this rage and venom that’s in these forums if you were paying a SUB, which your not.

Go play something else and pick up the game when they add more. Anet ain’t just gonna add event patches the rest of the game lifespan.

Also these forums can be looked at without logging in. So anyone that might be interested in buying the game looks at these. I could understand why they might stay away.

if it took 6 years for one car to make air bags a standard feature is it ok for another car to take 6 years after that? no. you release with what your competition has. thats how real businesses work.


I need more characters ..there we go

I agree. Why would you release a title where COD’s are not a standard feature in emails (and emails are the only means of trading), you changed your manifesto to focus on a single dungeon to run endlessly for RNG loot drops that every other title has had to add currency for and not launching this dungeon with a LFG tool, adjust/break all other means of PVE gameplay by adding severe limitations on loot using an antiquated DR system that other games shut down because they couldn’t keep players using it, and not learn from the mistakes other companies have made in the past like needing a PTR so that things like what’s happening to the Engineer class will never happen again or actually code the behaviors of standard skills to work differently between PVE and PVP so that it’s a non-issue?

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Rune/sigil crazy prices!!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Even tho I am one of the loudest people complaining about the effects of DR on the economy they did do one thing well and that’s add stats to multiple types of runesets. I like that because it gives much more choices and you’re not stuck as much with runes as you are with armor sets.

DR, lower drop rates, RNG on globs of ecto all lead to one thing, and that’s higher prices on everything. Right now we’re witnessing this in the TP. Until they fix the loot issues or until the players get fed up and leave the prices will remain this way. Heck if they removed RNG on anything that you can craft that would solve the issues everyone’s having. Return the T6 mats to the karma vendors including the materials for Runes and you won’t have people charging outrageous fees in the TP anymore.

FYI to those who suggest crafting your own, the items needed for crafting have to drop first before this will happen. If you don’t get drops as many of us don’t then there’s nothing to gather to make for ourselves. I have four level 400 maxed crafting disciplines and 0 drops, see the issue?

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

(edited by tigirius.9014)

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Well before I finally gave up. I would login to get my karma daily done. Then log back out. Last night I tried finding T6 mat bags and gathering some Orichalcum but then I remembered why i didn’t loginto the class I was making the jewelry for and logged out disappointed.

(I was gathering while on my thief to make jewelry for my engineer using Rare lw recipes to get Globs of Ecto because nothing rare or exotic drops for me anymore, not even from boss fights, and then I recalled that I’ve tried 5 respecs on my engineer and didn’t get anything to work right in PVE so I’m just visiting the forums waiting for the day to return if they fix the problems with loot and with my main class).

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

dragon slaying must be more epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


That’s my question:

(d) They don’t drop anything interesting to keep fighting them?

Even Claw of Jormag was recently nerfed. If they want people to go back out into the world and actually show up for events, they’ve got to change this policy of making loot only accessible via dungeons.

I do like the currency system you’ve proposed tho I would hope they don’t make it so crazy inaccessible for weapons like they’ve done their legendaries or their exotics in the temples being way out there in price. (they’re exotics, they’re now obsolete with the announcement of the ascended gear, they should be adjusted appropriately).

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

(edited by tigirius.9014)

@ the negativity here on these forums

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


If anyone looks at my posts they will see I have positive things to say and negative. I try to help people on the forums when I can and I try to help the overall game by letting the Devs know just what is wrong and why things are happening in the game. (like the multiple reasons why people aren’t hanging out in Orr or many of the pre level 30 zones and why exploration is a bust)

There are alot of negative posts but part of the reason why there is such a large number of negative posts is people feel with good reasons that the Devs have completely gone against their statements prior to launch with managerial decisions they’ve made most recently and that since they only have 1 Liaison (that I’ve found is highly overworked btw trying to keep up with the demands for answers, poor lady) people don’t feel that the Devs are listening. And of course we also have the highly filtered AMA sessions, and the communications to the players well outside of the forums on services not everyone uses like Reddit, Facebook, Twitter all spiradically putting out bits here and there but nothing being cohesive and coherent in a single medium.

