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Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Come to think of it, have they fixed any notable bugs for the Engineer since release? I can’t recall..

They fixed the bug with Juggernaut FT being good (stability).
They fixed the bug with Elixir Gun Super Elixir being good (health on tick).
They fixed p/p, although that might have been before release.. I can’t remember.
They fixed some selected tooltips.

Notable bugs that will be addressed in a future patch:
- Pie
- underwater thrown Elixir S duration
- FT cleansing off a condition with Kit Refinement
- Static Shield being active while using other abilities
- Kits being usable under the effect of Elixir S
- tossed Elixir Us Veil being an etheral combo field
- (if weapon stats apply to kits, reduction of damage capability of every kit)

Anything else, that makes the Jester of Versatility closer to being on par with other professions without paying the cost for it? Don’t worry it will be fixed. qq

Completely agree. It’s amazing how every time there’s a fix it’s something that actually makes this class ‘work’ in the way they described their vision of this class. Like why is it that when we have something that works that gives us more then 2 workable builds it’s considered an unfair advantage and ‘fixed’ when the other two adventurer classes don’t have to deal with this in the slightest. I know I played all three.

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Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


God only knows but I would love a response too.

I’m hoping we won’t have the history we’ve had so far with this class.

  1. someone fixes something on the class
  2. it accidently works and does decent damage
  3. they tested it on a dummy that stands still and doesn’t dodge
  4. they nerf all kits because of it to “balance” pvp
  5. they get the coding wrong and it further break pve
  6. they release the patch, giving us some reason why the nerf is there, meanwhile 80% of the engineering players must spend enormous amounts of gold to completely respec because the 1 spec that was working is now gone.

That’s been my experience with their testing department handling this class.

Where is your evidence for them testing it on a dummy that stands still and doesn’t dodge?

It’s obvious to anyone who’s been in a game with PTR. 33% nerf to grenades when there’s only two damaging Sigils whose damage hardly makes up for the loss in this weapon and the explosive radius bug still exists for both bombs and grenades, and the Forceful Explosives bug which further reduces the explosive radius of the #1 attack on both kits, means that the way they tested it was in an environment where the target was not moving or moved in a very slow, non-aggressive manner in which the radius of these explosions were a non-issue during testing. It’s not rocket science.

If they had finally made the #1 ability on the grenades kit an explode-on-impact-tab-target system then I could see them being completely justified in adding a nerf of this size to this kit, but as it is, it’s amazing how they still haven’t done that and try to justify this kind of nerf to a class that still doesn’t have the 1 shot or 3 shot capabilities of any of the other classes that easily enjoy that even under the same 2 categories, Adventurer and Versatility, one of which is thrown at us all the time as the explanation for these nerfs.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

(edited by tigirius.9014)

Is AoE actually a problem? - Discussion Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


AoE are supposed to be extremely destructive. Why people want to tune a bomb to the level of a bullet is completely beyond my understanding abilities.
In certain other MMORPGS I played, some AoE skills had 30min cooldown or more, but their effect was so devastating that they could really change the fate of a siege at the last minute, completely obliterating two or more enemy parties.
Let the nukers be nukers, but it’s okay to give non-nukers some -very complex- way to protect themselves.

It’s beyond mine as well. It’s like the whole “reduction” of the explosive field radius…uhm hello it’s an explosion the radius IS supposed to be bigger then a thief’s dagger splash damage radius. Right now as an Engineer you practically have to be inside your enemy to use bombs and don’t get me started on why grenades miss 50% of the time. Micromanagement doesn’t = physics. Take the exploding bullet. The pistols should never fire as slowly as the rifles do but we see it happen anyway which does affect dps tremendously already, why nerf it further.

Now for some classes I completely agree they need to increase the single target effectiveness.

We have two classes and only two that have 1 shot abilities.
We have three classes that can three shot enemies all the while keeping their tremendous defense and vitality in the process.
And we’re supposed to believe that all weapons are equal but we see differences in damage output on different classes with the same exact build. (Warrior Rifle vs Engineer Rifle/Boomstick/Whatever it was supposed to be)

I hope they balance it soon because it’s out of hand, and the bugs for the classes that haven’t been touched since launch don’t help much either.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

DE Scaling for One Player?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Was Jeffrey playing a warrior when he soloed? That’s my question. I’ve played one at low levels and as an engineer and a thief I was amazed at how much I survived that wasn’t as easily survivable before while playing a warrior, it was quite imbalanced. Especially with the mobs in Queensland. I don’t mean to sound insensitive OP but I just don’t see survivability on a warrior as a problem honestly.

