One of the requests about engineers out right now is why can’t we have the ability to use maces or two handed hammers? It would be much easier to plan out our other skills if we had that one thing changed.
The toolkit is fun but It’s really limited.
Here’s an example, a mace/pistol combo, or a mace shield combo would work so much better then the kit because we’d be able to put something else in that kit’s slot. imo
It would pretty much solve a small portion of the kits and sigils thing honestly. (not everything but a small portion of it)
I’m actually running into that problem right now.
I’m using a modified support/tankcat (modified in that i use it for pvp and keep myself alive in orr) Right now it would do me so much more good to have something other then the toolkit equipped because stunning really doesn’t do much in Orr and you’re usually dealing with lots of different mobs at once. The problem I’m having is with the bomb kit problems. The toolkit doesn’t do much damage, the bomb kit has explosives size and range issues with the traits forceful explosion added, so it’s really not viable with these bugs. And grenades without being specced for damage are pretty much useless (you gotta throw even more then the 25-30 I throw when specced for them).
I dunno I just thought having anotehr Elixir B would be nice is all.
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omg tell me about it! I just had it happen to me and I’m PVE tankcat specced. WE got overwhelmed at this event in one of the camps in orr (explains why they are taken over there was me and one other guy)
I couldn’t keep myself up with 15 mobs at once and they kept pulling me around all over (we really REALLY need a stability buff! seriously, one that’s not an elite skill!)
yep mostly because about 60% of our stuff doesn’t work right right now.
That’s the real reason behind it.
I know people will come on here saying, “NAH broham it’s not like dat yo we’s perfectly fine dude no prob” but seriously there’s a list of bugs and fixes on here that’s multiple pages long for a reason….yeah
Honestly, I’m ashamed and depressed. As a level 60 engineer i find my self incapable of clearing areas 10-20 levels lower then me. Five minutes ago, i was killing some creep, then i saw a warrior level 40 few steps from me killing the same monster in like 3-4 seconds. Just WOW!
The question is, should i wait for some POSSIBLE engineer buffs or should i start a new character (guardian or a warrior) and play this game without frustrations?
Nope not doing a thing wrong, the rest of us who are experienced engineers in pve know exactly what you are talking about. When it takes 25-30 bullets from pistols, 30 grenades to kill individual mobs while being specced for those weapons, and having appropriate gear there’s definitely something wrong. Nerfs to cond dmg aside when you’re pistol fires as slowly as your rifle does and does half the damage there’s definitely something fishy going on.
I think everyone should step back and ask themselves, what would happen to their favorite show or movie if these weapons were really this weak in those shows or movies? Like if you got to Orr, imagine Orr being the Walking Dead? What would happen to the characters in those shows if they had to unload 30 bullets per individual zombie? Or how about throwing about 26-30 grenades just to get them to die?
Despite the trolls coming here it’s definitely NOT your imagination there bud.
Not sure if this belongs here but I just remembered while using the trait Power Shoes it doesn’t seem to remove the slow down effect that going into combat commonly does to every class. Is this intentional or is there something wrong with this trait? When hit I slow as much as I do while not in combat. Tried it without any speed boosting traits on when this occurs (like no Speedy Kits and no Leg Mods.)
10 points into the Tools line is a trait named Speedy Kits. If you get that and have any kit, you can trigger the kit every five seconds to have permanent swiftness.
The most common usage is with the Med Kit, because it doesn’t have a cooldown and it also has a bottle that grants swiftness, making it possible to actually have your swiftness duration increase as long as you’re spamming the kit and bottle.
It’s a bit more then that actually.
I switch (when i have long run to do) to Speedy Kits and Leg mods in my Tools line because it increases my speed noticably when I’m using the Med Kit. Also some people like to add the Invigorating Speed trait from the Alchemy Line to give almost a permadodge effect by having lots more dodges. Never used this in pve.
I tried stacking it with the trait Power Shoes but it doesn’t look like i get a speed boost from that to stack with these other two.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
I see more Char Engineers than I do any other race/job, hosing down enemies with flames about 5 seconds before my Thief gets to them
Usually that’s when the FT is perfectly centered in the screen with only a 0.00001% tilt. Any other movement makes it miss miss miss miss miss miss miss …try it, you’ll see what were talking about.
immunity to the nerf bat
for a while there I was actually thinking they wanted us all to play nothing but considering some of these problems have been in some of the adventurer classes since bwe3… some answers recently we’ll see.