Going back to the management issues of the game, with the combination of a dungeon being the focus in a game where dungeons were supposed to be secondary to DE Metas, a sudden Gear Treadmill addition (sorry but it’s true, there are two gearsets end game now), the loot issues with all open world items herding people to this one dungeon or to the cash shop to convert gems to gold to progress, and the possible future of Ascended items being available via an enormously large Karma cost/or the mystic toilet bypassing the crafting disciplines entirely, all happening while many of the bugs experienced in each class have been all but ignored since launch, with all of this happening – there’s plenty of room for discord especially in the official forums where one hopes that the Devs are listening to the players they want to keep.

It’s no secret there’s alot of work to be done, I personally feel that they will lose more people until they remove DR and the fix the MF/MF + chests/bags issues and if they continue to only have two people work on the bugs of each class.

The classes should be the major focus, they need a larger set of teams working on these bugs until they finally squash the majority of them and they need testing that doesn’t involve a stationary dummy in some offline shard somewhere outside of the main servers. That’s been proven never to work.

All in all, I’ve loved the first month of this game when even tho my class missed I didn’t notice it because both my traits and my abilities worked/did damage properly (Engineer) and I could go out into the world explore receive appropriate rewards for exploration and receive proper compensation for my time of waiting three hours to fight a dragon.

I think that the negativity will die down if they take care of most of the issues.

And I hope they return to their original open world philosophy.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

(edited by tigirius.9014)

Lack of Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Engineer is borked right now. You will get some pushback from the die-hard fan-boys and there will still be videos of good players owning terrible players, but it is pretty much harder to do everything as an engineer than almost any other class. If you do well on an Engineer switch to an elementalist and you will be a golden god.

Save yourself the grief and shelve the class until Anet has a chance to fix the numerous bugs and balance issues.

I’ve shelved mine for now. They need to fix two things to get me back. My engineer and the world drops.

I’ve basically gone back to two older games I played before. STO because you actually get great rewards from working together as a guild to achieve goals and the rewards are better then what they have from RNG drops. Torchlight II, the best representation of just what an engineer can really do. I know the second one isn’t an mmo, but surely there’s some valuable mechanics there for them to take a look at, like 2h hammers, cannons with actual range and stuns instead of whimpy rifles, spider mines that seek out the enemies instead of letting them dance on them, bots instead of turrets….the list is long.

It just baffles the mind how a set of people can call themselves gamers and then when they see big money they forget entirely every major problem gamers faced in every major mmo title since UO. Is there no one there who researches the history of MMO restrictions/patches/mechanics since the launch of the genre? If not hire me, I’ll be happy to help inform the management on what’s been tried before and why it didn’t work (and how it harmed their profits by disenfranchising their playerbase in the process).

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Here’s what I wonder: Does your DR code somehow flag multiple accounts playing from the same source IP address as potential farming bots? And therefore kick in some DR code against those accounts?

A pattern I see in these threads is that spouses who play GW2 together or households with multiple accounts seem to be the ones reporting a noticable decrease in drop rates across the board.

This is actually plausible. I should try doing this from my spouse’s account and see what happens with his drops. He plays a ranger so I should try running around killing stuff on that toon and see how the drops fair compared to my toons who all seem to have permanent DR on all the time. I never get rares anymore unless it’s a weird fluke where I’m in a level 15 zones and I kill a non-aggressive creature, like a Doe or Mosquito or something then eeeeeevery once in a while something drops from these things.

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One big set of requests.

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Bump again to see if a mod will merge this thread with the stickied suggestions thread.

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Lack of Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I’m the only engi in my guild of 100. Don’t kid yourself the class it lackluster and half broken.

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Kits truelly useless? I need Engie help/tips.

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Yep stick with Rifle or Pistol potion builds for now man.

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Smoke bomb stealth nerf?

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


It’s amazing isn’t it? going on 5 months now same bugs since before launch but they managed to slip this in and the delay between burn on crit damage in the explosives line. Anyone else see that one? apparently the class in which 80% of it’s weapons should burn the foe or blow it to bits was doing too much burn and the guardians complained. smh

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Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


or do more dmg than a Catholic School girl on Sunday on her way to church.

you ever met a pastor’s daughter on a sunday? she will school you in things you’ve only theorybated about.

don’t diss divine power.

HEHE my experience is that the catholic school kids are often the least divine of them all.

I’d say the engi prolly is as screwed in the damage department as a pig in a sausage factory on double meat tuesday.

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help with sigils for condition build

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I’d have to agree with Koko the condi damage on engi is not only lower but doesn’t have that initial damage before the ticks begin like the mesmer, ranger, necro does.