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Your Character's Epitaph.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Here lies Grumlins the Tinkerer
He thought his Flame Thrower would do enough damage to kill a Risen, sadly he was mistaken and over-run before the burn condition was applied. (takes hat off in respect)

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Warrior Sniper Vs. Engie Sniper

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Two things:

- Engineers are supposed to use kits to compensate for their perceived shortcomings. You’re not using any kits.

- Warriors are supposed to be a high-DPS, high survivability class.Engineers are supposed to be a high flexibility class with more than two or three strengths.

This is the problem here. Warriors have no downside. They got the highest dps and a very high survivability. Why roll anything else other than a warrior? Anet needs to balance em with either high dps build with low survivability or vis versa, not both.

Completely agree. And it’s not just a rifle problem. All weapons should do the same base damage for each class in the game. End of story.

The whole “It’s a rifle, not it’s a shotgun, no it’s a rifle” thing is just out of hand. It’s cute if you are playing hello kitty online adventures age 8-11 but this game was never meant to be like this so why have a class that does this.

— no the engineer was never meant to be ALL kits all the time otherwise we wouldn’t have weapon slots.

— yes the warriors are too powerful, any class that can solo one of the hardest dungeons of all time that’s meant for five people should absolutely be nerfed way more then engineers have been since launch.

— if they don’t take this seriously and they continue to nerf engineers so they become even more unplayable in pve but don’t touch a thing on warriors they might as well rename this title guild warriors 2 because balance is evidently not on their mind.

the animation for the jump shot needs an overhaul, the #1 ability needs to either quick fire twice or the damage needs to be brought back up to warriors damage output, the #3 ability needs to do WAY more damage or it needs the largest bleed stack in the game, and they need to revamp how engineers get might (littering all of tyria with mounds of glass is not the answer and having to wait until you lose 75% health before you are buffed and not having a @-50%-health=more-damage-output-options-in-traits are the key reasons why engineers don’t have that initial umff that the other two adventurer classes have with ease, or that added damage to end the fight quickly.) then the engineer might be on par with other classes especially the warrior.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

range of flamethrower

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


The thing about the range needs to be addressed because I’ve noticed how the Napalm reaches beyond where the end of the #1 flame blast range ends. This is part of the problem and why so many of us feel that the range needs adjustment. I think personally it’s fine how it is however we need more protection while using this kit. 200 toughness doesn’t really cutit honestly. We need also for the regen kit trait tobe adjusted so that it’s actually affected by the +healing stat on our gear. 120 isn’t much to work with.

They need to improve it on a number of fronts.

Right now, at the end of the blast is when enemies can catch fire. It’s almost as annoying as when you use the discharge trait and hidden pistol toolbelt unload at the same time and have to wait until the end of the animation sequence before the electrical attack is discharged. Burning should be immediate. With the shortened duration on everything it should be 1 application of burning at the beginning and 1 at the end. You are covering everything in chemical flames afterall.

The other thing I’ve noticed is there doesn’t seem to be any indicator of whether this is a pow/prec/crit dam weapon or a pow/condi weapon. It really should be either or not both. It would save on the confusion. I’ve noticed that happens alot on this class. hybriding is not a good enough system to use unless the class is fundamentally changed and the nerfs to both base damage and condi damage are returned to their at -launch scores. This class in pve has yet to recover from the nerfs put forth every patch since launch in the name of balancing pvp.

Also, #5 needs to world like the Black Powder skill of thieves so there’s actually a long enough duration in a single kit without switching of blindness to offer better protection while blasting away.

Right now it’s just weaksauce.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Fixing crafting and precursors in one =D

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Pretty good idea. Crafting definitely needs an overhaul. I see legendary weapons as a gimmick to get people to buy gold through the item store. It’s sad that the hardest part of grinding a legendary is the monetary part.

I would love crafting to actually produce items of value. I also think them allowing everyone to do everything in crafting on one character ruined the market value. Why would I get anyone else to make me stuff when i have 400 in everything?

I concur. if they really cared about crafting they’d stop using the mystic toilet for everything and return to the time honored tradition of adding recipes to the disciplines already in existence and they’d allow for the making of precursors via the regular crafting disciplines without this 250 of everything nonsense. The same goes for ascended gear.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

weapons: what is gw2 missing

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


2h axes
2h maces for engineers
gatling guns/tommy guns for engineers
sniper rifles for engineers

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Mounts n stuff in the Gem store. _Pl0x/Rights

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


sorry they just replied to a recent thread no mounts.