Uh yeah…no. Out of all the issues and outright broken things with the warrior class a grand total of 0 of them have been fixed since launch.
I’m not saying other classes don’t have their issues, however. What I am saying is that nothing you said is true.
Also if you are dieing repeatedly to 100b in spvp that’s a l2p issue.
Soooo I guess I am going to have to show you evidence to the contrary of your statement.
Warriors are immune to nerfing Here we show ten items all of which are buffs only. Increase in damage, and improvements all around.even warriors are asking why warriors aren’t getting nerfed
Look at engineers. Half of the things we have on the long list of bugs and misses that prevent this class from being played properly on land with it’s biggest list of problems being issues with kits not working with the basic functions of most weapons of other classes which we just yesterday finally got a dev to respond to anything in our forums after two months of waiting for someone anyone to say something.
When you are playing an engineer and you are using grenades and you throw out 12-18 or so grenades to kill and enemy in Orr and you see a warrior run by even with sword and board and outright faceroll everything in it’s path, you know there’s an issue. No other class other then guardian kills that quickly. And that’s what I meant by the immunity to the nerfbat.
Sure warriors have a few issues here and there making some aspects of their builds not work properly, but at least you have weapons that work for you and you aren’t pigeonholed into a single spec because 90% of your weaponry is ineffective like it is for engineers.
Engineers miss constantly on their cone attacks making p/p/ft/eg useless. We are nerfed to crazy oblivion in pve where we have to literally throw out 12-16 grenades to get the same function out of our damage builds as other classes that have similar specs and builds. Pistols are about as useless as we have to literally shoot 25-30 bullets per mob to kill anything, Rifles really don’t work well as the inbetween rifle/shotgun approach as seen by soooo many who play with rifles compared to the Warrior Rifle (when engineers can prepare and instakill people like warriors and thieves do all the time, let me know will yeah? I’ve watched countless videos about how others play this class worked on multiple builds have two sets of armor with completely different stats, it just doesn’t happen for engis.)
So sure they’ve taken just as long to get back to you as they have us engis but at least your class isn’t broken. yeah… can actually play your class even in 1 spec. Engis not so much (unless you include the tankcat spec which doesn’t do much damage btw because you sacrifice everything for survival, and usually isn’t used for pve because both of our equipable weapons are generally ranged.)
I’d like an explanation of where exactly was I wrong in my assessment? It was solely pve assessment btw.
I’m no pvper but This does seem to be the biggest concern for pvpers is that they DID exactly the opposite that they claimed for PVP when it comes to WvW where the Ascended gear is concerned. It does give those in ascended gear an advantage over those who do not, however argumentative people might be about the higher percent, it’s still a higher percent of stats so it would give them the edge to survive longer, stronger attacks. Especially when added with the new stats coming to legendaries.
So in a way they not only gave people an unfair advantage in dungeons but also in WvW pvp with the coming of this new armor types.
If they do right by our complaints about it. It will be available as sets from pve karma vendors, or it will be available and relatively easily farmable for pve recipe crafting vendors, or it will be available as RNG drops from vets champs, or they will make it available as pvp armor sets via the pvp currency if they want to keep the balance going in this game and make it truly horizontal.
So I fully expect at least two of those things, pvp and pve to happen at some point or they really will be losing lots more players over this problem.
It’s especially bad with Thieves atm. Now when I stealth (as a form of preparing for a special attack) nothing walks back to their leash zone they teleport back instantly reseting. Yeah that’s not annoying or anything LOL
heavy armor
immunity to the nerf bat
ability to get their problems fixed almost immediately even on patch days….
yada yada yadaaah……/shrug
for a while there I was actually thinking they wanted us all to play nothing but considering some of these problems have been in some of the adventurer classes since bwe3… some answers recently we’ll see.
My one question for Jon is this.
For those of us who use shield and pistol both with a sigil will using a kit favor the main hand or offhand or will both work?