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Elementalists "work harder"?

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Found this on the Elementalist forums…:

“While an elementalist does have some of the greatest potential in healing, utility, DPS, and tanking capabilities, there are its drawbacks. A user who plays as an elementalist has to work much harder to deliver the same results that other classes can perform.”

Thought it was funny.

They do. Engineers do less cooldown management than Elementalists and routinely bring fewer kits than the Elementalist is demanded to work with. Elementalists also have less base health and toughness to rely on, whereas many successful Engineer builds stack at least toughness and sometimes toughness and vitality.

Of course, Engineers would bring more kits if they could… but they take up utility slots with toolbelt skills that are frequently lackluster. The actual kits are pretty hit-or-miss, too.

Ever stop to think that the reason they bring fewer kits is cause none of them work properly right now?

Cause that’s what I’m seeing.

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Veteran [Insert Enemy Here]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


The promised loot drops would be nice and none of this “RNG that’s your bad luck” mess either were talkin full on rare loot 90% of the time. Same for champs.

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A poorly-informed rant

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Not really getting the part where the toughness warrior is still too weak. Did I read that correctly? If anything the warrior is definitely easy street.

Thief is awesome imo. Tho we do need some better balance when only two classes can 1 shot. And I don’t mean nerfs I mean buffs give all the classes an ability that has the potential to 1 shot. Now that’s balance!

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Am I missing something?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


What server are you on

And as much as i enjoy this game it has one big problem. There are only 3 place,s to get real rewards from at max level. Fractals, orr and, dungeons

Orr really doesn’t for most of us. Vets/champs don’t drop anything. Chests drop blues and greens. So if you’re talking resource nodes then that would be an accurate assumption. Spending all day hitting DR after DR trying to get a lodestone to drop isn’t really a reward system honestly.

So I’d say that Fractals and CoF as the only means of getting anything is an accurate view because that’s essentially what this game has become, dungeonruns 2.0. Which would explain why OP doesn’t see anybody.

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(edited by tigirius.9014)

Realistic Expectations for January/February

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I just want two realistic things to occur jan/feb.

I want my class miss/trait problems to be fixed allowing me the ability to play PVE again. (engineer)

I want loot to be fixed so rewards drop from event chests like they should, they drop from veterans and champs like they should globally, and that DR starts in 1 hour into farming. 1 hour would prevent bots on automode from getting anything and would allow the legit farmers to continue their funtime.

It’s really not too much I don’t think.

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illogical grenade argument

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


i thought the nerf was only in spvp? in which case grenades were never op, i figured it was just an attempt to try to balance the intruduction of the sigils working on kits and the increased grenade velocity. the increased velocity is great but i dont think grenades should be balanced from 3x hits, cos actully hitting someone with all 3 hits on grenades just aint gonna happen.

Nope once again PVE’ers must bear the brunt of pvp game balance. I truly thought I would never have to deal with this problem again playing this title I thought man I hope that interview I read where they plan on separating the pvp and pve balance in the programming so I never have to respec rebuild spend money on new gear thing I experienced for months in WoW on my hunter just after the release of Cataclysm again! And here it is 4 months later with a broken class again in a AAA title. Is it too much to ask that this doesn’t happen to PVE anymore? Is this going to be what I have to expect from every title I buy now? Because if so I’m just going to stick with SpRPG dungeon crawlers at this point really it’s that bad.

they’ve had 4 nerfs to this class 4 since launch and not a thing but underwater combat fixed which is a big part of this frustration I feel at this point, but there’s also something else. Every interview I read before launch said this game experience would be different in that they would do proper testing and they would separate the behavior of pve and pvp on the classes. So far that hasn’t been true at all for me.

The increased velocity still doesn’t match the speed of the bows. Heck even the pistols don’t match the bows. It’s so ridiculous at this point I just can’t even think about it without my blood pressure shooting up. I mean I seriously thought I would never have to go through what I went thru with WoW on my hunter and here it is happening all over again. smh….

I would love for Grenades to kill in three hits but we have firecrackers really. Bombs are just as bad, they blow up and all we see is smoke and the enemy hitting us still. Bullets don’t mean a thing on this game either unless you are a warrior that is, somehow their bullets work so much better. It’s just that…why is it that the most militant class in the game doesn’t do anywhere near the same damage as the other classes? It really baffles the mind.