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Add option to turn off RANDOM CHAT AUDIO...

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Hmmm! huh? hmmmm! huh? mmmMMM! Ahh! huh? huh? hmmmmm!

That’s all I hear in DReach. Might as well be the dogs in Orgrimmar.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

How bad is your engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


My engineer is so bad the ground is littered with broken glass by the time he just starts the fight.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Run speed options for other classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I’d like to ask that all classes be given the option for a 25% run speed boost outside of combat. This can easily be attached to abilities one already uses or be placed in a trait.

Necros – Signet of the Locust (last time i played one it was 10%)
Engineers – Trait Power Shoes (move it to a adept level I-VI and make it out of combat run speed) or place this on the rocket boots utility. Would eliminate the kit spam.
Mesmers – Signet of Alacrity (a totally new signet that allows for 25% run speed out of combat).

Would help with travel times immensely. Thanks.

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Incoming Mounts??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Hello, I’m here to crush your dreams.

There will be no mounts coming with the Flame and Frost story arc.

Also, to address further speculation we’ve seen about the concept art for Flame and Frost (and what it may portend): there will be no Cantha and no dragons coming with the Flame and Frost story arc, either.

Thank you.

No, Thank you. Happy to see a response. Since I’m against mounts being in the game will there be further revamps to the professions to allow for speed boost options outside of the occasional 33% that was meant for escape? (Such as allowing the Engineer trait Power Shoes to be an out of combat 25% run speed like the seals and signets used by the other professions?) Will there also be this type of option available for other professions?

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Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


So here it is a month later with multiple reports. Total reply count between two threads 2000 replies (1200 for the closed one and 800 on this one) and still no serious take on it. No interview dealing with this topic at all. The silence imo speaks volumes about what’s going to happen with this problem. I could be wrong but I doubt it. Oh well there’s other titles that appreciate legit farmer players that are due out this year if something’s not done in this one.

Every day I am gobsmacked that it is literally more fun to play FTL than haul my jaded backside through another series of Scrooge mobs, and barren, reward-free events.
Can you even begin to imagine how much more successful the monetisation team would have been if they had simply applied the concept of putting desirable, fun items in the gem store, instead of gutting the game, and forcing their way into people’s wallets?

I can yes. I play STO right now and they have better rewards in their guild system (fleet) then they do as drops from dungeons or from crafting. They pretty much eliminated bots by making the game easier to gather currency. They placed ships that matter in the store it wasn’t all cosmetic but you can have plenty of fun AND get many of these ships via the in game currency. They converted many a lifetime currency into the in game currency, and allowed people to play without a sub but will generally great but not game breaking advancement with a monthly fee. It’s a great balance imo. I became a lifetime member of that game when it first launched and I’m so glad i did.

They didn’t kill loot for people, they didn’t choke the currency out of you so you were forced to convert Zen points just to do normal things like gear your newly max leveled toon, they designed their newest season to make it beneficial to be in a guild (fleet) by making the best gear in the game not an RNG but a bought item for each piece with the ability to gather loads of the currency in game to achieve this gear. For example, consoles are very important for space combat and kits are for ground, they’d be the equivolent of the runes for armor on this game, one could purchase those for very little in game currency for play doing regular difficulty missions which is what most people do. There’s also the exchange however the exchange doesn’t use the currency that one can buy from the store.

So essentially they could follow this model and make a killing without gouging people’s wallets. the TP could use karma instead of gold, change the karma vendors to items needed in the game for all crafting like T6 mats, make racial armor exotics 80 put those in the store, make the ascended gear only available from special guild vendors that use a portion of karma and gold to buy these pieces…. and they’d balance the game currency right there. Also they could balance the zones by making all events give the same Karma across Tyria, that would prevent people from just hanging out only in one zone all the time and help return people to the world and make all dailies across the board give gold in a certain quantity to eliminate farming for currency.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

(edited by tigirius.9014)

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


So here it is a month later with multiple reports. Total reply count between two threads 2000 replies (1200 for the closed one and 800 on this one) and still no serious take on it. No interview dealing with this topic at all. The silence imo speaks volumes about what’s going to happen with this problem. I could be wrong but I doubt it. Oh well there’s other titles that appreciate legit farmer players that are due out this year if something’s not done in this one.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

GW2 DR% data collection spreadsheet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I won’t be taking part. I don’t believe they are actually interested in our data. I believe the loot rates were intentionally decreased dramatically despite how much we would hate it. I believe the thread asking us to “prove it” is a way to make us feel like giving up complaining, because there’s no way to prove it concretely.