Kit refinement creates a bomb when bomb kit is equipped. Putting 5 in Explosives traitline creates a bomb on dodge.
These bombs, as far as I know, function as slightly weaker versions of the regular 1 skill in bomb kit. However, both of these bombs have a bug: If you take the trait Forceful Explosives, the damage radius of both of these bombs is reduced dramatically. If you put a bomb right next to an enemy by dodging or equipping the bomb kit, the bomb will not hit the enemy unless you are literally inside of your enemy. The bombs can be placed a foot or two away (100-130 range) and still hit the enemy, if you don’t take the trait.
Please fix this ASAP. I love the dodge bombs and I love kit refinement, but this is a horrifying bug that makes these bomb perks useless.
Oh kool you did post it. I came here to make sure it was in the list.
This also is affecting the regular #1 bombs on the bomb kit. They had to get REALLY close to me to do damage or even heal friendlies (as I’m healer with elixir infused bombs and Forceful Explosives).
Yeah I’d say that’s a huge issue. I put that in my traitline to get the boost to the size of the fire and smoke bombs radius.
I was wondering why they walked all over my dodge bombs and looked down at them like they were mosquitos when they went off kicked them to the side like a toy.
Everyone is forgetting the massive bot ban. That is a LARGE part of the reason for price increases right now. I mean, surely you can’t tell me that not one of you noticed that within days of the bots being banned the prices of everything went up?
Less bots farming mats, getting dye drops, getting item drops, etc = higher cost of those items on tradepost since there will be so much less.
Honestly, I just view it as the economy evening out. It was balanced on the shoulders of the bots and gold farmers for so long, with them gone it needs to find a new base line. Give it time and it will.
On a side note- gems aren’t helping either. 500 gems was equal to almost 7 gold the day before yesterday. That’s madness.
It’s actually been weeks now, and this started before the bot ban which admittedly might have made it seem alot worse, but doesn’t remove the fact that it’s REALLY bad, there are no drops to speak of (yet there’s now evidence they may be working on this slowly) and there’s a big problem for pve’ers where no reward for time spent is common.
Gems aren’t the answer btw, i agree.
So now it’s officially reached an impass.
Tonight I went around gathering mats for making a pistol I wanted. I got some of the mats but alas it wasn’t enough to build both items. I get back to LA after a farm run (of just nodes mind you) and I find that it would actually cost twice as much for the mats then it would for me to outright buy the item I Already Have The Knowledge to make myself. Yeah that’s right. It’s easier just to buy the already made item, then to get the few things that never seem to drop ever from mobs.
The item? Cleric’s Pearl Handcannon. No really go check. 5 powerful totems 27s each 5 globs of ectoplasm 34 silver each 5 dowels (master) 25 silver each it came out to be 4.25 gold to make the pistol. Guess how much the actual pistol cost me. 3 gold.
This is starting to get out of control. really it is. If it’s left alone like this, let me ask you, what’s the point of crafting? hmm?
Update: Just got thru with their maintenance, and a tiny patch that forced a restart. I went back into the game in Orr. Fought four veterans. Two dropped blues and to my surprised two others actually dropped rares. It’s going to take way more testing but I am hopeful this is the start of the fix we’ve been waiting for. Oh had no MF on at the time.
What are the experiences of the rest of you after these patches?
(edited by tigirius.9014)
well there’s tankcat on these very forums.
I myself have modified his system for my uses for pve. Now it’s hard for many of the mobs in Orr to kill me as I laugh blowing them to bits and blocking their attacks muahahaha!
This is heavily melee range so if you don’t like that then don’t do it. The gun i use just for quick healing really. the two heal fields one with cond removal and the regen toolbelt ability works like magic. but it’s not it’s definitely not magic, it’s alchemy HAHA!
I’m not used with that Loading Times in a MMO, Lions Arch can take 1 Minute of Loading Sometimes, what frustrates me becuase I already try to avoid to go Lions Arch for save some time.
I am totally the same way, I don’t have a whimpy computer in the slightest and yet I have to wait an entire minute between regular zones as well. It couldn’t possibly be just the hard drive either, there’s alot of chatter that their login servers must do before placing you. It’s too much really someone should streamline that chatter and log people faster to get them to where they need to be especially when there isn’t an overflow server involved at the time.