The Charr would have never taken back Ascalon if that were the case. Unless that is they were all equipped with the most powerful weapon in the game, two handed swords.

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Interview with Izzy (German Fansite)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014

tigirius.9014,id257,2,interview_guild_wars_2_lead_designer_isaiah_cartwright.html Certain PvP game types in the original Guild Wars, like Heroes’ Ascent and GvG, were favorites amongst PvP players. Can you discuss why these game types did not make it into Guild Wars 2?

Izzy: Mainly one of the big issues we wanted to avoid with Guild Wars 2 was creating too many games types, which leads to a fragmented player base and adds a lot of complexity when balancing. This tends to lead to many game-types being left out as it’s impossible to develop new content and features for all of them in a timely manner.

Seeing this the fractals type of content makes sense to me now. It’s difficult to find players for a specific dungeon out of 32, not so difficult to find one for 1 dungeon (fractals). (if you ignore the level-gating which gets much better in the upcoming patch)

Well if you use that argument they never should have added yet another dungeon, they should have stuck with meta DE’s as was the plan prelaunch according to every interview.

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Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Grenade speed was increased 10-15% in the Nov. 15 update.

Grenades need a 100% speed increase, minimum. A lot of engineer skills are completely pre-alpha in their animation speeds, jump-shot, net-shots, elixir-toss etc etc.

Completely agree! Three things would help out the class immediately.

  1. attack/animation speed of the supposedly faster attacks that go just as slow as the rifles #1 attacks (ie pistols, grenades)
  2. kits scaling with stats
  3. finally fixing the misses (and this includes but is not limited to the cone attacks as well as the new explosive radius bugs even before the bugs hit they nerfed the radius of the explosions to smaller then the splash damage of a thief’s dagger swings, even happened to bombs)
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Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


So a thought occurred to me today (yeah yeah I know crazy huh) anyway there was talk in the other thread about how this might be a bug. I saw it mentioned a couple of times now until a friend mentioned to me the most recent nerf, Dragon event loot. Jormag I believe it was, suddenly people were getting nothing after a recent patch, nothing but blues and greens. It occurs to be that this couldn’t possibly be a bug and them not noticed is with their data collection software. It has to be that they are doing this on purpose for whatever reason (bots or store sales or whatever). I’d love to see an answer about this isn’t there an AMA coming up?

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Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I want to create a ring that has maximum attributes/stats without being forced to do these fractals. That means exotic for me, since i have spend much time to finish all crafting disciplines on maximum. Appearance / skin does not matter at first.

But now I see that for example the ring “Royal Signet of Doric” comes with total power of +103 with +68 toughness and +68 vitality. As a 400 leveled jeweler, I can not build any ring with similar stats to my astonishment. And to my disappointment. Reaching ‘Master-Level’ as the championship in that profession and no allowance to even create a ring with maximum effect? Is that appropriate to a trusting client?

I would be pretty upset when I need do do these fractals many times to get – for example – into World vs World beeing able to play there with maximum equipment. Nothing else but fractals?

Does anyone know anything about this? In my view, also for casual gamers who suffer from a ‘fractals-allergy’ should it be possible to get somehow that max stats equipment. That game is nice and big – but why do I only have to go into fractals to be on max equipment?

It seems to be a strange change of philosophy on Guild Wars – that i can not understand. Do I really have do get offline and wait until that is fixed and is there a certain date to get more equity at this important aspect?

Greetings from Boa

Absolutely it should be available to real crafters.

I don’t want them to return to the “mystic toilet” philosophy with ascended everything being combined into something in the mystic toilet instead of utilizing the crafters they have in the game that spent all that time and money getting their crafting to max.

To give you an example of the mystic toilet craziness. I’m a maxed out chef. I have to buy elonian wine, crystals, and use some other non food non utensil style material to put 10 of a food item into the mystic toilet to get a feast out. REALLY? In every other game ever made out there as a cook I was able to make feasts without spending enormous amounts of money or resources and I certainly didn’t have to use the magic water fountain to do it, my craft trainer gave me the recipes for it.

I can see them totally doing that crap with the jeweler, the leatherworker etc when they finally at long last make ascended the horizontal progression it should be. And don’t get me started on what they’ll do with the materials. Most likely they won’t be available open world. they’ll require even more Fractal runs which will keep people out of the open world just like they’ve done with T6 loot which seems to be only available in fractals or CoF these days.

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