If I was going to dedicate my time to logging all of this loot (which Anet can definitely log themselves), I would only do it if I knew it wasn’t going to be tossed in the trash without being read.

Exactly my thoughts at this point. I’ve reported my findings twice already, they don’t seem to care. ( 5 times in a 1200 post thread deleted and 4 times in the “it’s all your perception” thread they have open now ), You know I’m not so worried about it now, I’m watching to see if they correct it but if they don’t they’ll just be losing more players in the end. Happened to D3 it’s only a matter of time on this one too. There’s other titles that are coming out that appreciate legit farmer players without demanding data from them or ignore them entirely when something’s wrong for months at a time.

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(edited by tigirius.9014)

Bots work around it, Players deal with it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Completely agree. DR is definitely THE key reason why I haven’t logged in for weeks. (Been talking to people in guild to let them know I’m floating in the ether watching what happens next). The system is antiquated and as I stated before DR never harmed bots in the past when used on mmo’s all it did was scare off legit players so one can only guess at the alterior motive for it’s continued and uninterrupted use.

The scripting for teleports is weak so bots are not only able to teleport between nodes at will but they can also teleport run poof poof poof poof poof meanwhile legit players have to travel the old fashioned way, come spend your hard earned copper to get to where you need or escape a hole where you’re stuck.

Those who don’t see the argument are missing the point.

This game was supposed to be all open world focused so saying you make your money in dungeons doesn’t fix the problems with both integrity and design of the game. The game was supposed to not harm the playerbase as they’ve stated multiple times (we love legit farmers) yet it continues to, and right after that statement they nerfed the final Dragon event that had any kind of reward. So essentially they not only did a 180 from their original plan they also were less then honest with us apparently. I’m watching to see what happens next, in the hopes someone there comes to their senses in the Jan/Feb/Mar patches and sets things back the way they were in open world.

Much more then Crowns are needed to set things right.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Am I the only one with this bug?

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


(Makes a note to check his engi next time he’s on.)

As time goes by more and more bugs are building for this class, at this rate it will never be fixed.

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So what if we DON'T get buffed?

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Okay guys, obviously if we get buffed or get some bug fixes, we’re happy this next update.

But I’m asking…what happens if we DON’T GET BUFFED? What if we get nerfed even more?

Let’s be honest here, what are we going to do about it? It’s obvious all our whining ain’t doin jack squat, so what we gonna do? Delete all our Engies? I for one don’t want to as my Engies my first 80 and my main.

But seriously…What are we gonna do? Gather up the remaining 80 Engineers in all of GW2 and march to ArenaNet headquarters and knock or what?

I’m going to move on and play something else and never visit these forums again. I’ll also be never visiting anything else Anet or Nexus releases again if that occurs. I’m completely over the mess they made for the past few months and didn’t buy this game to go back to a WoW like system of gameplay. Seriously, i’ve had 6 years of that. It’s dead.

Right now I’m keeping myself busy with Star Trek Online and Legend of Grimrock. It’s fun and keeps me busy.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

(edited by tigirius.9014)

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


puffintoast: I don’t want you to sit in silence and endless map X loot Y isn’t what I was talking about either.

My point was that one hurts their cause by contradicting themself (I know that Leamas is right when he says it’s fair to say what is meant…). I know posters don’t mean to, but giving contradictory information undermines their own post. It’s simply the way it is received by the reader.

And I do not mean to put words in anyone’s posts. As I said, my goal is the same as yours… to get this issue resolved.

Absolutely, if people are making posts that contradict their own findings about the topic, it is far from a positive action.
It is the sheer amount of intolerant moderation and silencing that is going on in these forums that has some of us very unsettled.
The importance of staying on topic is paramount, but having said so, the lateral thinking that is a hallmark of a great community should not be discouraged, lest we end up a hive of drones spouting nought but affirmations.

Didn’t get anything but bones last time i was on and that wasn’t even farming that was simply killing what i couldn’t run from in Orr.

Puffin I know exactly what you mean. It just happened to me.

It’s important we keep the dissenting view open and not attack one another because we’re all gamers who obviously care about this game’s direction. heck do any of you think i’d be here if I wasn’t worried about the managements decisions since launch? I wouldn’t waste my time if I didn’t care.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

The reality of it all

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I am honestly afraid of posting at this point.