I have a SSD and I spend 10+ seconds on loading screens. That ninja forever-loading screen is also pretty annoying. Not sure why they brought it back. ._.
What would you suggest? price size cost location? pm if on here with the answer or post (not sure the policy on saying which hardware one has).
Their problem isn’t just limited to WvW it’s global and here’s how.
We were told from the very beginning that this game was supposed to be about choices, if we chose not to do something fine, it wasn’t necessary.
I’m not a PVPer in fact i hate the very notion of it but I do believe wholeheartedly in the idea of people being able to play how they wish to play. From my point of view they should not bleed together pvp and pve at any time. So I disagree solely with his suggestion that server boons from WvW should bonus only the dungeon drops and not the entire world drops. We were told that pvp and pve were supposed to be separate coding entirely via interviews, yet every patch that “balances” pvp directly affects pve damage that never gets fixed until months later and then never returned to their previous figures. (Cond damage is a great example, it was nerfed across the board between multiple professions before many of the professions’ coding was separated and cond damage is still nerfed for many of the professions to this day never returning pve to what it was before pigeonholing people into a single build/spec) They are further requiring pve players to enter pvp with their design with requiring that wvw maps be included in 100% map completion, and it being part of the monthly activities. The only games to truly survive in our time and who are the most successful are those the separated pvp and pve with everything including their patches.
Which brings me to my next point. In other companies including the elephant in the room, they have large teams for pve and a large team for pvp. They both submit their data for testing before releasing the content in a single patch. Almost every PVE patch has an equally large pvp patch. The idea of the games today should be that pve and pvp content should release similtaneously but both would be given the same amount of attention to detail and size of content when released.
Please bring this simple design to your game, by coding pve and pvp damage effects separately per profession, by eliminating WvW and pvp objectives from timely achievements, by making 100% world exploration a pve only system of achievement, and by releasing large content blocks for pve and pvp similtaneously with new designs and rewards.
This simple plan will go a long way to restoring this game to greatness it began with at launch.
been to three camps over two maps all of the repair people in Orr zones seem to be stuck in attack mode even while not under attack preventing me from repairing or selling to them. Meanwhile the vendors that ARE being attacked actually reset after the enemies are dead.
Using a modified version of this for pve.
I just spent an hour in Orr and hardly anything there can kill me now. Killing vets without blinking and most of the things on land have a terrible time trying to keep me from doing my heals. I wouldn’t suggest going underwater tho there’s an issue with the kits spell effects going off underwater when equipped.
When one is traited to use Kit Refinement, neither the medkit nor the elixir gun’s effects occur underwater.
The aoe #5 shot sometimes just flies off somewhere nowhere near where I’m aiming with my mouse while using EG.
Should kits absolutely not do their spell effect when equipped while underwater? I have the medkit giving me a hard time getting it to give me the speed boost with the Speedy kits traited as well.
It might be a bug i dunno but the medkit equipped explosion doesn’t cause a heal even with Elixir Infused Bombs traited. Does this explosion have a purpose because I have yet to get it to do much really. And the grenades released from falling as well as from equipping don’t heal when they explode nor are their explosion radius increased with the trait Forceful Explosions.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
So, just rebuilt my engi, have most of the karma healy gear been running around Orr trying this stuff out, it’s quite fun now seeing those hoards of risen trying their best to kill me and failing HA!
There’s a serious issue that needs to be addressed underwater not sure if it’s a bug but neither the medkit nor the elixir gun have their abilities fire off underwater when equipped while using the Kit Refinement trait equipped. I had heard that there are some underwater fights in dungeons, surely this can’t be a standard practice with underwater fights being a thing.
Someone should look into that because that’s basically the bread and butter of the healy engineer on land is the ability to AOE like crazy and the EG extra field helps alot!
I’ma search and prolly add this to the bugs list.
coated bullets is good for any pistol combo, i line up the enemies in orr when doing events just so i can shoot them in a straight line
Not missing anything tho Jon has stated that there are some fixes coming. They do seem to be seeing the same things we are.