I completely agree with your view Rambodacious. There’s so much they could have done over the four months post launch that they didn’t do. People were so thankful for the holiday content none of them thought about what would happen when the holiday is over. I did, I wanted permanent content the kind that actually rewards the players…..instead I keep getting boggled and the number of nerfs to loot for things like boss fights and open world events. Nerfs to classes that already have dps issues in the first place. Gear that nobody wanted being put into the game to try to attract the type of player that has single handedly destroyed every mmo experience since the very first dungeon instances were made in mmo history.

I guess they don’t really want players like me that stick with good games for years to come. I suppose it’s time to accept that as truth because everything they are doing since launch has been for the short term player with the attention span of a flea that jumps to the next shinie they see.

the end game is not fun and the only reason I found I could hold on were for the rewards. When you take those away there really is nothing left is there.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

(edited by tigirius.9014)

This is what I mean about imbalance.

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Sort of funny I found this thread when I found this little.. let’s call it a oddity in talent points. We get a 50% increase in endurance regen in Grandmaster Major. To put this in comparison, here is a small list.

Ranger – Minor Adept (50% static)
Ele – Major Master (though only 25% and with a sceptor)
Ele Again – Major Adept (100% when channeling)
Thief – Minor Master (returns a portion, but can be considered faster regen)

Warrior – Minor Master (50% on burst use)
Engi – Minor Adept (10% on toolbelt use)
Ele – Major Master(25% on signet and arcane use)

From the logic I can gather, as a primarily ranged class we are SO OP we have to be hit with less dodging. And what’s worse, is it used to be a Minor Adept, but like usual we were nerfed. (big surprise right?)

Yep completely agree I went over some of the things that prevent Engineers from doing the kind of burst damage that we see in Rangers and Thieves even tho they are supposed to all be Balanced and all Adventurer classes (which all leather wearing classes in every other game has always been well known for their DPS especially burst dps. Here we have engineers being the opposite. No matter what we do we are stuck with REALLY slow condition damage barely any burst (even with the skills that apply condi’s) and inequal survivability even with classes that use AOE’s. So we’re really at a loss alround.

I posted my thoughts on how engineers suffer due to inequality in traits compared to the two sister adventurer classes and what should be done to improve these traits to make them equal Quick examination reveals instantly that not even our basic unchangable traits (the mini ones) are equal and that every ability we rely on to increase our output of dps are all defensive (when we reach 75% health rather then when they reach 50% health) etc.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Remove the speed from the Risen

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I avoid any place that has Risen in this game but tried to finish my story and it all Risen fighting the undead makes me want to uninstall GW2.not because they kill me but they are super annoying to fight.

PLEASE remove the speed and give the undead some skills and weapons because running from a mob of undead that want to kick my butt is not fun at all.

YES PLEASE it’s more then annoying as a thief trying to kill these things while stealthed. Especially the little honey boo boo child wannabes running all over the place.

Shorten their leashes as well and make stealth and cloaking devices completely take you out of stealth when you become invis. It’s so annoying to be more then ten feet from the mob you stealthed to escape and be “in combat” the entire time even tho the mob can’t reach you.

It’s also annoying as an engineer. Try being cloaked when you are immobilized only to remain in combat and have the closest honey boo boo child call all his friends back no matter their distance.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Another grenade n-erf incoming.

AoE abilities balancing
-One of the issues brought up a lot in WvW./sPvP is AoE (Area of Effect). We feel like they are too strong at the moment and a lot of people in WvW are gaming the system using AoEs.
-For people that don’t know – max targets for siege weapons is 50 while max targets for AoE is 5.
-Reducing AoE effectiveness to bring them in line with the single target damage skills.
-Major update coming to all the AoE skills – make classes that are good at single target damage stand out a bit more.
-Same thing with dungeons – right now if you have a lot of AoE you can past encounters by just spamming AoE which is not what we want.

Notice: “make classes that are good at single target damage stand out a bit more.”

Looks like thieves and warriors just got another indirect buff through the n-erf of AoE dependent classes, i.e., engineer.

Yep completely agree, both with the OP and this guy. Pretty much crapped on the engineer with this one let’s see what we have that is single target only. Oh YEAH rifles! I forgot. well we’re okay then. :/ This game soooooooooo needs a PTR it’s not even funny.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

100% critical chance

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Engineer: How to get 100% Crit:

My current build w/ 80 gear has +power +precision +crit dmg and accessories.

I have now 55% base crit and 75% crit dmg.
You can stack fury from med kit + Utility Goggles = +20% Crit for 20 sec.
Traits > Tools > IX Upgrade = +10% Crit standing still
Traits > Firearms > 15th Upgrade = +10% Crit targets less than 50% Hp
Superior Rune of the Pack x6 gives = 100 Precision +4% crit ish…

Thief: How to get 100% Crit: Hidden Killer

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This is what I mean about imbalance.

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


no one said warr = eng and no one said warr should = eng.

missed the point entirely. played your warrior today?

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

This is what I mean about imbalance.

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Just wanted to point out that the engineer wasn’t the only one dying in that fight. Everyone else was dying too… including the Elementalist, Guardian, and Thief. Classes considered not broken by most players. An example of a bad group doesn’t make a valid argument for a weak class IMO.

Well take a look at all of the other videos on youtube all complete with engineers dying left and right. There’s plenty of them. It’s a weak class period anyone who’s played pve end game can tell you, there are a few people with blinders on but the fact that the two classes they want to give buffs to again that were perfectly op in their hits in the first place while destroying all of the classes who’s every attack is an AOE SHOULD concern you as a player.

So if they go thru with this AOE nerf, it will be bye bye bunker builds, good bye engineer/elementalists, goodbye explosive illusion mesmers, goodbye aoe farming necros the list goes on.

I’m just pointing out the obvious. When was the last time you ran a five man on your engi solo?

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

(edited by tigirius.9014)

This is what I mean about imbalance.

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


There’s another one with an Elementalist btw…

Wow that’s even worse. That would pretty much make engineers the princess of versatility wouldn’t it. so much for queen.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Please stop trying to have a serious conversation, you’re distracting me from making up outrageous nerfs. =)

I’ve been completely serious haha.

But have you guys watched the Livestream? They were talking about “balancing” aoe abilities more to make single target damage stand out more…..

Which mean’s more “balance” to Grenades and Bombs for us.


Yeah, I saw that. :/

Unless engineer gets a major overhaul I’m going to delete mine and roll an elementalist alt. I’m too cheap to buy more character slots and the elementalist seems to be everything that the engineer was supposed to be anyway.

Yeah it’s ridiculous, let’s imbalance the classes that use nothing but AOE in their attack so the single target burst can do even more damage without restrictions. It’s absolutley ridiculous and proves the theory that they really don’t play the game or use anything close to a PTR for testing before releasing patches.

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This is what I mean about imbalance.

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


My first example. Here we have a warrior soloing a 5 man dungeon. ( was brought to my attention in another thread felt it needed a post of it’s own.) Because it’s perfectly balanced for a single class to be able to handle what a 5 man should be doing right?

I tried searching for something similar for an engineer. The only thing that kept popping up was this. As you can see this is a full group. Just watch how many times the engi dies in this and the be reminded of why the downed state mechanics for engineers are so terrible.

There are rumors floating around for what they plan on doing to effect changes to “improve balance” seriously if this class doesn’t at least get new downed state abilities, or at least have the miss problems addressed properly in the next three months, I’m pretty much done. And you have to understand that this isn’t coming from one of those kids who cry out “ragequit” every time there’s a problem, I was one of the biggest fanbois for this title completely based on what I saw pre-end game in BWEs and the massive number of interviews i both listened to and read in earnest for this title to be released. They were supposed to understand the gamers, and to have a more enlightened system of testing and balance (separating the programming for pvp and pve). None of that is happening.

My hopes rest with what’s coming.

Edit: Just found this on another thread. Helps illustrate the point I’m trying to make.

Welp I dont know if we’ll get buffed, but grenades and bombs (all AOEs) are certainly getting nerfed in the future.
You know, to balance out the massive damage they do in comparison to all those weak single target skills no one uses, like backstab and killshot.”

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(edited by tigirius.9014)

Is AoE actually a problem? - Discussion Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


They are gonna nerf aoe and buff single target dps (thieves/warriors). Funny they say they read the forums yet none of them talked about these two, just aoe, the bane of all imbalance in this game, nice finding!

That’s my concern too the two classes that need buffing the least. I hope that’s not the case.

The classes that need buffing the most are mesmer engineer and single target necro.

Nerfing AOE really won’t solve the problems with the class imbalance and nerfing classes like mesmer and engineer AOE will further cause serious harm to the imbalance issues those two classes already face.

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Colin on MMOFTW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Didn’t see an announcement for this one.

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Is AoE actually a problem? - Discussion Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


It actually is. Even bosses and champs do too much. What I’m specifically seeing is that pets don’t have enough defense or hitpoints. It’s happened before in other games but instead of nerfing these abilities, they gave the pets a 90% damage reduction to all AOE spells. So anytime a ranger or ele decides they can wipe out all three of the mesmers illusions or all 8 of the engineers turrets it doesn’t work.