I do hope they enhance the traits a bit like expand the juggernaut to include the EG for example so we have better protection since equipping the EG nerfs our dps like crazy right now even in all cond gear.
So been toying around with the trait Kit Refinement as a healer and I find it really weird that the kit spell effect for the med kit is a small explosion. Really strange imo does anyone know why that is? It hardly does any damage and I can’t imagine it’s usefullness as it is now. Wouldn’t it make more sense if it put out an aoe field that was similar to fumigate that removed conditions from allies and put conditions on enemies inside the field? or put boons on allies and caused conds to enemies? That would probably make more sense imo….. a little confused about it. If it’s supposed to be enhanced by Elixir Infused Bombs I can’t imagine that being a very big heal at all even when spamming it as evidence by the grenades healing there’s not much healing there. (altho this is before they scale kits with gear stats so it might end up being a good thing.)
Also, Would love to see a slightly larger AOE field of packaged stimulants. You see it’s weird that they have such a long cooldown when in a situation where you have to throw some out to help out a buddy in the field. Why are they so tiny? Why aren’t we throwing like two bandages or three in an area with this trait equipped?
It would help if they had like a larger zone to fill or more of them sortof dispersed like the poison grenades disperse. I’d love for the elixir we use to cure conditions to break on impact with this trait so that it creates a condition removal zone instead of just affecting one person who picked it up and drank it while running by. It would be great if the stimulant did that as well with this trait equipped (not for the engineer persay but for the other members of the team and npc’s to temporarily move faster).
Just some thoughts on making the trait a more viable choice to make healing easier when these traits are selected.
Edit: Let me emphasize that I play only PVE.
Just thought of something, could we change the trait Juggernaut to include the Elixir Gun? It would be nice to offset the dps loss with a little more survivability so that we can handle the longer fights we have to deal with with the dps loss. EG doesn’t really do much damage right now even with the cond builds and with the cond armor/weapons. OR put that toughness bonus somewhere else that a healer might put it. Right now having 30pt in firearms doesn’t help us keep the essentials we need for adequate healing and survival mix.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
Here here for Jon! He was on the Elementalist forums addressing our concerns as well.
I find it the most satisfying that he was in engineering forums because unlike elementalists who had communication on Dec 3rd during the patching process, engineers had nothing for two months.
It’s nice to see he hasn’t left us in the dust.
Step two is to get the weapon stats to apply to kits as well. We felt sigils was the more important first step because it creates build diversity. Flamethrower with sigil of air? Yes please.
This by far was the best part of my day.
Thank you so much for answering some of our concerns! Communication like this lays our fears to rest more then any patch note could.
Thanks Jon!
- If you’re around to notice a hacker ‘suddenly’ appear, nothing is faster than a single keystroke.
- If they’re hacking using the method you mentioned, they won’t be running off normally, just like they didn’t run into my screen normally.
If you’re going to give circumstances that a system broken, and I give a reasonable answer on how to report them anyway using the circumstances you provided, telling me my way is useless because it’s slower is pretty insulting.
The problem with your method isn’t that it’s slower it’s that most of the time we can’t tell if someone is a hacker until after they teleported and out of range of seeing their ID. basically the only method i think will work is asking the map to get involved with seeing the name of the hacker and posting it in map chat.
Really that would be the best way.
Sure these guys pose a problem but there’s a larger one:
Arenanet doesn’t give out enough gold rewards or provides a means to make money that counters the sellers who ARE legit.
Completely agree, this is the bigger issue. If something isn’t done about the drop rate by the time the Dec 14th patch comes along I can well imagine people will be leaving the game.
You can only starve the public for so long before there are consequences and yes you can alienate the public to the point of no return even in a business model that doesn’t have subscriptions keeping the game going.
I hope they are paying attention.
As an engineer I noticed that too. Not really impressed with healing when
A: they generally never crit for a higher percentage of healing
B: abilities like regen aren’t affected by the plus to healing stat (mine literally heals me like I’m half my level)
C: they didn’t make the healing field about a foot bigger like they do those annoying catapolt attacks where you are actually standing outside the red circle but it hits you anyways everytime!
Good info, Valmarius.