Other games have needed this and it’s worked fine for years now preventing people from using solely AOE’s in pvp. It’s one of the many things in mmo history that I’m finding that Anet doesn’t seem to know oddly. Just like how DR and loot manipulation harms players instead of stopping bots.

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Q: Balancing Condition Damage (Limit)

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I think they worry too much honestly. I played rift and there was no such restrictions on conditions. It was awesome, the whole screen could be filled with the debuffs condition style damage against a world boss.

They just need to spread out the kinds of damage. If they changed engineer for example to do more burning on everything it would be fine. there’s a ton of abilities that just don’t do burning that should including napalm blasts, rockets, mines….if they changed our class to more of a burn focus it would be better then it is now, but we’re stuck with an even more limited burn on crit trait. They have some weird practices to say the least.

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Can we expect bug fixes for the engineer on January 28th?

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


God only knows but I would love a response too.

I’m hoping we won’t have the history we’ve had so far with this class.

  1. someone fixes something on the class
  2. it accidently works and does decent damage
  3. they tested it on a dummy that stands still and doesn’t dodge
  4. they nerf all kits because of it to “balance” pvp
  5. they get the coding wrong and it further break pve
  6. they release the patch, giving us some reason why the nerf is there, meanwhile 80% of the engineering players must spend enormous amounts of gold to completely respec because the 1 spec that was working is now gone.

That’s been my experience with their testing department handling this class.

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Required minimum lvl for FoTM

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Last thing we need is to start filling this game with level restrictions, especially not 80. Maybe 30 would be alright.

Exactly my thoughts. We already have discrimination of all types happening in the game.

He has to be level 80 to run with us.
He has to be wearing all exotics and runed to run with us.
He can’t be an engineer to run with us.

We don’t need anymore of these types ruining the community. I personally can’t wait for them to restore the rewards to the open world so we can end this nonsense and the elitists can continue their elitism not affecting anyone else but themselves.

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No longer able to ress in combat?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


So i should just stop leveling an engineer then?

Don’t give up, I am hoping they listened to us about the engineer issues in the other forum. I can’t imagine they don’t know the blatant issues we face and how this might completely make us useless.

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Elixirs and the RNG factor

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


It’s actually more of a con then a pro. Someone not knowing what you’re about to do doesn’t offer enough protection or confusion in pvp to justify YOU not knowing what you’re about to do. If the made potions like this for artificery people would not do artificer for the same reasons. To have this as a class mechanic is just the weirdest thing to me.

That being said. There are some buffs that should occur 100% of the time when using these potions. Like Elixir S should 100% of the time give us stability for both the thrown and the drink versions. Same for Elixir H, It should give protection 100% of the time. That way engineers can plan. If the Elixir gives other abilities say three for example and one is the protection then make protection 100% of the time and the other two the random ones.

The same can be said for the thrown spells. I personally never use the invis or the guardian wall of light. IMO these are completely useless (mainly because the guardian wall of light doesn’t even prevent the enemies from passing like my guardian’s spell does weird I know) but because we really need something that will work all the time. I think the Elixir U thrown ability should be fixed to the guardian’s wall should prevent enemies from moving thru it and should reflect the projectiles back at the sender, that would make it a formidable defense pot as well as a powerful offense from the drinking of it. The smokescreen is good however I think it would be best if they fixed the light one.

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Coloring Weaponry to match armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Yes please. I would so love this. This prolly won’t work for legendaries but it should’ve been an option for all others except guild.

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Why not use the "Diablo 3" Magic Find System?

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I do not want to start a discussion if Diablo 3 is a good or bad game, or which is better.

I want to talk about the paragon system. When the game was released, It had exactly the same system that GW2 has today. Like that game is all about the gear, they made ??an interesting twist:

when they reach the maximum level, the player start raising the Paragon level. What it does is simply increase your Magic Find stat. And when they reach the maximum Paragon’s level, means you’re at the Max of magic find stat. So, do you no longer need to use that gear.


This resolve several thing:

  • Removing magic find gear sounds a bit impossible. But this will make it useful to a certain point and then you can dedicate yourself to get the best gear for your class.
  • Enter a new motivation to continue completing activities that increase the player’s experience.
  • Add more sense of progression to the player.

Excuse my english! Any grammar correction would be welcomed!

I was actually thinking the same thing. D3 did alot of things wrong however MF was NOT one of those things they got that part right. After they lost the 60% of their players by implementing a system close to the DR system that the devs use here and ignoring their players when they said they wouldn’t play anymore if they kept the DR system, they restored the loot to it’s original levels and most importantly allowed for MF to affect every kind of drop.

GW2 needs a system like this. If you’re going to do MF and RNG then do it right. Quit playing with the drop rates from the open world (we know something was done, it’s not rocket science it’s statistics and statistically it’s impossible to get nothing day in and day out [after 2 patches were applied that didn’t have a patch note] without playing with the chance something will drop) Allow ALL containers to be affected by MF, and make the chests from ALL zones drop items level appropriate to the level of the person doing the looting.

This would significantly improve people’s participation and would most likely restore the economy.

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Colin Johanson Video: GW2 2013 Preview

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I don’t like the idea that the other achievements won’t reward crowns, what about all of the work people put into their characters and achievements? It’s not an unfair advantage when you’ve put the time into getting these things done. What about those people who put the time into finishing EVERY spot on the map? What about getting achievements for entropy or finishing jump puzzles? I just think it’s a little too hasty to automatically throw out crowns from every other achievement that people spent alot of time doing. It’s not an easy thing to do to finish the entire world especially with the issues of the final mile being WvW.

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What's your playstyle?

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Currently I’m playing defensive enough to bring in close with Rifle and then BAM CONDI AOE’s and jump shot all over the place.

But until they do more to fix the problems in this class, particularly the traits (how there is Disparity between the other two adventurer classes on engineers) and the misses/smaller explosion size problems.

I wrote about the traits HERE if anyone wants to read them.

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Concern about retro achievement points

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I’m concerned about the retro achievements adding crowns to the character’s i’ve already done alot of achievements on. Isn’t this going to be a very large issue when this system is launched?

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why do people hate magic find?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Just been on “Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013” and to the question of “Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?” 37 people answered “yes”.
my question is why?
Now my reasons why it is an okay build and okay mechanic.
1. The person wearing magic find sacrifices a stat like vitality or toughness. They still have the same amount of power and precision as a typical glass cannon. They still put out a lot of damage on dungeon bosses and certainly do not injure the team more than a glass cannon does.
2.They have double the chance to get good items. That’s it. A person with magic find would barely get more rewards in one dungeon run. In a week of just running dungeons they would probably end up having more loot than an average player.
What I’m saying is that magic find works, but it doesn’t give mountains of items everyday for people wearing them and in no way does it affect people that don’t wear them, so again, why is it hated so much?

I said no. I would rather they fix it once and for all. MF in the open world is completely useless, it makes nothing but grey bones drop. It doesn’t work on chests or bags. It does in the open world the opposite of what it should do. I would like them to fix it so that it works properly once and for all.

In dungeons it causes people to have harder times surviving and some people hate this and would like to have perfect 15 minute runs without issue. I say change the gear so that it has the proper scores on the gear with the magic find especially when dealing with exotics.

It needs lots of fixing.

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not sure what i should be doing

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I rolled a necro. It’s supposedly the second worst class in the game. It’s amazing how much better it is than the engineer though…

OP I’d switch to another one for now. I’m not logging in until they fix this class and restore loot personally but you go ahead and switch to another class as you can see by my signature there’s one in the game that seems to be immune to nerfs entirely.

As far as necros go. Even as bunker builds necros work so much better then engineer. In one of my posts about why the sister adventure classes do so much more initial damage then the engineer does even tho they are leather wearers as well, I go over the fact that there is a non-tooltipped effect when using the condition abilities on Ranger and Necro that the engineer doesn’t get. There’s an initial burst of damage before the condition damage begins. Try it out, record side by side the damage of the attacks that apply conditions and you’ll see what I’m saying. I don’t have recording but I wrote down the differences between my all condi engi and all traps/bleeds ranger and the difference is just sickening.

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how traits should be

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I posted why I think even our burst builds aren’t working like the two other classes and why even when we spec for burst we hardly do any damage.

It’s OVER HERE btw.

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Only an engineer...

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Only an engineer would heal by blowing his friends to bits.

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Charrzooka recipe?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


uhm what? I’m going to have to go look this up! I thought this was an elite skill, there’s a rifle that looks like that??

What about the rifle that looks like a tuning fork?

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Thanks for the communications!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I know people are too busy to do this so I took the time out to write this message to the devs.

Thanks alot for communicating the design and future changes to the game. I for one appreciate it. It was very much needed. And thank you for communicating here on this website and these forums the communications you will be having outside of these forums or your blog page.

I personally really appreciate that.


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