I know MF doesn’t work on chests, but does it work on nodes and loot bags?
See that’s part of the problem for me.
If they are going to have a stat like this, make it work on everything.
They have the means to detect bots with pattern recognition. So they are basically taking those out one by one. They are working on detecting crazy teleportation routines.
So why not stop harming the public and actually let mf work on everything?
Why have it in the game at all if it’s not a magical means of increasing the luck of finding rare items or moneys on everything? It’s ridiculous.
It’s like having a magical stat called killemdead and the higher the percentage of killemdead you have the faster you kill enemies, BUT not the trolls, and only in this one zone nowhere else, and not the veteran trolls, and only on tuesdays when you have a blindfold on and you successfully rub your belly while patting your head.
See where I’m going with this. Just let the players do our thing, it’s really not that difficult to allow people to play the game the way it was originally intended the more they fenagle with the stats and how they work the worse it gets. Just look at condition builds. Bleeding and poison are nowhere near what burning is all because people complained in the forums about thieves and rangers in pvp, now everyone accept for guardians are forced to use pow prec %crit damage armor weapons and builds because they played around with the numbers when they should have left them alone and worked on bigger problems like fixing the miss issues.
Chris covered this in the AMA:
Vet and Champs should give good loot and there are a number of reports on perceived decrease in the frequency of drops. I will be discussing this in depth with the Production and Design team tomorrow and we will hopefully have more info soon.
Sbeen a week now, two patches, no news on what they found from their investigation.
Oh and it’s definitely NOT perceived It’s now happening to so many people that the thread for it that’s coming up on being three weeks old has almost reached 600 posts.
Makes some good points. I wonder if they can change the guild system to it has things that are required for progression, like mats for legendaries or mats for the ascended gear that will be available outside of the RNG in the single or any dungeon.
I think that would help tremendously. Unlocking these and making it so that the gear requires you be in a guild to wear it would certainly help keep people in a single guild and help people be more motivated to help one another.
Also, the whole dungeon finder thing. If they made it like WoW’s minus the problematic cross server thing or the instaport to the dungeon thing then I’d say go for it but until we can have some guarantee from them that they won’t be making their game dungeon focused in the future I see this as a problem that will further harm the community by making it even less social.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
Crafting. And I don’t mean the mystic toilet either I mean full on crafting mats and recipes for the regular crafting system already in the game. With mats readily available to craft these items, either buyable with karma or some other means to make sure that casual players can get these items as well without stepping a single foot in any dungeon anywhere.
The problem isn’t just crafting tho. They need to make the drops for crafting exotics more readily available because 36 silver per glob just ain’t gonna cut it.]
So yeah, they’re not sleeping, not on vacation or anything else; but basically ignoring this.
Play the way you want: You can’t – farm same events/same dungeons, request anything on forums, or raise your voice.
No grind – Exotic gear – grind; legendary weapon – let’s not talk about it even; dungeon gear – grind; ascended gear – grind; monthly achievements – grind
Casual friendly: Avg play time of casual player :- 3-4hrs a day (zero drops in that playtime); Avg play time of hardcore players:- practically whole day except when they don’t eat/sleep/take dumps etc (more gold made in a day than casual player)So…
Nice summed it up nicely. Thanks for posting and adding to the cause!
It’s been at least a week. The last I read was in the AMA, Chris said he’d have them investigate the issue.
Well here we are two mini patches since and nothing to see especially not some answers like “yeah we’re sorry we made a boo boo” or “we’ve investigated it and it’s your imagination” (which we all know it’s not not with this many people it’s happening to)
cash shop was not pay to win. aesthetic stuffs mostly and other perks such as character slots and make overs, unlock skills and heroes. the game didn’t depend on the cash shop.
Right, but it didn’t stop a cash shop from entering a game that wasn’t designed initially to having one. They had no problem taking the cash.
sure they had the cash shop. but good thing is that they didn’t change the fundamental mechanics of the game drastically within 3 months.
For sure, wasn’t really my point though.
But you didn’t got my point that the whole game didn’t depend on the cash shop.
Well with the drop rates how they are now, it definitely does depend on the cash shop in a big way. gems to gold….that’s what they wanted to increase right? That part is obvious whether nexon was involved or not, because everyone’s been hush hush and the one time they actually snuck in a reddit question for it, they said they’d investigate. Have we seen any fixes since with the two patches or any mentions of what they found since Chris answered that question? No and that’s no theory, the sheer lack of communication speaks volumes imo.
Still waiting on a loot fixing patch.
I used to enjoy it until:
- they’ve yet to comment let alone fix any of the issues engineers have had since before launch, the last word we had from a dev was two months ago in our forums. Sheer lack of communication kills gaming communities quickly.
- they either broke by accident or completely nerfed any kind of rare drops from anything outside dungeons, or the mystic toilet. Horrible economics kills game communities.
- they continue to have even more bugs (for whatever the reason, all i know is they need a bigger bug fixing team in the short term) seems the bugs lists are climbing not being solved (like the new stealth/invis bug in pve, suddenly everyone can see me) Endless relentless bugs that never get fixed kills gaming communities.
It really is getting that bad no joke. I actually thought about going back to an older game today. GULP
I wasn’t trying to just complain, just figuring out if it was intentional and the reason to it.
Well good luck with that. Unfortunately i don’t think we’ll be hearing anything from anyone in a long long time. It’s been two months in the engi forums and we’ve not seen a single “ETA, we’re testing this now, we hope to have an update soon, or we continue to collect your data please keep posting” messages from any dev at all. It’s really no wonder so many people have formulated weird end of the world scenarios about just what is happening at their headquarters. Weird.
so the patch did not fixed the drop rates? and yet nobody @ Anet will write something here…but in other threads they can? Well tbh they just lost me as a customer and a player… I just bought a sub for Rift yesterday. GL guys.
ps. if they fix this, I will maybe return to the game.
I ACTUALLY started thinking about WoW again (swallow gulp) I know o m g. I couldn’t believe it myself I was thinking, “oh god! what has this drove me to?!”
It might be a tad melodramatic but that’s exactly how i feel now when i login. I can’t even level my ranger (which i had no issues doing when loot was good btw.)
Trying to lighten the mood with this attachment.
Well if it is affecting the Anet office that would explain why suddenly we haven’t heard a single thing from many of the devs in the forums. I mean engineering forums alone haven’t had any developer love since 2 months ago Literally.
Sudden onset of enormous sporadic unrelenting lag. No one can play, my entire guild got tired of it and logged for the night because not only are there problems with the classes that still haven’t been dealt with but those problems compound greatly when we have input lag universally like what’s happening right now.
Please hire a larger bug and code fixing team.
It’s happening in all the zones, suddenly I’m still seen on my thief and my engineer whenever I’m using any invis stealth abilities.
Engi when using the “cloaked when immobilized” trait is always seen in Orr now I can’t go there and run around as freely as before.
The attacks started after i go stealth on my thief even when my stealth blinds the enemy now ALWAYS track and hit me.
ALL stealth abilities on my thief teleport the enemy back to their leash position (yeah they don’t walk they don’t even run they are just poof back now)
I’ve just posted my first pvp video! :> Just a fair warning: it’s more silliness than a build showcase, but I still think it shows a couple things well.
LMSO!!! that was the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time! OMG
I loved the Final Fantasy Style interludes LOL!
yeah survivability is an issue right now. Elixirs help but not much, we’re pigeonholed into using shields nothing else works well solo accept healing. (gotta have good gear and absolutely must have the kits cast spell when equipped trait attached.
Well imagine how much fun I had when I went into a fractal once and endlessly die from the human who was defending the front gates from the charr… i was instantly reminded of why i don’t run dungeons anymore
I know that’s right grrrl! mmhmm gotta show my hurr even with a helmet on my thief! It’s fierce and because I use such good Asuran product, it moves when i dodge too, I want all the boys to see it! No point in havin a kit to get your hurr did if you can’t show it off!
There are quite a lot of problems and some things do need a complete rethink i agree.
It’s been two months now and all we want is for some dev any dev to come on here and let us know what’s up pre-patch major or minor. thanks.
Don’t think this community can take another disappointing nov-16th-engineer-underwater-only-bug-fix patch.